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i UNIVERSITY MTSSOURIAN. VOLU3IE I COLUMBIA, 3IISSOUIJI, 3IOXDAY, APRIL li, 1909. NUMBER 133 FEASTS IN MEMORY OF 1 0 FOUNDER Alumni Will Celebrate Rollins Day in Many Missouri Cities Tonight. DR. RILL APPROVES THE STUDENT SENATE He Favors Undergraduates' Effort to Promote Self- Government. HE WAS BORN NINETY-SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY iTHREE MILLIONAIRES , LYNCHED BY MOB Texas Cattlemen Dragged From Jail by 1()0 Men At Ada. Oklahoma. r 11 ? PROFESSORS TO SPEAK J. H. Letcher of Salt Lake Writes of Portrait Which Was Burned. JAMES SIDNEY ROLLINS. I urn - vidiiev ltolliiis a- born Apnl 1''. I"1!-. at HicLmond. Ky.. .iinl dn 1 in Columbia. January !. Iss, He won tin- title major in the l.l.nk Hawk war of 1 . In 1S')4 In lini-hed the law eoiu-e in Tr.m--Ivania Cuivei-ity. at Lexington. lw.. and bean practice in Colum bia lie wa- elected to the legi-laliue in Is. ! and sin -ceded in pa iujr a lull u. at in-, and Iocatinj,' the state i:uivci-itv. He ran twice for !ov tiinir on the Whiy ticket, but .i (liiiatel i n.urow iiiai;:iit-. In l-wi and lSt'ii he was sent to C'oii it . Although a larire he voted for the thirteenth .iiixiiilniiiit abolishinjr s.laoi. He abl -.-loiid-d Senator .Mori ill in obtaining Horn (unfiles, the -.-rant .! land that bicame the louudation .I the A-iit College. In li 7- the emalors pa cd a It'-- ilution ('.cclaiinj; that "lames X llollin- ha i.umd the honoiable till.- I'alci I'liiMi-itatis .Mis-oinieii--i-." K'.l'lli- I).l baiKlliets will be held bv .i'iiimiii a oiialioiis of the l"niver-it. , Mis-oiui in main 31is-ouii cities to- i-Ji. Apiil l1' is the niiii tv--ev. nth inaivei-aiv ot th' birth of Majir linns s. l'oliin-. the "rather of the 1 niv. i-iiv of 3Ii--oiui." I'l.-id-ul Albeit l!o-s Hill is in Jop- "( the baii(li( t to be held at the t .Minor hotel. .Indue II. W. Ilinton dt- ,-nt.d tor t it y this iiKnniiiL to '.. pi.-.-ul at the (elebiation time to - ni-Jil. Major T. T. ( litleuden. Wil liam s. (.iwii.'id and l'obcit 15. Cald will hac ihiljic ot the Iianiiet. Ill'Ili- -I. I!. Coo.lliih. Ceiiel.ll II. II. ( iwdei and II. t'oniad aie the olh- i si.'.ikei-. Di. .1. (. .loi.o. dcin of the 'ollee 'i Ait and .s ieni e. and Mi, .lones and Mi Kv.i John-ton. a i-taut pio Ti oi of Latin, will attend the baii(iiet i the M. I.ouis Aliiinni As-oiiation. V. i ape Ciiaideau. a musical pioiam ill be follow (! b a 1iaiKiiet in the 'rail "I the Mate Voinial School. W'al- ' : Williams, dean of the School of loiunalisiu. will speak at the banquet. Dean Waters to Hannibal. H.-niv .1. Waieis. dean of the Colic-.- "i A-'ii-ultnie. is in Hannibal to deliver an addle. In ton- the hi-Ji -chool. An iiiloimal itteptioil will lollow foi the 'h'i -. I 1 students and foim-r tn- I -it, of mi I'nmisity of Mi omi. 1 mi I.nth-r Al. Defoe will speak at nillkoMie. Di. H. Ik Alm-tidt will af ' ml the banquet at 3lexiio. Dr. W. V (h.uteis -peaks at Spiiii-itii-hl. "-.M.lldiv nidit : ba-KpK t wa held i I 'ih cm bv sit foini-r stul-nt-j i..i i- th Dr. I-idr.r Loeb. ad . , , .. .... ....... I !' ii in ol tin "-eliooi oi i.diicauoi "I'd. the piiuiipal addross. Dr. I.oeb ) AIM ii- ii;i . ill .IV ill." ... ... . . .