OCR Interpretation

The Marshall republican. [volume] (Marshall, Saline County, Mo.) 1899-1914, October 24, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066240/1913-10-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TWO

FRIJJAY, OCTOBfiR 24, 1819.
Marshall Republican
Published every Thursday and enter
ed In post office nt Marshall Mo., as
econd-clasg matter.
Terms: 81.00 Per Year In Advance
t. J. WITT, Kdltor.
L. PUKSTON, HuMnc Manager.
don, 29.
Office, Dell, 9; Hern.
ArknnM has
Jollied the dry'
liov. William Suiter of New Vork
xuft found guilty of falsifying cam
palgn stntemecls and removed from
oWce. Llout.-Uov. Flynn has suc
ceeded to the Office.
All nation of the east have been
Invited to send warship to this conn
tr early In ISIS Alter reviewing
te fleet at Washington It will prucc-
1 to the Panama canal and on to tho
x.xvMtloa at San Francisco. It Is ex
HK-te! tat all counties will be re
rrseatui br their largest ships nnd n
xosarkaWe Catherine will result.
Aiitar of fount Zeppelin" air
mail Mplo4d last Friday over
t'ohaaefcrc and is passengers fell
to their death. Including the entire
German Admiralty Hoard. This I
the seventh of the Zeppelin ships to
come to grief vt Ith heavy Iocs of life.
Tho latwt one was to be th" fins ship
or the German army aortal fleet.
Tho Old Trails" rond Is part of the
Oceati'to-Orean highway which Is be
ing ndurtled extensively an thn route
for itiitolst to tako In vMllnv the
Kan ITancUwexposltlon In HIS. lly
ilia' time It wilt be In shapo and no
dnubt Marshall will have mttotsts by
tho hundreds InHimd of by the dozens
ii now.
NOW tlmt u special election has
been called In Marshall for a bond Is
mie to bulla nnd equip n municipal
Hcctrlc plant. It will be well to con
sider both sides. We realize Hint there
Im n overwhclmltiK sentiment nt pres
ent In favor of n municipal plant, but
wo fear tho other side of tho ques
tion hns not been carefully weighed.
Will wo linvn as pood service ati chenp
or dumper: Will not tho raise In
taxes more Hum offset the snvlug for
tho city lighting? Will not two plants
mako competlon thnt will mnko both
s.wi: i."rtMMHi ox xi:w tawff
Officials In tho office of the collec
tor of customs yesterday estimated It
will rniulr ten days to check up tho
Imports which had collected In St.
Louis bonded warehouses nwnlting
itiu signing or thu uuw tariff bill. The
goods nru worth approximately $2,
00. UOO, and tho Importers will snvo
ntout J I. "0,000 an compared with tho
old tariff schedules. The Imparts In
clude hoclory, linen, silks, burlnp,
macaroni, olives, oil ami cheese.
Speaker Clark lilt Win. J. Urynn a
hard bolt when ho said ho does not
believe an officer of the (ioverumeut
acta honestly when spending his tlmo
on tho lecturo platform for pay. Mr.
Hurl: did not mention Mr. Dryiin but
everybody knows who he had In mind
and nearly everybody who read the
remark felt llko suylng 'amen". Tho
Speaker and thu Secretary of Stato
aro not cordial and never will be. It
was Bryan who snatched from Clark
the nomination for President and
gavo It to Wilson.
A thousand quarters of beuf arriv
ed In New York the other day dlroct
from Argentina. Shipments of South
Amorlcnn beef arrived almost every
week last summer, hut they camo by
v try. of.Kn Bland, and they did not af
fect prices, because there was not en-
gh materially to Increase tho supply
of meat, l'nder tho new tariff, meat
Will Tay no duty. Then wo shall
Vnow whether there is In any other
part of the world a surplus that can
bo drawn on four our needs, or who
thor wo must raise moro meat our
Helves In order to get any relief from
tho present high prices. Youth's
DeruoirMi 'hVo
"poliitttii? with
VrldOj" to the continued sood times.
