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" ill ill MISSOURIAN j I Nil &v NINTH YEAR U.S. OmOAUV AT WAR - i ; ; -r WILSON TELLS PUNS Approves of Conscription of 500,000 Men in Addition to Regulars. AGE LrMIT IS 19 TO 25 Drafting to Be Practiced in National Guard if Vol unteering Fails. Itv United Press WASHINGTON. April 6. After pro claiming a state of war the President this afternoon issued the following statement regarding the means to be used in obtaining the two million men asked for by heads of the war depart ment last night. "The principle embodied in the plans which the military committees of the Senate and House have adopted have my approval." It is proposed to meet the orders for the necessary men by bringing the regular army and national guard up to their full war strength and adding the additional forces by selective con scription. The first increment of 500, 000 to make iip this so-called addition al force will be ordered immediately and other increments called as rapidly as officers can be obtained to train the men in order that all these forces might comprise a single army in con junction with the regulars and nation al guardsmen. The term of enlistment will be equalized according to the term of emergency. The necessary men will be secured for the regular army and national guard by volunteering as at present, until the president resorts to a selec tic draft should voluntary recruiting not fill these units. The draft would call men ranging between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five. For the first "additional force" of 500,000 men the quotas of several states will be in pioportion to their population. Selziim' of Ships Is -First AVar Act. Hy United Press NEW YORK. April C United States Army forces seized all German ships in all American ports today. It was America's first act of war. In ports on every coast of the United States proper and on its Is land possessions, marines and blue jackets went aboard the German ships, arrested their members and topic possession of the vessels in the name of the United States. At Hoboken, New York, along, twen-ty-seen vessels, including the giant steamer Vaterland, were taken over. The total number of German ships in American ports is ninety-one, regis tering a total tonnage of 394,696 pounds. From Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans. Jacksonville, San Francisco and other ports come reports today of the seizing of ships. No trouble was reported at any point. Brazil .May Declare War on Germany. I!y United Press RIO DE JANIERO. April 6. Brazil may declare war on Germany. Official announcement today of the sinking of the Brazilian steamer Par an, killing three Brazilians aroused the most intense anti-German feeling here. The situation is most grave and a declaration of war against Germany may be made at any time according to information received here tod.iy from Foreign Secretary Muller. Uncle Jack Conies Aged Negro, Dies. Uncle Jack Coats, Columbia's old negro basket-maker. Is dead. He was found dead in bed this morning at the home of W. R. Epperson, 301 South Third street, where he has been stay ing since leaving the hospital a few days ago. Uncle Jack was one of the old-time negroes, having been a slave before the war and a soldier of the Confederacy. He worked at times for members of the Daugtiters of the Confederacy, making baskets and do ing odd jobs. Uncle Jack was near ly 30 years old. The funeral will be held tomorrow. I ' . .-- ,. - . . t. i ljuh r mm m inn m mme nr armv For Cnlumlilit and vicinity Inire.islnr cloudiness, followed by rain late tonight ' or Maiuruey: wanner tonight. I.ouest temperature aboie freezing. For Missouri Increasing cloudiness fol lowed by rain late tonight or Saturday: warmer tonight east and south portions; looler Saturday west portions. Weather Condition. The low- pressure system that was i-rn-tral in Kentucky yesterday morning has traveled northeast reaching New York c'l ty this morning: it is of considerable mag iiitude. dominating the weather In most of the territory east of the Mlssippl Itlver. The mill licit extends from Florida to New England, while snow- Is plentiful in the lower Like region and St. l-iwrence Valley. The weather Is generally fair In the Mississippi Valley and Plain states. Al though rather cool, frost occurring In Kan sas and Missouri. Another low pressure wae is appm.n h-, ing irom me soiuuern uocfcy .uomiiaiu sloe, and under Its influence rain is like lv in Columbia during thee latter part of the next thirty-six hours. I .oca I Data. The highest tempeerature in Columbia yesterday was 54 and the lowest last night was :ES: precipitation 0 00; relatite hu midlty - p. m. jesterday 5:2 per cent. A j ear ago jesterday the highest tempera ture was ."; and the lowest :S; precipi tation 0 01 iiuh. The Almanac. , Sun rises today. .":4B a. in. Sun sets. 0:37 p. m. Moon sets. S:.S a. m. The. Temperatures. j 7 a. m 3.5 11 . m.. .! 