Newspaper Page Text
. UNIVERSITY MISSOURIAN. VOLU3IE 1. COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1908. NUMBER 3 TOWN TURNS OUT TO WATCH HAZING Sophomore- Stage Vaudeville , on the University I Campus. FRESHMEN IN NEGLIGEE ATTIRE "Fiat" Men Rally to Brother ami a Near-Riot Ensues. SOPHS' FINAL WARNING TO FRESHMAN CLASS i i!ihiii:n : : mi mu: i at in) now rn t i: i .7.'o.'.s. i in: -OPHOMORES. The lti inlilUn ks illrfoie 'osi.W li?, lie nlirinl and Will He En foi ecd. innul'T SOT THE PADDIX! THI I FINAL. Town-people made a holiday of the i , , ,. , c i . w ci. hazing of hall a dozen fie-hmen bj oph- ""'' , omnre- on the University of Missouri . . , . , eaniim- li-t night. Pai-me-s men and i 11 " their wives were theic.-oiority and Read! Hall mi-.-, and high -thool hoy- eager to get pointeis as to the approved Uni- ver-itv method of 'ehi-chi-ing.'' Thii-e bundled pei-ons were in ,, crowd that gathered in fiont of the -tops leading tt the auditoiium of Academic M : j, , t,iay. the tilth of the en Hall to watih th" a'nateiir vaudeville i lollment peiiod at the I'nivei-itj- of -tagc-d In the "-op-.- They .lapped Mi-..uii. :!0S had en-th.-ir hand- and chicie-d and nmv andltficl than at the end of the fifth daj ii,. ii ,.ir,.ii..i i -iv. ....,111111 ' la-t je.u. U the top of the -tep- were the por- fnim,,- and the -tao maiMjicr-. the Lit- tei arimd with paddle, 'lho fre-hmen wue in iM-jrliuee eo-tmne. collaile . with tin ir -hill- ban;;"';: hi the fa-hion con- -blued the .oneet thin? ill a -tudeiuV "-hii,t tail jiar.ide." Whistlers Make a Hit. I 'The taniou- whi-tlin- quartette,", the opli with the bij;j;e-t pad-, ' , , ., .... i .. i- (l.i r f nd the tie-hie- wbi-tled. One ot , .1 ..II - TTn.n ., tin in Me "Home. i't. Home, an- other "I'm fr.iid to Co Home in the t)iil " uliile tlie ntlier eho-e el.l ic e- , .. ... ,. , ,. Kit inn-. I he le-ult broiiL'ht an uproar of applau-e fiom the audience. 'I hen there wa- .lancinjr by one of the witini-. who InrKed hi- own music. 'I hi- wa- well ieeeied. in the language of the pie .mi nt. The eioud liked it o nun b the "fie-bie" wa- encored. n, r .. . i , r -iii:, TIkii. feline he had fiirni-hed his ,, .... . . , ... ,i. Mini1 ot the nmht - eiiteit.unment. the , , , i ., . i i i i tt rod .b uiaiideil that he be lelea-ed. lie, ,i patting admonition to obey hire.ift.i the nile- piomulpite.l by the 'siph-" and wa- allowed to tait home. Til., l.ii ii.. niitui , tin.i itm VAniimn ,. , .. .. . , ., , , -ample- of -li-peited butter to W.i-Iini!- I i.-lmi. n the yaimtlet of the Soph- ' . l , , ton. Iln- -amiile wa- from a lan-a-niiiiie- iiiddle- on the cninpil-. , . .... City iliuy. I he l.ujier numiiei ot "Prat" Men Take a Hand. ' j.I-Z. of oei-wateie.l butter nieixe.l le On., nun whom the -ophomoros cap- M.iitly i.une fiom Kan-a-. 'Hie adulleia- timd -ud he ua- a -eeond-jear man. He .; f n,;-, ul,i,l, j -ent to the m.uktt- objt.t.,1 to beinir paddled. He arpued ,,,, been reionnized foi e.u-. but the with the -oph-" that he had ".uhaneed teiinj: .,t buttei i- a nient innoxa- tandiiij" tiom William Jewell College. t;0ii. and the Cowinnieiit i- eitiii! 'Hie -.iplioiiioie- held a eonncil of war -tiiiimni- eHoit- to -top it. ii'd b-i.b.1 to ".hi i hi" him am way. . 'lb. ii In, tiaternity biothei- rallied to hi- .ii 1. and for a time a riot -eemed iiiiiiiiii. in Hie uowil -truirjjle.l baek and fm th ..,r the .-ampii- for fifteen minutes and pa-11!.