Wrtunatcly prices have held up fairly
well and times aro good, but this la
1u spTte Vl theYo'w tariff, not because
of It. The markets, especlully tho
ilnani:lal market, aro very dull nnd
depressed and business Is vary auspi
cious and proceeding slowly. It Is to
he hoped that ftee-trado level will bo
reached without a panic Uut when
this roo-trado level has been reached
It will mean cheaper living that is.
tho farmer will get less for his cattle,
xralu and products and he will of
courso have less to spend and It re
mains to be seen what the counter of
sect will be. Anyway, aa Ion aa the
Democrats aro satisfied we won't
coiiiplaliu It was' not our doing and
v e club neither credit nor blaaio.
V'l rnirn.talll. It Was' not Our doing and East Arrow, nntll Wnitnpsdnv mnrn. lunant thn riav Willi Mr. Ml Mr. I JORR. H, BUSBRell Of Kansas iCIty.
11 t V'e cttabi neither craittitor blane. lag sho returned to her home, Frank liitttn. Te-latt-i of t'ttlwasajWtor
4 I I I I I I'M II I II 1 1 1 1 I I I I M I I t
- -
Money to Loan.
I liavo money to loan nt fire and one-half per cent nanus! Inter
est, with the prlrclcRe to the borrower of paying any pari of princi
pal nt any time, and rebate the Interest from date of payment
These aro liberal terms nnd If you want money, now Is a good
tlmo to get It.
I fnrnlMi ntiMrnrtg and perfect titles to all lands nnd town lota
in Hallno county. I liavo buyers for Ballno county farms. If you
linve ono for sale let me know alniut It,
AUIKIj LKOXAIID, . Marshall, Mo.
I-I-H-I-M-1-1-I-I-H-I-M1M I III 1 1 I
Chicago, 111., Oct. 8. Surprising!
continuance of heavy receipts of
wheat in the Canadian Northwest !
more than offset today a decrease in i
arrivals this side of the border. I
Largely In consequence, tho market
closed weak, S-lc under last night.
Corn showed a net decline of Uc to
ifcc. and oats n drop of l-sc to 4c.
Provisions wound up with 7 14 o to
30c advance.
Canadian reports that thu big
movement of wheat to terminal points
threatened to last for some limit did
not affect the market hero until nfter
lhcr has been n rally, duo to falling
off of receipts nt country stations In
Minnesota nnd the Dnkotns.
It was said that tho Canadian ship
ments had nlrendy congested tho facil
ities at lake receiving points In tho
cast, (lood crop prospects In Austra
lia and Argentina counted also In fav
or of the brnrs.
Dry weather advices from India
rnd news of an nctlve demand from
France hnd considerable to do with
early firmness of wheat
In addition, there was a fairly good
milling call hero nnd elsewhere, hut
In the end tho dominating Influcnco
proved to be tho unlooked-for deve
lopments beyond tho Canadian line.
Governor SuUer of Now York was
found guilty of converting campaign
contributions to his personal uso and
of making n false nffldnvlt concerning
the nmountH received and tho names
of contributors. There were other
rlmn.es but they won- not considered
of sufficient Important to rank with
tho two on which his removal from
olllce was justified.
Public men, ns u rule, regard as
sacred money contributed for tho ad
vancement of their political Interests.
If money Is proffered for such use out
of n dishonest purpose or motive It Is I
n crime to eccopt it. If It Is proffer-
ed becauso of friendship, or because 1
o devotion to tho political vlows or
purposes of tho candidate, any purely
personal uso of it not assontcd to and
understood by tho contributor Is a
crime. No honest man will appropri
ate to his personal use funds entrust
d to him for a political purpose Tho
mnn who does such n thing Is unwor
thy of prlvato or public confidence.
