FIFTH YEAR COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, TUESfcAY, JANUARY 2S, 1913 NUMBER 1 . . BETAS HOW OCCUPY HEW $31,000 HOME Will Celebrate Opening by Reception to Faculty and Students, Feb. 27. W M FOR 30 MEN Three-Story Brick House at College and Keiser Designed by Fraternity Member. , The Beta Tbeta PI chapter bouse College and Keiser avenues has completed. It is a three-story building accommodating thirty The bouse and lot cost 0. In the basement there are laundry, ler, coal and trunk rooms, two for servants and a chapter On the first floor there -are reception and dining rooms, can be thrown into one room, Jer's room, kitchen aad cloak and quarters for the chaperon. , The second floor contains seven oms, two snower baths and two closets. On the third floor there seven bedrooms and one shower a. The house was built by Roth and St Louis architects Mr. 'Roth i a graduate of Washington Unlver- ' and a member of the Beta Theta i fraternity. feuld A. Sturgls, who was gradu- I in civil engineering here in 1911, general supervision of the bulld- Lee Tate assisted him. The ig was begun April 1. The formal opening of the house be February 27 to March L On i first day there will be a reception faculty and students. This (foe followed by a dance the next and a banquet the last day. STEPHENS JUNIORS ELECT Ella Batherferd Chesea Freak eeet at Meetfaa; Yesterday. iflteerge Burks of Slater, Mo., is in nbla visiting his daughter Marie, la a student at Stephens Col- Mr. Burks entertained the Tar Club, of which his daughter is nber, at dinner last night 'Mrs. J. A. Davis of Oklahoma City here visiting her daughter Edith Stephens College. Ina Estes spent the week end in town with Mrs. P. H. Lawless. ItTae junior class elected Miss Eula erford president at its meeting ay, to succeed Miss Jeannette who has Joined the senior Miss Wilma Scruggs was ted vice-president I'The Beta Sigma Omicron sorority ed open house given by the chapter at Chrisian College sight TOLD OF STEEL FENCE POSTS C Sfceir Explained New Method of Enclosing Fields. I A noonday luncheon was given to- at the Virginia Grill to about aty-flve farmers by the Charles aews Hardware Company. C. C. a representative of the Ameri Steel and Wire Company of Chi- gave a talk ana demonstration the use of steel fence posts. Mr. Shoff told the history of the poBt, how it was invested by Indiana farmer 'and finally sold 1 the American Steel and Wire Corn- He said that for some time the ny was suspicious of the use steel posts, but that their use had oe a necessity. He explained the of galvanizing the posts. He i'ulzed their benefits as lightning Bl Jrs to stock, as well as having ; wearing quality. BROADHEAVS WILL FILES Nieces aad Nephews Jtaaed to Receive Her Freaerty. will of Mrs. Victoria R. Bread- was -Jed today. Mrs. Bread- led iyarren Swltzler ef Osaa- ad Frank L. Headenea of St as executors asking that they without giving bond aad with- I compensation. C B. Jgohaatnw Miss Lera V. Baskett were the sses. Broadhead distributed her es- aong many nephews aad jrieees "d-neaaews aad graai nieces. many valuable trteaeta aad Ithat she had prised MaWy. selected sosM ef mar srxfrtoada. to aTv. aa totofcet ETJ SLTmS ne to. aaea amce warn m ! will and the raetotoat 'taai AGAIN TBE WEATBBB CMjfteig TMs Tiae Tm WM Need Tear Over. The United states Weather Bureau ays we will hare fair weather tc toat aad Wednesday with tempera ture below freeing. Here are the hourly temperatures: 1 - 37 11 a. m. 31 8 35 12 (boob) 30 a. m. 35 1 p. as. 2t 10 a. bl 32 2 p. m. 29 ALL-STEEL CABS FOB WABASH BaHway OsMals Hake laWal Trto New Train. The Wabash Railroad Company yes terday inaugurated the first all-steel train service across Missouri, the first tralB de luxe leaving Union Button at m. Louis at 9 a. m. for Kansas uqr, arriving there at 6:20 p. m. A party of railroad officials aad their friends made the initial trip, going as far as Moberly aad returning on the first east-bound steel train, which reached St Louis at 6:30 p. a. The first dinner oa the new dining car was served ea route with General Passenger Agent McNamara as the host aad Mrs. McNamara the .hostess. The Pullman, dining, observation aad baggage cars aad" day coaches are entirely steel. Axle motors furn ish electric light, each car having aa Individual dynamo. The