Newspaper Page Text
UOTVERSITY MISSOURIAN. i r"l wji W S$ m S" p "If rsivi ft I VOLU3IK 1. I II SUITS KEEP PLAYHOUSE Litigation Over the Columbia Theater on Account of Its Indebtedness. JOINT MANAGERS IN QUARREL First Season Was Prosperous, hut Disagreement Caused Legal Actions. 1,,,. (.ilmnl.i.i Theater is in litigation U-t crn '!" "unci-, iinil Sheriff Roth-,-i, has tin- J.-- A- n-ult, the P.roidivai jii.i; hou-e will If dark for the .- .1.. .1... . i.l ..ui.mi nmt -I-' lllU,r ol " un-.ii'ti """ .!. remain .lark at lca-1 until it i liv tin -liciiff at the Oetolier term DARK .1 'tie circuit eouii " ".uiiiaiiiuH ipi ,. '.'.-.Im again-t the i-umpany. 'Twixt Devil and Deep Sea. I tie theater i- mined by the llarth- lle-e twinty citicn- of Columbia t..i- Theater Co.. of which .1. W. Stone and Roonc county a-ked that the Coun ,. ..r...i,I.nt and W. W. t;.irtli. dr.. -ec- icil login an invi-tigation for the bene til -. :c.,..i :,... ; i r.-t.nv. I)i-.igieciin-nt between the two fl .1 ' !"""-- ' t'i Milnil in the tili In Hie management in me nou-e re- It! r. la-t May. of two ig.iin-t the company. Milt- Oil note- held On -nit. bn light in the name of Mr-. Th.r.i II. Mone. wife ;' .1. . Stone, i-:ig.iin-t the thcatci loinpany for judg .fieiit on note- of .?:!.7"0 and .."i.U0. The tn-t not-, d.ited April 22. Uni7. is pay .ii.i to .Mr-. Mone one year after date and the -it ond. dated March 0. la-t. i j..n.i'i'e on demand. Suits for Indebtedness. U V. l..uth. father of the -ecrctary 4.1 the theater cimpaiii. i- the plaiutilF in the other -nit mi note- for the -ante .iii'oiirt-. bearing the -ame date-. The .-. ono- note in thi- i-a-e i- made payable .. . . i;.nth. dr.. and by him wa in, lo.-eil to in- father. The other, for -i.TiO. i- payable dim-tli- to Caith. '. -th -nil- ui'ie tiled the -ame day. n eieeiition for the -.lie ha- been de-In-n-d hi ( ircuit Clerk Rogg- to the -In till" ''io will hold an auction 't" the pi"'Hi lio.ii 'lie Miilt7ioil-ir".-tep- oil" ii to lie dctcl mined. .' I'lie theatel wa- opened lt-t -ea-on 'for the lii-t time, with W. W. tSarth, Ii . a- m.iu.igei. It i- lalued by the owner-, at s:;i.tHMI. In the formation of the coiiipiny. Air. Stone l.llued the lot .. uhiili the building was en-tied at an ..prillct. George J. Salem, who said amount ..pul to that to be rai-e.l byu,lt.n ,1(1 ,.,,..,, tll rnivi.r,itv of Mi I..UII1. The thi-ater booked a fair line M(lri ,iv(i y ,,,.,, ,e j,,",,.,,,, to ot attraitioiis. ulnch plaied to good hoii-c- thioiighoiit the -ea-on. The ! iiolt- were deioted to paying off 'the I llidelitiilnc . Managers Disagreed. "Mr Stone and I couldn't agree a- ! i the of th li.nth today. "We madi house,' -aid i profit on the ime-tment Columbia i- a good -how town but 1 wouldn't care to say how much. I got no -alary for acting as Homager. Mr. Mone wanted hi- son. Doier, to -lure in the management and I wouldn't agree to it." Stone denied that he had a-ked a place for Dopier in the management. "I v-ant the l.iw to take its cotir-e and the !im: to b" -old." he -aid. "I didn't like the way Mr. Oaith ran the theater. We couldn't agiee on a deal iMtiieeii oiii-che- ;t di-.o-e of the him-e and the law v - the only recourse. I can't -ay whi-tlici r not I will try to ' -d the thi-stter in. "The -lieiill i- a pu e ion of the bunding and ther v ill be no -lmw- un til it is -,ihl. p i.luhly whoeier buys the theater will np.-n it lowaiil the end of Octolicr." ' Keeps Eye on Fertilizers. , II- D Hugh..- ,,t the depaitmeiit of -roiioini departed Min.lay night for the nulliea-terii pa it of Mi-ouri to collect -ample- of !citili7cr- fiom dealers in "'it part of the State. The fertilizer ii'ii-t -lmw .i certain standard in nitro seii. pho-phi rb acid and iMtnh. The l-iblicd tin Experiment Station gnv- tlii.