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The Midland Journal VOL. LXVI Merger Of Triumph Plant Announced To Be Taken Over By The Noma Electric Company Announcement has been made of plans looking to the merger of The Noma Electric Company, with the 'triumph industries, Inc., formerly Triumph Explosives, fur., of Elkton The Noma company began invest ing In 1-lumph In 1944, and with ad ditional purchases this year through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Ansoniu Electrical Company, has browglus lie ownership of stock in 'that company to i ju.ouO of the 494,722 outstanu lug shares. Besides the 4 2 percent o the nock owned by the company, K per cent is hen! by persons close tc me Noma management. Noma has broad plans for postwar ixpauei-.n while 1 Humph s business is expecte- 'to disappear witl the end of the war, the announcement said adding t int Ttiimpb was estimatei. .• *,o<io,oot of working capital and Noma has exclu-ive inventions tor I'ostwa. development. .o ante for a. ■ ion on the mergei has been si':, company oftl'-irls said — Farm Buildinj-s Deslroyeo 'the barn, wagon shed and wthei buildings on the larm oi Horace Yer i.cs ai Lombard, were destroyed by ni c oo the night of Aiay 16. The root of the dwelling was also badly dam aged. The Oxford Fire Company res ponded to 'the call for aid but. the nad guielu. such headway i. was impossible to save the farm buildings. The firemen saved the dwelling, although much damage was done to the upper story of the home both by lire and water. After the Ox lord Uremen had left 'the scene Art again broke out in the roof of the uweiling and the Hising Sun flit company wan cal U-d. The threatening blaze was speedily extinguished. The Are is believed to have been caused by a tractor that had been in operation in the barnyard. Some bay, am aw and larm machinery were los. in addition to the buildings. Fire Com pany Auxiliary The ladles of the Perryville Fin Company Auxiliary have just turned over to the fire company a check for ifl.uou. This makes a total of 53,38 b ..he Ladles Auxiliary has contributed to the support of the company since October last. Special mention is made aH most ol this has been realized through the efforts of a feV of the ladles, with ..he assistance of some of the men, by the sale of sandmishes and coffee to the U. S. Navy men on Sunday. Near ly SIOO has been realized weekly. With this amount and that receiv ed from the county and other dona tions and enterprises, the fire com pany has net only been able to pay all running expenses to date, but dur ing the past year have built and paid for a new kitchen at the cost oi S4OOO, have put on a new roof for about S7OO, and! a new furnace for over S4OO, and now have over SSOO in the treasury. Sugar Rationing Method To Stay No change in the methods of is suance of canning sugar rationing is anticipated by the officials of the Ra tioning Board. The sugar rations for canning are being issued upon presentation of spare No. 13 sugar stamps, 15 pounds per person. While the consumer has until Oct. 31 to secure the canning sugar it was pointed out the canning season is now rapidly approaching and will be practically over by the last of Oc tober. m Lusby-Frantsi Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lusby, ol Oldfield’s Point Road, Elkton, an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Hilda, to Mr. Edwin Frantsi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frantsi. of near Elkton, on Saturday, May IS, 1945, at 8 o’clock, in the Elkton Methodist church, the Rev. John J. Bunting •fficiating. Mrs. David B. Cronhardt of Walla Walla, Washington, sister of the bride, and Mr. Leo Tammy of Newark, Del.; were attendants. Mr*. FramlSst wore a powder blue suit with a corsage of red rose buds. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents. Geraniums for Decoration, Curtis B. Irwin's, RUiag Sun, Md. RISING SUN, CECIL COUNTY, MD., FRIDAY, MAY CIVILIAN DEFENSE RESCINDED The Executive Committee of the Maryland Council of Defense met on May 16th and rescinded the civilian defense protective regulations pre viously promulgated by the Council and issued a policy statemen'i con fining its future status and opera- , Hons. The regulations rescinded by , die Executive Committee were: Air Raid protection regulations ( governing blackoun procedure within ( he State of Maryland, dated June j 15. 1943; Regulations governing the control | >f artificial lighting within the coast- , tl area of the State of Maryland, , uted July 7, 1943; , Rules and regulations governing re defense for the State of Mary- ( and, dated October 4, 1943. , Regarding the future program, t Chairman W. Frank Roberts stated aat in conformity with its policy j ,1 making periodic adjustments of { he Council’s program and opera- , ions as required by changing war ( onaitton, and after consultation „ . ith Governor Herbert R. O'Conor, H lie Executive Committee has approv- , .1 the following curtailment of ac- j. ivities; i “Effective June 30, 1946, all acti- £ ilies of the Protective Division of ivilian Defense on the State level t .ill be formally discontinued. The t nterim period between now and une 30th will enable the State head- j .uarters of the Protective Division t .