OCR Interpretation

The Evening Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1917-1920, October 03, 1917, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066315/1917-10-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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45 Men Ordered to Report
at Courthouse in Morn-
ing Depart Friday.
District Board Holds 38 Who
Appealed from Ruling of
Local Body.
A farewell will be given to the
drafted men by the Commercial Club
and the Missouri Union at the Mis
souri Union Building tomorrow night.
The Commercial Club will give a pipe
and tobacco to each man. Ice cream
will be serred by the Union.
Forty-five drafted men were ordered
to report at the Courthouse at 9
o'clock tomorrow morning for de
parture to Camp Funston. Only forty
of these will be sent, however, since
i five were called as alternates to go
In case some of the others failed to
report. The men will leave for the
camp Friday morning.
Seventeen men who appealed to the
district exemption board for exemp
tion after their claims had not been
allowed by the local board were ex
empted from military service. They
are: Hugh Wisley. John W. Cole, T.
H. Brockway, S. E. Barnes, L. It.
Fuller, W. T. Darnell, L. E. Carpen
ter. R. E. Wllhite, it. E. Goldsberry.
Silas W. Canada, C. O. Koeppen, M-,
T- Watson, E. D. Maze, C. A. Kemper,
J. W. Crane, Jr., C. A. Gentry and B.
A. Berry.
Thirty-eight man who appealed
from the findings of the local board
to the district board were not ex
empted. They are: Q. C. McCaust
land, Albert Bannister of Itocheport,
Charley Wiseman, James Findlay of
Hartsburg. John C. Qlrard, Alex
White, Barney Barnes of Centralia,
R. L. Washington of Huntsdale, An
drew Brown, G. B. McCowan, Xester
Boone of Itocheport, Gilej Whittier,
E. V. Perkins, B. V. Stephen, L. M.
Lewis of Hallsville, R. E. Williams of
Hallsvllle, William Hill of Rocheport,
A. S. Johnson' of Centralia, L. C.
Nichols. F. E. Frazier, G. A. White of
Hartsburg, D. .1. Sullivan, C. E. Mil
ler, Rolla McClish, S. A. Prather, R.
M. Fenton of Browns, C. C.
Shackelsworth of Hartsburg, C. J.
Doyle of Hallsville, H. T. Williams,
0. C. McCullough, Roy Polloch, John
Shields, Tom Hall, Victor B. Jones,
W. E. Thrum, Ed L. Davis, T. R. Yo
der and A.-C. Fay. All live In or near
Columbia except those whose ad
dresses are given.
The names of the forty-five men no
tified to report for service, of whom
forty will be selected, are: W. L.
Cook, J, B. Smith, F. M. Lockridge,
J. 0. Nichols, Dan Allen, John Carter,
Jr., H. C. Gilbert, J. E. Sewell, G. C.
McCaustland, J. A. Payne, James
Findlay, J. C .Girard, Barney Barnes,
G. B. McCowan, E. V. Perkins, B. V.
Stephen. F. E. Frazier, G. A. White.
Rolla McClish, S. A. Prather, R. M.
Fenton, Clyde Shackelsworth, C. J.
Doyle, W. E. Thrum, Ed L. Davis, D.
J. Sullivan. L. M. Lewis, F. R. Yoder,
0. C. Pace. Ewing Hart. J. S. Hun
ton, H. A. Hord, W. P. Green, Allen
Dunbar, R. E. Williams. J. T. Turner,
Hiram Boyce, F. W. Bradley, A. S.
Johnson, G. S. Zumwalt, P. C. Mor
ris, E. B. Tandy, L. C. Nichols. Rossy
Lignon and S. B. Toalson.
The county board was notified by
the Adjutant General of Missouri to
send forty men to Camp Funston la
this quota. Had Boone County been
required to send sixty-two, as in the
last quota. It would have been unable
to get enough white men without call
ing more for examination. This was
caused by several negroes having been
on the list, all of whom have to be
held here until the government ha
made provisions for them.
After Friday, Boone County will
have 116 men at Camp Funston.
-Mrs. W. l. I)jart Is President of the
County Organization.
Plans for the county convention
October 15 were made at the business
meeting of the W. C. T. U. last Mon
day afternoon at the Methodist
Church. The convention will last all
day. The county president, Mrs. W.
p. Dysart. is arranging the program.
A membership campaign will be un
dertaken also. The county president
and some local workers will visit va
rious towns In the county. The W. C.
T- U. will work for prohibition for
Missouri next year.
Training Will Begin on the Campus
Tomorrow Afternoon.
A drill squad for members of the
University faculty has been formed
and will be given, so far as possible,
the same training by Captain Willace
Craigie as at the Reserve Officers'
Training camps. The first drill will
be at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
north of the Columns. The squad will
drill every Tuesday and Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. This training
does not obligate the faculty member
in any way. Guns will be furnished.
Oct. 5. Mass meeting before William
Jewell same at 7:15 o'clock. Uni
versity Auditorium.
Oct. ". First gathering ot Missouri
Union. 8 o'clclr, Missouri Union.
Oct. 0. Annual contention of Missouri
Old Trails Association, Daniel
rfoone Tavern.
