OCR Interpretation

The Tomahawk. [volume] (White Earth, Becker County, Minn.) 1903-192?, March 18, 1920, Image 7

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89064695/1920-03-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
On the Market Half a Century.
When you are In. perfect health,
and are enjoying a strong and
vigorous vitality, it is then that
your blood is Ires from alt impuri
You should b4 very careful and
give heed to the slightest indica
tion of impure blood. A sluggish
circulation it often Indicated by
Sufferer Quite Unable to See Style of
"Splitting and Hacking" Proposed
by Farmer's Wife.
Lawson Purdy, secretary of a char
ity organization, said a brilliant
address on charity In New York:
"Charity bestowed on the profes
sional beggar is worse than wasted.
A gaunt scarecrow with a red nose
knocked at the' beck door of a farm
house one bitter December day.
'Charity, lady/ he croaked. 'Char
ity for the sake of the Christmas
feast wot'e approachinV
"Here he coughed dismally.
*Lady,' he went on, *I got a split
tin' headache and a hackin' cough,
"But the wise farm woman Inter
rupted him.
'A splittln' headache and a hackin*
toughr she said. Then you won't
mind goln' out to the woodshed and
splittln' the kindlin' and rackin' them
oak logs. When you're through I'll
give you a meal of'
"But the sufferer with a gesture of
rage and disgust was already hurry
lag on."
Cruel Agreement.
MaudThis keen air is certainly
exhilarating. I feel like a four-year
aid this morning.
BelleAnd you look it, dearten
times over.Boston Transcript.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Ove
Thirty Years
Yes S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable
Nature's Safe Blood Treatment
an impaired appetite, a feeling of
lassitude and a general weakening
of the system. It is then that you
should promptly take a few bottles
f S. S. S. It will aid in cleans
ing the blood and build up and
strengthen the whole system.
S. S. S. is sold by all druggists.
Valuable information about thd
blood supply can be had free by
writing to the Swift Specific Co.,
50 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga.
He Went to L.
The late P. T. Barnum delighted to
tell of his thousand and one amusing
experiences, especially some that hap
pened during his first tour of England
with "the greatest show on earth."
One of the best Is a Joke on the "cham
pion humbugger" himself. Barnum, on
a leisure evening, bought a ticket to an
English music hall. Imagine his keen
delight as he heard'the usher, as he
took the tickets of the people ahead
say: "Letter Hay, first roy letter
Hee, fifth row letter Heff, sixth row
letter High, ninth row," and then. In
response to Barnum'a Inquiry, "Where
do I go?" he said: "You go to Hell,
Lava Blanket Conceals Gold.
Prospectors arriving at Nome,
Alaska, recently teld of a great valley
of placer gold ore believed buried be
neath a huge age-old blanket of lava
which stretches for miles aloag the
right shore of the Inmachuk river in
the Kotzbue country near Nome. A
gold-beaiiug gravel has been found by
miners who have attempted to tunnel
under the rim of the lava sheet. Drills
will not penetrate the lava, the pros
pectors said. One "sourdough" miner.
H. L. Stull, said he tried to break the
lava with power drill last summer, but
Be Johnny on the spot when there
is an opportunity to be grasped, other
wise you may find it missing.
If You Hear
Anybody Talking
about coffee prices or coffee troubles,
tell them to quit coffee and try
A ten days* trial shows results that
please, and with gain in comfort there
is no loss of pleasure.
A wonderful table drink, pure, health
ful, economical, deliciousl No advance
in price*
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co* Battle Creek, Mich.
News From All Parts of Minne
sota Given in Condensed
Where Busy Readers Will Find News
From All Parts of State Tersely
Chronicled for Their
Bemidji.A. T. Carlson, city chair
man of the Near East relief drive, re
cently held in Bemidji, reports
$1,007.40 was secured, while the ex
penses were only $17.03.
Stillwater.Five aliens were ad
mitted to citizenship in district court
by Judge J. N. Searles, out of a class
of 13. One of the men in the class
could not answer the simplest ques
tion propounded by R. S Coleman of
St. Paul.
WinonaCarl Rott, formerly of
Wessington Springs, S. D., has pur
chased the 683-acre farm located at
Ridgeway, Winona county, from a land
man in this city. The price paid for
the farm is said to have been in excess
of $50,000.
Owatonna.More than $3,500 of
Steele county's $6,000 quota for the
Near East relief fund has been raised,
according to officials of the county
executive committee. Efforts will be
made to complete the quota within the
next two weeks.
Medford.The Medford graded and
high schools have opened again after
having been closed because of the in
fluenza epidemic. The epidemic is
believed to have died out entirely in
this section, all remaining cases of
the disease being convalescent.
