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' ■ ■ -■■■ - - WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Break-Up of Rommel’s Desert Forces Affects U. S.-British Drive in Tunisia; French Fleet Will Join Allies: Darlan; President Proclaims National Farm Day Released by Western Newspaper Union. ..... PORT Allied forces proceeded swiftly toward ousting the Japs completely from the Papua territory of New Guinea following the capture of the village of Buna. C. S. and Australian Jungle fighters took the Jap base. Occupation of Buna followed closely the seizure of Gona. A communique from Allied headquarters in Australia told of slowly increasing pressure on the enemy. A captured Japanese artilleryman told intelligence officers of Emperor Hirohito’s mandate that Jap forces hold the New Guinea beachhead to the last man. The communique did not mention the Mam bare area, on the northeast coast, where Allied planes lashed out at Jap warships attempting to land more men. AFRICA: Dorian Speaks “I have announced that my sole purpose is to free France and then retire to private life.” With those words Adm. Jean Dar lan, high commissioner of French Africa, hoped to still the loud voice of criticism which had been leveled at him by the Fighting French, the British and certain American sources. He did not wholly succeed. The Fighting French wanted more than words from Admiral Darlan to as sure them. The British and a com paratively few Americans remained skeptical. Darlan, in a statement of clarifi cation, called for maximum mili tary effort for the defeat of Ger many and Italy and added that “this will be accomplished by the unity of all citizens, regardless of their po litical or religious opinions, in an orderly and cohesive fashion.” Darlan also declared flatly that strong French fleet units at Dakar, Alexandria and North African ports would join the British and U. S. fleets. Those units included: three battleships, more than seven cruis ers, approximately a score of sub marines and several destroyers. Hit Tunis, Bizerte Concentrating on docks and air fields in Bizerte and Tunis, Ameri can and British bombers continued to carry out their day and night raids with thunderous accuracy. Tropical rains had brought land action to a minimum, with action limited largely to patrol sorties. It was evident that the Allies were willing to sacrifice forward positions to reduce losses pending an all-out offensive. Allied attacks on Axis airfields are damaging the efforts of the Luft waffe ground staffs to maintain op erations. It is reported that less than two-thirds of the total force are able to take to the air at any time. PRICE CONTROL: No Surprise Washington dopesters had an nounced it weeks before so there was little surprise throughout the nation when Leon Henderson re signed as director of the Office of Price Administration. Announce ment of the resignation came from President Roosevelt who, in accept ing it* praised Henderson and de clared that “You have not spared yourself . . . and I appreciate your patriotic service.” Henderson said that he was quit ting because of a recurrent physi cal difficulty and a “rather bad”' impairment of eyesight. The Presi dent asked him to keep the White House advised on his physical con dition so that when he had recov ered he could be recalled to govern ment service in some other capac ity- Because of his firmness in han dling rationing affairs and because of his treatment of congress (with out concern of political favor) Hen derson has been under fire for' months. Early in December many Washington sources predicted he was resigning and had suggested (hat Sen. Prentiss M. Brown, Michi gan Democrat, succeed him. Brown, defeated for his senate post in the last election, had previously piloted the price stabilization bill through congress. HIGHLIGHTS • • • *“ the toeek’a news BESTIAL: With the governments of the other United Nations, the United States joined in a condemna tion of Germany’s "bestial policy of . blooded extermination" of Jewa. This action came after re ports from* Europe indicated that the Nazis were definitely proceeding with Hitler’s oft-repeated intention to exterminate every Jew on that continent ' J FARM DAY: Vital Goals Tuesday, January 12, has been proclaimed by President Roosevelt as Farm Mobilization day. On this day meetings are to be held throughout the nation to determine ways and means “of ensuring for the year 1943 the maximum produc tion of vital foods.” Farmers are being asked on that day to gather with department of agriculture officials, extension serv ice agents, vocational teachers, farm organizations and others con cerned to discuss plans for meeting the high food production goals for the 1943 crop year. President Roosevelt praised the farmers for their production of rec ord maximum harvests in the past three years and declared that every pound of food finds use in wartime. “Food,” he said, “is no less a weapon than tanks, guns and planes. As the power of our enemies de creases, the importance of the food resources of the United Nations in creases. With this thought in mind, we must further mobilize our re sources for the production of food.” LIBYA: Africa Corps Split Long pounded by the British eighth army, Field Marshal Rom mel’s Africa corps took new and heavy body blows when his fleeing Axis forces were neatly divided by Sir Bernard Montgomery’s pursuing troops. In a sudden flanking movement ad vanced forces of the British army reached Wadi