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fiMf' C ' ' -""If " f Page Two . UJflYERSITr MISSOUBIAK, HQJfDAY, APRIL 26, IMS j b & $ l r- Wfi I w. LINDENWQQD COLLEGE AN OLD INSTITUTION In 1831 the School Was For mally Opened in a I jog House. HAS GROWN RAPIDLY Equipment Is Modern and Location Ideal Educational Standing High. The Lindenwood College for Women, located at St. Charles, Mo., Is the oldest institution of its kind west of the Mississippi River. In the earlier part of the past century Major George C. Sibley of the United States Army, with his wife, Mary Easton Sibley, were stationed in the northeastern part of the state near St. Charles. As early as 1820 to 182S the subject of education was upon their hearts and 120 acres of land acquired was given by Mrs. Sibley to establish a school for the higher education of joung ladies. In 1831 the school was formally open ed in a log house. Students came from all parts of the country to Lin denwood, which was so named by its founders on account of the forest of linden trees in which it was located. Growth of College. The college continued to grow until a new dormitory was needed. In 1869 a new building, known as Sibley Hall, was ded-cated. In 1881 and 1886 ad ditions were made to Sibley Hall, which made it the large structure it is today. The present college campus contains many new buildings erected in recent years, the latest being But ler Hall, which was dedicated February 18, 1915. This building is pronounced by school men as the finest dormitory for a women's college in the south west. The buildings on the campus today are Sibley, Jubilee and Butler dormitories, a Conservatory of Music, Science Hall. Art Pottery, Dean's Home, central heating plant, gym nasium and natatorium in connection with Butler Hall. The most modern plumbing is to ho found in all the dormitories. Jubi lee and Butler Hall have hot and cold running water in each room. Tub and shower baths are furnished for all the students. In its dormitory accommo dation few colleges offer equal ad vantages. Physical Advantages. The campus and surrounding country affords unique advantages for outdoor exercise, cross-country walks, and outings for study of Botany are taken in the spring and Fall. Tennis courts and volley ball courts are in constant use in reasonable weather. A training instructor is employed for outdoor sports and an athletic in structor for gymnasium. A swimming teacher is in charge of the swimming pool. The health conditions are most ad mirable. The college is situated at the highest point in St Charles and Is free from malarial conditions. Sani tary conditions are ideal. The new water mains stretched across the campus by the City of St. Charles give an abundant supply of water for all purposes. Drinking water is furnished from a double sys tem of filtration. Educational Standing. The college affords something more than physical advantages. It offers efficient courses In Art and Sciences, Music, Art, Expression, Home Econo- ' mics. Articulated with the University of Missouri it is also accredited by the best colleges and universities in the country. Every department is headed .by a teacher well qualified, a gradu ate of an approved college or universi ty which meets the approval of the Missouri University authorities. It is recognized by the State Department of Education, which issues a three years' certificate to graduates of the College. This entitles the holder to teach in the public schools of Mis souri without further examinations for three years. The Conservatory of Music is es pecially worthy of mention. Prof. Walter R. Gerak, pupil of the famous teachers of Europe, John Clark King, D'Aublgne De Reszkl and Sbriglia is at the head of the Voice Department Miss Edna Hanna, pupil of the best pianists of Europe, is at the head of the Piano Department Prof. George Cibulka, piano teacher of St. Louis, is a teacher in this department, as is also Miss Catherine E. Sutherland, pu pil of Prof, and Mrs. Stlllman Kelly. Lindenwood College is now enter ing upon a new era of its history. Backed by Col. James Gay Butler, the mult-millionaire philanthropist it is Its purpose to become to the west what the great schools for women are are to the east. Situated only 13 miles from St. Louis, which is accessible every thirty minutes by electric cars, it has what is so essential to the modern women's colleges, the privi leges of a large city, with its art mu seums, libraries, orchestras, operas, (theaters and the advantages for study, research and recreation of suburban Llife. HAS A SUMMER SESSION in BIG DELIVERY OF TYPEWRITERS Gem City Business College Receives Seventy-one Remingtons. Seventy-one Remington typewriters were delivered on January 17, to the Gem City Business College, Qulncy, 111. In order to get the most adtertising out of the delivery, the Remington Company made arrange ments with one of the garages to fur nish an automob'Io to which were at tached two large drays loaded with boxed typewriters. The machines were hauled through the principal streets of the city. This novel delivery caused a great deal of comment. February 17 the same school re ceived 6 nderwood typewriters, as well as two additional Remington typewriters, making a total of 134 typewriters within two months. The Gem City Business College is one of the largest commercial schools in (he country. It has altogether two hundred typewriters, which are about equally divided between the Under wood and Remington makes. Jlost Advanced Methods Used Morse School of Expression. The Morse School of Expression includes a Summer session in which the work is condensed in order that the mosc can be accomplished in the least time. The Summer School covers an extensive field of work in a short tims with truly educational methods. The most advanced methods of teach ing reading are used. The course of study will be of great value to any one, whether making the study a pro fession or not Classes are formed for all ages Private instruction is also given INSTALL A NEW MACHINE THEY FAVOR FREE SPEEECH A Right That Cannot Be Denied, Say Wharton Students. Students in the Wharton School of Finance of the University of Penn sylvania adopted resolutions In favor of free speech at a recent meeting. This was done as a