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Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED ON CHASANOW To the Editor: (Classified rates are three cents * a & ree with your editorial in per word, fifty cents minimum. Ads last weeks issue that we can now should be submitted in writing, re i° ice over the faring of Chas accompanied by cash payment, anow s name ‘ However, when you to the Cooperator not later than 10 state that Hreenbelt no longer p.m. of the Tuesday preceding pub- lives in tke Bhfl^ r of despair and iication. If accompanied by cash need T no longer have nervous feel payment, ads may be left for col- lngs ’ 1 “ ust take skarl> lection in the Cooperator box at the y ° u ’ asa a^ cusa * on ® spvpra i . . „„„ . . , stopped and. there are still several n Tr ™ ° P T 8 ;??■ *° citizens in GreenHelt who are wait pjn >. FOUND ads will be pnnt- their names cleared . ed free of charge.) 6 As they s.ay, charity begins at “ * home, so let’s start with myself. CALDWELL’S WASHING MA- When Abe asked me several CHINE SALES & SERVICE months ago to file an affidavit on Automatic and conventional mod- his behalf, 1 did so. One accusa els expertly repaired. Reasonable. tion against him was that he had Guaranteed. Free Estimate. Phone associated, with me, and I would GR. 3-4063. certainly not want any person to TELEVISION SERVICE: By pro- suffer from such association. So, fessional electrical engineers using I stated in a notarized statement the finest of modern test equip- that I was not a subversive char ment. RCA Registered Dealer. Any actcr - bad never been ' a member of make, any model. Philco Author- any organization on the Attorney ized Service. GR. 3-4431 or GR. 3- General’s list, and knew of no sub gg-Q versive organizations in Greenbelt. , Such a request from Abe was iron- GREENBELT MOTORS 8420 Bal- ic , to say the i eas t ; because he had timore Blvd. Used cars and trucks previously called me a Communist, bought and sold. Phone TO. 9-9647. anc j had. stated at a GVHC meet- GREENBELT TV SERVICE - ing that I was a liar. I might fur- Evenings, weekends, holidays. Lo- ther add that when he requested cal Home Service calls. Charges me to file a statement, he did not reasonable. Work guaranteed. retract his previous accusations, Free tube testing service, 14-Z-2 nor offer any reasons for them, so Laurel Hill. Cal GR. 3-2113 or OL. it’s possible that he still feels that 4-5476. / way. I would be interested in DIAMONDS bought and sold. H. knowin g- and lam sure that oth ' M. Goode, Sr. Phone GR. 3-3111. ers in Greenbelt would be inter ~ —"l 1 - ested in knowing. I was very .RADIO TUBES tested happy to file , a statement on Abe’s , including picture tubes. hehalf, and have never worried uaranteed replacements at 40% about jeopardizing my own per o list on all excepting picture sonal situation by stating on sev tubes. W. E. Ridding, 11-J Ridge era i occasions both in Greenbelt Rd. Ph. GR. 3-3482. Hours 9 ajm. a nd Washington that Abe Chasa till 9 p.m. daily. now j s no t an( j never was a sub- DRESSMAKING and alterations, versive individual, whatever else Mrs. Russell, 2-F Westway. GR. he might be. 4-8956. Along with half a hundred other PIANO INSTRUCTION - — ChiL people, all of us involved in the dren and adults. Hazel Stalberg, sale of Greenbelt, I have experi -21-K Ridge Rd. GR. 3-4791. enced this anonymous tassassina- DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA- tion which was the “ basis ” for the TIONS. Mrs. Russell, 2-F West- case against Chasanow - As re way. GR. 4-8956 cently as two weeks ago I was a-v: ' TTrT asked for information by the FBI ITE DRY CLEANERS. We on the basis of an anonymous are as near as your phone. Pick pho ne call which stated that I up ,and delivery day and night could furnish information about time. GR. 4-7031. __ “subversive activities in Green- WANTED - Houses in Greenbelt. belt.” After I stated that I knew Have prospective