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w 'aSSZaKHSKSSa UNIVERSITY MTSSOXJMAN. VOLUME I. COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. i 1 i NUMBER 7 I1HDEPENDENT" TO REAPPEAR Publication to Be Four-Page Weeklv, Printed Saturday Night. PATTERSON MANAGING EDITOR Will Be "Organ for Free Expression of Student Opinion." The Independent of the University f Missouri, u weekly student publica- ion which was discontinued at the Me aning of the pre-ent school term, will revived ;i a four-page weekly. rinted on Saturday night and delivered o subscribed on Mindny morning. . W. Patter-on. of Kana- City, wili er of the Itolliiis scholarship in the ticailemic Department last year and a--ociatc editor of the The Independent 1007-S, will be managing editor of the . ?. L t V.. Al... Eper. A commiiicc euoeu ov i" ard of Managers of the Independent ivill have charge of the editorial pol icy. The firt i m will appear next Sun- Bay. Bills announcing the revival ot the Independent were posted in the Uuiver itv buildings la-t night. The announce- nent read, in part: "At the stag reception Friday cven- ng, President Hill stated his regret at he temporary discontinuance of the ndependent. Therefore, and because here must be some organ for the free expression of student opinion, the In dependent will again appear." "Faculty Wants It." Merrill Otis, a member of the Inde pendent Roard of Managers, gave this statement to a reporter for the Uni- rersitv Missourian: At the V. M. C. A. stag social Pres- dent Hill said that he regretted that he Independent board had seen fit to liscontinue the paper, and that lie would ike to see it Parted again. A large lumber of faculty members also have Wged the publication and there has en a strong demand for it by students knd alumni. "The Independent will cover all the Friday night and Saturday pews that s not covered by any other paper. It ivill attempt to present the viewpoint f the students. The board as a whole vislies success to the University Mis- ourian, but it believe.- there .-liould be ome paper conti oiled entirely by the tndent body. In this the board be- ieves that it ha- not only the support )f the students and faetulty generally. Hit of the faculty of the Department f Journalism. This belief i- certainly ustilied the statement of the pur Kse of the University Missourian in its pening editorial." 3T0CK JUDGING TEAM IS OFF TO ST. JOSEPH Vine Students from Department of Animal Husbandry, in Contest. Prof. F. P.. Mumford ami Piof. E. A. rrowhridge. of the Department of Ani- nal Husbandry, left this morning for St. Joseph, with a stock judging team lomposed of the following students: Turner Wright, John E. llyhuid. J. T. L'ole, E. C OW'eal. II. P. Griffin. W. L. f-'owler, Earl an Xatta, H. E. MeXatt. knd Geoige C. White. This team hopes to win the highest number of points as a stock judging leam. The member- are well lit ted lor llie work, some of the men belli" mem- ers of la-t year's prize winning team. From tin- H-t there will be live men bicked to make the team and there will two alternatives. 'RESIDENT ROOSEVELT RETURNS TO CAPITAL Executive Addresses Cheering Crowd From Train Platform. f? United Pns. OYSTER 15AY. Sept. 22 President .onspw.i! departed today for Wa-hmg- on after his summer vacation. Three Ipecial ca's ,.lrried his part v. At the ion a cheering crowd gath- Ired and i't Pi evident made a -peech Iroin tln i. .i ii'.ittorm of the train. The lie-, was ... ..r,.. ,i,!(t lu wa- com- Ilel t. I i.. ,i i 1.....1- ,....-;,. '.I'll I 111' lll'ltll I'.lllX. Il.ll.llf- lyurj i. w m.-i. and children. The emliVm of the Chief Executive Ill- liinriuii.' i Iuuiti'.I l'loin the l!:v'- lole ai Hill, never again to be loisted tn,t,., ir. Koo-evelt should rain be eh- ted president. EVER EAT TOGOSCH? KING EDWARD LIKES IT, PARIS LEARNS It's a Fish the Size of a Large Carp, Much Appreciated by Gourmets. PARIS, Sept. 22 Some excitement was caused by the publication in the Paris papers of the menu given to M. Clemenceau and M. L vol sky by King Edward at Marienbad. At the head of the bill of fare fig ured the words, "Grilled Fogo-eh," and nobody in Paris knew what fogosch was. There wa- much speculation what the dish