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Facts and Fannies ' Of New Year 9 8 Day 1 'New Year’s with its open houses, parties, exchanging of Net* Year’s cards, horn tooting, Auld Lang Syne and New Year’s resolutions, is one of the oldest of celebrations. As a holiday it has been observed since ancient times, and has been marked throughout history by the giving of gifts and the exchange of greetings. The early Persians said “Happy New Year!” with colored eggs. They regarded New Year’s in much the same way we, today, regard Easter as a time of renewal all things. And on New Year’s D pagan Britons received branches o, sacred mistletoe from their Druid priests. According to some authorities the custom of gift-giving at New Year’s originated in 747 B. C. when the Romans presented Tatius, king of the Sabines, with boughs from trees consecrated to Strenia, the goddess of strength. Consequently, New Year’s gifts became known as “strenae” and were exchanged among friends and neighbors and 'exacted by emperors from their subjects. The Emperor Claudius showed un precedented concern for the “popu li’s” pocketbook by serving notice to the Roman citizenry that the cost of all “strenae” given to him should not exceed a specified amount. V* ,► - A.-***^ While the observation of NCw Year’s dates from early Persian time, the modern version with its noise and celebration is a vastly different affair than the B. C. period. Henry 111 of England, however, wasn’t so considerate. H*e followed the Roman tradition of exacting New Year’s gifts from his subjects, and this custom was carried on by succeeding monarchs up until the time of Charles I. It was this practice which caused one of Henry VIII’s most em barrassing moments. One “Honest Old Latimer,” instead of presenting his sovereign lord with the usual * purse of gold, gave him the New Testament with a leaf conspicuous ly folded down at Hebrews XIII, 4, which passage bore certain ap propriateness to the monarch’s 1 do mestic failings. Most noted for fabulous New Year’s “hauls” was Good Queen Bess. Her presents ranged from jewel-embroidered petticoats to fat ted geese for the royal larder. However, when Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans took over the English government, they put an end to this extravagant practice, ' only to have it revived later by the royal Stuarts. In Merrie Olde England, the com mon New Year’s article of ex change amongst the ordinary citizenry was a pair of gloves. Oc casionally the gloves were accom panied by sums of money which came to be known as "glove money.” A story is told of Sir Thomas, More, lord-chancellor, who decided j a case in favor of a certain young ; lady. On the following New Year’s Day, she sent him a pair of gloves with 40 gold coins enclosed. Sir Thomas returned the coins with the following note: “Mistress, since it were against good manners to re fuse your New Year’s gift, I am content to take your gloves, but as for tße ‘lining’ I utterly refuse to take it.” Pins, too, were a common New Year’s gift at this time and the money accompanying them was re ferred to as “pin-money” hence our modern term. Today, in England and America, the practice of exchanging New Year’s gifts is practically obsolete. But the spirit of hope and good will f ind resolution that characterizes the coming of the New Year is kept alive by the friendly and growing custom of exchanging New Year’s cards with their colorful holiday symbols and hearty messages of cheer. O- DEATHS JOHN R. CURRIER John R. Currier, aged 64 years, son of the late William H. and Martha Russell Currier, died at ids home in Principio Furnace on Sun day, December 1. Funeral services were hell from the PaCerson Funeial Home on Wed nesday, Dec. 4, at 2 p. m., with inter ment in St. Mark’s cemetery. He Is survived by his sisters, Miss Mary an home; Mrs. Elsie Knapp of Philadelphia- Mrs. Martha ’ hra am b<. v uw, uuu tvuoert ul rrtuciyiu Fur paeft. •>* • Lincoln Issued Famous Emancipation January /. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln on New Year’s Day, 1863. The Proclamation abolished slav ery in those states and parts of states which were in rebellion on that date and, though other days are observed in various parts of the country, January 1 is the date most generally observed as Eman cipation Day. i French Celebrate New Year’s The famous “Jour de I’An”—New Year’s Day—is probably the gayest day in the calendar of the French- Canadian. That is the time of fam ily reunions and of exchanging gifts. Court Of Appeals Decision ! The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cecil County, on the third day of De cember, 1946, received a Mandate from the Court of Appeals of Mary land in the case of Henry Schneider vs. Armand Menaquale; wherein a uecree entered by the Circuit Court in favor of Armand Menaquale against Henry Schneider of North East, Md., in the sum of one thou sand thirty-six dollars and sixty-nine cents ($1039.69) on a Mechanics’ Lien was redmeed to seven hundred eleven dollars and twenty-one cents ($711.21). The Mandate further stated that costs in the Circuit Court would be paid by the appellant, Hen ry Schneider, in the amount of one hundred forty-two dollars and twenty j ents t 5142.20), and that costs in the Court of Appeals would be paid by the appellee, Armand Menaquale, j in the amount of three hundred twelve dollars and forty-five cents ($312.45). The appellant was repre sente by Albert B. Mosebach and the ..ppellee by Henry L. Constable, both j of Elkton. PORT DEPOSIT Mrs. William Cain was given a sur- J , n*o on the evening December 9, when the members of the card club appeared at iter home in a group to ! temind her of her birthday anniver ary and offer congratulations. _..r. -nd Mrs. S. Daniel Latam had m-l recent guests Mr. and Mrs. . „„i ge Jones, Hamilton, Md. I Mrs. Harry Smithson has gone to ! Chambersburg, Pa., where she will make her home with her daughter ~d son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William .;ouglas. ihe sale of food and fancy articles md by the ladies of the Presbyterian church was very successful. The sum M $195 was cleared. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson of Washington, D. C., were week-end isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rob nson. Mrs. Wilson McDougal had as her -tests during the week Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Spence and daughter, of Havre de Grace. J. L. Stephenson of New York, vis ited friends in town some days ago. I The Water Witch Fire Company ..ill hold their annual Community liristmas Party on Sunday, Dec. 22, n the moving picture theatre. The Chorus in the Skies” will be | i esented by the Jacob Tome msti „te Glee Club, under leadership of ncv. Edward M. McKee in Nesbitt : .all, Port Deposit, on the evening of. : -ecember 19, at 7:30 o’clock. o MRS. WILLIAM HENRY BOYD airs. Frances Blair Boyd, wife of iluam Henry Boyd of Perryville, -ied at her home in that town, on Surviving are her husband and ihe following children: Mrs. Edna Pipton of Perryville; Mrs. Eric Haw ! -j, Rising Sun; Mrs. Frances Eber r-it, Perryville; William, navre de I mCc, ueueis-n, Perryville; Eiwood L., Elkton, and Benjamin, of Pori, -.eposit. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd would ave celebrated their 57th wedding ..nniversary in January of 1947. The funeral services were held at he PatLerson Funeral uome on Fri y, Dec. 13, at 2 p. m. Interment in sbury cemetery. FRANKLIN E. RILEY Franklin E. Riley, aged 66 years, r Chester, Pa., died Thursday after- 1 uun, Dec. 5, at the Chester Hospital. • tier an iliness of two weeks from a „..rt condition. He was a son of the . ir. nklin and Amy Kenuard i.ey and was born in Georgetown, e is survived by his wife, Mrs. Du-, .a Cioper Riley, and four daugh jrs, aso five grandchildren and i ..itc mothers, Ellis, Oxford, Hariy, jacn Bottom, and Lewis, Kennetl . .r and a sister, Mrs. Slater Gra ... i . .ng Sun. MRS. NANCY GARNER Mrs. Nancy Garner, aged 61 years, wife of John W. Garner, Port Depos it, died at Harford Memorial ilospi icii, Havre de Grace, on Saturday, November 30. Funeral services were held at her .ate home in Port Deposit, on Tues ay, Dec. 3. at 11 a. m. with inter inn Quarryvilie cemetery, Quarry r..e, Pa. MRS. MATTIE P. HENDERSON Mrs. Mattie P. Henderson, aged 53 years, wife of the late Howard W. Henderson, died Dec.. 5, at the home f h sistrr Mrs Osca Patterson, | Interment In the Aebury cemetery. mr wmtvxTn jwbital, wiwat, mmuMM tor, tm - : 1 ■ Mini --- - - . *- ' < * —I 111 I. * MARYLAND 4-H MEMBERS SCORE AT NATIONAL CONGRESS Members of Maryland 4-H clubs at tending the National 4-H Club Con gress