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EIGHT ALSATIANS HISTORY D’TERESTI)G, CLUB | IS AN ASSET TO CITY | i | i 25th Birthday Being Cele brated This Week By } Loeal Organization | - i | The Alsasiz Club. Ine. oue of the mest progressive soefzl erganizaticns im Ha serstown, 5. this weelk eelebrating s A gquarter of 3 eentury 3% 3 ZTOUD o youmz mem met in the W ashington Coanty Library for the parpese of form ing 2 club where they cvald gather on, what ome charter member says. ~rainy days.” From a membership of eleven the oiub grew until it reached its peak iz 1929 when the elub rester earried the pames of more than 400 | Boowing the Alsatia Club a5 we do. it js mot an exaggeration to say that the orzanizgation is a part of Hagerstown., They have ot been evntent to work for | the imter:st of their ¢lub alome: mz’fie—r.l they early realized that Hagerstown need ed them as Hagzerstown needs other lo ezl zroaps. In helping their town they kave suecesided splendidly. This ety ows them much for inaugurating the Muommers' Parade, which attracts thous ands Bhers on Hallowe'en night and eliminates rowdyism. This one of many spevesstal endeavors. in our opinion, re peys the Alsatia Club for all their ef forss. The annual Alsatia Minstrel Show gave eitizens clean, wholesome en tertainment - their basketball team ad vertised Hagerstown throughout the (Cumberland Valler. and their good sportsmanship in all their activities s=amp the organization as one of which any community can justly feel proud. No doubt. the Club has progressed far berond the dreams of the eleven original members. but if the younger Alsatians ret=in the prineiples and ideals of the foanders. the orzanization will continue te he an imnortant part of Hagerstown For manTt Tears to come. QUALITY COSTS LESS WHEN YOU SHOP AT THE DARLING SHOP BERING BUITS .. ... . ... .. 3698 10 310698 Tailored or Sfl‘;}ggey Fur-Trimmed or Plain BIRING COATS ... ... ...ceceu.-iinca-v.. P9B 10 $1698 Sports or Dress Styles PRI . 00l s ist B Y e WIS IRENE LS £2.49 60 West Washington Street, Hagerstown, Maryland Telephone 2434 LITTLE FIRE LOSS IN g R w @ THIS CITY DURING RECENT COLD WAVE Work of Local Firemen De notes Efficiency; Fire Rates Are Low i While cities, towns and villages thru-| sut the evuntiry were kept busy battling fires which destroyed millions of dolars| worth of property. and in many instanees | elaimed the lives of citizens, Hagerstown | passed through the severs eold weather| with an extremely low fire loss. This| faet should agzain bring home to the eiti-| zens of Hagerstown that they are for-/ tonate in having an efficient and well | srzanized fire department. This city is one of the few of its size | in the United States that can boast of| an orzamization of volunteers who kmow | how to fight fires offectively. When the department is eriticized, the critiesm| usually eminates from those who either| have never helped the firemen or who know nothing about it. Annually, each department sends a group of members of members to Baltimere for a period of training which proves invaluable to eiti-| zens and taxpavers of Hagerstown daring ! a conflagration. i Proo? of the department’s efficieney is| shown in the city's €re insuranece rates. which are unusually low. Hagerstown can look to its Fire De partment with a great deal of pride and anologize to no one for the enthasiasm. efficiency and loyalty of its fire-fighters. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Jd. G. McCRORY'S 5¢ & 10¢c STORE 50-56 W. Washington St The Hagerstowrn Glohe SMILE AND WORK To smile and work. and work and smile To smile twelve times a day, Will take you o’er the stubborn mile As you journey om your way. To live, to love, to be sincere, To strive, yet feel at peaes, Will drive away all kinds of fear, Your troubles soon will cease. | Te know that nothing matters much If we but do our best, Te look upon all trials such As a challenge or a test, To learn kow little we do need ' After all on this old earth, E And then to stop the silly speed { And spend more time in mirth. i | To daily do our tasks with joy. { Take courage. come what may, | Tc rise above things which annoy, i To smile, and work and play, : Te make of life a melody. { To try and keep in tune, ! Then we shall ever happy be, t Bright as the san in June. ST. PATRICK'S DAY NOVELTIES and FAVORS Hagerstowrn's Store of Half a Uentury o R. M. HAYS & BRO. M e e L MANY SEE NXEW KELVINATORS . Bohman-Warne. Ine. distriet distri buters of Kelvinators recently elosed one o the most speeessful Kelvinator shows in their history. During the ten day exhibition several thousand persoas from this and surrounding seetions visited the show rooms and there inspected the lat est mods! machines In order to accom modate the visitors the store remained open each evening. The pew 1936 Kel vinator. one of th: finest machines on the market. caus:d enthusiastic and fa orable comment.t L e NOTICE TO PATIENTS: THE BASEHOAR NEW DENTAL OFFICES | 253 North Potomae Street | 20 Years In Hagerstown Over 10000 Satisfied Patients! Here are the Dentists: | DR. LLOYD M. BASEHOAR DR. ARTHUR C. FOARD Dientists of Distimction