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SIX PAN-HANDLERS GET THE GATE; COURT HALL GETS CLEARED Grand Jury and Commis sioners Are To Be ' Complimented The recent Grand Jury is to be com-| plimented for rocommending that theé Court House bhall be cleared of pan-j handlers. and the County Cammissioners; are to be praised for instructing the| Sheriffs ofice to exforce the recommen-| dation. é For many years the practice has been | a disgra e to the county. Both Republi-| can and Demecratic A-iministmtionsg have hesitated to eclean up the Court§ House hall, probably thinking that to] enforce an onder of this kind wonldé mean the loss of a few votes at elcetion| time. The citizens will no doubt be! please to know that in the fature they} will be sble to walk into the Court] House and transaect business without skppinz on a quid of tobaceo or being stopp>d with a reguest of “brother. can| vou spare a dime.” = Not all of those who congregate in the| halls. are. by any means, pan-handlers, ' but the contirual gathering of large! gronps of men there eauses much :mnoy-;; anee to the eitizens, especially women. who o thers on business missions. For/ s stranesr to step inside the Court| Houss and hear a group of men swearing/ is eertainly not a desirable advertisoment | for Hagerstown and Washington Coun-j iy i Let us home that the County Com-| missioners’ orders will be carried out to| the letter and mot forgettsn as time goes| on. i _ i WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NOW! | We're wondering what is geing to hap-| pen now whon peliticians look over the | calendar and find no mors birthdays as| an excuse to make speeches. § e i DEFMONSTRATOR HERE A spoci-l demonsirater will be at the! Tristate Electrical Snnoly Company. S.] Potomae Streoet. Particnlars regarding, the demonstration are found in an ad-| vertissment in today’s issue of The Ha-| = rstown Globe. i L e | eadML B e = W <id~ sverume. have returned from a stay | of a2 month in Florida § e ————————————— ———————————————————————————" SEMLER'S ATTO RADIATOR SERVICE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS | 210 South Potomse St Telephonz 1919 —#— e —M POULTRY AND EGGS FOLTZ'S POULTRY MARKET Phone 1778 NEW ENTERPRISE FOR HAGERSTOWN I am econtemplating organizing a com ! pany for the purpose of starting a cat ranch, the cats to be killed for their furs. The ranch will be located near this city. To start with, we will eolleet 1,000,- (o¥} cats. Each cat will average 12 kit tens per year. The skins sell for from ' 10 eents each for the white ones to 75 Ec&nts fcr the pure black This will i give us 12,000,000 skins per year, which,% | at an average of 30 cents each, willl ' m2ke our revenue about SIO,OOO per day, i A man can skin 50 cats a day for s2.’ Ir will take about 100 mewn to operate the ranch. and. therefore, the net profit! | will be about $9.800 per day. We wil | ' foed the cats on rats and will start a rati ' ranch next door. The rats will multipy | - four times as fast as the cats; therefore, | if we start with 1000000 rats we will | ‘E':mve four rats per day for each cati | which is plenty. i Then we will feed the rat: on the car-] casses of the eats from which the skins| have been taken. giving each rat a quar-| ter of a cat. It will therefor: be szen| that the ranch wili be solf-sustaining The cats will eat the rats and the rats' will eat the cats. and we will get the| skins. ! If you are interestad in the above en-! terprise. you will e2ll the next time you | ar> in need of fishing tackle, baskets. ! tcbaceo. ecigars. eapary birds, parrots, | and all sapplics. doz remedies. harness, | eollars, whips. foods, ete.. at Spanglers! Pet Stors, 19 West Franklin Street. | G. HAYES LANDIS, Mgz SPEAKING OF DINNERS— : Ne politieal campaign is officially un der way until the leaders begin throwing | duck dinners. E : | AGAINST THE PRESIDENT Howard Bruce. Demoecratic National Committeeman from Maryland has an nounced he will vote azainst President | Reos-velt in 1986, Mr. Bruees son sev eral years ago married Andrew Mesllon's , donghter. 2 T e s T A STV M. “: THE TOKEN MOST t | APPRECIATED 4 GOOD PORTRAIT 1| It Affords Real Companionship for Many Lon:ly Hours and Awakons Happy Memories | HIEDWOCHL'R STUDIO | 6% West Washington St. Hag rstown Phone 923 ' e e e T ——— \ Exelusive 1 CUSTOM TAILORING Latest Spring Fabries B i i ! RAXNK R. MIDDLEKAUFF % 3R North Potomae St. The Hagerstown Globe IMAY ESTABLISH MATERNITY HOSPITAL IN HAGERSTOW A modern and up-to-date maternit hospital is being econtemplated for Ha | gerstown, according to an unconfirme report. It is said that negotiaticns are pend ing for the purchas: of a fine buildin; | in one of the prominent residential sec ; tions of the city. e L 1 M ; . . Lykens Valley Nut or CO‘&L' Blove ......... SIOOO Phone us for prices on Poeahontas and Run of Mine PEOPLE’'S COAL CO. | MeComas St. Phone 2036 SB o S | BRING YOUR CAR TO | NIGH'S BODY & FENDER WORKS REAR 42 NORTH AVENUE TT e WGBS, 350 SN~ VAO 51~ Local and Long Distance Hauling MASSER'S MOTOR EXPRESS 9 WEST LEE STREET Hagerstown, Maryland H. G. MASSER, Prop. Phone 1792 R e Fire, Tornado, Automeobile and Burglary Insurance BONDING | McCOMAS ARMSTRONG CO. i 114 W. Washington St T LIQUORS AND WINES AT LOWEST PRICES : THE KEYSTONE : No. 1 Public Square i e i | SPECIAL HOSIERY SALE For AMen and Boys FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY THE BLUE & GRAY SHOP ' 4 Seuth Potomae St M | ———— i Visit - - : Y Miidred's Pastry Shop & 51 Manila Avenue (Formerly J. L. Buchanan Store)