- ' i ni'.n today. Kts Portrait Burned, ii i lettii to the I'liiwi-ity "Mi- .. .11 t J I... Cl 1 ,...; . ...I... -. nil. .lenuM 11. iLet(l-ir of Salt I i .f' c I i.i'i. Jells iii a life-sie poi tiait I ( iei man com ", I mi.- s l.'ullin- jiaiute.l by ''IW-cx.uim. Ham. .. . . . 1 . , .!. !.,.. I I n I 1 i . 1 1 1 1 .iit-i lire-cum ii ." me i.--...'. ! I uiatoi- b (itieu- of r.oone ioiui-1 iii Is.'.. In the tin- whiih binned i ..i 1 I n:ci-itv buil.liiiL' the liiclme I th oid a bu-t by Caidmr weie ile-tioved. I no aie o'llv a tew p'lotopaph ( opie- i ' -Ik joitiait extent. ' I i- iii eiitatio'i eeicmonie I iclillllellielliellt week. l7'k "''" I lie i ' -- ill li-iialt ol lie nonor- .i- ,, i1. bv William 1". -witIer. Ilu-por-i ii an excellent likciie . was aiiept- 1 A -1. oiiant. an arti-t in behalf i- l.o.ud of t'uiator-. l'-v -pecial m itmn AI.ior iJolliiis made an ad - -ii whiih he -aid: I in "l.ililiid to know that the poor 1 - .- which I have ei.dcavoied Ii h. caii-e of iducltion -Hid civiii , w" ' ll,,v''"s, i'i 11 ,f appnviated n mv . . . . 11 'i- The 1 en monii ot tin 4'a 1 main with mt : lwa- "1 in.iiv. and all the more .a t. in:;.. I1e1.11:--. they 1 in in the pre-enec o! mv I.lit.i .lei. -.".it ' ", i.iv e tv- family 1 re!-anl it as a hiirh honor indeed I tin- i.urtrait. exe, nted bv my I 1...1 and hft-lonp fiier.d. Oeor-.'e C. ! 1 ii aain. is to find a permanent jdace Hid with the approval of thi- honor- TWO MEMBERS CHOSEN Ristine and Alexander Are Elected Members From Law School. Carl I.. Iti-tine and !. A. Alexander have been elected by the students ot the School of I-aw to the student sen ate of the University of 3Iissouii. The other departments will elect mcinbcis tonifjht or tomonow niht. The object of the M-nate i- to pio mote student sclf-f-oveiiiinent. The body will be compo-ed of reprc-cnta tive- from the diH"erent departments or-'.inied aloiur the lines of the student senates at Vale and li.uvaid univer sities. .Tust what poweis the or:;aiua tion will have has not vet been decided, but it is expected it will do much ot the woik now Itciii-r done by the dis cipline tomii'ittic of the t.uillty. The movement of the students to establish a student '-enate has been appiovcd by l'lcsident Hill and membeis of the fac ulty. Societtes Started Movement. The movement anion;; the students to eh ct a repiesentativc student oij.'ani at ion was -laitcil li seeral oiietie-. They woiked out plan- and jncsi-ntid them to l'lcsident Hill, who expieed "hi- nppioval of -uch an or-Miiiation. Miily juuioi- :inii seniors :(e eliLlkh to uieliibclship. The ilectioiis will take jikue in April of each jur. and t In tel in of olliie will be one car. The new membeis will woik with the old senate fiom Apiil to .lime, but will not take ollice until the follow in" Septem her. The Schools of Law and L.iineei inr. the College of Alts and s( iem e and the I CoII.'