Matratin, 55 miles west of El Agheila on the Gulf of Sirte. From there, units of the Mont gomery army sliced off to the south, cutting Rommel’s army in two, one force continuing its westward flight, the other caught between the British main army and the British advanced units. Included in the enemy troops cut off were armored forces which, in desperate maneuvers to escape, suf fered heavy casualties and “contin ued to be severely mauled,” the Middle Eastern command commu nique stated. The main eighth army was shoving ahead, forcing its way through mine fields laid by the re treating Germans, eager to get at the trapped troops. MEAT QUOTA: Cut to 35 Ounces Upon orders from government food authorities, the per capita sup ply of meat for civilians has been reduced from the present limit of 40 ounces to 35 ounces a week during the first three months of 1943. The orders were issued by Price Administrator Leon Henderson on the recommendation of Secretary of Agriculture Claude Wickard, the new food chief. Civilian supplies of pork, veal, lamb and mutton were ordered cut approximately 13 per cent. Beef supplies will continue to be restrict ed at the present level. Restric tions are voluntary at present and consumers are being asked to limit themselves to 40 ounces a week un til the first of the year, when the voluntary ration will be reduced by five ounces. Slaughterers who kill more than 500,000 pounds a quarter have been limited to 70 per cent of the 1941 level for beef, pork and veal, and to 75 per cent for lamb and mutton. PREDICTION: Robert Taft, sen ator from Ohio, has issued a predic tion that a move to "break up” the Reconstruction Finance corporation is on the way with the opening (Jan uary 4) of the new session of con gress. DISTINGUISHED: Wendell Will kie has been awarded a plaque as Indiana’s most distinguished son of the year. * MIDLAND JOURNAL, RISING SUN, MD. RUSSIA: See-Saw Battle In the see-saw battle of Russia the course of warfare appeared to favor once more the Red army as an official communique announced the capture of five additional strong points in the Rzhev sector on the central front. It told, too, of the re pulse of a heavy Nazi counterat tack in the area southwest of Stalin grad. In their counterdrive at Kotel nikovski, 90 miles southwest of Stal ingrad, the Axis armies attempted to throw back the flank of the Rus sian forces south of the Don river and break through the Russian trap. The attacks were led by tanks, dive bombers and motorized infantry. Red Star, Soviet army newspaper, said many Axis troops were slaugh tered and the attacks were hurled back decisively. To the west of Stalingrad the Red army was said to be widening the broad barrier they had made be tween the Nazis on the banks of the Don and those trapped near Stalingrad. During the Russian drive on the central front, which took seven more villages, two bat talions of German infantry were re ported wiped out. A communique reported that near Vilikie Luki, Rus sian troops beat off a German at tempt to break through the lines to help a surrounded Nazi garrison and destroyed Nazi equipment. SCHOOL BELLS: In Wartime America’s system of higher edu cation is headed for some profound and sweeping changes under plans now released by the army and navy to train youths between 17 and 22 for specialized military duties. Scheduled to begin in February the new setup for high school and college youths would be put into operation in several hundred col leges and universities throughout the nation. Students now in high school and college would fit into the pro gram at the time they were called up for military training and virtual ly every youth over 17 in school would be affected. • As outlined in joint army-navy statement made in Chicago the plan calls for these major developments: 1. Mobilization of a selected num ber of colleges and universities for training soldiers in military-directed courses. 2. Enlisted soldiers now having completed their basic training (or about to complete) will be selected, if qualified, for specialized training when the plan is first set in motion. 3. A cadet system will be organ ized for the selected colleges and military training will thus be giv en but it will be subordinated to academic instruction. 4. When soldiers complete any phase of the specialized training at these schools they will do one of four things: (a) be given further training in officer’s candidate school (b) returned to the troops; (c) rec ommended for technical noncom missioned officers or (d) detailed for advanced technical training. Meanwhile the navy will be select ing high-school graduates or those with equivalent qualifications for in duction as apprentice seamen or ma rine privates. Placed on active duty with pay these youths will attend designated schools. China’s President • 'Jt' ■ - ??? | .ij*i ’> Wmmßk*. 