Newspaper Page Text
. I UOTVERSITY MISSOURIAN. COLU3IBIA, MISSOUKI, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908. volujik 1. NUMBER 4 1 j SOPHOMORES CALL i A SIX-HOUR TRUCE: Hazing Suspended to Allow Freshmen to Attend . M. C. A. Social. FIRST-YEAR MEN AS ORNAMENTS! c:v 0f Them in Spear Carriers' ; iH Holes While Captors Deliberate. .in.lmiii.-K- i t"' Inixei-itx "i Mi- . in tin. ii.ilili.i iinil -null. '"" -""- "" ' ,.f tin- I '-' - ""S"1- J"-""'. ).l!.!elcl .lll.lll- of -tlldcllt IIMHIIflll. illl'l im.iiiiMi..u-h to -ii-)ciil all "chi- tlii itijr" ; ion- between (' and 1- 1...1 ...,,,... i.nv nk'lit iii .iiiliT to allow jOll"l - the fii-Innm to nucii.i. xwuioui i.-.. an.I tK-iiil'liiiL'. tli-' annual Y. .M. C A. tag i.i l. "J iii m-' n- fir -i l.iicf lioitr- tin- ti i-t xi ii whither or not they , wear the dmkx cap- pie-ciihed li.x their mentor-, will In- flee flom the identic ja.l.lle- ft the -ophoinoic-. Xexcr Ik " fore in the hi-toix of the -chool. -ay the -oj.h-.iii' H-. ii..xe the -eioii.I-.xcai men ht-ii -o lenient. The l tie-.; l.i-t night w.i- i ailed b 1. Piie-th. a -o.hoiimie academic -tiiili-nt. who xx .1- pie-idcnt la-t ot the loml-incd .u.-. . fr.-h.ncn. m the exen- ijrt the in.vlin... l.y o.mpul-ioii. lull t..k pinch an oinamei.tal p.ut in I the p.oicolin-. Yl.u-c- lolled above thirkee-, thox -at on the che of the . u .,.,, wi -tiiL'e, fit hanni oxci. jcxpii ly lciounie and ajjuv to ic-pcct Dr. Hill Will Speak. j the lilit of the other contract in;: l'oxx- A1I Univci-itx men aie inxited to the ,., j their teuitoix and -oxeieinty to he ixen hx the Y. M. I'. A. j theiein, when com liidin-: general tiea in the c, ui.I.. 1- of Academic Hall 1m- t;,. ,,f aihitration. that they will uinniiii: at 7:"!0 tomonow niht. l)i". jou thi- foundation a -afc and complete A. Ko-- Hill, pie-idcnt of the I'liixcr- ,y-tcin of ju-tice -o that -ilx-. will 1' pi e-eiit and make one of the ilu ln.,y . -uli-titutcd for xvar in in--p.iihc-. A. 1.. Olixci i- chaii 111.111 ot j tcinational lclation- a- illicitly ha- lieen the -ocial committee of the Y. M. C. A. 'done in nitional a trail-. A iimik elcitioii, mimicking in detail 1 .S-coml le-olution: the Au-tiali.iu l.alh.1 llliiiille featllle of th: -x-ti'in. will he the - m'.ii"- cnteitain- incut. The aim of the election, accold- Haincntaiy Union, failed to pi oxide for lie to -. Pi iix Yx il-011. local -eiictarx llm, M-i iodic and autoniatic a enihlin of the . M- v. A., i- ml only to fur- f ,Ut.M uiufciciicc- and for the -elcc-ni-Ii fun foi the -indent-, hut to teach 1 tioit of jh-i-oii- to compc-e an iulerna th.'lii how to xote. P.ooth- will he fitted ! coin t of ju-tice. therefole. 1111 in apt.K.xcl -ixle and theie ixill he ; . ;t n-ohcl. That a lommittee he ap- 1 lu.hc-. ileik- and ch.tllcnucr-. iiuc-ti. n will he put to tiie ou- 1 lot h.i- not IB-en dei idtil. A -uiruc-t ion that a -tr.ixx liallot lie taken hi thejthin ticaty. lontainiiig giiar.ui- 1.1 ha- met with -nine I tee- to it-peit the tenitory and -oxer- 1.1x01. hoxxcxer. -indent- xxill 1h-a-keil to xote xe- or 1.0 .111 -nine que linn of 1'nixci-itx inlcn-t. -11. -h a- the -leu 01 l.illlile of the lixe-U.IV -ch"l -xtein. I.iylit iclu-hminl- will he -fixed at the, the piimaiy aim of xxhich i to get the -tu.Icnt- of th ..iit!r-iit- a..U tinted. h- , STORY OF MARVELOUS WHEAT IS EXPLODED 3field Only 30 Bushels to the Acre. Instead of 222, and Quality is Only Medium. vpinvwi ..i. e,,t 17. An- 9 Hlorit.ltlXe lej.olt- h.ue lieen leceixed ill Si.ine thil tiie 1 laiiu- made hx Ahra 'i.iiii . l.ii.i- i.i the -ct-illel "Ala-ka" " ..11 hi- i.ineli near .lulia- 'tt.i. Idaho. .111 not ju-tilie.l. The ax- 1 lye xield 1- .il.ont :il hu-liel- the acie. m-tea. 1 i.i ii. . m Ion to -J22 a- he a-- --tied. .11. 1 11 i- not tin.- 'hat the giaili ! 1 "1 he n, w 11 .ni wlicie. I Ihe tin in making .pialilic- of the 1 xt'ii.u rnkiioAu a- no . lli.-ial te-t La- In 11 in.i !. . Kxpeit- -ay that it" Atl- r-.i-- 11.11111- uue me xvneai laiui '11 ilidiMi , ul.l Ik- lixollltioilicd. LAW TEACHERS HONORED Professors Lawson and Hinton Are Omcers of Bar Association. Mm D. I.,ui-on. dean of the Laxv De partment t the I uixrr-ity of Ali ouri, xxa-eleited i i1.111m.1n of the exeentix-e toiimiitt.v .ml Pi,.f. K. W. Hinton. a niemlicr t ti,,- general coun-el for this ' di-tii, t at the annual meeting "t the l! ..-, ; ;ar A ociation at Per-'1- xi.rm- 1 iid.iy and Saturday la-t. V. N. .In ;.,,,, 0f .;t. Loiii-. the nexv l'lt-i.leiit ,, ti. a otiation, holds the h-imi.m de.'i.e ot LL. 1). fiom the L'ni- xr-it ,,t Mi-.uii. Prof. Hinton read a !'a;.ei ..n "lue Xeti itv for a Formal Mi t hod ..f P'oivdure." llh-iliption to the I'.MXKUSITY Alis (ri:i. i- j ir the school tenn. $1J." a -enie-ter inxaiiahly in ailvanw. Suh--crilv nou. BARTHOLDT LEADS AT PEACE MEETING St. Louis Man Introduces Resolutions at Berlin Conference. .;-;;''-.JJ; 17. Kcprc-ciitntiYA of Ali ouri. pic-i- dcnt of tin- American gioup of tin I li tcrpailianicntaiy Union, inlirtlitccd iin- - uant n- lution- at tin- intcipulia- ini-iitaiy (ontt icmc xxhich lonxened here toil.iy. TIlC-C ll-nllltio'l-. xxhich haxe to lo with tli.- -oxeieiirnly of nation- ami with the holdim; of tin- iu-t peace contcieutc. fol low iii thi' hmmI ioui-1- anil win- ii' fcind to tin- Intcipailiaincntaiy Council for lcpcrt. Tlu-y an- a- tollovx-: Wheiea-. innneii-c oiill.ix- for ntniam-i-nt on hinil anil -im aii- being ju-tilii-il iiy th.-i- lc-pon-ihlc fir thrill on the giound that national light- anil iutcr-i-t- an' in -eeiue without them, ami. Yx.heic.i-. tin' fm iiiatimi ami dcxehip ini'iit of tin- -x-tun of l.iw. ilutx .ui.I admini-teied in nllaii- common to all nation-, can in ox ide nii-aii- for ,,.,.;., .,ii, ijht- moic in keep ing with th.- -piiit of model n cixilia tion and with the end- of ju-tice and lijilit. ihcieloie. ResoUuion lie it ii-olxed. the light of each national to peipetuil po e ion of it- uiuli-puleil teuitoix and to full and fiee exeui-e of -oxoicignty theieiu i hcicbv iciojiiiied. and the otliccr- of the Illt(.II1.ii.,lm.n,aI v Union and of it- -ex- , . .,,,, to tIll. attention of 7 ,.,... ,.,111M. m,li:i,eiit- arc " , . , t (hlt I Whcrca-. the -eioml jicati' confeience. lealled upon the lt.iue-t of the lnteip.u- pointed to -tndy and li-jioit to the next i (-oufeicme upon tin c oiic-tion- ami al-o , (,c Ik t foim of a general aihitra- cintv of the contiaiting Poxei- and t jiui-diction to cxi-tim: or expei ted tiihunal- for the dclcimi- n.ition of qiie-tioii- which dipl a ex mix fail to -olxe. TO PAY INDIAN WARRANTS 1 Paper of the Chickashas had been Considered Worthless. , l!l4. (hi.ka-ha Indian iuti.ui. ag.e- Mliug ."