OCR Interpretation

Weekly graphic. [volume] (Kirksville, Adair Co., Missouri) 1880-1949, September 16, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066097/1892-09-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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l JS
I fti
I i
IB il
T B SUBLETTE Proprietor
nunxT 8pt uisw
Republican Fipket
Tor Governor
of Jackson Lonnty
For Ucutcnant Governor
of St Charles County
Tor Secretary of State
Tor Auditor
of Jasiicr County
For Treasurer
of Knox County
Tor Attorney General
ofSt LodIb
For Railroad Commissioner
of Audrain County
lor Judges of the Snprcmo Court
of Pettis county
of St Iouis
orSt Charles County
Fox ConETCS6man First District
of Scotland Connty
For Circuit Judgj
For K pres Mtatlvc
For Sheriff
For Collector
For Connty Treasurer
For Assessor
Tor Conntv Snrveyor
Trotccatlnp Attorney
School Commissioner
forjudge County Court First District
TorJudce County Court Second UUtrlct
Fr Coroner
The dangerous illness
Mrs Harrison will call out
versal sympathy for the President
and his family
It has been kept very quiet
but Major Warner will speak in
Kirksville October S
The Noble Pour Hundred
are determined to be in it They
declare that no influence can choke
them olf or sell them out
Everybody in Adair and
adjoining couniiefi should come to
Kirksvilie October 8 and hear
about the Njw Missouri
This has been a quiet cam
paign thus far but the people are
awakening and from now until
November 8 a lively and interest
ing time may be expected
The joint discussions are
creating great interest See the
announcement of dates in this
Giurnic Go aud take your
TLe Democrats
county are making a bitter
againBt the Peoples Party
dently there is something
to happen in Knox county
A Democratic labor com
missioner the most prominent in
the United States has declared
that protection raiseB wagOB and
gives increased employment to
Like a band of Spartans
stand the four hundred Demo
crats of Adair county who refuse
to be sold out or sell themselves
in the interests of any individual
or any party
There hayo been several
genuine cases of cholera in Now
York City and the disease is also
reported at Ada Ohio A little
precaution now in the way of
cleaning up and removing or
burning all filth might prove of
great advantage to aur city in the
The four hundred Demo
crats in Adair county who aro still
holding out for a straight Demo
cratic ticket have become known
as the Noble Four Hundred Will
they bo wiped out of existonco in
the coniinglpolitical contest as
was the Noble Six Hundred in the
charge of the Light Brigade
The Agricultural fair when
used to exhibit tho resources and
development of an agricultural
community is helpful in many
ways It stimulates a keener in
terest iu agriculture and it affords
an opportunity to study in com
parison the different implements
End Taricties of farm machinery
that make farming more produc
tive nnd profitable While it may
be that the race course xa
ry to ti uccossful fair thoagricul
tuia mechanical and btock de
partments ropoaitivey so These
departments arc tho ndveitiberB
and if furnierB find them neglect
ed it ia kuowu from out1 oud of
tho county to the other before the
thixtl day of tho fair and tho peo
ple rrsout the neglect by staying
at homo and lef using to patronize
it Thousands of men visit our
county fnirs that would not go to
see the races and only boo them
incidentally as tho father sees the
circus performance after having
taken his son to seo tho animals
If wo would have successf ul fairs
audbave them attendod no depart
ment should receive special at
tention to the detriment of otherf
From Our llcjular drrcspendent
Wabuikqtok Sept 12 92
The President will return to
Washington this week iu order to
soo for himself that everything in
tho White House as well as tho
city generally is in proper condi
tion to make tho best impression
upon his comradeB of the G A
R who will come to the encamp
ment next week Ho will find ev
erything in apple pie order as
tho saying is aud so will tho vet
erans as there ia a unanimous de
termination on tho part of Wash
ingtoniaus to outdo everything
ever done by other cities and to
make encampment week memora
ble in the annals of the National