- were u-ed freely. After the decided that the now stu- 1. n had Ken piopeil.v hazed, the Ciowd di-pi i-ed with ..t coiiiinir to fi-ticufl"-. Fr-in i; to 12 o'clock tonight the fre-h-lii.ii will lx immune from hazing, the --1' mini)- laving .leil.ued a turn dur 'iir tint time to allow the tir-t j-ear men t.i it, nl the -tag -oeial to be given bj- 1 M .. A. in Aeademie Hall. Automobile Service Abandoned. t ipt mi Jo-cpli Fnizier ha- di-con-t mm il ' i- uitomohilc -ervice in Hoone i 'itii .ntd -, nt hi- automobile'- to t. I "i- . ntv. to be u-ed theie over an i-l -ii i ile unite. The -ervice from t .i-n to Uoiheport wa- abandoned 'i i Mint of lack of patronage and that froiii e.ilumbii to A-hland b.xiu-e of a h-puie w ,tli the )liiec'tor- of the load "v.: tin- imount of toll to le charged. I CHILD LIVES AFTER 1 2,300 VOLTS SHOOT THROUGH HER BODY i 1 Girl is Revived by Cold Water and i auners uniy trom .ram ' in the Side. Iir I'liltc. Tre. CHICAGO. Sept. IS. Mollie Frank. 12 je-ar- old. while at pl.iy this morn ing. climbed .in eleetiic light jiolo and took hold of .i who to see if it wa, hot. Twentj thie-e hunched volt, of clee tiieitj, ;il)0 moii th.m are u-cd in legal execution-, pa ed thiough hor ImmIj", lint -he was ii'ioil when a woman dashed a bu.he-t of wild watei over her. Her onlj pain is fiom a wound on the hit -ide- wheie the (inrent lelt hor body. POISON IN DRINKING WATER NURSE GAVE TO 6 PATIENTS; ONE DEAD Woman Tells Police She Gave Fated Potion Accidentally. Eive Are Unconscious. V. I'iiIIiiI I'r'. AX 1)1 KGO. Cal.. Sept. IS. A nui-e in the coiiutj ho-pital today told tho j police that -lie hail accidentally given -iv patient- drinking watei containing pni-on. One of the piti.nt- i- dead and the othei- are line on-c ion-. It is feared ithe will not reeoer. THERMOMETER KEEPS GOING UP; PERHAPS SOPHS COULD HELP Mercury Climbs to 90 Degrees at 2 P- m. Showers Forecasted for -.... , Late Tonight or Tomorrow. Won't somehodv ph-a-e hae the .,,",. , , weathei? It -tailed out nievk enough (t (. a uith 1ri t,M.riwlIIM.ler ;.. ,.,;,, , ,i(.gm-. lint hy 2 p. m. it had t limited to '.Ml. Foiec-a-tei lt.-edci hold- out this hope: ''Ine-le-asing cloudiness with ! -bowels kite tonight or tomoiiovv. Xot 11'inli change in tt' me.' 'I he total at " p. in. wa- I.d'lS. At -" i '' '' '" J- '" ':!1,,)- WHAT NEXT? NOW IT jg "WATERED BUTTER Revenue Agents Have Found Rival for Oleomargarine. KAXSAS C1TV. Sept. IS. I'lohibi- tion Kan-a- i- "ettiiiir too taiuilar with r- - i .. ... .. ..... :...!..;.... ....... ii... .i if... III. II-." Ill II. II. I. Jllillll II.'WI mi. -miL " ment- of .1. I), i:an-. I'mled State- In- tiinal I!eeniie Asient. on the anah-i- ,ot "-u-iiecttd buttei" pio.luied b -ome ' ' ot the dailie- of that Mate. Xot bein' ..intent to n-e watei a- a leeia?e. .Ml. Fan- -a- tint -ome of the dailie- aie now -ellinjr it a- food. The ieenue ay. nt- find that -ome of the dailie- -iii.eeded in m. mill. u tin ill'' butter whiih will ab-oib tioni .'ii to :M pel lent of wa- .' tei one thud of the entile weight-anil - !! elliiiar thi- piotluct at the leular . ' . . ... i.uket iate- foi lir-t.Ia butter, wliiiJi l.ine- fiom 20 to 40 cent- pel p.minl. an.irdiiiir to the -ea-on of the Iiicirue a"ent- in Kan-a- have M-nt LLOYD GUNBY, 'VARSITY PITCHER, DEAD AT HOME Student Expires of Pneumonia In Chillicotho. I.loj.l Giinhj. pitcher on the ha -c. hall team of the I nivcr-itj- of Mi ouri la-t jiar died today at noon at hi- home in Uiillicotho. Mo. Cunbv ua- a lupinbei of the Sigma Chi frateinitj and one of the be-t known -tudent- in the I'liiver-itj-. He hid been ill ot -everal week-. Columbia Sox to Play Sunday. The Columbia White So and the Mexico Athletics will play a game o( b.i-eball Sunday afternoon at the Fairground-. The game will lie called at 3 o lock. Thi- i- the line up of the Co lumbia team: Catcher. Smith; pitcher, Martin: tir-t ba-e. Shoellej-; -econd ba-e. Hainnan: -holt stop. P. Shaw: third base, Ander-on: left field. 