Truth About a "Monster."
According to the ancient writers, the
basilisk —sometimes called cockatrice —
was a monster to be greatly dreaded.
Its breath filled the air with a deadly
poison and burned up vegetation, and
the glance of its eye was fatal to both
■, man and beast. The only creature that
|L<3>uld face it and live, they said, was
“the cock, and travelers were advised to
take loudly crowing cocks with them
as a protection against the monster. So
much for superstition. As a matter of
fact, the basilisk is a harmless lizard
living a quiet life in f the woods and
feeding on insects. Its appearance,
however, is formidable, and it is this,
perhaps, that gave it a bad name. It
grows to a length of from twenty-five
to thirty inches, including its tail,
which is much longer than its body.
Rising from its head and inclining
backward is a broad, wing-like expan
sion which gives it some resemblance
to the flying lizard. The crest of this
expansion is formed somewhat like a
crown, and that gave the basilisk its
name, which is from the Greek word
meaning king.—Exchange.
Reals With Jeweled Bearings.
Without a doubt jeweled bearings on
the reel make it run more smoothly
and add to its life. The lengthened life
d( i reel, due to the fact that it is
jeweled, more than overbalances the
added cost over the ordinary kind. As
a general thing, the jewels are set in
removable caps at the end of the bear
ings, which makes it easy to keep them
dean and oiled. Of course the jewel
ed reel nicks you deeper in the bank
roll, but after a fellow has put in prac
tice work on the lower priced reels and
feels like investing in one that will
last forever, if handled right, then the
Jeweled reel is the only one to buy.
Right down to cases, as it were, the
Jeweled reel is one that acts best in the
of the angler who knows how to
Bundle it. It spins with such freedom
■ and speed that it is conducive to back
r lashes with the beginner, who has not
the thumb work to control it —From
“Lake and Stream Game Fishing,” by
Dixie Carroll.
Liszt and Helgoland.
Of Helgoland One has an unexpected
glimpse in Rudolf Lehmann’s remi
niscences, published over twenty years
The artist went to Helgoland in 1849
and found Liszt, the great pianist,
staying in “that most bracing of wa
tering places—a barren rock some 100
feet high and scarcely two miles in cir
cumference in the midst of the North
There were, besides Liszt, half a doz
en well known people staying in Hel
goland, and Lehmann calls it “this en
chanted island.” He says it is formed
of bright red sandstone, so soft that
- the sea, washing away some of its
base, is dyed red for some distance.
Since Lord Salisbury ceded the little
island to Germany at' least £20,000.000
were spent in fortifying Helgoland.—
London Chronicle.
Hare’s Your Hat; Stay Awhile.
It Is the Nunc Dimittis—the art of
the peaceful departure. To know when
to go and how to let go after “mine
eyes have seen”—yes, that is a fine art
indeed. Learn the art of terminal fa
cility and save a world of apologies
and regrets afterward. Learn not to
linger over anything, even a telephone.
Long conversations, long explanations,
long letters, long farewells, long
prayers in public, sermons or speeches
and long spun out stories—pray avoid
them. Come to the point on time. De
part gracefully. Peace will then pur
sue you. Leave a wish and longing be-
Mfpuse you have gone. Learn to let go
little things today and you will be
ji ready to decide quickly at tomorrow’s
/ crisis and to depart in peace.—Chris
tian Advocate.
Important Trifles.
The most trifling actions that affect
a man’s credit are to be regarded. The
sound of your hammer at 5 in the
morning or 9 at night, heard by a cred
itor, makes him easier six months
longer. But if he sees you at a bil
liard table or hears your voice at a tav
ern when you should be at work be
sends for his money the next day.—
Benjamin Franklin.
Good Policy.
“I never Interfere with other peo
ple’s affairs.”
“No; I stopped that years ago, when
I checked up and found that all the
money I had ever made came from
minding my owa business.”—Detroit
Free Press. '
■ / ■ Nature’s Judgment.
“Nature deals wisely with ift.”
