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REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the . Pocomoke tity National Bank at Pocomoke City, in the state of Maryland, at the close of business on Dec. IBSO. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including re discounts $717,085 76 Total loans $717,08' 76 Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with indorsement or this bank(not shown above $ 717,055 76 Overdrafts, secured, $ ; un secured 3,510 33 U.S.Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par value) $12,500 00 Pledged as collateral or other de posits or bills payable...s 6,500 00 Owned and unpledged .... $8^,950(X) Total U. 8. Government securities 107,0>0 00 Other bonds, securities, etc.: Securities, other than U. 8. bonds —not including stocks—owned and unpledged $37,194 62 Total bonds, securities, etc.,other than U. 8 37,19*62 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (al) per cent of subscription) 3,000 00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered $10,50000 Equity in banking house 49,500 00 Furniture and fixtures 10,906 64 Lawful reserve with Federal Re serve Bank 50,819 10 Cash in vault, and net amounts due from national banks 58.039 95 Net amount due irom banks and bankers, and trust companies in the United States (other than above) .... • • 3,161 73 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 6,735 12 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer and due from U. B.Treasurer 625 00 Interest earned but not collected approximate—on Note- and Buis Receivable not past due 3,01)0 00 Judgements 2,533 90 Total $1,103,162 15 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,00)00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits $17,564 11 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid $20,517 01 27,017 10 Interest and discount collected or credled ip advance of maturity and hot earned—(approximate ... 3.000 00 Circulating notes outstanding —?. 11,9u0 00 Net amounts due to Nutional Hanks 43669 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies in the Uni ted States and foreign countries (other than above) 1.710 79 Certified checks outstanding 176 38 Cashier’s checks on own bank out standing 1,99120 Individual deposits subject to check 515,406 32 Dividends unpaid 60 CO Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits* subject to Re serve $315,466 32 Other time deposits 391,433 67 * Total of time deposits subject to i Reserve $391,433 67 Bills pavable with Federal Reser ve Bank 50,000 00 Totai $1 103,162 15 State of Maryland, County of Worcester, ss: I, Jiio. W. Ennis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tin* above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. W. ENNIS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this •11th day of January. 1921. EUGENE S. MADDOX, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: FRANCIS M. WILSON.) EUGENE W. VEASEY, Directors. J. SMILES CROCKETT, i Right Food a Big Factor in keeping one sturdy and fit to do things Grape-Nuts is a wheat and "barley food that is scientifically made for a definite purpose. It has delicious taste; is easy to digest; and con tains all the building values of the grains that make for health and comfort. J “There's a Reason Grapes Nuts f§ Made V p W Postum Cereal Company Inc Battle Creek, Mich. I rt yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii 3 before you contract to have your house painted E INVESTIGATE THE MERITS OF HANL IN E |; | LEAD AND ZINC HOUSE PAINT i] This paint has an established reputation of 72 years and is with- § 3 out doubt the best P aint for you to use. We will be glad to talk pair.t i 3 with you at any time. Come in E j We also stock Berry Brothers Auto and Floor Varnishes i j 3 31 3 We have a large stock of Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Whips, = : Robes, Dusters and in fact everything in the Harness line. The larg- - S est stock of Horse Collars on the Shore. = 5 —————— 3 I CLUFF& COULBOURNE I (Successors to Johnson & Cluff.) 3 | Market Street POCOMOKE CITY, MD. 3 | REPORT OF THE CONDITION I cf the The Citizens National Bank at Pocomoke Cltv in the State of Maryland at the close of business on Dec. 29, 1920 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts. $619,536 20 Total loans $619,536 20 Foreign Rills of Exchange or Drafts sold with indorsement of this bank $619,536 20 Overdrafts secured $ unsecured 1,008 17 U.S.Government securities owned Deposited to secure circulation (U.S. Bonds par value ...$12,50000 Owned and unpledged 559,174 95 Total U. 8. Government securities 71,674 95 Other bonds, securities, etc.: Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned and unpledged $57,28160 Total bonds, securities, etc., oth er than U. S .... 