-1 1 :..-.-!. xxhiih haxe Im-i-ii held h hank- in the wt-t and M.ulh for n.ailx live xcu- and coit-idcied to he practically woithh . aie new to ! 1 : 11 .,:.!. ,,!,.... I ;.... 1. ..1 r-"" '" '"' """ "" 'I hi- hi came known yc-te.tlay when the C0111mcici.1l X.itioiial P.ank of lxan- -.1- ( ity. Kan., icieixc.l .'!.S17.l! a- 1 1.1 mill iiilen-t on :I.S 1S.1 ot I I I x a 11.1 nl rhex weie held 1 v that huik a- -cent ity I01 a loan 111 ide in Octnhcr. P.ili:!. to Kilhy Puiilom. a chief of the Chieka-ha nation, then pie-idcnt of the of Ti-lioniiiigo. Okla. Kills Himself in Cell. P.v t''il Pro--. P.riTK. Mont., Sept. 17. William Hr.intner. -aid to haxe come here from ' Clinton. Alo.. committed Miiciile in jail ' ,,m" t,M,a" ''-v h,lltil1" ,u 1,e,,1 afrrtint the hai- of hi- cell. His mind is thought to haxe heen unhalancetl hy ill ink. Americans to go to Bullfight. tr r.ii I'r.c nUdWXSVILLK, Tex.. Sept. 17. X'e.uly 1.0(10 Aineriean-. nio-t of them firm the interior of Te.xas. cro ed into .Mexico to-dav to xxitno- a hull fight at Matamoias thi- afternoon. Killed by Burglar in Bedroom. l:.r rnit.Hl Pre--, AHCHICAX CITY I ml.. S-pt. 17. Kdwaul Huxck. a penitentiaiy guard. xxa hot and killed hy a lunglar in the l.tdiooni of hi- home eaily thi- morn ing. The University AIissoiuian is on -ale at the Ding Shop at two cent- a topy. AIRSHIPS TO CIRCLE WORLD IN A WEEK Thomas A. Edison Predicts j Wonderful Future for i the Skv Sailors. FULFILMENT IN FIVE YEARS Present Crafts Not Practicable, However, Wizard Declares. Ily 1'iittcii Pre-. SALT LAKK. Sept. 17. Thoma- A. Kdi-on. inxentor. in an intcixiew heie today, prcdiitcd that within live xeai-air-hip- will he cro-iim; the Atlantic ocean in eighteen hour-. 1 caching the Xoitli Pole in foitv I10111- ami enciulin I tlie woihl in a week. The lit'Itl of tiie inxentor 111 the tutuie. lie -am. , would he in perfectini: the 11 aft of the ;,ii-. Mr. Kdi-on declaied that the diriuihle li.ilh.on i- a fane and the acioplaue i- ;.,,.., ,,ii,-.1,1.. II.. -iir...-t.d a a indication of the aeionl.ine. 011 the prillciple of the human he.ut icdmcd to meie mcchaiu-ni, a ill the ca-e of the automcl.ile. DELAGRANGE FAILS TO EQUAL WRIGHT'S RECORD I'.y fi.ltcrt i'r.-. I M'' :l "-''i''1 thi' -i'1 ":'-5 :tti',k',1 PAU1S. Sept. 17. Delamaie toitayjaiid tenihly laceiated hy a tame hear failed in ciroit to icain the aeioplane j t I'.it lo.imcd within the "loiniil-. It wa- j lauicU taken fiom him vi-tenl.iv l.v the -aiil aftciw.ud that the .-hoik had un-ct- 1 c(oiil flight of Wilhur Wripht. ....:.....! :.. .1... ..; !.i mimtin. lie it- licit in" ... ... .... " it.iiii.t hi- own iccoid hut falling -holt of that of the Amciican iuxciitoi. SPOKANE BREWER, WITH A FAT BANK ACCOUNT, IS SEEKING A WIFE She Must be Between 25 and 50 Years muUuuvUU u..,,v., Neat and Clean. SPOlxAXK. Wii-h.. Sept. 17. 