OCR Interpretation

The daily Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1916-1917, December 07, 1916, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066314/1916-12-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for Page Three

Jan. 2. First county court of LU
jard (now Lafayette) County.
Jan. 8. First county court of
Cooper County at house of Robert P.
Clark In Boonville.
Jan. 15. First circuit court held
jn Cole County.
Jan. First county court In Lincoln
Jan. 15. first county court of Gas
conade County.
Jan. 22. First county court met In
Franklin County.
Feb. 5. First circuit court in Sa
line County at Old Jefferson, -first
county seat.
Feb. 5. First circuit court in Cal
laway County.
Feb. 12. First county court in
Madison County.
Feb. 12. First circuit court in
Lafayette County at Mt Vernon. "
Feb. 12. First county court In Cal
laway County.
Feb. 23. First Missouri Masonic
Grand Lodge in St. Louis.
Feb. 23. First county court held In
Boone County at Smithton.
Feb. First circuit court In Ray
County at Bluffton.
Feb. 26. Meeting of first county
court of Howard County at OldFrank-
Feb. 2C First county court in St
Feb. 26. First circuit court held in
Chariton County In Old Charlton.
March 2. Second Missouri Com
promise adopted by Congress, -which
made possible the admission ''of Mis
souri. Spring Establishment of trading
post at Kaw's mouth, by Pierre
March 18. First circuit court in
Ralls County.
March 20. Missouri Gazette chang
ed to Missouri Republican.
April 2. First circuit court held In
Boone County.
April 2. First county court held in
Cole County.
April 9. First county court in
Pike County.
April 16. First county court of Sa
line County.
April 20. Establishment of postof
fica at Old Franklin.
April First county court in Ray
County at Bluffton.
May 14. First county court in Jef
ferson County.
April 28. Organization of Presby
terian Church at Franklin, first Pres
byterian Church in Howard County.
May 21. First county court in Per
ry County.
May 28. First lot sale on present
site of Columbia.
June 4. First circuit court In Per
ry County.
June 25. County scat of Charlton
County located at Old Chariton.
Jane 28. Passage of Solemn Pub
lic Act assenting to Congressional re
striction upon state constitution.
July (First circuit court of Gas
conade County.
Aug. 9. Harmony Mission near
Papinsville established among Osage
Indians in Bates County, first white
settlement in the county. First In
dian mission and Indian school es
tablished in Missouri.
Aug. 10. Proclamation of President
Monroe, admitting Missouri into the
Sept. 1. William BecknelL. "Father
of Santa Fe Trade" left Arrow Rock
ita his expedition for New Mexico.
Oct 30. Missouri .Royal Arch Ma
sons, Chapter No. 1, orgaplzed In St
Nor. 15. County seat of Boone
Comjty moved from Smithton to Co
Dec 19. Establishment or St. Fran
co!? County.
Dec. 28. Establishment 'of Scott
Dec. 31. State capitol fixed on
Present site of Jefferson City and
Provisions made for laying out the
General, 1821.
"First tavern opened in Columbia,
Col. Richard Gentry.
First county seat of Ralls county
ked at New London.
Arrival of Father La Croix in West
ern Missouri, one of the earliest
Priests, if not the first to visit the
fcdian tribes of western Missouri.
"ret postofficc in Marion County
Wllshed at P.llmvrn Ma far nhfl-
Dickerson, postmaster.
Jnt courthouse in Ste. Genevieve
wsaty built
Pwtoffice established in Columbia.
Futt ferry established at Arrow
by Capt BecknelL
Jjouth Rlvef Baptist Church . or
ed. first Baptist Church in Ma
" County.
4 uies established between va-
county seats and towns of Mis
Genevieve Correspondent and
we established at Ste. Genevieve.
Carl Yreewui aid Joka A. McSaarraa
Also b Famers' Pragma.
Dr. Perry G. Ho)den of Chicago has
accepted the Invitation to be oae of
the two principal speakers on Tues
day night's program of Farmers'
Week. Doctor Holden conducted the
first railroad train for carrying agri
cultural instruments) to farmers In
Carl Vrooman, assistant Secretary
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., has
also accepted an Invitation to speak
here Farmers' Week. He will talk
on subjects of practical Interest to the
John A. McSparran, master of the
State Orange of Pennsylvania, also
secretary in charge of national agri
cultural legislation, will apeak,
Every effort is being made to have
Sir Horace Plunkett of Dublin, Ire
land, here for the last night of Farm
ers' Week. He Is said to be the fore
most authority In the world on agri
cultural organization and co-operation.
Uel W. Lamkin, state superinten-
Pae Three
dent of schools,' will speak here Farm
ers' Week. He Is considered one of
the most brilliant speakers on rural
schools. His subject will be "The
Call of the Country School to Mis
souri." Hejrlll speak Monday, Janu
ary 1. Mr. Lamkin Is a nephew of
Dean Walter Williams of the School
ot Journalism.
Child Welfare Assocktiea to Meet
