,'J11 m
College of Agriculture hsues
More Than 10,000,000
Pages in One Year.
Bulletins Sent to 520 Libra
riesForeign Countries Ask
for Them, Too.
August I. I'ridn -Close of Iloone Count '
Pair. i
Aiuust is, I'rlil ly KoMnsuii's Circus,
sepn mlier II, 1" 1C. lliursiiij. Prlday I
.mil Mturil i University in-1
tram-e e imiii.itlnus.
.s ..-iiil.. r is, IK, , Motility, Tuesday and
u.-.lm-.i ij rnivcrsitv registr-i
, iiIimiiIh r ill. Wtdiiesdn Ont'iiiii Con
i-itin. I iiluT-ltj Auditorium,
11 .1 in
m ili iiiIk r Jl. Jhiirsd.iv I'nlurslt diss
vw.rk in ill divisions hegius
The Univcisit Missourian has
made arrangements to post bul
letins on the local and state pri
nurj election returns tonight.
These bulletins will be posted at
During the jcar ending June 30,. the Virginia Building after S
191G, the College of Agriculture issued o'clock In addition, telephone
more than 10,000,000 pages of printed calls to the Missourian office
matter In addition to this, press bul- (.No 351 will be promptly an-
letms have been sent to country pa- ivvered.
pcrs of Missouri and the farm papers
of the United States To this mav be
added the four-jear regular course J I VK I" I'K DII"T PRINT AIU'll'Li:
ami vm- i -,.-.,. ........ v.uu..s,.- --I M. Joseph K(Ii,)r .Jt.
Dean F 11 Mum ford sajs: "The
demand for these publications has
doubled since last jcar A large num
ber of inquiries hac been received
of Attack Circulated Here.
A gross injustice was done the St
Joseph Gazette and President Hill bj
printing in a circular distributed to
voters tv.da an article credited to the
Annual Free Day Is on Sched
ule Tickets Now Are Be
ing Given Out.
Dr. W. H. Black, Missouri
Valley College President,
Addresses Assembly.
Four Days' Events Get Good
Start, However Local
Horses Win.
from foreign investigators asking for(JazcUc lIenouncinB 1'rcsident Hill for
bulletins and other printed material
published here. Wc hae 520 li
braries on our free mailing list, not
including libraries of foreign coun
tries "
An appropriation of $6,000 was
made this jear for the experiment
station publications Tnis does not
include the amount set aside for the
agricultural extension sen ice publications
During the ear eight new cir
culars, tent-two reprints of cir
culars, three new research bulletins.
five new extension circulars, four new
project announcements and eighty
five press bulletins were printed.
From 1,500 to 85,000 copies of each
have been made
Following is a list of the publica
tions, ccept the press bulletins, is
sued during the fiscal year, which will
be sent free on request to all who
address the Agricultural Experiment
Station, Columbia', Mo.
New ( Irrulars.
riu Pinner's I'oultrv Houe"
"Tl". lVt'ilIn j for Y.s. Production "
77 Tlie iliie of lMuritlon to the
"7s The Control of Soil Wiishiiij; "
T s.our Milk for Chicken I Veil In,:"
sii I'lie Missouri I'oultrv House"
si Pruning Slmle Trees"
ClrrularH Keirlntnl.
in Tlie s.oediii2 of Alfilfi "
P.i, tors Influent In? tlie Meld of
liiMne Calves on Skim-MIIk."
IMreetlnns for Testing Cream."
Mio.k Corn for Silage."
SII lire for Horses ami Mules"
1 lie Parmer's I'oultrv House"
IVedlnc for V.ZVL rroiluction "
The Viilie of IMurntlnn to the
Pirnii rs."
The Control of Soli Washing"
Sour Milk for Chicken IVedlnc"
The Missouri I'oultrv House."
Pruning idude trees."
New Bulletins.
