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If HE 1 PIoURNAL.I E. E. Ewing, Proprietor. YOU VIII. RISING SUN. CECIL COUNTY. Mi).. Fill DAY. OCTOBER 23, 1885. NO. 2. A Great Premium! ■ j The Midland Journal; AND American Farmer i ONE YE'R FOR ONLY $ 1.25 ! The American Farmer is a First Class sixteen-page Agricultural Mag azine, published monthly, at Tort Wayne, Ind. The Farmer is jam full of instructive reading and ele gant illustrations. Tells about the Farm, Garden, Orchard, Stock Rais ing, Dairying, Domestic Economy in short, is one of the best Agricultu ral Magazines in the country. As an inducement to extend our circulation, we oiler to every subscri ber who PAYSin ADVANCESI.2S THE MIDLAND JOURNAL —AND aJBERIG&Jt FMMBB for one year ! This offer is made until January 1. 1886. T. T. WWALL’S —And Examine j The Worsted Finish TRICOT CLOTHS, j for Ladies’ Dresses, made from the Best Australian Wooi, to suit the wants of those that have been, using Imported Goods. A well selected stock < f Misses, I adies and Gents Underwear As Good foi the Money as can be Found Anywhere. T- t: worrall, 1 vising iSun, Md. ju!y i tf JAMBS BARNES, AT WAREHOUSE, Itj'iiig: Mm Station, Offers the highest. rates for HAY. GllMAi, &e.. and has tor sab COAL of the Best quality at the BOTTOM FRICKS. Fertilizers of Established Reputation, such as Cope’s, Waring’s, Eureka, Pork & Co’s and The Planet brand Bone and phosphate. [Entered at the Post Office in Rising Sun, Md., us Second-Class Matter.] Carp Culture. I think every man who has a suit able place ; should have a carp-pond as well as an apiary ; in lact, I be- ! lieve those who tried both, find tha i there is a< much profit, if not more, in carp culture that there is in bee cult ure; or, at least, I find such to be in\ experience, for I have rvt ‘.do consul erable more clear money in earpeuit ure than in bee cut ure, though I am an A 15 C scholar in both. 1 wdll say. however, that 1 do not expect to mske a specialty of either. I lirvetwo ponds Both together cover about one-fourth of an acre of land. I stocked one of them in February, 18- 83, with only 28 carp, varying in length from 1| to four inches. In March, 1834. 1 drew down my water and found only 20 of* them, being in length from ten to fourteen inches. I lie others, I presume, had been de stroyed by mud-turtles, some of which I caught. I sold eight carp to a ne ghbor leaving only ten. I succeeded in raising about 150, which spawned about the middle of May last (they having spawned onljaone time dur ing the season), which were from four to six inches long when I transfered them to my other pond, to stock it. 1 am confident lliat I had many more hatched out than were raised, for 1 ■couM see them swimming on the top ■ d the water in considerable numbers i when they were about an inch lon- I | think that the frogs must have de Istroyed them, as they were very nutn erousnbout i lie pond. I intend mak ing nay ponds irog and t urtle proof by j setting posts all around, and plank ] ing to the posts, letting the plank in ’ to the ground, and making close joints ; 'until I raise it 3* or 4 feet high. My ponds are ditched, or drained all round, to avoid being overflowed bv hard rains. Ponds should be con -trueted. if possible, so as to have part of the bottom of mud or soft loamy earth; for in freezing weather the fish part ally bury themselves in the mud. The rest of the bottom fl’iould be top earth, as it wil pro duce more swamp grass, which the fish eat. In excavated ponds the feed is very nearly all supplied arti ficially. „8 but little natural food will soring mp in such ponds. The eptli of the water nped not exceed 3J or 4 feet in this latitude, and a una 1 channel need be that deep and the rest of the bottom should range from one to sixteen inches deep ae move grass will spring up and grow in sha low water; and besides the sun ' will warm the water quicker, and the pawn will hatch better, than in deep w ter; in fact those who have tad experence in the business sa that water mav be deep that >t is doubt, fill whether tin* spawn will ever hatch. My en fish that are now in tnv hrood-pood are is to 25 inclies hum, three of which are leather cart), th others scaly ones. They are two years old; sum- of mv neighbors w o have -mine three years old sav they are from 24 to 26 n lies long, and we gh from 14 <o 16 lbs. Tile scaly carp se< m to have the prefer nee for table use, hut I think leather hacks outgo* them. My fish will eat al most any kind of food that a hog will, cabbage, onion tops, peaches, mulberries, blackberries, grapes, vong tender wheat oats, boiled corn raw cow. peas (swelled) brand of all kinds, and, in fret, scraps of almost any thing, and even'little pieces of dead forest-leaves, or trash, that floats on the top of the pond. G. I). Brown. Bowman, Ga .