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lj UNIVERSITY MTSSOTIRIAN. V0LU3IE 1. y. W. C. A. GIRLS AS IN IN PLAY Members of the University Faculty to be Mimicked in Coined v, REALISTIC ''MAKE-UP" PLANNED Women Only to be Present, When the Play is Produced. The Young Women- Chii-tian A n li.ltinll. in-liilliil in tin new lioim ilt Ki;i Lnvviv -invi. li.i- announced tin pio- .In. tion f ' Mi rn-li -Mi-l.ik."- Debut .it tin "Vai-itv." .i- the "iiiilani-iai-cr" it tl .I-""- of i:ns. Tin- .iit.-iiainmeiii. 1" which only tin ii-niiiiiiif i"'iii f ilu l"infi-ity will ..-.uliniltfi. will lx S'ntiinS.iv afternoon .it "'.:!" oVIn.k. .ii tin ciil-' Gunna mm. iliiii itin. Ore Smile; I -linifii. Hilf "-mile: Si'lf vh"w. I'ltl'l"." Mi 1 liKxlo-i.i .il. of , .11". Ii.inlon to tin voting women anil i ml -c.ifl.ri. oi tin a i ri.ition. tn. igei." Thiilv gill- an flli. ifii- in tin c-a-l and will appear Co-tUllle- -uiiii! lo tin ir p.ut- 'I lu- epi i icm c- o: "Mi Lie-h" .'.if ilio-i of a S'lt-litii.iii during l..r til 1 wick at the I "llivel-itv. Tiif viinig whih-ii v. ill "iii.ikf up" to lepie -,-t tin iMi-mi- -he cncolllilcl- ftoni the time of lii'i at the -t.ition. in tlililing lift liili ill the v.hi-fl-!i.ilio. bil. to the tinif -he fiitei- the cla e-. Munl-ci- of the f.uultv will le lepie--tlltfil on the -tage. Varsity Clairvoyant. In the "-iile -how" then will !' -e mil in-t in-." int hiding :i "Wii-ity vutili 'ii ti. mt eiI to -e lour f.u- into in- inline. Mi Maiv I'.iMon 1- -having llit ui.iii.igci-hip with Mi W.ile-. I In x xiiiiir woiiieii who aii. now 1 i inij at the ). . C. A., aie Mi f- I.0I.1 Stiutthlifld. I If in S limit. Mildred sciutihlield. Lima I'fll. I .i Thoiu.i-. Anna "-wain-on. Dm. i oti-. I'lf if Kline .mil AIin l!ii li.iiil-nn. Tin hoii-t will .iii-iininio.l.ile -eventcen oiing woii'fii. The lliii-liau. Mellioili-t. i:.iiti-t. Pu hvtiii.m .mil flmifhf- h.if f.uh liiin.-hfil a loom. lhe olliifi- .mil loniniitti-f eh.iiinien for the mm i .lie: Mi Kdith Ceeiy. ri-iilint : Mi "-lie Stone, vice-pit-i-ili'llt .Hid ( li. ill linn ot Mcllibcl-hip Colll I'littie: Mi Lfale I' -ecletaiv. Mi '. It. mini, tin tie.i-tiifi. will i.ot ii tin n .iiid In-: oiliu will In lille.l .it tile llet lili-iiie meeting. Mi 1 1 cue Stiutchiield. Mi mii.iiv ( iiini:llf: Mi Aliif ltuh-aitl-on. i l-.iii in.iii Dibit Study Commit tee; Mi ( e.i Cole, ih.iiiiii.m Devo l It'll ii tonmiittif: Mi l'.iith IVar-e. cli.iiiiiiin " Committff: .uul Mi liilictti- Mil, liitciiolltgiate t oiiinutlif. The mi lulu i- of the Aihi-i.iy lloaid .!!.: nii-. U.iltei'. Millet. Niii.e' i.,l.ii:. .1. ;. i:.ii.. w. .1. Lba- ni"ii. 1). . IN.Iniitt. W.ilter William-. I". 15. Mnmfor.l. II. I". I'hiibiick Mnl Vi- M.n l:. r.tei.l. EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE AGAINST MINE OWNER Nevada Man. Arrested in Chicago. Protests His Innocence. I. I 11 I.