The ISntlon ind Ace of C living as
Tutors Influoinlii,; the (Irovvth ind
Illlrv Qtiilltlfs of Cows"
Pi-eillni; Wheit to Pittining
The I' rio.lh-il Cleidi In Missouri"
Pirni I!. keeping."
Inspe tiou of t'ominer, ill rertili7ers
I'll." "
Mre of Farm P.uslness"
Work mid Progress of the Agri.ul
turil i:periimnt M.itlon."
llullelin Reprinted.
Corn siiie for P.ittenlng Tun Yeir
Id Steers"
Corn versus Oits for Work Mule-"
Neu Kesearrlt Itultetln.
Ml lire Investljrilions"
1 lie Ponder Mildews of Avrni and
and Tritirum "
Iiiflm nee of PHne of Nutrition of
the Con tion the Composition nnd
Properties of Milk and llutler
New Kxtenston Circulars.
Pilllnir the Silo."
ironing Alfilfi In Missouri."
The Parm (larden "
The Judging of Chirkens"
C inning In Class l.y the Cold Pack
.Method "
New Project Announcements.
Intension Projects In Agriculture
and Home I-onomics.
Pirmers' Week, .lanuarv S-i. 191ft.
The Work of the Agrlciilturil .
tension Service"
Womi n's Cluli Work "
statements, he wab alleged to hae
made in connection with the state
treasurv deficiency
A telegram from the editor of the
St. Joseph Gazette states.
"Gazette published no such editorial
or news story nor anj thing like it
Our position has been wholly in the
support of tlie University in the con
troversy in question "
'1 IS
Boone Farmers Already Look
for Seed Flour Prices
May Advance.
Tomorrow, the second day of the
fair, will be Children V l)a, and evei
child in Iioone Count under 14 jears
old will be admitted free The tickets
are being distributed by George T
Porter, count superintendent of
There are twent -three races on to
morrow's program, including a pota
to race The first race will he a
harness colt race, followed b several
poll and saddle races. Mule and jack
races are also scheduled. The slow
mule race will be held in the after
noon In this race mules more than
10 ears old are not eligible T H
Murray is in cljarge of the mule
Principles of Seed Corn Test
ing Apply to Life, Lec
turer Declares.
Siirrumlis li TmrtTctilosIs at His
Iliinit Kimt'ral Services Tomorrow.
David C Bowman of 611 Hange
Line died at his home last night of
tuberculosis. He was 48 ears old
Mr How man leaves his wife, Mary
Bowman, and three children, Jessie
Bowman and Harold Bowman of Mo
btrl and Mrs W S. Head of Colum
bia Mr Bowman had been in Ias Ve-
... ..... .,...... rn.
.as X M. ror tne lasi i )
his health and had only been home
about three weeks.
runeral services will be conducted
liv the Rev A W. Pasley at the house
tomorrow. The time has not been ar
ranged The burial will be in the Co
lumbia Cemetery.
The wheat ield for Boone Count
will not average more than nine or
ten bushels to the acre this ear and
the total leld will not be more than
half of the ield of last ear This
will mean still hgihcr prices for
flour net ear, and the pi ices now
are already 40 cents a hundred pounds
higher than at this time last vcar
Last vear on August 1 flour sold at
$:! 20 a hundred. It is now selling
at $3 GO and likelv will be higher.
II n Baker of the Boone Count
.Milling Compan said that the qualit
of the wheat this vear is much bet
ter than last ear. This is due to
the dr weather. Last ear much of
the wheat marketed here had sprout
ed because of the heavy rainfall. Ac
cording to Air Baker, wheat is aver
aging sit-two pounds to the bushel
Ijist .vear fifty-eight pounds was a
high average.
