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A ZEALOUS WORKER. "Ah,'' said Mrs. Crackthorpe, mourn fully, "you'll never marry, Christina Carr! E^rentrio mrls who out their hair short nod part it on on© sido nover o. Men don't like oddity. And then you Imva such a way of rushing about the streets, at alt times and seasons, and currying baaketa and packages to poor people! One miglit as well be a common rarrw at once. It you expect to form a i-.rediUule alliance, you must Conform a litt .! to vhe usages of society." %,K.intense, A-ith Aunt Jerinima!" said Christina, laughing. "And suppose I don't tr.urry, what then?" The three Miss Cracfcthorpes lo ked up from thr^e crewel-frames, with the atnaz awiit which a company ofreupect able baru door fowl* might be expected to feel when an erratic golden pheasant chanced to alight in their midst and as tonish ihein with its foreieh wavs. Ai' ther lives they had bee.i trained to regird marriage aa the ultima thule of all their hopes and aspirations. They had painted and powdered, and frizzed and dressed, danced and tennised with with a steadfast eye to this one Ohu and :u:n and here was a black browed gvp hy, luii* cut short on her ne.:k liku a bov, a zigzvj tear in her cambric Holiness, and a basket on her arm. actu ally presuming to doubt the foundation o! their piaifuruj. "I Know a lot of jolly old maids," said Christina, coaxing the'cat to a game of play over the c-irp-jt with the tassel of her parasol. "'There might be worse Jates than thai." "I don't approve of young women making iiu'ht of such serious topics," said Mrs. Crackthorpe. drawing down the corners of her mouth a la horse shape. "And where are you going now?" "T' visit pOttr Tun Thompson,said Cui'it-itina, itid li'-rentlv. *'A man!" said Aunt Crackthorpe. VV'eil. I've every reason to b.-lieve he isn't c'. wonau,"acknowledged Chrisiinu. Uv dear," resumed Mrs. Crackthorpe ,!don't you regard this sys em—of mis- ct'1 Itiiieotiii running after the poor as ex Inunoly—ahern—DPI uicioua?" ".^.oine one, must vi-ut the poor, aunt," Raid Christina.^ "And I have leisure, health, and inclination. And I promised dear old vjh\ \I0nta2u, when he wen to tho \y. nvs for that, ugly bronchitis of hi.s, tint none of the :»oor parishioners sr.ouid su'ler until the new minister came to t.tKH his place Tin-re ought to be a regular corp3 of visitors," said Mrs. Crackthorpe, "to as sume those duties." Well, I'm a member of the corps, Aunt Crackthorpe," said Christina. "iSelf appointed. "Who is this Thompson creature?'* said Mrs. Crackthorpe. "I don't know," said Christina, indif ferently. He must be respectable for he 1 dges at Mrs. Session's cottage, lint. I'm very much afraid it's the same poor fellow who was committed last month f'tr bei intoxicated in the streets. The miil-hand at Hupperly's. yon know." 11 nt wliv on earth do you eo tliere?" S ud' Miss Mililcent Crack thorpe. "Because I found this name on a piece of paper on mv desk," said Chris tina Carr. "It any of the poor desire eapueiallv to see. nie, they have only to leavf their names and addresses there, and 1 ..tu always willing and ready to respond to the call." "Hut," cried Marianne, the second Mi-s (ai ki horpe, "a miserable, drink ing, mid hand like that! I do think, Cousin Christina, it isn't decent for you to j„'o there!" "Jt is always decent to do-all the good we j\n in this world," Baid Christina, curtly. *'1 shall ta-k to the poor fellow, and shall uive liima piece of my mind. They tell me he is docile and well inclined when he is not under the influence of liquor and who knows what straw may tnfiice to turn the current of his life?" "1 don'i think itsa. woman's business,"' said Francetta, the youngest blossom of the Crackthorpe family tree, a blue jiowed duni«t-.i of seven-arul-twemy. "'i it a woman's bnaint-ss to do all the good she can in the world?" said Christiana. And then, wparv of the catechism to which she was subjected every time she came to her aunt's house, she rose and took her leave. 'Won't you be at Mrs. Larkin'a rest he tic tea-drinking to-nighi?" asked Mari aune. stiffly. "No," snid Christina, "I've promised to sltow Mrs. Hedge'- I'd tie gHs the af ghan stitch this evening. They can get work in thtf worsted stores it they only understand that." "i shall seo you at the Modern Eng lish Poet's Club at three, shan't 1?" vuettioned Milheent, who was literary. "Uh, I haven't any time for the Mod ern English Poe:s!" said Christina. But Fr.mceta followed her out into the hail Krancetta, who was not au ill r.aiured girl in the main. You'd better come to the club, Ohris ey," whispered she. "The ladies are getting up a reception for the new min ister, when he comes. Ma doesn't want you to know, because she thinks per haps he might take a fancy to Marianne: but la! Marianne has not any chance at ail, at her age and with a pimpled com plexion. Ministers are like other men, I suppose—they like girls that are young and pretty "I dare say hp's married mi'.n, after all," s.ud Christina, laughing. "And I really hav'nt tune to comv but I'm obliged to you all the same, Francetta." And she went away, half amused, half vex'-d, at the glimpse she had of her Aunt Crackthorpe's tactics. Mrs. Sessions was a quiot little widow, who let tbe upper bed room in her cot tago when she could get a respectable boarder. She was at the back door, when ss Carr's light, elastic foot-step touched ihe narrow path that wound between gay chrna-asters and rows of purple and scarlet dahlias. But Christina saw a figure leaning back in the stulFed chintz rocker in the littie sitting-room—the figure of a man so she tupped at tbe door, and walked