“She apparently doesn’t furnish any
diamonds too large to wear.” —Louis-
ville Courier-Journal.
The Authority.
"Tell me, my man. do you exercise
your marital prerogative and dominate
your wife?”
“Better ask her. She’s the boss.”- j
Baltimore American.
. ~ . - “
|A, Disadvantages.
'“Here’s a man died from the effects
“ of chewing phosphorus on matches.”
“That is what comes frofn putting
oneself too much on a light diet.”—Bal
\ tlmore American.
I Caller—Here are some verses l wrote
What ought Ito get for them? Editor
(after glancing over lines)—l am an ed
itor, not a magistrate.—Boston Tran
script ’
Man sinks beneath his load when
. fear rises in his heart; drive away bis
* (ear and you will divide his load.
There Are None.
During his visit to the United States
General Joffre was hurled through sub
ways, Jerked into skyscrapers, flung
froai New York to Chicago on a fast
train and in general taken care of
with the breathless assiduity which
characterizes American hospitality.
On the eve of his departure for Mont
real he was asked by a reporter to
state freely and frankly which one of
our national characteristics bad most
impressed him during bis stay.
“Well, since you put it that way,”
replied Joffre, “I have been chiefly im
pressed by your blunt outspokenness
and, If I may venture to say so, your
lack of respect to your superiors.”
“Our superiors!” exclaimed the re
porter In blank amazement. “But we
haven’t any I”
“And,” remarked Joffre in telling the
story, “after making acquaintance with
their wonderful country and its still
more wonderful inhabitants I have
come to the conclusion that what that
reporter said was about right.”
The Mighty Amazon.
The -Amazon, which flows through
Brazil from west to east, Is the might
iest river in the world. It rises in the
Andes, and Its course to the Atlantic
fs over 4,000 miles. It has more than
1.100 tributaries, the chief being the
Madeira, which Is 1,800 miles long, and
the Rio Negro. 1,350 miles long. The
extent of the waters of this majestic
fiver is the largest in the florid, over
30,000 miles of its surface being of a
navigable 'nature. It drains nearly
3,000,000 square miles of territory/
There are something like 1,200 differ
ent kinds of birds which are exclusive
to the valleys of this wonderful river
and thousands of varieties of animal
life which are unknown in. any other
part of the world. The soil of the
basin of the Amazon is so rich that for
every bushel of maize planted it is es
timated that 800 can be harvested.
Tone Quality In Music.
Tone quality is a great factor iD
music. Vibrations in their multiples
and relations determine tone. Various
instruments vary in tone quality Just
as does the human voice. A bell, once
cast, remains the same in tone, somber
or clear, to the end of its usefulness.
A violin is more than a bell, and on
fine violins the most subtle nuances
of tone quality can be produced. The
higher the harmonics, or overtones, the
higher the multiples, and the more
elaborate and delicate the combinations
the more exquisite the tone quality of
the instrument.
The human voice is greatest in tone
quality, excelling the instrument, be
cause the singer’s harmonics are based
not alone upon physical proportions,
but also upon the heart and soul of the
individual. —Exchange.
Coveted Feathers.
Mamo is the name of a beautiful bird
of the Hawaiian Islands, now believed
to be extinct, having been destroyed
for the sake of its golden yellow feath
ers, used in former days to decorate
the state robes of chiefs.
The coveted feathers of the mamo
bird were a small tuft about an inch
long beneath each wing. The royal
cloak of the Hawaiian King IJame
baineha I„ made of these rare feathers,
was four feet long and eleven and a
half feet wide at the bottom. This
cloak of mamo tufts is said to have
been buried with one of the later Ha
waiian kings. The plumage of the
namo was generally black, excepting
the lower back and parts of the wings,
which were yellow.
Tropical Rains.
Tropical rains are of relatively short
duration by reason of'the small num
ber of cyclonic storms in the tropips,
and this duration is fairly uniform
throughout the year.