-.I Ir. CIIK (,u. -,.jlt. ic,. Thoiiiat -Keiin-one ot the 1h t known gold mine ownei 111 Nevada, dep.11t.1l tor K.inhidi. -'V.. in tin- 11-toih if a -ln-iiir to an--Uer a ihime , f ellllH-lill-i .J.."iiH) fiom a mine nmi-i m. Ke.iiii- del. 11,.-. In, aiie-t i- the ip- -lllt ot -int. wink- tin iiuiiii-v b:iin" hi.'ll mv.-n l hi,,, l,v the -tiH-kholder- and diiiiti of the coinpam. DR. JONES ASKS CITY TO EXTEND SEWERAGE. Dean oi Arts College Presents Peti- tion to Council. )i". -I ( .Ion.-, dean of the College "f -it- and teieiii e of the Cniver-ity of Mi .1111. .,ddit d the meeting of l Ik ut iiiiiiteil la-t night in liehalf of i a -ewei.ige for the pan 01 th,. t ,tx. lb 'on,- -,nd that citien 111 that oti.m 1 -nb-ciibe .-?2.000 to build 'Wo tiunk lint ind a-ked that the tity , 'Pl""pii.ite .-!..-,( hi for a -eptic tank, "'- 1" Ht on . left-rred to the -ewer 1 'oiiiiMU.-, i th, iiiiiiu-il. I HUGHES VICTOR IN Wins Nomination As Candi- date for Governor on First Ballot. ism mxrai. x. v.. s-Pt. in.- It--. K. Unfile-. Governor of New V ik. w.i- 1 i-l 1 li e-tciday afte m mi tin ih-t ballot in- the Ke- 1 iuliii-.iii State Convention. 11U name w.i- pif-fiilfil to the convention hy Scii- itor A. K. Page of New Voik -uiil in l.'i iiiiiiiitc- lu li.ul Ik'i-ii nominated. Tin Hughe- oli wa- S2.". I lot :ii i Wliite u:i- iioiiiin.itfil for Lieutenant Covcu-or. The ion of Hughe- hi- 1-ccli lliiio-t ccilain -inn D.iviil .lax lie Hill, uiili.i idc.r to Gcliu.tu.x. lahleil elir l.iy moiniiu. iclii-in; to he the i of tin aiili-llnhe- men. Soon aflei that. Stale Chairman Uoodinir. a le.iiier of the anti lltljrlii'-lotie-. (oncfilfil tin nomination of llii'jhe- on the lii-t li.illot. The iianic of .lame- V. W.ul-uoith. .'r.. -peaker of the a cinhh. and tointer Connie- man .lohn .1. Sti-u.ui. .il-n weie iic--eiilcil for the j"oMinoi-liiji. I'if-iilfiit lioi'-exclt i- ticilitcil with liiiiliti sihoiit the i-omination of Co. llu-he-. CHANLER WILL OPPOSE HUGHES IN NEW YORK lit- I'liltd I'n s. i Sent. 1(1. Xewl KOCllKSTKi;, X. Y.. , Voik in couention here this ..itcinoon noiniiiate.1 Lieutenant Gov- en.or Chanler for the Governorship. i- said to have notified the leadeis thiough Chairman haimony wa-. imperative. Mack that i , HEATON FOR GOVERNOR.1 I!v t'llltpil I'lo-s. CONVENTION HAltTFOItn. COXX., Sept. 10. The'cuit of fairs: Mis-ouri State Fair at Deniociatie State convention to-ilay Sul.ili.i. then the American Royal at nominated Judge Heaton Roberts for'Kan-as City, and later the Xational at governor by acclamation. NO WONDER STEWART CAN NOT RIDE; THERE IS ENOUGH TROUBLING HIM Army Exile Has Cardiachypertro- phy, Dilation, and Also Mitral Insufficiency. Hy fniteil I'n . t 1 1 M : 1 -..i.t 11; u.u-iii.u'i-'.-, i. ... -i-iii. iw. War Depaitimnt -hoith will all ( ol. Slew.r.t. now exiled at Fort befoie Hi tiiin.