Newspaper Page Text
Too Macji Wlieat. Fargo, Sept, 23.—-The wheat crop hereabouts is being rapidly transferred from ilw shocks to the granary, ilic ninjor part it going to the thresher direct from.the shock. Uut little injury has txjcn done in the Hpriirfgat* by the rain, and it will not atijmjeinhly mince the grade in the augivgaSif. A iremrnl dis position to tuifn tu wmci other farm in dustry than v.lirat is everywhere evi denced, ami with the amount of summer following thiit will hednne next reason, it in this section will benny greater than this jrar. Many of the bonanza farmers announce their intention to let large acreage lie idle. The superintendent of the grea-. Raymond and Chase bonanza farm states that a full section will be left tinHown. This will be imitated by many others. Flax is talked of as a substitute partially for wheat, and the raising of cattie will be extensively tried. Broin the Duluth New*, Explorm are showing specimen® of silver—almost the pure stuff too—tnkeh from land# in town 04 anb 83, range 6, near Lake Seigana* TheWelland and St. Lawrence cannah are to be further deepened and improved for heavier draft tonnage. This will alow shipments from Duluth to Liver pool without change. Work has been begun on the great railroad bridge which- will give u# a new\ quick and all-rail connection with the East, without the necessity cf a ferry transfer. Duluth to Chicago in eighteen hours. It i« probable that the log cut of this district during the coming winter will b« about what the mills now here can saw ea3ily next season. Those who have logs left over or hung up at the close of the sawing season will get out about enough to complete their stock, and those who have used their logs tvill get out a full atock. The mill-men cannot afford to shut tberr. mills and lose the trade they hare already work ad up. The Pure and the Impnrc. The merry little mountain brook, as it lightly dances over the rocks and spark ]#8 in the sunshine on its way down to the river, is pure and clean. It is active, therefore it is hcaithy* It is vigorous, therefore it resists impurity. But the sluggish pool, whore the current is not strong enough to keep the water in mo tion, is stagnant and foul. Dirt and rubbish are thrown into it, and stay there. Impurities and vile odors make it a breeder of disease and an object to be avoided. When the blood is strong and xich and red, and vigorously courses its accustomed rounds through arteries and voins, the system is hearty and healthy. "When the blood is thin and poor and •weak, impurities and defilements croep into it, and it has no strength to cast them out, Then the system runs down. The only known reliablo cure for impure blood and a weak and debilitated system is Hops and Malt Bitters—Naturc'3 rem edy. The great Blood Purifier and Kid ney and Liver Remedy, compounded fVom the well known curatives, Hops, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Cascara Sagrada, etc. Hops nrid Malt Bitters la the greatest Health and Life Restorer agont on earth. It is especially recommended for all diseases of women, such as mental depression, weak ness, breaking down, lassitude of the system, headache, etc. A trial will surely convincp any one of its merits' Call for Hops and Malt Bitters. For sale by JOHN W. CLOSK. JSveryJ Lady Wants it. "The Housekeeper" is indispeusible to every lady who "keeps house." The July number i3 full of good things. Any lady who writes for a specimen copy, nentiou inc this paper, before August 15th, will receive a speceal offer, and the-illustcated Premium List. -A good club might be made up at every postoflice in this coun try, and those who get subscribers for The Housekeeper get good pay for it* Address The Housekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn For The Campaign! Tlio great political battle of 1884 has •opened. Its events and incidents will be faithfully recorded in the Pioneer Press, the people's organ of the great Northwest. None of the features that have made this reliable journal a welcome, visitor and household authority will be nutted The news from all quarters will be found in its pages. Putting the price down to cost and allowing no commission to agents, we propose special rale* to »he people on the Weekly Pioneer Press as follows: Single subscription, 3 mo... .25 cents Clubs of five, to one address,3 mo. .