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D. r. lM 1 IvWJTv, Christmas Presents of REAL merit can be selected from the Furniture line at NAYLOR'S. A gift of an article of Furniture for the home does not mean a pleasure to-day and gone tb-morrow, but a pleasure each succeeding day for years to come. We mention below a few of the many good things we are offering, and call your attention to the fact that it is our endeavor, at all times, to give the BEST Goods for the PRICE, no matter what the pricel i9i Dining Tables Jardineer Stands and Pedestals 1 In quartered golden WMEsU n Mahogany and Oak. oak, non dividing pedes- Wmtmmm A large, nice line at $6, i. square ana rouna 5 qq 3 qq j 75 tone Pillar tnnlps in all I JMt. 17 and down. Prices from $4.60 to $40 DINING CHAIRS In leather slip seats, box seats, leather and wood; selected quartered oak. Prices $27.50, $24.00, $21.00 down to the cheapest at $4.50 per set. ROCKERS A fine line, oak and mahogany polished, leather upholstered, solid wood and cobbler seats. Reed Rockers in the light and golden finishes. Largest line of the FAMOUS TA Y L O R COMFORTABLE ROCKERS in Marshall. Rockers of all kinds for all peo ple, big, little, old and young; ir resistible values.from $1.25 to $35 China Cabinets, $22.50 and $35 FELT MATTRESSES Treat yourself to a Sterns-Foster Sleep Maker, the best Felt Mattress made, open end; you can see what it is filled with. Prices from $10 to $16. The Sterns-Foster Tuftless Felt Mattress, soft as a feather bed, imperial edge superior to any tuftless mattress made, price only $16. Why pay more? Genuine Ostermoor Mattresses, $15.00. Sideboard and Buffets, $14, $45 DAVENPORTS Quartered oak and steel frames, all automatic, upholstering in all, built on the all steel construction no breaking down. In Genuine No. 1 Leather, Car Plush, Crushed Plush.Imitation Leather and Velours a large line and beauties first class articles only $27 50 to $65.00. IRON BEDS It A fine line in Vernis Martin and all enameled finishes from $2.25 to $25. KITCHEN CABINETS Prices $5, $6, $10, $1650, $23.50. One of our $23.50 solid oak, nickleoid extension top, complete cabinets, a fine present for the housekeeper, the best cabinet on the market for the price. jCTjONAkNg Gunn Sectional Book Gases need no introduc tion. The Gunn, made 'in Grand Rapids and of Grand Rapids quality, the simplest in the con struction and the smoothest in opera tion. A fine pres ent for anyone. BATH ROOM FIXTURES We are showing a large line of fine brass, nickel plated bathroom fixtures, soap dishes for the wall, tub and sink, Tumbler-Holders, Sponge-Holders, Comb and Brush Holders, Tooth Brush Holders, Glass Shelves, Garment Hooks, Paper Holders, Enameled frame French Plate Mirrors, plain and beveled plates, round and square. PARLOR PIECES Divans, Rockers, Arm Chairs, odd pieces in silk and leather coverings, at all prices and a variety of styles. ' Parlor Tables from 75c to $8.50 LIBRARY TABLES Polished quartered oak, quality of wood the best fine grain and finish unsurpassed. $10 to $20. Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets, Desk Chairs, Princess Dressers, Dressing Tables. There are still many useful and pretty articles that time and space forbid us enumerating, but will be glad to have you come in and let us show you. West Side Square, B. F. NAYLOR, FURNITURE, Marshall, Mo, vlo, I owl Santa Claus Letters. Marshall, Mo., Dec. 6, 1909. Dear Santa Claus: Flcaso bring me a doll, a pair of kid gloves, two story books, some candy, oranges and bannas. Please -don't forget mamma" and papa. Yovr loving little friend, VIRGINIA HOWARD. ' Slater, Mo. Dec. 7, 1909. "Bear Santa Claus: i ( Will write and tell you "what I want for Christmas. I want a b wagon and anything else you want to bring me. Please don't foTget my little 'sis ter Nellie. I am seven' years old. J go to school and am in the second leader. Well good