buyers for hous- of no such activities, the investiga es and apartments. Will be glad to tors were naturally curious as to assist Greenbelters in selling their why I should be the subject of such homes. GREENBELT REALTY a call. I reviewed the events lead- COMPANY, 151 Centerway (for- ing up to the sale, of Greenbelt and mer Police Station), GR. 3-4571. pointed out that those of us who PIANO INSTRUCTION - Adults favored resident ownership of the and children; beginners and ad- city were very ha PP y here > while vanned. Albert K. Herling for- those who favored continued gov merly of Tufts College music de- ernment ownership and subsidized partment. GR. 3-2632. housing were the ones who are un 7?srrrr==y=; - : happy about the situation. CREATIVE ART CLASS for girls Which ideaj j asked , is closer to ~ ' eac her. Mrs. Betty Rezni- Communism? (There is also the koff, graduate of Cooper Union Art ques tion of anonymous phone call _coo • < -' ad HR, 3-4543. ing. j j eave it to your judgment as ALTERATION and Sewing. Ex- to who was exercising subversive pert work. GRanite 3-8131. activity in this instance.) I was WANTED - Someone to deliver curious in turn about the continu copy to the printer in Hyattsville [ n J Waste f u thne and energy ? n on Wed. & Thurs. mornings on th ! S SOrt of thl * g ’ “ view of way to work. $1 a week. Gall R. extenS f lVa instigations to which Greenbaum, 4822. ' aay ° f the cltlzens associated with _—. the formation and operating of PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIR- GVHC have been subjected, and ED. Greenbelt only. GR< 4-9284. over a period of some years. It NOW IS THE TIME to plant hoi- seems that a little checking of ly, azaleas, rhododendron, yews, files might save both time and plus numerous other evergreens, the taxpayers’ money, trees and shrubs. Call Wm. .L As I stated previously, we can Moore, GRanite 3-5813 any evening all rejoice over the rightful clear after 7. ing G f Abe, but, as a city and as a PRINTING - Tickets, membership nation, we are not out of the woods cards, stationery, quick service. by any means. There are still sev- Berny Krug, GR. 4-8811. eral Greenbelters and ex-Green- WANT ED TO BUY -44 inch or 22 belters, some of them in Chasa inch radiators from brick Green- now’s own office, who are still at belt homes. Call GR. 3-7586. tempting to clear themselves or ~kt£t a xTmriT, — i — have faced repeated suspensions PARENTS WANTED - at Center , , . . , " . ox. i -rvTXA ~ „. , _ and hearings, and. do not know School PTA meetmg October 5, when , t m J y ’ occur again . They f C , °° au . 1 ° riara ’ ‘ P ' m ’ eg " are no more subversive than Chas lstration from 8:15. , , . . anow, and the charges against DRIVER TO PENTAGON wanted them are as flimsy as the ones Hours 8:30 to 5, call 7581. against Chasanow. Will we now WANTED - Mechanic-supervisor stand up and help these neighbors' for service station. Successful to clear themselves, or will we con management experience necessary. tinue to hide our heads, as long as Apply GCS office. the terrible nightmare of fear does not descend upon us personally? None of us can be free of fear APARTMENT-SIZE wash ma- un tH two things happen: 1. There are some people who are without chine. Works on vacuum prin- f ea r. These are the people who . , , .... .. have a spiritual faith in the good ciple. Excellent condition. Al- „ , . , , ness of mankind. These people „ most new. Call GR. 3-5801 for a recognize the realities of mankind, (attempt to understand man’s real buy! strengths and weaknesses, and live their lives in paths which will help man to help himself, and to go forward in the faith that man can have and should have in each oth er. 2. The rest of us, however, de pend to ( a great extent on the out side forces which shape our lives and our environment. We can only be without fear when we know that we can count on certain safeguards, such as being able to face our accusers, being