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Jiißing Sun Maikets. (Reported by James Babnxs.] GRAIN AND HAY. Wheat (red) $ 90 “ No. 2 Del 87 Oats 30 Corn yellow per bush 47 “ white rt “ 50 Hay, Timothy per ton $14@15 : Straw, oats per ton !...•$ 0.00 “ wheat 4 * “ 5.00 COUNTRY PRODUCE. [Reported by E, R. BurriNOTON.] Potatoes per bush. new 1 00 Batter per lb • 18 Lard “ “ 8 Eggs per doz 13 Chickens old per lb 9 “ young “ “ 14 Baltimore Markets. Super Flour $3.00@3.J0 Extra Flour 3.50@4.25 Family Flour 4.30@5.25 White Corn Meal, tp 1 100 lb 1.30 Yellow Corn Chop. “ “ 1.15@1.15 Fultz Wheat 94@ .97 Long-Tlerry Wheat 98@1 0l White Corn st>@6o Yellow Corn.. 54@57 Oats 35@40 Clover Seed, lb ...B@9 Timothy Seed, y bush..-.1.50@1.55 Potatoes, w bush 45@50 Eggs 13@14 Cecil County Timothy Hay, $19@21 Mixed Hav sll@l6 00 Clover Hay... ! sll@l4 Wheat Straw sß@9 Oats Straw s’.'@lo Rye Straw $14@15 Wool, unwashed 20@21 Wool, washed 26@28 PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for The Rising Sun Journal by Evans Bros.. Produce Com mission Merchants, No. 56 North Water Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Butter, Poultry, Eggs, Cheese, and all kinds of Country Produce. Thursday, Aug. 5,1885. BUTTER. Rolls, Penna. - 8 to 10 “ Western “ Bto 10 Creamery Prints “ 20 to 23 Dairy “ “ 12 to 13 Common Butter 7 to 0 EGGS. Pa. Del. and Md., “Extras,” per do. 11l 15 Pa. Del. and Md., ‘'Firsts” 13£ to 11 LIVE POULTRY. Fowls, straight, nearby—per poundl3 to 14 “ mixed, “ 12 to 13 Chickens, Spring, heavy 17 to 19 “ light 15 to 17 Roosters 6 to 7 Ducks 15 to 18 LIVE CALVES AND SHEEP —PER POUND. Calves, Delaware and Md., prime... 6 • f a i r sto 51 “ commou slock 3to 4 Sheep, prime 4 “ fair. 3 to 31 Lambs, extra, Spring 6 to 6 “ fair 51 to 5 Live Cattle 5 to 0 Hogs, live (20 lbs. off) 5.J to 6 Pigs, “ sto 0 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Cabbage, Jersey, per basket 3 > to 45 Tomatoes, extra “ “ 25 to 30 fair, “ “ 35 to 45 Bean, lound, “ “ 10 to J 5 Apples, new, per bbl 5.00 t<> 2 75 *• “ per crate 75 t 01.55 fancy, '* 2.00 to 300 “ “ prime, " 1.25 to 1 50 “ “ extra per basket. 1.25 to 1.00 “ “prime “ 50 t<> 75 New Potatoes, choice per bb1.,.1.50 to 1-.5 “ fair “ 1.25 to 2.00 “ culls i ‘ 75 to 1 00 Onions 2-*5 Watermelons, extra per 100 ? > 00 li prime *’ .....18.00 to 22 00 culls “ 8 00 to lo.tiO Cauteloupes per bbl. 2.50 to 3.50 HAY AND STRAW —PER ToN. Timothy, choice 18 00 to 22 00 <• fair 16 00 to IS CO Wheat .Straw.' 10 00 to 10 00 Oat Straw 8 50 to 9 00 SEEDS. Timothy, per bushel 1 70 to 1 i ■> Ciover. per pound Bto 9v Flax, per bushel 1 52 wool, —PER POUND. Tub-washed -7 to2B Unwashed 1° FEATHERS —PER POUNT. Choice Geese 48 to 50 Prime “ 45 to 46 Mixed, good 35 to 38 Old 10 to 20 Chicken 4to 5 Turkev, as to quality 7to 8 Duck.’ 25 to 30 HIDES—rER POUND. Hides, Dry 10 to 11 Calf, Salted 12 to 13 Hides, Green, Steer 51 to 6 “ Cow. 5 to 51 “ “ Bull ; 4to 41 “ Salted Steer 7J to 8J “ “ Cow 7 Sheep Skins, per piece 25 to 75 MISCELLANEOUS—PER POUND. Lard, city rendered, in tierces.... 