The heaviest general rainfalls in
Forto Rico are associated with West
Indian hurricanes. The historic hur
ricane of Aug. 8, 1899, precipitated
rainfall equivalent to 1,113 tons per
Crossed Eyes.
Squint is caused by an unequal action
of the muscles of the eyeball. If the
muscles which move the eyeball out
ward are shorter than those which
move It inward, divergent squint re
sults. If the internal muscles are the
stronger the result is convergent squint
Just Like the Boy.
“Errand hoys are very scarce. I can
furnish you with an office girl.”
“These innovations disturb me. 1
can’t get used to 'em."
“You won’t notice the difference.
This girl can whistle.” Pittsburgh
4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- 4-,4- 4- 4- 4- * + + + + + +
* +
4- +
+ Remedies For Scurvy. 4*
4* The juices of fruit—oranges. 4-
4* lemons, prunes are well known 4-
4- remedies for scurvy, hut It has +
- 4- been found that the white potato 4*
|4* has proved just as useful. For 4*
❖ young children a' smnll portion +
■ 4- of the potato is required one ta- 4*
4- hlespooufttl of mashed potato to 4*
4- one pint of water and added to •5*
4* twenty-fours' feeding of milk tin- +
4- stead of the usual cereal). Care 4*
j 4- must he taken to pare the potato 4 1
i 4* very thin. An average sized po- 4*
4* tato ibolledt wilt provide* the 4"
4- amount needed The vitamines 4-
4- may be retained by adding the 4*
4* mashed (iota to to the water in .4*
4* which it was bolted. This Is a 4
; 4* very simple and easy cure and 4*
j 4* one which a child will willingly 4-
j + take without objecting. 4 1
+ *
j++4* + 4* + 4 , *1 , 4 , ++4 , ++ + + + +
An “Orderly** Election.
I was in Puerto Mexico on election
day when General Candido Aguilar was
running for governor of Vera Cruz
against General Gavira. Ton would
have thought he had at least a good
running start by being Carranza’s can
didate and engaged to his daughter,
but Candido never takes any chances.
He had two freight trains of decanted
Constitutionalist soldiers, armed be
yond the teeth, in that town bivouack
ed around the polls and the telegraph
and cable offices. You had to step over
sleeping arsenals to send a telegram.
The simple Job of that soldiery was to
insure a constitutional and orderly elec
tion by keeping the Gavirlstas from
exercising a suffrage called by the new
constitution universal. I don’t know
first band just how matters stood In
the other towns of the state of Vera
Cruz, but on reaching Mexico City sev
eral days later I read in the capital pa
pers that General Aguilar had been
elected governor by substantial ma
jorities after a very “orderly” election.
—George Marvin in World’s Work.
Why People Die Early.
High blood pressure belongs to a
group of old age diseases—Bright’s dis
ease, arteriosclerosis, heart failure,
apoplexy and paralysis. People natu
rally die of them at seventy to eighty
years of age. If they fall victims at an
earlier age there is something wrong.
What is wrong? Why do people die
prematurely? I believe it is because
we fail to searqfc for and find the symp
toms of these organic diseases. There
is no question n't all that if we can dis
cover the right agent to fight the toxins
that live in the colon or large bowel
the average man and woman should
live to be at least a hundred. The
American people are going to take
death prevention more seriously than
they do now. Some day wjien men and
women die under fifty years of age a
coroner’s inquest will be called to de
termine the cause of their untimely
demise.—Dr. W. S. Sadler in Collier’s
Eskimo Carving.
All of the Eskimo carving today is
done with steel tools, but there is work
In existence that dates back to the
stone age. The older Eskimos say that
their ancestors used tools of flint, and
it is known that they have been carv
ing ivory for many generations. Some
"of the very poorest of them and those
that live in the most out of the way
places are noted for their work of this
kind. They seem to do it for pastime
and make many toys and dolls foi
their children. They have away of
softening the bone, horn or ivory be
fore they work it, and to make the
carvings more distinct they etch lines
on the surface with a black paint made
of a mixture of gunpowder and blood.