Capital as well a in those of tho
G A R The President doej not
expect to leave Washington for
any extended period again this
year unless the health of Mrs
Hauison who will go South to
spend the winter shall compel
him to go to her Washington is
already beginning to out on its
gala attire to receive tho vetoraue
who will begin to errive by the
last of this week Tho program
for encampment week is complete
and every hour of time between 9
a m and midnight of each day
from Monday to Friday will be
filled with interesting and enjoya
ble events Committees will meet
every train aud escort tho old sol
diers to the quaiters which have
been allotted to them
Senator Mitchell of Oregon is
one of the advance guard of the
Congressional army vhich is com
ing to Washington to help make
things plea3ant for the old sol
diers He 38 utilizing the time
before the encampment in attend
ing io some department business
for his constituents At the close
of the encampment ho will return
to Oregon with the G A R men
from that state and take an ag
gressive part in the campaign Of
the general political outlook he
says Everything I hoar makes
the victory of Harrison and Raid
moro certain I am sstisfied that
New York will give Harrison a
larger majority this year than iu
18SS Asked about his own state
the senator said Oh Oregon is
all right we shall carry the state
as usual notwithstanding tho ac
tivity of tho peoples party which
may cast as muuy as 20000 votes
in tho state
Speaking of the peoples party
if one may believe what is said by
members of that party who are
high up in its official councils it
is rapidly going to pieces in the
South where such great results
had been so confidently predicted
for it Governor Tillman of
South Carolina whose lecent
sweeping victory over the regular
Democratic organization in that
state is fresh in tho minds of tho
public is openly accused by the
editor of the peoples party nation
al oiganof being a traitor to tho
peoples party and of having used
tho farmers alliance as a club to
thump a rival Democratic faction
intending all the while to act with
the national Democratic party
If this editor knows what ho is
talking about a simular state of
affairs exists in other states where
tho bulk of the so called peoplos
party are merely kicking demo
crats who will at the national elec
tion support Cleveland and Stev
enson He says there is a proba
bilty that these democrats who
aro using tho alliance and tho
third party merely as stepping
Btones to tnable them to get into
offices may find themselves disap
pointed as there may bo simon
pure peoplos party tickets put up
iu every southern state where the
men now in control of that party
are under suspicion and this is
the parly that was going to carry
half of the southern states
Hon J N Huston ex U S
Treasurer who usually knows
everything worth knowing about
Indiana politics is in Washing
ton He says both parties aro
hard at work with headquarters
wide open at Indianapolis and
speakers busy stumping the state
This week Gov McKinley will
begin a stumping tour of the na
tional gas region and later we
will havo other noted outside ora
tors Republicans with rare ex
ceptions which are becoming rar
er are confident of success and if
wo succeed m our court m over
throwing the present unjnst and
unconstitutional apportionment
law we shall certainly sweep the
Democrats hero make no
bones of Baying publicly that Mr j
Cleveland has tot lo recognize
Senator Hill no matter how hu
miliating it may bo to him if ho
wishes to aland ovon the ghost of
a chauce of carrying Now York
without which ho cannot pouaibly
bo elected
The national democratic oom
mittoo has made a dicker with
tho alliance bouse in South Da
kota whereby tho Democrats of
that state aro bound to support
tho alliance or third party Btato
ticket and tho four electors aro lo
bo equally divided between Cleve
land and Weaver Senator Kyle
is to take the stump for the fusion
tickotand the national democratic
committee is to furnish all tiP
documents and boodlo ncoded
Republicans hero boliovo that this
deal will bring tho Republican
alliance men back to their first lovo
and result in olecting tho Repub
lican stato ticket and electore