$1.00 which is only 20 cents for each subscrib er for 8 months. This offer holds good onty till Sept. 1st, 1884. Money may be sent by draft, moDey order, postal note or registered letter. Address to PINEER PRESS CO., St. Paul, Minn. Sale of State Lands. STATE OF MINNESOTA, LAND OFFICE.. Saint rani, Aagnat 26,1884. Notice is hereby riven that W. W. Braden will offer at public wue%t the office of the county auditor in Little flails, on Saturday, Oct. 25, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. ra., on the terms proscribed by 1*xr,Ike achool ana internal improvement lands, in Morrison county, that have been ap-"1 praised and are unsold, or that have been sold and forfeited .by reason of failure to pay interest for two or mote years. Lists of the lands to be offered may be scen'at the Auditor's office for ten days, prior to-' the sale. W. W.3RABtENK Commissioner of the State TLand Office. acksmithiBff. HUGHES & ROUNDS, BLACKSMITHS, ghop on First street north of the Batters house, Little Falls, Minn. Alt kinds of bl^jsksiuith work done in ttoe beet of shape awl OJJ short notice. The Dcy That Is Coming. Then a man Khali work and bethink him, and rejoice in the deeds of bis baud. Nor yet come home in the even too faint and weary to etund. Men in that time a'comingr shall work and have no fear, For to-iuorrew's laok of earning and the bun* ger-wott a near. O strance new wonderful justicej But for wtiom filial) •.vo gather tlife jraiu/ For ourseives and fur euch ol oiir fellows, and no i:nnd shall labor in vain. Tl en all mine trnl all thine Khali be ours, and no more shall any man For riehi-s that i-ervfc tor nothing1 but to fet tor a friend for a slave. And what wealth then fhall be loft us when none .eball iratlier pold To buy liis friepd in the market, and pinch and pine the pold? Nay, what save the lovely city, and the little houses on tli« hill. And the wastes and the woodland beauty, and the happy fie.ds ve till. And the homes of ancient stories, the tombs of the mijrhty dead And the wise men seeking out marvel^, and the poet's teeming head. And the painter's hand of wonder and the marvelous fiddle-bow, And the banded choirs of music—all those that do and know. For all these shall bo ours and all men's, nor shall any lack a share Of the toil and the ruin of living in tho days when the world grows iair. —William Morris. Jamie's Old Watch. On Brush street, near Jefferson ave nue, for an hour the other dar bruis ed and battered old dumb watch and chain lay in the gutter, where some foot had kicked it from the walk. If anyone gave tho toy a second glance it was to realize that some child nad lost or flung it away. The caso was batter ed, the face scratched and scarred, and no boy would turn aside to pick it up. By and by a curious procession came up from the Brush street depot. It was composed of a man and his wife, both past 50 years of age, and four children, the youngest of whom seemed to be about twelve. They were spread out on walk iud street, heads down and moving slowly, and there was a look of anxiety on every face. Some one a3kod the man if he had lost his wallet and he replied: "No, not that. Somowhero as we came along, we lost our Jamie's watch." "Very