< arrange for an orderly disposal of { ending organizational uetails. ibis In no ways affects the pro ,.c,ive services of local councils of dense. Each local council should derinine for Itself what it will do .gardlng its local organization, i .any communities may wish to pre- i .erve in some manner and form, as i ,est adapted to local conditions vol- [ inteer personnel to assisu local au- i utilities in case of emergencies. ■‘The Civilian War Services Dlvl- ] lion a ill be continued on a curtailed i oasis, compatible with the changing ] var situation, under the direction of e Major L. W. Tipton, who will com- e ,ine 'these duties with those of the j date Surplus War Property Officer, j “Until further notice, the Mary- ( andi Council will continue Us head- j .aarters In 503 O’SuUivan Building.” j Mr. Roberts also explained . that t ,oine preliminary steps had been uak- , n looking toward the establishment | f a State-wide disaster relief organ- , /.ation and that this matter was , .ovv before Governor O’Conor for onsideran,ion and determination. at Suit For Divorce Through her counsel, Hurry D. I .ai nes, Mrs. Ida Petitt Conwuy, now ] .n Elkton resident, lias filed suit in ( lie Circuit Court at Elkton for au < Dsolute divorce from Leßoy Earl i .onway, on the grounds of abandon- ! .lent and desertion. I The plaintiff alleges that they were , narried on June 4, 1927, in Wii lington, and resided together in that ity until May 10, 1943. Two chil .ren were born as a result of the inion, Emily Conway, born Nov. 11, : 928, and Leßoy Earl Conway, Jr., ! iorn Sept. 26, 1930. • U tVil ruing ton Fish ermen Arrested ; Charged with fishing in Solomon’s Mill Pond, near Chesapeake City, .vithouit a license, John H. Baker, of 24 Stroud Street; Joseph Grenda, of 105 S. Van Buren Street, and Nick Rud’ry, of 1623 Union Street, all of i Wilmington, Del., were arrested last week by Deputy Game Warden Maur- i ice E. Hudson, and held for a hear ng before Trial Magistrate James Rodney of Chesapeake City. SB Hospital Auxil iaries Entertained The Third District Auxiliary of Union Hospital, entertained the oth er Auxiliaries of 'the county at Elk con on Monday of last week and af ter a business meeting and an in spection of the new Hospital build ing, served luncheon at the Parish House to the group of seventy-five ladies. Mrs. H. Arthur Cantwell, president presided at 'the business meeting where reports of the year’s work were made, and plans outlined for the ensuing year. BB Slicer Property Sold The dwelling property of the late Dr. J. B. Slicer on East Main Street, in this town, was sold at public sale on Saturday afternoon for $6150. The purchaser was Mr. Arthur Wayne, Elkton. . a Named Acting Postmaster Harry Kirk has been named acting i postmaster at the Chesapeake City office, effective May 1. Mr. Kirk’s ap pointment is the eighth one in 18 months. An examination for perma , neat postmaster will shortly be held. Be Sure To Buy And Wea^ A Poppy May 19 to 30 are Poppy Days, when the little red flower, a symbol of honor to America’s dead warriors, will be worn. The members of 'the American Le gion are dedicating their efforts to the distribution and sale of the pop pies. The little red flowers will pay tri bute both to those men who hftve died for 'their country in the present war and to those who fell 27 years ago In World War I. The money received from the ffele of popples Is used to aid the afflicted veterans of both World Wars and their families. Cecil Unit American Legion Auxi liary has charge of the sale of pop pies in Cecil County. The flowers ire made of crepe paper on the pattern of 'the wild poppy of Flanders, ajid are made by the disabled veterans at Perry Point umder direction of ({he Maryland Department of the Aultl liary. Their manufacture occupies the mind and fingers of these unfortun ate ones. This year it Is expected that more Americans than ever before will wISh to wear the poppi is as a salute to the dead soldiers aild their bereavjed families, and as a financial aid to the living but disabled and their needy families. a May Meeting W. S. C. S. The May meeting of Circle No. 1, W. S. C: S., was held at the home of Mrs. Phleet Cooper Thursday even ing, Mrs. Edward Jenkins leader, presiding. Devotions were in charge of Miss A. Mabel Reynolds. Singing, “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.” Responsive scripture reading. Prayer by