Newspaper Page Text
If HE | ||j||lDLANDl jjjfoUIiNAL. E. E. Ewing, Proprietor. VOL. VIII. RISING SUN. CECIL COUNTY. MD.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER -JO. 1885. NO. (i. BISSELL CHILLED P LOW! Our purpose in presenting this Plow to fanners is to call attention to the fact that we offer to the \iuyer an improved and perfect Chilled Plow, the Best and Cheapest on the market. The Hoosier Grain and Fertilizer Drill! “It has given good satisfaction as a fertil izer, also ns a grain and seeder drill. It drills oats and grass seed with the same reg ularity aud accuracy that it does wheat. ‘ “D. BAKER.” “The Hoosier Drill is a complete success and is in demand. VVe are not afraid of any drill. It is a very easv running Drill. “T. W. WILL. AMS.” improved Willoby Grain and Fertilizer Drill! We have handled this Drill for 5 years witli entire satisfaction. The WILLOBY IMPROVED runs as light as any drill in use. CORN SHELLERS, HAY & STRAW CUTTERS, power or hand. TWIN HARROWS, CULTIVATORS FOR PREPARING GROUND FOR SEEDING. PLOW CASTINGS for SOUTH BEND DIAMOND IRON and ROWLAND CHILLED PLOWS, two-horse WAGONS of our own make. of Farm Machinery a peciatv. Pans kept on baud for all ma chinery sold by us. J. C. BIRD A SONS, Rising Shu - - - Mti JAMES 1 ASHES, ~ I | AT WAREHOUSE, Rising Sun Station, Offers the highest rates for HAY, GRAIN, &c., and has for sale COAL <D.f the Best quality at the BOTTOM PRICES. Fertilizers of Establishea Reputation, such as Cope’s, Waring’s, Eureka, Pork & Co’s and The Planet brand Bone and phosphate. J. D. ZEHNDER, unu wisse* Rising Sun, Md. Head and Foot stones. Monuments and Marble Work of all Descrip tion Neatly Executed- °c3i /. R. TAYLOR , Justice of the Peace, Rising Sun, - - - Md. Deeds, Mortgages, Bills of Bale, Wills, and other legal instruments of writing, carefully and correctly drawn up and executed, at a reasonable cost. business transacted tiefore m e confidential without request. oc3o [Entered at the Post Office in Rising Bun, Md., as Second-Class Matter.] fbrJhifentS iii and^Ch]ldhrefi2 * **Cantorl! In so well adapted to-ehildren that I Castorio cures CoMe, ConsHpotton, Irecommend it os superior to any prescription I |>>g <U*' Blown to me. H. A. Archer, M. D., I rest ion, 1U So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, X. Y. | Without injurious medication. Tbs Cextabs, Comp ant, 183 Fulton Street, N. Y. ARMSTRONG * CO.’S STOVE WORKS! PEKRYVILLE, MD. We call the attention of all interested in tiie use of Stoves to the fact that for Durability, Economy and Price, we manufacture and have for sale Stoves ef various patterns, suitable for all kinds of fuel, and inferior to none. All our goods are warranted as represented. Having an extended experience, and having fully verified that fait hv all the staves ever made by us, either at Port Depositor in Perryvsll-e, to the satisfaction of every patron of our concern. Our aim has always been, and always will be, >to give perfect satisfaction to every one who may deal witli up. All kinds of work done by us. JOB WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. nov2o tf ♦ THIS IS MUSIC :FOR: BOOKWORMS! Macaulay Hist. Eng. 3vols. 2 25 “ “ “ 5 “ 2.50 Dickens’ Novels, 15 “ 11.00 Scott’s “ 24 “ 18.00 Cham Encyclopedia 10 “ 15.00 Large Vol. Shakspere, 2.25 Small “ ” .75 Good Standard Books, .50 Fine ” ” .65 Fine Books of Poems .85 Elegant Gift Books 1.50 to 3.50 Children's Books .10 to 2.00 All the above are well bound in cloth, and are not the ]>oorly printed half bound books that have been flood ing the country. n'l3-9t BOWMAN’S BAZAR, OXFORD, PA. Dr. Geo. B. Raub, UPggb DENTIST, 54 Franklin Street, Near Charles. Baltimore, Md. Office Days:—Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri day and Saturday Wood berry Branch Office, Roland Avenue and Fourth Street. Office Days:—Monday and Thursday, sent 18-tf This paper Is kept an file at the office of J r ER^SON DVERTISING GENTS cctiuatcc rifwsrireit tormisus eppp COIIWAI to at Lowest Cash Rate* TlltC ~igt?ATER t SON’S MANUAL CALL AT T. T. WdliliALL’S e-.