composedly ia without turther cere monv. "You are Tom Thompson?" said she. The man «tar'ed and rose. He was tall and pale, decently dressed in black clothes, and looked as Cnrissy declared to herself, "quite respectable", and rath litindsome into cue bargain." "And f," sne added, "am Miss Carr. You c«lied tt uiy house. Here I am. Now, in.'' seating herself opposi to him at the table, and resting her elbows in a defiant fashion on the red and Mack worsted cloth, as she fixed her bright black eyes upon him severely, "I in tend 'o give you a piece of my mind o dav. Don't you think you ought to be ashamed of yourself?" "I—I am not sure that quite com prehend—" began Mr. Thompson, turn ing scarlet. "Oh, yes you do," said Chrissy, with slight "motion of heir head, as if she "w md put a!l prevarication behind her. "Yon area decent looking nan, and you've evidently a good education. I've heard all about you, you see, and I think it's a shame thet you should be stagger ing about the streets, abandoning your work, and foolishly fccjuandering your uiGuhs!" "Miss Carr, I assure you I—" it Ctirissy hel up her finger. "Tom," blie said, "take care. Don't tell me a latsenoon. know you quite as well as you know yourself. You're a bad case. \ou're a hardened sinner, indlf you don'fc stop short now, good ness knows what will become of you Mr. Montagu has talked of you, and—" "But I think there is some misappre !iensi( here/' said the young man, res p'ute'y breaking into the raonolougue. 'I. haven't the pleasure of Mr. Montagu's acquaintance." rissy looked at her interlocutor. "Aren't you Tom Thompson?" said she. "I am Thomas Thompson—yes," he admitted. "A hand in Hupperlv's calico mill?" "Not at all," ho answered. "I am Runplv a laborer in the great field of the w-.rM—the clergyman sent here to fill Mr Moniaugu'e putce until his return from the Azore Inlands. I left my card •t your house this morninc, a3 one of the parish young ladies who had been especially mentioned tome asa dilligent worker." Chrissy turned very pink. And I," she said, in a faltering voice, "mistook your name and address for that of Tommy hompson, the Enel nh mill-hand, who is always getting intoxi cated acd leading his fellow-workmen away. I came hitherto give him :ood talKimrto, and—and—oh, what must you hink ot me, Mr. Thompson!" A nd she covered her face with her hands. 'I think, Misa Carr," said the young livine, growing calmer in proportion a» Christina Lost her presence oi mind. you'-it-servo great ere lit for thi z^al and energy with which you are striving to do your duty, If I were the vvronu Tom Thompson—not that I as sume myself positively to be the right ne," with a rougish twinkle of his eyes 't bcieve your eloquence would have brought me a *ense of t'ie error of my \va\a. Please, p.ease, ss Carr, do not Of- vexed because of this simple mis take. I assure \ou that it has made me fee! better acquainted wnh you than a .•'core ot formal calls would have done." Chrissy laughed out, in spite of her sell. "1 d.n't. think," said she, "thsit this oiorning CH.I1 partakes in the least of the element, of formality. NVnat a shrew you uust have thought me." And then all awkwardness was gone, and they who d: hands on an entirely dif 'Vrent plait.irm. "You pardon me?" said Chrissy. "j'Jii'.irei)7!" assented the young gen deman. "And I promise you solemnly that I won't stagger about the streets, nor abandon my work in the fu ture." Mr. Thompson walked home with Miss CUT, greatly to the amusement of Mt.-s Crackthorpe, who met the pair on ly Avenue, and could hardly believe tier ears when her niece introduced her to the new minister, of whose arrivai in town the lady had not been officially aware. And the next dav Mr. Thompson him self went to see his refractory namesake, the miil-hand, and found him in a de plorable condition of low-spirited pov erty. iJlor did he leave him until he had induced him to sign the pledge "I don'c think I could have done bet ter than that myself," said Christina, when Mr. Tnompson reported progiess to her. Well, time went on, as time always does go on, whether we like it or not. Old Mr. Montague died in the fragrant, wilderness of the Azore Islands, and Mr. Thompson reigned in his vacant pulpit and when Mrs. Crackthorpe heard that the parsonage was being pa pered, painted and refurnished for the coming bride of the young miivster, she had to retract htr declaration that "Christina Carr would never marrv!" "Oh, of course, she is pleased and he is, it's all right," said Mrs. Crack thorpe, not without acerbity. "But things are sa Aly changed since I was a girJ!" And the three Miss Crackthot pes are working three anti-maccasar tidies for their cousin Chrissy's reception in the parsonage.—Yankee Blade. Buttermilk For Whisky. The taste of the tippling public in "mixed drinks," and even in downright liquors, undergoes some curious muta tions, like fashionable taste in the mat ter of colors and styles but heretofore the drinks have all contained alcohol, whatever new name was invented lor them. A more welcome chai-ge from bad to good (or a more singular one) has seldom come to our knowledge than the preference lately developed for butter milk as a substititute for old "'fire wa ters." This applies chiefly to moderate drinkers who patronize bars, not to the drunkards but the sign seems a hope nl one iu the direction of sobriety and ab stinence. A reporter of the Philadelphia Times, in reply,to'inquiries about the prevailing summer drinks, learned the following facts from a saloon-ketper. "Several years ago there sprung up a rage for weiss beer, a wishy-washy sort ofadri ik. About fifty Germans went into