presumed innocent until proven guilty, tand being given a fair trial with coun sel when charges grave enough to warrant an indictment are brought against us. How many of us have been guilty of passing judgment on people we do not even know, just on the basis of hearsay gos sip? The Navy’s actions against Abe Chasanow are a terrible in dictment of our times, but history records that excesses by govern ments have occurred when people lose faith in each other, and have (allowed themselves to be govern ed by suspicion and fear. God grant that we may regain our equilibrium and build our relation ships with each other and. with other nations on the basis of love, faith and hope, and (abolish the cancerous growths of fear and suspicion. Thomas B. Ritchie GR. 4-9275. SERVICE? \ Guaranteed TV Repairs i ? on i j Any Make - Any Model v i Professional Electrical Engineers y ? RCA Registered Dealers § ? Philco Authorized Sales y y & Service § \ Sales on Television, Radio, 4 & Electric Ranges, Refrigerators £ | Call | 4 GR 34431 | | GR. 3-3811 TO. 9-6026 4 HANYOK BROS. { Service Company^ YOUR \ PERSONAL ! REPRESENTATIVES We are at your service for your | ' automobile needs: Sales - New f Chevrolets, Oldsmobiles, and all | models “peace of mind” used l cars. Service - Body work, fall ? tune-ups, etc. Financing - Rates, | insurance, tag and title. i Call or See ? Fred Fredericks Dick Siena l APpleton 7-5353 WArfield 7-9022 • LUSTINE - NICHOLSON ? 5710 Balto. Blvd. Hyattsville, Md. ! WArfield 7-7200 | j ESSAY CONTEST | ? The Greenbelt Joint Committee on Cleanup is conducting an essay contest for £ ? Elementary, Junior and High School children as follows: £ ) SUBJECT: WHAT I HAVE DONE DURING THE SUMMER TO HELP KEEP § \ GREENBELT CLEAN. § RULES: 1. Essay should be 200 words or less. \ 2. Essay should be countersigned by parent. 4 S 3. Esay should be turned in by Friday, October 22nd. y | HOW ESSAY WILL BE JUDGED: | the other for Junior and High School students, so put down your name and ad- & 5 dress and school with your essay. 6 \ Winners will be picked on basis of accomplishment in helping keep 4 Greenbelt tidy during the summer, rather than expression or length of essay. § j PRIZES: | ? 1. Total for the two groups will be SIOO. 1 : 2. Each group of SSO includes a $25, a sls, a $5, and five $1 prizes. I : Prizewinning essays will be published in the local newspaper. £ l WHERE TO SEND ENTRY § Mail essay to Joint Committee on Cleanup * ? c/c General Delivery £ Greenbelt ? ? or bring essay to Greenbelt Motors Tag and Title Service in the GCS £ < Shoe Repair shop between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and between 7:30 p.m. and 9 ? * p.m., Monday thru Saturday, on or before October 22. ? | JUDGES: § Reverend Victor J. Dowgiallo, Pastor, St. Hugh’s Catholic Church § Reverend Robert C. Hull, Minister, Community Church. § 6 § September 30, 1954 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW VETERANS LIQUORS | | Beltsville, Maryland | || 'tyowi 'P’UeadCtf 'Deaten j I Free Delivery - WEbster 5-5990 j | PRIOR’S Premium Beer | | Limited Quantity I I Sells for $4.70 a case i 1 Veteran’s Special < § STORE PRICE-$1.99 A CASE § plus deposit & tax 1 DELIVERED - $2.25 A CASE ? plus deposit & tax | also | Doherty’s Bottled In Bond I 6 yrs. old- $3.59 a fifth I VITAMINS r for less than 2c a day f 'Vita- THuIU § & * 9 Vitamins! One capsule meets or exceeds minimum ? daily requirements of all vitamins known to be needed! £ * Check the potency! Compare the price! 4 Each capsule contains: § Vitamin A 5,000 U.S.P. units & Vitamin D - - 1,000 U.S.P. units x: Vitamin B-l - 1.5 mg. y Vitamin B-2 - 2 mg. § Vitamin B-6 £ Calcium Pantothenate 1 mg. ? Niacin Amide ! 20 mg. y Vitamin E—■ 2 IU § 100 capsules $1.75 £ 200 capsules S3OO 500 capsules $7.00 y Buy the large size and save! § Enclose cash, check or money order. No C.O.D. shipments. ! B & B DRUG CO. § P.O. Box 8023, S.W. - Washington 24, D. C Three