0. Shaw ; ' c enter field. Thomas ; right field, Keene. F'ISHIN' ZpZ ' f -Kf j n. 'XvISa h v&s33 9?:ir c mmmtiWfsxuSh ii tin i ii riiiii in it i. i i -n r, z t.rir1 i j- mil mi . iiinairr m mmm m JXS- i. 5-. . ( v V AJ l ('' - D I Hi I 1119 i T. "BHSMffibKriSv .fiSOSfc 1 : t v;m 7 . r - -f, - STUDENT'S SLAYER IS KEPT IN Authorities at Manhattan. Kan., Guard Against Possible Violence. MANHATTAN. Kan., Sept. IS. The funeial of John Coon-. Jr., the K. S. A. 0. -tudent who was killed here Tuesday night by M. A. Crow-ton. a rier fi-Jl-eiman. wa- held thi- uiornin? at 0:30 o'eloik. All bu-ine-s hou-es and banks weie elo-eil during the funeral services. Ciow-ton. the -laer. i- eoiuvaled 1 the authoritie-, awaiting arraignment in the ju-ti.e co.ut at thi- place. He prob- -.1 .i i ii t i-ii ablv will not Ik: brought to trial be- f.ue .Monday, the authoiities here believ ing it would lie Iie-t not to (all the trial I until utter the funeral of the dead stu dent. The -l.ntr i-. .Kcoiding to the au-thoiitie-. in a -afe place. However, there in a -ate place i- no danger now of woleiue by the col lege -tudents. Ju-t alter the shooting theie would HID have been giave danger had not the com- .,,(1iim.(i iien it wa- learned that pany of -tudent, who wa, fired upon lin-. ltt icIt-iiL Hill did not have authority to geied at the depot until the main portion I ,,-,.,. Mlt, without -pecial piovi-ion of tho-e at the depot had gone to townf lll(1 jiiul(l oi Cmatoi-. and to their home-. Coon, was a popular J 'ihe Con-titution piovi.U- that ad- -tudent, una inning and inoHen,ie, and' hi- death l, mom mil by the stii.lcnt bodv. Wounded Student Recovering. ! I. F. Iininen-cht.e, who received fourjj-'"" the fall at opening convocation, 'ot the -hot of the -econd charge tiled J until it had In-iomo a regular cii-tom. at the student-, i- in no grave danger. (Tevi-ton wa-Ijinirin wait for - tn.b - nt - who might lap on hi, hou-e and it i, not vet known whether or not the ji.irtj'K'l,l,,,hia that wa- with John Coon, mole-ted the hou-e cu not. Two charge, weie fired, one hitting Coon, in the -i.Ie of the face. The -t i ond chaige went a-traj, except the few -hot- that hit Immense line. The -tilil.-nls who weie the t.uet fur ("rev i-- .-- ,.-.-, . i ton weie John Coon-, the dead student; 1 I- 1. Immense hue, the wounded boy; j ! Dwight Miller and 11 Sweman. The leal fact, concerning the killing' will not be known until the, but it , is now -aid tint Ci.-vi-toM had no pi., j ivoe-ation whatever for shooting. Kailier in the evening -tudent- hail i.iiiiic-.I upon i p ' ' ' I , the -ide of hi- hou-e, which border- upon ( I the -idevvalk. and he may have loaded his ' -botgun and waited for the tir-t pally ' I of -tudent- chanced to pa-, or Il.llT.ll 11.IT1I II Ikltll- Illlll.ll 1-IIHU..I i ' i ri" on l lie Hou-e. Win n thi- olliier, arre-ted him the -l.ivei wa- awaiting for anj- other of feii.h i that migut cli.uu c to come by. I'ntil they were -me tint the slaver ol Cooiis wa- locked up the other 'tit- dent- would not pa the hou-e. NO POLITICS AT THIS BALL-COWHERD DINNER Relatives of Candidates Have Meal at University Club. was a Kill Cowherd dinner etf . ,.,;.. i. ...! ..i,,:, .a.., ... .i. V K t t l MJ IKIII 'ti 11-41(1 Vllttlll-1 (l llli; Cniver-ity