Newspaper Page Text
The Midland Journal. VOL. XL. RISING SUN, CECIL COUNTY. MD., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917. * X TOWN AND COUNTY. Short' Paragraphs of Events in the County During the Past Week. LOCAL HAPPENINGS BRIEFLY NOTED More snow Wednesday morning. The young folks enjoyed skating on Hunter’s dam this week. The ice harvest began on Hunter’s dam Wednesday, ice between foui and five inches in thickness being cut. t Joseph Grant, qf Cherry Hill, and Joseph McFadden, of Singerly, left last week to Join the U. S. Aviation Corps. There is to be a Big Rally Meeting for the Red Cross on Saturday, Dec. 15th, at 2 p. m., in West Nottingham Chapel. The almanac tells us winter does not begin until December 22, but what would you call the weather for the }j>ast week. of the Court Charles S. Pea Bwit has been appointed by the De partment of the Interior, Explosive Licensing Agent for Cecil county. John C. Hindman, real estate agent, has sold the Lincoln farm, situate near Rising Sun, and contain ing >256 acres, to J. F. Sadler, for *12,890. Rev. Henry E. Jones, D. D., Pastor of J. Addison Henry Memorial Pres byterian Church, Philadelphia, will preach at West Nottingham on Sun day, December 16. The boys who broke windows at the schoolhouses in Cecilton arid Chesapeake City on Hallowe'en have been placed under arrest and will be given a hearing. The force at the Day basket fac tory at North East, has been almost doubled, and is running both day and night to fill orders, many of which are for the government. E.merson R. Crothers, of Elkton. private secretary to the late Ex- Governor Crothers, has been ap pointed secretary to the Cecil Coun ty War Draft Exemption Board. The official board of the Elkton Methodist Episcopal Church, has in vited their pastor, Rev. George P. Jonee, to return for his third con ference year, beginning April 1. Joseph Reed, ski inmate of Ferris Industrial School, Wilmington, who escaped, was located in Elkton by Sheriff McAllister and taken to Wil mington by an officer of the school. The Icy condition of all roads since Saturday’s snow and rain has travel precarious, and our Bjfccksmiths have been compelled lo work overtime “sharpening” Rhorses. David Shea, of near town, had the misfortune to slip and fall heavily on Wednesday afternoon, while walking to his home, sustaining a bad fracture of the arm near the shoulder. The farmers about Quarryville realizing the necessity of raising the standard of the horse stock have purchased from William McLaughlin the champion two-vear-old Percher on, “Ereous,” for $3800.00 Dr. Calvin C. Cole, veterinary in spector of the United States War De partment has opened an office in Elkton where he will be located for the next few weeks looking after horses for the Government. The attractive summer home be longing to Mr. Sidney Hall, located on Swan Creek, Harford county, at the head of the Aberdeen Proving ,Grt>und, was destroyed by fire 'Sun day afternoon of last week. A successful revival service is in progress at Mt. Pleasant M. E. church, Colora, in charge of the pastor. Rev. E. O. Jame 3. Twenty one souls have been converted, and much interest manifested among the people. Owing to the scarcity of coal the public schools throughout Cecil county will have two weeks vacation i for.the holidays, instead of one as is ■iiontomary. The schools will close Ptoday, Friday, 21st Inst., and re main closed until Tuesday, January 2nd. N Viola Davis, a girl from a Home in Philadelphia, who was employed by Mrs. Frederick T. Haines, at Port Deposit, ran away last week and started to walk to Philadelphia. She stopped at the home of Isaac Payne, Jr., near Blue Ball, and that gentle man notified Sheriff McAllister, who took the girl in charge, until an offieer of the Home eame for her. v Charles Gainer and Irene M. Rice, of Holtwood, were married at Elk ton, Monday. p. Hughes Keilholtz and William Ryan have secured positions in Philadelphia as mail clerks. Ray Cooney left on Thursday last for Youngstown, Ohio, where he will spend some time with his aunt, Mrs. John McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Duyckinck left Rising Sun on Friday last for Green Cove Springs, Florida, where they will spend the winter. > Sudler James Wallace and Miss Catherine M. Plummer, both of Odessa, Del., were married in Elk ton, Thanksgiving Day by Rev. Geo. P. Jones. John E. Karl, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Karl of Elkton, and Miss Edith Mae Pyle of Newark, Dela ware, were married last week In Wil mington by Rev. Van P. Northup. Miss Elizabeth Lake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morford Lake of Chesapeake City, and Nathan Hof fecker, of Philada., were married on Nov. 29, at the home of the bride. Heasty