7J to 8 “ country lots, prime 7 to 7} Thllow, solid 5 44 cuke. 5j Beeswax, West and South choice..2B to 30 Country Soap 4J to 6 Trout Sounds 35 to 40 Heh “ 40 to 46 Ginseng, Crude .<1.60 to 1 90 Philadelphia, Wilming ton & BALTIMORE R. R., • KNTBAL nITIUOH On and after Snnday, Oet. Slit, 1888, trains wtllrnn aa follow*: LEAVE OOINO NOETH. £ i j j j J. a a a a a •►, 1 M 1 IF STATIOK*. r. M. A. U. A.M. A. ...*.. M Baltimore, 4 60 8 60 2 00 PerryviUe, 6 85 8 85 8 41 Port Deposit, 647 912 405 OctomroJ., 6 67 9 24 416 Colora, 7 08 9 43 4 29 Rising Sna, 714 966 436 Nottingham, 726 1014 I 460 Oxford, 788650 10 30 1100 601700 868 Lincoln, 68810 38 1112 609707 314 Penn, 6 47 1047 11 28 6 18 7 16 453 West Grove, 6 64 1064 1143 626 722 402 Avondale. 7 01 11 00 11 63 6 31 7 28 472 Kennett, 7 16 11 12 1216 6 46 741 466 Falrville, 7 26 11 03 1237 666 762 416 Chadd's F. J., 7 32 11 29 12 62 6 02 8 02 4 31 W.C. Junction, 802 1200 146 682 826 627 Pbila. .Broad St. 914 12 66 266 783 936 636 A.M. P. IC. P.M. P.M. A.M.P.M (Tuesdays and Fridays only. LX ATX 00180 SOUTH. hhhS^H n a o g n fl 888 8 § % v .sS 3 5 S S Pd Pd Pd Dd 00 00 STATIONS. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M.P.M. Phila., Broad St. 743 247 46 6 86 6 702 Junction, 837 336 636 966 768 Cbadd’sF.J., 904 414 602 10 21 827 Fairvllle, 911 424 609 10 27 828 Kennett. 922 439 621 10 38 840 Avondale, 934 4 69 634 10 60 868 West Grove, 941 611 641 10 67 900 Penn, 948 618 648 1104 90* Lincoln 967 628 666 11 12 910 Oxford, 10 06 636 704 600 11 20 928 Nottingham, 1014 716 608 Rising Snn, 10 26 728 619 Oolora, 10 33 736 626 OctoraroJ., 10 46 760 638 ,rr. P. Deposit, 10 66 800 648 •• PerryviUe, 1110 700 *• Baltimore, 12 49 823 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M TRAINS CONNECT AB FOLLOWS: Train leaving Port Deposit at 4 06 p. m., and Philadelphia at 4 66 p.m. connect at Oxford with points on the Peach Bottom Narrow Gnage Rail way . At Chadd’s Ford Junction, for points north and south on Wilmington & Northern R. B. Through carß will be attached to train leaving Oxford at 6.30 a. m.,arriving at Philadelphia 9 14 a. m. OHAS. E.PUGH, J. B. WOOD, Gen’lManager. Gen’, Patt’r Aaent. JAMES BARNES, - AT WAREHOUSE, Rising Sun Station, Offers the highest rates for HAY, GRAIN, &0., and has for sale COAL of the Best quality at the BOTTOM PRICES. Fertilizers of Established Reputation, such as Cope's, Waring’s, Eureka, Pork • & Co’s and ; The Planet Brand Bone and Phosphate. i ' ang 7-85tf i GREAT VARIETT i SUMMER GOODS | ) AT ! T.T.WORRALL’S, J , h-STJOHASm J VICTORIA LAWNS, LINON DTRELANDE, BASTITE CLOTHS, J DRESS GINGHAMS, > LAWNS, &C. Gauge Underwear for Mon. Ladies and Children at very Low Prices. i ; ,Mca Line of Straw and other Hats, : Mens’ and Boys’ CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, &e. i ! GOOD ASSORTMENT OF , GROCERIES. —CALL AND SEE US, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS! T. T. WORRALL, ; Rising Sun, Md. July 18-tf Buckinn’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts bruises, ulcers, salt rheum, feyer sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. L. R. Kirk. June 7 " ' "'•' ' ' " ! '"“ ' I" ■■■ I " r " . 