-,. fertilizer- which fail to tifl the 1-gal leipiiiiiiu-iit- pu-ielit- unscrupu lous dealers fmni doing much bn-ine . Journalists From Other Colleges, llf i:i:i graduates this vear from liar Mid thirteen :n.. i jouniali-ni. n -etun -end- nut "212. of which niiin- Pit -i are tiling jotirnali-m. two are 'liiii'itied ,i rcHirtei- and one a- a pub- ' r I 'I'm Yale mine 272 graduates 1111) ttie -uiie-t iiuiiiIht of jouinali-ts. Iiiu iliowman Assistant Coach, Here. W I.oum;ui ha- arriied in Coluni ,o be a.v-i-tant coach of the foot team ! the University of Mi N. Ijiuiiian al-o will tram the ill and basket ball team-. 7874:7 JAILER TYSON BEWAILS "DRY" ERA MORE THAN TAINTED MEAT CHARGE It is Trouble Enough to Have Lost More Than Half His Prisoners, He Sadly Declares. Hear now i the wail of A. D. Tyson, keeper of the city jail. For "Uncle Mike.'' as he is known to the habitues of the City Hall, is being "investigated." Hani hit hy the era of prohibition in Columbia, which has cut down hi- daily ltoanlcr.s by one-half. "Uncle Mike'' feel- that he has hail his .share of trouhl. Tl"' result of the inquiry into ''Uncle Mike's" conduct of the city jail will la conic known at the meeting of the City Council tomorrow evening, when a re- MHt js expected from the investigating committee, compo-cd of Couiicilineli Mc Donnell, .Spencer anil Ley. 'I lie inquiry was prompted by a peti tion .o the Council at the la-t tegular meeting from twenty former pri-oner- ill the jail, who prote-tcil that while tiny were in the care of "Uncle Mike" they were fed the "lilthie-t. dirtic-t and vilc-t quality of tainted meat and half cooked bread."' ot other "unfortunate-." Tie jailer"-, only pay i- what he can maKc from the lioard of hi- pii-oncr-. The city allow- him twelie cent- a uicitl. If the pri-om-r eat- fifteen cents' worth. "Uncle Mike" h.-c- the differ elin. 'lie gets no -alary. "s yiiti -ee,'" ?ay. "Mike," "there's no money in it. IJefore th" town went dry. i had an average of eight pri-oner.- in the jail. ISut now I -ebloiu more thru four. Now, this js all rot about the tainted mi at. Xo. I don't mean the meat i n t. I haie an allidaiit from the butcher th:'t the meat i- good. "In the morning the pri-oner- get baked jiotatiH-. boiled beef, bread and mola e-. At dinner I give them .-nine i egetablc eahhagc. in.iylie and -om-imire boiled heel. It'- about the -ame for .supper, with the boiled beef. ISut tht re's no profit in it, since the town went dli."' REAL ESTATE BUSINESS LURES" "PRINCE" SALEM FROM REVOLUTION PLAN Young Egyptian, a Former Student Here, Abandons His Warlike Ambition. n.IrM to ,j native land of Egypt and head a revolution against the liriti-h. is now a naturalized citicu of the Uniti-d State-. Intead of leading a brigade up to the cannon's mouth. Salem i- now peaceably engaged m hu-ine-s witii the lEevd-Aiien , lb-ally Co.. of Chicago. He has written bis thanks to Dr. 15. II. Jesse, former president of the University, for helping him git final naturalization p.Mers. Dr. .he -igm-d a ili'iMtioa attesting that Salem had been in this country the re- quneil five years. "I'rint-e" Salem caniu to the Univer sity to study ngi 'culture. He rcniained in three years, making a good tii-ord in hi, clas-i--. Di-taut relation ship to a member of a royal family of Egypt won hiin his title, hy which he was known throughout his Uniiersitv ca- SHE SLUMBERED 132 HOURS Kansas Girl is Very 111 After Awakening I From Lone Sleep. j By t'nllei! rres. . SALLVA. KAX. M. Xewell's