1'icl E. Ixemfer. who h.i- lieen a -uixexor. hiewcr. pi inter and politiiian .luiini: hi- twenty xcar-' -tay in Spokane. xxant- a xx ife. ant- a wife. He i- a widower and can leached at Wa-hingtoii -tieet and lie Cataldo axenue. SiH.kane. xxhcie he ha- a nmifoitahle 1 e with cellir and xxood-hed Mocked xxith l.ioxi-ions ami fuel. 1 iiv -g. od xxoman. not younger limn -j.- xcai- r ..xcr ."ill yen-, pioxidcd -he i, a good hou-ckecper ami neat and udciii,' i- eli"ihle. Kemfer ha- a -nug j account and i- cmploxed l.y the 1 ir.i.tion company in Spokane, hut -ay- he i- too hti-x to -catch for a helpmate, lie ha- laid in a -tok of ihotograph- and i icadx tor a .hoit touithip hx mail or olhciwi-e. SOPHS ARE PERSUADED THAT "EASY" ANDERSON IS NOT A FRESHMAN Hazers Capture Football Star, but Release Him After Some Forceful Argument. It i- icioi.Icd tint the Sophonieie haxe made a mi-take. "Ka-" Amlei-011. a foimcr laptain of the foothall team, lctllllled atter hcilig axxay tinni -chonl l.i-t year, and the .-oph- failed to reiognie in him a man xxlio had piucli.i-eil immuuiiy mini lia- ng. l'liii-ci'iil aigiiiuent hroiight ahout An-j.ler-on"- iclea-e and the di-appointt'd and 1 ( ic-t fallen Sophoinoie- lt-un.cil their le 1 lentil -eaiih for I'lc-hinen. i AFTER SHORT SLUMP THERMOMETER AGAIN HITS THE UP GRADE Forecaster Reeder Says Rain May Be T.a T7A.l....l. 1 UU.K3 ucicauuuis I Tomorrow. Kiidelitlv tlie weather i- tivin.r fo , .. .. , 11 i k-eeii nut. ultli the lllere:l-e.l enrnllinellt ,.f -tudent- at the Unixer-itv of Ali- ; -miri. The mercury took a little -lump j,, hut came hack -tionu today. t 7 a. m. the thermometer re-'i-tered (i'.i tlegici-. Py 2 p. in. it had climhcii to S(i. the maximum for the day. Foieca-ter Kee.ler i-ue- tin- welcome forcea-t: "P.utly cloudy tonight: prohahly -howcr- tomorroxv " Good Wishes from Clinton Mo. Prof. Aithur Lee, superintendent of the rt:... .,.1.1:.. ..rlio.. "I iJl, 1 llllll.ll IM.I.1M -II1W... ..-. ..... for the Department of Journali-m of the, Unixer-hv of Alissouri a career of much 11-efulne in its great nexv xxork." HE NEVER EORGAVE GIRL WHO ELOPED Daughter Who Eloped With Coachman Won't Attend Funeral. XKW YORK. S.-pt. 17. i.ioxanni P. Moio-iui. the aged lunkor ami philan-thiopi-t. ihiii'!. iliil not foigive hi- daughtcr Yiitoria for doping with tin- I fauiih (o.uhni.111 in 1SS1. Ali Ciulia j .Moio-ini. her fathci - faxonte and in--cparable conipanioii. ilcchiicd thi- af ti i in on that -In- did not expect her m ter to attend the funeral. "My i-tcr i- not in the hou-e."' Ali Ciiilia Moio-ini -aid. "She ha- not hccii heic She i- not expected heie. She i not ex en expeitcd at the funeral, 'lhcre i.exer xxa nix- lecoiiciliatioii. AIv -i ter did not coiiimunicate with u- or my tatlicr (lining in- nine. Mi Ciulia. who ha- lieen the in-ep- .uahle ciiiiipaiiioii of her f.ither -ince her Ui - tcr lied with the coa.hman. i- familiar J with the tenn- of 'lie will, and let it he known todax- that, if Yiitoria dc-iie- to 1 -h.ue in the c-tate. he may. The luoth ci- and -i-tei- will amply pi oxide f oi lier. She may leaxc the conxent. if -he will-, and lixe in luxury. Coiiccinin the xouner -i-ter of the family. Amelia, a toinplete my-teiy ha heeii maintained. Since -he wa- a xeiv little iil -he ha- never lieen permitted I to -peak to a man. tied the child'- iea-011. MANY ARE INJURED IN CHICAGO FOG Laporer Killed bv Traill and ! Lrin waiKS rrom a High Window. 