the business. You could get a br.hooner of it—a tall glass, big enough to bathe in—for five cents. That had its day, and then came ginger ale and Apoihnaris, p.nd a:ter that brown stout and "hal -arid-half." Now there is a strong demand for buttermilk. Yes, it is a queer drink a bar-room but it has several recommendations. A man miLdit drink a barrel of it if he could, without getting tipsy. He wouldn't raise the neighborhood shouting and singing. He wouldn't want to tight all the fellows in the night-car, or beat his wi when he got home. But only a small proportion of the production of the dairies is absorbed by the bar-room trade. On Bridge avenue, above Broad street, is the principal dis trbuting depot, where the product of the gentle Jersey and Aiderney herds of anu"Tiber of renowned dairymen are disposed of. "The demand runs the wh ofeyear round for buttermilk," said an attenant at the dairy. "In the winter time it is only about one half what it is now. 1 fit were very hot now, as it was a few weeks ago, we would sell one thousand quarts a day. In this sort fo weaiher we are vending seven hundred to eight hundred quarts, lidepen is altogether on the tempera ture to increase the demand and sale, "We have many customers to whom 't is served by the advice of their physi cians, who recommend it in cases of dyspepsia and kidnev diseases. We have several doctors who buy and drink it by the glass themselves. One phj-si cian has sent over twenty customers here, and all have declared themselves benefitted by the beverage. "I don't think the Irish are the prin cipal purchasers. We sell a great deal by the quart, probably about half we dispose of. The Germans appear to be better customers than the Irish, who have always been noted buttermilk drinkers. The Germans find that but termilk is as good as beer, which it is superceding. I never questioned any of those who bought it by the glass, but I have heard it well spoken as a remedy in r8pepsia, and even dysentery." This healthier taste on the part of those who crave stimulants is by no means a fickle whim of the season* but has been growing for five years past. The swinging screen-doors of scores of bar-rooms are ornamented with the le gend, "Ice-cold buttermilk," and all day long those who qu iff the beverage pass in anil wet their throats and go decor ously out. Tlia young husbaud of the ancient Baroness Burdett-Coutts owns seventy fishing smacks. FARM AND HOUSE Household Miscellany. A Goon REMEDY FOK HOARSENESS.— Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth, add two tablespoonfulB of sugar, the juice of a lemon and a glass of warm wa ver. Poi CORN.—We used to pop corn by putting a spoonful of butter in a clean pan together with a pinch of salt and a handful of corn. Cover and put on the fire. Shake gently, and be careful not to scorch. TW CLKAX A VERY GREASY KETTLE.—Put ashe in it and a little, water. In a few minutes sera the contents all out with a stick and rinse with water. Before this, soap is but wasted on it. Every one knows how difficult it is to induce a patie.nt t® take cod lis er oil, and how the taste is aohorred by most people._ A perfectly simple way to pre pare it is ti drop the desired dose into a little glass of cold water the oil will form a globule that is easily swallowed, lake a swallow of cold water then drink rapidly from the glass, keep the mouth closed tightly for a minute, and when you open it you will be surprised that no unplea ant taste is left in the mouth. To make a slipper-case cut two piece3 of eardooavd the siae desired, and cov er tfnm with momie cloth. Then cut of cardboard a smaller piece for the pocket, cover it on one side with the cloth, and fasten it in the center of one of the larger pieces then finish where it is joined with a worsted cord. Over hand the two large pieces together, and row the cord all around the edge. To hang it sew two large brass rings at the back of the two-side scollops. Cheap unbleached muslin curtains are made to look very picturesque by draw ing out the threads a space of two inch es on the sides and at the lower edge hemstich the same with French cotton and trace with embroidery cotton at re gular intervals over the rest of the dra pery clustered l.-aves, and give io the outer edtre a finish of plaited lace. Morris, the English poet decorator, deprecates the American love of bizarre effects and the American tendency to crowd their rooms with ornaments. The Lnndon a.:ent at the Boston foreign fair says is characteristic of him to bav io persons seeking his advice in regard to lurnishiiiij: "Choose something har monious for flo and hanging, then add a table and cushioned t-etis around the wall!" "His vn 1 otn-e" continued the auent, "is, although very beautiful, quiet in its simplicity." Yet the poet designs ail varieties of household furniture, and by no means confines bis attention to textile fabrics. This advice indicates, therefore, an intention to repress that overcrowding to which Americans are particularly prone. Cows jtSria^iii£ t'rices. At the sale of Mr. Cooper's imported Jersey cattle cows were in good demand, bur, the bids for bulls were not active. Two good bulla were withdrawn, as little more than what their beef would fetch wa?i offered. One of the cows. Saragossa, by Coeur de Lion, out of Venus, was put up at $500 and was rapidly run up fo $1,500 then to $2,01)0, $S3,(}K) and was fin ally knocked do^vn at $4,8')0. Nonpareil, another cow of good record, sired by Fiockwell, and guaranteed to give twen ty-four quarts of milk daily, was also eagerly bid for and she brought $2,950. The total amount realized by the sale was $50,996 Withernsea, a 4-year-old, by Coiur de Lion, out of Lemon Peel, brought $2,500. The Lady of Ka sa^cin, a 4-year-old cow, a granddaughter of Khedive, was bought by Col. H. S. Rus sell for $2,150. Fancy Free, 2 1-2 years old, a daughter of Cety wayo and Jersey ?as sold to Thomas A len, of Pittsfieid, Mass., for §2,000. Amruerez's Gem, six years old was sold to Col. Russell for $ 0 0. Fifteen hundred Oollarswas paid for Bliss, 2 years old, a daughter of Pedro and Gold Leaf, by Col. Outsell. C?ty a 5-year-old cow, a daughter of Ver turmnus and Lily, was s&ld to Henry Pierce of San Francisco, for $1,200. Auri cula, 2 1-2 years old, a daughter of Bob by and Lily, was Bold to G. N. Fortnan, o'fOlean, N. Y., for $1,150. Guenow'a fancy, 2 1-2 vears o'd adaughter of Cety wayo and Guenon's Pride,, was sold to Col. Uusseli for $1,010.