daugh- ter awoke todav after fue and a half ,,,. folmvin;, WwHn at ,he ,,.,., ller tWition is serious, N- Xewell says she wa- awake n:o-t , ,,. tin)e t va- unable to -peak or I 'o njK-ii her eye- German Scientist Coming. Dr. Kiint?. of Germany, one of the iim-t noted animal nutrition authorities in the world, is expected to make the 1 nl lege of Agriculture a lisit. pmkihly Weilne-dav or Thur-div. A Home in Columbia II. C. Wells, widow of the former Mi- owner of the Powers Iloti-e. has re- urncd from Jefferson (. ity to Columhia. "lie will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Robinson on Rroadway. Mrs Kobin-on i a daughter of Mr-. Wells. Forty Columbia Students Enter. ) Prof. E. 1. Cauthom. princi,ul of the Columbia High School, was busy at the ; 1 inversiiy iiHiay assisting in tne en trance of -tudent-. Of fortv-one a"- nan 01 tne lonunuie nign st-nooi, ne -ays forty will take up work in the Utiiversitv. COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, OUR SIX COLUMNS WILL HELP &&&$ I Mil NEWSPAPER POETRY IN TURKEY AT LAST! Until Recently Sultan Feared Treason Might Lurk in 'Hidden Meaning. Whether tin new Coii-tittitinii in Turkey i-, entiiely a bhing may le ;eome a ni.ittei of di-pute when it i--een that, until it was granted, new paper poetry wa- banned. The Sultan feared it uifcht hale a "hidden mean ing." and be tl ea-on. The -itiiation in Turkey became ap parent through the an-wer to a lettci f,," '- Department of .I..urnali-ni to l-.duard II. O-miin. con-in general at Con-taiitinople, a-kini; it.r a hi-tory ot jotirn-ili-m there. The aiL-er follows; "I know of no hi-loiy of the jour- nali-m of Tin key. I imagine tint it 'ha- no hi-teiy. Until a week a''o. when the Cim-titution wa- gtanted. the pre-- wa- mo-t -trii-tly cen-eicd. and one loiild not make tin- -tatemeiit that II. I. Maje-ty tho Sultan wa- ill nor erititise any mliey of the goienitueiit. The Con--titution pioviile- I'm the fl'ii'dom ot the pie, and in the exuberance of theii reeeiit libel tv many of the leading' Turki-h jmii-uals haie not he-itateil to ti-e the vilest epithet- of the fallen legime. Flourishes Like Green Bay Tree. "Under tiie old icgnne. there were ninety-eight foihiiMcu word-, which could not be u-ed. amoiiu-t othei-: Lib- erty. Frtvilom. Fatherland, Committee, , etc. and all ptetry wa- taliix ed as luiv- I iii.u a jio ible hidden meaning. i "Within a week. Constantinople has ,,.,. ,. ;. .i. ,, ,. ...,. .! i... t .. . ..j. ..-. .'...... ... ..v...? '"i' ...... ...-- had to telegiaph to Au-tria for a -up- ply. As showing the proportionate in- significance of the local press and it.-I Midden jump into popularity, the lead- ; Turki-h ilailv naner had a -ale of ,n0 a-t wek. and is now sell- - 400(M, kv, (laM f(,r lm. jU1,or lUprs ;rc !,,.,;; double :1Ii ,llla,iiplc the published price (one jc.t.t) eV(.n ,iht ,;, tht, vriei,-in the 'Slli,llri,4. ana i ,.lve iK,.ir(i ,:f for times the price. "The pre-eiit conditions are excep tional. New papers are springing up all around, and in cue day the Depart ment of Public Iii-truction receiicd re- llic-ts for on mils for .-ixtv new panels. Amongst those newly issued are Asker (Soldier), T.-diroii Vol (Straight Road), Ca..tta (Journal), Hurriet (Liberty). '"Yours very truly. "E'.nv.vnn II. Osjirx. "Coiisiil-Geiicral. FORMAL INAUGURATION ! OP DR. HILL DEC. 10, U,t,, 1 Sate During Meeting of Board of j Curators Tentatively Selected. ' , 11 til . 