—Gl&aninus In Bee Culluie. A Curious old Poem. I. R. Taylor Esq. liandefl us an old i volume, to examine, entitled "Eng lands Reformation, a Poem in Four ! Cantos’* by Thomas Ward. : "Printed for John Baker at the , Black Boy in Voter Nobler —Row 1715” Price 58. The period cover ed by the Poem is "(From the Time of K- Henry vm, to the End of Oate’s Plot)” The old book is stained with the smoke and du-t of a century and three-fourths. It is written in the style of Butler’s Hudehras, but lacks the wit and spirit of Butler- The poem is in the interest of the Ca holic religion and beats down heavily on Queen “Bess” styling her an Amazon and bastard A stanza or two will serve to give an idea of the work, and the plain Saxon used in those old days. "At last upstarts the Common-Prayer, Appears in Ch;.relies everywhere, And thrusts itself into the place Of the Great Sacrifice, the Mass. In temple thus the Abomination Of Ghostly Death, and Desolation Seated itself, by violent power Of Bess the Beast, or Scarlet Whore. As lie, who by a sudden Fright Of Goblin in the dark of Wight, Has both his eyes set in his head, As still as if the man was dead; His hair un-end, as if his Skull Were stuck with kniitmg needles full. So every liodv stood amaz'd, And as distracted stared and gazed, When such a spectre did apperr Under the borrowed shade of Prayer. But when it spoke in mother tongue And Hopkins Psalms in Meeter sung; Bless us ! How all fell down before it And for their molnck did adore it.” Alter describing the performance of the “Ante—Priests” as the t-atiris terms the Episcopal minister, tile writer continues. “In cant and wheedle most expert They were, they wanted nought of art, Whereby to gain the women : Then Tht women went anti brought the men : The children, tho’ they knew not whither Followed to Hell their Dad and Mother, Till common prayer had gathered so* n Nine tenths or more in every town.” A< d t‘ us the Catholic poet describ es the rise and growth of the Refer mution under ‘England's g. od Queen Bess.” Orphans Court. During the Oo oher meeting of the O'phans Court the following business was trail acted. Sundry'claims Against deceased ! persons were examined and passed. Bon is Approved —Martha E. Ross gnarduin of Ola and William Turner: i Edward N. Crawford gu irdian of Newell T. and Carr e Y tes. Inventories, List of Mihs and I De'>t.s. —Inventory of the goods and ! chattels of Samuel Lipp-non* and Reuben II l utt ; list of debts due the est ates of Burba .e Br <-k. E. W. Lockwood and S. E Lockw o ; list, of sales of the personal estate of Adaline Scott Accounts Passed.—First and final account of Isaiah Lawrence, exeeu tor of Sarah .1. Lawrence and distri bution struck on same ; First and li ual account ol .Mary Johnson, execu trix of Levi S .Johnson and distribu tion struck on same; first and final account of J Harvey Rowland, exec utor of William Philips, and distri bution struck on same; first and final acc >unt f James A. Mackey, admin istrator of Robert Mackey, anti dis tiibution struck on same; first and final account of Mary E. Oldham and I. F. Yanars lale, administrators of George H . Oldham, and dividend struck on same; third and final ac count of J. liarycy Rowland, guard ian of Edwin Roland ; fourth ac count ol John Keilholtz. guardian of AI nn.i IM. Keilholtz ; lourth account of John Keilholtz. guardian of Har ry S. Keilholtz; first and final ac count of Rebecca E Brown, executrix ot Lydia Ann Brown. County Commissioners. At the meeting of the Board last week the clerk was directed to adver tise for proposals for filling in and j grading the approaches to the bridge over Stone Run, in the Six h district, the county to furnish the material. Proposals will be received up to 12 ji on Nov. 4. Changes in the public mad from Jackson’s corner to Evan Sentmans’s. Se\ent!i district, and the relocation of road at Crawford’s fact ory, biftli district, were approved lhe annual allowance for repairs of streets were increased (or North East to $l5O and Port Deposit to S2OO. Numerous claims were ex amined and passed and ordered to be ptid. The board adjourned to mee Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1885, The last quarterly distribution oi the state school fund for this county, is $2,921.94 for white, and $526.47 colored schools. Rep rts come thick and fast that (lie law aga nst theft don’t stop stealing. It had better be repealed and a high li cense law enacted which would allow none but gentlemen to steal. The scurvy rascals who steal chickens are no better than the same ilk who sell minors and idiots pear cider. These too species of crime are losing cast, in society and there should he something done to them