OCR Interpretation

University Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1908-1916, February 10, 1916, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066313/1916-02-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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Page Two
1-utplli.lird dally eirept atuday liy the
tudrntx In tlir School of Journllm at
the lnlvrri.ltjr of MUftonrl.
KALI'H II TCIi.NKK - Etilti-r
lnlierltr Mlmiurian ArIatlon, Inc.
Ulrectoi-i . Hillih II Turner, president;
Frank Kins, SxireUry Ivan II. jPIr
mi. D W IiK H K Tavlor. Charles
ItoJter. I I IMUerson. A . Hlnman.
Hale W'IKou.
Addresn all iiiimiiuukatloin to
Coluuitila. ilNwurl
Office: Virginia Ilulldlut:. IuutjlrH
I'Iumpi: Huslness, OS; e. -.
Entered at the postulate, Columbia. .Mo.,
as M.oiid-ila-8 mill
l'ear. tlM; mouth, 2.". cents; tojij. 5 cents.
wiivt iim: xuns itiu
Down m Siott C'ount, .Missouri,
people toll each other of the woman
who did a man's as well as a woman's
Mrs. Kmina Kell uas left a widow
three years ago. Had management had
Iilaced a dcht of $5,000 on the I'.CO
aere farm which her husband had
rented. She persuaded the landowner
to tent her the land, and she paid off
all claims before her death last De
cember. She had no other means than
the farm which she worked
Uneducated, she jet lied a sucte-.s-ful
life. Her Kindness was .i bj-word
She found time to help her neighbors,
even in the last jeais of busy farming.
Thirteen orphan children were cared
for by her.
She left the world better.
The observing man, though com
pelled by ice and snow to keep his
ejes near the sidewalk plane lest he
upset, comes now with the comment
that though fashion's edict calls for
very high boots and ery high heels,
a good proportion of Columbia's dam
sels, with more thought for comfort
than for stjle, aie wearing the English
walking shoes.
io jioMiR .st. valk.yii.m:
When jou buy a gaudy valentine, a
fantastic bit of paper lace and ribbon
and sentimental verses, or perhaps a
book or flower or bo of candj for jour
beft girl or for some joung friend, did
jou ever wonder how the custom orig
inated? The day was named for St. Valen
tine, to whom February 14 h sacred
There is an old legend that the birds
begin to mate on this day. In some
rural parts of Europe it is customary
for a joung man to make his choice
of a sweetheart on this day, and the
man or woman so betrothed is called
a alentine, and the betrothal is an
nulled if the joung man fails to send
his sweetheart a present or give her
an entertainment within a specified
Shakespeare refers to the legend in
some of his plajs. For instance, in
Hamlet, he says:
"Tomorrow is St. Valentine's day.
All in the morning betime.
And I a maid at jour window
To be jour Valentine."
.'c better proof that the United
Stales is strictly neutral in this war
Is needed than the fact that both
Great Dritain and Germany are claim
ing that the other is being favored,
thinks the Sedaiia Democrat.
To understand the conditions exist
ing in any given age, it is necessarj
to have a historical background.
Things are not thus and so today be
cause we live in this age and because
we are far wiser than all those who
have gone before but becaui-e of the
evolutionarj- processes of the ages
which have preceded us.
Those who have glimpsed the path
way of humanity down the ages, who
read its records transcribed in evolutionarj-
circle from the time when
anthropoidal life became the first rude
variety of man, have learned that for
its correct interpretation one must
ga?e critic.illj through the ejes of
artist, historian and Ioet, as well as
through the eves of biologist and m
eiologlst. Each period gives to the rare fol
lowing the requirements of the times
Kvery age produces its own peculiar
type of genius, and the needs of the
age determine what the character of
that genius will be. Because we are
producing better plumbers today than
were produced in the time of ArNtotle
Is no reason whatever whj we should
discard either Aristotle or the plumb
ers. We need not another golden age
of Greece but sufficient knowledge of
the laws of hjgiene to enable us to
lie to a "ripe old age" and enjoy the
fruits of that far distant golden time.
If we discard all the fruits of that
age and the esthetic fruits of ages fol
lowing it why should we care to live
to a ripe old age? If we do not observe
the hygienic laws of this age of sci
ence, we probably won't live to enjoy
it, whether we will or no.
Too often the price paid for high
specialization is being blinded to all
outside the magic circle of our own
bright rajs.
.si'iti::iii Mini himmmi
What a might J power this nation of
lUU.IIOO.OOO is It Is well that the peo
ple of the United Stats are peace lov
ing For the war-making possibilities
of this country are evident, although
wo have never had a real test of
strength with any nation.
The Hcvolutionaij War was a skir
mish on a large scale, with an oc
casional battle. Luckily for the in
fant nation, the English people weie
not in sympathy with the effort to sub
due it. In IS 12 England was so occu
pied with the Napoleonic struggle that
she could give us onlj slight atten
tion. The Mexican war was like tak
ing jam from a small boj-.