- bond. ; '' ,,,li'"1 '"'",I " v"li Ilu.iiliiic.i. I when Col. Stew.ut went to begin a 1 ninety mile liding te-t. iep. ited that be wa- tiiiri-iini: tinni "eaidi.lchyi.eit li.v ( dilation and initial in-iilliciene. and heine ; he wa- 1111 ible to uiiileigo thi1 te-t. If the xeidiet of the b...ud i- -u-tained. Col. Stewaif- retirement will be ,ompiil-..ix. , ' SOPHOMORES PURSUE FRESHMEN, NATURAL PREY, WITH PADDLES Second Sobby Act of University Drama is Staged on Broadway Curtain Next Week. Tiio-e -hiitle an I im11.ii lit, individual-, siiiiii'd e.uh with a hi -tiik. win 111 iiu - iw -'lollini; along l.ioad way la-t ii'iiiui!. weie not biigand-. Tiny weie nieieh So)hoiuo of the J I lllei-it ot -Ml 0111 1. in otie-t ot their f their ' liituial piey. the I'l. -liiiu:ii. The wild jel!- w. ie no' tin -e of women i'i di-tie . They ny have bleu the waiwhoop of the Soph- or the i.illxii.. tr.v " 1 Fu-hiiieii. -Xl"' t'"' wi-I'"' " in'i '-iriied wen not leally big -tick-. Tne were only paddle-. II of which -ignitie- that -chiM.l hat begun, but da e- have not. LIKE ST. LOUIS, THIS WEATHER HAS POOREST TERMINAL FACILITIES Forecast Is for Fair and Continued High Temperature Hereabouts. If anyone a-ks on why the weather - like St. Loui-. tell him it'- becaue outhea-tein , it ha- pKir terminal facilitie-. Fore ' i-i-ter IlfcdiT -ce- no end a- yet of the pie - ent hot-.uid-ilry -h1I. flu fore- ea - t : "Fair tonight and Thur-div: not niuih change in tciuperatuie." The theimometer regi-tered V2 degnit at 2 p. 111. COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, THIS ARISTOCRATIC PORCINE MISS WILL TRAVEL IN STATE ' & s$l8t&?4S&$i Li- Lek THIS LITTLE PIGGY TRAVELS IN STATE; I Blueblooded Lucy Lee Second Will Ride to Chicago in Parlor Car. Lucy Second is a. ttjlith young pi;.'. She 1-elong? (o the State Farm, and bct-an-i t-he is jioinj; to lxa shown as a piize animal at the Inter-State Lie Stock Show in St. Jo-cph, September 21 to -2(i, notlm!" will do for her but a I -nityly padded eoiner in it palace car. She will depart tomorrow in her best ex - i.:i.:.: t.. I'loiuoii -iwc. Miss Pig is verv aristocratic and or- ders hor scrvantg around quite like al the Iximb cpIodcd, Imiliu-; him iolciitlv 'millionaire. She speaks "Hog Latin," a'ajrain-t the wall. He e-caped with i i,.,,ml ,,.i,;m, tw t,-..tfonjf0 -m.i ,i,.,i,t ;.:.. pieheud. Thi- ioiid piggy is of Duroe Jer-ey -tock and is 17 months old. Before re- 1 ' io.c on Fifth .e,.e, State Farm, -he will make the entire cir - , Chic ONE BRITON IN 38 PAUPER Class Numbers 928.671 Three Per Cent in London. I!j I'niteil I'n . LOXDOX. Sept. HI. One out of eMI thiil-eiilit iei-ou- in KniI.iiid i- a pall pi r, anoidi'!.' to the lent it of the Lou- j I don l.o.inl of Ti.ide piih!i-hed today. The pauper e!a in Lngl mil liumb-i- 11 i.' 1'-1 ii '-.Hi I. l London nmie than thi.e per tent ,,' the populatio.i an paupei-. 