-ji- of Apieiiltim will be 1 1 pi (-sent ed ill the senate bv two -indents each. The s(hoiils of Mi'dii inc. -Idiu n.ili-m ' and Kducation will b ieiue-(Ut(d bv , om nator (ach. I i Approved by Dr. Hill. Dl. A. I'o-s Hill, j.i.-sideiit of the I univei-ity. -aid: "I he.utilv appiovej of the movement to ni-Miiie a student -( nate. The admiiiistialiou of the uni- i vei-ity ha- been oii-ideiin the i Ii.mi: inu of the lilies in onhr that students mi-iht be lepre-elited on the (li-cipline ' (ommitlee. but if a student senate is or-aiiicd that will not be ncreaix. ! . i I he senate would do awa with a meat (hal of the woik of the di-iililue ( om miltee. The (li-(ipline loniniittee then would act as a -oit of touit ol ap p. al-. The stndi-nt senite should nave in r duties than tho-e lel.itin lo (lis , i iplinc. whiih onlv : sin.ili item hue' M. 11. WINS DERATE! Kansas Loses in Argument on Question of Ship Subsidies. -ulb led defial at the hai'd of 3lissomi ih bat. i- for tin -ixth line out of tin. Situid.iv iii-ilil. b.-fon- a -mall audiinci- in the aiiditoiiuin ot the L"niver-ilv of Mio'iii. I . I!. Stone an-1 A. II. Ii-kaddim wen the 3Iioini (lebatei-. while 31. . Locke and L. II. cd th, l niV( r-itv ol .... ipie-tion wa-: Ib'-ohed. that lnit(d State- .1ioiiI(1 eiiioiuap'l nieidiant maiiue bv sidi-idie- audi boiuities." Kan-a- uphold the allirma ti(. and 3Iionri the negative. 1(. .-tliimative -iient inmli time in plovillj.' the illellicielicy of tin iiituii.ini . . lth..ii-.'h 3li-ouii iiad admitted i III. II III.-. jmint. The jud-e- -aid tin- wa- an impoitant tactor in the du i-ion aaiii-t Kan-as. ' The deiision for 3Ii-ouii for iinani-j mnu-. it..r ihe deliite. the debalei-. iudjie- members of the ilebatimr -ijuad tlij ;mit,.(1 ,I(.,t, as-embl.-d in the . . ( -. ,. rotim ft.r iifri-liiiipnt-. j The ind-'e- of the debate were: .Jud-ie , -'- --- - --- The jlldjje, of the debate were: .Iude , - Iiltii V. Spent ei. of St. Loiii-: -T. .1. 1 . . . . ... . . , Ti-.'ert. of Central Colic-.,-. Fajetti. 3Io.. ! . Ciiultir. of tho Xormal ,ih(il. War- i roiisbur-.' State I To Talk on Etchings. reihni'iue. Under-tandiii'i and "'Ihe Appreiiatiou 01 Etchings' will be the 1 -ubjei't of a di-cu-ion toniht at oMoik in the 3!ueiim of CIa-iial Ar-chaeolo-V by Dr. .Inlin I'ickaid. Dr. W". ;. l'.rown and Prof. -L ". Ankmey, Jr. SAVED CHILD F M BURNING 1 . I The House of Mrs. Bert Casev at 1001 Locust Destroyed This Morning. HAD A NARROW ESCAPE Negro Discovered Flames and Awakened the Woman Rescue of Daughter. 3h-. licit t a-e.v baielv had tune t - save hei-elf and her ai-old (l.m-:htei. Mil-;.!, alter the had been (ii-iovi leu ill tier iiome ai tool i.o.-u-i i -tiiil at " oVIoik this nioinin-.'