Yet many men lu politics havo beared
conscienco nnd outraged honesty In
that wuy without being caught. Gov-
ernor Sulxer was cuught. True It Is
tlmt his guilt wub pointed out by poll-
Ileal thieves, who desired to destroy
him because thoy could not uso him:
yet n great court heard the evidence
and found him guilty.
Thus another specular poser lu
modern politics has been weighed In
his own balance and found wanting.
Men guided by old fashion honesty
nnd devoted to definite principles are
far more usoful and potent in public
llfo than agitators who must live on
public money. There arc too many
Sulzors. Men less spectacular and
moro concerned about tholr personal
Integrity may not attract as much at
tention In high offlco but they aro
r.over In danger of being Impcoched
or afraid of being ruined by an or
ganization llko Tammany.
am citiks own utilitiks.
MbtMiurl StntMIrK Show Majority of
Plants Aro Small.
Statisticians In the employ of tho Mis
sourl public sorvlco commission have
recently compiled fleures showing tho
number of municipally owned utilities
In the state.
There Is a total of 312 of these
kind of plants, all small, however
with the exception of tho St. LouIb
and Kansas City water companies.
The plants aro of Various' kinds, many
being engaged In tho manufacture ot
gas and electricity, solely, some sup
plying heat, light, power and wator
and some electricity or gas alone.
Tho work of compiling tho rates
charged by tho municipality owned
plants and tho character of sorvlco as
well as thi physical value ot tho
plants will Boon be taken up by tho
commission, for comparison with the
rates and service of privately owned
Mrs. W. F. Price of Napton waa in
Marshall shopping Tuesday and was
the guest ot Miss Delia Smith ot 339
East Arrow, until Wednesday morn
lag sho returned
I 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 t I I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
w " '
III I Ml M-MI-I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Mj
swi:i;t springs.
Miss Nan Hoggin reached hottn on
Friday night o'ter a visit of Ihroe
months in "Old Kentucky." MUt N.ui
expresses the greatest admiration Kir
thu grand old commonwealth nnd
says sho hnd tho tlmo of her life.
Mr. G. M. Winston has sold his
pretty nnd attractive home on Daisy
uveuui) to Mr. Kdwnrds. Mr. Winston
will give possession In tho spring,
nnd will build n haudsomo homo In
tho near future on tho lot purchased
of Mrs. M. O. Drown, northwest of
tho Presbyterian church.
Miss I.avlnla Ycrby came up from
Noustonla an Saturday afternoon and
spont Sunday with Miss Iota liar
wood. Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. C. Nenle and small
eon, John Vance left on Tuesday,
October 7th for Washington. Mr.
Nenle contemplates building in our
town In tho early spring nnd will
mnko this his permanent home.
Tho ladles nld society of tho Pres
byterian church met on Tuesday aft
ernoon of this week with Mrs. X. M.
Cooper. This was a regular business
meeting; nnd tho ladles nrc ondonvor
In glo raise quite n largo sum of
money towards putting n furnace
under tholr church. The excavation Is
being done now for thn furnace,
which will add much to the comfort
of the building.
Mr. Allen of the country west of
town has sold his farm nnd will re
move to Kansas City in a short time.
Mr. Frank Dayman went lost week
to Kansas City to u hospital, where
ho was operated on. Ho Is recovering
nicely. Mrs. Wnyman Joined him there
0n Wednesday, and is still with him.
i)e,j October Hth Mr. William
Henry Wltcher of tho country north
of town aged about ,14 years. Ho was
a good citizen nnd will be mlssod In
his church and neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Harbour wont
to Sedalla on last Wednesday on ft
sboplug expedition.
Last Thursday a tremendous hall
storm hero did a great deal of dam
ago In the way of breaking windows
lights. Mr. Wlddcr tho florist living
near town suffered qulto n loss in
breaking of glass In his green houses
Many are saying this was tho worst
hall storm even seen hero; tho hall
stones being ns largo us hen eggs.
Misses (iein Dlnkley and Jesslo Dol-
lamy wont last week to Columbia to
vUlt their slstors In Christian college.