cars next to the engine have the ends below the floor constructed of aa immense steel casting in one piece, with an upright steel end frame affording protection against telescoping. The entire equip ment was designed and modeled bj the most expert engineers and car constructors with the view to creating the greatest possible safety efficiency. All the cars are heated with vapor steam. At St Charles a delegation of. citi zens was at the station to extend con gratulations to McNamara. The busi ness men's organization of Moberly met the party at the depot in automo biles aad a ride over the town was enjoyed. WASHINGTON HEBE NEXT WEEK Mtsaadentaadiag Ceases Games to Ceae to ExaaUaetiea Week. The next basketball games to be played by the Varsity will be Febru ary 5 and 6 with Washington Uni versity. When the schedule was made out at the beginning of the year. the athletic board thought that the examinations would be held at the same time as they usually have'beea held the last week in January. The examinations this year come the first week in February. The last week in January has no games scheduled in it while the first week in February has these two games scheduled. The games cannot be cancelled be cause Washington is just" starting oa a trip at that time aad must have these games to fill out the trip. Washington has played only Ames this year, beating them by practically the same scores that Missouri plied up. The Ames coach told Prof. C L. Brewer that the Washington team was very fast and, though light they put up a very good game. THEY GET BEFUNDS ON FABES BaOreads Return 'to VfeKIac Fi ers Charges Above 2 Cents a MSe. T. C. Wilson, secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, is obtaining from the railroads a refund of all mere than 2 cents a" mile paid by visitors Farmers Week. All of the railroads agreed to give a 2-ceat rate, but many agents did not have the proper tickets. The farmers were therefore charged full fare aad given receipts. Over-charges are returned upoa the DreseataUoa of these receipts through Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilsoa is receiving many applications for return of over charges oa fares. TJalventty H. S. to Elect The sealer class of the University High School dav as 'Tell elected officers yester- a.v a 'fallows: rrestaeat. t Owles; vlce-preswent, miss jeswe Hill; secretary aad treasurer. Miss Marjorle Jones. M U v8MaWW A committee treat the UalTerslty is going through the dsffereat depart meats of Stephens Ceitoae'to flat Mt the ataadiag of. . jCreeectseew toc the result ef tMsrwork. witt, he glvea at to abeeta . '. r. Wi F. Cetor'JhrFa: Trto. Dr. W. F. CaUer-yabrattto.altor- the wmmri-r to a fall at the Mkvrtl UJtilir -r CamwJaMa, Uraiinli.. last weefc The tohy :-ai ", 'j, . rT y ,. I b-' t Jt''''tj? atoieJIa aad jmummr, j SSjMSSSfe " (t A I M PREDICTS MATE ; WORLD PEOERATtOI Arthur D. Call of American Peace Society Speaks at Assembly. SETTLED 11 DISPUTES Nation Spends 72 Cents Out of Every Dollar for War, He Says. The ultimate federation of all the world was predited at Assembly this morning by Arthur D. Call, executive secretary of the American Peace So ciety of Washington, D. C. This conception of the world has been long In coming but it is apparent now. From the times when our an cestors hung by their tails from trees this thing has been coming about. From the savage stage, up through the barbarian state to the present civilization, the inter-dependence of one man upon another has grown." Mr. Call began his speech by telling of some of the discouraging things In our present state relative to the peace movement He was Introduced by President A. Ross Hill as a peace worker, college man and former foot ball player at Brows University. "Every time a thirteen-lnch gun is fired enough money has gone up in smoke to buy a comfortable home," said Mr. Call "Fire it twice aad you have spent enough for a college edu cation, and three times means the ex penditure of a respectable clergy man's salary for a decade. We could build 1,000 locomotives with the price of a battleship; we could teach 75,000 persons a trade or give "24,000 a col lege education with this money. Tee Much Emphasis ea War. "Seventy-two cents out pf every dol lar taken in by the government of the United .States h- spent ea something