53 S a. m 43 12 m. . U a. ni 44 10 a. m 50 1 p. in m p. in . COLD SPELL MAY DAMAGE FRUIT By ATcrage of Last 27 Years, Killing on the Mexican border. Those mem Frost Comes April 18. bers who were not present for the The present cold spell, although ! inspection last night will be inspected not severe, may still hold elements of at other cities and will be accredited danger for the fruit-raiser and vege table gardener, according to George Reeder of the local Weather Bureau. The ground is still cold and the av erage of -killing frosts for Columbia and Ucftiity-for the last 7 years falls on April 18, although last year the last killing frost came April 9. Apple trees are beginning to bud and the hardier vegetables are slowly appear ing above the ground. Another sure sign of, warmer weather is the sight of negroes of all ages busily gathering greens on parts of the campus and vacant lots. Although rain is expected late to night or tomorrow morning, the weath er will be warmer. Saturday night will be cooler. Mr. Reeder would give no advance notices as to Easter Sun day, conditions in some parts of the 'country being slightly unsettled. The present season is, in his opinion, quite well advanced for this time of the year. KEI) CROSS URGES SUPPORT Local Chapter Sends Out Appeal for Members to Help in War Relief. An urgent appeal under the head ing of "Your American Red Cross Needs You" is being sent out by the local chapter of the American Red Cross Society in an effort to secure new members. The appeal says that no other agency provides such a prac tical way for helping the country and humanity. Membership in the so ciety implies only that help shall be given to alleviate the distress caused by war. Prof. L. M. Defoe is treas urer of the local chapter. Member ships are payable to him, $1 for an nual, $2 for subscription and $5 for contributing memberships. PROF. NEWTO.N RESERVE MAJOR Commission Is In Effect With Decla ration of War Against Germany. Prof. G. D. Newton of the School of Engineering ha, received a com mission as major in the Engineering Reserve Corps. The commission was issued at army headquarters in Wash ington and reached :Columbia last Saturday. It went.-into effect with the declaration df war against Ger many. Professor Newton will prob ably spend a few weeks in some train ing camp before going into active service. Further instructions will be sent later from Government head quarters giving the detailed course he will follow. Negro Is Chen 6 Months in JalL A jury returned the verdict of guilty of felonious assault without intent to kill ia,the case of Louis Schnalt against James Nicklin, both negroes, in the Circuit Court this aft ernoon. The sentence was six months in the county jail. COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, FRIDAY AT NEVADA IN WEEK Inspector of Company F Says Fourth Missouri Infantrv Will Be Called. RECRUITS NEEDEDJ.MUST BE EXAMINED : Local Unit Will Probably Take Members From Other Cities. The mobilization of the Fourth Mis souri Infantry of which Company F is a unit, will take place at Nevada about the first of next week. This news was brought to Columbia hv Lieutenant-Colonel Burkbardt of the Nineteenth Infantry of the U. S. Army, who inspected the local company at the armory last night. . Captain Major said this morning he believed that the inspection was sat isfactory to the federal inspector-last night, although the company was broken up because many of the mem bers have not returned to Columbia since being mustered out of service to the Columbia company. Seventy-five new members are need ed to bring Company F up to full war strength. According to Captain, Major, if Columbia citizens do not reKtinnil wlthin the next ferlavs ! , the new members will be recruited fvnm tivc Atftlinrltf ntirl clll-miinrt. w... .....;, ..,w..,j .. ..v-.. ing cities to bring the company up to plicants must be at least 21 years old full strength by the time of the call and must have had some military ex for mobilization. A report was re- perience in the regular U. S. Army, ceived yesterday from Paris stating National Guard or a recognized mill that twenty-three men there have tary school. "In case of conscrip signified their willingness to enlist. tion," said Major Castle, "the members Only three men have enlisted here . f the Reserve Officers' Training in the last few days. Three have Corps who have satisfied the rcquire been rejected, two for physical dis- ments will be used in training enlisted ability and one because he was a mar- citizens for the regular army." ried man with a family dependent up- I In addition to passing the. regular on him for support. This morning arn,v Physical examination to become a large recruiting sign was placed in embers or the corps certain mental front of the armory to stimulate the ' and Passional examinations must be spirit of enlisting. !pascd- Hu'es concerning the exami- Lieutenant-Colonel Burkhardt left "a"0n for ,he 0fficers' Rescrve CrPs .... . . I follow: tnis morning tor Kansas uuy wnere he will inspect the Kansas City Ma chine