leader. Singing, “America.” Mrs. Blanche Johnson read a story of mis sion work In the mountains of Tenne see. The minutes were read and ap proved. The 'treasurer’s report given. Family night, May 31st, was announ ced, with program in the church au itorium and a social hour following in the primary room. Letters thanks for flowers, fruit and cards were read. Virginia Cooper gave a beautiful piano solo. During the so cial hour the hostess served fruit cup, home made cake amdi nuts. BB Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biggs, near town, entertaiued a number of their friends and relatives on Thursday evening, May 3, in honor of their daughter Naoml’k 16th birthday. The evening was spent in games. At a late hour she opened a number of gifts and refreshments were served. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MENTION Among those from Rising Sun who attended the meeting of the W. S. C. S., held in Grace church, Wilming ton, Friday, In connection with 'the sessions of the Peninsula Conference held in St. Paul’s church, were Mrs. Harvey W. Ewing, Mrs. William Gra ham, Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mrs. J. C. McCoy, Mrs. Alvin Lucas, Mrs. J. R. Bicking, Mrs. Evelyn Spencer and Miss A. Mabel Reynolds. Lt. Leigh D. Donache is spending a 30 day furlough with his mother after being overseas for one year. Lieutenant Donache has been attached to 'the 405th Bomb G. P., 829th Bomb Sqd., and is on a fur lough after having completed fifty missions overseas in the European war. 2nd Lieutt. Ned B. Lu/cas, of Rising Sun, has arrived at the Army Ground and Service Forces Redistribution Station in Asheville, North Carolina, where he will spend approximately ten days while awaiting reassign ment to duty. Mrs. Elwood Brown, who has been a sufferer from grippe, is reported greatly improved. Her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Sdhultz, of Lancaster, Pa., has been acting as nurse. Lieu't. (j. g.) and Mrs. I. M. Page, Jr., Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Clara Danimeyer, Annapolis, Md., were guests Sunday of Chief Machiinst Mate and Mrs. I. M. Page. Among the 28 Maryland soldiers who were honorably discharged from service at Camp Meade, M<L, last week, was Tech, 5 g Ernest W. Lo gan, of Elkton. Frank Orr of this town, is a pa tient in Union Hospital, Elkton, where he was taken last week for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ely had as Sunday guests Miss Alice Hambleton of Columbia, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hambleton, Lancaster, Pa. Weather Balloon Recovered Hubert Miller, who operates 4he Hugh Evans farm, weßt of Rising Sun, on Saturday picked up in the woodis on the premises, a red silk parachute attached to a fiber case about six Inches square, containing various weather recording Instru ments. Attached to the case were tags requesting the finder to send lt to Washington, D. C. The case bore 'the date of April 25, and had been attached to a small balloon, that burst at a height of twelve miles, the parachute, about six feet in diameter, opening and car- ' rylng the case safely to earth. These weather recording balloons are sent up by the Depamment at Washing ton. This Is the second one found in 1 this section, ltay Mahoney, of near ' Farmington, recovered one about a 1 year ago. m i Labor Contract < Needed To Use War Prisoners J In order to use War Prisoners for I any kind of farm work, a farmer i must liuve a primary contract for their labor, according to orders Issu ed by Army Service Forces, Head quarters, Second Army regulations now specify that there can contracting. Farmers who labor should contact their coJH agricultural agent’s office and range to sign a contract for their as far as possible in advance of the ' day they will be needed. ; No farmers will be able to use j war prisoners unless a contract has ( first been signed by him. Farmers will be responsible for payment only i for the actual hours worked by the j prisoners. f IS , Engagement Announced | Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Graham, of ' near Charlestown, announce 'the en- ' gagement of their daughter, Florence W., to George Calvin Brown, Jr.,'* son of Mr. and Mrs. George Calvin ‘ Brown, Sr., of Oxford, Pa. The wed- I ding will take place in the summer, i - Eg ■ ■ - ’ Bridge At Chesa peake City Representatives of the State Roads l Commission are engaged in getting I titles to properties which are invol- : ved in the erection of the new high arch bridge to be built across the ; Chesapeake and Delaware Canal at i Chesapeake City. The building of 'the bridge is listed as item No. 2 on the postwar program. ' t Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ritchie were Lt. Leigh Donache, Mrs. Emma Donache, Mr. and Mrs. Robent Young and family; Mr. andi Mrs. Davis Boyd and family. Also calling