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Fish Day. "Look at the mackerel sky." "Well, isn't it Friday?"Boston Transcript. After some men get started they are toov lazy to stop. Ice Boxes on Wheels Refrigerator cars for carrying meat are ice boxes traveling on wheels. Most people in America would have to go without, fresh meat, or would have to pay more for what they could get, if it were not for these traveling ice boxes. Gustavus F. Swift, the first Swift in the packing industry, saw the need of these traveling ice boxes before others. He asked the railroads to build them. The railroads refused. They were equipped, and preferred tohaulcattlerather thandressedbeef. So Gustavus F. Swift had to make the cars. himself. The first one was a box car rigged up to hold ice. Now there are 7,000 Swift refrigerator cars. Each one is as fine an ice box as you have in your home. Day and night, fair weather and foul, through heat and cold, these 7,000 cars go rolling up and down the country, keeping meat just right, on its way,to you. Thus another phase of Swift & Company's activities has grown to meet a need no one else could or would supply, in way that matched Swift & Company ideas of being useful. When you seeone oftheseSwift & Company cars in a train, or on a siding, you will be reminded of what isbeingdone for you as the fruit of experience and a desire to serve. Swift & Company, U. S. A/ British Daring. Richthofen, the famous German alr Bghter, now dead, once described how an English machine one night came down from a height of 150 feet, through a fusillade of gun fire and a blinding glare of searchlights to bomb a German airdrome with dead ly effect. Richthofen considered it "tremendously plucky that the man oidn't swerve, but came straight on in accordance with his plans." Wht Is the cans* of indliwtlon, dJ Kpsla, bloat, heartburn, food repeating", letting, gaasr. sour stomach, and so many stomach miseries} Just thisactf tamaclasnporacirtity as the doctor* call It. It robs millions of their fall strength, vitality and the power to enjoy lifeto be real men and women. It is well known that an acid month destroys tie teeth. The acid Is so power ful that It eats right through the hard enamel and causes teeth to decay. This is fair warning of what excess acid ity win do to the delicate organization of the stomach as a matter of fact, ex cess acidity not only produces a great many palnfol and disagreeable symp toms that we generally name "Stomach troubles." but it is the creator of a long train of Tery serious ailments. Acid stomach Interferes with the digestion and causes the food to ferment. This mass of sour, fermented food passes into the Intestines, where it becomes the breeding place for germs and toxic poisons, which In torn are absorbed Into the blood and distributed through out the entire &edy. Wherever yoa go you see Tictlms of add-stomi^h people who. while not actually down sick are always aliia**- hare no appetite, food doesn't digest. belching all the tisae. cootincally coos plaining of being weak and tired and worn oat. It la thin excess acidity that Lend the Way They Fight BuylibertyBonds Slight Misunderstanding. "As winter approaches," said the presiding elder, "no doubt you are con templating taking your family to town and getting them shod?" "I hadn't figgered on it," replied Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge, "but the way times is, it may come to that, all right. Still, I don't see the ne cessity of taking 'em to town. It would be cheaper for me to shoot 'em myself. You're at home, and" "Shoot them? Mercy, Brother John son! I said 'shod,' not 'shot' and" "Aw!"Kansas City Star. Good Reasons. "Why do you call your boat the Hen?" "Because she has hatches and lays to." Indigestion, Bloat, Heartburn, Caused by Acid-Stomach take* the pep and punch oat of them, leaves little or no vitality. Strike at the rery cause of all this trouble and clean this excess acid out of the stomach. This will give the stom ach a chance to digest the food properly nature will do the rest. A wonderful new remedy restores ex cess add without the slightest discom fort. It Is caUed EATOMC. made la the form of tabletsthey are good to eat just like a bit of candy. EATOMC literally absorb* the injurious excess add and carries it away through the In testines. It drives the bloat oat of the bodyyou can fairly feel it work. Try EATOMC and see how quickly It banishes bloat, heartburn, belching, food-repeating. Indigestion, etc. See too. how quickly your general health Improves bow much more of yocr food Is digestedhaw nervousness and Irritability disappear. Learn how easy It is to get back your physical and men tal punch. Hare the power and energy to work with Tim. Enjoy the good things of life. Learn what it means to fairly bubble over with health. So get a box of EATOMC from your drozgtst today. We authorise bun to aca-antee EATOMC to please you and yon can trust your druggist to make this guarantee coed. If it falls in any way. take ft backhe will refund your THE TOMAHAWK. WHITE EARTH. MINN. sr? AT LEAST 1,000 PERSONS PERISH IN FOREST FIRES Flames Starting Near Bemidji, Minn., Cut Swath About Fifty Miles Wide. MANY VILLAGES GONE Property Worth Millions of Dollars Haa Been Destroyed and Mora Than 15,000 Persona Are Homeless. Duluth, Oct. 15.More than 1,000 are dead, 12,000 destitute and esti mates of those made homeless run as high as 40,000, as a result of Minne sota's greatest disaster, caused by for est fires burning over an area of ap proximately 80 by 100 miles in North eastern Minnesota, centering in Pine and Carlton counties, according to re ports received here. The property loss is expected to run between 150,000,000 and $100,000,000. Fires la most sections have burned themselves out and the abatement of the high winds caused the blazes to die down, but renewal of the gale may fan countless small fires into furious conflagrations. Weather reports give no promise of rains quenching the biases. 106 Bodies at Duluth 76 at Moose Lake. Officials were reluctant to estimate the number of deadit being almost impossible to obtain any'definite fig ures from cities and towns, while hun dreds of farm homes undoubtedly have been burned and hundreds of persons may eventually be found in these ruins. One hundred and ninety-six bodies had been Duluth} seventy five bodies, few of which have been identified, are in an improvised morgue at Moose Lake, and it is known that more than 400 have been burned to death in the Moose Lake-Kettle River district alone about ten deaths are known to have occurred at Cloquet, and Twig, west of Duluth on the Mil ler Trunk road, is fleported complete ly wiped out and a search Is being con ducted for bodies. Scores of others are known to be dead at Brookston, Pine Lake and other villages in Pine, Carlton and St Louis counties. Burch Lake, a sum mer resort near Duluth, is virtually wiped out, with, a heavy loss of life reported. The fire fighters caution against re laxation in fighting the fires. Addi tional aid and large numbers of fire fighters from other sections of the Northwest are needed to relieve the exhausted and burned men fighting the fires, which continue to smolder in all sections. Forest rangers said that the danger will not be entirely over until a heavy rain falls throughout the entire sec tion. A high wind, they say, will fan the flames into a roaring, seething furnace of'fire. Cloquet Almost Desert Waste. Cloquet, a thriving city of 9,000, is almost level. Every residence in the city is reported burned, but fortunate ly a waning of the approaching fire came in time to allow nearly every resident of the city to leave. Twelve trains were made up at Carl ton and rushed to Cloquet. The trains were composed of Pullmans, coaches, boxcars, coal cars, ore cars and flat cars. Three bodies have been found there. Five large mills, including a tooth pick factory, lumber mills and othev important Industries still standa re minder of prosperous Clcquet. Relief work, directed by Adjutant General Rhinow and his aid, Lieuten ant Glenn Harrison, is well under way. All Mesabi, Vermilion and Cuyuna Iron range towns are reported safe, though at Nashwauk some buildings are burned and fires are reported near Virginia, Eveleth, Hlbbing and Gilbert. Part of Proctor and West Duluth were burned, but the losses in that section are comparatively small. Bodlea Arrive In Duluth. Bodies are being brought from every village and hamlet stricken by the gale-driven forest fires. The charred bodies are beyond identification and great crowds of eager searchers who hare relatives missing are filing in and out of the undertaking establishments, uncertain whether they bave identi fied their people or not. WLen day broke on the Pike Lake road, gruesome sights greeted res cuer*. Bodies were strewn along the roadside, six in the space of half a mile, the charred remains of five auto mobiles still stood upright in the ditch, great trees reared their blackened Pine County Farrds Destroyed. Bruno, Oct. 15.Bruno, Pine county, untouched by the fire, reports thirty farmers near there had lost every thing they had and their families are in need. The flames completely dev astated large, areas near the vil lage. Kerrick, in Pine county, was slightly touched by the fire, two houses being destroyed, but the farms in that vicinity were also heavy sufferers. One woman near'that place lost her life and several were severely burned and may die. hulks to the skieseverywhere devas tation. The following towns were almost totally destroyed: Cloquet, Brookston, Brevator, Scanlon, Corona, Adolph, Thompson. Home Guard units from all over the state are being mobilized to assist the dazed survivors. Instances are being related of sev eral families huddling together in one cellar and being suffocated or crushed to death. In one cellar near Moose Lake, thir ty bodies were discovered, in another cellar eight bodies and more are be ing discovered as the ruins cool enough to permit of search. Has Start Near Bemidji. The fire started near Bemidji, where fire has been smouldering for weeks. Fanned by a high wind, the flames swept across the state toward Duluth, cutting a swath of 50 miles wide through cut-over lands, bounded on both sides by a chain of lakes. At Moose Lake the havoc wrought by the blaze was most complete, al though the loss of life in the town it self was low, because the Inhabitants, warned of the approach of the fire, took refuge in the icy waters of the lake. Brainerd, Bemidji and Aitkin es caped destruction, partly because the wind died down and in part through heroic work of volunteer fire fighters. Duluth and Superior, although sub urbs were burned, were untouched by the flames and are serving as a place of refuge for a large number of the 15,000* homeless ones. The heaviest loss of life was at Moose Lake and vicinity. Adjutant General Rhinow estimating that more that 300 persons died there. Duluth morgues have approximately 200 bod ies and officials estimate that several hundred more dead men, women and children are scattered throughout the fire region. Hibblng Ringed by Fire. Hibbing, although ringed about fire, was unharmed. Citizens of the Iron range were last night hurrying for shelter at Carlton, and fires were blazing at the Morton location, Kee watin aud other towns.' Grand Rapids was reported on fire. Five mills are all that Is left in Cloquet of what was yesterday a city of 9,000 persons with varied business interests and many beautiful homes. The homes are a smouldering ruin, every residence being burned, .but warning of the approaching fire came in time to allow the people of the town to depart. Pitiful Search for Relatives. Moose Lake, Oct. 15.The death list in the Moose Lake-Kettle River dis trict has been estimated as high as 400 by those investigating conditions. Along the roads were found the bodies of mothers with babies clasped to their lifeless breasts and children clinging together. Through the yellow pall of pine smoke that hung low over the ruins of Moose Lake, frightened mothers, car rying thinly clad children In arms and with others tied to their apron strings to guard against separation, conducted a frantic and often hopeless search for missing husbands and fathers. Ban on Sightseers. St. Paul, Oct. 15.No "rubberneck caravans" will be permitted to tra verse the flreswept areas of Northern Minnesota, it was announced at the ad jutant general's office. The mandate was Issued at the capitol following an appeal by relief workers that per sons outside the stricken area, unless on special missions, refrain from inter fering in the relief work, as relief agencies now being organized have their hands full in caring for refugees. St. Paul, Oct. 15.Governor Burn quint, accompanied by Mrs. Burnquist, left for Moose Lake, where he took charge of relief work and investigated the extent of the disaster and will order financial aid. Mrs. Burnquist will also aid the women of the stricken district as much as possible. Governor Burnquist cancelled all his speaking dates and said that he will decide whether financial assistance, which must be given, will corao through an appropriation by the calam ity board of the state or by public sub scription. Calamity Board Has Power. The calamity board, composed of the Governor, state treasurer and state auditor, has power to make an appropriation of state funds for relief work in such a disaster, he said, and this course may be taken. Major W. G. Garis, chief of staff in Adjutant General Rhinow's office, or dered out the National guard com panies from St. Cloud, Ironton and other cities in proximity to the devas tated area. Word came to him that fires were threatening Kimberly, Tam arack and other places just east of Aitkin. The fires at Kimberly and Tamarack were extinguished but a' message from Ironton said they had broken out again. 300 Coffins for Moose Lake. General Rhinow at Moose Lake wired Major Garis for 300 coffins to be sent at once to that city, mostly for grown persons, the requisition mes sage said, and most of these were dis patched from St. Paul and cities near the scene of the disaster. CMoholm Almost Out of Danger. Chlsholm, Oct. 15.Unless the wind shifts, Chlsholm is out of danger. Fires approached the city from the south, but are under control. A large force of men are at work and con fident that Chlsholm will be saved. Fires Burning In Itasca 'County. Merrifield, Oct. 15.Scattered fires are burning along the Minnesota and International railroad from Merrifield to Big Falls. No casualties are re ported. Otherwise O. K. "Meanleigh comes of-a good family, doesn't he?" "Yes he Is the only thing I know against it."Boston Transcript. WRIGIETS We will win this war Awful Word. A few weekes after school began six year-old Jack announced at the dinner table: "A boy at the school today said a bad word." "Oh, dear," said mamma, "he ought to be ashamed." "Yes, and the teacher said she'd have,to punish him if he over said It again." "What did he say?" asked daddy. "I can't tell you, daddy. It was aw ful bad." "Really "Just awful, awful bad. I wouldn't say such a word." Then suddenly brightening, as If with a new Idea: "But I'll spell It for you. It Is g-i-tl" Nothing eUe really matters until we dot The flavor Lasts "Cold In the Head" Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Per sons who are subject to frequent "colds In the head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINES will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All Druggists 76c. Testimonials free. tioe.oo for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not F. J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Difficult Classification. TeacherTommy, to what class of the animal kingdom do I belong? TommyDunno, teacher. Pa says you're an old hen and ma says you're an old cat. The hurt of a burn or a cut atone when Cole's Carbollsalve ia applied. It heals quickly without scars. 25c and 60c by all druggists. For free sample write The J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111.Adv. The Diagnosis. "Hasn't the patient a decidedly de veloped case of egoism?" "No Just plain, ordinary fits." Consulting Hia Taste. "Don't yco generally b** a homily when you minister dines with you?" "Oh, no he doesn't eat It." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOIHA, that famous old remedy for infants snd children, and see that It Bears the Signature of i In Use for Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Might Be Too Much for Him. Southern Parson (to convert)Does yo* think yo' kin keep In de straight an' narrer path now, Sam? SamI reckon I kin, pahson, ef dey ain't no watahmilllon patches eriong de road.Boston Evening Transcript. Main Point "Life is a blank." "Just so. Now how are to nil It outr Of Course Not. Elizabeth had been buying Thrift stamps and almost had her third book filled before the drive for War Savings pledges. Her mother suggested that she had better not start another book until the campaign was on. "Mother," replied Elizabeth, "do you think our dear soldiers over In Franca would say "have fought three battles and I can't fight any more?" Irrigation projects under considera tion for India affect about 10,000,000 acres of land. Utah's 1917 metallic production was valued at $00,328,000. No Substitute For Dodd'sKidney Pffls. That. Why Their Sal* Has Increased Wonderfully for the Last Forty Years. Don't accept a substitute for Dodd's when you know that if they didn't re lieve and give permanent satisfaction they couldn't be selling to the same fam ilies for two generations. Thousands of users, who have saved themselves from the ravages of kidney troubles and Bright's Disease by the use of this fa mous old remedy, will accept nothing: else. They know that upon the slightest backache, pain in the loins, stiffness in stooping or lifting, you must take warn ing and use Dodd's and Dodd's only. You are protected by the name on the flat, round box the name with the three D's for diseased, disordered and deranged kidneys. No article of similar nam a will do. Get your box today and start on the road to health. Druggists will gladly refund your money if not promptly re* lieved. XIDHtY PILLS ^v.- gotag As men of parts, acton at* not la It with barbers. MITT KILL VOIR CATTLE BY DRENCHING Salts and oil are DANGEROUS. Few eattlo die of constipation many of PABALYSIS of the bowels. Give LAXOTONIC dry on the tongue. Positively prevents and overcomes both. Excellent for loss of appetite. AT OUR DEALER* or Poatpald BO Gents* Send forprice Hat of medicines. Consult DR. DAVID ROBERT* about aU animal ailments. Information free. Get a ffftf copy of "la CsMs SMCMTT with full Information on aftsrtiea Is Csss, sLNtmiftTSm.CI.. INtrasJtoa. Wi Soothe Your Itching Skin with Guticura A Bad Cough ff ailn lcif. often leads to serums isfseaard your health, reliere year sttslftss PISO'ySsfsalebtthroadIrritateryeassooth4a*