This, when put on the freshly cut bone,
makes a permanent staiq.
What Ha Didn’t Know.
Peyton R. Hayden was long a con
spicuous figure among the lawyers of
Boone county. While he was fond of
studying lawbooks, he cared little about
During a recess one day in the Boone
county courthouse a lawyer named
Field from Lafayette county asked
him what he thought of Byron’s
“Childe Harold.” Hayden replied:
“Egad, sir, I did not know that By
ron had a child named Harold.”—
“Bench and Bar of Boone County, Mo."
A Minister of Magic.
In the course of an address delivered
in London Canon Parflt of Bagdad said
that what impressed native rulers in
the east was the scrupulous honesty ol
the English officials. The sultan of
Turkey on one occasion was watching
a conjurer. The British ambassador,
who was present, remarked that it was
"No," said the sultan, “not so won
deyful as all that. I once had a min
ister of marine who swallowed a bat
tleship—at least he had the money foi
It, and I’ve never seen the money oi
the ship!”
Knew Vel’.ie of Money.
"That young chap you are going
around with is a regular pinhead!”
stormed Bertha’s father. “He doesn’l
even know the value of money!”
"Oh, yes, he does!” said Bertha. “Ht
says that he wouldn’t give a plugged
nickel for your opinion on anythlng.’’-
Puck. \
The Lesser Evil.
“Lushman declared he would rathe)
go to Jail than pay his divorced wift
“Did she let him?”
“Yes; she said she’d much rather se
him save his money behind bars that
spend it over them.”—Pittsburgh Dis
Hunting on Sunday is prohibited
in all States east of the one hundred
and fifth meridian except Illinois,
Louisiana,- Michigan, Texas, and
Wisconsin. Certain days of the
week in some States constitute close
seasons in which hunting is prohi
bited. -
Left-over breakfast cereals may be
utilized by combining theip with
more highly flavored foods, examples
of such combinations being oatmeal
flisli cakes, and croquettes or loaves
iof cereals and nuts. Cold cereals, j
when dombined with custard and
fruit, also form the basis of a nutri-,
tious and palatable dessert.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
This is not only one of the best
| and most efficient medicines for j
coughs, colds and croup, but is also
pleasant and safe to take, which is
important when medicine must be
given to children. Many mothers
have given it their unqualified en
jjorsqmenjfe, . r ,.^
I State Board of Agriculture Trying to
Stamp Out Rabies Developed in
Prince George County.
Quarantine of dogs has been estab
, lished by the State Board of Agricul
. ture in many districts ,of Prince
George county because of the out
• break of rabies during the last two
months. Several persons have been
1 bitten and have taken treatment in
Washington during that period. On
October 10 a quarantine was placed
over a part of the county and on
October 25 th another was estab
lished. On November 7th Dr. W.
C. Woodward, health officer of the
District of Columbia, took up the
matter with Samuel M. Shoemaker,
chairman of the Maryland "State
Board of Agriculture, and the latter
is making every effort to stamp out
the evil. Mr. Shoemaker desires
the cooperation of all persons in the
county in order that the situation
may be under control as soon as
Leona, Frederick and Fenton
Hutchinson of Forestville, Thomas
Allen of Alabama avenue, just out
'ide the District line, and Floyd
Weldroan of Brentwood, have al
-eady been bitten by dogs afflicted
with rabies. In order that the dis
ease may not spread among dogs and
result in danger to all children, par
ticularly school children, Mr. Shoe
maker urges the close confinement of
all pet animals and asks that par
ticular attention be paid by hunters
to their dogs. The greater the co
operation of the people the sooner .
the quarantine will be raised. Be- |
cause of the outbreak of rabies, all j
persons are warned that all dogs .
must be kept confined and that dogs
found running at large within the
areas quarantined will be destroyed.
Monster Benefit For the Red Cross.