1. irn 111 -ill Dr. Albert Ki-s- Hill lirokiblv will lie iniugiirated formally as president of the 'Uniiersity of Mis-ottri Dee. 10 and II. i This time has been tentativelv selected. i lieen tentativelv selected. " I partly U'caiise it falls at the time set ; for a semiannual meeting of the Hoard of Curators. j The lioard apjMiinted the committee of , deans to take charge of the arrange itiients for the occasion. The Committee on Public Exercises will perfect the de j.,;v j Dr. Hill became president July 1. mio icpiiling Dr. R. II. Jes-e. He was for merly dean of the Teathers College. Founder of Indenendent Weds. Friend- here haie retviud n.- of the wedding in Kan-as City. Sept. S. of Mi- Isabella Au-tin Win-low and Dr. I a men .lonnson .Mel iillocli. former jsiiuieni.s ot tne Linver-itv of Mi- Minn Dr. .McCulloch founded the M S. U. Independent. He is a MetlirwH-i minister at Wrav. Colo. MAN SEES THROUGH EYE OF A RABBIT Remarkable Feat in Grafting is Successful in Xev York. V.r t'nliiil l'r-. XKW VI IKK. Sept. 14. Dr. Henry T.. Le.t-ec la-t May grafted the cornea of a rabbit"- ive to the eye of a blind man. 'e-terday the bandage- were removed from the eye and it wa- found that the patient sight had been completely re--tornl. Until physicians and patient neie a--toni-hed at the di-cmcrv. For a mo- ment the mail could not realize tin change that had taken place. He called lor a new-paper and read from the print without ditliculty. Then he gale way to joy and wept hy-tcrically. The name of the patient was with- held. He i- -aid to lie a piominent liro- ker. who had been blind -eieral year-, C. C. GIRLS TO COME DOWN Collece Misses Will No Longer Sit in Balcony at Church. Clni-tian College girl- hereafter will nut -it in the -eelii-ion of the balcony . . i ri : : i i ... .... .....1,. Ull Oilllll.l , but will occupy one section of the pew on the lower lloor. This deci-ion of the I'oanl of Khler- of the church was an nounced at the regular morning -ervice yesterday by Elder D. A. Kobnett. .Mr. Kobnett said that the pa-tor of the ihurcli. the Uev. Madi-on A. Hart. had noted a niai.'ccd fallin" off in the' iiuinber of conier-iotis among the Chris- tian College girls since thev began sit- t in-r in the balconv two vears tro. He ...i.i.i ,i. .- ... "i i." ...:.. t... , itnii-ii lllill 11 H.l- lllVltllll. l-l- 119 i.iitu the girl- out of the balcony because of i the ''element" of hoys and mn with whom the .-eats next the roof had grown into great favor. DR. JESSE TO GET DEGREE Former President to be Made LL. D. at Convocation Thursday. Dr. Kit-hard Henry Jesse, former pres ident of the University of Missouri, nil. jieieiie the LI I), degree at the convoca-'ti,t. turn Ihursday. ' Mr. llryan said: "Honsi-velf enter- j This was announced today at the Uni- , ig the lists indicates Republican weak j versify. The conferring of the degree , nt.,. His indorsement is no gcod in ""' '"' l"e "" 11"1 " "'- conioca- will lie the cluef event of the com oca- ,,"n- aml "" a"nt of Dr. Jesse's wide I'"Pntrity it is expected that the at-, tendance will be unusually large. Jumps Eight Floors to Death. Hy United Press. Cincinnati, o.. Sept. 14. w. u Keed. a plate gla-s insurance agent, committed suicide this morning by jumping from the eighth iloor of the Hailin Hotel. He was a sufferer from ncer. Union Denounces Both Parties. y rmtiii itis. ST. LOUS, Pent. 14. The Central . , , . ... .' a resolution denouncing liotii ' the Democratic and Republican parties' "capitalistic" parties. The re-olution I was introduced bv a Socialist "arment ' cutter as a substitute for a re-olution - loiidemiiing the attitude of Taft toward 1 ibor. Forest Fires Delay Traffic. 1 Hy fnlted Pres. , DULUTH, MINN.. Sept. 14. Hun dreds of small forest fires are still I, but they are believed to lie ily- 1 ing out and rain is expected tonight. I Traffic has Ufii seriou-ly interfereil with 1 bv smoke. .