11U1 lYLbiALi ilURib lYLAlVl Connie t n, tn NiimWnf I Reports Conflict as to Number of 1 Injured in Accident. 1 I. t'niieil Iri- . .., . Clllt-Vti ). Sept. Hi. Xinctecn men ,II, "I""1 ' the police to been '"", t!" ,",,"',,,--' ''" ' I'1K Wow t of a lcieptacle tilled with molten metal at the lllinoi- -tcel plant. Comp.un ollicial- -ay that only five woikiiifit were hint. NIGHT RIDERS IN ILLINOIS Fnrmsrs Guard Their Property Areola. Near lit I'nlli-d I - A Kl i.l.A. HI.. Sept. hi. Iaimel near h.'ie .'ie g.Mii'iiig their property at night, following tl., deptid itio-- ol . band if liib-.- the l.i-t few il.iv-. several lu,i- mil. other faun build ing- have been lamiiil, ajiparenlly by in Di 1. 1 Hiul. CAP AND GOWN THURSDAY Faculty Will Wear Academic Dress ! at Convocation. ; i-i ... . , ., .- ,, I I Ibe opening convocation of the I til j 1 term of the I'niver-itv of Mi onri will lie held Thtii-dav at Hi a. 111. 1'iofi i-. a--i-tant piofi or- and in-truttor-aie iiiiie-tiil to a emhle in acadciuic die at UzA't a. 111. in the ollice of the -ccictarv of the Liiiver-ity. F. II. Scale-, pi life 01 of a-tionoiny. it the (hail man of the lommittce 011 nub- 'lie eM'ici-.'- of the I'niver-itv. I . j . .. xuinieu xaeai it-eporc ueierrea. The city lourcil took no at tion l.itt night on the complaint of twenty for mer pri-oner- ef the lity jail again-t I the ipiality of fimd -erved by .Jailer I -nil. A iiiiiiiuittci aiNiinted two week- ago to inve-tigate the iharge that tainted meat wa- given the pri-oner-hat failed to report. yfy Skcon'd. BOMB ATTACHED TO A MHOIEFrr -- iiwiii. j,,lt, pel-nailed the cioml to (li-pcl-i. Attempt to Assassinate Presi - dent Cabrera of Guatemala Is Failure. I.y fnllcil I'n . SAX KKAXCISCO. Sept. Hi. I'.i--elilieit ictitrnin today on the -te.uncr City of r.ui- told of an attempt ic ently made to a a inatc l'le-ident (..llilei.t of (til.lteiii.ila by me.iiit of ail ni.uliiiie attached to a tcle- ! phone. 1 i. r i ... ,-.. . . t ... .t i if-iiieni cuiifiu Hie le- icner to hi- car in lc-ixni-e to a call I Fie SaUadoican- weie ane-tcd and ' b.ini-hed fiom the it-public, pL0T Qp ANApoHTSTS . hU1 omo V7r, m-,- U'nilDU I A TC LiU 'D ill DTI) OIUIO lVO.Xk3JCiXl Q XAXir. FAIIIS, Sept. 10. The polite today louliimi-d tin it-pott that Kai-i-r Wil liam of Ceiinanv had dcfeiieil hi- i-it to Schliichtpa in the Fiemh Vo-ge- on ''"' to c',l':,n tll(' t-i,.v i"ul n,,,t '"-' 'U .uiDUiit of the di-coMr of a plot. nL'r o! !'-'" Two Italian- weie found with bomb- j Complaint of the diouth i- bein- made but thev t-iaped. M'y faimei- on both -ide- of the iier. . ,.1111! by all Nl-nlit who lin when legll- ; CHANGE AT ATHENS HOTEL New Owner, Formerly Proprietor of Gordon, Takes Charge. lit .. 