St. Paul.A stubborn Are of spec
tacular proportions, which threatened
to spread to three small hotels, de
stroyed the Rialto theater. Firemen
fought the blaze for five hours. The
temperature was 5 deg. below zero.
Loss is estimated at $100,000.
St. James.St. James district re
ported its quota raised for the Near
East Relief in the campaign for $750,-
000 to be raised in the state for the
famine stricken Armenians. Will Cur
tis, publisher of St. James Plain
dealer, is chairman of the district.
Hibbing.A jury in the case of the
state against John McGrath of Buhl
returned a-verdict of not guilty after
being out two hours. McGrath, a
member of the Buhl board of educa
tion, was charged with fraudulently
presenting claims to public officials.
Crookston.The heaviest thaw of
the season has caused residents of
northern Minnesota to prepare for the
final break of the winter. On ac
count of the heavy snow, serious floods
are expected. More than 51 inches of
snow have fallen in this district this
Winona.Knights of Columbus to
the number of 400 from all parts of
southeastern Minnesota gathered here
for a banquet and exemplification of
the first, second and third degrees.
The work was under direction of Wi
nona Council, No. 639. Knighthood
was conferred on a class of 55.
Red Wing.That Red Wing is a
motor boat town in every sense of the
word is demonstrated by a glance at
the city assessor's tax records, which
show that at least $4,000 annually is
collected on motor boats owned in
this cityt' Of this sum $3,000 ia Fed
eral tax while $1,000 is local tax.
WorthinghamThe high cost of
material will not interfere with, pav
ing operations in Worthington this
year. The city council has let the
contract for 56 blocks of paving and
this added to the work yet to be done
on last year's contract will make a
total of 100 blocks to be paved this
and Mrs. William
Brooks of this place celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary here. They
were married at High Forest, near
here, in 1860. The family consists of
five children, 10 grand children and
six great-grandchildren. Of the 70
guests present, not one had before at
tended a diamond wedding celebra
Duluth.-Although fire sufferers in
the Cloquet district are willing that
all claims for losses growing out of
the 1918 fires be pooled and tried as a
single lawsuit, it became known here
that the United States railroad ad
ministration disapproved the plan. It
is probable that individual suits will
be started.
Moorhead.Charges that they per
mitted ai least 100 of their flock of
sheep on their farm near Moorhead to
starve to death were preferred against
Gutfried and Oscar Danielson. States
Attorney G. H. Rustad, who issued the
warrants, said an official investigation
disclosed several piles of dead sheep
on the place, with at least 150 more
sheep in an1
emaciated condition.
S Paul.Return of the railroads
to private ownership under the new
Esch-Cummins law leaves the' regu
lating powers of the Minnesota state
railroad and warehouse commission
almost in the same status as before
Federal control, members of the com
mission said.
Minneapolis.Final reports of Maj.
Gen. E. H. CroWder, provost marshal
general, received by E. P. Hoover,
army recruiting officer, Minneapolis,
show that Minnesota still has 3,428
deserters. This includes the men who
failed to report for military service
after registration.
*c! J
wmm^mm mm
Bemidji Frank Dewey, charged
with setting fire to a hotel here, was
arraigned in municipal court late and
bound over to the grand jury.
Red WingChamber of Commerce
directors decided to stage a historic
pageant Aug. 5 and 6, depicting devel
opments of Red Wing from early days.
Sauk Center.At a meeting of fai
mers in this city a plan of erecting a
stock sales pavilion was launched.
The territory will cover several coun
Jackson.The present indications
are that the $1,000,000 ditch project
plan for Sioux Valley township will be
abandoned without further proceed
La Crescent Three weeks after the
death of her husband and two weeks
after the death of her mother, Mrs.
Anna B. Petterson died at her home
WinonaFire completely destroyed
the home of James Ferrier, well
known Winona county farmer, in the
southwest corner of the county. The
loss was estimated at $6,000.
Fairmont.County road crews with
shovels and scrapers are working out
of this city in all directions opening
highways which have been blocked to
automobile traffic since the last storm.
Bemidji. President M. W. Deputy of
the Bemidji normal school announced
that the "teachers' summer training
term of that institution will begin
June 14 and will continue until Julj
StillwaterEating poison tablets,
thinking they were candy, caused the
death of Norma Ethel Wendt, aged 2,
at Afton, Minn., near here. She was
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Albert
Albert Lea.Professor W. H. Alder
man and Professor E S. Mcintosh, of
the University farm, were the leading
speakers here at the annual ijieeting
of the Southern Minnesota Horticul
tural society.
Owantonna.The ban placed on
public dances and other gatherings
some time ago by the loca* board of
health has been lifted, following the
almost complete disappearance of the
influenza here.