Oct. 0. Football game. William Jewell
vs. Missouri, 2:30 o'clock, Itollln's
Oct. A.- Historical pageant. "The Pro(treB
of Libert" at 1:30 o'clock. West
Will Put Up Signs Warning
At the request of J. E. McPherson,
superintendent of city schools, the
City Council will place signs near the
public school buildings warning
, motorists to drive slowly. Mr. Mc
pherson also requested the City
Council at Its session on last night
to coter Flat Branch in the vicinity
or the Fred Douglass Schrfbl. Negro
patrons cf the- school also visited the
council and urged that the Improve
ment be taade. It was stated that a
; part of the expense would be borne by
the negroes.
While some of the councllmen said
that the condition of the city's finances
might mako is necessary to wait until
January to do the work they said that
It should be done. The matter was
referred to the street committee and
it is possible that money will be found
to do the work sooner. Routine busi
ness transacted Included:
Appropriations: Water and light
fund, ?2,314.81;i security fund. $100;
Conley poor fund, $47.44.
Condemnation ot the sidewalk on
South Ninth street from the Hall
Theater to the Missouri Union, re
ferred to the street committee.
Ordinance providing for the oiling
of streets in district number two pass
ed. Resolution for the building of a
concrete sidewalk on the north side of
Smith and Barnett streets to Tandy
avenue passed.
Resolution providing for a new
ordinance relating to streets and
alleys, providing that permission must
be obtained from the city before alleys
or streets can be torn up for repairs,
Resolution to prepare an ordinance
regulating the height of awnings on
the buslt'ess streets, passed.
Announcement Made of Miss Kittle
Todd's Wedding in February.
The announcement of the marriage
of Miss Kittle Todd ot Madison, a
sophomore in the University last year,
and Ottis Hayden of Madison was re
ceived In Columbia today. The wed
ding, which took v place February 2,
when Miss Todd went to Kansas City
to attend a house party, has been kept
secret until yesterday, when she an-i
nounced it at the home of her par
ents at Madison. Mrs. Hayden is a
member of the Alpha Delta PI sorority
and a niece of Mrs. J. H. Lightner,
1313 Rosemary lane. Mr. Hayden is
a student at the Kansas City Dental
College. They will live In Kansas
American Live Stock Show Held at
Kansas City GiTes Prizes.
Show cattle from the University
herd won $204 in prizes at the Amer
ican Royal Live Stock Show, which is
being held at Kansas City this week.
Competition in the Shorthorn and
Hereford classes was very keen. The
list of prizes follows: Hereford, 2-year-old,
third. $15; senior yearling,
third, $15; senior calf, third, $15;
Hereford herd, third, $20; Shorthorn,
2-year-old, second, $12; 1-year-old,
third, $10; calf, second, $12; Angus,
herd, second, $15; Shorthorn, 2-year-old,
fifth, $5; senior yearling, third,
$15; junior-yearling, second, $20;
calf, second, $20; Shorthorn, herd,
second, $30.
Third Series of Camps Will Start
January 5 and End April 5.
lly Associated Tress
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. A third
series of officers' training camps will
be opened January 5 and will run
until.April 5, the War Department an
nounced today, primarily for the
education of enlisted men of the
regular army, the National Guard and
the Natnonal Army for commissions.
In addiUon 2,400 graduates or under
graduates from nlnty-three specified
schools and colleges will be admitted.
Loan Advertising Literature Arrives.
The first set of advertising matter
for the second Liberty Loan campaign
was received today by E. Sydney
Stpnhons chairman of the focal pub
licity committee, from the' St. Louis
headquarters. It consists of automo
bile tags and five different posters.
Ever" bank in Boone County also re
ceived sets of posters today, but these
posters are to be collected by the
publicity committee and redistributed
more equally by the Boy Scouts of the
Cresset Best High School Annual.
The Cresset, the- Columbia High
School annual, took first, prize among
the year books of Missouri high
school at the Sedalia Fair last week.
Reports at Dripping Springs
Convention Show Big
Gains in Work.
277 Additions Secured Dux-
Year -Total Mem
bership Is 3,000.
Reports from the Boone County
Christian Church convention, held at
Dripping Springs Monday and Tues
day, show increasing prosperity In the
Boone County churches during the
last year, especially in missionary
work, and in the improved plans for
the Sunday School, and young peoples'
The total missionary contributions
for the last year were $3,355, a gain
of $500 over the year before. This
amount docs not include more than
$2,000 given through the churches to
Red Cross work. Two -years ago the
plan was adopted of having a county
superintendent, and sines that time
the missionary offerings have in
creased more than one-half. This
plan has been the means of adopting
young peoples' societies also. Four
churches now have these societies,
whereas two years ago thero- were
Churclies Add 277 Members. -
Reports also show 277 additions to
the 15 churclies In the county for the
past year and a loss of 137, or .an
actual gain of 140. All ot the churches
in the county are acUve except one.
There are 2,100 members of the Sun
day Schools. Ten of the Sunday
Schools aro graded, whereas only 4
were graded two years ago.