List of Patents
Granted to Missouri inventors
this week Reported by C A
Snow it Co Solicitors of Ameri
can aud foreigu Patents Opp U
S Patent office Washington D
A A Badger Windsor fire
escapo B Brazelle St Louis
ProceBS of and appparatus for
purifying refining and
metals J Dreiaoemer St
Louis amonia dipper valve J E
Faber St Louis preserving jar
V F Fagg Avilla Steamer R H
Gregory Washington shaft tug
II II Follonins St Louis name
plate for mounting signs etc E
W Hace St Louis shutter fast
ener Z T Lillarp and TJ Barnard
Kansas City printing or recording
telegi rtph A J Mason Kansas
City trench excavator J J Men
sing St Louis reversing attach
ment for screw cutting lathef P J
Pauly Sr and P J Pauley lr St
Louis Mechanism for opening
and closing jail doors S H Rath
burn Stanberry street sweeping
machine B and J Sheocraft St
Louis automatic signal device for
railways A J Smith St Louis
Automatic gipsy for cable rail
ways G Solari St Louis automa
tic sash fastener W J Walker St
Louis pipe wrench
Miss Rebecca Thompson was
bom iu Richland connty Ohio
October 31 1S20 was married to
Columbus J Sloan in 1SU9 con
verted aud joined the church when
about fifteen years of age Sh
was the mother of nine children of
whom three boys aud twogirls are
living and married Her husband
died January 5 18S3 She died
at her home iji West Salt Rivr
towunhip September 11 1S92
When the Angel of Death came
without au hours warning he
fouud her with the weeding gar
ment on ready lo enter into the
marriaco supper of the Lamb
The funeral services were con
ducted at her home by Father
Roszell and J E Rutledge and
she wan laid lo iest by tho side of
her husband at Sloans Point
J E Rutledge
A Picturo by the Presiden ts Wife
A White House Orchid an
exquisite painting on porceliau of
a lovely bunch of orchids grown
in the White House executed by
Airs Benjamin Harrison with the
superior skill for which sho is
noted Iibs been repioduced iu the
highast style of modern art and
so perfectly Id the faintept tint
of color and even to the peculiar
texture of the porcelain that it is
impossible to distinguish the copy
from the original Demorests
Family Magazine has the honor
of being the medium through
which this unique picturo is offer
ed to the mothers wives and
daughters of America to whom it
is lovingly dedicated These su
p3rb reproductions of Mis Harri
sons fine picture the only one
ever painted by a presidents wife
for the public are the same size
as the original 1H x 15 inches
and with each corvy of Deniorests
for October one of these wonder
ful pictures iB to be presented
free Independent of its high ar
tistic merit Mrs Harrison being
one of the beBt ilower painters in
America an opportunity to ob
tain a fac simile of the handiwork
of tho first lady in the land has
never occurred before and proba
bly never will again therefore ev
eryone should take advantage of
this unprecedented chance
All patriotic citizens and espec
ially members of the G A R
will be interested in a fine paper
in this same magazine
Advertised Letters
Letters remaining in the office
Aug 27th 1892 will be sent to the
dead letter office at tho expiration
of 30 days
Burke Mrs Bonnet Lewis
Benning Olive Colls Agigad
Franker A H Huckabag J W
Kvifi Huranfi Tlr W IV
Spain Frank Williams Luoindar
When calling for these letters
please say advertised i
Ed 0 PioklerP M
It requires the very best of
management to make the farm
carry sufficient manuru to keep up
the fertility of the soil without us-
mg green manures or commercial
Undertakers Convention
The Undertakers Absooiaticjn
of the First Dietrict convened in
thiB city Tuesday moruintf The
busiuesB of tho ABSOcintioti was
conducted with closed doora but
it in understood that eomo very
iuportaut biiBinoss was transact
ed Iu tho evening Dr Smith of
the Bchool of Ooteopnthy of this
city lectured before the Associa
tion on anatomy and embalming
At tho close of tho loctnro ho was
presented with a fine office chair
by tho Aneocitttion
Tho following mombers of the
Association were present
H D Wellington President
Memphis HBestman
Kirksville W J Horil
Treasurer G P Reichel Mason
SecrolaryT P Eaton Rutledge
DPHuatoD La Plata A J
fius Edina J M Mulch Mem
phis J BgKent Queen City Hou