—New York Times. Tbe Parmer's ilorse. The ideal farmer's horse is a horse of good constitution and endurance, of good disoosition, a fast walker and a roadster, and that is the all-purpose horse. Such a horse can be had. If a good driver, the animal will most likely be more serviceable in the work on the farm. A wretchedly poor roadster is generally poor everywhere. He is a mope at best. But a horse tLat is active and strong on the road, will be a good horse, according to the present standard, on the farm, if he is of sufficient size. In the matter of size opinions will differ, and it is not material whether the animal is large or small—if not too small—if it has the aggregation of merits which we have briefly stated. As to endurance it is a qualitv usually conQned in its ap plication to road or trotting horses, but there is no place ia this world in which a horse is ever put that he needs more endurance than he does on the farm. It is true that if he lacks that the defect may not be as particularly noticeable while he is at work as it, would be in the case of a horse on the race track or on the road. He may do all the work that is expected of him, but farm work is bard work, and if the horse lacks en durance, which is the result of a strong constitution, he is rapidly wearing out, and his period of usefulness ends much sooner than it should. A good disposi tion, also, is of paramount importance, not only for the good of the horse him self, but for the safety of those about him. A bad dispositioned horse is al ways the source of danger, and if he does no damage during his life those who handle him are in exceptional luck. The Western Rural. Jersey Cattle. The demand for imported Jersey cattle in this country has been so great in the last fifteen years and so many animals brought over to satisfy it that the source of supply ia nearly exhausted. We are told that it i3 now difficult to find choice Jersey cows even in Jersey. The Island ers have nearly ceased to keep the an imals for milking purposes they rear them almost exclusively for foreign mar kets, chiefly the American, and they cannot raise enough to supply the de mand. There are three islands in the channel group lying off the French coast that are the home of these valuible an imals—Jersey, Guernsey and Aiderney we receive the most desirable cows— the gentle deer-like little crea ture so highly esteemed for their rich milk and its yield of gold en butter. The same species is found in Guernsey, but there it is larger, coarser and does not yield aa rich milk. But it would not-be a great misfor tune if the breed were to be entirely exhausted in the channel Islands it has been successfully transplanted in this country, and been improved by the pro cess. There are finer Jersev cows to be found in the United States than on the island ot Jersey. Our richer pasturage and the general kind treatment they re ceive have had the effect af improving their milking qualities, and it is prob tote that choice animals will in the iuture be sought after here for English arms. Crossing Breeds of Poultry. We once heard a man say he could raise any kind .of birds be desired by Jim ply crossing one variety with anoth er. We have cried the experiment lor years but have had no results from which we were satisfied with our under taking. We have crossed Dorkings and Black Spanish for the purpose ofgeiting the characteristics of the Dorking im pregnated with tho*e of the Slack Span ish. The crossing was anything but sat isfactory, as far as giving the flesh of the cross the table qualities of the Dorking. The size proved larger than the Dork ing. and the laying qualities were not unlike those of the Spanish, the eggs beintr large and chalky white in appear ance. But the flesh of the fowls lacked that plui-np and buttery appearance of the Dorking.—W M. Lewis. A Home Made Filter. John Michaels, in a communication to the New York Sun, sivye: I trust the home made filter hete de scribed may soon be found in every home, for a water supply loaded with a mass of filth}' and poisonous contamina tions should be rejected without hesita tion until cleansed from impurities by good filter. Purchase a common galvanised iron pa ', which cost fifty centp. Take it to a tin shop and have a hole cut in the center of the bottom about the size of five cent piece, and direct them to solder around it a pi. ee of tin about three-tour hs of an inch deep, to form a spout to direct the flow of water downward in a uniform di rection Obtain about two quarts of small stones at a store where mateiial foi rooting is sold after .i go washing place about two inches of these at bot tom of to form a drain. On this place a partition of horse-hair cloth or Canton fiinncl cut to size of pail. On this place a layer ot animal charcoal, sold at the wholesale chemists as