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GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Russell Greenbaum, Editor, 4822 Isadore J. Parker, Associate Editor, 6551 George Bloom. Business Mgr., 2151 Jim O’Neill, Circulation Mgr., 2436 Paul Kasko, Photographer, 8921 Rae Algaze, Gerry Backstrom, Betty Coleman, E. Don Bullion, Keith Gamble, Sarah Gelberg, Marian Hatton, Frances Herling, Martha Kauf man, Bernard Krug, L. A Lee, Peggy Markfield, Carolyn Miller, Bill Moore, David Reznikoff, Eleanor Ritchie, Ethel Rosenzweig, Mirian Solomon, Morris Solomon, Frieda Vernoff, Donny Wolfe. The GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW is published every Thursday by the Green belt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., Greenbelt, Md. Established, November 1937. Board of Directors: I. J. Parker, Pres.; Bernard Krug, V. Pres.; Miriam Solomon, Sec’y.; George Bloom. Treas.: Harry Zubkoff, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: -2.00 per year Entered as second class matter at the Post Office in Greenbelt, Maryland. Advertising may be submitted by mail or delivered to the Cooperator, 0 Parkway, GR. 3-3131, or to the Greenbelt Tobacco Store. Editorial offices open after 8:30 p.m, Monday and Tuesday. News deadline is 8:30 p.m. of the Monday preceding publication. Y2L22 Thursday, November 25, 1954 No. 16 SMITH FOR COUNCIL To the Editor: Any day now, the city council will be choosing a replacement for Frank Lastner, who is resign ing to assume his new duties as a county commissioner. I should like to urge all citizens to support Jim Smith for this position, and to communicate their wishes to the council. He is particularly well qualified by virtue o£ *his long res idence here, his intimate knowl edge of municipal” problems, and the thoughtful; Consideration he has given these problems. * Harry Zubkoff *v. ~--iL • v - - * TRICYCLE RETURNED My little boy and .I. want to say a sincere thank you to John. P. Haslinger of 11-N. Ridge,, /'Me youngster who found our tricycle somewhere in the. neigh borhood, and took the trouble to bring it down tp the police station, where we recovered itt, This was., a very happy, ending, especially since we .hadn’t yet gotten around 1 ’ to marking the tricycle (it’s quite new) with our name and address. We’d expected it to turn up broken and useless, and are indebted to John Haslinger’s good instincts that it didn’t. Incidentally, our name and ad dress has at last been painted on the tricycle, and I pan see now where loss of children’s toys, wag ons, etc. would be substantially minimized if everyone marked their stuff. Mrs. Morris..J! Solomon 2-E VJ^estway ADULT HANUKAfi SKIT A skit presented by adults will be part of the festivities at the Jew ish Community Center’s annual children’s Hanukah program next month, it has been announced. All adults interested in participating in this skit are asked to call 7071 or 9498. e. v. h. c. f QUARTERLY MEMBERSHIP f I MEETING I | Wednesday, Dec. 8 | £ GREENBELT THEATRE f | 8:15 P.M. § | ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS § l ABOUT YOUR MUTUAL HOUSING CORPORATION § SO-O-O EASY to shop for all your Christmas Gifts and Home Needs at 112 W. LOMBARD ST. BALTIMORE now only 30 minutes away. 20* - 40* DISCOUNTS on Famous-Make Furniture, Appliances, Bedding, Linens, Rugs. Open late Mon. <& Thurs. (Two Greenbelters work at Mars.) APPRECIATION The family of Buddy Attick, Jr. wish to express to their friends their appreciation for the expres sions and token of sincere sym pathy extended them. It has been a comfort to know that there is no barrier to shar ing sorrow; that the spirit of kin ship extends beyond the limits of eligion to include people of all faiths and even strangers from far away. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Attick, Sr. 1-A Garden way, 13 Greenbelters Born During 20-Day Period Thirteen'children —nine boys and four girls—were born to Greenbelt residents during the 20-day period • between October 20 and November 9. High point of this period was October 28 when there were six Greenbelt' births. The' families who increased the city’s population during this period are as follows: October 21, Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsey, 14-S Laiirel, a boy; October 28, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Back of 10-E Plateau, a' boy; Mr. and Mrs. John* Pugh, 8-E Southway, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Cy ril Turner, 218 Hillside, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orton, 16-Z-l Ridge, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. James Keene, 5-M Gardenway, a girl. October 29 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teske, 4-E Parkway, a boy; Octo ber 30 - Mr. and Mrs. John NorS worthy, 19-B Hillside, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Higgins, 38-F Crescent, a boy; November 1- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCauley, 71-A Ridge, a girl; Mr: and Mrs. Rob ert Woodville, 8-B Parkway, a boy; November 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hinmari, 7-A Parkway, a boy; November 7- Mr. and Mrs. ' Thomas Sullivan', 50-A Crescent, a girl. TEACHER S’ RECEPTION To the Editor: I’d like to take this means of thanking the many people and the many organizations who cooperat ed so willingly and so helpfully with the Citizens Association in making our Community Reception for Teachers such a success. Many people spoke to me about the beauty of the decorations, the variety of the exhibits, the enter taining program, and the excel lence of the refreshments. We could have wished that all our citizens and teachers could have enjoyed the Festival but they have probably heard of it by now and we can look forward to an even bigger and better celebration next year. Bruce Bowman, Chairman Community Coordinating Com mittee, Greenbelt Citizens As sociation. BINGO POSTPONED The JCC Bingo party originally scheduled for Saturday, December 11, has been postponed until Sat urday, December 16. It will be held in the social room of the Cen ter School, featuring cash prizes and free admission. TELEVISION & RADIO : Sales & Service '"'l All Makes Antenna Installation Nationally-Known Electrical Products Complete Kitchen Equipment 1 Phone WA 7-7317 - TO. 9-0139 Your .Authorized GE Dealer Quality Appliance Cto.: ; 8137 Balto. Blv&, College Park (TELEVISION SERVICE! \ Guaranteed TV Repairs ‘ I & on * ? y Any Make - Any Model v £ Professional Electrical ? Y , Engineers > .. y x RCA Registered Dealers y 1$ Philco 'Authorized* Sales y ■"■ " & Service " y ) Sales on Television, Radio,' 4 > Electric Ranges,' Refrigerators £ \ ; Call - .1 I GR 3-4431 | y GR. 3-3811 TO. 9-6026 f j HANYOK BROS. fTelevision Service Company § FREE BOWLING | Juniors 12 to 18 SATURDAY, NOV. 27 10:30 TO 12:30 P.M. | Professional Instructors GREENBELT BOWLING CENTER ! VETERANS LIQUORS | BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND | | "Tftxcct o ?'UcKdly 'Dtcilen f § Free Delivery - WEbster 5-5990 | f PRIOR’S Premium Beer f | LIMITED QUANTITY SELLS FOR $4.70 A CASE | I Veteran’s Special | * Store Price 51.99 a Case £ v plus deposit & tax y & Delivered 52.25 a Case § ? plus deposit & tax 4 f Doherty’s Bottled In Bond f I 6 yrs. old— $3.59 a fifth 4 - RESTORFF MOTORS SALES SERVICE REPAIRS ALLMAKES CARS Car Painting - - Body Work 6210 Baltimore Avenue ,i • i Riverdale, Md. :—: APpleton 7-5100 GIGANTIC SHRIMP FEAST All You Can Eat !! $1.50 per person Every Friday and Saturday 1 n IB miwm If you can’t get a baby sitter \ ... and can’t get out ... c ' 11 We Deliver SHRIMP AT $1.50 A POUND Half Fried Chicken Box ; F.F. Potatoes, Cole Slaw, ' Corn Bread or Rolls Delivered to Your Door For | $1.25 « ! Veteran's Restaurant Look for the Mammy Sign !! “The Sign of Good Food” 11 ■ 11630 Baltimore Blvd., Beltsville [ [ | Call WEbster 5-5990 Dining Room Service | We Cater to Parties i‘ rates:, .. 