ston it Sou Lancaster Jacob
Witmer Greentop J M Derr Lnr
Plata Fied Kahrl Kahoka J R
Shumake Edina L E Eriokson
New Cumbria J E Cooksey Can
ton J W Keller representing
Mound Coffin Company L B Bart
let of tha Quincy Oaukot Com
pany and W P liowo Topiftteiit
ing tho yfyLotiis Coffin Company
were also present
Green Grove Items
Gvandpa Br vvi oil is qnitu
Tho piescnl rains aio fino
Fail pasture
Republican club nieeta each
Monday evening
Tho Gieeu Grove school house
is nmiergoiTiu ioprii
Tim Ned biidun acrosu
biid has fallen down
Then will be a large aeiPigo of
wheat own in thiB community
IIl v Bubo Kutulied at tin Gieeu
GlOVO tullOUl hiJlliJ 1 RllJlu
Jesse Johnson has sold his farm
to H Leonard of Putnum county
Eya Stephens is visiting her
father Mr Leonard of Putnam
J B Sliott and Samuel Slioe
uihto are attending tiio Normal
this year
We waut everyone to come to
the Grovo to tlu picnic Saturday
September 24
Judgo Shoop is on tho sick lirft
He has not been well sinco his re
turn from llio West
James Ivio aud wife of Sperry
wpre guests at the homo of John
Brovnsll Satuiday aud Sunday
Tho Mooro Bros havo bought
the store at Stahl and will again
soon bo at their old stand selling
Basket Meeting
There will be a bapket meeting
next Sunday Sept 19 on the farm
of W E Bliveu in the grove north
of his house the old Orr farm
about 2i miles south ot the Wa
bash depot Drive sonth from the
citv till you reach the farm You
will there find aate opening into
the pasture and grove Plenty of
good watpr and siiado for both
people aud teams Bring your
baskets well fiilpd and worship
God iu tho leafy giove Gods
first temple Services from 10
oclock a in until 4 oclock p m
J E Rdtledge
Assisted by Clarence Yaunice
P S Brother Bliven extends
a coidial inyitatiou to tho breth
ren of his lodgn to be present and
worship God with us J E R
It Should be in Every House
JBWilson 371 Clay Street
Sharpsburg Pa save he will not
he without Dr Kings New Dis
covery for consumption coughs
and colds that it cured his wife
who was threatened with pneumo
nia after an attack of La Grippe
when various other remedies and
several physicians had done her
no good Robert Barber of
Cook6port Pa claims Dr Kings
New Discovery 1ms done him
more good than anything ho ever
used for Lung Trouble Nothing
like it Try it Free trial bottles
at Henrys drugstore Large bot
tle uUc and JLUU
To those who have read any of
the prior numbers of Tales 1rom
Town Topics it is quite sufficient
to merely announce that No 5
Sept is now out and they will
hasten to get a copy To those
who have been so unfortunate as
not to havo seen this brilliant
Quarterly we can say that a rich
treat is in store for them No
collection of short racy intense
stories charming bright poems
and sketches cracking jokes rnd
witticisms comparing with this
has ever been produced Town
Topics is world famed as the
spiciest boldest most entertain
ing of Weeklies and the Tales
aro the best gleanings from its
numbers of past years No 5 is
fully equal to if not better than
its sparkling predecessors Price
50 cents post paid Town Topics
21 West 23d street New York
Tha Handsomest Lady in Kirks
Remaikedto a friend the other
day that she knew Kemps Bal
sam for the threat and lungB was
a superior remedy as it stopped
her cough instantly when other
cough remedies had no effeet
whatever So to prove this and
convince you of its merits anv
druseibt will cive vou a sninnlB
J bottle free Large size 50c and S10
JM ng LijrvWM - fa
Public Speaking
- 5te
Thorti will bo held iu Brnslicnr
Mo on Tburudny coning Sop
tetuber 22 1892 at 2 oclock A
grand dismission betwoou P M
Smith the silver tonfiued orator
for tho Ropublicnnrs and G W
Drhikard Allianco Btato locturor
Come everybody Mooting com
inonjeB promptly at 2 oclock p
ni Committee
For St Louis ExpoBitiou
Tho Q O Ss K C Ry will soil
tickets to St Louia and return at
one and ono third fare for round
trip commencing Alonday Sept
12th and on each Monday aud
Thuradny thereafter until aud in
cluding Thursday Oct 20th 1892
rickets limited to going passago
to date of sale for returning pass-
ago to 5 days from dato of sale
For St Louio Fair
Oct 3d to 8th the Q O K 0
Ry will soil on Oct 1st to 8th in
