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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
f k5Zaa&'Sr' i!W f Page OITERSITY MISSODRIAy. FRIDAY, FEBBDAET 11, 1916 THE SATURDAY MARKET This Department Appears Each Friday Evening Read It Tonight and Buy Wisely Tomorrow DRESSED CHICKENS VALENTINES Nice dressed chickens for Saturday and Sunday. Call us tomorrow for them. They are extra good. PODD and COOK. Phone 32. APPLE CIDER Nice Sweet Apple Cider 33c a Ballon, 3 gallons $1- .1. W. UOH1NSON. Phone 39. iO. AT PRATHER'S Latest alentines in the latest de signs. Call and see them. We have a line window display P. D PRATHER. 811 Broadway. Tomorrow we will sell Valentine postal cards, 5c a dozen. This Is a real hargain. She will he expecting one. We have a full line of Valentines. Call and see them. CAMPBELL & ALEXANDER. 920 Broadway. CANNED CHERRIES Royal Ann White Cherries The real kind. No. :: cans. Two cans for 2.".c. Call Frank Martin for the host of ev erything. FRANK MARTIN. Phone 114. SALVAfiR SALE Our big Salvage Sale is now on. Libbj's extra good peaches. No. ::, 2 cans for 2jc Call FRANK .MARTIN. Phone 1U. SMITH PREMIER Neu Smith Premier typewriter; nev er has been unpacked. Will sell at a hargain. Call and see it. J. W. ROB INSON. 1010 Broadway. Phone 39. PENNSYLVANIA TIRES We are the exclusive agents for the Pennsylvaui.1, vacum cup three star tires. Special sale tomorrow on all bicycle supplies. ALEXANDER BROS C03 Broadway. BLACK WALNUTS Pine black walnuts, fiOe a bushel. DODIi ,t COOK. Phone 32. RIPE OLIVES Ripe olives, quarts. Regular 50c values. 35c, 3 for $1. FRANK MARTIN. Phone 111. CRANBERRIES We have just received some nice cranberries. Just the thing for to morrow. Only 10c a quart. DODD & COOK. Phone 32. f LASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS w Half cent a word a day. Phone 55. ROOMS FOR RENT For Rent: Rooms for boys in modern house near University. 411 South Fifth street. Phone 1250-Kcd. 4L For Rent: One double and one single room to rent to young women. Alto table board for both men and women. 410 South Ninth street, oppo site Law Building. S 129 tf. For Rent One room at S3 and one half room at ?4.50 for young men at 201 S. Sixth street. Phone 974-Black. For Rent One room vacant at COS S. 4th. Very desirable for spring and For Rent: Two rooms for men, single beds CO I Conley. Phone S3C Red. 137-tf. LOST AND FOUND Lost: Between Pi Phi house, 500 Rollins, and the Engineering Build ing, a Conklin pen. Notify Lois Iocke, Phone 37. L. 111. i 1 Found: A leaf shaped gold and enameled lodge pin with initials E. C. M. U. F. Owner may have same by inquiring at this office and paying for this ad. P. 13S tf. Lost: Dark brown-check "Fitform" suit marked Die clothing Company. Holdcnille, Okla.. on inside coat pocket. Possibly left at wrong address ' by presser's wagon, finder call 295. For Rent: Half of a large south east front room, half block from camp us. A modern house. To man student $.". 317 South 5th St. Phone 1071 Red. 136-tf. For Rent: -Rooms, 709 Hitt St. G. 13C tf. For Rent: One half of a very at tracts e, bright room. Call 1129-White. R. 137 For Rent: Half of a large south east front room, halt block from campus. To man student $5. 317 South 5th St. 136 tf. Lost: A silver dorine powder case, initials M. C. engraved on back; on way to Columbia hall or at Columbia hall. Return to Missouriau office and receive reward. 13G tf. I-ost: A long silver chain on the West Campus Wednesday. Reward If returned to Sampson Hall or phone 844. M. tf. ROOM AND BOARD Wanted Roomers or boarders 911 Lowery. Phone 1288. at A room with good board for two girls the second semester. Mrs. Mur phy, 814 Conley Phone C33-White M. 117 tf. early summer, dividual lights. Single beds and in Phone 402-BIack. S125 tf. For Rent Two nice rooms for girls. Single beds. S02 Virginia avenue. Meals at Read Hall. P. 120 tf. For Rent Half of large room avail able because gentleman Is leaving school. Well heated, hot water all the time, sleeping court. Roommate desired. $5.50 a month. 511 Turner avenue. Phone 1102 Black. F126tf Wanted Second-hand furniture, men's clothing, shoes. Miller's, 714 Walnut St. Repairing done. M24 For Rent One room on second floor and one half room on third floor. Well heated and well lighted. Meals if preferred. 1110 Raquin street, street. Phone 1294-White. J120tf For Rent A well heated room at 400 Matthew street. 114tf For Rent Front room In modern house between town and the Universi ty West Campus. Inquire at 207 South Ninth Street. C115tf Good table board, 3 meals a day. $3.50 a week. Mrs. Murphy, 814 Con ley, across from Missouri Store. 