the same day were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Donache and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and family; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil liams and family. Mrs. Elwood Brown, South Queen Street, Rising Sun, was remembered on Mother's Day by a handsome bou quet of flowers, sent by her son, Cpi. Marshall Brown, who is with the Ninth Army somewhere in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Neff, of Qut rryville, Miss Arlene Brown, of Washington, and Mr. Edgar Schultz, of Lancaster, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brown. T|s Howard B. McVey pleasantly surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McVey, Rising Sun, by calling them from Spokane, Washington, on Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Slaybaugh spent the week-end with Captain and Mrs. H. Watts Pillsbury and Lieut, and Mrs. H. R. .Fehr 111, at Annapo lis, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shingler , and little daughter, Sandra, moved this week from the Roberson apart ment to a dwelling on Mount street. Mrs. Walter Cooney. i *” —— ! Richard Dodson entertain ed a number of young friends Saturday evening in honor of his birthday. Mrs. Mary Michaels, Media, Pa., . visited from Friday until Monday with Miss Elizabeth Stephens. r Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Henry and son of Wilmington, were Sunday guests i of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry. l —— . Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Warren, Balti more, were Sunday guests of Mr. and DINNER MEETING OF LIONS CLUB • At ithe dinner meeting of the It is ing Sun Lions Club, on Thursday ev ening, Mify 17, the Nominating Com mittee reported the following slate for the election to be held .) tune 7: President, F. M. Kennard; Ist vice president, Charles Croiheis; 2nd vice president, Wm. C. Graham; 3rd vice president, William McNumee; secre tary, Charlton Poist; treasurer, Ev erett F. Johnson; tail-twister, Claude C. Buick; lion tamer. Thus. ii. Rob erson; directors, John Kimble, E. L. Haines. Delegates to convention to lie 'Llic President, and Secretary; alternates, J. C. Hindman, Clifford Marker. Di rectors having one year to serve to complete terms are Herman Slay baugh and Alex. Wilson. Following the splendid dinner ser ved by the ladles of the W. S, S., and 'the business meeting, three Ris ing Sun boys who are in U. S. Service and were guests of the club were in troduiced: Lt. James Yerkes, SjSgt. Alfred R. Gyles and Pfc. Kirk liio kaw. Lt. Yerkes, who lias been in charge of a German Prisoners of War Camp in Illinois, and Sgt. Gyles, who was a member of a Bombing Squad and bad completed 35 missions in the European war area, interested the members of the clubs with recit als of some of their experiences. BB England- Grubb On Friday afternoon, May 18, at 3:00 o’clock, Grace Bible Chapel, /*inn, was the scene of a simple, out when Miss Sara Hkguml, damghler < >l .1 ■m- England. "I /' of Captain Dim Air d e io a. ii k church, o^| The given in mar riage by her rather, wore a white gown, with a lace bodice, long fui sleeves and skirt of tulle over a satin underskirt. Her over-the face- ve: was of flnge itip length and she cai tied an old fasihoned bouquet o. white rosebuds. Miss Jeanne England was her sister's only attendant, anti ,Wts gowned in bine net with lace in ivirts atwl a shoulder length veil. She carried an old fashioned bouquet oi pipk rosebuds. Little Miss Mary Ellen Wycker, cousin of the bride, was flower girl, Her gown was floor length blue taffeta. The best man was Captain Cleve land, a fellow officer of the groom. The ushers were Edison Grubb, bro ther of the groom; Howard England, brother of the bride, Walton Mason and Lloyd Wycker. The church was beautifully decor ated with orange blossoms and bas kets of spring flowers. The wedding music was played by Miss Margaret Moore, of Blake, at i,.he piano, and Mrs. Eleanor Wycker, Calvert, at the organ. The bride’s mother wore dark blue print with matching accessories. M rs - Grubb was gowned in gray print with black accessories. The bride is a graduate of Calvert High School and a Wilmington, Del., business school. She has been em ployed by the Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington. The groom, who graduated from Calvert High School also,, enlisited in ihe Army Air Forces in August, 1941. He served for over a year In the China-Burama-India Theater as a ferry pilot. He is now stationed at the New Castle Army Air Base, near Wilmington. Following the ceremony, a recep tion was held at the home of the bride’s parents. a Lowe-Rothermel Miss Jeanne Lowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Lowe of Wil mington, and Lieut. Charles E. Roth ermel, son of Mrs. Sarah Rothermel and 'the late Charles