valuable?" "Well, sir, not as far as money goes, but it's a relic of the dead, sir—ana—." "Oh, it was an old dumb watch, eh?" "Yes, sir." "You'll find it in the gutter up by that post." The entire family made a rush for the spot, and the watch had no seoner been lifted than the mother kissed it and the children shouted their exulta tion. "It may seem foolish to you, sir," ex plained the husband, as he slyly wipod at something like a tear in the corner of his eye, '*but it's a long twelve years since Jamie died- That watch was the first toy I ever bought him. We've been burned out of house and home twice since he died, and that's the only scrap or relic left us of the little ono. You see it's old and bent but money couldn't buy it. Every time we look at it we can call up his blue eyes and chubby face, and the thought that he is waiting for us up there almost answers for a moal with mother." "Are you going away?" "Yes—across the ocean to our old home in England. We must leave the dead behincL Had we lost the walcli 1 believe the mother would have broken her heart. So long as we have it the boy's face comes up to us. We can al most hear him laugh again, and it seems more like we had laid him aivay to sleep an hour or two. Thank heaven that we have it! It was Jamie's, sir, and we are never to see his grave any more.—Detroit Free Press. Luxurious Canine Pets. Little dogs are growing more luxur ious every day. Mats, rugs, and bis cuits crumbled in croam are made ready for them at the fashionable dressmaker's while they and their mis tresses are waiting to be fitted. The little dog must have a paletot of velvet trimmed with fox, so that he carries the conquered skin of his hereditary enemy on his back. In tho morning, when he is not paying visits, he wears a plainer paletot of flannel lined with scarlet, with the monogram of his house embroidered on the back and a gorget coming up high under his bell hung leather collar, with also a bunch of tiowers on the left shoulder. For his afternoon drive his coat is lined and faced with silk, and the collar is velvet. If the weather is below zero, he wears a sealskin and for travelling, the Campbell or Murray tartan, with red leather harness anu reins. Dog collars are made of massive gold or silver, with diamonds, emeralds, opals nml rubies spelling out the name of favorites. Let us hope that these are of imitation stones, else Tray, Blanche, aud Sweetheart will got stolen for oth er than their own intrinsic merit, how ever jrroat that may bo. Two very stately lion poodles, with their fair mistress, waik overy day in the Fifth avenue. They are said to be worth thek weight in silver.—Harper's Bo xctr. In the Women's Congress, in Chica go, Mrs. Wolcott, of Massachusetts, told her sisters that the outdoor work of a farmer is not so hard_ as that of the kitchen, and she instanced many women in Kentucky who are dping farm work rather than bury themselves in kitchens. It is stated that the Merinos of Spain are divided into two classes, according to the manner of their keeping. One class is called the traveling "or migra tory, because the sheep are moved from pasture to pasture, taking ad vantage of seasons,* quality and quan tity of foliage, and of other favorable circumstances. Sheep of the other class, the stationary, are left at differ ent stations all the year round, and are more 6r less pampered, so that 'they fall .much behind the other class in the matter of health and constitutional vigor. 3$e dwarf trees of China are curi osities of forestry., Every child knows how tho Chinese cramp their women's feet by bandaging them when they are infants, and thus render it impossible for them to walk. It is, however, wonderful to see miniature oaks, chest ntitai^pUies and cedars growing in flower-pots, 50 years old and.yet not a foot high. To do this take a young plant, cut off its taproot, and place it in a basin in which there is a good soil kepi well* watered, if it Ipeows too rapidly, dig down and shorten in sev erai roots. Every year the leaves grow smaller* Bus to and from all trains Bigs Far nished go to aity •part of tite Ctiuniy. A LAFOND, -DEALER IN- OAK LUMBER $ TTMTjTCR or All IDlmenslons. Har 1 and Soft Wood kept constantly on hand, and sold at low figures, FREIGHT RATES ARE LOW. Address M. LAFOND,. LEOP.BROK NOW FURNISHES THE BEST QUALITY OF E Bring your wheat to A. J. Sawyer's ele vator in Little Falls and get the market price and honest grades and weights. X-ittle Falls, Miiva U* Ci Orders promptly Filled. *X/EO 3E\ BRICK, [Proprietor. Hotels. THEVASALYHUOSE 8till Continues to Furnish The Best Accommodations in Town, well arranged, and has a good sample room. PRICES REASONABLE. B£$uA Good Stable nd a Good Hostler. L. VASALY,Proprietor. LITTLE FALLS, MINN. ONE SECOND OF TIME.-^ BABIES PHOTOGRAPHED BY Over Tattle Jk Churchill's. C. T. BRACE, Agent. STAPLES NEW iJVi-Tjv sTABI-E Whip light and drive slow! Cash up or nogo,! For the Dandy Rig in Town come to us. JAMES BROWN, LITTLE Mink. Horses Boarded by the day or week S.F.STAPES. 'Bus to and from all Regu lar Passen grT rains. MORRISON CO. ROLLEB MIL1A Gravelville, Morrison County, Minnesota WIS 1IAVK tOK SALE Lumber, Shingles, Pickets, Lath, etc., Of the best quality and at the low est prices. PLANED AM) DRESSED LUMBER Either in stock or done to order on short notice. PLOUR at Wholesale and We also have a Retail. General Store, AT WHICH WB SELL Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, AND READY MADE CLOTHING, Below Little Falls Prices. GRAVEL & GOIJLET BROS THE PLATTE HOUSE ROY ALTON, MINN. SAMPLE ROOMS AND GOOD STABLES IN CONNECTION Terms Reasonable. PATfcONAGE SOLICITED. GEORGE W. B0YCE, Proprietor Painting! W. S. ROLPH, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. Orders left at John Wetzel's drug store will bepromptly attended to. WAGON SHOP! SCHNEPPENHEIM & D0LFEN. Proprietors. RICH PIlAIiilE, MINN. All kinds of Repairing done Promptly, especially of Agricultural Implements. A good Turning Lathe in connection wit'll shop. A Specialty. HENRY SCHNEPPENHEIM, HERMANN DOLFEN GOING EAST —OR— GOING WEST No matter which, the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD IS YOULL LINE As it will take you in cither direction beevreer ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS. DULUTH, LITTLE FALLS, GLTKDOK CASSELT0N, M00RHEAD, FA11G0. VALLEY CITY,\ A MESTO Wj\ M1NNE WA UK EX, Devil's Lake, MILNOR, LAMOUUE, BIS* MARVK, MANDAN, GLEN DIVE, BILLINGS, HELENA, Yellowstone National Park, DEER LODGE, £UTTE CITY, MIS SO ULA, SPOKANE FALL S WALLA WALLA, the DAJJLES, PORTLAND, OR., OLLMPIA, TA COMA, SE ATTLE, VICTORIA, B. C., All Points in BRITISH COL VMBIA, & ALAS KA, SALEM, ALBANY and ROSEBURG, ORE. REMEMBER, That the Northerr Pacific Railroad runs The only emigrant sleepers! The oply day coaches The only Pullman sleepers, The only dining care —BETWEEN— ST. PATJt & PORTLAND, ORE. Elegant Horton chair cars are run between I St. Paul and Fargo on Fargo Express'free for ladies, or gentlemen accompanied by ladies holding first class iickets. Full information in regard to the' Kortherc Pacific lines can be obtained FREE by address ing CIIJLK. S. FEE, General Ptu^cnger Agent, 6t Paul, Minn. CENTRALSALOON -AND— Billiard Hall! C. A. SPRANDEL, PROP H. Everything kept in firgt-olass order, and customers will always 6i\d on hand the FINEST SELECTED STOCK —OF— WINES, LIQfiQRS era. \m First Street, near the brick Bank, Little Falls, Minn. YASALY HOUSE Saloon. Just opened in the room west of the office. Pure liquors and the finest brands of cigars for sale. L. Vasaly, Proprietor. PRIEST Bit OTHERS- Dealers in Choice AND CIGARS. Corner First and Chesinut St«., LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA. Excellent Pool Table HOFFMAN SAMPLE ROOM A N BILLIARD HALL. The beat stock of PURE LIQUORS, FINE CIGARS, &c„ Kopt constantly on hand. On Fir*t St oppoaito Maurin Medved'. FRED HOFFMANN, Proprietor DOr,A.jST'S BILLIARD HALL. THE MONARCH AJBRAND-NEW FIFTEEMiALL POOL TABLE! Aluo a g(»CHl Billiard Table, and the I.est Wines, Liquors and Cigars. One door north of the Vasaly Ilotfse. J.J. DO LAN, Proprietor. CHAMPION BILLIARD HALL First door South of Tanner's store. The choicost Winns, Liquors, Hn^ a Always in stock and on sale N. MORIN, Proprietor, LITTLK PALLS, MINN. IHE LAST TURN, CHAR. MECHAU, Proprietor. A Full Stock of the Best •wiistes, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Kept constantly on hand. LITTLE FALLS AND MILWAUKEE Lager Beer Always on tap. LITTLE FALLS. MINN. M. CEOmAIFD, VETERINARY SURGEON. Having had many years experienco, be is now prepared to offer his services to all who need them. G«od References. Office opposite Berg's hardware soire, LITTLE FALLS, MIN#. I BARBEB SHOP. J. M. C0TA, PR0F R. For fa#ir and sfcavtjqj s- ai. Jimmy Cot* fan be N-*r Call an«t Uiw v-sn 1T« keepe clean t"*r. M»n Time— First ix.T aootb of *?oSir-' •.:* fal"' Si W. BUTLER. •kCfVler DR GOOD-4. LOTHOO, ETC.. ETf, Groceries, JProviaiosi* Mv Slock uv« ••r« Adfiri!)i'«nt of— Dry Goods, Crof k#»ry, Hardware, Motions and rniipry Gen«ral Merchandise My shelves ar now wlf -, and Hhors, Hainan*. O.. i't. •ipd other carmpr.ttf, Wrr/s -r,:L Cftftned Good*, find .»rge Groceries. H*-• .•«N* I E We liave now for sale at oiirlmck jar** on the Little F»li* 4 Dakato rai! *aa! large pply ol finest briek in Hi? Northwest. Completv faeilitieM for .«thipp!si^ by rail. Prompt an-ri eareful attention giv en to order* from dintanee. Martin Scott. LITTLE FAT //S. T. J. MARTI*. .: *•'_ik MARTIN BROS,, PAINTERS. Contra^ takon for :i!T Will furnish material not. KLSOMININS GRAiNINC :A SPECIALTY. Shop on Sfeond Sireet. norlli of llarfir^f'K. PETER DUNCAN Wiii Jo ali kinds of PLASTERING .1- MASONRY AND &T jnntry Wr.rK ft Specia'ty. l»vi yonr or'ier* at 'Se Vasa'j !3f,9»«. ITTLE FiLL-. yr.SN. M. .j. Something Entirely New. The Fur Hunters Friend. IK-tAilcd IN-'TRTJCTIFU:- for F«r Ht-arli'!,' ",-'i /or tli* n»» O. vhe .^t« ei Trur.. A1 j,« ,c »f a lewy by t-v.-n tl-^1 -d 0x crau^ht. J'Htciit for. 1 ^,r u!ar*. A(5drea« HF'XIIY IT Ah Eft Km. 616 5. 7tn Htrt.fl. i{.. M' ,n THE ROYAL ROUTE. CHICAGO, ST. I'Ai r,. MINNEAPOLIS &. OMAHA —A N i— Chicago & JlorlhwMtern lUlfrays, Tho Shortest and Bc«t !'.outo Ka=„ to Chicago, with Dimne Car I)ny Coaches, and Palace Smoking Roo*i Smokers on all trains frori Minneap »!i» and St. Paul, through Ean C!air«» and Madison, with choice of route vt& Mil waukee. The (jhhHgo, St. Patl). Mm neapolis & Omaha R'y al^.. through trains southwest, from St. Pan! ar Min neapolis to Sioux City *nd nn« Blufft, with Sleeping Cars th-ougn 'vi h out chancre to St. Joseph and Kiinas City, and is the short, quick roit« St. Paul to DesMowr*. N'rt!v.a^t from St. Paul through trains are rurj to Ash land, VVashhurn and Bayfield. Lake Su perior and from Kmi Clairo to Sijpcior City, where connection i? made for Dnluth. But this routo to Chipa^o what the managers tak# pride ir., an/? be cause os the smooth steel r.iii trofk, ballasted road bed, the best DHV Cosine*, Sleeping and Dining Cars th »t money can procure, o»urteou? and attfntiva employes, and with train. always _,n time, it Is 'Rtghtfy named "The Royal Route." Try this Route When joa Trawl. For tickets and all information call oa W. 8. Martin, Agent Northern Pacifi« Railroad at Little Falls. F. H, ri^RKK, T. W. TEAPPAT^K. Gcn'l Traffic JfanR^er. Cea 1 flws. Aa't ST. ^VfL.