-- M. 7TV Br Holding Girl . Ptcture. ST. LOUIS. Seiit. 14. Mrs,- Water I a sali-man. who shot himself Saturday night while holding the picture of a girl, died last night without revealing 1 in attendance at the Farm Roys' En tile name of the girl. His home was , campmetit, which has been held there in Junction Citv. Kan. 1908. TWO DEAD, FORTY T IN WRECK Theater and Excursion Train Collide on Lake Shore Road ONE COACH PARTLY TELESCOPED Smoke From Wisconsin Fires Caused Signal to be Disregarded. I!.r t'nlted. Pros. CHKSTKKTOX. IXD.. Sent. 14. Two per-on- were killed and forty in- I juied near here early this morning when a I-ake fthoie ecur-ion train collideil i with another in a fog. Three of the ' injured are exjiecteil to die. The dead: Mi:. FaN.vik Maiiov, Chu-ago. Umohxtiheii Max. Mo-t .-criou-ly injured: Tiikkk U.Mi.K.TinK Wojiex. proUibly fatallv. William Si-king. arm broken, inter- nal iujurie-. I!of.r. leg broken. Mi:-. Cill, hip broken, in ternal injuries. J'.ni. Mii.lek, internal injuries. Miss. I'aci. .Millek, liotli b-gs broken. .-iMiLi. .-atamheli., latally l,"r, -in aie irom indianapoli-, except Sa- ,:'iu, iino-e Home is in lennsylva- """ Coach is Telescoped The ectir-ion train had ju-t -tojipeil when the other, carrying a theatrical ccinp.ini. era-lied into the rear end. The la-t coach wa- paitly tele-i-oped and all HUR the occupants were injured. Three thoroughly at home in the neat little n omen who were unable to giie their gieen and white farmhoii-e with the name- will die. -pre.uling bauis in the baikgroiind. Lake Shoie ollicials -ay the wreck i when a rudely disturbing note wa- in-wa- due to the -moke from Wi-con-in troduecd hy -eriite of the paper- in Mr-, liie-. which cau-iil the theater train to i Clemens suit. i tin pa-t the signal. CANDY THEIR DYING GIFT ,. , ,. , . . ,. uiu tvoupie n.ui selves jiner juhkidk nhildrpn Hnnv. Children Happy. I'.y t'niteil I'ri-s. I'KOOKLYX. Sept. 14. Victor Tre-h and his aged wife today gate the stock nf their little candy store to children in the neighborhood, went to bed and in- i haled ga-. They were found dead side by side an hour later. The pair left a note saying they were unable to support themselves. W. J. BRYAN AT BALTIMORE Says Roosevelt's Indorsement of Indicates Weakness. Taft Rj- t'nited Press. 'ULTIM0KE, Sept. 14. W. J. Hryan epresed satisfaction today when he was shown President Roosevelt's letter i' .flaring that Taft, and not Uryan, was iigl,tful heir to the presidency. i view- nf Taft's reticence r-'ardin his view of latts reticence re (attitude toward leading issues. Mr. llryan promised a more detailed reply in a few days. He spoke at An napolis today and will make an address at Ualtimore tonight. IT LOOKS LIKE HUGHES .New YorK uovernors upponenis Are I Unable to Aree. ISy United ITess. SAKATOCA, X. Y.. Sept. 14. The I New York State coniention opened here this afternoon. Hughes probably will be nominated ! because of the inahilitv of the factions "I'l1"-"'-' '"'"' to ""r a candidate. I. "W B" "T""' i;. J. .iiernatiiv. a lawyer-at v.ariei vie, Mo., who was graduated from the Uniiersity of Missouri in 1!0(. is mak ing the race on the democratic ticket for the legislature from the second district of Ja-per county. Corn Exhibit for State Fair. Prof. M. K. Miller is preparing a corn , exhibit for the State Fair. The work of planting selections of wheat in the wheat breeding work is now lieing pit-bed at the State Farm unilcr the di- rection :f Prof. Miller. Prof. Kumford Returns. 