1 , uy rnite.I ire. CIIICACO, Sept. 17. The heaviest fog ; in x ears enxeloK'd Chicago to-day. cans- in. maiiv accident-. A Northxxestern train lan into a cioxx'd of thirty lahou-i-, ! killing Don Petei-on. Another train on the same line collided with the rear ot a .xiilxx-auKce pa engei train. Peter Veil.eig was eriou-ly in juied and lixe other pa eiigers Mineied -li"ht hurts. S'Xcral other minor xvrcck- xxcie caiied hy the ilen-e mink which hid the train A girl in a foggx- room "nlked out of a thiid tory xxiudoxx ::nd xxas prohahly fa- tallx hurt. CATHOLIC REVIEW IS BANNED BY THE POPE Articles on Human Side of Christ Bring Condemnation From His Holiness. P.y l-nitcl Pre--. ; XKW VOKK. Sept. 17. The Catholic' Kexicw ha- .-u-iieiided puhlieation and may not lc-uine. The puhlieation i- said lo luxe In en placed under the han of the Pope on account of .-cxeral ai tides hy tlie llev. K. A. llaiina on "The Human side of Chri-t."' Sexi-ial :ut ide- in the Catholic ency- ' 1 lopedia hv the -ame author en the suh- ji'ct of ah-oliition al-o are condemned. "I'lii' action i- a pait of the Pope'- cru--.ide again-t ".Model ni-ni," xxhich he Le- ' liexe- i- glowing in America at an alaim- , ing rate. iDR. REED TO LOUISIANA xo De Assistant i-roiessor 01 r.ngusii in University. 1 Dr. A. G. Heed, with hi- family, tle 1 parted ye-tciday for llaton Ilouge. Li.. 1 where he ha- accepted the po-ition of 1.1 islant liiolc or ot Knifli-li 11 ' 1 the iu- 1 Loui-iana State I'liixer-ity at an 1 . . crea-cd -alarx-. ' Dr. Heed ha- heen iu-tructor in Km: li-h at the I'nixer-itv of Ali 0111 i. I Stephens College Opening, 1 -rj1L. 0j,eniiig conx oration of Stephens ', C illege will Ik- held in the Saiipington Auditorium to-morrow at ten a. 111 ! ire,ideiit Peeler. K. W. Stephen and other- will -peak. Signorina C'omh.i, Italian concert -oloi-t, will -ing. and Arr. Alar.-hall. the new director of the Wo- .......V ..l,.,r... ..Ill ,-.l.. I,:, fir.t n linear 111. 11 - .11. 'III-. ..Ill U...n. - "J . .. . 1 .. -.i 1:. 1: ....... 'rim mice before a Columbia audience. 'Ilex-. AL L. rhomas will deliver prayer , and pionounce the lx-nediction. LIGHTNING KILLS ONE; INJURES TEN Powder House Blows Up When Hit by Bolt Near McAlester, Okla. MINERS' HOMES ARE DESTROYED' Shock of Explosion Felt a Mile Freight Cars Wrecked. By United Tress. I McAlkstkii, oivfa.. Sept. 17. One . 1 on xxas killed, ten xiere teriouslx- in- jiiied and twelxe re-itlences weie xvreckcil ' when lihtnin Mruck the powder hou-e of the Sample Alining Company, txxo mile- north of here, today. The dead: Aim 111 ic 1'iciiAiMis, Afonroe, Iowa. Alo-t -eiiou-Iy injured: .Mils. .IIIIIX Mi:. Thomas Hi.i.m ami I.aiiv. Mrs. s. 1!xi:cki.o.x-.x. AIns. Saaiami.o. All:, ami AIks. S. Slock ami txxo Chil w.ns. AlliS. Z. Cokdoss. All of the hou-es xvrecked xvcre homes of n.inei- near the powder home, which f'""u'r l"'-'''" "" '" 1!l'' L'" l.lew up with a territic e.xplo-ion. The ur'i,.v- ih i"'"'"- 1W"- of LL" D--hock wa- felt for a radius of a mile. 1 il! "'";-"'iti" "f "" ""-tru. t.xe .Mo-t of the injuied were the wives of !iiiint'i xxho had no chance to escape fiom their home-. 