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-** WLajor (Offensive on the E arm E ront! Backing the offensives of American fighting men, armies of American farmers are en- gaged in the greatest offensive of all time on the farm front. Their 1943 victories of food production, and their zeal to win the war, spur them on again this year, in face of ever increasing problems of manpower and machinery shortages. American sol- diers of the soil are working around ;Itp - the clock to farm their fertile land —to plant and . . . cultivate growing crops to make the most of every minute. And a major part of this great offensive is the production of livestock cattle, calves, hogs and lambs —to make meat for America and our allies. Our soldiers fight best on a diet rich in meat—our war workers, too, need the energy-building proteins and vitamins of meat. For Americans are a meat- eating people. But meat on the hoof is one thing and t SWIFT & COMPANY CHICAGO 9, ILLINOIS • • . I^l^’ '’' w < -ifgfftPfe M "- >';% v „.*#ffiß[M|i§ii SBk mt&F.. ■!?#► Wm %g: V •■■' jmr i# % ' . "Bp £ j%|o| Above is the official Father’s Day poster for 1944. The painting is the work of Herbert Bohnert, famous poster illustrator. The original is in four colors and will be printed in these same four colors in many sizes and shapes and distributed throughout the country. The poster is dedicated to the Father Bond Drive of the United States Treasury Department. NATIONAL. WAR FUND OF MARYLAND Plans for the 1944 National War Fund appeal in Maryland will be for mulated at a two day conference of State leaders when 500 delegates, in cluding Governor O’Conor, will meet at the Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, on June 23 and 24, according to an an nouncement made by Stewart J. Cort, State Chairman. Highlight of the two day session ■will be a banquet at 7 o’clock, Friday June 23, at which Norwood F. All man, editor and publisher of "Shun .pao,” the oldest and largest Chinese newspaper, will be the principal speaker. Author of the best seller, *‘Sbanfhia Lawyer," Mr, AUmau has meat on the plate is another. That’s where Swift & Company has its job to do in the war effort of the livestock and meat industry. With nation-wide meat packing and dis- \ tribution facilities, we are able to bridge the 1,000 miles or more that lie between producers and consumers. And so we work closely with the American farmer to see to it that his meat goes where it is most needed. We have for your use the following films: “A Nation’s Meat” “Cows and Chickens, U. S. A.” “Livestock and Meat” Please feel free to ask for them. | Xr esses over billion farm products a year, net prof- nnn j^ ooon . inro its f rom ALL sources includ - fl i ng by-products average but a fraction of a penny a pound. IPflll; mmmmmtmmmmm recently been released from, a Japa nese prison cam® where he was in terned since December, 1942. Notor ious for the anti-Japanese policy of his newspaper, after Pearl Harbor’s attack, Mr. Allman’s name was first on Japan's official blacklist. His talk is expected to treat with his 26 years of experience in the Orient, along with descriptions of work performed by War Prisoners’ Aid, one of the National War Fund agencies. Possesor of four Presidential cita tions, the Air Medal, Oak Leaf Clus ters and the Distinguished Flying Cross, Lt. Theodore Goldblum, U. S. A. A. F., will Join with Norwood F. Allman in addressing the banquet gathering. Experience* at Pearl Her THE MIDLAND JOURNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1944 MILKWEED FOB “MAE WEST” “Mae West” life jackets will be made from 1,500,000 pounds of milk weed floss the War Food' Adminis tration will ask boys and girls in the United States to collect next fall. The collectors will be organized by coun- I ties and will be paid 20 cents for each bag of dried pods they gather. More than 100 students will be graduated from the University of Maryland at commencement exercis es June 28. Many alumni are expect ed to be present for the graduation and for Alumni Day activities in their honor. The bus service to North East and Charlestown has been discontinued for the present, as the resut of the condemning of the old iron bridge. The nearest stop to be made by the Greyhound busses will be the Madi son House, about a mile north of North East. Between bridgeheads and beach heads, Nazis in Italy seem in a bad way. bor and the Battles of the Bismarck Sea andi Midway will be recounted by Lt. Goldblum who was a radio op erator and gunner aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress. Detailed accounts of work done by USO, United Seaman's Services and foreign relief agencies in the Nation al War Fund program will be report ed by James M. Heipborn, State Dir ector, during the conference. Citing the work performed by National War Fund, Mr. Hepborn stated, “Our weaker allied neighbors and our fighting men are still depending on us to continue working and sacrific ing until Victory Is Won." Continuing he said, “We haven’t tailed yet and ire won’t quit now.'