clusive tickntB to Sfc Louis and re
turn at ono faro for round trip
Iicirets limited to going passago
to date of salt for returning pass
age up to and including Oct 10
D W Wilttams Agent
J H Best Traffic Mgr
J am cg Buoy and Frank Boono
will attend ail saleu in Adair and
adjoining counties Terms for
crjingsaleG one por cent Any
ono wishing us to cry sales need
not v ait to seo us Have your
bills struck jd our name3 put on
as auctioneers and we will bo
present wiihont fail Address us
at Kirksville Mo
James A Buoy
Frank Boonk
Bucklens Arnica balve
The best salve in the world foi
cuts bruises Bores ulcers salt
jhoum fever sores tetter chapped
hands chilblains corns and all
skin eruptions and positively
cm es piles or no pay required It
ii guaraufppd to give perfect sat-
iHtnction or money refunded
Price 25 cts por box For eale by
15 if Henry
Forest City Ark
April Gth 1892 J
Messrs Lippman Bros Savan
nah Ga Dear Sim Wo take
great pleasure to add one more
certificate to your long list We
can truthfully say fhpt Pricklj
Ash Poke Root and Potassium
Compound P P P is one of the
bestsellers that wo havo overset
on our shelves since wo have been
in ousiuess ana every person we
have sold P P P to say it is the
best blood purifier known
Yours truly
WiNTnnop Co
Harvest Excursions via Burlington
Route for 1S92
For these excursions ticketa
will be sold at ONE LOWEST
ROUND TRIP as follows AUG
27th to points in Kansas Nebras
ka Iowa Idaho Minnesota the
Dakotas Montana Wyoming
Utah Colorado New Mexico
Southwest Missouri Indian Ter
ritory Oklahoma Arkansas Ten
nessee Alabama
Jjomsana aud iexss
October 25th only to points in
Tonnessee Mississippi Alabama
Louisiana Arkansas Oklahoma
and Texas For full information
call on or address your nearest
Burlington Route representative
or apply to
A C Dawes
Genl Pass t Ticket Agt
St Loins Mo
St Louis August 9th 1892
Savannah Ga May 19 92
Messrs Lippman Bros Savan
nah Ua Gentlemen For tho
benefit of suffering from Dysoep
sia and goneral debility I beg to
submit my testimonial to tho effi
cacy of your P P P Prickly Ash
Poke Root Potassium as a pos
itive cure for all these distressing
complaints My system was also
full of Malaria my condition was
growing very serious T had no
appetite was losing strengih and
was completely broken down in
health but now my health is fully
restored and I can eat like a field
laborer without the stightest fear
of serious results I really feel
like a nf3W man I take great
pleasure in telling the world that
P P P did the grand work of re
storing me to my accustomed
health Yours truly
W S Cherry
Trustees Salo
Fletcher liis wife by their certain deed oftrnf t
dated the 16 day of Nov ISSlnnd records 1 in
the Recorders ofllce of Adair county at deed
boot V pngrl coneved to the nnderslgned
all their right title interest and estate In
nml in th fnlTnt 1trr luc hrl i --
situated in the county of Adair state
Lots o s and 6 in block Xo 13 in the town
of Sublette Adair connty Missouri
qwv LKuitjauin nuaiunuoin tTOSl IO
secure the payment of ono promissory note
in said deed described and whereas said
note has become due and U nnnald now
therefore In accordance -with said dred of
trut and at the request of the lepal holderof
said note I shall proceed to sell the above
ITAanrlllll 1 ncnAM U
In the town of Kirksville in the conntv of
for cash at public auction on Wednesday the
11th day of October 1SK t ctwscn the hours of
Tllrin in fnn rnronAAn onl 1n t i r
0 i11 da3rI t0 6ati6rr Biid note together
tith the cost ami expense of executing thla
Dated this Hth day of Sept ISM
Subset iption Pnco
100 Per Year
8200 Sir Months ST LOUIS
100 throe Months I
day Septembe 27th 1892
inelowa Central Ry will on
Tuesday Aug 30 and Tuesday
September 27th sell excursion
tickets at half rates to points in
North western Iowa Minnesota
North and South Dakota MnnfA
na Arkansas Indian Territory
UKianoma aliBsoun Kansas Ne
braska Colorado Wvomincr UtAh
New Mexico Tennesseo Missis
sippi Alabama Louisaim nnrl
Texas and also to Kansas City
and St Joseph Mo For rnipa
and further information call on
Agents Iowa Central 11 v or ad
dress Thos P Barrv
Genl Passr Agt
Marflhalltown Iowa
For the
1G to 20 pago prpcr