Dining Club in Lathrop Hall la-t night. At the same table were David R. Pall, of Montgomerj-. Mo., a nephew of the de feated candidate for the Democratic gu bernatorial nomination, and 15. K. Cow herd, a di-tant eou-in of the -lie ee fill candidate. IJoth are -tudent- of the Univer-ity of Missouri. i-!. CALLED MURDERER HE KILLS HIMSELF Major General, Accused of Slaying Wife, Thows Self Before Taain. By United Prcs. U)NIK)N, Sept. IS. Unable to bear the -tec ii-at ioii that he had murdered hi- wife. .Maior Oeneial Cluile- K.lwanl Luaid thii morning threw hint-elf hefoie i a ti.iin and wa- ground to pieces. Mr-. Ltiard wa- -hot Aug. 24 -he wa-5 retuining fiom the link while of a unit .lub with her In a farewell note to a fiiend. M.ijoi Ceiieial Ltiard 'aid he could no longei 'mi ,Iic in of being point...l to a- luiii.lerer. I NO ADVANCED DEGREES TO BE GIVEN THIS FALL The Candidates From Panama and Vermont Disappointed. Seial foi mer Unier-ity of Mi---ouii -tudent-. who came heie e-toida to le.vive a.U.uued degree-, weie di-- x.,mt., degiee- -hall be confeiied mlv I I ,, ti. JL. Convocation. Special per 1 -- ii. il. ii li. ...1 nil ion had U-en granted bv the l.o.u.l I . , , , . . ,, ... 1 l.-lllilll. il".-e ii n-iii- i iiii-.. ii. i j "'. Committee on advanced degiee- .11.1 'not learn thi- until too late to notiiy -fwiiil c-andidate, who had -tarted for Vei mont One candidate came fiom and one from Panama. Airangement wire made ulieuliy each candi.laie will have the privilege, pertaining to Uie-e jdegiee- ami the diplomas will lie given ! IH'Xt June. MRS. A. G. VANDERBILT SEEKS FINAL DECREE Beported She Will Wed William Spencer, A Philadelphia Lawyer. n.r I nllp.1 Pre"!'!. x.;- YOKK, Sept. IS. Mi-. Alfred (;w wn,e V.uider'hilt, who r.-. cntlv ob- ,.,;,'...,, aIl iteiIociitory deci.-e of divoice today applied to the Supreme Couit toi .. 1 -i iin.ii ciecii j. ;,, is leporte.l that she will wed v il Speneer, a Philadelphia lawjer. son of the v iev president of the l'enn sjlvania Railroad sjsteni. Mr-. Vandeibilt airivnl from Huiope ,js morning. KILLS SELF IN BASEMENT Salesman Ends Life at Mother-in Law's House. j:y rntiwi itp-. i ST. I.'R'IS, Sept. IS. I. '.. Frindt. a sale-man. 2.'. jear-old. -hot and kilb,I him-elf this morning in the In-eii.eiit of I hi- mother-in-law'- home. His wife had letu-ed hi- re j at.-d attempt- at rt'coiK iliation. Thcv weie mai li.d in Januirj and -epaiate.l in Julv. She said he failed to -ujtpoit In r. Thoc irij be no hmc of Ihf Uni leisity Missourinn tomorrow, S'ltur day being a school holiday. STEPHENS COLLEGE BEGINS NEW YEAH ! Prospects Brightest in Its History, President W. B. Peeler Declares. I DR. LHAMON TALKS TO STUDENTS V,. ttr i rr u r I l uuiif; U111CU 1C A OKI OI 1 Tlie"LaI)oratorv"Siileof Life Work. Mephe'i- ("olhjje i- entering upon a jimi of the liri'hte-t pro-ptit in the hi-toi of the in-titutioi.. Iie-idnt William 15. Feeler deflated in hi- ad die of welcome lief ore the a emlilaj;e in S'appinutoii Auditoiium thi- moi nitiir. t the oieiiin! ttitniH-.itniii: "I-i-t eai wa- iiiii lianner Near.' 1 I'le-ideiit I'eeh'i -aid, " anil the tro-- ipeit hefoie u- i- brighter than it ha- eer been in the hi-toi of thi- tolhge. "Our building- hae bin tlni-hed and an- now fully equipped foi u-e and throughout the iu-titutiou idial i-oudi- tion- pieail. Xot only we a well- .