1 .. m . .,- 1, , , .111-.. Al.llt -.llli.Iil liLiiti lin 1 entl bought tin Allien- Hotel at Ninth .'lid Walnut -licet-, fiom . S. .lohn- M:,. foim.illv t.Kik chaise thi- liioiiiing. Captain S. A. Smoke of Columbia, foi- I mei ly niaiiager ot the iiuiii- hall at j y..(. Cniu.,,ity. will be an iijiuil p.ut- m'r "'"' -Al,s-" ''"-"' ''t "ill ""t U- Lie tiil iiiteie-tcd in the m.inaeiiicnt. The hotel i- now held in the name of I hi Allien- lleallv Co.. of whiih II. II. Tandv, owner of the building, i- the ililieipal -loi kholdei. The building i- b-a-fd to tin- fomp.iuy by Mr. Tandy for 'en M-ar-. with the juivilege of lellew- al for the. Ml-. Law-on foiiueily wa- piopiictor of the Coition Hotel. MARGHERITA IS PEEVISH If Abruzzi Marries Miss Elkins Queen Won't Attend, Not She. ity t'niieil I'rr-. KOMK. Sept. 10. King Viitor Tinman i.ii f Italy i- known to be ploveked iv tile pei-i-tiut oppo-it ion Qui en Mar :iiciili tno- to the maiiiage of the Duke of Abiui and .Mi Katbeiine rikin-. .. .lighter of the I'liiteil State "'eiiator. Other 1111 111I11 1- of the 10y.1l family taken the -ide of the king again-t the ipn-en and given their -auction to tin wubling. Tin oucen ha- announced that -he will 'lot even attend the iciemonv. Appointments in Agriculture. I'laiii i- 15. S. Vim- II.11111 ' -ime. On. h,it been ap-xiintcd fellow 111 ,,- :igi ( hemi-try. Cbarle- K. Fian- j ci-, A. M.. Iiiown. bat been appointed in-truetor in agrie11lt111.1I chenii-trv and ! German Educator Here, a-i-lant cheiui-t to the Stale hperi- -V- Kmit. IWH11. Germany, of the incut Station. The agritultuial chem- I-iuilewirt-haftieiie HmIi Schule. a Ger-i-lrv depirtn.ent ha- live a-i-tant-. all '':' "-- :,,riu"'1 '"nl.iy ""1 i- n of vvhcni are -tudving for an advanced iifV the work being done at the Ag degrce in connection with their work. College in Aniuial Nutrition. ' Good Wishes From Dan McFarland. ! Daniel McFarland. editor of tin Man- ville ltepublican. former -tml"iit of the , L'niver-ity of Mi ouri. vviite-: "I have great faith in the new School of Journali-m."' 1908. STUDENTS THREATEN SLAYER Fisherman is Guarded After Killing College Boy and Wounding Another. TAKEN SECRETLY OUT OF TOWN M. A. Creviston Says Youths Rapped On His House In Passing. I!- L'nlted Pris. MAXIIATTAX. Kan., Sept. III. M. A. Cici-ton. a li-liciman. l.i-t iii-jlit -hot ami killed .lohn Coon-, a -tudeiit at the Kan-.i- State Aj-i Col-e-.'c. and -lij-htly uoiinded another -Indent. Student- iMtlivlnl on the -ticct- a- -imiii sit the -Iiuotin' hciaiiu known and pci-u.Klcil Hie elowtl to ll-p Thi- niorniii','. fcarin-,' that the thrcati I would he lcucwed and po ihle ioleuce ;"""1'1 ,,M,lt' ,!' ,,."i"" l,,",i,',1 l",,,w" inn -ccieiiv inn iti iowii. In a -t.itciiu-iit made to the polite. In -aid that the hoy- had anmiM-d him by rappinj; on hi- hou-e while jm inp-. 