The Managers, Players and
Musicians of the Theatres through
out, the United States are arranging
to give a series of benefit perform
ance for the Red Cross, Friday, De
cember 7 th.
This is a remarkable act of gener
osity on the part of those engaged
in theatrical work and It is to be
hoped that their generous effort will
be given every help and encourage
The gross proceeds of these per
formances are to be given to the Red
Cross, and the War Council has de
cided that the amount received in
each city or tofvn, in which there
are one or more benefit perform
ances, shall be divided equally be
tween the Chapter of such locality
and the National Organization.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation.
Those who are afflicted with
stomach trouble and constipation
should read the following: “ I
have never found anything so good
for stomach trouble and constipation
as Chamberlain’s Tablets. I have
used them off and on now for the
past two years. They not only
regulate the action of the bowels but
stimulate the liver and keep one’s
body in a healthy condition," writes
Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses
have been issued by Clerk of the
Court Charles S. Peacock since omT
last issue:—
Charles Y. Romagna, of Wilming- j
ton, Del., and Bessie Bell, of Chesa- |
peake City.
Leoq V. Ewing, of Childs, and
Mabel A. Hilaman, of Chrome, Pa.
William N. Irwin and L. Virginia
Brown, both of Lombard.
Too many people are too willing
to let the other fellow do what they
should be doing-themselves.
For Your Pleasure I
And the Pleasure j>f_Ygur_Wifg_and_Fainijy |
‘Thai. an opportunity to secure our newspaper [ CTodflv's RxV s
and the new TODAY’S HOUSEWIFE at W
a special price o( which we give you the bene* 8/
fit, on accfflurt of our advantageous arrange
meat with the publishers. *3P I
We cany regularly news items of'current events
and happenings of importance in the present
World war as well as items of special local in- I
lerest and on many other subjects.
TODAY’S HOUSEWIFE decreases the WsgSlfißOfl I
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Both publications bring to you a wealth .. ... 1
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TODAYS HOUSEWIFE is the new tide Any woman who fails to get at least
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SSTbSE? soon own a bank.
Oor Newspaper and Today's Housewife £s;} t $! 40
It m an Ssklaa sWat •* 0 sbow pabllutlou wi.jooi rabKripttoi wffll b. utuiM <w*
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You save 35 cents by taking advantage of this liberal
offer. Send your subscription to The Midland Journal office,
Rising Sun, Maryland,
HP *** *F -■
Women Farmers Organize.
Women who are farming find hel
and inspiration from women farm
ers’ organizations. The first organi
zation of this kind, so far as known
was founded in Missouri in 1911.
Four years later the lowa Woman
Farmers’ Club was organized at the
lowa State College of Agriculture
A large number of successful woman
farmers are members of organi
zations encouraging interest in farm
ing as a profession for women. The
Bureau of Markets is cooperating
with and furnishing information re
garding such organizations.
Illinois Leads In Marine Enlistments
Since our participation in the war
Illinois leads all the states for tht
number of men enlisted in the
Marine Corps. This stare has alsc
furnished the greatest number ii
proportion to its population, accord
ing to a report compiled by Marine
Corps officials at Washington.
The report shows some interestinf
comparisons between the inland am
maritime states. Men from th
former seem to prefer the Marine
corps service, while those fron
Maine, California and other maritim<
states usually select some other mili
tary branch.
Wisconsin has extended its pro
vision ralative to seizure of para
phemalia used in violation of ganr
laws to include automobiles, which
when used by persons hunting ilie
gaily, may be confiscated by conser
vation officers.
• In the absence of nat
ural teeth artificial ones are as essen
tial and useful as is an artificial limb.
1 Natural in appearance and com
fortable in wearing—scientific points
developed in teeth got from me,
Equal to any Specialist's Make
Local Ansßsthetics
to relieve pain in Extracting Tteth
as nsed by me, always recommended,
and no after trouble experience 1.
A. H. SMITH, Dentist,
Rising Sun, Md.
Office—2nd story new addition formerly D i
1 . R Kirk’a Urui store bnilding.