East Grand Forks Supt. II. E
Wolff, formerly superintendent of
schools in East Grand Forks, has been
re-elected at Deer River, Minn., at an
increase in salary. Mr. Wolff left this
city five years ago for Fairmont and
later to Deer River.
Moorhead.Beltrami County Agent
A. W. Aamodt resigned his position,
which will take effect April 1, when
he will come to Moorhead to take the
position as manager of the Clay Coun
ty Certified Seed Potato*Growers' as
sociation at a largely increased salary.
Winona.The threatened strike of
the janitors of Winona public schools
was avoided here when a compromise
of $50 bonus for the balance of the
school year was accepted. The jani
tors had notified the board it their de
mands for a flat increase of $25 a
month was not met they would turn in
their keys.
St. Paul.Minnesota railroad taxes
for the last half of 1919 were $500,000
less than for the/same period of 1918,
according to figures announced bv the
state tax commission. The state's 5
per cent gross earnings tax for the
last six months of 1919 brought in
$4,367,752.37. The 1918 taxes were
Duluth."Twenty years from now
an illegal sale of liquor will be looked
upon as a violation of law, but the peo
ple of this country will consider it as
great a disgrace as stealing," Judge
Page Morris told John Beaton, Robert
Blossingham and Terrence Lennon in
United States district court, when he
sentenced them to 30 days terms at
the Beltrami county jail at Bemidji.
Duluth.The board of education re
jected a petition signed by practically
all teachers in the Duluth public
schools asking for a bonus to carry
them over at the end of the current
school year. A resolution stating that
the board has no funds with which to
pay the teachers' bonus will be sent
to the Duluth Teachers' association,
Chairman A. C. Leduc said, after the
executive session.
Pipestone.Because present esti
mates so far exceed those made a few
months ago, there is quite likely to be
some delay in starting the work on
the Ashton Memorial hospital, to be
erected here. O. E. Ashton donated
$50,000 for the erection of the build
ing, the city has purchased a $5,000
site and the county will equip and
furnish the building.
Duluth. William Hetherington,
Proctor, is In a critical condition at
St. Luke's hospital with two bullet
wounds in his groin, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Martin, Duluth, are held pend
ing outcome of Hetherington's condi
tion as the result of a shooting affray
at the Martin home. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Martin were said by the police
to have been under the influence of
Moorhead.An order restraining the
school officers and the superintendent
of schools of Norman county from
certifying the result of the election on
the proposed consolidation of the Bor
up school district with the north half
of District No. 62 In Norman county
was extended by Judge C. A. Nye in
Clay county district court and the
case ordered placed in the calendar
for the May term of district court.
FarmingtonJ. B. O'Leary, Rose
mount, was instantly killed when a
westbound Rock Island freight train
collided with the rear end of a Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul freight
train here. Mr. O'Leary, who was 70
years old and a farmer, was riding in
the caboose of the Milwaukee train.
No other persons were injured.
Winona.Announcement was made
by Ames Brothers of Weaver that they
had sold "Leader of Fashion" a Duroc
board to the Underwood farms at Lake
City for $10,000. This Is believed to
be a record price for this section of
the country-
Constipation invites other troubles
which come speedily unless quickly
checked and overcome hv Green's
August Flower which is a gentle laxa
tive, regulates digestion both in
stomach and intestines, cleans and
sweetens the stomach apd alimentary
canal, stimulates the liver to secrete
the bile and impurities from the blood.
It is a sovereign remedy used in many
thousands of households all over the
civilized world for more than half a
century by those who have suffered
with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal
pitation, constipation and other in
testinal troubles. Sold by druggists
and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle,
take no substitute.Adv.
Some Housekeeping.
In oroar to serve its patrons, one
of the large New York hotels requires
in a single ,eur 373,000 pounds of but
ter, 500,000 quarts of milk, 00,000
quarts of crenni,' and more than 2,-
000,000 eggs. In one ^ear the laundry
department of the same establishment
handles about 15,000,000 pieces of
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum,
small box of Barbo Compound, and
oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a
week until it becomes the desired shade.
Any druggist can put tine up or you can
mix it at home at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not co\ the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub off.Adv.
First Magazine Run by Women.
The first mngazine in America cor*
ducted solely by women was the
Lowell Offering, a monthly periodical
published from 1842 to 1849 by girls
employed in the mills of Lowell, Mass.
Lucy Larcom was one of its frequent
Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St.
Jacobs Oil."
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain only not one case in flftj
requires internal treatment. Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
right on the "tender spot," and by the
time you say Jack Robinsonout
comes the rheumatic pain and distress.