was. Fogosch is a fish about the size of a large carp, which is caught in hake L'alaton, in Hungary, and very mucn ap preciated by gourmet. An enterpris ing restaurant hetper here has tele graphed for a daily supply of fogosch to be sent to him packed in ice until Parisians have forgotten that it formed a part of the royal menu. COFFIN OF 400-LB. MAN IS TOO LARGE TO BE TAKEN INTO CHURCH Services Are Held in Open Air Over Body of Illinoisan, Borne on Baggage Tiuck. PI1IL0, III.. Sept. 22. The huge cas ket containing the ImhIv of L. C. Porter lield of Philo, weighing -HHI pounds, who died of heart disease, was borne to the church on a baggage truck. As the door was too small to admit the coffin, fun eral services were held on the church steps. Porterfield. who wa- one of the wealth iest men in Philo. had been an invalid six years. Instead of his illness decreas ing his weight it increased it. When be died his measurements were: Height, 0 feet 2 inches; breadth across shoulders. 315 inches; breadth across hips, 24 inches; girth of leg at calf. 24 inches. SENATOR SUNSHINE IS OUT OF WEATHER GAME BECAUSE OF CHARGES Gen. Cloudiness Takes His Place in Weather Campaign for the Piesent. Senator Sunshine has decided to with draw from the weather campaign on account of charges that he is in the employ of the ice trust, and his "dates" will be filled hereafter by Gen. Cloud iness. This announcement was made today by Manager Rceder as follows: "Cloudy tonight and Wednesday; cooler Wednesday.' The temperature at 2 p. m. was 77 degrees. TOO BAD! GATES SAYS HE'S AGAINST HUGHES Millionaire Real Peevish About Race Track Legislation. XEW YORK. 2 . John W. Gates, who returned from Europe to day on the Mauretania. said lie had found many lepublicans in Europe who had told him they would not vote either for Taft or Hughes, the reason for the first being that thev did not believe the president should be encouraged in selecting his successor, and for the sec ond because of his attitude on the race track question. "I certainly will not vote for Hughes." he said, "and I will have lots of company in the ranks of the repub licans. Hughes made an attack on per sonal liberty in his attitude regarding race tracks and the time might come, if such a course were kept up, where a man would find himself violating the law if he gave a woman a pair of gloves. A man I knew in IJuHalo, who has a block of husines, in Saratoga, told me that he had to close his Sara toga place because of Hughes. ""Many republicans that I have talked with have told me tiiat they will not register because they do not care to vote for I'ryan and they will not vote for Taft.'' INSANE MAN KILLS TWO WITH CROWBAR Mulatto Flees to Woods, Pursued by Guards. I'.y United Prts. WASHINGTON. 1). C. Sept. 22. Andrew Light foot, a mulatto patient in the liovernineiit in-ane ho-pital here, today became suddenly crazed and killed Patrick Malonev and Margaret Fallon. I patient-, with a crowbar. He e-caiH'd into the woods. Dtirsiied bv I I . Governments guaid-. hadley to Speak Here. lleiherr S. Ilndlev. renuhlicnn nominee for governor of Missouri, -peal; in Columbia Oct. ."!. at the Airdome Theater. is billed to at, 2 p. m "SHOW ME" MEANS ALL SORTS OF THINGS TO COLUMBIANS State Veterinarian Said in Washington Speech It Was Detriment. SOME THINK IT PROGRESSIVE Others Think It Insulting, Silly, Conservative What Do YOU Think ? It is clear that Columbia is divided against itself when it comes to discus sion of Missouri's great catch word, "show me." A canvass by reporters for the UNI VERSITY MISSOURIAN of prominent persons, for opinioi-. brought forth prac tically a diU'eicnt view from each. The discussion was provoked by the declaration of State Veterinarian 1). F. I.uckey. who lives in Columbia, while in Washington recently, that the "show me" spirit is the greatest detriment to the State's piogress. Press dispatches told of the utterance, but Dr. I.uckey has now returned to Columbia. Prominent business men, educators, and a clubwoman were asked for opin ions on the subject. What they said follows: Ingrained Doubt. In Washington Dr. I.uckey said: "No one would 1m' more frank than 1 to admit that the "show me spirit is the worst enemy of