pertaining to war. Two billions of dollars are spent oa war In the world every year. "I believe our histories are all wrong ia their emphasis on war as the primary factor in social evolution. There is too much of this emphasis at least To my mind, law, industries. inventions and ideas are the Impor tant factors in this evolution. I be lieve we could find as many worthy traits ia the more peaceful charac ters in history as 1n the 'military he roes. ' I "Here's an example of the ethics of war. Imagine President Hill aad I have adjoining houses. I tell htm the fence is six inches too far oa ray prop erty. He says no. We have a fight about it He gets me down by the throat and I cry for mercy swearing that the fence is where it ought to be. That's the ethics of war' aad we both received our ethics at the same fountain." President Hill and Mr. Call studied ethics under the same professor. Peace Heveawat Begaa fa 1815. "The primary fact about life is that all life exists that there may be more life. This principle is back of all our institutions though It Is only lately that we are realizing it We can see this principle at work In the dande lion. Unhampered the dandelion grows about a foot high. On our lawns, mowed down with lawn mow ers, It blooms nevertheless adapting itself to its environment and growing close to the ground. It carries oa its function, however, aad so does man evea though mowed down with such things as war. "The beginning of the modern peace movement came ia 1815 when Europe was sick of war. Since that time it has grown and as aa out come of the national and internation al peace societies we' have had two Hague Conferences and settled eleven dkpates which might have resulted la war." Feu? selections by the University bead were glvea before Mr. -Call's speech. President Hill said he had not expected another Assembly pro gram aatll after the examinations. However, Mr. Call having beea ia St. Louis, he took the opportunity to brine, htm here to speak. No other Assembly will be held until February IS. Bm TaMer, a short eovrse stadeat ae- Parker Memorial mspKal. Be ed has arm hi a fan at the CITY NEEDS ihi FRESH-MR SCHOOL According to Miss W. T. Bry- amt,35 Children Come From Tubercular Homes. FOUR ARE KEPT OUT Visiting Nurse Aims to Con trol Spread of Disease by Preventive Measures. Is there a need for an open-air school in Columbia? Because ot the number of pupils that attend the pub lic schools from homes where tuber culosis exists, some say that it la evi dent that some means of segregating such pupils should be established. Miss w. r t T. Bryant visiting nurse of the; Charity Organization Society, saya that there are about thirty-five children going from such homes to the public schools. Not only is there danger' of the healthy children con tracting the disease but the children who may already be affected are less able to recover while attending the regular' schools. "Children who have a tendency toward tuberculosis offer less resist ance to the effects of Impure air," says the visiting nurse "and when they have to sit In closed school is with healthier children they endanger themselves and others." Bar Seme Frem Classes. Miss Bryant says that there are four white children In Columbia that are kept out of school on account of tuberculosis. Three of these are more than eight years of age. She says that all of them might be at tending classes and their recovery aided if Columbia had an open-air school. The visiting nurse calls on fifty-six patients, regularly. There are about seveaty-ftve: 'tubercular invalids la town. Miss Bryant devotes most of her efforts to preventing the spread of the disease rather than to its cure. She instructs the well and the sick In measures of precaution. Net the Climate's Faalt Last year 4,000 persons died in Mis souri alone from tuberculosis, while only 450 died from smallpox' in the entire United States. Miss Bryant says that these figures do not mean that the Missouri climate.