0 % 3,000 Tons of Hay , | Wanted at highest 10,000 Bushels of Grain j- h “- ket Prices t ■ " 250 Tons of Fertilizers 500 Tons Goal Best Quality, Fo a r t pr!ces 250 Tons Winter Wheat Bran, +l to ■ ult ilip timp^ m nnu Ft. Pine & Oak Lumber, Blinds,Doors, Windows, &c A. L. DUYCKINCK & CO., july 11-3 m RISING SUN, MD. IIPOIIANT INfMNMIINf! Before making our anuual visit to the ]\ew York markets we desire to reduce Stock in order to make room for Fall Arrivals. We would therefore extend an invi tation to our friends and patrons to odve us an early call and secure what ever they may want at prices now ruling. E. It. Buffington. III! ltllfflllßllllM. mm o ■ m* We have a large stock of Fertilizers, consisting of Dissolved S. C. Rock, Ammoniated Phosphate, and Dissolved Bone. Our S. C. Rock analyzes 13 per cent, and upward of available Phosphoric Acid, and is in excellent drilling condition. The Ammoniated Phosphate <dves satisfaction to those who use it. Our Dissolved Bone is simply Bone O and Acid ; it is a better fertilizer than Raw Bone, and is a great favorite with those who have tried both. OUR PRICE ATCOLORA FOR Dis. S. C. Rock is sl6 per Ton Cash, For time IS 1-2 cents per ton per month additional. At other stations on Balto. Central R. R. SI.OO per ton higher and the same on P. W. &B. and Port Deposit* Coluihbia R.*R. when shipped in car loads. flu S ’ 7 ' 5t BISSELL CHILLED PLOW! Our purpose in presenting this ' Plow to farmers is to 'call attention to the fact that we offer to the buyer An improved and perfect Chilled Plow, the Best and Cheapest on the market. v The Hoosier Grain and Fertilizer Drill! \ “It has given good satisfaction as a'fertil i*er, also as a grain and seeder drill. It i drills oats and grass seed with the same reg ularity and accuracy that it does wheat. “D. BAKER.” L “The Hoosier Drill is a complete success, and is in demand. We are not afraid of any drill. It is a very easy running Drill. “T. W. WILL. AMS.” - Improued Willoby Grain , and Fertilizer Drill! We have handled this Drill for 5 ■ years with entire satisfaction. The WILLOBY IMPROVED runs as • light as any drill in use. CORN SHELLERS*, HAY & STRAW CUTTERS, power ok hand. TWIN ( HARROWS, CULTIVATORS FOR PREPARING GROUND FOR SEEDING. PLOW CASTINGS for SOUTH BEND, DIAMOND IRON and ROWLAND CHILLED PLOWS, two-hoSse WAGONS OF OUR own make. B@?“Repairing of Farm Machinery a speciatv. Parts kept on hand for all ma chinery sold bv us. J. C. BIRD1& SONS, Rising* Sim, - - - Md. I CLEAR THE TRACK! i . lam coming with the EMPIRE Drill, ! “Conquering and to Conquer I” JOS. S. POGUE, Rising Sun, - - - Md. • • d