Let us have a high license for the suppression of both. The present local option law allows the sale of cider only'. Any dealer, therefore who is selling „ny malt or mixed lii|Uor other t tan cider, which is defined in the dictionaries as the juice of the apple is vioJati g the law and is properly subject to its penalties Suppose the officers, who are sworn t<> see that all tile laws are fairly exeeut ed. have the bottle* liquor of the sa loons and bar rooms, manufactured hv a Philadelphia brewer examined an tested. I is not difficult io tell , osi lively what is and what is not the pure juice of the apple, A Jit tie effort in this diieclion may help o t the perplexed and almost discouraged Courts—^e,i, • o iVrtMM ‘ Officers sworn to see the law exeeut ed. ’ .-top yo r joking A ’em That thing baA.oneoutof fashion,“i fficers” might official some body. The Local Option question of Cecil eo was left tot tie people io the year 1,880 and tii vote w sas follows, in the Sun district. Against license 165 votes by Demo crats. For license 126 Blank 13 Against license 274 votes by Republi cans. For license 26 Blank 7 Democratic vote 302 Republ can 307 Majority against license 285 votes. “Josh Billings” Dead. H. W. Shaw, better known as ‘‘Josh Billiugs,’' died at Monterey, Cal., on , Wednesday, 14th inst. of apoplexy, | One Dollar per Annum in Advance. Rising Sun Literary Society. The following officers w *re elected for the present term at the last meet ing. President, — S. Taylor Wilson, Vice President.—Arthur M. Tosli, Secretary.—Lizzie 11. Stevens, Tie is* j urer.— G- W. Reynolds, Editor.— Clara Iv. Wilson, Asst. Editor.—Eu gene A. Reynolds, Committee of Cur ators—Enoch L. Harlan, E. Pusey Passmore, I. Wayne Reynolds. The following is the order of exer. cise for the next meeting of the soci j ety which will be held on Thursday evening Oct. 29th at 7:45. in the Li * lirary room. Select Readers Arthur M. Tosh Lizzie L. Stevens. Subject for De flate : —Resolved: ‘"That invention has done more for civilization than discovery.” Deflators for Affirmative.—S. Tay_ lor Wilson, E. Pusey Passmore, Arthur M. Tosh, Debators for Nega tive.—G. W. Reynolds, Enoch L. Harlan, S. W. Passmore, Jr. CONOWINGO ITEMS. Duck shooting has commenced 1 on the susquehantm, but there has been liut few killed so far, but rabbits me plentiful and so are the gunners, and the report of the old army musket is making the hills tremble. The Bth district Teachers Assoeiati >n was re organized on tiie evening of the IStli with the following officers : President,. Jacob H. Kirk; V. P., J. Rankin Wil ey ; Sec. V. H. Watts; Treas J. J. Bennet. The first Question : “Resolved" that trid by jury should be abolished,”' will tie debated the 23rd. inst.. win J- J Bennet and y. R. White ascaptains. The Pilot Town meeting of the same society will take place on Nov. -sth. Mr J. J. Bennet is removing the old smith shop, tint marred the beauty of the snug little village of Oak wood for wo 1 ng. In this old shop as Mr. Bennet began to hummer out his fort, u lies, some excuse can be made for his, allowing it lo remain so many years, but now it goes and wirli it many a mem ry of the past. Mr. Bennet, with his usual la ge hearted generosity, has given the lumber to a worthy old col oed wo.i an (Kitty Fisher) whose friends and neighbors intend to ereci for her a dwelling ; thus Mr. J. J. is doing two kindnesses; relieving the town of an unsightly spot, and provid inga home for Kitty Fisher. Mr. J. I’. Alexander while driving on the Oak wood road met with an aceiuent which came near being serious in its consequence. The hold hack broke and n Mr. A’s efforts to stop the frighten ed horse the hit Darted and himself and party were thrown into a hrahed wi -e fence. ' ! r. Thomas Richie who ridi lg I with Mr. A was-crat-hed aev< r 4v ome of tiie Inrhe pe etra ing the flesh of his face to Hu* hone. Mr. Alexander was also cut about the hands and head. The orse was completely entangled in the wire and was cut in several places.—— Mr. ■' l alio way t e M. E revivalist held a meeting in tiie house of Mr. Cully on Rail Road Avenue, on Tuesday even* i g last, which was well attended by our Town people.—Adle.v Gray’an old resident of the Eighth is lying very sick at hi home near Oak wood- The Pilot Town Sunday school com menced the fall and winter term last Sunday afternood by a grand parade 1 after which the pupils were refreshed w th lemonade. This school iieverelo-es its doors, is in the fourth year of its ex istence, is well attended and deserves sunp rt Tlk* canning houses at Grubb’s corner is still in operrtion Nobodv A number of Subscriptions to the Midl and ought to be renewed. Sendu j do.lar soon as you sell some produce® and ask your neighbor to subscribe.