S. Wehler, of Coatesville, and Miss Mary S. Best, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clingan R. Best, of Little Britain township, were mar ried Nov. 28 by Rev. Dr. J. W. Mem inger in Lancaster. Eugene Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wright of Honeybrook, formerly of Rising Sun, and Miss Sadie Gabriel of Morgantown were married, on Thanksgiving day by Rev. W. H. Reeves, Bird-in-Hand, at his residence. Miss Mary Emma MeKenney, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. McKenr.y, New London, formerly of Cecil county, and Mr. ?aul Enis Drummond, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Drummond, Oxford, were quietly married by Rev. G. P. Jones, at Elkton M. E. parson age on Saturday, Dec. 1. The head of the poultry division •>f the National Food Administration '•ays that turkeys will be abundant p or Christmas. He doesn’t say what the retail price is going to be, hut it is intended to be cheer news. A lecture will be given next Tues day evening, Dec. 18, at 7.30 o’clock, n Mt. Pleasant M. E. church, Colora, by Rev. W. J. Meeks, of Havre de Grace M. E. Church. Admission— Adults 15c; children uniter 12 years 5 cents. On account of the farmers being compelled to move from the Proving Grounds, the milk car from Perry man has been discontinued. At one time as high as 6,000 gallons of milk were shipped daily from this •joint to Baltimore. Free postage to soldiers, sailors and marines assigned to active duty in the United States and its de pendencies, as well as for those on duty in foreign countries in the war, was proposed in a bill introduced in Congress Monday last by Repre sentative Lunn, of New York. The supply of water in Havye de - Grace was temporarily cut off last Saturday afternoon, and the engi neer at the pumping station of the Havre de Grace Water Works was at a loss to know why the pump was failing in its work. An investigation 1 was made, and the cause soon dis covered. A German carp, measuring 33% inches in length and weighing 25 pounds had become wedged in I . the intake pipe at the trap only a ! s few feet from the pump.—Ledger. Automobile thieves entered the 1 garage of Mr. E. F. Piersol, in Havre 1 de Grace, a few nights ago and stole . his touring car. They also entered s the garages of Messrs. Robert Gam- I brill and C. B. Silver, and carried i off valuable robes, i The car was located in Media, j I Pa., where a colored man was found - offering robes in exchange for gaso-i r'• line, and placed under arrest. Mr. 1 Piersol was communicated with by ( I telephone and went to Media, where ‘ he recovered his machine, after it had been badly damaged. The top ( was torn and the fenders Dent. The JI damage to the car is estimated at ! about S2OO. - j The Sunday school of Octoraro > M. E. church will hold an oyster l supper Saturday evening, Dec. 15, at the home of Mrs. Fulton. MARRIES A COUNT. New Jersey Girl Weds Bernstorff’s Son. 1 The daily press of Tuesday con tained announcement of the mar riage in Berlin on Saturday of Count . Christian Gunther von Bernstorff, ’Ori of the former ambassador to the United States, and Mrs. Marguerite | Vivian Burton Thomason, of Bur 'ington, N. J. Countess Christian von Bern riorff is dbout 32, and is the adopted ’ daughter of Edward T. Thomason, Burlington. Mr. Thomason was formerly secretary of a fire insurance i company in Philadelphia. ! The countess, whose maiden name was Burton, was born in America. Mr. Thomason adopted her when she was seven. She was educated at the * Van Rennselaer Seminary, and seon after she left school her engagement to James H. Birch, Jr., a prominent Burlington, N. J., business and club man, was announced. There was a separation soon after their marriage, and a divorce was later procured, the young woman reassuming her maiden name. She was married in England to Baron Walter von Radeck, of Ger many, five years ago, and was di %’orced, according to her friends. Count Christian Gunther von Bernstorff is 26 years old. He visit ed the United States with his father in 1911 and in June, 1913, he enter ed the offices of Speyer & Co., New York bankers, as a junior clerk. He spent about a year in the bank ing house before entering the Ger man diplomatic service. In Febru ary, 1915, the Iron Cross was con-] ferred upon him. The bride is a grandniece of W. j T. B. R. Roberson, of this town, 5 being a grand-daughter of Mr. Roberson’s sister, Mrs. Mary Sebold. Her mother’s name was Mrs. Clara Sebold Burton who was a sister of John Sebold, of Colora, and E. R. Sebold formerly of Rising Sun. Her parents lived for a time on the Roberson farm near town. Winter Weather. Winter swooped down on us in real earnest on Saturday with a now that threatened to block travel, as the high wind-, was begin