'Hie Agi Ci-lli-irt.. at l.ui i- a -late in-titutioii. The other iiep.iiliiieiitt of the L"iiici-it aie at Iiu i cuc-e. PRAYER FOR RAIN IN EAST ST LOUIS CHURCH Downpour is Needed to Save Parching Crops Drouth Seems to be General. MAST ST. LOUIS. III.. Sept. 10 Thlee week-ot diouth. following a month ill which the raiulali w.i- lc-t than oiie- i 'half the noiinal. hae cau-cd lneinhcr- . ; - 't st. ...s ' "' r V-vr " ,,,Wr ,Lll,y tK'u'U,," ... .1 . . s .i t. I- it i loiiowing me ieipie-i oi me lic. r.lllici Collin-, made at Iii"h ma Sundav. In hi- iiipic-t to the people. Father Collin- -aid rain u.i- needed. Ixith to .ie clop- now ).iiching in the lountry, lar -tieit -prinkling 1- not pioided. The diouth in St. Ioui- and M'cinitv 'had it- In-ginning in -i.ucity of rain late ' in 'uly. thonli the total raiulali for that 11 th wa- 4.21 inclu-. -lightly aboe the normal. Heavy Loss Near 'Pittsburg. IMTTMtl'KC. Sept. .'- A diouth of i week- whiih i- e-tiuiated. i- e.ill-- in- a lo- of .-i.-.liO.dOII a da in the :!ll.mi( l-ipiai. mile- -111 loiiiiding I'itt-lmig. I1.1- .e-ulted not only in a water -hortage. 1 but a beer famine. Tlicu i- not 1 nough watei to ui.iuiifattiiie beer. ! Well- have gone dry for the lii-t time in -0 f.11-. I'aimei- an feeding their giowinir clop- lo lattle in the -unbaki-il 'pa-tun-- and Hie water wagon i- being , -cut to I In Held- to keep milk low- :ili. TAFT WILL "DASH" SOUTH KANSAS Plan for Speaking Tour Made Public in Cincinnati. 11 fnltitl l'ro . CINCINNATI. Sept. Hi. liegiiiniiig Sept. -Jr., .Judge T.i It will tour at b-a-t nine we-tein .-tate-. aci-oiding to tin campaign plan- made public today. Hi-.v itillei.iiy will I ka. Iowa, the i in 1 in It Dakota lm.n, .Minn'- j MinntMiia ami ! K Nebii i W i-1011-in. j The tlip will begin with a prelimiiiary iila-h South. He will make one -pi-cth 1 in Keiitutkv and one in Teiine ce. Indian Legislation Meets. Ilr I'iiIIi-iI IT.. TISHOMINGO. 0KLA., Sept. . The Chickashavv Indian legislation is in tpecial sc ion here, presided oer by I Governor Johnson. The purpose of the -e 1011 1 to re-i-t the homestead taxa- Pennsylvania Student Enters. , It. A. I'ut my. M. S.. State College. , IVnii-vlvania. ha- ju-t entereif the L'ni- j vei-iiy of Mi ouri to work for hi l'h. D. ilfgree in the depirtiiicnt of ani mal hu-bandrv. XUMBER 3 WRIGHT SMASHES RECORD, SAILS 46 MILES AN HOUR American Aeronaut, who Has . Astonished France is Now Champion of the World's Air Navigators. DEMONSTRATES POWER OF HEAVIER-THAN-AIR CAR At Dayton, O., His Home, He Fn-st Attracted the World's Attention. By Unltcil I'rtss. l'AK.S. -,.Jlt it;.iiiIr Wrinht. the Ami-iica aeiouaiit who ha- a-toii-i-heil the (lid Woibl b the po ibilitie 01 hi- !lin machine, today -ailed at the l.ilc of foit -i milct an hour, the fastest time ever at tained by