Four years of tierce lighting during
the Civil War showed the resources of
the country at that time. Today they
are infinitely increased. The Spanish
American War gave no opportunitj to
show this, for it was the one-fingered
exertion of a giant.
Our nation should temper strength
with wisdom Let us beware of in
ternational complications. And let us
watch lest preparedness lead to gi
gantic armaments and their conse
quent temptations.
Looking Backward
Seu'iiij-Four ears Ago.
"The weather has been exceedingly
line; more like April than February.
N'o winter within the memory of our
oldest inhabitants has been so fair as
the present It is entirely without
example in the history of Missouri."
Fii't) Years Ajro.
"We are advised by many of our
farmers that the wheat crop In this
region has suffered severely from the
excessive drought which has prevailed
nearly all winter and in no event can
we calculate on mote than halt a
crop "
The Hannibal Courier congratulated
James S Itollins on his late speech in
Congress on the .subject of slavery.
'Iliirtj tears. Ago.
Under the heading, "A Favorite Lady
From Missouri," the following ap
peared in a Washington paper: "Mrs. i
Cockrell had a large reception on
Thursday assi.sted bj Mrs. Vest, -Mrs j
Hatch. Mrs. More and other ladies, from
her own state. The newspapers have
made frequent mention of Senator
Cockiell as one of the possibilities of
the Cleveland cabinet, and societj
would be pleased to have Mrs (.'ock
rell among those ladies who are to
lead and to receive on future Wednes
days "
Twcnt Years Ago.
"J. West Coodwin, editor of the Se
daiia Ilazoo. delivered an address on
Eugene Field before the Union Liter
ary Society of the University in the
chapel last Saturday."
Ten Years Ago.
"Secretary Babb today gave out fig
ures showing the total enrollment of
the University including the School of
Mines at Rolla to be 1.SC7. The total
enrollment of the University at Co
lumbia is Ifi'iTt. It is claimed by Pres
ident Jesse tlut within five jears the
attendance will be more than ",000 "
Five Y'ears Ago.
"President A. Ross Hill announced
at the opening convocation of the sec-
ond semester this morning that the
proposed stadium on Rollins field has
been approved by the Board of Cura
tors of the University. Work on it will
be begun as soon as possible."
"Captain David Guitar, who has been
in Columbia more than S2 years, came
here when the town's population was
"The Tigers won. 39 to 2C, in the
basketball game last night with Ne
braska." The Open Column
Mho Objects Io Hrumleisf
Editor the Missouiiau: Iirandeis?
Yes, 1,0111s iirandeis, the "people's
lawjer" of Itoston, was nominated by
President Wilson for the vacancy on
the Supreme Court bench.
IJut the opponents of the antitrust
lawjer aie trjing to defeat the nomi
nation by digging up ridiculous rea
sons which might terrify some people
who let others do their thinking.
A recent charge against Iirandeis is
that he is an apostate to his faith.
What inference can the Senate com
mittee draw if it sustains the charges?
Is religion a personal belief, or is it
the right of the Senate to determine
what eacli person should believe?
Is he radical? Is he a Socialist? Do
such contentions disqualify a man for
the bench?
Wh eclm such narrow-minded, priv
ileged mouths like Wadsworth, Weeks,
Lodge and Iteul, who do not represent
the real people of this democratic
country ? They oppose him because
lie knows his economics and contem-porarj-
industrial conditions.
The real question is whether Bran-
deis understands law. If the Inter
state Commerce Commission thought
him fit to be its counsel, there Is no
doubt that he is fit for the Supremo
Court bench. M. F.
About Hook AtrenN.
IMitor the Mi.ssouriau: Is there
not some protection to our families
asainst book agents and agents gen
erally? I-ast fall when I was not at
home an agent sold my wife a 75
cent door-mat for $1 23 Yesterday,
while I was at my vvoik trying to
make an honest living, a book agent
sold my wife a set of books for $20.
The books are worth probably $10.
While women are credulous and one
can sell them anj tiling from alumi
num to cheap jewelry, men are vain.
If a publisher goes to a man and says
to him: "Mr. So-and-so, owing to the
high place which jou hold In your
community and in the world of "let
ter. I should like to have your ex
pert opinion on this work which wo
are putting out, and in return for
jour most valuable time in examining
the work, wo will be only too glad to
piesent jou with a feet bound lu full
Morocco."- well, there is only one
man in ten thousand that sajs, "No".
(Practically all of them give the rec
t ommendation and take the feet in full
I morocco Itecommendations, there-
fore are oftcn ()f littie or ,10 hgnifl
cance MKRK MAN.
At the great MOCK COURT TRIAL under the
auspices of St. Mary's Guild Calvary Episcopal Church
in Columbia Theatre, on
Friday Evening, February 11th
One of the most respected citizens will be charged
with Breach of Promise. Regular Court Rules.
Startling Developments. Ludicrous Situations. Local
Hits. An evening of refined fun.