Missouri and man kind everywhere. Ft does not embody a demand for proof, but a stublxirn ad herence to prejudices. It is ingrained doubt. I never have been able to learn how it originated. Whether it is merely a laconic way of expressing a Missouri mind or whether it is merely a slang word that has long since been denatured, I do not know. But, for all its char acteristics 'show me' Missouri is one of the most progre-sive states of the country, and 1 am here to uphold its laurels." Dr. I.uckey corroborated this state ment after arriving here. In Kentucky, Too. Mrs. Anita M. McAfee, club woman: "The "show me' spirit is very com mendable. I like to have things shown to me. and like to show others. "There is a book called "The ISea-ou Why.' which everyone interested in this subject should read. I do not think, however, that the "show me' spirit is confined to Missouri alone. I am from Kentucky, and that spirit is manifested there as much as here. "It is the natural American charac ter. Without it Americans would not be 'Americans. This spirit is developed from babyhood, when the child lir-t be gins to ask questions, anil it continues to develop through life. "All in all, it shows that strength of character which makes the good man. and the good woman." Power For The Uplift. Mrs. G. 15. MeFarlane, clubwoman: "Whether the Show me' phrase means that we are ignorant, or whether it means that we are prone to shift things to the ljottom. to investigate thoroughly. I do not think it applies to Missouri more than to any other State. "Assuming, however, that it indicates a spirit of thorough investigation, I think it would tend to better the world, and to uplift all who adopted it as their motto to a higher standard." Dean Jones Says It's Silly. Dean J. C Jones. College of Arts and Science. "I do not know the origin of the expression 'show in".' and I am not sure that I understand its meaning. I may not agree with Dr. I.uckey. but do not disagree with him altogether. "If the expression is taken to mean that Missouriaiis are ignoramuses and that it takes any more showing to make them understand than it does the people of any other -late, then I think the ex pression does Mi-souri a great injustice. "P.ut if it is understood outside of the State to mean that Mi (nirian- are doubting Thomn-c and that they doubt every per-on or -'heme or plan, then it i- indeed an injustice to Mi ouri. I do not think the exprc ion or the -pint is any more applicable to this -tale than to any other. "1 regard the expression 'show me" as sillv." Commendable Spirit. George K. EIH-. secret aiy of the State Hoard of Agriculture. "Mi ouri people a- a rule are conservative and slow to take up with a new thing. They jnre not eaily -uccptih!c to "gold brick" I proHi,ition-. but iiiu-t be -hown that a thing is right before they take an;. jchan-cs with it. "Our p.-ople look l'Iow the surface I for results. The spirit of wanting to I12 I shown i- a commendable one to any peo HERE ARE VARYING VIEWS FROM COLUMBIANS ON FAMOUS PHRASE It is silly. It may be an insult. It is ingrained doubt. It shows sturdy conservatism. It is the spirit which brooks no counterfeit. It is an incentive to a higher standard. It is good if not pushed to extremes. It keeps us from buying gold bricks. It indicates a commendable spirit of taking nothing for granted. It means we're ignorant. It is proof of a desire to sift things to the bottom. It is a serious detriment to Missouri's progress. It is the shibboleth of the men who do things. It is the worst enemy of mankind. It embodies only a stubborn adherence to prejudices. It is a great advertising force. It is the natural American character. ple and 'show me' Missouri stands emi iieuttv distinguished among her sister states; and the reputation she lias at tained. I would attribute in part, at least, to this traditional term." Brooks No Counterfeit. The "man on the street:" "Show me' is typically Mi ourian. It is good idiom. It expresses the spirit of the Wet, of the men who do things, the men who have shown others and now demand that others show them. It is the spirit that will brook no counterfeit, that demands genuineness above all things. "It symbolizes the spirit of research anil investigation, of taking nothing for granted. "It can be applied equally to education and politics and to a game of draw poker. The Missourian wants to be shown be fore he is willing to hand out the coin. After he is shown, he is ready to go ahead, but not before. 