108tf MISCELLANEOUS Wanted: A second-hand typewriter desk. Enquire of D. M. Ewing, Delta Tau Delta House. Phone 803. 133 Wanted: To rent or buy a second hand Underwood typewriter. J. A Comer, 1004 Locust. Phone 1196 Green. C134 A student wants to work for his board in order to keep in school the next semester. Must have work. II. Missourlan. Help Wanted Positions for a few students during vacation. Those in terested call at office, 420 Guitar building between 1 and 5. S. 130 tf. FOR SALE For Rent: Furnished or unfur nished rooms. 20C College avenue. Phone 7C9-Black. (A. 119 tf.) For Sale. Some choice residence lots. Three on University avenue, two on Rosemary Lane, one on Bouchelle avenue, and three in Westwood. A bargain on easy terms. E. A. Collins, 17 Waugh street, phone 1027-Red. For Sale Excellent upright piano in fine condition. Price $150. Terms to suit purchaser. 215 Hitt street. Phone 1196-Red. W130 tf. A CIIIXESE OX BASEBALL SQUAD C. L. Brewer Says F. S. Lee of Hono luln Is Liveliest 3Tan Out. "Watch me get this one throueh him," said Captain C. R. Woody as had KnocKed a swutt one at Frank S. Lee in baseball practice yesterday after noon, but It didn't get through him, for he "eats up" fast and easy ones all alike. Lee is a Chinest student from Hono lulu. They play all the year around there, he says. C. L. Brewer says he is a great baseball prospect, as he is undoubtedly the quickest and liveliest man on the squad. However, he -will not be eligible this season, as this is his first j ear at the University, hav ing attended the Unhersity of South ern California last year. Honolulu has a good representation among the athletes in American uni versities. Sing Chong Pung, last year's baseball captain at the Uni versity of Illinois, is from there and so is Wah Kwal Chang, a football star at the University of Chicago. 3 Student Volunteers to ParkTille. Miss Blanche Gale, Oliver K. Mal colmson and Thomas Denham, dele gates from the University Student Vol unteer Band of Foreign Missions are attending the Student Volunteer Con vention at Parkvllle, Mo. The con vention will be in session from Friday until Sunday night. For Sale. Small farm three miles from Co lumbia on grael road; good 6 room house, large barn, well fenced; good land, lays well; cheap and easy terms. McDonell Bros.. Guitar Building, phone 246 green. M145 Sandwiches "Thirty-Six Different Kinds" HARRIS9 Shepard, Former Tiger, Gets a Farm. Paul Shepard, former Tiger foot ball and track star, who was gradu ated from the College of Agriculture last semester, will leave Sunday for Kansas City. Mr. Shehpard has rent ed ninety acres of land near Little Blue, Mo., from Henry Ess of Kansas City, and will begin the plantin an orchard on It. Ben Coleman, will be graduated from the Collej Agriculture in June, will take up s raising on the same farm. The Phi Kappa Psis defeated th Gamma Deltas at basketball yeste J 1 J k:o ic about as Door a I recommendation for tobacco as "no rneuiuauw r.Z wooden leg. But tobacco that won't bite an' yet is chuck full of taste that's a different story that's VELVET. 0 DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT EASER Scientifically designed along anatomical lines is self adjusting, easily fitted in any shoe. Quick relief for tired aching feet, weak ankles or structural weakness of the foot. $2 Per Package A complete line of Scholl's appliances for cortectinc all ailments of the feet. 4tr rwJg rl .. ii ... igslf ACADEM FRESHMEN ATTENTION ALL FRESHMAN NOMINEES President, Craig Ruby Vice-President, D. M. ''Buck" Ewing Secretary, Clara (Jrigsby Treasurer, Harry Viner Universal Suffrage applies in this election. All co-eds must vote. Primary, Feb. 12, Physics Bldg. A Box of Chocolates Bring Cheer Into the Home. Saturday, Feb. 12 Bargain Day at The College Inn All day Saturday our cele- b ra t e d cream chocolates vvil be sold for twenty cents a pound. Every Friday and Saturday will be bargain days at The Jimmie Stores. "College Inn Chocolates in Every Home" that's the object slogan of these Friday and Saturday Sales. Have you a home? A.A.AV.A.A Walnut Street Theatre All Next Week, February 14th to 19th H. M. VENDIG PRESENTS JOE J. SMITH THE CRAZY IRISHMAN -WITH THE- WINTER GARDEN GIRLS BIG Broadway Musical Production Prices: 10c arid 20c wwAwmAw.w-wwAwmAA'V'V'B VATVAAA A FEW STUDENT DIRECTORIES LEFT The Missouriau still has a few copies of the 1915-16 studeut aud faculty direc tories. Every student should have a copy of this popular book of names. It's an important part of your memory book. Price 50c, or free with a four months' subscription to the Missouriau at 25c a month. The Daily Missourian Virginia Building -..-i.t....iiilei5;i &,--.. ..., ,a.t