in Chicago won creditable places in most of the contests con ducted there. George C. Fry, of Laytonsville, was awarded a SIOO college scholarship l'om the National Committee on Joys’ and Girls’ Club Work as run ner-up in the 4-H achievement con test. ! Anne McKnight of Street, as state ' winner in the home beautification contest, attended the congress as a est of Mrs. Charles Walgreen, the .j.test donor. J. Malcolm Heaps of Street, was one of the 12 outstanding 4-H’ers chosen from the thousands engaged in safety work. Each of the 12 re ceived a S2OO scholarship as a na tional winner in the 4-H Farm Safe ty contest. Harley C. Hearn of Laurel, was awarded a SIOO U. S. Savings Bond as one of 8 winners in the Gardening contest. Jacob K. Thompson of Ellicott City, received a S2OO scholarship do nated by Thomas E. Wilson, as win ner in the Eastern section of the Livestock Feeding contest. Stanley Stiles of Rockville, was the winner of a S2OO college scholarship donated by Swift & Company as one of the 10 national champions in the Poultry contest. o ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF CONFIDENCE To dispel for all time the untrue and malicious ru/mors that have been i circulated about the permanence of Salinfio ink used in all Reynolds Pens Milton Reyonlds. chairman of the board of the Reynolds Pen Company, in Miami, Florida, backed his conli juence in his product with SIOO,OOO. The occasion for this was the writ- I ing of a check tor SIOO,OOO in the I safe deposits vaults of the Mercantile I National Bank in the presence of j Mayor Herbert A. Frink, Maurice | Liberman, president of the Mercan- I tile National Bank, and Ruth Byrd, Sun and Fun Queen of Miami Beach. As farther evidence of his confi dence, the check was written under water and placed in the vaults of the ..lercantile National Bank. | Mr. Reynolds annoucned that he ! would pay SIOO,OOO to any designat ! ed charity if, at the end of one year, the check for SIOO,OOO was not clear ly legible. | Mr. Reynolds said that a report from a nationally known research laboratory in Chicago showed that, with the exception of Parker “61,” | all standard inks now used in the United States faded as much or more than the Reynolds Satinflo and that all exceeded U. S. government • re : quiiremtnts. Many of these inks are considered and sold as “permanent” inks. o CHRISTMAS TREES AS FIRE HAZARDS “Each year the question arises as to the fire hazard of Christmas trees and decorations,” says a bulletin of ] the National Board of Fire Under writers. “The inflammability of the irees used is well known, and con siderable thought has been given to the question of rendering them less easily ignited. Various methods of treating trees with flameproofing solutions have been tried, buit none has proven successful. | “Because of the inability to make Christmas trees flameproof, it is urged that other protective practices be adopted. [ ‘‘Keep the tree outdoors until ready to install it. Do not set it up until a few days before Christmas. Place ,'t in the coolest part of the house. If necessary, shut off any radi ator close to it. “Under no circumstance use any cotton or paper for decoration of the tree, or around it. Be Careful With Lights | “Do not place electric trains around the tree. Use only electric lights and see that all of the strings are in good condition and not frayed. Those which have been inspected by ■ Underwriters’ Laboratories have a j paper band around the wire or a statement on the box. ) “Do not leave tree lights burning when no one is in the house. From ’ time to time inspect the tree and see whether any of the needles near the jghts have started to tur brown. If so, change the location of the lights. When the needles start falling, take the tree down and discard it. “If it is desired to keep the tree up for a few days longer, then do not keep lights on for more than a half hour at a time. Tf any decorations are used about the house, do not permit them to be l around or near chairs or other places 1 where persons may smoke. It is pre ferable to have them up near the ceiling, well above the head of any one standing up. If lights are desired in windows, never use candles; keep ! curtains and other flammable mater ial pulled back at least six inches from any light. Precautions for Public Places “In. hotels, churches, hospitals and other places of assembly, and in hall , ways of offices, the location of the | Christmas tree is of vital importance. It should not be located near any j stairway or elevator which would i provide an upper draft. It should not re-ir entrance doors or otherwise t an , ........ „ .. vua. .. vi, o. Ue building I,particularly upper stair*, if located LOCAL CANNERY CLOSES SUCCESSFUL YEAR Farmers Receive gB,OOO for Crop- Prizes and Awards Distributed The Sliver Canning Co. has com pleted its 36th season in fine shape and has just paid its 139 growers the large suim of $56,000 for 2645 tons of corn delivered to them this year. The Company also supplied their growers with over 1800 tons of ex cellent ensilage—a very valuable contribution to our important dairy industry. The canning plant Is loca-t ed at Colora, Md. Despite torrential rains in May (13.5) which delayed planting and nearly drowned the yellow varieties, crops averaged quite good and thirty four growers received “Three Ton Club” certificates: Clarenec Abamrs. Rising Sun, Md, 3.04 tons per acre; John Astle, Ris ing Sun, 3.71 tons; Wilson Ayers, Rising Sun, 3.58; Lloyd Balderston, Colora. 38.1; H. G. & N. R. Barnes, Port Deposit, 3.64; John Booth, Dru more, J’a., 3.06; Brown & Frlstoe, Rising Sun, 3.55; Jennie DeLong, Peach bottom. Pa., 3.05; Francis Gifford, Rising Sun, 4.18; Wm. Groff, Colora, 6.96; P. M. Habacker, Quarryville, Pa., 3.03; Russell Hart soe, Drum ore, Pa., 3.27; John P. Hays, Oxford, Pa., 3.09; Ammon Huber, Peach Bottom, Pa., 3.43; Charles Jackson, Nottingham, Pa., 5.42; Jackson & Latham, Notting ham, Pa., 3.46; A. D. Johnson, Rising Sun, 3.09; Clayton Keener, Notting ham, Pa., 3.12; Howard T. Kirk, Peach Bottom, Pa., 3.10; R. F. Leslie Port Deposit, 3.33; Elbert R. Mc- Grady, Rising Sun, 3.44; Charles Os borne,. Quarryville, Pa., 3.64; J. C. Pownall, Quarryville, Pa., 3.94; Charles Roberts, Quarryville, Pa., 3.54; Frakn Scott, Quarryville, Pa., 3.04; C. H. Sweigart, Peach Bottom, Pa., 3 38; John Trimble, Peach Bot tom, Pa.., 4.79; Howard Wagner, Quarryville, Pa., 3.24; J. A. Wagner, Quarryville, Pa., 6.11; Arthur Wal lace, Nottingham, Pa., 3.21; Chas. Wallace & Sons, Oxford, Pa., 4.33; Mrs. Chas Yaw & Groff, Oxford, Pa., 3.95. Prizes were awarded as follows: WHITE CORN First. Wm Greff, L’ t7 a © $.6, S2O 70; second, Clbis. Jf.cksoli, 3.97 A @ $5, sl9 85; third, J. A. ’.U fier, 803 @ $3, $::4.09; fourth, John Trimble, 8.03 A @ 0*:, $4.98; fifth, Cbas. Wallace & Sins, 5.75 A. @ SI, $5.75; Total, $Bl 37. YELLOW CORN First, Cash. A. Roberts, 5.44 A. tjj) $lO, $54.40; second, Howard Wag ner, 5.95 A. @ $5, $29.75; third, John P Hays, 13.55 A. @ $3, $40.65 .ourth Jennie V. DeLong, 3.89 A. @ $2, $7.7 8; fifth, H. G. & N. R. Barnes 2.02 A @ sl, $2.02; Total, $134.60. Total all prizes, $215.97. As the country returns to more normal times wit OhPA, quotas, sub sidies and other headaches “out the window” many adjustments will of course be necessary, but the taxes have cut deep and many problems have had to be overcome, the Com pany and its growers have together built a splendid business with High Hlass and established customers and with continued understanding, coop eration andi fair dealing, we are con fident they will enjoy a continued and well earned success. The Silver Canning Co. F. S. SILVER o VACATION CANNING FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES Many of the fresh fruits and vege tables that are tops in good nutrition for growing children ripen in the good old summer time when school’s out and the fresh material cannot be used in scohol lunches. This type of food also is of the sort most likely to develon temporary gluts on the mar ket, thus failing to provide a fair re turn to growers. Looking ahead, the Production and Marketing Administration of the U. S. Department of Agriculture—which administers the School Lunch Pro gram—is suggesting that now is a good time for the local sponsors of ochool lunches to be making plans and arrangements to make the most of summer plenty in such foods. Foods that the children will not be eating at school in the summer can be canned for winter use. The estab lishment of the school lunch program as a permanent undertaking that will continue to enjoy Federal financial support, now makes it practical to make such plans well in advance. The school lunch