57,28160 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank. (50per cent of subscription) 4,500 00 Value of Banking Mouse, owned and unincumbered $12,222 54 Equitv in banking house 12,222 54 Furniture and fixtures 7,32133 I,awful Reserve with Federal Re serve Bank 31,896 34 (’ash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 70,29 s 76 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States (other than above) 1,577 32 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items 1,868 40 Redemption fund with U.S.Treas urer and due from U. S. Treas urer 625 00 Interest earned but not collected approximate —on Notes and Bills re eivable not past due.... 2,100 00 TOTAL $884,910 61 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in., .....$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits $24-,t<2t 96 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid $8,034 80 16,590 16 Interest and discount collected or credited in advance of maturitv and not earned—(approximate) 2,100 00 Circulating notes outstanding— 12,500.00 Certified checks outstanding 1,94121 Cashier’s checks on own bank outstanding 1,15100 iNdivdual deposits subject to check 340,257 98 Dividends unpaid 108 50 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve $349,396 48 Other time deposits 330,223 76 Total of time deposits subject to reserve $330,223 76 Bills payable with Federal Reser ve Bank 30,000 00 TOTAL $884,910 61 * State of Maryland. County or Worcester, ss: | I, Colmore E. Byrd, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Colmore E. Byrd, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of January. 1921. CYNTHIA AROIS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: 1L B. PILCHARD, ) W. 11. CLARKE. -Directors. W. S. SCHOOLFIELD,) Where Heat Is Acccptrtde. We don’t mind a hot temp, r so much if it comes with a sunny disposition. WORCESTER DEMOCRAT AND THE LEDGER-ENTERPRISE CARGO SHIP RUN BY ELECTRICITY j Eclipse, Soon to Go Into Service, l First American Ship Driven £ by Such Power. COST OF OPERATION IS CUT \ Reduced Consumption of Oil and J Number of Crew Slashes Expense (; In Half—Admiral Benson Strone £ for Electric Drive. £ Washington.—The first electrically propelled cargo vessel to fly the t American flag will be placed in serv- (j ice at this port within the next few £ weeks hy the United States Shipping i , Hoard. The vessel will fly the house < flag of the International Mercantile i £ Murine company and will be used by £ that concern in trans-Atlantic trade. • r The Eclipse, as the ship has been J; christened, will mark the introduction t of electricity as a motive power for merchant ships, the use of this power j r in the past having been confined to : 5 naval vessels. | t The shipping board is already so f . confident of the success of the Eclipse t that construction of several other (: freighters similarly powered has been £ started. The Eclipse is of 12,000 t dead-weight l , tons, 410 feet long and j 50 feet beam. Her electrical propul- < j -sion machinery was built by the Gen- £ I eral Electric company at Schenectady, c and installed by the Vulcan Iron Works of Jersey City. v Driving a ship by electricity means £ revolving the propeller shaft from a £ motor. To supply the power (o turn 5 this motor a generator must he opc-r- v ated somewhere else in the vessel, Just V: ns generators in power houses make £ current for street railways. On board e ship these generators may be driven J by an economical steam turbine or by t q Diesel engine. £ Cost of Operation Cut in Half. c The records of the electrically flrlv- J; en New Mexico of the United States t navy, show that oil consumption is (; lowered about one-third by the use of £ electricity as motive power and the r cost of operation is cut in half, prln- v clpally as a result of the reduced num- k. her of men necessary in engine room £ crews. c It Is not only possible for an officer J to operate an “electric ship” with small levers from the bridge, but, if £ need he, virtually the entire engine room mechanism can be handled by { one man. Among the many advan tages attached to electricity as sea* l ~ power are the added hull space foi | cargo and the greatly reduced fuel | consumption. The first application of the electric drive principle was made on a vessel resembling closely the merchant ship, although the first really successful craft to use this power was the naval collier Jupiter, launched in 1912. It was this ship that proved conclusively that electricity could be used success fully in seagoing vessels. When Admiral W. S. Benson was chief of naval operations lie encour aged the adoption of the electric drive for naval vessels. After he had retired from tiie navy and was appointed to his present