1 Sex-enteen freight cars of the Alissouri, 1 Ian-a- and Texa- al-o were I wiecked. SOCIETY WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH AT OUTING She Kindled Camp Fire With Oil Two Girls Injured Trying to Save Victim. Ily t'iiitc.1 Pre. XKW OltLKAXS. Sept. 17. Air. Chaile- Walter, a -ocietv leader, was hurned to death to-day as a lCMilt of kiii.Hintr a camp lire with coal oil. Air-. Walter xxas a niemlior of an out- iii" ii.ii tv at Cnviii"ton. Two young , women who tried to saxe her life were -criou-ly injuied. 250 REVOLUTIONISTS ARE . rmnnmriTi y-lt nriTlT rT Others Are Being Hunted Following Finding of Dynamite, I'.y I'nite.1 Press. ST. PKTKKSISIT.C. Sc.t. 17. Txxo hundred ami fifty mcmU-i of the -ocial ' lexoliitionaiy tonimittce and the icxo- lutiouniy railway union xxcie arie-ted heie today, and -con- of othci- aie 'l.eii.g hunted, a- the le-ult of the di--'loxeiy of .1(1(1 pound- of dynamite and in.inv homh- at their headquaitei-. The di-coxeix followed the aile-t of a liiiih polite 0llici.1I xxho i- -aid to haxe hei-n implicated in the plot. KIDNAPPING SQUAD ON DUTY IN CHICAGO UiM JJU X IVi UntVAUU Police Are Spurred by Disappearance of Fourteen Girls. ,.r t-ni,.(I 1r(vs. (HICACO. Sept. 17. A -pecial '"kid- uapiug -quad" ha- heen a igned to duty j,.. Ciief of Police Shippx to try to clear up the mx-tery -unwinding; the di-ap- pcaiance fiom home of fouitceii gills and xiuiiig xxomcii xxithin the la-t fexv days. Xo tiace ha- yet hccii found of the lit- tle Ilo'ioa gill, who i- thought to haxe Ik'i-ii kidnaped. " Rovalists are Routed. ST. PKTKItSi;riir;. Sept. 17. The 10m , ..,.- ............ ...... command of l:itul Khan, hx a detach- . . ... mi-lit of the 11-iiigeiit ga 1 11-011 at I.i- hli, i- (ompltte. :n coid liu to llllther di-patdic- icceixed heie to-day fm.ii 'I a lui. and Ain-etl-Doxx leh cannot longer count on the -uppoit of the Al.ihu cax.ilry whith wa- intercepted hy mountain tri-he-men and defeated. Taft's Front-Porch Campaign Off. P.v rnltcl Pr. "ciVCIXXATl. Sept. 17. Taff- front- . - .. l. 1 r.i:..:..lli- ..! 11.. pweii t-amuign ni.- ." "". . lulled. Delegation- tllle yi-lfltl.iy mm to-hiv faihd to ai-J-ear on aicount ot tin failuie of tin lailioad- to giant cheap rat.-. - Suh-cription to the U.MXKllTY Alls ... , . -.1 .1 -11 r:M 1- -- ior me -i-nmii i-n... : !..... : 1 -:..!.. a ... tribe noxv. THILL SHOWS DANGERS IN COLLEGE LIFE His First Public Address is j Given at Convocation in Auditorium of University of Missouri. ; CONFERS HONORARY DEGREE I ON DR. RICHARD H. JESSE Applause Greets Former Head of Institution as Toga Covei-s Shoulders. i Dr. A. lto Hill'- lir-t pul.lie utter ance a- Pie-i.lcnt of the I'nixei-ity of j Mi oiiri included a xxainin. at the 1 ... 1 opening coi.xocition thi- nminin. .aL'ain-t the'i'i- of I'nixei-ity life ' ocr-empha-i- of -tu.Icnt and -ocial ac- tixitic-, and intclledual anilici.ilily or ; ili-liono-tv. I l)r Hill'- lii-l pul.lie ait xx.i 1 '. l. . 11.. i;.i....i 11. ...1.- I.. ... IU.1 1 11 "Ml 11. i..iib ... -. :"":1 -a..-m....