* PRISONERS OF WAR IN UNITED STATES—HOW THEY LIVE Of more than 180,000 prisoners of war now held In over 100 permanent camps in the United States, 130,000 are Germans and 50,000 are Italians, the Office of War Information re ports. Only 200 Japanese prisoners of war, taken captive on the high seas or in isolated outposts have been brought to this country. German and Italian prisoners are here for three reasons: 1, it is more economical to bring them to this country than to ship food overseas for them; 2, it is dangerous to keep a large group of the enemy in the rear of fighting troops; and 3, American soldiers overseas may be better uti lized otherwise than in guarding pris oners of war. Although Japan did not ratify the Geneva Convention, which governs most of the civilized nations in their internment of prisoners of war, this country treats Japanese with the same consideration given Germans and Italians. Japan agreed to follow the convention “so far as applicable” but has not permitted neutral obser vers to visit camps where Americans are held. Japanese Considered Dead At Home While Japanese prisoners in this country may be visited by representa tives of the International Red Cross, the YMCA, and the protecting power, Spain, the Japanese prisoners are dis interested. The Japanese refused to send “capture-cards” to their fami lies and they want no reports made to their government. They have never received any mail or gifts from their homeland. In Japan, they are con sidered dead, and funeral services al ready have been held for them. Italians and Germans, however, are eager for mail and parcels from home and talk freely with represen tatives of the International Red Cross, the YMCA, and their protect ing power, Switzerland. Their “gripes” are the usual complaints of a soldier. Most German soldiers are confi dent of a Nazi victory and they look upon American newspaper accounts of Allied victories either as propa ganda or temporary set-backs. Prisoner of war camps are like a few square miles of Germany or Italy transplanted to America. Occasional ly a German or Italian soldier may be seen wearing all his insignia or decorations on his American uniform on which are stamped the letters, “P. W.” May Listen To Local Radio Prisoners may listen to the radio, tuned only to local stations. They may subscribe to American newspa pers, even foreign language papers, but none printed: in their own coun tries. German communiques as print ed in the New York Times are trans lated and regularly put on bulletin boards. There are libraries in all prisoner of war camps, and the PWs may own books passed by the camp censor. Nazi propaganda literature is not permitted, although many German language books are included in li brary collections. Scientific textbooks are favorites, but German classics are widely read. In one camp with 2,000 prisoners, 300 are studying English. Teachers, some from leading Ger man universities, doctors, opera sing ers, musicians, scientists and skilled technicians are among the prisoners. Teachers organize classes, musicians develop orchestral or choral groups and doctors assit in health programs. Red Cross Is Life-Line The International Red Cross, the life-line between the PWs and their own people, operates seven ships that regularly cross the seas. Prom Phila delphia, they head toward Marseille, with parcels and mail for Americans in prison camps, for other Allied sol diers in Axis hands and for the Amer ican civilian internees of Europe. On their return they bring parcels and mail to the German and Italian PWs here. These seven ships are the only ones in the world that may sail from one belligerent country to another. The PW spokesman, elected by the prisoners, keeips close contact with the International Red Cross repre sentative, but the visiting repsenta tives for German and Italian prison ers —all of them Swiss —say “no ser ious complaints” have ever been made. Early in February 6,000 Italian PWs were put to work repairing sal vaged clothing at the request of the Procurement Division, U. S. Treasury which provided sewing machines for merly used on WPB sewing projects. Laundry equipment came from WPA, NYA and other government surplus stocks. Buttons, thread and other material came from WPA supplies on hand when WPB was liquidated. Repair centers were set up in mid western areas and supervisors were sent to start the assembly lines. Among the Italians several hun dred experienced tailors were found who could train their fellow PWs in sewing. Material now being salvaged includes 80 million pounds of Army clothing and equipment. The PWs re ceive 