as an outlet for such perishable commodities as fruits and vegetables “depends largely up on the development and use of food processing facilities,” says a PMA statement. This emphasizes that “a concer.ed effort should be made to ink &1: school outlets with some type of food preservation center.” lii many cases the school lunch programs have benefited greatly by volunteer work at co unity can ning centers where frt u fruit and vegetables have been contributed and have been processed for winter lun ches. The PMA points out that ‘‘if local school lunch canneries are not available, arrangements might, be made by State or local sponsors or State PMA offices to have commodi ties processed at an institutional food preservation center or a com mercial cannery at a reasonable charge to the school lunch sponsor.” Kansas, Georgia, Ohio and Arkan sas ha\e already developed plans along ihis line. '-lose to a Christmas tree, be normal ly kept closed. “In . ase of fire, leave the building. Walk, don't run. Call the Are depart ment. ” I I thoaght I had a few rats That’s what <me fanner said. He had dead rata all over the place alter he used Anturat. This is a new rat killer of Dr. Hess 8s Clark. It’s not danger ous to livestock and pets if used properly. It’s least toxic to poultry. It kille rata. We want you to try this fine prod uct-quit feeding those rats. The Blanton Deibert Co. Rising Sun, Maryland Phone Rising Sun 85 NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is to give notice that the sub scriber of Cecil County has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of Cecil County letters testamentary on the personal estate of RALPH THOMAS WILSON late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the voueners thereof duly authenticated, on or be fore tha 29th day of May, 1947, they will otnerwise by law be excluded from fill benefits of said estate. All indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber. Given under my hand and seal this 27th day of November, 1946. Isabel Carhart Wilson, Executrix R. D. Rising Sun, Md. True Copy—Teste— W. Andrew Seth , Register of Wills 11|29|4t NOW OPEN Benjamin Bros. Buckley Avenue Rising Sun, Md. With A Complete Line of Genuine McCoRMICK-DEERING PARTS AND MACHINERY Dependable Service At Low Cost i Make Our Store Your Headquarters 12 [ 61 41 REAL ESTATE SALES Clifford Marker of Rising Sun, representing Wheeler & Grier, Real tors, of Oxford, Pa., reports the sale for William D. Adams of his newly constructed dwelling on Buckley Ave nue, Rising Sun, to Mr. and Mrs. Rober. Montgomery of Rising Sun. Possession to be had on or before January 1. Wheeler & Grier, Realtors, of Ox ford, report the sale of the large dairy and stock farm of Dr. Walter S. Schum, located patrly in Colerain and partly in Little Britain township, Lancaster Co., Pa., at Spruce Grove, to Fred M. Schwalm of Wilmington, Del. Dr Schum has purcashed the at tractive Lindsey Schuler home at Nine Points, Lancaster Co., and has already taken possession of his new home. Mr. Clifford Marker, Rising Sun, , representing, Wheeler & Grier, Real tors, has sold for Carl D. Adams, his small eleven-acre poultry farm neat Rising Sun, Cecil Co., Md., to Mr. and Mis. Ronda Sapp of Bainbridge. who have already taken possession of their recently-purchased property. The same brokers have also sold for Miss Frances Blevins of Fallston, Md., her father's former truck farm located near Ocala, Merlon Co., Flori da, to Mr. R. A. Cates of Sparr, Fla. a JANUARY EGG PRICE TO BE SUPPORTED Maryland poultrymen are to have the January price of eggs supported ! at an average of 35 cents a dozen, ac ' cording to a annnouncement made by Mr. Biandford. He explained that the U. S. Department of Agriculture is to • buy an additional 10 million pounds i of dried whole egg powder for the ' United Kingdom and that the eggs ' will be the first purchased for the I British for 1947. “The eggs,” Biandford said, “are to be purchased on an offer-and-ac ■ ceptance basis. Offers are to be con sidered each Tuesday and acceptauc . es will be made on Thursday ot each - week until the required quantity is obtained." ORDER Of FEHLKJATJUW O. D. CR OTHERS, JR., SOLICITOR Mm M. Smith, Complainant VS. George W. Smith, Defendant In the Circuit Court for Cecil County In Equity No. 8728 The object of the this suit is to procure a decree of divorce divorcing the Plaintiff, Mae M. Smith, a vinculo matrimonii, from the Defendant, George W. Smith. The bill states: X. That on the 16th day of Decern* her, niueteen hundred and sixteen, the Plaintiff, Mae M. Smith, and the Defendant, George W. Smith, were married at Newport, Rhode Island. 