. All ol her ilothiii" ami fuiuituie wen i bill iii (1. The fialile house va de- stiovid. i 3li-. ( .i-ey wa- awakeihd by Illia-( Xoilis. a iicv-io. who s.iw the lire a- he I wa- roiii'i lo woik in the iiei"hboihood. ' iXoiii- laiiiiul on hi r wiiiilow. Kuuiiiii-; , lo the door, -he wa- env loiinl in a 1 i timid of -moke fiom the middle of th" hon-e. when- the (in- had staite.I. Th-n Mis. 'a-,,v. ,h.,,ki-r only of the child. I back into the loom. She leliuiic.l with little Mil-:a in her amis and -art- ed into the wi-t pait of the hou-e to ai on-. Thom.i 1 X.ithan Maxell. looiiici-. lint the ,.' beeome -" inteii-e that -he wa- ((impelled to dc ' ... i. ......... .....i .. .i "' ('--.--' '" " .u"ii.i- iin- ioiiiih i. " (all"'-.' to iiiem Horn te nstnet. The tin- depaiiment wa- tailed, but '"- win-tie (oui.l not i.e mi lr l.irt By I'nIM i':ts "" -. The men had tiouble with uXTA.TIXOI'LII. April 1!. De- "' h.hant near the hnu-e and won- j,-,,. lll(. , t tlMt telerapli serviie lorced to stnn- ,i,e J,o-e n.mi one two;tl u m, ,, ,.,. ri..tnnI. iit,j,. blocks a way. 'new, i, l-inc tnmi tl,..r.. .mil ""-- l ",.v - nnalile to -ave any , """ ''" l-t Iiinir cxiept the ni-.-ht drc- ' '- The loomei, fairied out '"'"' "w" trunk- and one owned by j she woie. The looin-l- t "'" "" trunk, and one owned by -Mr- Ca,.-. but this was prarticaliy 11. r . . 1 ... .1 .. .. .... i"Ity. -x,r""- '-' liu-li.ind departed xe- Iteiday for Kaiisa, City. The house i I owned bv 3Irs. C. J. Collier, who lives, next door at luS Soutli Tenth street. -t wa -,,.,,,1 f(,r -..,, . COnteiit, for .the -ame amount. Tin can of the in. i, not known. The Haudolph county -tiidents will hold a nieetin-.' in room AA. Academic hall, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. . ---... .,,..,-. .--... ............ A. sVHR '' mtfWf&Bm James S. Roliins, K.yiiiek of iiik L'mvfusitv. T III above i ut is a reproduction ol a pho'oiaph of the iclebiatcd lile--ie pui 1 1 ail of .lames iiliif I.'cllin-. paiutdl bv the "Mimiii ar lisl. Imn'i. V. Itiuham. and pnsented to ihe I'o.inl of 'I'liratois li litieiis ol lfoone i mint in li7.'. Ill the liit whiih de-troV(d the old u.iiei-it biiildiuir this painting and a bust by Caiducr vveie lost. I nl a lew ilioti-;rai!i!( - (opies ot the portiait aie extant. The nit was - tu to tie l":iieiit Mis-ouiian by .lei i old 1!. Lett In r. ileik of the I'liited ."slates (ouils at Silt Lake (in. Utah. Jlr. I.ctclur is an alumnus ot the Tiiiveisi tv ot Mi ouii. bavin-.' n.:iH it t Iiii . lie- of S V.. ill Is.!: II. - Ii7i;. and I.I.. !!. Is7.-.. A FROST TONIGHT ll I IIUU1 IUI1IUII I rPllP Vf:irllPr Riirp;iu Piwlift, Cold Weather in This VicillitV. Act oi din! in the weather foieta-t tln-ie will be frost in tiii- vicinitv to- iiif-ht. It will be lair and moler to ..:..i.f -r.... .i :n i i.. ..i i. .... " ' . . wuii li-in-; tempi i at lire, t o'timlxa was ..,,,' , . i vi-itnl bv thillideistiiinis e-teldav audi la-t iiif-ht. The rainfall 'wa- .4Si,,ih. I ''"l Il,-"t u"' ""'"," - - ""-" 'J'" tmiperatui.