"St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheu
matism liniment which never disap
points and doesn't burn the skin. It
takes pain, soreness and stiffness from
aching joints, muscles and bones
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and
Limber up! Get a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and in a mo
ment, you'll be free from pains, aches
and stiffness. Don't suffer 1 Rub
rheumatism away.Adv.
Great Difference.
AncientOh, for the old-fashioned
winters, the nights of the log-roaring
Up-to-DateYou bet! Now it's the
tenant roaring at the Janitor for more
l_ook at tongue! Remove poisons
from stomach, liver and
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
nlylook for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most harm
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot
tle. Give It without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
The sands of time contribute the
grit with which a woman persistently
hangs on to her favorite birthday.
An Iowa Woman
Muscatine, Iowa."When in Oklaho
ma and waiting to build I was exposed
to cold weather-1
was not well and
felt the need ol
some medicine to
give new strength,
Having seen Dr.
Pierce's Goldea
Medical Discovery
advertised I pro
cured and used
one bottle, then I
used one bottle of"
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription also. These two
combined caused me to get strongs*
and to throw off the unpleasant effects
of the exposure. I shall always speak
highly of Dr. Pierce's remedies."Mra.
Sarah Barton, 123 W. Front S
Duluth, Minn."I am a great be
liever in Dr. Pierce's remedies. I havo
taken 'Favorite Prescription' for weak
ness peculiar to women and found It
very beneficial. I had taken other med
icines for this ailment but did not get
any relief. This medicine gave me the
relief I was seeking. I also use the
'Pleasant Pellets' for disordered stom
ach, biliousness and headachesthere
is nothing better. I can highly recom
mend Dr. Pierce's medicines from the
actual use .of them. I am taking 'Fa-
vorite Prescription' at the present time
and it is doing me a world of good/*
Mrs. R. Thayer, 4027 W. 5th S
Caused by
If people who are bllloua are treated
cording- to local symptoms they fldom
very much better Whatever relief Iso
tained ia usually temporary. J"Cfj"lW
nesa to Ita source and remove the eauss *a
the chances are that the patient wttl li
main strong and healthy.
Doctors say that more than 70 oj
organlc diseases con be traced to an AcM
Htomach. Biliousness to one of them
eestlon. heartburn, belching-, BOUT "tomac*.
bloat and gam are other signs of
tomach. BATONIC. the marvelous BMMIMB
stomach remedy, bring, quick ylWfwwa
theae etomach miseries which lead to a lottj
train of allmenta that make life mtoeraw*
If not corrected.
BATONIC literally absorbs and "_-
away the excess acid. Makes the tomaoB
tTong. cool and comfortable. Helpa
tlonT mproves the appetite and
get full strength from your food. u"
Jay that BATONIC Is the most_*"-
stomach remedy In the world It Is the, hsl
YOU need. Try It on our Wg*&
not-satisfied guarantee. At all dru*W
Only 50 cents for a big box.
"I feel it my duty to write you a lttttr
of thanks for your wonderful Feterrona
Ointment. I had a running sore on Bar
left leg for one year. I began to use
Peterson's Ointment three weeks ago ana
now It Is healed."A. C. Gllbrath, 701
Reed St., Erie, Pa. ,v,.h
For years I have been selling tnrougB
druggists a large box of PETERSON'!
OINTMENT for 86 cents. The healing
The Right Way
In all cases of
of all horses, brood mares, colte
and stallions is to
OB the tongue or In the feed with
Give the remedy to all of them. It acts
on the blood and glands. It routs the
disease by expelling the germs. It
wards off the trouble, no matter how
they are "exposed." A few drops a day
prevent those exposed from contract
ing dlsei.se. Contains nothing Injurl
oui Sold by druggists, harness deal-
PPB or by the manufacturers. 60 cents
and $1.15 per bottle. AGENTS WANT-
ower this ointment Is marvelous.
goes In a few days. Ola sores
heal up like magic piles that other rem*
dies do not seem to even relieve are
speedily conquered. Pimples and nasty
blackheads disappear In a week and JM
distress of chafing goes in a few minutes.
Mail orders filled. Peterson Ointment Oft*
Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.
Buy Liberty Boneless Codfish, rolls
or packages packed by the KUdall
Company of Minneapolis. Fresh
daily. The only codfish packed in
the middle wpst. Ask your dealer.
Wholesale Distributers
Hatching Dollars"
it a book that tclU you how money
makes money itteils you about high
class securities from which big men get
their incomeshow you can buy these I
same safe securities by small payments. I
Send for your free copy today to
Investment Department
71 Broadway New York City
(Member* N. Y. Sleek Exdn&i)
W. N. U., Minneapolis, No. 11-1920.

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