80 cents a day—the amount they would receive for outside labor. Outside employers of prison labor pay the revailing wage, the difference between that wage and 80 cents a day going to the U. S. Treasury. CIVILIAN GAS 48 PER CENT OF 1941 Passenger car drivers now receive only 43 per cent as much gasoline as they used in 1941, the Petroleum Ad ministration for War says. While Americans have reduced passenger car mileage from the peacetime level by about 57 per cent, the English, have reduced their* by 88 per cent. ►j- 1 ■ Don Winslow of the Navy E By 1 Lt. Comdr. Frank Martinek • ; DON WINSLOW SAYS. | /let's BUY STH. WAR LOAN \ ( BONDS TO BOMB THE ENEMY, ) § i i , USE TAX ON MOTOR VEHICLES Congress having again ignored protests over the continuance of the 85 Federal “use” tax on motor ve -1 hides, this annual headache for the 1 motorists of the nation started June ’ 1, when stamps went on sale at the postofflees. Keystone Automobile Club, which [ has fought the tax since its inception, announced that supplies of stamps are on hand in all postoffices and that regardless of the ’’justified indigna tion” of motorists over continuance of the tax, the sensible thing to do is to comply with the law early in the month and avoid trouble in the last minute rush before the deadline on July 1. Terming the Federal levy “the most unpopular tax ever imposed on motorists,” Keystone’s statement de clared the tax has been particularly obnoxious to car owners in the East, whose "use” of vehicles has been curtailed almost to the vanishing point. “Particularly,” the statement said, “is this true in the case of the A rationed motorist, whose allotment of two gallons per week permits minimum use of his car. To charge him $5 for the privilege of driving some 1500 miles per year is unjust ' and inequitable.” ' The stamp this year is lavender in color. It is the same size as in for mer years and the law requires it to be displayed on the vehicle. The cus tomary place for display is the low- 1 er right-hand corner of the wind shield, next to the car inspection sticker. Under the law the $5 charge cov ers the car for the entire fiscal year. If a car which has not been in use is either put into operation or trans ferred to new ownership, the tax is paid on a pro rata basis —one-twelfth deducted for every month after July. In transactions involving cars for which stamps have been bought, the , new owners are not obliged to buy new stamps. The rule is that the “stamp goes with the car.” JERSEYS LEAD HERD IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION The herd of Jersey cattle belong ing to Mrs. H. B. Crowgey and Son, of Elkton Farms, is out in front for the fourth successive month, in the Cecil County Cow Testing Associa tion. The average per cow of the Crowgey herd was 777.0 pounds of milk and 44-50 pounds of butterfat. The herd of Guernseys, owned by Mt. Ararat Farms, near Port Depos it, captured second honors, with an average of 861.3 pounds of milk and 42.73 pounds of butterfat. Third honors went to the herd of Brown Swiss, owned by Wallace M. V. Lynch, with 1033.1 pounds of milk and 42.38 pounds of butterfat. Carl Feucht’s herd of Jerseys was fourth and the herd of Lloyd Balder ston’s Guernseys was fifth. The ten highest individual cows in the May test were: Mrs. Crowgey’s cow Bes, Jersey, with 1778 lb of milk and 114.8 lb of butterfat; Wal lace M. V. Lynch’s cow Maid, Brown Swiss, with 1838 lb of milk and 82.7 lb of butterfat; Mt. Ararat Farms, cow Crocus Rose, Guernsey, with 1581 lb of milk and 82.7 lb of but terfat; Lloyd Balderston’s cow Royal 13, Guernsey, with 146 lb of mlk I and 80.3 lb of butterfat; S. W. Blakeslee’s cow No. 19A, Ayrshire, with 2040 lb of milk and 77.5 lb of butterfat; Carl Feucht’s cow, Coro nation Dewdrop, Jersey, with 1279 [ lb of milk and 77.5 lb of butterfat; Mt. Ararat Farms’ cow Heptica, Guernsey, with 1411 lb of milk and 76’.2 lb of butterfat; Crowgey’s cow ’ Royalist, Jersey, with 1190 lb of milk and 75 lb of butterfat; J. T. C. Hopkins' cow Haggie, Jersey, ( with 1362 lb of milk and 73 lb of butterfat; Mt. Ararat Farms’ cow, ' Cherub, Guernsey, with 1361 lb of ; milk and 72.2 lb of butterfat; 268 cows took art in the test during the month of May. o ; WOMEN TAKE WAR-TIME JOBS , AS COW TESTERS l More than 125 women have found their wartime jobs in taking the places of men as cow testers in the ' dairy herd-improvement associations throughout the country, according i to the Bureau of Dairy Industry, De > partment of Agriculture. New York State alone has 20 full : time women testers, and in New ' Hampshire all association testers are 1 women. Sometimees a woman takes ijthe place of her husband when he .