A special meeting ot the Child Wel
fare Association will be held at 2 o'
clock tomorrow afternoon at the Y. M.
C. A. Building.
Missive Addressed to Jaaes E. Stew
ers Mas Reea to Eaglaad aad Back.
When James E. Stowers, an M. U.
graduate and surgeon In the French
army, receives a letter which came
addressed to him at the Missouri
Union Building yesterday, he will
have the unique distinction of read
ing news written over a year ago. For
fourteen months the letter has been
sent from place to place in search of
Mr. Stowers.
It was first addressed to Montreal,
Canada, where he was employed in
the Royal Victoria Hospital, but he
had gone to France as a member ot
the Red Cross Corps. The letter was
forwarded to London, circulated in
England and then came here.
Mr. Stowers received an A. B. de
gree from the University in 1910 and
an A. Ml in 191L
California Steer Wins Caajaploasalp.
-ine grand championship of the In
ternational Live stock show in Chi
cago was awarded to California Fav '
orite, a yearling cross-bred Hereford
Shorthorn steer owned "by the Univer
sity of California.
i r
Watch I ! !
We make a prediction watch for its fulfil- Bevo that has won this success. That
ment For some years, various and sundry something is not the shape of the bottle or
concerns have been making beverages which the beauty of the label but the goodness of
are grouped under the general description of mc contents of the bottle. '
near-beer. e aQflgjpate gome beverages will be offered
Now comes Bevo a cereal beverage, not a in a way to make the appearance of the pack-
"near-beer," nor do we seek its sale on any age look as much 'like the Bevo. bottle as
basis of being an evasion of the law or of possible. The intention is obvious,
being a substitute for anything. It is offered But you don't taste the shape of a bottle it's
purely for what it is-a delightful, wholesome the flavor of tha contents of the bottle that
and nutritious urink. you must depend upon for enjoyment
Bevo met with instant and complete success. Then beware of impersonators don't be
A whirlwind success. satisfied to try to identify Bevo by the shape
. Surely there must be something special about of the bottle alone "r
There are these certain identification marks that are'your protection against imitations. Not just imitations of the product,
.-amamkar Km- tina mnrm imifiintmi, :.:. - :. t.:.t. a. . J .... I .. -1J r51 :.. I u1 : :i.
,uuvuuivi wu .. uw.. umuuauug uiuiauvua nuitu uy w ucccivc you oy puiung an oiu xauiuc iuiu a uuiuc similar
to a new success. So look for these unmistakable marks of the genuine Bevo demand that the bottle be opened in front
of you, then
Look for the Seal
See that it is unbroken covering the Crown Top,
Look at the Crown Top, and see that it bears the Fox
Be sure the Bottle hoa fhi T.atui
Have you tasted Bevo? Then you know that nothing can satisfactorily take its place.
It you haven-t tasted it you should learn what it is and all that- it ffvi vnn
w - www ww W
Bevo is an al-year-'round drink. Yon cannot enjoy Dutch lunches,-Welsh rarebits,
oysters', clams, lobsters. RaiiR90f v1ia'1 mar v4i.i m.1. j.i::.. i:uir. i.-..
partaking of a little Bevo. Give it a timl aad see if tliis prediction is not true.
Bevo is a pure drink; is strictly non-intoxicating.
This means more than that it contains
pure and harmless ingredients it means that
though you might often well be afraid of possible
germs in milk' or water, Bevo, being a pasteurized
product in sterilized bottles, is absolutely free
from bacteria.
Bevo is a nutritive beverage the fine cereals
from which it is made give it this quality.
Bevo is a delightful and refreshing soft drink
unlike any you have ever tasted indeed a
Triumph in Soft Drinks.
You should hear the comments of people who
have tasted and who know Bevo. Tbeyll
men, women and children have a good word
to say about Bevo's good qualities. We feel that
we can say this with assurance, not only because
of the wonderful sale we have had on Bevo but
because of letters on letters received, congratulat
ing us on the product.
You can't get these good qualities in wiytHng
but Bevo demand the genuine.
You will End Bevo at inns, cafeterias, restau
rants, groceries, department and drug stores,
soda fountains, dining cars, steamships, canteens,
soldiers' homes, navy, and other places where re
freshing beverages are sold. Your grocer will
UM"7 you oy me case.
Payne-Roth Groc. Co.
DfatribHtera COLUMBIA, MO.
Real Hair on tkf doll
is what the child wants.
Your combing will atake
a beautiful doll's wig.
Switches curls also madefy
Moler Ideal Parlors
Rooms 9 and 10 Miner Bunding
Phone 795
Affords a permanently safe place for your
valuable Papers, letters, Jewelry, Etc.
$1.00 a Year 25c a Month
Central Bank
Clean and Progressive
Holly, Holly, Holt
For your holiday decorations
Cut Flowers, 'Baskets of Flowers,
Blooming Pot Plants
Phone 920

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