'Show me' well, the Directoire gown seems to be filling the bill, all right, even though it does conic from Paris." It May Be An Insult. Dean II. B., Department of Engineer ing. "I think it is all right when used in a joking way, but it can also lw used as a term of insult. T have never given very much thought to it." Urges Golden Mean. Henry Jackson Waters, Dean of the School of Agriculture. "1 think the ex pression show me is not detrimental as long as it does not interfere with a man's doing a little investigating on his own part. I think that there are two extremes: Young Woman's Body Found Near Scene of Miss Schaefer's Death. rir Tnlted Press. BEDFORD, Ind., Sept. 22. A sensa tion was created here today through the discovery of the body of a murdered girl a few yards from the spot where Sarah Schaefer, a pretty school teacher, was murdered five years ago. Her face was flattened, as was Miss Schaefer's. The mystery of her death was never solved. The ImwIv is unidentified. U. D. C. OFFICERS ELECTED 1 Guy L. Sperry Chosen President of Students' Organization. (!uy I.. Sperry. a senior engineer, of i.ockwood. Mo., was elected president of the University Dining Club of the Uni versity of Missouri at the annual elec tion of officers last night at the Club, sperry succeeds W. C. Davidson, of Worth county, Mo., who was graduated last spring fiom the engineering de partment of the University. Three new members of the Club Council were elected: Walter Stewart. Xeo-ho. Mo.; Senior Alt. Kay Duulap. Mexico. Mo.. Senior Engineer; and 11. A. Smith, of Cornell. Iowa. Junior Law. Gymnasium Meeting Wednesday. The fir-t meeting of the -ttidtnts in Collide A in Phvsieal Education will 1' held to-morrow at 7:.'!0 p. in. at the Uni versity of Missouri gymnasium. All the men in gymnasium classes will meet t morimv at ."i p. m.. for a half-hour ses sion. It is not nece-ary to wear gym nasium dress to thi meeting. BEDFORD DAS NEW iilRDER MYSTERY one in not exhibiting the 'show me" spirit at all, and the other in exhibiting it to much. If one goes to neither extreme 1 think the expression a good one."' Unprogressive Class." Pi of. M. F. Miller, head of the Depart ment of Agronomy: "In my view the term "show me' tends strongly to the ridiculous or even to the antagonistic spirit. I think it is u-ed by people gen erally in a sort of don't-believe-you spirit, and that people outside of the state look upon 'show me' Missourians as a rather slow and unprogressive class." Great Advertisement. E. W. Stephens, former editor: "1 know of no similar expression so uni versally applied to any state. In my recent trip around the world I met with that expression almost constantly. The minute a person found out that 1 was from Missouri he would remark, "Oh, yes, you are from the state whose people must be shown. "This expression has been a great ad vertising force for the state. But it has come to be trite, and I am inclined to think that it is now used in a hu morous sense only. "However, if this expression conveys to the world the idea that a Missourian is a person who must at all times have evidence for the faith that is within him, it is highly creditable. "I am of the opinion that Missourians could get along exceedingly well without the expression, and that its use is an noying to many. Yet 1 do not believe that its use is detrimental to the best interests of the state. "I know nothing of the origin of the phrase." YEGGMEN EIRE OK Attempt to Blow Safe Failure, Robbers Make Escape a By United Press. WHEELING, Mo., Sept. 22. Yeggmen today attempted to blow open the safe of the Farmers and Merchants' Hank. The explosion destroyed the vault, but the safe was undamaged. The yeggmen fired at several men who atempted to arrest them, and escaped. The sheriir and and a large posse of men started in pursuit. GIRL BATTLES WITH CROWD; SHOOTS TWO Colorado Miss Declares She Fired To Defend Herself. CRIPPLE CREEK. Sept. 22. Armed with a