by. Yours, JIMMIE SPENCER. Miami, Mo. Dec. 6,1909 Dear Santa Claus : I am a little girl four years old. I would like for you to bring me a little cook-Btove, tea-kettle and coffee-pot, candy and oranges and bring little sister Ooldlol a rattle and doll. My papa's name is Ben Barnes and We live on Route No. 1 Miami, Mo. ' From your little girl, MAUD BARNES. ( Miami, Mo., Dec. 5, 1909. Dear Santa Claus: 1 I want a doll-bed and doll, candy oranges and cbdwin'g gu My uapa's name is Ben Barnes. Wo live on Route No. 1 Miami, Mo. ' Your little girl, ZELPHA BARNES. ,; ' Miami Mo., Dec. 6, 1909. Dear Santa Claus; I Jam a Utile girl 6 yearn old. I go to ,'school (every day I want . piano and Peary-Cqok Eaqu'lmo boy 8 years old. book, nuts, candy want a nice oranges and doll and little looking glass, and bannanas and peanuts and crack er JackB. My papa's name 1b Will Stephens. We live on Route No.l I am your little girl, i INA STEPHENS. Marshall, Mo. Dear Santa: Here I come again telling you what I want. I want a suit of clothes and an air gun, My broth- or wants a rattler and ray sister, Mildred Louise wants a pair of hose. I am your boy, DONALD B. CLAWSON. Miami, Mo Dec. 6. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 6 years old and go to school every day. I want you to bring me & piano and Peary-Cook Esqulmo doll, candy, and nuts, I ani Ben; Barnes little girl and live on Route 1. Miami. Your little friend, MARTHA HELEN BARNES bananas. That is all. Yours truly, LAWRENCE COT1. Wavejly, Mo. Dec 11 Dear Santa' Claus: I am, a little boy 6 yeras . old I go to school every day nearly through the first reader I like to go td school I wissh you would bring mo a little express wagon, drum, horn, train, candy and huts oranges and bananas. I have 3 brothers be sure and bring them something and dont forget papa and mamma. ' MARVIN "BYARS. Nelson, Mo., Dec. 4, 1909. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 7 years old, I have two Utile sisters. I want you to bring me a necklace, a sack of candy and nuts. Bring my little sister Letha May, a nice doll 'some candy and a watch. And bring my baby sister Dortha 'Lois a rubber doll and candy ad oranges. Be sure and come to the ndw house wo will be moved by Christmas. . .Good bye, .MARIE PETRY, J Plater, Mo, Dec. 13. Dear Santa Claus: i ,1 thought I Would writ you a llttlo letter 'tib toll you .what I want for Christmas, ' I am a little Sweet Springs, Mo., Dec. 4. Dear Santa Claus: . f I am' a little girl 9 years old. I would like very imuch, for you to bring me a doll with real curly hair I (never owned a nice dolly and I always wanted one and don't for get baby brother Iho is 14 months old and bring 'pap& and mamma something so this is all with best wiBhes to you. I -ANNIE" NICKELL. will tell you what I want, a pair of mittens, all kinds nuts, candy oranges and bananas and some thing nice for father and mother. Yours truly, LONNIE COT1 t . Slater, Mo. Dec.10. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 7 years old. I live 5 'miles southeast of Gilliam. My papa's name is Anthony Huff. Please bring me a watch, Noah's ark, post card album, nuts candy, oranges and bananas. I will close. HUBERT HUFP. Sweet Springs, Mo. Dec. 11. nuts' and oranges and a pencil. And Dear Santa Claus : I uon t lorgei momer ana iatner ana I am a' little girl 6 years old I mV BtorB and brothers. I will live 0 miles northeast of Sweet close my letter. Springs. I want you to . please Good Dy Santa, bring me a little cook,otove, a lit-' PEARL E. WEINREICH. tie coffee mill, a pair of over shoes ! candy, nuts and oranges and please Waverly, Mo. Dec. 13. bring a stick of candy for my baby .Dear Santa Claus brother. Malta Bend, Mo. Dec. 1908. hers (cause I think it will take a big Dear Santa Claus: f one) I ' (wish you would (bring him, I will write you a letter today a nice little high chair all painted and tell you that I (want a Necklace red