2. That the Plaintiff is now' a resi dent of Cecil County, Maryland, and that the Defendant is a non-resident of this State and now resides in Phil, adelphia, Pennsylvania. 3. That four (4) children were born of said marriage, three (3) of which are still infant children. 4. That the Plaintiff and the De fendant have voluntarily lived sepa rate and apart without any cohabita tion for five (6) consecutive years prior to the filing of the Bill of Com plaint and such sepaationr is beyond plaint and such separation is beyond ciliation. AND CONCLUDES WITH A PRAYER, (1) That the said Plaintiff, Mae M. Smith, may be divorced a vinculo matrimonii from the said George W. Smith. (2) That the said Plaintiff, Mae M. Smith, may be awarded the care, custody and control of the said Infant children. (3) That the said Plaintiff, Mae M. Smith, may have such other and lurther relief as her case may re quire. It is thereupon, this sth day of De cember, A. D. 1946, ordered by the Circuit Court of Cecil County, that the Plaintiff, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in said Cecil County, once in each of four succes sive weeks before the 7th day of January, 1947, give notice to the said absent Defendant of the object and substance of this bill, warning him to appear in this Court in person or oy solicitor, on or before the 23rd nay of January next, to Bhow cause, if any he has, why a decree ought not to be passed as prayed. Ralph R. Crothers Clerk. True Copy—Teste— Ralph R. Crothers, Clerk E. KIRK BROWN, SOLICITOR ORDER OP PUBLICATION Marie Roland, Complainant vs. Charles E. Roland, Defendant In the Circuit Court for Cecil County Equity No. 6712 The object of this Bill is to secure a decree divorcing the Complainant a vinculo matrimonii from the Ds tendant. The Bill states that the Complain ant was married to the Defendant on the 7th day of June, 1943, at Elkton, Maryland, with whom she resided un til the Ist day of May, 1945; that, though the conduct of the Complain ant towards the said Charles E. uoland has always been kind, affec tionate and above reproach, the said Charles E. Roland has, without any just cause or reason, abandoned and deserted her and has declared his in tention to live with her no longer, and that such abandonment has con tinued uninterruptedly for at least eighteen months, and, is deliberate and final, and the separation beyond any reasonable expectation of recon ciliation; that one child was born to said marriage, a girl, Carolyn Ro tand, who is two years of age; that the Complainant has resided in Cecil County for more than one year past before the filing of this Bill, and the Defendant is at Peach Bottom, Penn sylvania. The Bill then prays for a decree divorcing the Complainant trom the Defendant a vinculo matri monii, and for such other and fur ther relief as her case may require. IT IS THEREUPON, this 9th day of December, 1946, by the CIRCUIT COURT FOR CECIL COUNTY, IN EQUITY, ORDERED that the Com plainant cause a copy of this Order, with the object and substance of the Dill, to be inserted in some newspa per published in Cecil County once a week for tour successive weeks, be tore the 11th day of January, 1947, giving notice to the Defendant, cahrle3 E. Roland, who is a non-res ident of the State of Maryland, to appear in this Court, either in person or by soiclitor, on or before the 27th aay of January, 1947, to answer the premises and abide by and perform such decree as may be passed there in. Ralph R. Crothers, Clerk. True Copy—Teste— Ralph R. Crothers, Clerk. Although the range of sound is very great, the absolute energy of an average voice has only about one-mil lionth of the energy needed to oper ate an ordinary electric lamp, accord ing to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Egg driers who sell their product to the Government under this pur - chase announcement must ''certify . chat they have paid producers’ prices i specified from time to time by the i Department, for all shell eggs pur chased for the plant under contract,'*