Much of the wheat from the bottom
lands of Boone County has alread
been marketed at the mill here. Wheat
from the uplands is just starting to
come in Owing to the driess of the
season, the farmers in the uplands of
the county dclacd their threshing in
oider to harvest their hay crops and
give their corn closer attention
According to Mr. Baker, it will be a
problem with farmers to obtain suf
ficient seed wheat this fall, owing to
the shortness of the crop He said
that many farmers are already try
ing to get a line on seed wheat for
fall sowing and that the mill has re
ceived many inquiries.
lii Help In Hie Y. W. C A. Work.
Miss Hazel Hoffman will have
charge of the cmpIoment bureau of
i he Y W C A. during the vacation
of Miss Beitha Brandt, who will leave
for St Ixiuis August 3.
Cnnccrteil Effort lo Form Opinion Is
Barked bj Kaiser.
(Cnlted Press Staff Correspondent )
BERLIN', Aug. 1. Although the
German Xational Committee for Hon
orable Peace held meetings through
out Germany today and the newspa
pers everywhere were filled with the
speech delivered simultaneously and
identically at all the gatherings, there
appeared to be but limited public dis
cussion of the peace plans.
The Honorable Peace movement was
begun by the Kaiser to unify the em
pire on German 's peace terms Fifty
well-known German orators made the
same speech at fifty German cities,
emphasizing German 's willingness for
an honorable peace
Says Wilson May Lose Wot.
Hy I'nltcd Press.
view of Charles E. Hughes' declara
tion for a federal suffrage amendment.
President Wilson is in "grave danger
of losing the western states, where
4,000,000 women vote," said Miss Anne
Martin, chairman of the Xational
Women's Party here today.
A serenade early this morning b
the Shelbma Concert Band on Broad
wa started the 1916 Boone County
Fair The crowd listened to the mu
sic, remembered the Fair, and "obc
rd that impulse"
Meanwhile the fairgrounds were
being polished up for the earl crowd
Finishing touches could be smcllcd,
hoard and seen The "weenie" man
was busv getting his stove hot and
arranging his counter in delectable
tIe, the owners of "the three chances
for a nickel" booths were practicing
their sterol pod speeches, the "real,
genuine, onl living" fortune tellers
were sitting m front of their tents,
having thrown off for the while their
air of m.vster, and everone was bus
hammering nails or decorating booths
About two hundred persons wit
nessed the luhering in of the 1916
fair at 10 a m with the model hoise
Here Vre the Moruinir Ki-siiIN.
The owners of the winning horses
in tlie morning races are given be
Xo 1 First Premium, Blades &
Holman, llollida; second, James Bu
ford. Pans, Mo , third, Ben Glenn,
Xo 2 James Buford
Xo ?, Miss Loula Ixmg, Kansas
Xo -1 Miss Loula Long, Kansas
Xo 5 Murr Cason. Columbia.
Xo 6 First, Blades S. Holman,
Hollida , second. Miss Loula Long,
Kansas City.
Xo 7 A J Bass, first and second.
Xo. 9 First, J G. Davis. Columbia.
Second. Dr. W R. Smith. Ashland.
Third, Eugene Rcuther, Columbia.
Fouith, A. B. Shepard, Columbia.
Fifth, A Straw ii. Columbia.
Xo 10. Miss Loula Long.
.Siime of the VfterniMiii Events.
Three- ear-old pace, purse, $.!00
first. Walter D, owned b.v J. G. Lutz
of Kansas Cit ; second, William I,
owned b C P. Johnson of Wapello,
la ; third, Prairie Diamond, owned by
E 0. McDonald of Abilene, Kan.; time
in final heat. 2:19
2: IS Trot, first heat, purse $400
first. Colonel Chittenden, owned by
Charles Merntt of Hugo, Colo.; sec
ond. Albino, owned by A. H. McWhm-
ne of Omaha, Xeb ; third. Red Silk,
owned b J G. Lutz of Kansas City;
fourth, Edna II, owned by William
Jackson of Omaha, Xeb.; time, 2:15
Although the crowd was small to
day, the directors say they are pleased
with the first day and expect record-
breaking crowds for the rest of the
fair. The election kept away a great
number todav.