-..... After the parchment had lieen pl.uod in Dr. .Te-e'- hand and the to.i thioxxn oxer hi- -houl.lei- hy Dean .1. C .lone and Dean Walter William-, the applau-e from the audience xxhich p.ukcd the Unixer-ity audittuium amounted to an ox'atinu. When the hand-clapping uh-ided Dr. Je aio-e to Imixv ackuowledincnt. and it lnoke foith with ledoiihhd xior. punctuated hy eric- of "-pecch." P.ut Dr. Je e apparently had pi ('de termined that he would delixer no ad-tlie-s, exen c.xtempoie. and the -tudent-iiml other- in the au.lieme leliutantly IkiwciI to his xxi-h. Alany -tood in the ni-Ics of the aiuli- toriuin xxhen the Ilex- Dr. W. W. Kl- xx any. ntlertil the opening jiraxcr. It wa- c-timated that at lea-t l.HO weie ,... Ali-s Aurora Ieilom .ivc a ;, 0i aw y Sihi-im.ui a violin ' which, with the -inking of "Old I Mi ouri" 1 tilted the hy the Mililcut Uidy. 1011-ti mu-ical pioi:ram. The 'iiltv m ! 1.1I in cm- and "imn- at on ... ...-- 1 cr ' Apilau-e greet cl Pi.-ideiit Hill when he aio-e to delixer hi- addi. . and the audieiue -tood a moment 111 -alutal nm. Seeial time-, when he ill gel that the name of the I'liixci-ity he kept than of a nx- rovdvihi or xan.lalim. h.ind.I.ip- ping hur-t forth. In jiiti'iiliiiir the d.-ice to Dr. -Ii e. Dr. Hill -aid: Hecord Well Known. "It i- the cu-toin in thi- I'mxcr-ity to haxe all who are to itecixe degrei- pre- entcd l.v -nine ollicer or teacher of the I'liixci-ity: and in the ca-e of honorary device-, to haxe the achiexc nt- of the pcr-on upon xxln.ii horn the honor i- to he he- -towed -ft loltll Im'IoIC tlie Wlioie l mxer. -ity tommuuity in an a.l.lit of iire-eii- tat 1011. lint xxlien tliei-a-c 1- one in xxlinu tll ,,.,., d ;, known to exery meinlK-r of j1(. flU.ilty. of the -tu.Icnt l..h. and i Jm (oinlniinilx-. indeed to the piople and (,u,n ,m. ,,,! ehihlien of the entire State, it -eem- iinnete ary to haxe any ,, h formality oh-eixe.I. Such a t-a-e we liM(. t ! 1 morning in lonfeiiing the I1011- ..,ri- de-'ice of doctor of law- upon Pie-ident Itiehai.l Henry . I Constructive Chnrncter. "I'le-ideiit .It e. Iiiciu-e of xoiir -.t- xj(. ,,, ,Mi(..itioii in dexeloping thi- I'ni- ,.l,;,v ; j making it a fitting iu-ti- tut ion in which tht-e xouth may -pend tin- crowning xcar- of their formal cduci- tion: 111 gatt.cmig l.eie a lacimy xx.umx of any unixei-itx: in ini-ing the -tand-.ird from that of a -mall college to equal ,.,..... ;.....;,;...;,. tt... l.,,,,!- ""' - : piomotiu-' -ecoml-irv cdiiiMtinn '" I " . ii - I.,... !.-. .t it.. I.i- in tuuiir tit Ii ill ,1111......"... ......... .. - the Cnixei-ity (ompele. tiuouu n- pre- paratoiy dtqiartiiiciit, xxith -e(ondary -(hool- an.I encouraging the-e -chool- to adxamc their -tandard- -o that their graduati- might meet the higher -tand-aid- of adnii 10:1 at the I'mxcr-ity; heiau-e of the educational ideal- you haxe bequeathed to u- whi'li it xxill he .our purpo-e to realize: liecaii-e of your con-tructixe educational -tatc-man-hip !...tii tl.rril..1.f.llt -eletlteell venr- of the - - mo-i eveiiin.i'.iii.iii.n ""-."..' ' --' - -ouri an.I tlie .Middle He-t. it gixe- me plea-tire in exerci-ing tlie autnontx gixen me hy the Hoard of Curator-, as mv lir-t ofiieial iiuhlic act of thi- -e-sion, - to confer upon x oil the honorary degree of - . 1 t 1 't ,.i.i..i . -. t- ii:n ...i.i-.-;: :.. full u ill ! found .... - on page j. I PRESIDEN f 91 J