Miss Gem will return by way of Lex
ington and attend tho D. A. It. ban
quet, j
Dr. O. 11. Wltchor has purchased ft;
lot on Main street and will build n
gurago there. Tho lot Is 40x100 feet
In bIzo.
Mr. Warrun Hedges loft last week
for southwest Missouri to examine
land thore. Mr. Hedges contemplates
going on to Arkansas City in Kansas,
when ho will enter a sanatarlatn for
tho treatment of stomach trouble
A pretty wedding of last week was
that oi Miss Adelo Iteavls to Mr.
Wllliird Shaw 6f Lindsay, Cal. Thla
Is the culmination of a romance tlmt
has bceu going on for somo years.
It was a quiet homo woddlng, only
tho near relatives of tho brldo and sis
ter of tho groom being present. They
loft on the night train for Chicago and
othor eastern cities. Tho usual rlco
and old shoes showered them after
reaching tho station.
The ladles of the DaptUt church
are to hold a bazaar on November 1
at TUdalo'ff old stand on Laxlngton
street. Te bazaar wllj bo open at
neon, and tho ladles will servo a
lunch and a hot auppor from C:30 un
til latcNSt'nlghti"
Horn to Mr. and Mrs1. John Koenlg
at their homo Jn Kansas City en pet
obor 10th, a flno boy.
Mr. John Ilillen, one of our sub
stantial farmer boys and Miss Sadlo
Travis, an attractive and nobW ydunft.
ladles of near hero, were married Jh
Sinter Wednesday morning at six
o'clock hv Father Jennings. Only
few relatives witnessed tW cerertOny,
immediately aftervwhleh the, brde
and" Broom returned t .Nelson ArU
Hi'tant the day With Mr. 'Ml Mr.
l-l I I I I I I i i h-H-H-H-M-I 1-1 I I !
I County News I
l-I-H 1 I I I I 1 t-H-M H H ll H-H-.'
I week thov sDont With the brldo's par
ent. Mr. and Mrs. Hlllen Intend lv
ins here, and their many friends
wish them a long nnd happy married
Mrs. E, D, Sapplngton entertained
tbo ladles of the Wednesday club at a
twolvo-thlfty dinner on Wednesday
last. The husbands were nlso Invited
but on account of business only a few
were ablo to attend. All report a most
enjoyable tlmo,
Mrs. O. F. McCluro of Orand Pass
visited her son, L. F. McCluro and
family Tuesday.
Mrs. W. Plrtle and daughter, Mrs.
Salllo Horak of Sprlngflold spen
Tuosday lu iltackwator with Mrs.
Hulda Duvall.
Among thoso from the country who
were trading In town Thursday wore:
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Stone, Misses Nel
lie and Harriet Smith, Messcrs John
Cullen, Homer Conway and Our Cun
ningham and son.
Mrs. W. S. Hanley entertained tho
members ot tho Wednesday club and
tho plo clue nt a mlscollanlous show
er In honor ot Mrs. Drcathltt Sapplng
ton Frlda).
Mr. Dave Caton, who Is nt present
attending business collogo In Sadalla
camo up Saturday afternoon, as every
ono supposed to mako his usunl visit.
Dttt, lo and behold! early Sundny
morning a rather suspicious looking
automobile party drove through town
headed for tho south. Thn story was
soon guessed. Tho party was driving
to tho homo of Uldcr C. Q. Shouso, in
order that Mr. Davo Caton ami Miss
hdna Townscnd be united I ntho holy
bonds of matrimony. Mr. Joe Staples,
Mr. Joa Crockett nnd Miss Johnnlo
Townscnd, sister of 'he bride, accom
panied them nnd witnessed tho core
inony. Mr. Caton and Miss Townscnd
have been sweethearts and tbo high
school pupils dedicated ono llttlo pri
vate cornor of tho hall to thorn as
they wero so frequently found talking
there. Mr. Caton finished school hero
last year. He Is n son of Mr. Tom Ca
ton a substantial farmor of near hero
nnd Is preparing to bo a physician.