Dr. W II. Black, president of the
Missouri Viilie College, -gave the final
af-embl address of the Summer Ses
sion tliis, morning In the I'niversity
Auditorium He announced no subject
Cor his address, but, "appling the
principle cf the testing of seed corn,
talked cf the test which is given to
"You cannot say which kind of seed
ccrn is Lest," said Doctor Black. "The
Important thing is Will it grow ? Is
it vital" And will it reproduce its
kinJ? Ju-t as with beeds, the great
thing in every profession is to find
whether life is there The scientit.c
principle we are working on toda
was one of the great pronunciations
at the beginning 'Bring forth after
its kind.'"
Every person must bo able to de
velop that which will bring forth after
his kind, according to Doctor Black
The chief thing in teaching is to
make character. Persons of character
are those whoso work is good, whose
thoughts are clear, whose minds are
stable and whose spirits cherish lofty
ideals. This is a matter cf great edu
cational importance toda because of
the things we are preparing to do.
A state concerned about tills voting
toda is a wonderful thing The land
is only the area over which certain
ideals re'n The state is purely
spiritual 'a marvel personalit' just
as invisible as a soul with its ideals,
purposes and aim
In school work and in life work, we
hove to make something that will
make a state The state is according
to the ideals and purposes that com
pose it. sas Doctor Black "As our
interests become hed in the higher
things, so the lesser tilings become
more important It is a great thing
to be building thoughts to produce
character. It is not so much the
shop that is worth while as the pro
duct of this shop"
The testing of character applies to
the church as well as to the state, ac
cording to Doctor Black He sas the
difference between the church and
state is not one of worth "The great
problem facing the church tada.v is
that of unification There are three
things we ought to da be able to go
from one church to another without
embirrassinent. have a way by which
Christians may come to the ordinances
of the church an where, and provide
that every minister may have the same
ministerial office and character every
w here." Put ourtestof character in
to it; use vour vision and influence
in bringing about this unification, is
the advice of Doctor Mirk
lor foliimiiii .in, hinitj- plrtlv
Ioiidj tcinUlit md Wednesdij, prolnlilv
loi-il tliiiiiderstonn showers; "not mueli
i lime in tf inpernturr.
I"r Missouri: P.irtN d.md tonight
.Hid WlsllieMl IV" ..II 'Mil u iriup l,ln.u
Weather ('unilltloil.
'I he Soiithctst hiuh pressure w ie his
glvtu hiv, .iikI the Northnist hicli pn s.
sure Is -u.i pint- . i-iu ir.l mil Is lin
m irked roll, f rroin the Inttnse he-it in
ill of the upixr PI tins mil Vll-,s,i,u
V lllc the I.ike re.-l mil Ohio Vllle
Pvnpt i henv sIhimi r .it liuiihi. "el,
tin re wis no r-iin of i..n-.-.ii. in-e In (he
primlpil irriin st itt s during the ptt
ininlv f..ur hours I...1-1I showers Ml hi
Hie Ohio ii,.j fruiii I.oiiUile to Pitts
liiir.-h: on the Te is ioit. mil 1 f 1
of the Kiik Mount tin i-tites Pilr ue-ith
r pn tills in the nmiiinler of the mini
In Poliiuiht 1 tliiiioh rstunii slum, rs ire
likeli during the next tlilrtv l hours
leiuper.ituris M1 he nimh-rite
Sixteen Hundred Ballots Had
Been Issued at 3:30 This
Candidates Have Busy Day
Democratic Returns to Be
Received Tonight.
1 m-iil Data
till- hU-ln-t t lllpenturo ill ".ilnrill.il
iserdl l 1ml .md the lonest lit
ni.:ht is 71 propt itloii. u-.; rtlitiie
liiuii.IlM - p in Kst.rilit. It p. r ii nt.
voir ,igo lrstirdn the highest tun
Piritme wis ss. mil the i.u,t T.'
lipitllioll It
The Mliiilli lr.