boneblack at about ten cents a pound. Select this aboat tbe size of gunpowder grains, and not in powder. This layer should be three or tour inches. A sec ond partition having been placed, ad three inches of sand, as clean and fine as possible. Those within reach of glass makers should purchase the sand there, as it is only with that quality of sand that the best results ca.i be obtained On this place another partition, anj add more fine stones or shingle—say for two or three inches. This serves as a weight to keep rhe upper partition in place. Your tiiter is now complete, but not ready for use. However careful you may have been in "ashing the material, a residue of dust will remain, and this has to be gradually washed through. For this purpose pass as much water as pbs-ible. through the filter during the first dav without using it. The next day it will be ready lor use, and if my directions have been complied with filtered water will be always at com mand, not only freed from all suspen ded circumstances, but from color due to matter held in solution having been removed. I found that the yellowish color of Croton water, which is very difficult to remove, was entirely absent in water passed through my filter. Where the Br.clegroom Buys the Trosseau. According to Mexican custom the prospective bridegroom must not only purchase and furnish a house before hand, but he must buy all the wedding trosseau—even to minutest accessories of the toilette which may be needed for years to come and is expected to make gifts to the bride's family, and brides maids and all the immediate friends concerned, and to delray all the ex penses oi the wedding feast and subse quent festivities. It must be remem bered that everything costs enormously in Mexico as compared to American pri es, furniture and goods of all kii ds being imported at great expense in transportation as there are compar ative ly no manufactories an I no rail ways, and the duties are imply outra geous Fortunately for the bridegroom's depleted pocketbook there u? no going off on wedding tours, the absence of anything but stage and mule trans portation makir-g that foolishness an im possibility, but the married pair go di rectly to their new home on tbe wed diny defy, and eat the first connubial breakfast under their own vine and fig feree.—[Correspondence Cleveland Her- Id. TJie Ulsfiofj of jNoi'tliern Dakota. New York Special—: The Rev. Wil liam D. Walker, pastor of Calvary chap el, East Twenty-third street, this city, who was the 2itli elected bishop of Northern Dakota by the general confer ence of the Episcopal church at Phila delphia, was seen to-day by your corres pondent. The reverend gentleman is an unmarried gentleman about forty years of age, a little above the medium heitiht, with bl ick hair, side whiskers, piercing black eyes, and very regular features. His appearance was extreme ly pro-possessing. He was attired in the regular clerical garb, and bore hint self with ease and dignity. "When do you expect to take charge of your new diocese in Dakota?" was asked. "That! cannot tell you at nresent. Although elected, I have not yet decid ed to accept. Still it is not improbable I shall do so. I have been in charge a Calvary chapel for twenty-one year-*, the one now standing having been erec ted for me eleven years ago. I must take time to decide upon such an im portant event as the withdrawal from my congregation, who are so much endeared to me, and who have treated me so kindly for so many years. My congregation is a large ona, about l,0n"), with 450 communicants and a Sundav sciiool of 450. Ail these associations tend to bind me to New York. My peo pie have sent me five times to Europe on my vacations." "Have you an idea of the field for ministerial labor in Dakota?" "Nothing more than some of my friends who have been there have told me. They say it is a cold country, an.i very barren in part, but that it is grow ing faster than any other of the territo ries, or, in fact, state in in.- country. I eel satisfied if this is the case that my field will be au excellent one." "Where will you probably locate?" "Of this I have no idea. My election have been very sudden and wholly un expected, and I have not of course been able to consider the change fully. I cannot go for a considerable time in any event, and as I said, it is not sure that I will accept." Members of the Eev. Mr. Walker's church to whom your correspondent Bpoke concerning his removal express great tin willingness that he should leave them. Every influence will be brought to bear to induce him to decline the bish opric. The aggregate product of wheat in Michigan this year is estimated at 23, 147,135 bushels. A Townoi Extraordinary Rapid Growth. Albuquerque (Albukerky), the metro polis of New Mexico, is one of the most phenomenal cities in the United States, so far as rapidity of growth is concerned. In April, 1880, the first friin of cars reached the present town site, which was then a body of farming land. The town was laid out the following summer, and thf* marvelous buildinf boom began which has resulted in a substantial town of fine business blocks and pleasant res idences, many of which would be a credit to cities of lOOjhOO inhabitants. A large proportion of its business houses are of brick. The old Mexican town of Albu querque is a mile or more distant and at the timeot the establishment of the new town contained 3,500 inhabitants. It Is estimated that the two taken together now number in the neighborhood of lo 000 people. No town in the west, with the exception of Leadville* has ever ex perienced so rapid a growth. Gospel Facts. [The following nas appeared