Gun Company of the Third In fantry tonight. Tomorrow he will in spect Supply Company M at St. Jo seph. TJCERS DEFEAT KENDALL, 2 TO 0 Hit by Giltner, Pitcher, in Ninth, Helps Score Winning Run. Special to The TULSA, Okla., April 6. The Tiger baseball team continued on their win ning streak when they defeated the Kendall College nine, 2 to 0 yesterday afternoon. The game was a pitchers' battle, the hits on both sides being scattered. Giltner, pitching on a foreign field, and with poor support from his in field, used judgment in getting out of holes. He struck out eleven men and only five hits were gathered off his delivery. He also made three hits, one in the last inning helping score the winning run. Young of Kendall struck out nine men but was hit safe ly seven times. Missouri plays Kendall again today. The batteries for yesterday's game were: Missouri, Giltner and Morris; Kendall, Young and Wallace. J. E. McPherson Heads City Schools. The Board of Directors of Colum bia Public Schools re-elected J. E. McPherson superintendent of schools at a brief meeting in the courthouse yesterday. J. E. Jones was re-elected principal of the Fred Douglas School. The Board will elect teach ers for next year April 17. Public Library Open Saturday A. M. The Columbia Public Library in the Court House will be open from 9:30 to 12 o'clock Saturday, April 7. Any one desiring books should call at this time. EVENING, APRIL 6, TO AFFECT STUDENTS Large Per Cent Come With in Age Limits Many Have Had Experience. Recruits Will Be Given Rig id Test and Army Stand ards Maintained. "The tentative compulsory military service measure now being considered by Congress will have a wide effect on the enlistment of the students in the University if adopted.4 said Captain J. C King, instructor iu military sci ence in the University, this morning. ".Most of the students are within the age limits, specified In the bill and many of them have had military ex- pertence. Tnese are the men the Gov- eminent will want when enlistment By United Pitta time comes." , WASHINGTON, April 6. War was declared at 1 :13 Captain King said that there is a .. v w , , . . , .., mistaken notion afloat that every man th,S afternoon. At exactly that time President Wilson Sign between the ages of is and 23 years ' ed the joint resolution passed by the House and Senate de- SSSSSL'SZidttia' that a s,a,e of war exis,s b""'een ,he UniKd Sta"s says that the physical standard of the and Germany. regular army will be rigidly main-; An hour before, the resolution was signed bv Vice-Pres- recruits. The compulsory enlistment' is considered as a means to make the slacker share the burden of military 1 service with the willing man hP mm Many applicat,ons have en filed for Qfncers' appointments in the Re - ... -Hre.v:.'-m !.: -- ..-. . ' joci.c uiuraa i ruining vxjrps. .Major iCharlees W. Castle, commandant of! J- !J .!, , iauei.1, saiu mis morning mat an ap- (Memorandum) Kxtnirt from Crnprnl Orders 32. Department. 1910. recarrtlns examination for appointment as captains ami lieuten ant of infantry in Officers' Heserre Corps. Mental Examination. 1. I.'nicllsli Crammar and ability to read, write and spell nltli fjelllfr and correctness. 1'. Arithmetic. ". CJeojtraph.v. 4. History of the United States. This examination may be waved by pro ducing a diploma or certiorate of gradua tion from an educational Institution of good repute: or by satisfying the examin ing board that the applicant has been suf ficiently educated In the subject mentioned. rrofridonal Examination. 1. Administration (Oral) Army regula tions and important general orders, special attention being paid to articles of arrnr regulations, I to XXIII inclusive: XXIX to XXXIII Inclusive; XXXIX: XI.; MM; LV; and I.X. '2. Drill regulations (Practical) (In case no facilities exist, this examination will be oral.) School of the soldier; school of the squad and school of the company. X. Field service regulations. Service of information. Service of security. .Marched. Shelter. (Oral). 4. Tables of organization. To intitule the company. (Oral). .. Small arms firing regulation. (Oral) Theoretical prlmlples. Estimating dis tances. & Military Law (Oral). Manual of courts-martial. 7. Topouraphy. (Practical? Mnklnt of a topographical map. Map reading. W. C. T. U. Worker Here Sunday. Mrs. Linne Carl of Portland, Ore national field secretary of the Young People's Branch of the W. C. T. U., will be in Columbia Sunday. She will lecture at the Methodist Church at 3 p. m., and will talk to a masa meet ing of the young people's societies of the city at 6:30 o'clock Sunday even ing at the Baptist Church. Mrs. Carl is a reader and Impersonator. Courthons to Haie New TTalk. Work was begun this morning on a new walk that is to run from the north door of the Courthouse diag onally to Eighth street. The walk will be 6 feet wide and 90 feet long. Mrs. Whittle Undergoes Operatiom. Mrs. J. E. Whitle of Columbia un derwent an operation this morning at Parker Memorial Hospital. W