OCR Interpretation

The Marshall republican. [volume] (Marshall, Saline County, Mo.) 1899-1914, June 02, 1899, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066240/1899-06-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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.Itinc lsnii.
Father Time's Latest Productions
Arc All Found in Our New
Spring and Summer Stock, g
Every Article currying with it the Convincing Proof that in its Purchase
you are baving Money. Your purse will open Quickly when you see
the Splendid opportunities we offer in our Seasonable Line of Staple
and Fancy Dry Goods and Shoes
Cotton Dress Fabrics.
New Attractively priced. I'cthnps on are Hot one
tin- mimlicr ulii) visit tlii cotton jood section ccry it.iy.
Thru miii ate tint awnti-of our etidenvorn to kicp oti Miil
oil nittiitl goodness, llittllll IICUIICSS mill Cotton cllcatitlcsS.
A fiw hints of some new comers -Corded Madras. Cryv
tallina. Cotton Cicns. Dimities. Uiuik. (iiiiKh.iniH anil
Inxrtnins. IMki-i. Allover I'.mhroidcrii-s and Laces.
Women's Underwear.
Ulit-uulil kinds. liKhtlv pticcd. Mini- kinds. kI
kinds, of summer uudi'rucar utc hcto this season than ever
lure jjfthcrcil under one roof in this vicinit) lufoti- Itnt the
iiiiiiiriluiiiiiiis of tin- stock Is mi iiioir inttti'stiiiK than
the juices
Colored 1 etticoats for
Summer Wear.
Niwr In ion iliil hi- Imvi stuh an interesting line of tin
tlci-kirl- No I nd hail for that tnatter. ln-caiiH-the kirt
in.it.er Mill not mate thein 'now there are skirts of Silks
Monin s.itnu- Metallic Strips l'iiile I'olkn Dot
(.'mile ami pass oitr judgment Uni them
Our assortment In more mtnplctt than ever. We have
them in nil the new color ntul 1ciIkik 11-i sttiic anil
1'l.iiiN: nlH.iys a Injituliful line of Knin rnihiellas in lilaiks
ntul colors. ' The nsxirtiiiint will Mlit ou: the ptiic will
Hit yon.
Shirt Waists.
We an intilKil in .! inn lh.it we have the moot haml
miiih .mil t lih assortment of Wah Waists ever hou ii in
Mar-hall We m mill like to Ii.im ii.iii opinion on our jihIk
mint thci ratiKe in priix-from .vn' toi.oH.
Dress Skirts.
A vast asMirtnuiit at little juices there is not a riaxm
alite skirt want that we annul till, fioin this Stisk. If u.ii
ale in IHitl of a skirt we call suit von at a suinc of one tllilil
uvular (inures Yon should not miss this rt tnii t v .
Our Onset iUi.itliuint is the j.laie whete evir lady
is certain to liml thoioiiKhly satisfactory oos at the most
teaxuialile prices. We cany the very liest and most reliahle
makes in all grades, sizes mid prices. Whatever your wants
max In- in this line. ou ale certain to .find it lure at its U-st.
We ask oitr patroti.iRe. thoroughly convinced that you will
find it to your interests as well as ours to jjivc lis yotir trade.
The Shoe Stock.
lias a story of in mi urn In till We were noun; to head
this ' lioe lre;ains.' lut how vullv ahtiHil that wonl Uir
l.iin is of late Here is a condition of slim- affairs whiih din
nines the wotd lutein We have them in all -tlis and
ptlies that makes c.uh om a genuine Uiraiu. We sell on
tiothuiK lint Uatlier when u kI you a juir of shm-s, then
fore we stand luck of eai h shoe site We make
Wi wtrrv a full Mock of STANDARD PAT
TKRNS, r. to 'JOf.
Come and look at our goods; they will verify our Statement.
They will please vou.
Yours Truly.
East Side Square, Marshall, Mo,
Mill Stella Sniiii-rr l .1.1.1
I S3i lW llaAirs w . .
ivr....ln..i. . ii. r
l: ..""T- " will p.av You t0 isncct0r Kn.lfflM
wmcr hi loruur. ,. I jr.

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