Mill rose tod i. " Ifl i in Sim sits,
7-21 p ill
Moon sets si p hi.
The Temperatures Tmluj.
7 a. m 7 11 a. m 83
Sam . . .75' 1L' in . . .S7
a in 7S 1 p. in. .. .80
10 a. m . 82 2pm 90
Teutonic Allies Evacuate the
Cities in Danger West
Front Is Quiet.
liv I'nlled Press.
LON'DOX, Aug. 1. Wireless reports
received at Home and forwarded here
today asserted that Germany is with
drawing her heavy artiller and her
food and munitions depots from Kovel
in the face of the Russian enveloping
The same report said that Vladimir
and Volyhnskcy, in the same sector
on the eastern front, have already
been completely evacuated
n Change, Beciares Hutg.
I!v Pnlled Press.
LONDON', Aug 1 "Xo change in
the situation," was reported today b
General Sir Douglas Haig, British
coiiimandcr-in-chief in France. Haig
related that north of Bazentine a hos
tile attack against the British trench
was successfully repulsed and said
that there had been heavy artiller
firing throughout the night
('ernian Attacks IEt-puNcd.
P.v Pulled Pre-s.
PARIS. Aug 1 Two German sur
prise attacks directed at the French
lines UUUlll i.iuuus ti-iu ii-puisi-u, II1U
official communique declared today.
With 1.6U0 votes cast at r,:30 o'clock
tlus afternoon, the chances looked
good for a record primary vote in
the four precincts in Columbia It
is piobable that the vote will come
close to 2,300 b the time the polls
Workers for state candidates and
the count candidates themselves have
been busy all day handing out cards
and other literature and talking to
the voters. There is enough political
literature thrown in and around the
courthouse this afternoon to have a
good-sized bonfire. The crowd around
the courthouse has been large all da.
Vearlv 130 could be seen there at any
one time this afternoon
The candidates and other workers
were anxious! waiting for the whis
tle at the Hamilton-Brown shoe fac
tory to blow time late this after
noon When work for the day is over
two or three hundred votes arc ex
pected to be forthcoming.
There arc about 1,800 Democratic
votes in Columbia Township and
about a third of that number of Re
publican votes. It hardly pas to
print ballots for the Progressive, Pro
hibition, Socialist and Social ist-I.abor
parties m this township. There had
been only four of all of these tickets
called for b voters late this after
noon There might have been five.
but one voter who called for a So
cialist ticket brought it back a few
minutcj later for a Democratic ticket
when he found that the Socialist
ticket did not include candidates for
count offices.
The returns of the Democratic race
will be received from all of the Boone
Count precincts and from all over
the state by the Democratic county
ccntral committee at the courthouse
tonight They will be announced to
the crowd on the courthouse lawn
through a megaphone from the cir
cuit clerk's office. The returns prob
abl.v will begin to come in about 8
Vulliiirilles Prohibit the Press From
Follow Intr Di'iitsohliiiiil.
(I'nlti.l Pres Stiff Correspond! nt)
BALTIMORE, Aug 1. The sub-sea
freighter Deutschiand planned this
afternoon to get away before 5
An effort was made by the local
port authorities to prevent press boats
(rom following her. To stop dne of
these, orders were issued that the
captain must dock the vessel, though
it had been in service in the port for
seven or eight ears.
Four evv I.Iiiiitjpes Installed.
Four new linotvpes are being in
stalled by the Stephens Publishing
Company, which will make a total of
nine linotvpes to be used by the com
pany Monotypes, which were not
found to be profitable save in exclusive
book work, have been removed.
Crossing Tiles Are Decorated.