E. Rothermel, of North East, were married on Sat urday evening. May 12, at the home of the bride, by the Rev. John W. Christie, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Wilmington. The bridesmaid was Miss Betity Holt of Wilmington, a cousin of the bride, and the best man was Mr. Vir gil Gilbert of North East, a cousin of the groom. A reception followed the wedding ceremony. The young couple will make their home at Fort Benning, Ga... after June 1. m Pollard-Biggs On Saturday, May 12, at 3 p. m., Miss Roberta Pollard: of Ceciiton, and Mr. Lee Biggs were united in marriage by the Rev. William Wyllie Jr., in the Episcopal church at Cecii ton. A reception for the happy cou ple followed in the Parish House. BB Maryland Traffic Safety Slogan— > Darkness means added danger. Drive Carefully! a Hausfrau Eisenhower is about fin l iahed with his spring housecleaning. State To Have 15,000 Extra Farm Workers .5,000 Prisoners Of War To Aid Farmers And Packers More tahn 6,600 Germans will be among approximately 16,000 labor ers recruited to work this season on Maryland farms and In food process ing plants and canneries, Paul Id. Nystrom, state supervisor of the em ergency farm labor program for the Hxaension Service, University of Maryland, has announced. The emergency farm workers will lie housed in .'l7 camps, of which 10 ire for prisoners of war. Many of ■ hose camps are on the Eastern Shore. The War Department has allocated -,600 prisoners of war for agricul tural work and 2,900 more for work in plants processing tomatoes, snap ,leans, sweet corn and other vegeta nles, said Mr. Nystrom. The remain ing 200 prisoners will take care of the camps. The prisoners of war will be hous d In eight camps used last season ind eight new ones. New camps on the Shore are going up at Berlin, Worcester county; Hur ock, Dorchester county; Easton, Talbot, county; and Churchill, Queen .’.tine’s county. All the prisoner of war camps are cheduled to open on June 1, when picking of peas and early sitring jeans begins. Meawnhile, Mr. Nystrom said, 30 Newfoundlanders have been “import 'd" and assigned to work as year ourid laborers on dairy farms in the tale. Nearly BfiW> Jamaicans and Baham ans -the Vanguard of a total of 15,040 allocated to Maryland—have trrlved; and are at work on farms on be Eastern Shore. Eastern Shore camps for some of hfese workers have been set up at .Vestovaf, Vienna, 4 Hur ’ock and Kennedyville, on the East rn Shore, and near Whiltetall, Har ord county. Of the 3,000 migrant workers who ire expected to arrive during the sea son from the south, many will be on farms in tenant houses, while others will live in camps ait Berlin and Poc omoke City, Worcester county; Al len, Wicomico county, and Preston, on the Caroline-Dorchester county line. Camps are to be at Centreville and Sudlersville, Queen Anne’s county; Dock Hall and another school be tween Centreville and Chesitertown, Kent County; Cambridge, Dorches ter County; and Easton, Talbot coun ty, for high school boys from Balti more. m Burnes-Bowden The marriage of Miss Virginia Rawlings. Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Barnes of Port Deposit, Md., and William R. Bow den, Lieutenant, U. S. Army Air Forces, son of Mrs. William P. Bow den and the late Mr. Bowden of Dun bar, Pa., took place Friday evening, May 18, six-thirty o’clock in Hope well Methodisit church, the Rev. J. D. Robb officiating. The church was beautifully decor ated with orange blossoms and ’red peonies. Mrs. Edmond Walker of Al dino, Md., played the wedding march and Miss Ruth Dudderer of Linthi cum Heights, was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a white mar qiusette gown. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a beaded coro net. She carried a bridal bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Rollin Anderson of Linthicum Heights, Md., her matron of honor, wore white marquisette and carried red roses. Staff Sgt. Walter Wesse of Wash ington, D. C., was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Norman Barnes, bro ther of the bride; Mr. Herman Slay baugh of Rising Sun, and Mr. Rufus Benjamin of Pont Deposit. The bride was graduated from Tome School and State Teachers’ Col lege, Towson, Md., and at present is a member of the iaculty of Havre de Grace School. Lieut. Bowden was graduate d from ConnellsviUe High School, Hav erford College, and received his M. A. at Duke University. He taught at West Nottingham Academy for one 1 year, Georgia School of Technology 1 for three years. He was doing addi -1 tioanl graduate work at Yale Univer sity when, he enlisted in the U. S. Army in August, 1942. A reception followed the ceremony at “Stillman’s Delight," home of the j bride’s parents. The Presiednt opposes a tax cut - before defeat of Japan. A most com • pelting reason for an early victory. NO. 47