ning to pile it up. In the afternoon rain fell and put a any pos sible drifting. Later in the day the temperature fell several degrees, the night being a cold one and freezing things up tight. Low temperature prevailed during the fore part of this week. The mercury registered seven ! degrees on Monday and Tuesday morning, making the cold snap a record breaker for a similar period , since the establishment of the ' Weather Bureau forty years ago. The ground is covered with snow ( and ice, and all ponds and streams , are frozen over, the ice being several inches in thickness, bringing visions of an early ice harvest. A Damage Suit Growing Out Of Auto Accident. Suits have been instituted in the Circuit Court for Harford county against the Mayor and City Council ' of Havre de Grace, and the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, from in juries growing out of the automobile accident September 1, 1916, when a ' 7-passenger National automobile crashed through the railing on the Union avenue bridge over St. Clair street, and fell into the old railroad cut. One woman, Mrs. H. J. Jewett, 1 of Boston, was killed and four others 1 injured. The suits, four In number, claim damages amounting to $58,- 000. The cases stand for trial at the present term of court. •> More Cecil County Boys Go To Camp Meade. Roy Hitchens, Harry Murphy and Robert Jones of Elkton, have been honorably discharged from service at Camp Meade by advice of the ex amining surgeons. Last week four other young men from Cecil County | went to Camp Meade to fill the places in Cecil’s quota. They were David Earle Nesbitt, of Port De ! posit; James G. B. Fisher, of Perry : ville; Eugene Hevalow, of Chesa peake City, and Edward C. Brown, formerly of Elkton but now of Wil . mington. ■ <e> Road Bonds Sold. The County Commissioners met in 1 special session Dec. 4. Present — !j. Frank Blake, President; J. Turn ; er Cameron and Wm. R. Cameron, Bids for SIO,OOO road bonds were ' as follows: • Hamilton & Company $100,759 ' Elkton Banking & Trust Co. 100.000 ' Townsend Scott & Son 102.000 The bonds were sold to Townsend Scott & Son, the highest bidder. > The Commissioners appointed ■ Dorie Foster janitor to the Court , House, to take effect January 1, 1918. TEACHERS WANT INCREASED „ PAY. i State Association To Make Active Campaign On Behalf Of Teachers. At the recent annual meeting of , Maryland State Teachers’ Asso , elation steps were taken to prosecute an active campaign for increased re muneration for our public school , teachers. Committees -were appoint ed in the various counties to make an effort to secure more pay for those whose salaries are at present not comensurate with the additional costs of living- imposed by War Prices. The members of, the above com mittee for Cecil County are Miss Bertha Tyson, Henry L. Constable, Esq., and School Commissioner Wil liam M. Pogue. Nicholas Oren, Superintendent of Schools for Talbot county, was elected to the presidency of the association for the coming year to succeed Sydney S. Handy, of St. John’s College. Mr. Handy auto matically became first vice-president. Miss Mary Logue, of Baltimore county, was elected to the second vice-presidency, to succeed Miss Sarah E. Richmond. Dr. R. Berry man, of Baltimore, and Hugh W. Caldwell/of Cecil county, were re elected treasurer and secretary, re spectively. The new executive com mittee comprises Messrs. Orem and Handy, G. Lloyd Palmer, of Fred erick, David E. Weglein, Western High School, and A. H. Krug, Balti more City College. A ___________ I Quarryville Will Purchase Water System. An ordinance has been passed by the Borough Council of Quarryville authorizing the burgess to issue | bonds for the sum of $25,000 for the purchase of the water system of the town, in accordance with <the wishes of the people expressed at the recent special election. The bonds will be in denomi nations of SSOO each, due thirty years from date, with' the privilege of payment at par after five years from January Ist next. They will bear interest at the rate of four and a-half per cent, per annum. Pro posals will be received any time prior to noon of Saturday, Dqc. 29. Cost Of Milk Production. The Maryland Council of Defense recently inaugurated an investi gation into the cost of milk produc tion in this state, in charge of Presi dent A. F. Woods, of the State Col lege of Agriculture. The investi gation is being made in ten counties. Cecil being one of the number. The work here is under the direction of County Agent J. H. Knode, who has selected the folowing committee of ten milk producers to study this question: Frank B. Eavns, Charles Gibson, Carroll E. Tyson, Ralph T. Wilson, J. Harry Maxwell, Reuben Reynolds, A. H. Mendenhall, Elmer J. Janney, Arthur Harvey and P. W. Baker. * Sheriff