- —<&*<i Ixamine— The Worsted Finish TRICOT CLOTHS, for Doolies’ Dresses, made from the Best Australian Wool, to suit the wajots’of those that have been using: Imported Goods. A well selected stock of Misses, Ladies and Gents Underwear As Good for the Money ae can be Found Anywhere. T* T. WORRALL, Rising Sun, Md. July 18-tf T}R. A. H. HOWLETT CgL DENTIST. Graduate of the University of Mary land, offers his professional services to the people of Cecil County, and hopes by close attention to his business to merit their patronage. Office in Hall, second story of Pass more’s carriage factory. Rising San, ■ep 4 3sn Cecil Co., Md, School Commissioner. The monthly session of the School Commissioners was held last week. The foboivng is a minute of proceed in<>s. In the case of Miss McVey ml Mahoney, reported last month. Mi-s McVey was confirmed by advice of counsel to Board. The hill of W’m. O. Gilmour, for printing, amounting to $44.26, was ex attained and ordered to he paid. Miss Hose Graham was confirmed as teacher of school No. 4, Ninth district. Miss Jennie E. Bricklev was appointed assistant teacher No. 4, Nintli district, for this term on’y. The resignation of Mr. Kilparick trustee of No. 9, Third district, wa accepted, and David llanna was ap pointed. John T. Gamble was ap pointed trustee for Mie same school, vice Win. T. Warburton, Sr., deceas ed. Resolutions of condolence were passed on the death of W. T. War burton. The trustees of school No. 8, Fourth district, were authorized to erect an out house at cost not to exceed $ 1.5. The Board adjourned to meet on the 23rd instant. Orphans Court. At the regular mouthly meeting for November the Court approved bonds, of John Campbell and John E. Wilson, administrators of William Campbell ; Thomas B Hopper, ai J ministrator of John W. Buchanan ; Joshua T. Riale. executor of Hannah T. Riale - and passed inventories of the personal estates of Win. B. Rowland, William Campbell, Matthew Morrison, John W. Buchanan and Abraham Hitchcock ; list of debts due the estate of Wm. B. Rowland ; and passed fifth and final account of H. H. Haines, guardian of Carrie Brown ; first and final account D. J. Gallaher, administrator John B. Mor ris; first and final account of Thomas A. Rees arid William R. Roes, and 'distribution struck on same. Porters Bridge. This old county land mark has elumbered on the banks ofthe wimp ling Octoraro with the green hills boxing it in on all sides from genera tion to generation, as a landscape of beauty presenting a joy forever, but quiet as “Sleepy Hollow” in Irving’s Sketch book. The clatter of the busy mill and song of the crystal stream which goes on and on forever with no other sound to break the Sabbath quiet of the valley, is at last threaten ed with the discord of a more busy life. A few weeks ago Abraham Kauty, purchased an acre of ground from Joseph McMullen, adjoining the prop erty of A. S. Elliott on which the store house occupied by J. Granville Richards, member elect of the next legislature, stands, with the purpose of building himself a dwelling there on. He has since sold off a J acre to Jno. Brum, and another £ acre to Wm. Davis, for building lots, and in* the spring three new dwellings will be erected in the embryo town of Porters Bridge. A post office is need ed at that point and the matter has for some time been agitated. This point could be very easily supplied One Dollar per Annum in Auvance. with a d uly mu I. o> a