-s tor today K.IIovv : 4" H a. m. .. Ar, S a. in Ar, 1-2 moon) Hi ' 4ii I p. m. . J7 1" - "- 47 2 p. m. . 4!l MASSACRES STILL IN PROGRESS .... ,, . . j, 'hi inn. IJotli were Teleeraph Operators at Adana Said to Have Been Murdered. j, i--tat-d that neail. all the teleiaph .....ratoi- have b. . 11 killed. It 1- thou-ht ihe ma-acic- aie -till in pio;.' r.. tlir.m--lii.iit th.. .ii-nin r,. throughout tti- . ..... ... .... . DR. MATHEWS WILL RETURN Di. lmil(r 3Iathew ditor of "The W'orld Todav." will addn the State Library A,-oii.iti'Hi. at it- annual 'mietinj; whiih will be held in Columbia in Ottoln-r. Dr. .Matlu-w, wa- invited by II. . .S'Veranee. pre-ident of the as.oiiatioii. ar.d ancptid wh-n lie vi--ited the of 3Ii..ouri la-t Iw.ek. KNIFE BLADE T HIS LEFT L Carl Knight. Horse Trader, Stabbed After a Quarrel ' Over Wrestling. T-wn ATJBWGTfi IPli! MATIP. ' Jollll and Abraham aUblett Charged With the Crime Condition Dangerous. (... Kni.iJ. a hor-e tiaibr. who al-o ,!,., ,!,- ,. .,i,nt town, wa- stabbed i'i the back Situid.'. iii-lit in liht mar th- in-iiii lanch car at Walnut and Ki"hth inci. The knife p-'iie- tiatnl hi- hit Imi. and lie i- in a d.ui- -.ii.ti- londitioll al hi- home m the ( ai lb aildition while wa- taken iiniiie 'diatdv allei leieivin-' tieatnidit at the il'.uk-r Memoiial -bilui and Abraham -.nbh-tt aie held at tl unt.v Mail, awaitiiii; a tiielimiiiarv Ik.iiiii-.'. ; . . i- ;., I nev a)e ai .iisid ol attackmi; lui-:lil. K-' i,'"! -V'-"" "''' 'K'-y " , . .,.,. j . . Mtn w- , t (I1 , , . I,.tn.l .. ii.l "is-iii -. h. Ifoth .l"'m j ( t, ,,,..,,,.. s,l,.tt w.-r- eita'.'( d in '.,' '. th K)I;ht u!l(I t. ...lin - anivid. .lo'ni sublett. iiouiver. -aid ihat he was trvin-j to pull hi- brother lelnl ov el a Wle-llltl-: lll.lti ll. In Ille an.-t.d bv I' Mit.h.II. mid ' taken to ih . it v j.,il. Att.-rwaid ih.- taken to th- "untv jail. Two l.t- tie. of whi-ky and a bloo.h knit- vv. r - f,,nd in their pockets. ' . j,,,,, .,.! .br.iham Snblett. and th-ir .1 1....11 ..r.. in the -lii.otiii'' and llllir iri"un 1 - "' ( ...,.-- , uttiiii: Ii"ht with a wild v.ct -how whiih wa. in oliiiubia la-t Au.ll-t. tine -how man wa, stabb-d and oth-r- wen- injured. Knight'- tamiiy 1, 1:1 de-tituK ,r" de-tituW (ir- fiim.tame.. lie ia -ix -iimh ciiikii-". and hi. wie i- ill with (on-umption. I A -nb-cription wa- taken for th-m in ' the fhiin In- e-teid.iv. Thi- -tabbin-.' i- the third oie in Columbia in the la-t three da-. Second Columbia Team Won. The ,t c oml baball team of Colum bia defeated the A-hland team j-.ter-lav bv a .(ore of !" to 10. WERE HELD FOR MURDER Deputy Sheriff Is Assaulted i When He Refuses to Give Up Prisoners. t Hr I'nl'pil Irc-. ADA. Okla.. April 1!). A mob of 100 men lvmhed .1. 1,. AIHI.t. 15. K. lirovvn. Ii-s-e W. Alhn and doe Allen, million aile cattlemen nt Cinnliiii T.. li..n. I . this luornin-.'. The exiitement today is ' int n-e. 