rifle, Miss Annie Coplen of C.illett, twelve miles from here, fired as rapidly las she could into a group of men who ' were making a disturbance in front of her mother's home. J As a result Robert R. Veiling, partner of Sheriir Grimes in a cyanide plant at Gillett. was wounded in the head over the right eye and will not live. Wilbur Rand was shot in the left leg. Mis, Cornell was brought to Cripple 1 - - j Creek. Her mother declares that the 'girl fought a battle with the men and I won. According to the mother's story. !th- men wcie shouting and singing and Ithe girl -tepp-d out upon the front steps jand rctpicstul them to desit. One of the man. the girl declares, fired at her. She immediately seized a rille and returned to do battle. Mi Coplwi. iteing .1 dead shot, every bullet she fired found a niaik. As soon a- the two men fell the others fled. MISSOURI TOWN E IS "IN T" New Gown Makes Its Bow to Columbia, and Columbia Gasps. EVER SEE "CINDERS OF ROSES?" That's the Name of Shade Which is Very Latest Agony. That shocking creation, the directoire gown, "on living models," made its de but in Columbia yesterday. The models held a soiree at the Hotel Cordon, and Columbia hastened thither to see, and to gasp. One of the models wore what the neck-craning audience was as,ured was an exact duplicate of the gown which created a sensation at the Longchamps race course in Paris let's see, how long ago was it i only alout a month how wonderfully progressive these met ropolitan houses are. to In; sure! It was of clinging "banana" satin, this particular directoire, the skirt being slit ii the left side to the waist, and the model wore slippers and hosiery of "smoke" gray. AH who saw the gown were prepared to say what the shade of the hosiery wa. "Sheath Gowns," Too. It is not recorded that Columbia is investing heavily in the directoire gown. Those who went yesterday did most of their sightseeing in that section of the exhibit, but when they wanted to pur chase they chose more conservative styles. Several other directoire gowns and suits were shown; one a handsome black broadcloth, with Robespierre collar, deep lapels inlaid with Baby Irish lace, the coat slashed up the sides. A new shade, "'cinders of roses," and fine tucks are much in evidence on all gowns. Among other things shown were skirts made with empire girdles in the sheath stvle. "DRY" COHORTS TAKE INDIANA STATE HOUSE Praying and Singing Are Weapons in Local Option Fight. Bjr United Press. IXDHXAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 22. Dozens of special trains today brought hundreds of local option enthusiasts to lobby in favor of the local option bill before the special session of the legis lature. Praying and singing are kept up con tinually at the Statehouse, with the State Anti-Saloon League leading in the demonstration. The Senate today rec ommended the bill for passage by a vote of thirty-five to fourteen, but the fate of the measure in the house is un certain. Local option supporters charge the brewers with keeping several legislators drunk, so they will not be able to an swer roll call. FULL QUOTA OF CADETS Those Entering Late Must Buy Their Own Uniforms. Commandant Joseph Frazier of the University of Missouri Cadets said this morning that :U cadets had entered the Military Department. The appropriation provides for only .10!) uniforms and cadets entering after this limit is reached must buy their own uniforms. Hawaians Oust Whites, lly United Pre-s. HOXOLULU, Sept. 22. A movement has lieeii started here to oust all white men from elective offices in Hawaii. The Honolulu white police already have liven ousted. The Ilawaiians easily control the elec tions. Miss Paxton Recovers. Mi-s Mary P.ixton. a member of the Kapp.i Kappa Gamma sorority, is now attending elas-e alter -everal days in the Parker Memorial Hospital following 1 a nervous breakdown. Class Rush Tomorrow Night. The Freshman-Sophomore class rush will ! held tomorrow night on the campus of the University of .Missouri. Almut 2'0 are expectiil to take part on each side. O. D. Chrisinan, of Spring field. Mo., a senior engineering student, will Ik- field mar-hal. SH-H! DIRECTOIR OR MIDS .1 : "SI J 9 A i V "? M I ) jm, a. 4 -i $$&