c .ngc ii one rout ii. t wen Oak wood and R cvhvid ville.and tiie probahil 1 y is that err long a ne v post office will h- estab 1 shed at tins o’d centre ol tride. CONOWINGO ITEMS. Mr. Kell lia< raise! a variety of <: >rn that has four ears to the stalk, oonseqnentlv it takes four times as long to h isk it out. — David Adams of our town has hi en danger ously ill with pneu nonia. Dr. Gillespie's in attendance. —The funeral -ervioes in memory of Ad ley Gray were rood noted hv Rev. Mr. Callaway of R iwlandville. Mr. Gallawav still continues his n i sion work at Cully’s Chapel and although the revival h is not yet taken place we hope it will before long.—Miss Matilda Richie of Pilot Town, fell off her fathers porch and broke her arm, she expects to he able to use a slate pencil again in a few days.—Our public schools at Pilot Town and Oakwood are well attended and Mr. A. C Crothers at Pilot Town ex pects an assistant in a few days.—The Oak wook Lyceum at its last meeting dismissed High Licence vs. Prohibition and decided in favor of High License, we didn't hear how I i.rh; it makes no difference to us Con* owingo folks for we don’t drink anything but Tonic acd no: much of that. The Pilot Town Lyceum is under way again, at the election on Tuesday evening last the follow ing officers were chosen; J. F. Armstrong,. Prest., William R. Gilford, V. Ik, Ruben Alexander, Treasurer, Miss Linnis Ricliev,. See. The question to be (It bated on next Tuesday evening is, Rnno'vod: Tiiat a com pulsory school law would lie a benefit to the community.—Mr. David Love at Pilot Town has erected on his premises a new stable an I vegetable house and otherwise improved hia property. — ihe boss gunners in this m igh borhood are Joseph Kcnnard of Pilot Town ar.d J. J. Bennett of Oakwood. Mr. Ben nett went out recently and captured four rani its at one shot, while Mr. Kennard sal lied forth and shot partridges all day and then gives them away to tiie boys, because the pursuit of the game is the only pleasure he sees in it. While Bennett takes home rabbits if he does have to huv them, because he takes more pleasure in the possesion of rabbit pot pie. Bennett is sound on the game question “yon bet.” Nobody. [The bove was intended for our last issue but was delayed in the mail and did not reach our sanctum till our forms were ready for tli press.] Mr. Gough on Silk Hats. “It would be no violation of the commandment said John B. Gough, “if a man were to lull down and worship the silk hat. for it is not made in the likeness of any thing in heaven, or on earth, or in the waters which are under the earth.” Besides it heats the head aud causes the hair to fall off. Parker s Hair Balsira will stop that and restore tba original color to gray or faded hair. Not oily, not a dye, beneficial, deliciously perfumed. A perfect hair dressing. 50c. All druggists. nov 13 -4+R-4 - ■ ■ - The coal fires having been lighted the nose blowing season is in lull blast —■ ► TThen Babr was sick. —e her Ovhf.%. When aho watt a Child, sue cried for ( amioria, When she became Misa. she clung to Ca.iioria, Whou the had vJuiuLreu. uuo gavo them Castor!^ The swindler Ward who ruined General Grant, has been sent up to Sing Sing for 10 years. ■ Walking Skeleton- Mr. E. Springer, of Mechanicsbnrg. P.i. writes: “I was afflicted with lung fever and abscess on lungs, and reduced to a wi Iking skeleton. Got a free trial buttle cf Dr. King’s New Discoveev for Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bottle. After using three bottles, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a heartv appetite, and a gain in flesh of 48 pounds.” Call at Dr. L. R. Kirk’s Drug Store and get a free trial bottle of this certain cure for all Long iaeases. Large bottles fl. 3