[enters the armed service. Most wo- NAMED TO EXECUTIVE GROUP OP GOVERNORS AGAIN The new Executive Committee ot the Governors’ Conference for the coming year includes the name of Goveror Herbert R. O’Conor, of Maryland, as a member for the fifth consecutive year, an all-time record in this respect. Also, Governor O’Conor is the only former Chairman of the Governors’ Conference to retain his position on the Executive Committee. The new Chairman, nominated by Governor O’Conor for the post, is Governor Herbert B. Maw, Democrat, of Utah, who succeeds Governor Leverett Sal tonstall, of Mass- Other members of the Executive Committee, on which Governor O’- Conor is now the ranking member in length of service, are Governors Dwight H. Green, Illinois; Dwight T. Griswold, Nebraska; Earl Warren, California; Chauncey Sparks, Ala bama; Edward Martin, Pensylvania; Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma; and Ray mond E. Baldwin, Connecticut. COMMUNITY CANNING URGED Community canning centers take a lot of planning to get started and keep running throughout the grow ing season. They must be operated on a business basis by a group of public spirited (Persons who see the need for preserving all the food supplies possible, and who are will ing to devote the necessary time and effort. Good organizing leaders are where you find them, experience shows. A good leader may be an en ergetic homemaker, a home demon stration agent, a business man who has a garden, a teacher of vocational agriculture or home economics, or some other civic leader. It may not yet be too late in the season to get such a center going to take care of the August and September crops of fruits and vegetables. A preliminary survey will deter mine how many families are interest ed, the kinds and quantities of food they wish to put up, and similar in formation. The next step is a public meeting to set up a general commit dee and several subcommittees to handle financing, housing and equip ment, public relations, operation, health and sanitation of the plant. Funds may come from public sub scription, voluntary contributions, or a community bond issue. Overhead costs should usually come out of ser vice charges. If a group is interested in starting a community canning cen ter, the War Food Administration will help on points that require spe cial attention. WFA advises hiring a qualified, full-time, paid supervisor. o CECIL, COUNTY DEEDS RECORDED North East Heights Land Com pany, Inc-, to Margaret Daniels. All that lot or parcel of land situate in the Fifth Election District of Cecil County, Md., in North East Heights. North East Heights Land Com pany, Inc., to Rufus K. Wells and wife. All that lot or parcel of land situate in the Fifth Election District of Cecil County, in North East Heights. Henry C. Hess and wife to Eric G. Miller and wife. All that lot or parcel of land situate in the village of Fair Hill, in the Fourth Election District of Cecil County. Antonia Calao and wife to Harry M. Biddle and wife. All that lot or parcel of land situate and lying in the town of Perryville, in the Sev enth Election District of Cecil Co. Robert Stanley Allen and wife to Conrad Haines and wife. All that lot or parcel of land situate in Port Deposit, Cecil County, Md. Maurice A. Nesle and wife to Wm. H. Lemmel and wife. All that lot of ground situate and lying at Hack’s Point Beach, in the First Election District of Cecil County, Md. Rebecca Lee Dorsey to Clarence B. Hershey and wife. All that tract or parcel of land situate and lying in the Eighth Election District of Cecil Counyt, Md. Laura V. Webb and husband, et al., to Albert O. Moran and wife. All that lot of land and premises situate in the Sixth Election District of Cecil County. Containing 52 9-10 sq. perches of land, more or less. Herbert S. Bean and wife, et al., to Eugene F. Triplett. All that cer tain parcel of land, situate in the Fourth Election District of Cecil Co. Containing 34 acres of land and 1 rood, more or less. Edward L. Harvey and wife to Peggy Mackay. All that lot or parcel of land situate in the Third Election District of Cecil County, containing 13 acres of land, more or less. Peggy Mackay to Edward L. Har vey and wife. All that lot or par cel of land situate in the Third Elec tion District, containing 13 acres of land, more or less. men testers have a farm background and some agricultural training in high school or college. Many are former 4-H Club members. Cow testers in the dairy herd-im provement associations usually visit each member herd once a month and make a sample record of produc tion upon which estimated total pro duction of each cow is based. Dairy herd-improvement associa tions, after a steady 10-year period of growth, reached their peak num ber, 1421, in January, 1942, but loss of trained testers to the armed services and industry had reduced the number to 954 in January, 1944. However, many associations have been able to prevent wartime sus pension by training women testers,