Miss Townscnd Is a daughter of Mr,
Win. Townscnd and has lived In our
town for several years. Sho Is very
popular with the young people, and
will bo especially misted by the young
people In the Methodist church, whoro
sho attended. Aftor tho ceremony thu
young con plo returned to town nnd
took tho second passengor to Sodalla,
where thoy will mnko their homo for
tho present. .
Mrs. Kdna Crockett of near Sweet
Springs camo down Tuesday for a
visit with her aunt Mrs. 8. D. Thomp
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. P. Thornton cnter-
tnluod tho following at their homo
nar hero Sunday: S. 11. ThompHon
nnd wlfo nnd A. J. ('lute, wife nnd
dnughtcr, Marguret, also Mrs. Kim-
Sunday was Mr. J. W. Plrtla's scvon
ty-nlnth birthday and lu honor of tho
occasion his children gathered at his
homo and hold a family reunion.
imong tho children presout wore: Mr.
and Mrs, O. Howler, Mrs. Chris Sim
mons and children, Mrs. John Duglns
and family, Mrs. Salllo Horak nnd
daughtur, Naomi. Itov. Spccrs n nep
hew was also present.
The Fourteenth Dlotrlct Medical So-
clcty lloldn IteKUIar Meeting
r t Marshall.
Elk's hall, Marshall, Mo., Octobor
1C, 1913. Minutes of tho 1 1th district
medical society. Morning session, ow
ing to the Incllment weuther and tho
resulting small attendance of out ot
town physicians It was dccldod to
postponed all business and program
until tho afternoon session,
At 1:30 p. m. meeting called to
order by tho president Dr. John R
Hall of Marshall. Minutes of last
roqptlng w.oro read ,!tnd, approved-;
Dr. .Morrow of, Kansas City gave
tho socloty a vory IntQrest papor on
Urethral stricture; the discussion
was Indulged by most ot the memborrt
present.. Tho uocloty gavo a vote of
thank to Dr. Morrow for his excellent
Dr. J. E. Harris ot Marshall gave
tho socloty an Interesting pappr on
practical points in abstctorics," The
paper was much enjoyed and discuss
Dr. Thompson distinguish oculist
of Kansas ,Clty was present and gave
on request from tho chair a short
Infroma, talk.
Plana, for. tho next meeting . ware,
discussed Informally. Tho society ad
Journod to meet tho 4th Thursday la
April, ,1014.
JOHN U. HALL, M. D., pres.
JOHN R. HALL, Secy. Napton.
Miss Maud Blosser of the county
west of Marshall was shoplnj! here
Mr. John Tolson of Fayett6 was a
visitor In Marshall Sunday, Ho spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mv Kei-
Secretary ot Agriculture D. F.
HouBtoh has started a moVcm6nt in
boh nlf of the women on the farms
and has written a letter to tho house
wives In tho homes ot tho official
crop correspondents of tho country in
which ho Asks them to mako sugges
tions aB to what is best to bo dono
for tho assistance of the farmers wives
and daughters.
Mr. J. C. Kelthley of near Mt. Leo
nard Is a crop correspondent for this
county and Mrs. Kelthley rccolvcd the
following letter from Secrotary Hous
ton, "To housewives In the home3 of
official crop correspondents:
Tho Department of Agrlculturo Is
In receipt of a letter In which the
writer said: "The farm woman has
bicn tho hi6st ncgloctod factor In tho
rufal problem nnd sho has been espe
cially neglected by tho National De
partment of Agrlculturo."
This letter waa Written not by a
oinan, but by a broad-minded man
so thoroughly In touch with tho ag
ricultural and domestic needs of the
country that his opinion has great
Tho Department of Agrlculturo
ctrtnlnly wishes to render directly to
the women ot tho United States tho
full nld nnd sorvlco which tholr Im
portant place lit agricultural produc
tion warrants.