-is especi ally conducive to the disease. . On the other hand, she says that our climate Is well adapted to Its favorable treat ment According to some authori ties, Missouri climate is as favorable for the treatment of tuberculosis as the high altitudes of Colorado and New Mexico. "" Jt is the negligence aad careless ness of the people in this state that causes such ravages of the disease. "Oftentimes the work is discourag ing", says Miss Bryant "for people seem to be so careless about follow ing instructions. On the other hand, the patients are glad to have me come, aad many ot them co-operate efficiently in the work." Miss Bryant works eight hours a day for the sick. She visits seven or eight patients each day. TELEPHONE BOOHS REMODELED Rest-KeeaH far Operators Are Cam nitHsly JMfsaisaea. J. A. Hudson, manager of the Col umbia Telephoae Company, has im proved the telephoae quarters oa Ninth street The operators' rest room has beea converted iato a com fortable drawing room. The approx imate cost of refurnishing totals over $390. The old mission style furniture is all of solid oak. To Mr. Hudson's more substantial furnishings. Miss Potter, the chief operator, has added a f emtotae touch with pictures, curtains aad table eevers, together with hooks and C C XeCeHaa Heats Al The Atheaaeaa Debating Society recently gave a aaioker to celebrate its haviag.a majority of the meaibers of the dnbsrlag team. C.:C. htoCol laat was elected arasMsa; P. H. Wyatt, vlBsprsaUsataad. Paul a Sprinkle ssraaaat-at-anaa. , " . 1. 4 r. . aersffM-JaassaM Twe. Ban -leinreed'aetfTBss Myr- takea fate Theta aarorfcty la (5 at at' Kwas-K v. Maaayjc sirs Maaaa "rwlvtae; lMsjerary tmm sfaa-'aM ear at the '" 't to si aW flat 'JSJ-f .- -ft 7.' '? tt-v e - - f T? - 14 HEET, ON JBACX SCBEBVLE aaVSOVvM; HvWir W JKOTv AVI The schedule for' the track team, which has Just beea completed, to probably the meet complete that the University has had' la several years. There are six indoor aad eight out door meets. The team will have three big dual meets besides the large In vitation meets. Ia the last two years there have beea oaly two dual meets and in the year before, only one. Two of the dual meets will be held here and the other at Lawrence, Kan. "We don't have enough mea out to give us the second aad third places In the race," says Prof. C. L. Brewer, "and because of that we will have a hard time to win the dual 'meets." There are about seventy mea out for the team. The oaly mea that are sure to win are those that can win first place. If the opposing team takes as many firsts as the Univer sity does aad besides this can get the seconds and thirds, it will win the meet Mr. Brewer urges every man In the University that thinks he can do anything to come out for the team. The coaching of the team will re main in the hands of Mr. Brewer this season. Many of the Varsity track men, when they heard that there would be a new coach here this spring, went to Professor Brewer and asked him to continue with the team. The system which is used here was worked out by Professor Brewer aad T. E. Jones. If a new man came in, be probably would try a system of bis own. This would throw the mea out of their accustomed work. Oa ac count of this, although without a doubt there will be a new man here soon, Mr. Brewer will continue, the work with the team. The schedule for this season Is as follows: Indoor meets: March 1, K. C. A. C. invitation meet at Kansas City; March 14, annual K. U. meet at Con vention Hall, Kansas City; March 15, M. A. C. meet at St Louis, to which the relay team and some special mea will be sent; February 14, freshman sophomore meet; February 21, Var sity meet; March 7, athletic cami- Outdoor meets: April 12, Univer sity of Minnesota here; April 19, Mis souri Valley' relay games, at Des Moines; April 26, Pennsylvania relay games, to which several individual stars may be seat; May 3, annual high school meet; May 10, Kansas Aggies, here; May 17, K. U. at Law rence; May 31, Missouri Valley meet at St Louis; June '7, conference meet a Chicago. '" ' MBS. A. K. BOGIES WILL SFEAK Wife of Ja u rjpefesser to Address Wosea at Maes Hestfag Mrs. A. K. Rogers, wife of Profes sor Rogers of the department of phi losophy, will speak at the mass meet ing of women Thursday afternoon. The meeting will be held at 2:30 o'clock ia taej.ejreuit courtroom. Every woosaaVjauColumbla has beea invited to atteaeTthJs meeting the ob ject of which is to lay plans toward making Columbia a better town to livea In. Mrs. W. W. Charters says the wo men of Columbia haVe already dis played great interest la improving the city. She estimates that a thous and women will