position ns chairman of the shipping hoard his interest was enlisted again in the electric drive a? the most economical method of oper ating merchant vessels. Economical, Says Benson. The admiral is the first chairman of the shipping hoard to come out In favor of an electrically operated merchant fleet. “I am convinced,” he said, “of the possibilities of electricity in our mer chant marine. “We have demonstrated on our bat tleship that the electric drive is more economical than the ordinary drive. We must save, every gallon of fuel oil that we possibly can, and when I say coal I say it with a good deal of regret, because our competitors will contend that we must go hack to coni burning; that we cannot get oil In all parts of the world, or that it doesn’t pay, or something like that If we ever give up fuel-oil, unless we can get something better, we might as well take to the woods, and cut timber for our fuel. We can’t compete with foreign competitors on any other than an oil-fuel basis." When You Are Rillious. To promote a healthy action of the liver and correct the disorders caused by billiousness Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent. Try them anti see how quickly they give you a relish for . your food and banish that dull stu pid feeling.—Adv. i: Do You Want Fresh ! GROCERIES : * > z ; Beef, Fresh and Salt Meats | ! a specialty. Our goods t > are always of the best qual- t ; ity and we guarantee satis- ♦ ! faction. Give us a call. 1 Z > z I HARRY B. MATTHEWS J ; TELEPHONE 268 | I Half-Price Sale! I 1 Of All Ladies’ Suits, \\\ | Coats and Dresses § 0 AS AN ILLUSTRATION \l I $50.00 Suits and Coats at $25.00 1 $35.00 Suits and Coats at 0 p $29.50 Suits and Coats at $1475 fl We also have a number of Coats which we ai’e selling at SIO.OO to $12.50. ( 5 Misses’and Children’s Coats at the same reduction. 0 ? I Ladies’ One Piece Dresses H m Ranging in Price from *!' m SM !° g ° $12.50 § IpoO.OO to go at „ , sis 00 0 Tricotines—Blue Serges—Velours 0 I Slashing Reductions in Middy Suits and All Wool Serge Dresses For Children 0 Original Prices were from $12.50 to $7.50—T0 go at $7.50 and $5.00 \\ Ladies’ Velastic Underwear at $1.25 Men’s Fleeced lined underwear— H We have a lot of Ladies’ Ribbed best grade at 7p<* Underwear which we are clos- ‘ £ 3 ing out at 59c Ladies’ Half Silk Hose—all colors 39c pr 0 Mens Cotton Hose at 11c pr Ladies Cotton Stockings at _ 15c pr £i^ We are unable to list all the great bargains we are offering in this space, and so we urge you to come in and see these great sacrifices before you buy elsewhere. We are sure you will be money in Pocket by so doing. ‘ ' Hx I Sale Starts SATURDAY, JAN. 15th M. I. Heilig | Furnishings For Men and Women 114 MARKET STREET POCOMOKE CITY, MARYLAND. 0 I Paying the Fiddler I The country is lecovering from the effects of its orgy of spending Extravagance, profiteering and unbridled speculation have brought a burden to all. A cry for economy is heard all over the land. Such conditions have occurred before and will occur again unless checked. In 1874 the Grange adopted its policy of thrift. It declared opposition to excessive salaries, high interest rates and exorbitant profits. It proclaimed the need for the most direct and friendly I relations between producers and consumers, that wasteful trade practices might be eliminated. This program represents the farm- THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is in er’s attitude now —as it did then, full accord with these principles. It, The Grange always has adhered to too, is fighting the farmer’s fight, it. It has sought steadfastly to check By practical examples it shows how needless extravagance, both private farmers can correct abuses. And it and public, both individual and gov- will make you acquainted with up ernmental. to-date and profitable farming meth ods that are being followed all over ■ Our farmers, by reason of sane the country. This, however, is only Habits of living, are a great steadying a part of the help and pleasure you force in the nation. But they need will get in a year’s 52 big issues, which leadership and a com non spokesman now cost only SI.OO. Find out for to widen their influence. The Grange yourself! Let our secretary care for offers you both! your order— today! Somerset County Pomona Grange No. 5 I Mrs. E. F. Wilson, Secretary I’ocomoke City, Md. T. S. Lawson, Master Princess Anne, Md. Dear Secretary: I’m glad to see the Grange being pushed with good advertising. And here’s my dollar for Kj THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for a year—s 2 weekly issues. Please forward my order to the Publishers at ra Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. (My Name) . M (My Address) mi (Town) (State) H Saturday, January 15,1921