'jJfl i-l ■ ■ ■ HB rl/M Eg The above photo of Lin Sen, 78- year-old president of China, is the first photo ever sent from Chung king, China, to Los Angeles, over a new radiophoto service. The Chi nese characters read: "To Presi dent Roosevelt, from Lin Sen." U. S. GOAL: Double Axis Output The War Production board’s goal for 1943 calls for a production rate by the end of the year estimated to be twice as great as that of the Axis nations. More than $90,000,- 000,000 worth of American weapons will be manufactured in 1943. U. S. war production in 1942 equals that of all the Axis countries, the WPB reported. The United Nations are out-producing the Axis almost two to one at present. ‘VICTORY’: By the Government “Victory,” a picture magazine de signed for free distribution in for eign countries, will be published by the government, the Office of War Information has announced. The propaganda magazine will be published every two months in sev eral languages, but will not be dis tributed within the United States. Advertising revenue will go to de fray the cost of publication, offi cials said. Definite Show-Down Likely On Offensive Against Japan Chinese Feel That Success of Madame Chiang Kai-shek’s Mission to United States Will £.. Determine Future of Their Country. i’ ? By BAUKHAGE Newt Analyst and Commentator. WNU Service, 1343 H Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. In a hospital in an American city one of tiie great women of the world is lying under treatment for serious but not critical trouble. The doc tors have said assuringly that the trouble is not dangerous, that Madame Chiang Kai-shek will soon be well. Several million Chinese lire wait ing anxiously for her recovery. Although the matter has not been formally discussed as yet, it can safely be predicted that when Madame Chiang Kai-shek recovers and she takes the house she has rented in Washington, her mission will not be secret long. According to hints dropped in reliable quar ters, this mission is to obtain a def inite showdown on immediate aid to China in the form of an all-out Allied offensive against Japan. The offensive must be made up of a shuddering and shattering air at tack on the heart of the Nipponese empire—on Tokyo, on Yokohama, on harbors and cities, on factories and templed hills. At the same time a huge Chinese army, weU equipped with supplies from America and India, must be ready to advance for invasion. It is explained that Japan is pre paring for a knockout blow against China. Its objective is not to con trol the whole of Chinese territory, but to strike northward from Thai land and Burma; to take Chungking and isolate the Chinese armies which are not destroyed; or perma nently to cut these armies off from all aid from the Allies by blocking off the approach from the Indian bor der, along the frontiers of Burma and Thailand and the eastern coast, which they already hold. The Japanese would also encour age and aid the formation of a large communist state in China in order to further add to the confusion of the political situation which the in vasion would serve to bring about. This the Chinese believe Japan could do unless aid from the Allies comes first. Military observers here agree that it would not be impossible for Japan to accomplish this. As nearly as I am able to gauge opinion here, the course that the United Nations strategy will prob ably follow is this: A real offensive against Japan by the spring at least; the strong probability of another front to be opened somewhere else before then. The United States has a million men in its armed forces outside the borders of the United States now. It will have more before long. • * • Russia’a Role In War and Peace Recently I heard an American who had spent a long time in Russia and not long since returned to Amer ica give a vest-pocket version of Russia’s role in the war and her possible role in the post-war settle ments. It may be a picture colored over-brightly with the tints of wish ful thought, but I present it for what it is worth. % The Russians will not quit, until the last dog (their version of the invader) is hung. After the peace they will co-operate in establishing the kind of a peace which the United States would like to see established. Several reasons are offered as to why many experts utterly mis judged the power of the Red armies. One explanation is that the offen sive strength of the Germans was over-estimated. The next explanation is that the Russian, traditionally, will fight an invader with fatalistic fury, provid ed he is armed. Although both of these statements are accepted as sound, another ex planation is offered. It has to do with the reason why the Russian army Was able to put up its re markable resistance and develop a powerful striking power—how the "traditional” fury was stimulated. This is my informant’s interpreta tion, a part of which is not new, but which offers the basis of his predic tion as to the future conduct of Russia. He says that under the present regime, especially since the various long-time plans under Stalin have been inaugurated, the younger Rus sian generation, deprived of the church, has sought an outlet for a human being’s natural desire for BRIEFS ••• by Baukhage Members of the United States armed forces and persons sending money to them received a 50 per cent reduction in domestic telegraph money order rates effective Decem ber 1, 1942. • • • Average annual loss of eggs through careless handling amounts to 4 to 5 per cent of entire produc tion. - NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS OF A COLUMNIST COMMENTATOR I will try to write and talk as much like a human being as pos sible. I won’t use any words on paper or on the air I don’t use on the street car and I will be sure I know what the words I do use mean. I will not talk or write down to my audience or up tq my news sources. I will swallow my snorts and coughs and wheezes until I can signal the engineer to cut off the mike. I will try to keep personal prejudices out of my manuscript if I can’t always keep it out of my voice. I will not threaten to murder the people who write