result of the ac tion of the alumni committee, who wished to have only those speakers with conservative views address the students. In defending their cause the students said that free speech had always been a right that could not be denied a man. Jackion University the First to Install Burroughs Device. The Jackson University at Chilli- cothe, Mo., Is the first business college in the Mid-West to Install a Burroughs Ledger Posting and Statement Machine. This is the most expensive piece of equipment a business college can buy. Seeing the number of large banks in the United States that were install ing these machines, Mr. Jackson realized what an advantage a knowl edge of the machine would be to his graduates and purchased one for the benefit of the students. The machine is revolutionizing the present system of bookkeeping in banks. CALIFORNIA HAS GOOD SEASON LEXINGTON COLLEGE, Vr Missouri. rt Oldest College for Young Women west of the Mississippi Ulver. Sixty. session begins September 15th. 1915. ' or Faculty of fourteen members, trained In the best schools of Euroue ni America. Specialists In each department. ""- Literary courses, two years above the High School. Entrance to tW1 Junior classes of the leading Colleges and Universities In America. In !? 3 dltion, courses for teachers. Commercial courses. Shorthand, Typewriting Bookkeeping, New Equipment: Besides Domestic Science courses CooMbS" Sewing, Dressmaking and Household Economics. MOi LEXINGTON COLLEGE CON8ERVATORY Wlll occupy the new $45,000 home. Teachers are trained In the two schools of Europe and America. Excellent advantages are offered la iff branches of Music; Piano. Pipe-organ, Voice, Stringed Instruments. TJieoJ. Harmony, and Musical History. "eorr. The Art Department Is well equipped. Special advantages in Expression, Oratory. For handsome catalogue address, M. W. HA.TTON, Lexington College, Lexington, Mo. "Jlanlty Fair" at Minnesota. A gins' organlgation at the Uni versity of Minnesota recently gave a ball hi 'hlch the twenty most beauti ful men in the University were Invited. This unusual social event was called the Manity Fair. K. U. Girls Tsike to Archery. The co-eds of the University of Kan sas have taken to archery. A class of girls go out each morning and prac tice shooting at a target with bows and arrows. The class in archery supplements the gymnasium work. Western University Wins Twenty eight Out of Thirty-six Games. The California baseball squad has finished one of the most successful seasons of its career. Twenty-eight games were played and only eight lost Only three of the entire squad will be missing next year. The university looks forward to a still better season in 1916. AMERICA'S IDEAL SCHOOL N the Jackson University of Business. I'hillleothe. Mo. Write for ciriioo. . FKRi; TICKET to Chllllcothe. The Densmore Hotel 9th. and Locust Streets ' KANSAS CITY, MO. Is headquarters for all Univer sity of Missouri Students passing through: Our location is ideal, being quiet and pleasant. Rates for rooms are $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. Take Independence Avenue Car at Union Station or Jitney Car. James Ketner, Pres. YOUNG MEN Before You Decide on Your Life Work, Write to the ST. JOSEPH VETERINARY COLLEGE and investigate the training you mi MKure there .mil thus fit yourself for tl-e nuny fields open, the remuneration offered, to .imliltiotn onn men In tlitt eterlti irj profession The training here combines the best In medicine uml agriculture. ijHPPmflillHHHFisHIHBM!HHH BBi3L?i35H5BMMMMHHftiiL An Intrroitrd Clan Stuilylnc the Animal Machine Write Dr. Burton R. Rogers, Dean, '. Iran St. Jonepb, Mo. THE NORMAL SCHOOL at Kirksville, Missouri. This is a Twentieth Century Normal School. It prepares men and women to enter the teaching profession on a par with graduates of the law school and the medical college without necessity of being recast or relabeled by any other higher institution. ' It confers the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Education and Bachelor of Science in Education on completion of 120 semester hours preceded by the four years' high school course. The 120-hour class of 1914 numbered 22. Of these, 10 became high school teachers; 1, a city superintendent; 1, a ' teacher of teacher training courses ; 1, a graduate student ; while 6 became professors in Normal Schools. Average salary first year after graduation, $1,000. The 90-hour class numbered 51, all of whom were easily able to secure position. Average salary first year after eradu ation, $810. & But there is more to this story. Wait till tomorrow and learn the reason why. JOHNR. KIRK, President. CENTRAL COLLEGE of OSTEOPATHY Rated higher than any other osteopathic school In this section of the country. Advantages not offered by any other school. Students can earn part or all of tuition by clinic practice. Write for catalog and special terms. 506 Commerce Bldg. Kansas City, Missouri Dr. A. L. McKenzie, Dean. Dr. Harriet Crawford, Secretary WESTMINSTER COLLEGE Fulton, Missouri A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN Eight Courses Leading to A.B. Degree. For Catalogue Address GEORGE P. MARSHALL, Secretary. This Missouri Wesleyan College of Cameron, Mo, offers a complete course for the A. B. Degree, and maintains an Academy for completing High School courses and has on excellent Conservatory of Music. The College has recently passed through a successful financial campaign, won tbe State Championship in College has mldpil greatly to Its equipment Football last season, and Is one of the younger, progressive, up-to-date Colleges of the State. Address, President H. B. DeBra, Cameron, Mo. SPECIAL SUMMER SCHOOL. Portraiture Out-door Painting Design Interior Decoration Newspaper illustra tion Write for Information. THE FINE ABTS INSTITUTE 1020 McGee Street Kansas City, Mloari. .. II South Front Viezv-The Elms Hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. i i Celebrate Graduation VISIT EXCELSIOR SPRINGS AND THE ELMS HOTEL Finest and Largest in the City" AMERICAN PLAN Splendid 18 hole Golf Course and Country Club; Tennis, Horseback Riding, Dancing and Bowling. Mineral baths in connection with the hotel Convenience-Comfort-Service. Write, John Emmke. Manners ,.. . 0. . u,co. o. to o. aaay.