Hocatiso wo believe that theso
women themselves aro best fitted to
tell tho department how It can Im
provo Its scrvlcn for them, I respect
fully request that you give careful
thought to this matter, (hen plcaso
communicate your Ideas to mo In the
enclosed envelope.
Your nn-jwors may state your own
porxonal vlows, or even better, you
may first discuss tho question with
your women neighbors or in your
church societies or women's organiza
tions and submit an answer repres
enting tho combined opinion of the
women of your entire community.
You nro, of courso, nt liberty to crltl-
clso freely, but I would especially
urgo that you try to mako your sug
gestions constructive onos that wo
can nt onco put Into offect. All ot
our suggestions will bo carofully
read nnd considered by government
spoclallsts. Many of them will bo
carried out at onco; others ns soon
as tho Information sought can be
gathered and the uocessary machin
ery for Its distribution mado ready.
Such suggestions as call for revision
f existing laws or additional legisla
tion, will he roforred to tho proper
commlttoo'n of tho Senate and Houso
of Itcpresontntlves.
Answers to thla Inquiry should
roach mo not later than Novombor
Dth, 1913. All answers should bo
written on oitly one sldo of the paper
nd should bo ns concise as It Is pos-
(bin to make thorn.
In ordor to servo tho women of tho
country, tho Department, from tlmo
to time, will Insert in tho Weekly Is-
stio of tho Nows Letter to Official
Crop Correspondents apodal para
graphs or spoclal supplement pages ot
direct Intorcst to women.
Respectfully ,
D. F. HOUSTON, Secrotary."
Department of Aricultdro Lifts Quur-
nhlinOjFrom lllpley County,
Tho acting secretary of agriculture
has Issued an order, wnicn una mo
quarantine for splonotlc or Texas(fo-
vor, on November 1, 1913, from tho
remainder of tho state o fMfssourl
and from portions of Louisiana and
Arkansas, where tho cattle tick has
boon eradicated. The offect of this
order Is to release from quarantine
on November 1, that portion ot Rlploy
c6urtty, Mo.', which was under quar
antlne, 'and' this lifts tho quarantine
from the entire1 atate -of Missouri.
fn Louisiana the quarantine will bo
lifted November l from tho Parish ot
Madison; and In Arkansas, from
Doono county and portions of the
counties of Marion, Baxter, Jackson
and Sharp. Tho neW order places un
der absolute quarantine tho Parish of
Lincoln, In tho state of Louisiana.
Hie Farmer and Ills Fair,
Ono irbuble with county 'fairs Is
that tberd nre4'to6 many spectators'
and too few exhibitors. The people
who really mako a county fair are
the. men, women, toys and girls who
enter into the spirit of the competl
tlon and take some of their products
with them when they go.
There Is no farm that does not
have soma product that is hot good
enough to show at the local fair. En
courage, your boy to, fit a colt or, a
calf tor the county fair and It heces:
. , . I. . . I
sary 10 go who mm anu uj un
gets It properly entered. Vou will lie
surprised' to see how Interested i
e wlks' or lows,, th'i .very'.fa'eFthaf
WeffcM trl'.wjUwaAy him Hafor
tieVftHYe'taW, OHilMkM
lnsnSlr I't llHtiB
YO'J will bo pleased with tho now styles in Adlcr's
Collegian Clothes. They reflect tho latest ideas of
tho fashion centers oro mado along distinctive lines from
hiRh class woolens in the latest shades and weaves. For
value and real tasto thoy lead tho field. Inspect them.
farm life.
Tho same thing Is trtio of tho girl
A loaf of bread or n sample of sew
ing may win hor a prlzo or If may not
Certainly It will glvo her something
worth whllo to bo Interested In.
There Is no hotter wny to oncoitr-
ago tho children to tako something
to tho fair than to set the example
yourself. The farmer who Is too old
to enjoy a llttlo friendly rivalry wlfli
his nolshbors Is In a bud wny Indeed.