1 Good drivers make \—4 important dollar savings I L ; . with Farm Bureau. VJ. Fqll, standard coverage— . plan non-assessable— over 2 million protected, Comparison may save you 20 - - A phope call does it. ANTHONY M. MADDEN 141 ; Centerway Call GRanite 3-4111 - iWfl NOM( OFFICI ■fTflfflcfflEfifflflWl coiumbus, Ohio CLASSIFIED (Classified rates are three cents per word, fifty cents minimum. Ads should be submitted in writing, accompanied by cash payment, to the Cooperator not later than 10 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding pub lication. If accompanied by cash payment, ads may be left for col lection in the Cooperator box at the tobacco store (open 8 am. to 10 p.m.). “FOUND” ads will be print ed free of charge.) TELEVISION SERVICE: By pro fessional electrical engineers using the finest of modem test equip ment RCA Registered Dealer. Any make, any model. Philco Author ized Service. GR. 8-4431 or GR. 3- 3811. GREENBELT MOTORS—B42O Bal timore Blvd. Used cars and trucks bought and sold. Phone TO. 9-9647. GREENBELT TV SERVICE ~ Evenings, weekends, holidays. Lo cal Home Service calls. Charges reasonable. Work guaranteed. Free tube testing service, 14-Z-2 Laurel Hill. Cal GR. 3-2113 or OL. 4-5476. DIAMONDS bought and sold. H. M. Goode, Sr. Phone GR. 3-3111. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Mrs. Russell, 2-F Westway. GR. 4-8956. GRANITE DRY CLEANERS. We ‘ are as near as your phone. Pick up and delivery day and night time. GR. 4-7031. WANTED -.Houses in Gfeenbelt. Have prospective buyers, for hous es and apartments- Will be glad to assist Greenbeiters in selling their homes, GREENBELT REALTY COMPANY, 151 Centerway (for mer Police Station), GR. 3-4571. PIANO INSTRUCTION - .Adults and. children,; beginners and .ad vanced. Albert K. Herling, for merly of : Tufts College music de partment, GR. 8-2632, ALTERATION and. Sewing Ex pert work.. GRantte 3-8131. .• PRINTING - Tickets, membership cards, - stationery,:quick- service. Berny Krug, GR. 4-8811. ' T FPEWRITER overhaifiirig/ repairing. -Electric, standard, portable. R. F, Poland, GR. 3-2537, nights and weekends, WOMEN WANTED : - Make extra! money. ‘ Address, mail postcards spare time every week. BICO, 143 Belmont, 'Mass. CO-OP TV & RADIO SERVICE - Your tubes tested FREE. Guaran teed replacements at 40% off list. Hours, 9 a.m. fill 9 p.m. daily. 11-J Ridge. Rd. Phone GR. 3-3482: CALDWELL’S WASHING MA' CHINE SALES & SERVICE Automatic and conventional mod els expertly repaired. Reasonable. Guaranteed. Free Estimate. Phone WANTED - Advertising agent for News Review on commission basis. Call Harry Zubkoff, 5801. WANTED - Chairs, any size, shape or condition, for contribution to News Review office. Call R. Green baum, 4822. WILL DO IRONING in my home. Call GR. 4-8911 after 5 p.m. WORKING TILL CHRISTMAS? Shopping downtown? Leave the kiddies with Mrs. Lawson, 18-C Ridge. Monday through Friday, $2 per day, includes lunch. THIS OLD DESK is very sturdy' this old desk is very strong, this old desk costs twenty clams, this old desk won’t last so long ... at this price. Call 6551. Ask for this old desk. If an end table answers, hang up. FRUIT CAKE for the holidays. Orders now being taken by the Greenbelt Co-op Nursery. 2, 3 and i lb. sizes. $1.25 a lb. GR. 3-4822. FOUND - Zippo cigaret lighter in my couch. Will owner please identify. Call Harry Zubkoff 5801. TYPING WORK WANTED - ried woman with two children and big house, tired of eating bonbons and reading magazines all day, wants part-time typing work to while away lonely leisure hours. Employer must be generous and not too critical. GR. 4-8811. A CLEAN TOWN IS A PRETTY TOWN DON’T LITTER OUR PUBLIC AREAS