and I 'guess a pair of stockings and a new, post card album and rubber ring and rattler. And. some candy and nuts. My papa's please bring me, cause I am 'a good name is Wesley Rohn. I guess that ( little girl, a trunk and key, blue! is all I (want. " . eyed doll that will go to sleep, a. Your friend, ' I ( doll duggy and somo real nice nuta, ETHEL ROHN. and grapes. Kindly remember all : little girls and boys especially the Marshall, Mo., Nov :27. Dear Santa Claus:' It wont be long till Christmas.' I will tell you what I want. I. want papa. Your littlo iglrl, VIRGINIA OLIVER. a tennis ball, a hair ribbon, a story P. 3. I anything happens abd you book, somo handkerchiefs, candy, can't come, please send o'no ot your ooys.i Continued on' page 9, Yours truly, FRANCES COOK. Waverly, Mo., Dec. 13th. Dear Santa Claus: I am a lttle 'boy thirteen years old. I am in the fifth grade., (Now Santa I wajnt 'a few things for Christmas. I want a new cap, a pair ot glovcB, a pair of jpants an air gun, and. a knife, somo fire, crackers and nlgerchasers, some candy and nuts abd that is all for this time. Yours truly, ORINGA POWELL. li -I '.' Doar Santa Claus: Sla'tor, Mo, Dec 13; I thought I would write you 'a little letter tro 'let you knoy what Iwantjfor" Christmas. I. am a little boy just; C years (old. Now I - "."! Sweet Springs. Mo. Dec 4. Dear Santa Claus: t" As Christmas is almost here 1 thought I (would write you a lefctjer. I am 11 years old and I 'am going to school. I help '.my papa all I can., I cant plow almost as good as papa. So you see I am1 a good boy. PleaBe don't forget 'me, I live on the Bishop farm. DEWEY NICKELL. I am a little girl 6 yeras old and I; go o school at Eli College every day I (like my teacher fine. I wish you would bring .me a little rubber doll some candy, nuts, land oranges and a littlo bed for my doll do not forget my brothers and sisters and H. Y. and momma, Yours truly, CLARA YOWELL. Malta Bend Mo., Dec. 1st. It wont be long until you will be coming to visit us so Hv;lll write you a short letter, this being my first, I am four years old how old are you? I havo blue eves, and Dec, 5. flaxen curls. I am going to jspend Christmas with grandma and grand Marshall Mo., Ttnar Santa Claus: Will you 'please bring ine! a doll pa Burnett at Waverly, I guess you and a eto'vb, a wash tub, board and know where that is, and you may winger and ja doll bed. Bring my tl nd my stocking In grandma's llttle?fl(st er Virginia a big rag (doll room. I have a little baby broth- becauso ,she breaks all of mine. I S (weeks, old his name Is B.J. Jr. ani Cycars old. li ,;(.' Your aoving friend,' cpme to live, with ua einceyou were here last time, tie has ,no stockings 1 , If - 1 A MiMMMMMMMM M , , LtJ . ... ... J ABOIX. , . ...... .. " ANNA ELIZABETH; POLLARD but mamma will Jba? him one, of N 1 ; fa Windy Wills. As a contrast to. the short wilt of EX H. Harriman, one might mention the. will ot the late Lord, Grlmthorpo, In .ho framing ot which no fewer, than 11,070 words were used; and that of Mr. Edward Bush, a retired Gloucester engineer, who died last autumn worth 114,813. and disposed ot it In a will containing 20,000 words. Strand. Glast Tanks Replace Cement. The wine storago houses in. France are now using cement tanks lined with glass instead of old wooden onos. The glass lining is used for two rca sons the acids in tbo liquor deconv .pose tho cement, while thecodont ab sorbs the bouquet ot the wine. A tank In Havro has a capacity of 290. 000 gallons. . Trained Eflgtss for Aviation, One ot thq most anatlo ballopulns projects ot the past Was that ot an' Austrian who suggested,, nearly a cen tury ago, that balloons might bo guided In any desired direction with rtnp aid ot trained eagles, . ' Recced to Be, Proud Of. Alfred H. Dopth "of Worcester, Mans., has baeu organist at St, Mat thew's church for 30eara, and n, that, time , bns mlbsed but ine service. V' ml