an aeiial 1 i.ilt. He -ailed fiom the military giouudt at Leiiiau-. Fianie. Wilbur and Onilb Wiight. in the woik-hop of their houie at DaUoii, (., woiked out the piinciple of the machine whiih toda, in it- impioM-il foiiu, broke the woilil't moid." Athicxciiicnt- in su-taiiied lliht, power to ti-t and de-lend without iiii-liap. and to guide the in;n bine in .1 1 ill le ale lonlined to them and thice or four othei-. among them Henry Far man. who ictently made -eeral llight in New Yok under the diieitiou of an Anielicau -mlieate. First Nptable Flicht. , The Wright Hrothei- lii-t came into national pioiiiinenie a- aiatoi-. in I1M).", at D.iWoii. when, in the pic-eiit-f of leputable wit lie f-. one of tin brot'i-11- ifinaiiifi! in tin air -IS miuiite- and .5 -ecoiiil-. making a ( lligbt of H 1-2 mill-. Ollicial- of the Acto Club of America, al the Congress held in New Voik, Oct. -JS, litliT, admitted that 111 tlight- of in.iriy-c.ii ivinir ga-b- 111a-cliitic-, the Wiight lirothei- weie ahead of all competitor-. PARSEVAL DIRIGIBLE IWRECKED,SFOUR HURT. I Ily I'nite.1 I're . F.KKLIX, Sept. 10. The Parscval dirigible airship en route to Potsdam fiom Iierlin was wrecked to-day by the breaking of a motor rod, which pierced (be gas bag. The cm ft fell on the roof of villa. ' Fo,Ir I5Sieiigers were slightly bruised. ST. LOUIS BOY- KIDNAPPED Leaves Theater Between Acts and Two Men Sieze Him. 1 I j:j rntt.,i 1'ri-i. ST. LOl'IS IIi.imii.iii. mmi- "Mil. hi. William Id. went to a theater 1 l.i-t night wilb hi- mother and belweeii :ul- -teppi-d out to buy candy, (In ibe -tint be wa- -eied by two .men and niiiied away. Xo iact if the ki.lll.lpel- or of the Ixil ha- been found. I Crowding Costs Theater's License. cmcAGo. Sept. hi. Mavor liu vi-teiday lcvoked the liien-i- of the ' Viigiui.i Tbeatei. Il.1l-lc.1d and We-t .,di-,.ii -tieit-. The aitio.i wa- taken j,,,, ,j1(. n.M.mmeiiil.itioii of Fire Mai-hal ,., 1,,.,-ni-f of ov. i lowding pi imittid .. maiiagenienl on aui.ilciir" pi lit-. Dr. Richard McBaine Here Di. Ih'i hard Mdiaiiie. .1 of the I'liiv.-. it of Mi mil i. now a -ur-giim in the I'le-bvleriaii Ho-pital ill New York (ity. auived ln-ic ve-terday to pertorm an opeiatimi on hi- biother: I'hilip. who ha- Imi-ii -eiiou-ly ill at his home here, following all of ty phoid fever. It i- Im-HcvciI that be will reiover. Dr. McISaine will U-turn to New York in a few dav-. Ellis is Missouri's Delegate. George I!. Klli-. of the State Hoard of Agriciiltine. ha- ju-tt btfli aipointed by Gov. Folk to icpre-M-iit Mi ouri at the Farmer-' Xational Congrc . at Madi-on, Wi-.. opening Sept. '24. Some of the Itt-ki.own ar leader- in the country will imi on the piogram. I'at O'Dea. one time coaih of the foot ball team of the L'niver-ity of .Mi---oiiri. is now c.c.ic-liii'g the team of the Lowell, Calif., High ScIkoI.