The Eriglitest and best Evening Paper in
St Louis
STFnl Maiki t imports
Finest Sporting PagsSsil
DAILY AND SUNDAY I A Dailr I It a Straight out
TJuntil tho end of tho I CUISINE I And stands up for
cnmpaign j Column Missouri
Cole Sz G reen
yrnlfure Dealers anil Undertakers
Headquarters for
The Manufacturing of Elour and Meal
Which wo will sell for cashor exchange for wheat We have added
We will not bo undersold Satisfaction guaranteed
Thanking the people for past favors and soliciting all
nesr customers to favor us with their patronage
j f a iAiJ JjJ 5 i
The well known Optician ofC29 Olive St y I Cnrnar 7th
and Olive St Loni3 lias appointed IV G Font a ajtent lor
his celebrated Diamond andn Chaneeable Spectaclej aid
Eye Glasses The Glasses aro the greatest Invention over
made in spectacle and every palrpnrchased nreznaranteed
so that irthey ever le ive the ejci no matter how scratched
the lenes they will furnish ihe party wish a new pair f
Glasses free of chaigo w G Kout has a full assortment
andimltes all wholsh to satisfy themselves ol tho sreat
superiority ot these glasses over any and alt otners now In
use to call and examine them at W G FOOTS SoIeAirsnt
for KirVsville ilo N oPeddlera Supplied
Yes we have found it The
greatest discovery of this century
Are you troubled with Dandruff
Are you or any of your friends
bald If so read our guarantee
We hereby guarantee our Eureka
Hair Restorative and Dandruff
Cure io remove Dandruff and
grow hair ou bald heads of not over
10 years standing Any commer
cial report will inform you as to
our financial standing and ability
to fufill our contracts Money will
be refunded at tho expiration of 90
days if it does not prove satisfac
tory H D Wagnkk fc Co
Grinnell Iowa
Ask Landes Resd Barbers
for it
Harvest Excursion via The Wabash
On dates named below wo will
sell excursion ticket to states
named at ono fare for the round
trip good 30 days with stop over
privileges to tho following states
Aug 30 to Sept 27th and October
25th Alabama Arkansas Indian
Territorry Mississippi Oklahoma
Tennessee and Texas
To the following states Aug 30
to Sept 27 Colo Towa Idaho
KauBas Louisiana Southwest
Missouri Minnesota Montana
Nebraska North Dakota South
Dakota New Mexico Utah and
Wyoming W E Noonan
Two Harvest Excursions
Via the Iowa Central Railwaw
TuesdV Aucust 30th and Tnoa
Th old Id of iO yean ego wa that
Eg facial eruptions w re das to a tlood
iia ThtlltholdlinaiiarlUajeontalaTo
C3h a nauteitinj mineral that injteid rf ds
crcasirc actually enatci raOTa eruptions Tea
hivo noticed this when UUnj otherlarjaparOha
than Joys ltisfcowrernow known that tin
stomach the Hood creatlnz power Is tho seat ot
nlljritlatlnjor clcansiugoptrations A itoaaoh
clogged by indljcitloa or eonetiparlon Titlato
tic blood result pinplet A clean stoaach and
healthful digsitiaapurifles It and they disappear
Thus JoyiVqctibloearaptriIlaijco m pounded
alter thomodornldaato resrulctc the bowels asd
Btimulato tho diction TLseiTtctlslnratdlato
and Estisfcctory A short testlmocla to con
trast the action cf tfei potash EarsaparTUas end
Joys modern vcgotatlo preparation Mrs C D
Stuart of 0 Itayej St S F writes I havo
for years had Indigestion I tried a popular 6Sr
saparille but It actually caused moro ptapla to
bresi out on ray face Ilearisg that Joya was a
later preparation ana acted differently I tried ft
and tha plmplca Immediately disappeared
Larncet bottle most enocUra soao ptioa
For Sale
100 acre farm 2 mileB northeast
of Sarcoxia Mo 65 acres in culti
vation small orchard 2 wells 3
room farm house with good brick
basement of 3 rooms 1 2 mile to
school Price S2500 oncumber
ance S1000 to run 2 years at 6 por
cent Will take cash or good trade
for equity Prefer cash farm or
city property Address
Sarcoxie Mo
For Sale
210 acre farm in Southwest
Missouri near Sarcoxio Mo 200
acres in cultivation 3 good orch
ards 2 good wells good frame
house with four rooms barnto ac
commodate 10 horBes 10 acres of
wood land No waste land Price
S20 por acre 1600 cash balance
easy time at 8 per cent Interest
Talk quick Address
OB AniisTBOsa
Sarcoxie Mo
W G Fout keeps all school
books and school supplies See
him for business

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