Seizes Gambling Machines. Under instructions from States Attorney Joshua Clayton, Sheriff McAllister last week took charge of, eight slot machines in various towns in the county. The proprietors of the machines claim they are not gambling devices, but vending ma chines. Each person who deposits a nickel in the machine and operates a lever receives a package of chew ing gum, and every once in a while the machine pays a dividend in nickels. The cases will be acted | upon by the Grand Jury. Zion Navy League Unit. The Navy League Unit of Zion and surrounding community, met with Mrs. Austin Carhart, Saturday, Dec. Ist. It was decided at this meeting to send a Christmas box to the Cecil County boys at Camp Meade, con taining cake, candy, fruit, jelly, etc. We are also glad to note that it j has been a privilege and pleasure to I furnish our friend Miss Marion Cook, who expects to go to France, with a sweater scarf and wristlets. May our prayers go with her. December Term Of Court Convenes. The December term of the Circuit Court for Cecil county convened in j Elkton on Monday, December 10th. The Civil calendar showed 77 cases, the Appeal docket 28 cases, and Appearances 30 cases. A number of criminal cases were; brought to the attention of the Grand Jury. * Why not send a good magazine to: a friend as a Christmas gift. Our I clubbing offer, on page five, will en-1 able you to get Today’s Housewife j and the Midland Journal both for $1.40 for the entire year. Let us have your subscription. [) BUY THRIFT CARDS. Invost Your Savings In This Plan to e Aid Uncle Sam. Postmaster C. T. Dare has re ceived a supply of war thrift stamps and is ready to supply all who de f sire them. Robert Crain, of Baltimore, Di e rector of the Marylarid War Savings - Campaign, has appointed city and 1 county Directors to push the work - throughout the State. For Cecil 3 County he has named as Director r William T. Warburton, Esq., of Elk : t ton, President of the Second Na -1 tional Bank. r This is the way the war thrift plan works: First of all, the Government will 3 issue thrift cards, placing them at > every postoffice, every sub-postoffice, ' every-bank, every savings institu tion, and possibly at leading drug - stores, dry goods stores and other 1 places of easy accessibility. 1 Those thrift cards have no value 1 in thmselves, but on each of them ! appear 16 spaces. Each of these 16 ' | spaces may be used for attaching a ; war savings stamp worth 25 cents 1 each. These stamps likewise will be placed on sale at places in every 1 community frequented by many per sons. Even postmen may be au thorized to sell them. ■When a thrift card is filled by at taching 16 25-cent stamps the owner may take the card to any postoffice and to most any bank and, by adding 12 more cents in cash, may secure ? war savings certificate. The thrift card on its face will represent an in vestment of $4. When the 12 cents are added the invesment will be $4.12, but when the Government 1 issues the war savings certificate it will have a face value of $5. Certificates Mature in Five Years. This certificate will not mature however, for five years. It will not be worth $5, of course, when first issued, but will have that value upon maturity. The sum of $4.12 with interest compounded for five years amounts to $5. tt Judge Declares Prince George’s Law Unconstitutional. The Act passed by the extra ses sion of the Legislature in June last, prohibiting the sale, storing or dis pensing of spiritous or malted liquors, etc., in Prince George’s county, was declared by Judge Cam alier at a special session of Court held in Leonardtown, Md., on Thurs day last, jto be unconstitutional, when he ordered the release of Lewis C. Jenkins under a writ of Habeas Corpus from the custody of the Sheriff of said county who held him under commitment for violating certain provisions of said Act, Chap ter 13. .;. Maryland Week Meetings. Owing to the war it was impos sible to secure the Fifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore, for the annual Maryland Week this year. How ever, the meetings will be held at" the Hotel Emerson, Baltimore, on December 18, 19 and 20, where Maryland’s war problems for 191 S will be discussed by the Maryland State Horticultural Society, Mary land Crop Improvement Association, | Maryland State Dairymen’s Associ ation, and Maryland State Bee keepers’ Association. I _ a Want Pig Pens. A petition has been circulated and will be presented to the Elkton Town Council, asking the repeal of the ordinance against keeping hogs in town, on the grounds that as much pork as possible should be raised for home consumption in war times. .;. Big Rally Meeting. Come to hear about our Red Cross Unit. Speakers, music, flags, and patroitism. In West Nottingham