-.piippi.l oiIiiniI but we a " H- cijuipped faculty and well equipped stu - .... i dent- to make u-e of the-e .i.Uaiitage-. In all the je.u i- one of I' iiuu-iial mid llatteiin-r inoini-e. The iiogram a- rendcri.l proed wry iuteie-ting to the large amlienie and tho-e who took part weie generou-ly applauded. After the reading of the Twenty-fourth P-alin and pr.ner by the Rev. M. Ij. Thoma-, Jli-s Hale, of the depaitinent of nm-if, cintributid a piano olo, 'Wedding Day," by CJrieg. Mi Hale'- leiiditiou of thi- ditliiult number won murniur- of prai-e from the li-tener. Dr. Lhamon Speaks. Dr. W. J. I.hamon, dean of the liible I ollfge ot the Lhii-tian clniieli. -jkiKc i" a ihcerful and eneouraging manner jpartkularly to the joung women of the Icolh-ge. and -ought to impre-s upon 'them the priwleges they aie about to enjoy in taking up their work. "Von joung women who are here foi the piirpo-e of -tudy in thi- college are , -eleited and joil -hoiihl applet ia to the f.ut that j on are hereby prep.uing jour- -i he- for leader-hip in later life. You aie to he the queen- of the school- j room now, and jou will be the queen- i in the variou- ollice, to which women aie called, of which there are some tbou-and. You will bring queenliness , . , . I into jour home-, a, l.oU intended women -liould. "There i, a laboratorv- side to all of 'jour woik. Thi- mean, the hard labor i which i, nece arj- for a complete knowl- !ed-e of our -Indies. Do not ,hirk the driid-'erv of the laboratorv part. He- come queen, -o that wherever you go c, . . . ..... ....I.. .1.:.:. -" Willi ifCL i.niivv ii..-. v, iv,.. , signoiina Dora Comba, of the vocal department, -aim The Hoi n," hv Fie; ier. atconipanied by T. Carl Whitmer, din c tor of the school of mu-ie. The Signorina's voice i, a rich contralto of velvet smoothne-s and of pleasing op eratic .nialitv. Her selection a Horded t,ier U"I,1'' opportunity to display her tab m to advantage. i K. W. Stephen, paid a liiuli tribute to Dr. I. II. Jc e. who sat in a place of honor on the platform. Mr. Steph ens di-do-ed a " see ret" of the two. Tribute to Dr. Jesse. "Dr. .Ic-s-e, who lias none more in.." anv othei man in the hi-toiv of Mi . . . .. , . . , .. i ,, i... souri tor educational inti re-t- and who . ... .. . li.w been irowneil With W) 11 earned honor." he -aid. "admit ted to me la-t night, that after thiity je-ar-' speaking he i he foi se-aied to death' when he an audience. I am the -tan.I--ame wav." Despite his eonfe ed "flight."' MV. st.-pliPii-.' addle was foic. -fill and in teie-sting. "In this town jm are in the gn-ate-t eduational center in ail Mi ouii." Mr. vt-iih.-ii- said to the v g women be-fore him. " and I want to eongratul ite joii irl- that joii are line where joit have opIMirtunitj- for the mo-t nilturc.l ad vantagi-. There aie ."..011(1 students in Columbia and 2."i0 te-.ieher-. 'Hiere- i-(I'-nutlniicl on llilrit I'asp ) FORTY ARE OVERCOME IN ST. JOSEPH FIREa", nothing of .-i-cial interest in tliat upward plunge-. Ju-t as he had done Swift Packing Plant at St. Joseph time after time In-fore, he guidiil his Damaged $60,000. qu.-e r-l.mkmg craft aloft at an angle ,'i gentle that it de-troved anv impre-,ion III I liltnl ITf-s. . . " " --T. JOKl'H. -MO.. Sept. IS. Fire ,f si-d. thi- morning can-id MiI.IIi( damage'- to Around the air path the big machine the mid stoiage building of the Swift ,pwl and croe-d the starting jioint. The Packing plant. Forlj" fireni.-n and eniplov.e-- of tin plant, including General Manager O. W. Waller, weie oven ome hy h'-at. All are out of danger except Alexander Ma-on. a fin-man, and Ge-orge Wea-ton. AIRSHIP WRECKED ONE MAN KILLED, IS HURT Fund Is Started to Reimburse Aeronaut For Damage to Craft In Accident Near Washington. MISHAP EOLLOWS BROTHER'S SIGNAL SUCCESS IN FRANCE Daring Dayton, O., Men in Front Rank oi'Xavigators of the Skv. Hr Uiiiteil Tri-. WASHIXtnoX, I). C. Set. IS. While hi- brother Wilbur wa- ieteiiu plaudit- in Franee for the marbu-aihieement- of the Wright aeiopkine. OrilIe Wii-ilit lay in a heio teaifulU maimul a- the le-ult of the I ,,,,. 