1 Prof. M. F. Mumford returned Satur- dav from Kirksville, where he ha been for three days this week. NUMBER 1. SAYS LEAP YEAR CAOSEO SUIT FOR FAILURE TO WED Mrs. Catherine Clemens Was One to Propose, Declares Eisele, Not He Bliss of Honeymoon Disturbed. PRESENT BRIDE ALSO POPPED QUESTION TO AGED FARMER Two Marital Ventures Made Him Wary, and He Chose at Leisure. Mav Ei-ele- trouble, a- he evplain it, i thai he neciied two leap year projMi-al- of marriage within a month. He could accept hut one; and Mrs. f.-l :.... ri . f .. ii.iim-iiMi- Piemen-, oi .iiexieo. ivlu wa- author of the other i- -uin him for ' $.1,000 damage-, charging breach of ' prom i -e. Ki-ele i- a -ub-taiitial fanner three 'miles iiortlu-si-t of Ceiitralia. ju-t acro-s the line in Audrain county, where he ha- :iJ opnleiit acre-. He is .IS ear- I old, with iron gray hair and beard, a barrel che-t and ma iie -boulder- ias thick-et and sturdy a- one of the black oaks of bis Fatherland. , Mrs. .lt,j,. WaddinL'ton. who N-ciime lEL-ele's third bride June 14 la-t, is the imotlier of a grown son. while kicle lia-j three -on-, the youngi-t 1'J. J!oth his , other wins are dead. ' This romance of middle age had , lloweml happily into the honeymoon, land Mis. Ei-ele wa- iK-ginniiii; to feel Wanted a Housekeeper. .r j: i i -iv m.1 it, ic lit v noii-e keeper," Eisele explained in imperfect I English to-day to a retiortcr for the Uni- 'versify Mis-ourian. "Earlv last Mav I , ... ,ear1 f her, and went to her with an offer of $2r a month and her board if she would look after the hou-e and do the mending. "15ut no,' she said, 'we will marry. I do not care to leave my home to l.o a housekeeper, hut 1 have been a widow these fifteen jears, and know what it is to lie lonely. Let us marry instead.' "'I am in no h'urry to marry,' I told her. 'When I want to marry I will know where to find you.' "Several times I went to see her, and cadi time I said only, 'He my house keeper.' Yo 1 see I have had two women, and neither did I marry in a hurry, and I am too old to liegin mar rying in a hurry now. "Then I heard through a friend that Mattie Waddington was at Martinsburg, which is not far from Mexico. Her I had known before she married the first time, and I thought she would do for a hotl-ekeeper." Mrs. Eisele took up the thread of the narrative here, "I had my own little farm " she interjected, "and did not feci like breaking up the home ju-t to lie a hoil-ekeejier. Rut to find a new home, would be better. So 1 told Max. if ynu want a wife, you know where to find 1 me. lou :iaie known n:e hie vears and it will not be like marrying in a hurry to irarrv me.' Their Marriaee Contract. ,ir, ,, 1,11 , l rot,-v -,,,,,, M;,x ",,e hi,lk' aml 1,e i8"'1 wc wou''l marrj but he wanted to i-e to it that his sons would get his I farm. So we made a marriage cou- tract that if he died I was to have i$l,000. That will lie enough for my obi age and the little farm will be enough for my sun. It was a lery good ar rangement and we are happy enough. "I feel sure Max didn't ak Mrs. Clemens to marry him. He him-elf has told me that -he wasn't kind to him (Continued on TIiIpI I'age.) Lyon Back From Europe. Harris M. Lyon, bettcT known as "Leto," recently retunied to New York from a European trip in the interest of the Rroadway Magazine. Lyon is a stockholder in the Hroadwav and writes ( the monthly dramatic critici-in. Carl , Crow, a member of Phi Delta Theta and 'formerly business manager of the Co- lumbia Herald, is al-o on tlu- editorial -tuff of the Rroadwav. Bey. Mr. Horton Returns. Regular servifes at the Epi-topal church began yesterday, the Rev. Henry P. Horton, the rettor, having returned last week from New York. m ." 3 f -.'fi!!: . '1 -'4?