Chapel at 2 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, December 15th. E. STEEL, Temporary Chairman. •> Delaware State Grange convened in annual convention in Wolf Hall. | Newark, Tuesday, December 11, the j session lasting for three days, worthy master, Horace L. Dilworth, ' presiding. About one hundred delegates from all parts of the State, ■ were present. *> A good magazine makes a very acceptable Christmas gift. Read | our clubbing offer with Today’s ; Housewife on page five, and take advantage of the low subscription j rate—sl.4o for our paper and the ' magazine. Old Noah was not a pomoter, but he managed to float a lot of stock. o Some wirepullers are telegraph ‘ I linemen and some are politicians. I COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTEND ANCE. > _____ '.first Year In State—Report Of Attendance Officer For Cecil , County. The State Board of Education has ■ ssued its report on “One Year of 1 Oomplsory School Attendance in Maryland, 191 G-17.” The report states: Every child is entitled to a com mon school education. It is unfair to tax a man to educate his neighbor's child and then lermit the neighbor to keep that hild out of school. The Attendance Law held in -chool all last year 5,500 children vho, but for the Law, would have ' een absent. Our schools cost annually S3O per hild in attendance. And these 5,500 children got '165,000 worth of schooling. It cost only SIB,OOO to hold them i school. Was this good business for the ~tate? It was. It paid 800 per cent. Miss Lidie Reynolds, Attendance Ifficer for Cecil county, makes the "ollowing report: CECIL COUNTY. Practically all the children in this ounty, ten years of age and over, , -ave attended school at some time. <■ “■he great trouble here has been in rregular attendance and withdrawal "rom school at ,an early age. I ’mow of but six above ten years of ”ge who were brought into ( school his year for the first time. Two 12 years; one 14 years; three ' 6 years. Attending 100 days-—l 2 yrs., 264: 13 yrs., 276; 14 yrs., 138; 15 yrs., 18; 16 yrs., 32; 17 yrs., 48. Less than 100 days—l 2 yrs., 130; 13 yrs., 203; 14 yrs., 118; 16 yrs., 0; 16 yrs., 65; 17 yrs., 32. No arrests were made. About 400 garments, including hoes and rubbers, have been dis ributed throughout the county by hree branches of the Needlework Guild of America. These societies have responded liberally in every ase of poverty reported to me. The Board of Health has also been help ful in the unsanitary cases. I have had no cases of poor health among the very poor children. In cases where children were ir regular in attendance, I visited the narents and talked with them, and in nearly every case found them reasonable in their views, and ap parently anxious to have their child ren educated. Poverty is the chief difficulty which I have met this year; the scarcity of labor has made it neces sary to keep children out of school to help at home. The long distance f hat a great many of the country children have to walk Jn order to attend school is an important factor in irregular attendance in this county. My work this year has consisted rf visiting the parents, talking with hem, and trying to get them to see the necessity of having their children educated. A great many people who had felt the law unjust before iilking to me, could see the good - fter having the law explained to them. With the foundation that has been laid this year, I can see no reason why the attendance should not keep on increasing each year. I think the age limit of seventeen is a little high. A child who has at tended school regularly up to, thirteen years of age, and then at tends 100 days for two more years, and has not completed the seventh grade, will, in all probability, never compete it. It seems to me a child of this kind would be better to hava regular employment. About seventy-six full days in tha field. All the remainder of the school year, including Saturdays, and two weeks after school closed were spent in the office. About 400 visits to parents and guardians. I have also interviewed " great many people at the office and by telephone, and have written many letters in explanation of differ ent points of the law. LIDIE D. REYNOLDS, Attendance Officer, Cecil County. * An Opportunity, A friend of learning, who Is In terested in the boys and girls of the, community and would like to se& more reading matter and more avail able helps in the schoolroom, will give five dollars toward Oakwood School Library on condition that / five more dollars are given making j a total of ten dollars and entitling/ the school to a like amount from tha,' County School Board. It will pay you to make an early inspection of our Novelties, and Special Hats for Christmas giftf. McCQY’S, Rising Sun, ltd* / NO. 17. .