Pralrlo Farmer.
Two Men Accidentally Klcrlromtcd;
ltcicucr Injured.
MALDKN, Mass., Oct. 20. Samuol
Fetors of Provldonco was klllod nnd
John L. Hurley, n former llowdoln
college football captain, will prob
ably loso an nrm as u result ot con
tact with a llvo wire tonight.
Potors won returning from a visit
to friends when ho grabbed a dangl
ing wtro. Hurley shoutod a warning
but too lato. Using a rubber shoo us
a non-conductor, Hurley trtod to pull
tho wires from Petor's grasp, hut ho
camo In contact with tho current and
was rendered unconscious. His right
arm was frightfully burned.
Anothor death from a live wire
wbh reported tonight, that of Ralph
Iloutlllcr, aged 17. I)outllor, noticing
a blazo In a pllo of leaves In front of
hln home, kicked tho debris aside,
struck tho end of a fallen wire nnd
was knocked to the ground, lip Was
hurried to ft hospital, whoro all ef
forts to rovlvo him failed.
Miss Elizabeth O'Uannon Is 111 at
her homo on West North street.
i One Mil
8ALIN?) COUNTY: .Arrowf Roek,, J. S. Hqjtgnj-Blackburn, Blnkhorst
Bres.;(takbufn; A. F. KrdwaniOltlUro, F. Jt Ooilser:, Grand Pass, G.'H.
MeClure; MM Bond, A, DenMW; Malta 'wind, ijs. 4,T, AVjison . Sons;
. MarulMt40; y7JHM;Mmi;'Bwu8 Allan;; Nelson,- S. G. Handley &
8on Slater, HlU'Droa L Hock; Bltr A. L. Luas:,,8weet Springs, Tiher-
HkkHa MfsV Co.'; gweet JJprtags; C
r-io.ooo itounnits at LAitni:
Dawson, Alaska, Authorities IUfflct
by First ItatuHt Ksrapc.
TACOMa, Wash., Oct. 10. A Daw
son cable says tho Northwest mounted
police havo boon completely bafflod
by tho getaway or two robbers, who
be u nd and gagged two Yukon gold
(Guggontiolm) employes on Lovelt
Hill two wooks ago, filled four gunny
sacks with concentrated gravel from
slulco boxes containing 120,000 worth
of gold nnd disappeared Into tho hills
back of Uonnnzn.
Tho robbory occurred tlirco miles
from Dawson, within 20.6 foot of tbo
bunkhouso whoro tho day crow slopt.
r it.... Ji. i.i
mo YttKon lerriiory ,1001s us prcs
Ugo Joltod until the robbers ur
caught. Every previous llondlko rob
ber has boon captured, Drophy, who
hold up the Momlnton saloon, tho
only hold-up In Dawson's history,
ns sentenced to fourteen years.
Every Klondike murdoror.twolvo In
all, waa hanged.
Notice is hereby given to all credi
tors and others Interested In the
estate or John Wall, deccasod, that
wo Edward E. Wall k John E. Wall,
Administrators or said estate, Intend
lo mako Final Settlement thereof at
tho next term of the Probato Court of
Saline County, Missouri, to bo holdou
at the Court Hbuso In said County on
tho first Monday of December, 1913.
First insertion, Oct. 17, 1913.
Patronize our advertisers.
Im 11
Buy IT
M From tho Dealers named in this ad.
' This is the famous Wisher that run
iwri situ wwiws cioincs ciaan.
"This Bnchlne' Is -giairi'ntt ' jlnt
aJl'oVctt la NlMtiteUad WerfcAtnshlp.
AM J . I . . ... . 1 . J
It Is further guanuttesd to wash clotfe
cMri, MsIerrqulekVtndto ran Mfcht
maa any owwr auwnms."
'Ftohsr A;foa; Water., T, J. lly,

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