'I In hiob eiitenil the jail at '5 oVUhI. this inorninir and demanded the pris oners. L'poll the of the deputy sheiill" to -uriemler the men. he was assaulted and the pri-oncis were diag--.'((1 out despite his protest-. The cattlemen were held for the murder of I'liited States A. A. Kobbitt. lVbiuarv J7. HANLY IS SHOT AT Bullet Enters Seat Behind Former Governor On Train in Indiana. Ily I'liilcil Prc-e. FIXDI.IIV. Ohio. April 111. .1. 1'rank llanly. foimer j-ovenior of Indiana, baiely i-siapul assassination near 31 nu nc, hid., Satinday. A bullet entered the seat directly Ix-hiiid the one in whiih .Mr. Manly was shunt: on a I-ikc--hore train while it was passing thiou-.'h the -mall town of Orestes, near .Mimic-'. It is thought the shot was intended for Manly on aciount of the part he took in -.'ettin-; local option for India na. He was oiii-; from Indianapolis to Cleveland. 31 r. Ilanlv Ii-L-tmeil at the University of .Missouii ten davs a-.'o. NEW JUDGE FOR THIS DISTRICT n. D. Thurmond of Fulton, Named by Governor Hadley. .ILITKKSO.V CITY. April 1!). Hov el nor Hadley approved today Senator , .Majoi's bill i-stabli-hin-; the Thirty- i fonith iudiiial i iiejiit. (oniix.sed of the iioiintics ot llooiie and l-illauav. and i lew mimil-s i.uer aiipoiuiiit .x. i. 'Ihiuniond of Fulton, jud--- ol the new i in nit for a term expirin-; .lanuary 1, l'.ill. Mr. '1 liiirmoiid ol l'lilton. and X. T. Centrv ol ( oliiiiibia. were the only I'l-pulilican landidate-. The latter is one of the lawver- appointed on Ihe revision i oiiimi ion and was a i-taiiL attorney -;:':icr.i I imilcr Covernor l. until la-t fall. .Mr. Thiirnioiid -erved ii- the oiifcd n.tle aimv ai-d repii-ciili d J'aliaway (oiiuty in the hoii-e .cveral tiiiK. as a Democrat, lb- lett that patty, however, in li'.'i!. The name of II. W. Ilinton of Colum bia, a Demoiiat. was pn ontcd al-o. GIRL BASKETBALL PLAYERS DINE I Members of Freshmen and Junior Teams Entcrtamed by Captain, I m; i.y,. i'rai-.' ami 3li- Lvda Dalton. laptain- of th- junior and fie-hm.-ii ba-ketball turn-. ri-i-liv(- jlv. .ue a limit r part.v for their lir-t ! team, vcterdav at IC-ad hall. The ta- bb w..- d.d.ratcd with red and white i .... . .i -ri (arnaiioti-. iik uani. oior-. t n..-e it n vvu.-: .Mi-- i.Ia.iv- rai-.. .mi-h , i dive s.epard. Mi- Lola a-tileo. .Mi-. I H.-b n Wvnkooj.. Mi-- hm i s lniiull. ! ii-s lldna Anibr-oii. .Mis, Lvda Dal- (ton. 3Ii- Lucy Dii-kin-.n. -Mi- Faith ItoiiK-y. 3Ii X.-II S.hult. 3Ii-s Lil- . Han Kitter. .Mi-s M(dli- Colouiu, and .Mi-. lutiita Fink. JQ JEL FOREIGNERS OF "STUNT" . , Notice of Countv Fair Translated into 1 Many Languages. To advi-rti lh ir annual county fair I th- .indent, in th- C!l(j.c of Ajrriciil 1 ture of the I'liiver-ity c.f 3Ii--uti will ! publi-h their notiie of tie- "-tunt" in all the'-. in which it '-an In I written bv tin facultv of fon-i".n lan- ;:iia?- and th- iik mber. of th- Co !iioiolitan club. The county fair will Im- next Thur-s-dav on the .late farm. lCVntinur.1 rn Third Tagc.)