The large tiles which have been do
ing street crossing duty on Broadway
at Eighth, Xmth and Tenth streets
have been decorated. The tiles have
been painted white, with "Safety
? First" in red A blue post in the
center of each has the sign "Keep to
ithe right." Red
'rulialih .Mure Than :t,(M0 Attend
Concluding Campaign Kail.
The Democratic candidates urged
their claims to a record crowd last
night The courthouse lawn was fill
ed, the crowd extending back into the
street ProhabI more than 3,000 per
sons heard the candidates at some
time during the evening It was the
most enthusiastic audience the can
didates have had during the cam
paign and considerabl the largest.
The crowd was especially interest
ed in the debates among the candi
dates for representative and between
the two candidates for prosecuting
There were two talks "not on the
bills." John R. Thomas, candidate for
Congress from the Eighth Missouri
District, was on hand and made the
concluding speech. .Mrs. Luella St.
Clair-.Moss, president of Christian
College, reminded the Democrats of
their pledge of indorsement of woman
suffrage by states in the national
platform and pointed out that the
several million women who now hold
the franchise will hold great power
and influence in the national election
in November.
St. Louis Reports Break in
Republicans Gardner Is
.Nllltla Ordered to EI Paso.
11 Cnited Press
EL PASO, Aug. 1 It was reported
this afternoon that the militia from
Ohio. North and South Carolina, Ala
bama, Georgia and Tennesse have
been ordered moved to the El Paso
Crop Injuries Boost Wheat Price.
white, and blue are i:v Pnlttd Press.
I! I'nlted Press.
ST LOUIS. Aug 1. The names of
Walter S. Dicke, Republican candi
date for the United States Senate, and
John E. Swanger. Republican candi
date for governor, are linked together
on the Schmoll-Kiel city committee
slate on toda's primary, and Thomas
J. Akins and former Judge Henry
I.imin, candiJate for governor, are on
the Stiefel-Koeln committee slate.
These combinations appeared early
today in several wards on sample
Early inquiries today also revealed
that the name of Fred Gardner, Demo
cratic candidate for governor, appears
on a large majority of the Democratic
city committee slates distributed in
the various wards.
The DIckey-Sn anger combination In
St. Louis was not unexpected, al
though friends of the Schmoll-Kiel fac
tion have denied that this faction was
taking no- interest in the senatonal
fight. The Akins-Lamm allignment
was expected after the state campaign
for the last few weeks.
the Old Trails' colors
Hughes fur Woman Suffrage.
Ilv I'nlled Press
NEW YORK, Aug 1. Charles E.
Hughes today declared for a woman
suffrage amendment to the Constitu
tion, in a telegram sent to George
Sutherland of Utah.
40 Lost When Steamer Sinks,
rtv United Press.
SANTIAGO. Chile. Aug. 1. The
Chilean steamer Ecuador was wrecked
near Coroncl today and forty persons
were drowned.
CHICAGO, Aug. 1 Reports of heav
blight and rust injuries to north-
f t.ir, -lie i oiiiiij nut- i, mm.
Illy Piiiud Press.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Aug. 1. Early
nlimu ftwm flmnnn rftirtv fmnr til,.
western crops and a threatened spread , , ., , ,, , ,
... I nomination of Gardner and Sw-anger,
Decker and Reed, Britton and Cross-
to the Canadian crops caused boosts
of 3 and I cents In wheat values to
day The movement was accentuated
by predictions of a light spring crop.
Dr. C. I,. O'Brjan to Coifrentlon.
Dr C L. O'Bryan will leave Sat
urday evening to attend the annual
convention of the Missouri State Chi
ropractor's Association at Jefferson
Cit. The convention will be on Au
gust C and 7.
ley The vote Is light.
Little Interest In Kansas ( Ily.
I!r I'nlted Press.
KANSAS CITY. August 1. In spite
of the various Eectlonal fights among
Democrats, voting in the primaries
here Is light and It is predicted not
over 2fi,000 of 70,000 votes In the city
and the county will be cast. No guess
has been made as to the outcome.