in nearly every newspaper throughout the United 8 ates, and is one of the tiBesc testimonials ever won by a medicine proprietary or otherwise. Dr. Crane (be is a graduate of medicine as well as a clergyman) gives hie evidence without any solicitation whatever. It will repay to read it "1 have never seen a medicine more perfect ly adapted to Its various applications thcrn Thomas' Electric Oil. I was for manv years sufferer from quinsy: Thomas' Eiec'ric Oi! cured me. My wile and child had diph theria Thomas Electric' Oil cured them and it taken in season it will cure seven times out of ten. I am confident it ib a cure for the ru-st obstinate cold or couga, au* it taken into the head, by the nostrils, two or three tirues a we«k, will postivoly re lieve tbe most, etfenbive case of catarrh and notwithstanding the delicate nature of the mucous membrane ot the nr.sal organs can be ta^en up witn perfect impunity. For deaf ness and eajuche it has done woudcrs to my Cfi'aui knowledge. It is the only meoicine dubtted patent that I have ever felt like re cojamoriding.andJ am anxious to see it in tne houaa lor any consideration. Ir, also op erates in astbma as a specific, and when ever it is use it becomes indispensable to household saf y. I am ready to give any one the benefit my observation, bot'n PS to gits eff' cts aiid ruodo ©f Bpplica'ion, if 'hey will crop me an te making inquiry." Kev. E F. Crane, Dunkirk, N. Y. Dr. Thomas' E ectric Oil everywhere *y Drug siBts. Foster, Milium Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Oklatn una Payne has been indictcl at Leavenworth WEJ.I,S' "ROUUH os CoitNh*' -15c. Ask for it Complete. cucc. Corus. -warts, tuuwaa Mits Bentley of Branchbury, 7 J., sich or twenty years, ninnus pr ver cured her. For aged mem vyoateu, we** aud sickly children, without a rival. Will not cause headache, Brown's Iron Bitters. .Asi* Minor has earttq akes. '"BUKNS AND SCALPS.'"—It you are so un fortium.e as to injure yours -it in this wav, we Oin suggtfct a remedy thac will soon re lieve you oi all iin and quickly be«i thr wound it cost but twenty-tiv cents and is old by all druggists. Ask for Perry Davis' Pain Killer. a lively dread of more Texas orgamzsj sixty-e gut new counties this year. IRRITATION, inilamn-atioi?, al! Kiduey and TJ iiiary Complaints, cured by "iiucuu-Paiba $1. The 8t. Paui letter-earners uandled 9,193, 215 pieces of mail matter la-t year. PAKDANE .LE, Ara. Dr. M. M. Croom, 4ays tiiuwu's irou Bitters i3 the best medi cine in the world and is effecting miracu lous cures How to Shorten Life. The receipt is simple. You have only to take a violent cold, and neglect it. Aber nethy, tbe gieat English surgeon, asked a lady who told him she only had a cough: •iWhat would you have? The Plau. Be ware of 4,onlv coughs." The worst cases can, however, be cured by Dr. Wm. Hail's Balaam fo? the Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it immediately allays irrrit ti»n, and is sure to prevent a faal termination of tbe disease. Sold by all druggists and deal ers in medicine. Martin Bernard author and republican is, dead. He wai bor-' S p*. 17, 1808. SKINNY MEN—1-WILIS' Health Jcenewer" restore* health and vigor, cures iy:ip( psii, impotence. $1. John B. Giidiiend oi Cieveland has failed for $111 000. SALTMARSII, A LA.—Dr. JAA. B. M:lls, says "Stvr-rm oi my patients ve us-jd Brown's Irou Bitters lor chronic indigestion with bent fit. Swift's Sptcilic S. 8.) n«s relieved me of an or an obstinate case of Dry Tetter which had troubled lor twenty-five years' and had tfi da 1 sons of treatment, Bev! I. B. Branham, M*con, Ga. Nothing is u^lirr than crooked boots, straighten them with Lyon's Heel Stiheners. Lr. Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup. Is one ot tne most The pleasant, or paiatnbie preparations fcr woTms we have ever kno«M. it 33 thoroughly efficacious, and never requires any othtr medicine to carry it otf at er u.^ing it. Children like it, as though it were horify. Frazer Axle urease. F'fbzer Ax Gtcese lasts four long aa any other. times as Only two bottles. Alegars. John9ton. Hoi* loway & Co., wholesale drug it-ts (fPhila adelphia, Pa., report that some timv ago a gentleman handed them a dollar, with a re quest to send a good catarrh core to two army officers in Arize na. Recently the same gentleman told them that both of the offi cers and the wife of a well-known U. 8. A. General had been cured of catarrh bv the two bottles of Ely's cteatu Balm. (Not a liquid or snuff. Price 50 o's.) The Country Flooded With Counter feits. Look out for frauds, see that vou get the genuine. Take no other. The label on every bottle of the old, original and genu ine Allen's "Iron Tonic Bitters," which have proved such grand success, bears the signature of J. P. Allen, St Paul, Minn. Look oat. The country is overflooded with iiuit etions. The Conductor. Conductor Warren, of Winona. Minn., sas, I ueed one bottle of Warner's White Wi of Tar Sy/up, when I was so hoarse I could not speak above a whisper, and in twenty-tour hours it cured me. It is the best remedy I ever sftw. Free to all Minisr, rs. I will send two bottles of Warner's White Wine oi Tar free of all coats to any minis er who will send us an order from his store keeper for two zen bottles of tne same. Piles! "PilesTPiles! Sore cure for Blind, Bleeding and Itch ing Piles. Single box has cured worst chronic casp of twemy years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applyiug. William's Indian Pile ointment, it absorb the tumors, allays the irchinp (pardcularly alter getting warm in bee). Prepared only for piles and itching for ihe private parts. Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 8t. Paul, Wholesale Agents. After long Mercury and Potash fact. Our home remelies, pos'tively cures al diseases, at small cost—Write tor pamph let—Home Health Co. Minneapolis. Another of Mr. Evarta' daughters will be married in November in JSew York. This will be tb« third of th® eleven to leave the oa.ernai home. A E N S Lung Balsam! A GOOD FAMILY REMEDY! -THAT WILL CURE- Coughs, Colds, Croup, Dr. Merotlith, Dentist, ot Cincin'ti, wasthutigat to be it the last stages of Consumption, and was induced by h-.s friends to try Allen's lung Balsam after the formula was shown him. We have his letter that it *touce cured his ough and that h« was able to resume his practice. Wm. C. Digges, Mer chant, of Bowling Green, Va., writes April 4, 18hl, thftthe wauU us to know thai, the Luti£ has cured his ruother of Consumption, hi'ter tbe physician had given her np at incurable. He 6P.yf others knowing her case have taken tho Bal sam and been cured, lie thinkf all so afflicted shouli! give it a trial. TUT TPS I TORPID BOWELS, I S O E E I E and MALARIA. Prom tbeso sources ariao till eo-fourths the diseases of the Bladder, Urinary, and Liver Diseases, Dropsy, Gravel, and Diabetes are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY IKE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. HUNTS REMEDY cures Hright's Disease. Kc\.ention or Non-Keten tion ot Urine, Pains in tie Back, Loins, or Side. HUNT'S REMEDY mreraiio/. cures iiitemperauc.', N rvous Diseases, General Debility, Female Weakness, and Exeessf:s. female W IPl cures i.iii''uFn^Fs, Ucad'u'lie, Jaundice, Sour Stoaiaeh, Dyspepsia, Constipation, and I'ik-?. ACTS AT ONCE on tbe Kidneys, Liver, an.1 re in I to ah a a a CURBS "vlien all other medieines fail. &iffef*s YV §66 $5 treat ment, I found myself a cripple fr Mer curial Rheumatism. Tried Hot Springs two yeirs without relief, and was fiually cured sound and well by the use of 8wift's Specific (8. 8. 8.) Chas. Berg, Hot Springs, Ark. The reported gold find At Lisbon, Dak., is said to be a DON'T die in the Uouse. "KOUGH on Eats." Clears out rats, mice, tiles, roaches, bed-bugs. 15c. Fure Cod-Xiver Oil de from selected live-*. on tho sea-ahore. by CHAZARD & Co.. \e Yorii. It is abaohitelypare aud sweat. .Patients who bav« cm# taken it preter it to all others. Ph .-sieiaus have deeded it superior to any of the other oila in market. Chapped Hands. Face, Pimples and rcm?h SKID cured by USIN^ TAB SOAP, made by CASWELL. HAZAJUJ Co., htw York. If JeremirJi Wright, ol Marion County, AV. Va., writ?? us that hit wife barf Pulmonary Con sumption noi na» prc nomjcefi incurable N S Wm. A. Grahr.m Co..Wholesale Druggists Zaussville, Ohio, write us of the cure of Mat thias Freeman, a well known citizen, who had been afiUottd witl, Brou chitis I" it* »nrsi f»rrj for twelve yeit.-s. The I.ung Bajsaiii eitrod Mm as it has erred many others Of Bi-onuhitia. Salaam I O N Allen's Lung Balsam le harmless to the most delicate child It contains no Opium in any form Recommended by iMivstciuiiK, Ministers ant'. Nurses, lu fact by everybody who has given it a good trial. It Scm-r Falls to Bring lielirf. As an Expectorant it has no Equal. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS* you ljy their phvsiciiin, when the nee of Allen's Luns JBal Mimentirel cured her. Ho writes that he f.nd his neighbors thin'* ttbeb*st medicine in t!is world. CONSUMPTION ol human raee. The»a symptoms indicate thoir existence: ]Lo«» oi Appetite, Bowels costive, Sick tche, fallneia after eating, •version t] exertion body or minds Ernctation of food, irrltabfljity eff temper, Dizziness,Fluttering «t are Interested In tho inquiry—WJiich is the best Liniment for Man and Beast —tiiis 13 the answer, at tested by two generations 1 the MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. flio reason is sim ple. It penetrates every sore, wound, or lameness, to tho very bone, and drives out all Inflammatory and morbid mat ter. Ik" ^oes to the root" of the trouble, and never fails to cure in double quick time* WrLL BUY lO-Sv-rc tract in Florida. Address A. W. L-AWrON. Auburn. N. reliable l.ifo ]u-aranco at lowest rates try the Cincinnati Lite Ass'n CjnciuDarl.U. J.H.Orsy, Sec'y OUR LATEST OATALOG-ti E Of 8rk*nti.5o Text oka an.i Jiuhi.-irial Worke paget.) wiil be moili-d tree to any on ord«riU'.!' U. liN WLLFCY tz TYPE AXLE Oaring Wells Low •pirita, A feeling of having »eg?,ecte tomo ditty, tint Heart, before the eyes, highly fo5« ored Urine, COJVSTIPATIOIV, and de mand tho use of a remedy tliat acts directly on the Liver.. AsaLive* medicine Til FT'3 PXX4JL8 have noecjD&l. Their action on tha Kidneys anl Skin is also prompt reuio-? ing all impurities through these thr a© uca'j* engt-ra off Vhs system,'* producing APOO tito, souu«3 digestion, regular stools, a clos.r skiu and a vigorous body. TCTT'S r-XTLL/J cause no nausea or griping nor interfere Trttb dai]y work and area perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Soid evorywherft,SMa. OiBoe,44 Murray St.,N.Y. TUTTS HA3R DYE. GRAY HAIR atantly to a on Wnismiaa changed In- GLOSSY BLACK plication of this •A. •zyj&rsc by a single ap DYE. Sold by Drug^ietc^ or sent by express on receipt of Office, 44"Murray Street, New York. TBTT'S MANUAL QF USEFUL RECEIPTS PRES. O Sale prices Hun dreds have been saved who avc Leer givyn up to die by friends and ^ihysieiaus. Send for pamphlet to HUNT'S REHEDV CO., l*rovUIoki.•«, ETLCBBAU? R.I, Trial size, 75c. I.arge size cheapest. SOI.I) VY ALL IEVGS«2STS. I:} ciTO'iic 'lyfiT-«"T sia ami livr-r i.omc I ciipoaitl an other ob 'rin.ile dis e&nt'.H i'n-:tctter'8 ktomaoh Li u-rs is bey., nd a'.l lompari t-'.-'ii the roniedy that cau l,e taken. Aa a nj jai -3 of restor ing tlae Htieiifrth and vital energy o£ per sons who are siDkinp: under the debilitat ing effucta of pain £n! disorders, this standard ve^etab inviporant. is con fessedly unejualed. For sa:e by all Drutft? sis and Deal ers generally. IR.RORHE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will cure Nervousness, Lumbagro.Rhfr.iinatism, Par alysl8. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Kidney, Spine an.i Liver diseases,Gout,Asthma .Heart disease. Dyspepsia, Consti pation, Erysipeias, Catarrh, Piles. Epifcpsv. ImpoU't Dumb Apfue, Prolapsus Uteri, etc. Only scientific Kl20cy, trie Belt in America that pends the Electricity and mag netism through the body, and can be recharged in an in stant by tbe patient. Send Stamp for Circular. Dr. W.J. ttOlOiE, Inventor, 191 Wabash Av.,Chicago* RVER WOM A N snonid send 3e stamp to Pr rj£iax TU/iUiiiy Frederick Kirhy, Cleveland. D.. for raraphlet abont the prompt and posi: ive euro Df diseases necuiiar to irom'a. Cheap and never tails. HTl't. ts.hAVr-Kn(JulOHcrttA Al heate* diseased lung*. l3r. Frank Powell, La Crosae, Wis. a we«k in your own town. Terma and $5 outfk free. Address H. HAIXSTT k, Co„ Portland. Al* TO WO per day at bom«. Samples worth •ddreea STINSOH fc Co., Portland, Maine. 9 TO A WEEK, $12 a day at Dome eaaflr made. Con lyouifitfree. AddressTKCK & Co* Augusta, Me id »V A C.W 1'/! AJUU Lkt)l.rBl B*U 4n« Pictorial Hooka and Bvalen. Prices reduc«wl 1 psr c*nt. National Publishing Co.. Chicago, 111. Boardiner 3U ft lwa TsLa«sArKY here and 1 7(_i i.\J a* 1/-' will (five job a rftuation Oirc* lar:i (re*. VAI.E oTlSiS BliOe.. Janxville, Wi». school for eirla. Address Helen Matrill. I-h. D.. Howard Collegiate Inst.,W.Bridgewater, Mass. CHICAGO SCALE CO. ST09 WIOOS SCALE, S40. STOH, UO. ,4 Ton Kt9, Bran Box IncloiteA. 240 lb. FARMER'S SCALE, *6. The "LittleDetective," & oz. zTlb. fo tOO OTHER S!2E9. Reduced FBK'Kto USTF£*£ FOBGKBS, TOOLS, &c. BEST FOITGK S*PK FOR L1611T TORI, «tt 40 lb. Anviland Kit 6fTooU,S(4 Faramn nti UMaad BHC d«b gC jgt*. Blower*, Anvils, Vices A. Other Arfcclai AT IXmiOT P&lCSSt VU0UUMU A UJCTUU Sj.NS, \'rrU. PBI3STIMG PKlESSEft NATIONAL TV PC CO. PA '(I'-paire Bcx-ic 10c* mm FRAZER Bewt in the World. -«ei tbe nenr.iae. KT. Wv packitxe bits our 'tVailp-inn.riv nn«l te marked irazer'i. fciOLli UlcH& Effacfciae* Made tc Htm by E'jrae, Hitad or Bteam Power. 6(Sd for CatalosriKS. Address! LOGMI^&JIYMAR, Timfi, OHIO. For plea^m| tid bu!»ine^a.i SS® A nW, original. ehCTplaatern, SOT r.roj»-tnisrauid cn rirpni juhotoirranhfi. chrorrioi-itrds, rvraij,:- -:i« tun -aiiii elsraa Works like macric, nnd dehfr'au and mvstifi«w •verybody. Send iorourfu:! anil fr• -ed:-T ti^e -V,• i:br iiDIUUt HlU. PUB. Co.,Box y. C:ry, Y,. Y. with the Famaus TiFmi" Wei Soring and Rock Online ^chlna /j£ I® Ver Profitable I $25 t7S40 fW CATA Ely's cnam Bal® rjTLY'S 'hayfeverIi wL»n ar])!ii-d ty th'j I fiutreri uotb'j not.:ri.-, will abM. rbwi, 5l- feet'ially oleansin,? (Lo tidaii of catarrh -,l vi rn«. canr.ii)^ healtry ae^ret.of It aJiaj-a I inflaiurni'.iff-'j.proiect.'j the ineuio-ane of th.-j na-^al pas-^ascb trora I adfiitionai colds, coia jjle'.ely Lt als tLie sviros and rebtort'g taiate kud I oWfjll. A fow apT'iict tiona reliave. .4 tuo" wjh trexitrn (.iu wiCl positively cure. aolii to nse. ??eni tor b.SA. I circular. Prio*. 50 pr» ee»£a. by :uall, or hi [ALX drugzleta. EIL¥ EKOTII^HS UWETFO N. T. The is my. 8iltil Miirdi and extch year: 216 pages, S-rxliJ inches, willi over 3,30t? illuitriitioiii -a iiole pic ture gsilicry. Gives vaole- direct to ccmymr.rrs 0:1 ali ooii{i for personal or Larjiij use. Tells how to order, and givs exa-.t Go:.t of pvery thiog you use, eat, drink, ve:-.r, cr hava fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any a Idress upon receipt cf irV postage—7 cents. Let iu hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. »7 JU TLTF WHLQBK AREN JN, UHLCN*O. IU, I was snffering from B:ooJ Poisr-n r.ivl Mr.r. urial Rheuoiiitiaui, mid hail sbt^nt for !rer.tni6Qt with no benefit, and it the1. I »v.»3 ilo'jtaoii to die. O.'ight at Swift's bpeciti--: us a drowning man wouM at a e'raw, H: '1 it saved ui^. from a horrible ueutii, and cured E sor.nd and we!L It is tiie greatest medicin^ tli-s v.-nrld. C. H. SMI LEY, Quiucy, IM. IlKRJ2yXTAKY.—Swift's Speeifi (.-ared VOO sound a/id weli of a Scrofulous t-unf from my aucoatora. J. A. Mci-on. ttju I ain suro that Swift's Ki)M:iiic ,VK1 irty ii:e. vrue torriWy i,ois«aed w.!h Ma'aiia. find VOTi na die. Swift's ^ec!tic rulievt-J proiabtly and entirely. I tsiink it thecr^a u«t ri:'jjf.u!y oT tha age. C. Or. SPENCER, Sup',. Qui \Y'k«, li in.-1, Ja. 5^ 1 OOO ^'3 to any '•V JL 5U V7V/ chemist who will liud, OTI analysis ot loo boitifcs of S. S. 8., ooe p..rticio of mercury, iodide potassium, or any poisonous suh&'ance. BWXIT1 Sli- ciFio Co., Drawer 3. Ailuma, Ga. Our treatise on Btood and Bk'.u Diuttases inuileJ free to at/plicaiits. TJEVER FA1^£ tM|E|R|Vlgl tGOHQUEPJR.) A SPECIFIC FOE aw EPILEPSIf, SPASMS, COSVULSIOHS, FiLLiHG SIGKKESS, ST. VITUS DAHGE, iLGKGHOLISM, OPIUM EiTiKS, SVPHiLLlS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, BRAIN WORRIT. BLCCB SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEV TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. W$I.50perbott!e.-W3 For tettimoni&Js and circulars eend stamp. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co., Props.t St. 3"esepja., (11/ Correspondence freely answered by Phyeidians. Sold by all Drnggists. N. W. N. U. No. 44. When writing to advertisers please .say you saw their advertisement in this paper.