attend the meeting Thursday afternoon. ., Mrs. Rogers has beea actively en gaged la social work la Beetra for more thaa a year. She has taken part la the ight for better feed aad ia the child welfare work. C, C SOMBITT ENTEBTAIN8 Heathers ef CsBege FaeaMy aad Tewa Pttsajnla dQsamaW a pftASMalss W- Mt vvbto mjajma? em V Jaaamsajsma; MW9WW9m Members ef Beta Sigma Oadcrea sorority of Christian College were at home to members ef the eeUege fac ulty and town people at their chapter house last aight. The decorated with palms aad smUax The cetors of the sorority, pink aad red, were earriei eat' to the towers aad .lees.. The active members ef the eaaater are: Misses MHee AraeM. gertoa JU-, ehJsoa, Sara Taaeey, Kttaabeth Davis, Rheha Wetoh. Mariaa'jBeloasr. Oraee Wtoa. Dorothy Jaae aaaMfc. Mildred Barrea. Badly PwreHL.H: Walker, Baby Barhhart.' MaB viumsb, vsnao' nwasstvvj Ford, Betea Mtteain, May Ftoreaee Faaai air of Memda: as aaaafcw j5s lr1 &. pMzmn ,y)!r-'t.i:iSSi - TvrV. " iut i VIT , Ji .,r. .. J"" i, ' a - , "' . . i ' :. - ,.i.l :The tfffc. at tto cv.- V r zTlif "4J DfUJLrTOUl, "Follow Simple Rules and Go to Bed at 9," He Says. FORTY YEARS HERE Probably Has Attended More Students Than Any Other '' Physician Here. Dr. B. A. Watson, who for forty years has beea a practicing phyatclaa ia uoiumbia, la 80 years old today. He still has aa office aad his regu lar patients. He stands erect, retains his usual alertness of mind aad body la fact his physique Is better thaa that of the average man of C9. Doctor Watsoa hesitated la saying to what he attributed his remarkable health whea asked this moraiag. " I have done no more thaa any other person should do la caring tor his body," he said. "I have followed only simple rules of llviag. All say life I have retired each aight at 9 o'clock. I have beea temperate la eating: aad drinking aad regular ia' my habits. But this is no mere thaa any person should do. There la noth ing remarkable about my case so why should you say anything about ltr Doctor Watsoa was strongly averse to telling about himself "for publica tion." "It Is aot ethical ia the first place he said, "for a phyatclaa to break' ia to print Furthermore, what la there to be said about me that people dea't know. I have speat forty years la this one community. I have deae nothing remarkable or astouadiag. What I have d?re. people know." Every moraiag at 9 or 9:30 o'clock Doctor Watsoa toes to his oafee la the Exchange Beak BuUdtac. The; walafe "nf fl. .... .!.. .. -" 1 "T- r . ""?. ?JW! T "-.t,fe nuauy aecter .eeee aot bear heavily": upoa him. Doctor Watsoa, perhaps, has attead ed mere ttadeats thaa any private1 phyatciaa that ever lived to Columbia. He la therefore well known among the graduates aad former students ef the University aad is a Mead of -many la the University now. , He is a friendly man. His Mead ship hi of that reined aad reserved sort, which distinguishes hiss. It to' sincere. He Is well Informed" aaea. questions not only pertalniag- to Ms practice but also to subjects ef tea- eral interest aad especially those per- talaing to hie home cosmaaity. He -is sociable, very soeiable. to all per sons. He will talk to aewsaaper mea bat " "aot for publkatleaTplease."- CITY OBBOrANCBB BEAU SOfX Werk ef BevkieB Was Started Serea Jfeatka Age. William Diawlddie." city attoraaf, says he will sees have the revised city ordinances ready to preseat to the ceaaem.' The werkr of aad, ssatpHstlea was started' i sevea awathe ago aad Mr. Dtowiddto has completed meet of the werk. vr E. W. Hiatea. dean ef the Seaest ot Law, la asstottag ia the werk aad as sooa as he eemptotes his tioa of the ordtoaaees they wttl toy prorated to the coaadl tor aeerevai: The city wrdiasafar have aet beea:,- pabMehei atoee 19M. Ail ti"seeV aaaeM aaeaesT ahMe thai'thae afw-he-t . 1. -.. . ijLi : tag; napuw umm. wm mv rmavaw y, w a new volume. Meay ef toe aaaees feaad to toe ifaato' have vised; se the 'aew.. f differ ea TO OBS1BTE ST. FATBfCTl BIT; - i -V jf- f - iS. ..Jt Tees to pxjm At aa aiahtlt last !-W.4g St Fatrtere iMFtMaaaaajw !T - - -. . - t- . --r,.. -L, this At th saaae aat M T ' -T. ksaai Bzeatr K was se dessred at the ;M -7' u" .SL -The to: v J- 'o? rafi j 1 r ' m siZel - Wm HT. -" i. i "- - tw -r-w 3k &; Hs !r-ia d 'ViZ&Vi r-a '" " v?i ft- l7! '? ..; ( ,l T JV 'f '& : "' r r