in and ac cuse me of saying the opposite of what I did say. I will read all my mail and answer it in person if a stamp is enclosed, or on the air, or, if there is no other way, in spirit. I will be grateful for the two miraculous inventions, the print ing press and the radio, which permit me to have my say with out being interrupted or talked back to. hope and faith. Stalin was able to create a faith in his regime, not so much in the theory of communism, but in the government which had shorn off considerable socialistic at tributes and borrowed where it had to from capitalism. And the various plans had awakened a hope in the people that this regime would give them a lot of the things that they began to find out other nations had. They were, therefore, fighting to realize the hope that they would get the things which the regime, in which they had faith, had promised them and a part of which they had already realized. Now comes the next step. There has grown up, with the blessing of the Stalin regime, a great respect for many things about America as a country with whose help the Russian can obtain the things which he hopes for and which he knows the Ameri cans possess. Therefore, Russia’s aim is to help the Allies win the war and also help with the peace with the expectancy that in return America will help Russia to realize its hopes. That is the way my informant tells the story—and, I might add, that is the way America "hopes” history will one day record it. • • • Questionnaires The other day I was sitting beside a man who has a great deal to do with and I will be run ning our automobiles next year. Somebody asked him what he thought about these questionnaires which farmers who want gasoline or tires have to fill out. This gentleman paused quite awhile. "I can’t tell you what I think of them,” he replied sadly, “while there are ladies present.” I would like to tell you that man’s name, but it was a strictly private gathering. In any case, I hope it will show you that all Washington officials are not bureaticrats and since this man is a man of action, you can count on his help to carry out some of the recommendations of the Truman committee on gaso line and fuel rationing. “The farmer with a small truck operating 12 hours a day,” says an informal report of the committee, •‘working 12 hours a day to keep body and soul together and to con tribute in some small measure to the war effort finds himself sud denly obliged to digest a 32-page pamphlet of instructions and fill out an elaborate questionnaire requiring detailed data on activities long past from entirely nonexistent records.” This is the thing Washington is now fighting against. All that is needed is to get someone who is “familiar with the problem of the small farmer and truck operator” to make up the questions. And that is the prescription that will have to be applied in the writing of all ques tionnaires in the future. Perhaps it will be. Married nurses are now eligible for active duty with the army. If you are a graduate, registered nurse, between 21 and 40, you can enroll with the Red Cross today I • * • The first USO club in America for the exclusive use of all servicewom en of the United Nations has been opened by the Metropolitan Detroit USO at the Downtown YMCA. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RAZOR BLADES KENT BLADES | Wrong Nose George Bernard Shaw once at tended a sold-out performance of "Caesar and Cleopatra,” and was obliged to watch the performance while standing at the back. A stranger who was standing just behind the world-famous play wright persisted in poking his head over Shaw’s shoulder. Tak ing out his handkerchief, Shaw ap plied it to the man’s nose. The man, with an angry exclamation, jerked back his head. "I beg your pardon,” said Shaw, with mock concern, "I thought it was mine, you know.” /GREATFOR relieving^ \ ACHES & SNIFFLES OF COMMON ] ) COLDi \ When you set 'M ~ M i 1 cold, take Hum- # I phrey* “77” right I I away to help reliere that feeling of 1 a achiness, weakness and misery. % / Works intemaUa. Long advised by \ V Or. Humphreys. Try it/ Only SO#. / pm ■ Hs~irui annnlliif ■ I xj nomtwpcnmc meaivinos ■ VSSSS Since 1854 J Buy U. S. SAVINGS * * BONDS * * SNAPPY FACTS ABOUT RUBBER* Why wheel alignment It a "mvtf" In rubber conservation. When a wheel it only H-inch out of alignment the cor It being dragged tideways 8 7 feet In every mNe. That’s tire scuffing at Its worst. Transportation In prhrato auto mobiles In 1941 totaled 901 bi llon passenger miles, compared with about 291$ billion In rail roads, about 27l$billlon in electric railways, 291$ billion In bases and 1,970,000 passenger miles on domestic airlines. Big num bers, all, but they show motor franspertat on to bo six times greater than all other forms combined. !• kaa. gLa. *L_ ■v nui avail wranmsw iiivva .vw la —-J —— - untrue oieios mntrery eurwicu win require 229,000 long tons e# crude robber In 1949. Overloading a truck fire 10 per cent will cause a decrease of 18 per cent in the mileage) 50 per cent overload aits mileage 60 per cent. |KEGoodri^| BUREAU OF STANDARDS • A BUSINESS 4 organization which wants to get the most for the money sets up standards | by which to judge what is offered to it, just as in I Washington the govem -1 ment maintains a Bureau of Standards. | eYou can have your own | Bureau of Standards, too. Just consult the advertis ing columns of your news paper. They safeguard your purchasing power every day of every year. mm 4: