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'S.,'-.v LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK, CROSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER!. REMOVE POL SONS FROM LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS. GIVE CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS AT ONCE IF BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sure s\gn that your lit* tie one's stomach, liver and bowels needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross,* listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels-without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative they love its delicious taste, and It Always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it Is made by the "Call* fornla Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.Adv. Figures. "Don't you think you use too many figures of speech?" inquired the friend "No," replied Senator Sorghum "you must have some kind of figures to support an argument and figures of speech are getting to be more re liable than statistics." FRECKLES Mtnr Is tat Tm to Gtt Rid f TfceM Ugly S-U There's no lancer the ulightest need of feellnr shamed of jour freckles, as Otblnedouble strengthIs guaranteed to remove these homely pots. Simply get an ounce of Othlnedonbl* strengthfrom your druggist, snd apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished en tirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to completely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sore to ask for the double strength Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls t* remove freckles,Adv. Quite Regular. Mr. Rox wh stayed home, angrily', How did that darn newspaper pho tographer come to get the snapshot of you in the water at Palm Beach? Mrs. RoxHow? Why, you pool goose, I made an appointment with 'him, of course.Buffalo Express.' Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap Sally and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.Adv. The first submarine carle as laid from Dover to Cape (Jrisnez. France, In 1850. Naturalists state that serpents can live six months or longer w'thcut food. HOW MRS. BOYD AVOWED AN OPERATION Canton, Ohio."I offered from female trouble which caused mo much Buffering, and two doctors decided that I would horo to go through an operation before I could get well. ''Mymother, who had been helped by LydiaE.Pinkham'i Vegetable Com pound, advised mo to try it befora sub mittingtoanopera- tion. Itrelieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without any difficulty. 1 advise any woman whofcs afflicted with female Uoubles to jrjvo Lydm E. Pfnkhsm's Vegetable Com pound a trial and it win do as much for them."-Mrs. MART* BOTD, 1421 6th St. N. R, Canton, Ohm. sometimes mere are seriooa oomB tfcms where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous rootand herbremedy, IlH EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after doctors have said that an operation was necessaryevery woman who wants to avoid an operation should ghre it a fair trial before submitting to such If complications must,writs to Lydm E. Pmkham Medxme Co., Lynn, Ths result of i is st J* nl" THE TRUTH ON RUSSIA Bolsheviki Lied About, Declares Senator Hiram Johnson. Rsd Cross Officials Quoted to Repudi ate "Sisson Articles"President Wilson Kept In Ignorance of Facts, California Senator Avers. Washington, D. CSenator Hiram Johnson of California, in a speech in the senate the other day, gave the lie to Edward Sisson, author of the fa mous "Sisson documents," exposing German influence over the Russian so viet republic, and read into the senate record communications from officials connected with the American Red Cross in Russia absolutely refuting statements made by Sisson. The disclosures made by Senator Johnson shocked the senate. He read a telegram from Major Thomas D. Thacher, formerly of the American Red Cross organization Russia, now returned to his law office in New York. The telegram gave information about the first allied landing in North ern Russia and reads in part as fol lows: "One company British marines, about 130, landed at Murmansk, March 5 or 6, (1918), pursuant to in vitation by the Murmansk soviet, act ing under telegraphic instructions from Trotsky to accept all necessary aid from the allies. Salute Red Flag. "From this time until my departure March 22, the French, British and American military authorities were in daily cooperation and complete har mony with the local soviet. Seven teen guns were fired by the British ship 'Glory' as a salute to the Russian flag. Only flag visible was red flag. Salute answered with same number of guns from Russian cruiser 'Cbes- mar.' "Red Cross received effective and invaluable assistance from soviet authorities at Murmansk as well as everywhere else in protection and transportation of supplies." Senator Johnson cited reports made to him by Colonel Raymond Robbins, who succeeded Major Thacher with the Red Cross in Russia. He told how the bolshevik! had had speeches of President Wilson printed and distrib uted free all over Russia. Referring to Sisson and his inabil ity to write intelligently about Russia. Senator Johnson quoted Raymond Rob bins as follows: "Mr. Sisson fled from Petrograd on the 4th of March, 1918, shouting that the Germans would take the city with in a few days in collusion with the bolshevikl. The American Red Cross was feeding starving children and evacuating war supplies from Petro grad under bolshevlst protection in quantity until May 1, 1918. "The allied military missions were helping to train (he bolshevlst army on April 1, and the American ambas sador was seeking, with the consent of (he silled embassies, the co-opera tion of the American Railway mission with the bolshevlst government, weeks after Mr. Stsson had fled in terror from PetroaTad.'* Had "Beck Fever." Mr. Robbins' communication further related how Mr. Bollard and all of the other members of th'e committee on public information in Russia fled from Moscow on May 5, reaching Archangel with a bad* case of "buck fever." These men, whose duty it was to tell the truth about Russia found "safety" on an English ice breaker and remained on the vessel for weeks, disguised as British soldiers, accord ing to the Red Cross official. All this time, the Rod Cross was doing busi 11 Moscow THE TOMAHAWK. WHITE EARTH. MINN. allied representatives were working for their governments under the pro tection of the bolsheviki. Colonel Rob bins stated. According to Mr. Robbins' state ment, the American Red Cross did not leave Moscow until October 5 and Pet rograd until October 16, in the full protection of the bolshevlst govern ment, some seven months after Sisson had fled in terror after reading "some propaganda pamphlets and papers which were the amusement and con tempt of honest and informed men." Senators questioning Senator John son brought out the fact that some of the last American Red Cross people have Just recently come out of Russia. Chamberlain of Oregon asked whether Colonel Robbins had dis cussed these facts with President Wil son. Johnson replied that Robbins had not. Further questions by Sena tor La Follette established the fact that Colonel Robbins had never been permitted to lay the facts about Rus sia before the president. PEOPLE ARE BETRAYED South Dakota Legislature Dodges League Program. Norbeck Machine to Refer Constitu tional Amendments Back to Voters AgainAnything to Stavs Off Popular Government. Pierre, S. D.Although the voters of South Dakota at the last election passed by an overwhelming majority every one of the constitutional amend ments necessary to put into operation the economic program of the Nonparti san league, the Republican machine has announced its intention of refer ring the amendments back to the peo ple again. By thus "passing the buck," the fol lowers of Governor Norbeck hope to save their self-respect and at the same time stave off "an era of Townleyism," which they say is going to bankrupt the sister state of North Dakota. Tom Ayres, well known as a former newspaper man in South Dakota and private secretary to former Governor Andy Lee, has been attending the ses sions of the South Dakota legislature as a special correspondent, and re lates the following conversation he had with a friend, who is close to the Norbeck administration: "Do you believe Governor Norbeck is an honest man?" Ayres asked his friend. "Sure, he is honest," the friend re plied. "But he Isn't a fool." In the opinion of Ayres' friend. Gov ernor Norbeck would be a fool to keep his promises and put the Nonpartisan league program into effect. Ayres, by the way, is now an honest-to-goodness- on-the-land-farmer and a member of the Nonpartisan league. N Ayres, in common with every other Leaguer in South Dakota, is indignant at the betrayal of the people by the Norbeck machine. The action, or lack of action, by the legislature offers conclusive proof that the Republican party waa insincere when it stole the League program and incorporated it In ttfe party platform. SUBSTITUTES A good way for the politicians to suppress the organized farm ers' political movement is to car. ry outthe legislative program that they are after. But that will not be done. The interests will try to substitute something that they think the farmers should have, not what they want.Millc Lacs County (Minn.) Times. N. D. WILL SAVE FIFTYMILLIONS Annual Saving From League Pro gram Assures Prosperity, 0 INTEREST RATES BIG ITEM Entire State to Benefit From New Grain Grades, State Terminal Elevators, Flour Mills and Cen tra! State Bank of North Dakota. Bismarck, N. D.~Experts like Dr. E. F. Ladd and J. A. McGovern esti mate that the new North Dakota grain grades, state terminal elevators and flour mills will save the farmers of North Dakota at least $50,000,000 every year. At the present time the farm lands of this state are mortgaged for $309, 000,000. This staggering sum draws interest at the average rate of 8.7 per cent. Most of these mortgages are held by Twin City trust companies. That means North Dakota farmers are paying out $20,883,000 every year in interest charges alone. Practically all bankers admit that the new state bank will lower interest charges. Every time the high Inter est rate of this state is reduced 1 per cent, its farmers save $3,090,000 every year. If interest is lowered to 6 per cent, which is by no means improba ble, the annual saving to the farmers alone will be $8,343,000 yearly. The 700 state banks of Nortli Da kota keep on an average of $25,000,- 000 deposits in the Minneapolis re serve banks. They receive 2 per cent interest on this money. They are compelled to pay 6, 7 and even 8 per cent for whatever amounts of their own money they succeed in borrowing back. This interest differential alone costs North Dakota at least a million dollars every year. Statistics collected by private insur ance companies show that state hail insurance will save the farmers of North Dakota between $4,000,000 and $6,000,000 every year. The law reducing freight rates and establishing distance tariffs will save all of the people of North Dakota at least $12,000,000 a year. OPPOSE MILITARY RULE Minnesota Labor and Leaguers Units Againat Home Guard Bills. St. Paul, Minn.Organized labor is up in arms against the proposed legis lation establishing a motor corps, home guard, provost guard and Negro battalion as part of the Minnesota na tional guard. The labor men say the legislation is backed by largo business interests in order to crush organized labor. Non partisan league farmers are also against making Minnesota an armed cam for experiences in the last two election campaigns has shown that ths home guards were responsible, many cases, for causing mob outrages. When the motor corps and home guard bills were under discussion be fore the house of representatives, more than 1,000 laboring men stormed the Capitol. They were not allowed in the house chamber, but their pres ence was felt and action on the meas ures was postponed. WORKERS PROMOTING BANK Seattle Lsbor Attempting to Interest Farmers in Project. The central labor council of Seattle is promoting the organization of a banking institution to be known as the Trades Union Savings and Loan asso ciation. Its board of directors will be composed of a member of each of ths unions holding stock. An effort is being made to interest the grange, farmers' unions and other friendly or ganizations in tho new venture. This scheme of the Seattle laborites is not a novelty. The Finnish work ers in America, for instance, have for years maintained a bank at Fitch burg, Mass., which successfully finan ces all enterprises of the Finnish workers. Minimum Wage for Women. The Washington Industrial Welfare commission has fixed $13.20 as the minimum wage for any woman over 18 years of age who is engaged "In any occupation, trade or Industry throughout the state during the per iod of the war." This order is based upon recommendations made by a War Emergency conference held la August, 1918, and became effective is November. The working women of Washington are asking whether they will now be expected to live on less than $13.20. The war is ended but ths cost of living is higher than ever. Comparison of the activities of ths North Dakota and Minnesota legisla tures shows that the North Dakota solons are working exactly twice as hard as those in the Gopher state. In the first 12" days, the North Dakota legislature passed 10 bills, which were signed by Governor Frasier. During tbe same period, the governor of Min nesota was able to sign only Ave bills. Those words "loyalty" and "patriot ism" are good words, but oh what crimes were committed la their name during tho recent election.La Snssr (Minn.) Nsws. V^ "YourNoseKnows* The Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the manufacture of smoking tobacco, on the Continentandin America certain 'sauces' are employed the use of the 'sauces' is to improve the flavour and burning qualities of the leaves." Your smoke-enfoyment de pends as much upon the Quality and kind of flavoring used as upon the Quality and aging of the tobacco. Tuxedotobaccousesthepurest, most wholesome and delicious of all flavoringschocolate/ That flavoring, added to the finest of carefully aged and blended burley tobacco, produces Tuxedo the perfect tobacco "Your Nose Knows," Fatal Lack of Knowledge. Dnny Ryan went away from the far East Sixteenth street 20 years at'o, be came a successful business man in the West, recently returned to visit h' boyhood haunts, met an old friend, Mrs. Murphy, reintroduced himself, and after a long gossip about old ac quaintances Asked: "And Paddy Sweeney? What be came of my old pal Paddy?" "Ho was a conthractor. Made a mil lion Hollars and was drowned." "Paddy made a million! Why, he couldn't read nor write!" "Nor swim."New York Sun. 8ad Fact "Miss Mnyme Is such a rcnslble girl." "That Is why none of the men are proposing to her." The advice wasted might save a world. Some folks are born simple and jthers play the stock market. Al!Smokf/7g7ofiaccos^ are Flavored Safe to take! Such quick relief1 For Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Gout Toothache Lumbago Colds Backache Influenzal Colds Sciatica Grippe Neuritis Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its full aroma. Then smell it deepitsdelicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judg ment"Your Nose Knows." HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you sell or buy through the nales you have about one chance in fifty to escape SAIJH STABLE DlSTUMPKIt. *'g|'OiINS" Is your true protection, your only safeguard, for as sure as you treat all your horses with it, you will soon be rid of the disease. It acts as a mire preventive, no matter liow they are "exposed." At all good druggists, horue goods house*, or delivered by the maufacturers. SI'OIIN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goalie*, Ind^ V. S. A. Away in the Rear. Visiting MissYou don't mean to say you've given Rev. Dr. Rlank call to your church? NativeWe have, and expect Itfm next month. What's the matter with hi in? Visiting Miss Matter? Why, my dear, he's so hopelessly, deeply, darkly and benightedly orthodox. Boston Transcript. Owe plmplM. headache, bad breath by takta* Way Apple, Aloe, Jalap rolled lata Usy MS** nlll called Doctor Pierce's Plcaaaat Pellet*. A4. On the Rialto. "Do you consider tnlrveen in un lucky number?" asked Yorlck lliiinm. "Well, I'd rather play to more peo- ple," responded Hamlet Fntt.Louis ville Courier-Journal. Hure-ls (he man who doesn't llks a compliment occasionally. It is the price of hogs, mostly, thai Is bringing home the mmi. Out of Pain and Misery to Comfort! A day or night's suffering is often saved those having "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" handy So why sufl Joint Pain Teeth Pain Stiff Neck Earache Fever Pain! Pain! Proved safe by millions! American ownedl AdultsTake one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals, nayei^Tabtots Aspirin The"Bayer Cro$s"on Genuine Tablet* ssai Bayer package* alas larger Bayer Buy Bayer package* oar/Oct origisal ialfcel I *f MasaSSCatociSaSaW Sf I i I