-** 1 'f‘l
Help this sick soldier
He is one of thousands who
have broken down with Tu
berculosis in our Army or
have been refused admission
to the Army because of Tu
War always increases
Red Cross Christmas Scab are sold
in your community to protect you
and your family from Tuberculosis
and to provide proper care for your
soldier boys who break down with
this disease.
You must buy three times
as many this year.
Put Red Cross Seals on all your
holiday mail and packages. Buy a
. lot and resell some to your friends
who might otherwise neglect it.
■ Buy
Rising Sun, Md,
<3as and Ether Aduinistsbkd.
I J. C. HINDMAN, .111. i I
[ i .
. Kestaufant A: Grocery < •
> ' •
, 1 >
Our stock of Staple Groceries ] j
and Canned Goods Is fresh , ,
] | and complete. | [
■ i line Candles, Cigars i >
:: & ::
I > Tobacco ■ 1
HcrshOy’s and Zeigler’s Bread, \
| Rolls and Pies fresh every ‘ |
■ morning. Ward’s Cake ■ ■
II -a specialty. '[ [
ii ii
1 * Oysters and Ice CTeam in any 1 >
< i quantity. i >
\ J Orders for parties filled. ] J
i i Quick Lunch served at all ■ ■
; | hours. \ J
' • GIVE US A CALL! - '
ii ii
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\; j. c. hi.viia\, ,/R. • ;;
■ i Rising Hun, Phone SSI Md i ■
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* * j. •- A -V..* .I.J -*—*— l ft
Sir I " * WWV i VVv W'i'V VTVTTTT
Brown &Fisher
Our line of Staple Groceries is
fresh and complete
Bread, rolls, pies, etc., fresh
We make special efforts to sup
ply .wants with lettuce, toma
v toes, asparagus, spinage,
and other green groceries
Oranges, bananas and other
Ice cream by gallon or plate. In
brick or bulk. Festivals and
other occasions supplied In
any quantity
Cigar 3, Tobacco, etc.
Telephone orders promptly and
carefully filled.
Your patronage solicited
Rising Sun, Maryland
/ "■ __ /
L-rS n| S \A
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Every Kind Of Insect
There is no insect that can with
DER. Quick death is inevitable.
Don’t be bothered by flies, fleas,
roaches, ants, mosquitoes or bugs of
any kind. Fanned into the air it kills
flies and mosquitoes. Sprinkled fa
their runways or hiding places it
kills bugs of every other kind. Try
a tin today. Its harmless.
Bee Brand Insect Powder
fan it Into the air.
p~i=l==S Flies and mosquitoes
JJjl die in a few minutes.
piS’CT rOWlftj will kill ants, fleas,
roaches, bed-bugs, lice,
and bugs of every kind.
■ Directions on package.
Look for the Bee Brand
Trade Mark,
2Sc & SOc.
McCORMICK * CO., Batltime, U.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There
is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Cr arrhHl Deafness is caused by an ln
i flamed condition of the mucous lining or
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
i imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely
closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the
inflammation cuu bo reduced and this tube
i restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is
an inflamed condition of the mucous sur-
I faces. Hhll's Catarrh Cure acts thru the
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys
; tom.
We will r/vo One Hundred Dollars for
any care of •. ntarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cure* 5 . i-/ Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Circulars '
•’roc. All DvuK-*'!ts. 75c.
F. J. C.;aXß!f £c CO.. Toledo. O.
I aai , t office.^!
1? , |T| r UiM, li VUUKN ST., fttu.
?! .Jf tic*. H; fismuu Tr*'AtSMt tk* baat. Ihm
! was
i i tbit bus no nf tor-. (Tecta. Mumri from SgsCMI
eaoea in 4 -10 riayoi: oil Chronic,
LcJt>3foV"l. <Ul"'- , ‘•tfaWMW’tWUT..
fcj'iitjr all otfccr# fall— ti*o “OrrioaM Tcontooant
X - -