Tickets Reserved Feb. 1 1 at Columbia Theatre.
Tickets on sale now at Allen's Music Store and
Missouri Store.
Prices 50 and 75 cents.
Open at 7:30. Court called at 8:15.
QUR Messenger has
heard you want a valentine,
so we promptly send this line that
at the Real Love Shop you can
find a truly attractive and artistic
selection of all the late valentine
cards, letters and novelties.
"Simplified Spelling Dictionary."
To supply the need of a single al
phabetic list of all the words whose
simplification has been agreed upon,
Frank H. Vizetelly has compiled a
dictionary of simplified spelling. It
is made up from the Funk & Wagnalls
New Standard Dictionary and is
based on the publications of the Unit
ed States Bureau of Education and the
rules of the American Philological
Association and the Simplified Spell
ing Board. The book also contains
the rules of .simplification.
(Funk & Wagnalls Company, New
York; cloth, lfil pages; 7.' cents net.)
Phone 53 to have the Missoii-.an
delivered to j-ou. 2.1c a month.
$ and Vo have several
fl SI splendid bargains in
W Up used motorcycles.
All are in good run
ning order. It is well worth your time
to call aini inspect these machines.
Boone Co. Cycle Co.
Corner 10th and Cherry
Harlty-Daridioa dealcn for ttij localitr
Fresh Fruits
Dromedary Dates
Johnston's Chocolates
Cigars, leading brands.
These are a
few of the
things you
can buy at
the Palms
f o unta in
drinks and
hot lunches.
The Palms
Suffragists to Meet Monday.
A suffrage meeting will be held at
4 o'clock Monday afternoon in Room
220, Academic Hall. Mrs. Walter Mc
Nab Miller will speak. Officers will
be elected.
I Glanson 25 in.
Royston 2s in.
We Collar st
2 for 25c
Qlobe Clo. Co.
Let W. L. Jarvis :
shoe your horses
and put on your
rubber tires.
118 North Eighth Street
Taylor Music House
Iianos and Havers
Viclrolns and Edisons
Virginia Bldg. 9th and Cherry
Wanted, a representative for an Old
Line Life Insunnce Co.. fifty years
experience, showing LOWEST NET
COST OP ANY. Liberal commis
sions .ind assistance chen.
Add. Jessie R. Clark, President
The Union Central Life Ins. Co,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Corn Aleal & Graham Flour
Mule ou old-fashioned stone buhrs.
Kxiluslve nsent Cold Medal Flour.
Columbia Feed & Grain Co.
l'hone S0 Opp. Wabash Depot.
Inter Ocean Casualty Co.
An accident company puyins claims
In 40 states. Ask any of our policy
holders who we are.
Russell E. Shutt
SOO-7 Licbange It.iuk Hide.
Second Hand Furniture
We have a Iarce stock of good as new Second Hand Furniture.
We also buy all kinds of Household Goods.
238 Red McCLAIN & HUGHES 811 Walnut
Ready Reference Ads
AH makes cleaned and repaired,
work guaranteed one year.
603 Broadway.
Missourlan Phones:
News, 274
Business office, 55
The Daily Missourian
1 to 1 0 pieces
for dances and other entertainihents
We cordially solicit the banking accounts
Faculty, Students and New Residents
N. W. Comer 8th & Broadway
G Bl Dorscy President Ira T. G. S-oneCashier
W. E. Farleyl Vtce-Pret.dent J. W. Sapp, Aist. Cashier
Clean and Progressive
Marquette Hotel llllll
Phone 53 to have the Missourlan de
livered to you. 23c a month.
Get your wood here. We
also carry coal and feed.
PHONE 1379
Smarr& Alcgo
A Perfect Fitting Dress
Is an absolute iietes-.it- fur a er
fist fitting dress.
There Is mini- to tomiuri- with
the Splrelli It's If tu oiir
liH'ixim' .mil it's flexible.
vi Its. ;. it. c.rricim:
l'lione 4CT Wlitte
Full line Suit Cases. Tnueltnir
Bass and Trunks at the lug
age Iieailnuurters of Columbia.
Also Furniture from medium to
high class ut prices to suit
every purse at
Furniture and Undertaking
Across from Athens Hotel
We Will Repair It
All work guaran
teed. We special
ize on Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry
918 Broadway
r- We'll Fix It -s
That broken Chlnaware,
Glassware or Cooking Uten
sil all kinds of soldering and
brazing. Just
Phone 300
Also, repairing of automobile
radiators, lamps and fenders.
The radiator department of
The Columbia Motor and
Cycle Co.
11 South Sth Street
You will like our horses
best. General livery and
leed stable.
S. Eighth St. I'hon 61
Yee Sing
Will call for yonr
11 8. 7tt Phone 74S
Beat IlllaoU Mil Mlol rl C.aJ.
Exclusive agent for
H. R. Jackson, Prop.
Phon 470 2ii N. gth

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