I9l7. WILSON SIGNS RESOLUTION AT 1:13 OUOCK TODAY Four Missouri Representatives Vote "No" When House Passes Act 373 to 50 First War Measures Total $164,000,000 Conscription Plans Call for 2,000,000 Men. BULLETIN By United Press . WASHINGTON, April 6. The general defensive bill calling for $100,000,000 for national defense purposes and $64,000,000 for war expenses was the first war measure to pass Congress today. ,dent Marshall in the Senate These were the last formal steps necessary to make the United States an ally of England, France and Russia in the world war of democracy against autocracy. Aminst thi mnr rlmmst-ir .. i - I 3V.CI1C3 CTLI WU1C03CU 111 SUII" gress, the House early today passed the resolution which President Wil son signed this afternoon and which formally declared Germany an ene my or the United States. The vote on the resolution was 373 to 50. Woman Votes on BI1L For the first time in history a wom an voted on the question of war. With a sob and a protest of her love for her country she voted "No." Shackleford, Igoe, Decker, and Henseley all of Missouri, voted "no." Thirty-two Republicans, sixteen Democrats; one Socialist, and one Prohibitionist voted against the reso lution. Will Take Immediate Action. The first blow will be struck at once against Germany. Secret orders con taining precautionary steps to be tak en within and without the nation will be flashed from Washington immed iately. What these orders are, the Administration refused to divulge this afternoon because of their military nature. The nation is now ready for its money and men. Two million of the nation's youth will be required within the next two years. Measures cover ing both these greater needs are drafted and will be presented to Con gress promptly. The first great war budget asking more than three and a half million dollars is up for discussion today in the House. The Military Committee has been informed of the adminis tration's selective conscription bill to raise a giant army. By United Preei WASHINGTON, April 6. As the President affixed his signature to the document declaring war between the United States and Germany, Lieuten ant Commander McCandles signalled across the street to the Navy Depart ment that war was officially declared and orders were flashed out to ships of the Navy and all the forts of the i country. Simultaneously steamships every-1 where on the Potomac, and whistles over the entire city of the nation's capital shrieked out the dreadful re port of war which the city had been breathlessly expecting since the call ing of the extra session. While the ink still was wet on the historical document, messages to all the Governments of the earth were sent out informing them of our ac tion. Th Swiss Minister, Dr. Paul Rit- NUMBER 184 at 12:13. THE WAR PROCLAMATION By Doited FrM WASHINGTON, April 6. Pres dent Wilson this afternoon issued a proclamation to the people of the country declaring a state of war exists between the United States and the Imperial Govern ment of Germany. At the same time he asks and especially directs all officers of the United States Government, civil and military, to exercise vigilance In the dis charge or their duties incident to such a state of war. In the same proclamation the President appeals to all Ameri cans to uphold the laws of the land and give undivided and will ing support to those measures which may be adopted by the con stitutional authorities in assist ing them in prosecuting the war to a successful issue and in jb taining a secure and just peace. iter, acting for Germany, communicated I the word formally to Berne and thence to Berlin. Dispatches were sent to every foreign and South Amer ican Consul. All should be informed of the nation's action within the next twenty-four hours. President Wilson signed the war resolution while alone in the library of the White House two minutes aft er it reached the Executive Mansion. By United Preia WASHINGTON, April 6. President Wilson signed the declaration of war with Germany in the presence of Mrs. Wilson, his niece. Rudolph Foster, the executive clerk and the head usher. The gold pen he used in affixing the words "Woodrow Wilson" was given to Mrs. Wilson. When the document was returned to the capitol from the White House It was turned over to the Secretary of State and filed among the most impor tant papers of the Administration. Immediately after signing the joint resolution for the war the President issued bis proclamation to the peo ple of the country declaring that a state of war existed between this na tion and The Imperial German Gov ernment. He asked all American cit izens' undivided devotion to their country because they were devoted to the principles of liberty and jus tice and therefore to uphold the laws of the land and give undivided and willing support to the prosecution or the war to a successful issue and a just and lasting peace. At the same time he warned all aliens to conform to the strict regulations which he out lined in the proclamation.