0f 1,: air ,r.lft liftv le,t to the ground while in Mer. Wright "- full llinht omt Fort (onijuiiioii, Lieut. Thoma- Selridge, wa- fatally hurt in the fall. He died at S o'clock la-t niyht, three hours after the accident. Orwlle Wright wa- re-tin;; faiily well this morning and the ph-ieians look for his recovery. Hi, lett hip wa, frae tuied and several bone- on the right -ide were broken. Lieut. SelfridgeS -kull was fractured at the ba-e. Many here are in f.ior of raising a Kipular siib-cription for the aeronaut, -iinilar to that raicd in (.Vrmaiiy re cently after Count Zeppelin's air-hip ex ploded while in flight. Aeroplane is Wrecked. The aeroplane the man bird which amaed the world and repre-.-nt.-d the -olution of the gieat piobhm of aerial navigation and e-tabli-bed new le. oid in ev.-rv w.iv i- .1 !.-.-. taierl.-d. That cqui-ite care and tlioiighttnl piccaiition ili-plavcd by Wiight, where by he tested every lever, tautened every wiie, adjll-tcd the plane- and tritd hi motor before a-ceii-iou-. proved ju-t in stiilicicnt to detect a Haw in his new piopeller, designed for greatei speed ali'l ' . , . . tiled tod IV, tor the lir-t time. I While eightj- or iiinetj- feet in air, 'when whiiling the i ircuit of the paiade i-.'iouiicl- th" fourth time thi- evening. a pieqieller blade snapiieil f-hort olL The machine wa- at the far end of the tiial course. The -pettatoi-, a quarter mile di-taiit, -aw the blade waver to the ground more swiftly, bat not unlike the fall of a feather of a bird in flight. For a second the aircraft kept on. Then it hesitated. Then- were two siie- cc ive swoop, downward. At alioiit hftj feet elevation it dived. It .r.ishi.l to tenth head foremo-t, a term that applies -in.e the foiwaid guiding plane-. whi Ii directed the ciatt up or down, -ugu'i-t, when in Uight, the he-ad and back of an eagle. Propeller Blade Broken. Xot a -ingle pa it of the machine i- -ullieie ntlv int.iet to furnish a piool ot the real eau-e of the i-ita-trophe. The prop.-llei, of the ma. bine did not touch 'the "loiind, but one blade wa- puk.U no broken alino-l siiuarclv olf. It l- me "cue i.ii niiiiiii-ii hi mi- ' " "- - ' pe-rt- and e ntbii-ia-t- who wat. li- I . ii ... .i :..:.... .f i... ........I mi. i. in-' th' lligiit that thi- blade broke while the liiachilie wa- ill the air; that tin, cau-i.l a sudden weiing from the coui-e, a e-oii-i-.pi. -nt tilting, and that the niaihiiii' wa- driven -traight tovv.ud the giound h the en.-rgv of the otln r whiil ing bl.nle. P.nt the-e expl.m ition- mil-t lie ii-garihil a- nothing but men- gin ' until Orvilb- Wright -hall be -tn.iu enough to t.ll hcu the ace id. nt i.-ally hapjielled. It was 14 minute, after ." o'ebnk when Orvilb- Wiight. with Lieutenant Silf ridge tightly we.lge.1 lie-ide him, gra-ped the stieiing b-vc-r of the a. roplane and pulled the trigger vontiolling the ma chine r that -hot the contrivain e along the monorail. To the spectator, who had -..ii Wright make flight after tli!it within the l.i-t two weeks there chugging of the motor, almost drowned the noie of clapping hand-. On it th-vv, and the whirring blade-, of the two pro-pi-lb-r- -ei'ined to bill a tli ji.iitt an revoir to the ujward-ga7ing throng as the -econd lap was begun. WRIGHT 1 J