There are 7 women's missionary
societies which raised about one
third of all the missionary money in
the past year. The total membership
of all the churches is 3,000. One
thousand of these were reported In
Columbia, and 500 in Centralia.
New Officers Elected.
.New officers elected for the year
are as follows: President, M. A.
Hart; vice-president. F. U. Alkn,;
secretary, J. H. Reed; treasurer, J. H.
At the noon hour on Tuesday there
were two addresses by the new dis
trict superintendent, the Rev. J. B.
Weldon. Prof. R. H. Emberson spoke
in behalf of boys' and girls' clubs;
Prof. W. C. Glbbs spoke in behalf of
the Sunday School. At the afternoon
women's session, Mrs,. E. S. Priest of
Centralia, and Mrs. St. Clair-Moss of
Christian College gave talks. . Prof.
Carl Taylor spoke Monday night, and
Dean G. D. Edwards last night The
convention was well attended.
Brice Edwards Will Stifl Direct His
Produce Gardening.
There is one man in Boone County
who will serve Uncle Sam and many
of the residents of Columbia at the
same time. He is Brice Edwards, pro
prietor of a large farm and truck
garden. Mr. Edwards has been draft
ed for the National Army and will be
stationed at Fort Riley, where he will
receive daily, from the men in charge
of his farm, charts showing the cost
of production and the amount of pro
ceeds. These will be filled out in the
minutest detail.
Body Arrived Here This Afternoon
Burial Tomorrow.
The body of Mrs. C. W. Terry, wife
of C. W. Terry, a student In the Uni
versity in 1914-15 arrived In Columbia
this afternoon from Kansas City. Mrs.
Terry died yesterday. She was Miss
"Wilmuth Brushwood before her mar
riage, She attended Christian College
and the University of Missouri several
years ago.
Mr. Terry was a member of the 1915
Track Team of the University. He was
a long distant runner.
The funeral will be held at 2:30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The
services will be conducted by the Rev.
M. A. Hart. Burial will be in the
Columbia Cemetery.
Is Rammed by British War Ship-
No Blame Placed.
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. An Ameri
can vessel destroyed in European
waters recently collided with a British
naval vessel, which after taking off
the American crew towed it safely to
port. In announcing the collision to
day the Navy Department stated of
ficially that the destroyer was but
slightly damaged and that the vessel
had been repaired and returned to
active duty.
Dally Missourian Sends 112 Volumes
to Men at Camp Funston.
The Missourian has presented to the
soldiers at Camp Funston 112 volumes
of the latest fiction and war stories.
The books were forwarded through H.'
O. Severance, University librarian.
Progress on Immense Flotilla
to Fight U-Boats Exceeds
All Hopes.
Boats Now Building to Be in
Service Next Spring Are
of New Design.
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. Such re
markable progress has been made In
th'c quick building of the Immense
flotilla of American destroyers to
cope with the submarine campaign
that the Navy Department now Is as
sured of much quicker delivery of the
ships than was contemplated at the
last estimate, which In itself, was far
ahead of the original time. ,
Progress on the ships now building
and arrangements for others to build.
It was said today at the Navy Depart
ment, was such that the American
navy will lead the world with its de
stroyers within eighteen months. It
is declared certain that the destroyers
u-w building will be delivered, ready
for duty in European waters early
next year. Many of them had not been
expected until the winter of 1918. Ap
proximately ten months have been
"nt - TSeTull success of the project, how-
ever, depends on the executive powers
granted to the President In the bill
now pending.. The administrative
measure was altered in the House,
The Senate Committee reconsidered
the provision naval officers considered
vital to the success, and it is now in
Ail new destroyers arc of a new
design and showing radical changes
from any of those now floated. The
great majority of them will be thirty
five knot vessels of sea-keeping
qualities, adding to their effectiveness
as submarine hunters. The first of
the new type has been tried cut with
good results.
The rate of warship production in
the United States has been increased
'0 ;ich a point that rT greater amount
of fighting tonnage is being produced
than has eer been achieved by any
power Jn the same length of time.
Mrs. Willis Writes of Comment Made
In the East.
A letter received here from Mrs.
W. H. Willis tells of the praise of
Red Cross work done here made by
Red Cross workers In the East The
women In the East are doing much
the same work as is being carried on
In Columbia. They expressed satis
faction at the methods used here and
in the finished products sent from
this city. "
Mrs. Willis was in New York at the
time the letter was written. Since
then she has gone' to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Butler Ames, in Lowell,
Reptile Found by John Criswell Had
Seventeen Rattles.
A rattlesnake was found inside the
city limits of Columbia Monday even
ing. The snake was first seen by
John Criswell, who lives on Forest
avenue in the Forest Home suburb.
His horse became frightened by the
snake In front of a gate where the
buggy stood. Mr. Criswell killed the
snake and took off the seventeen rat
tles. It Is said that each rattle repre
sents a year's growth. It wa3 as
large around as a man's forearm and
about four feet long.
Matches for Students and Faculty
Men Arranged.
The fall golf tournament started
this week. The pairings of students
follow: Williams vs. Sanders, Far
i8h vs. Jones, Miller vs. Scarritt,
Ridge vs. Votaw, Hall vs. Stocking,
Kitchen vs. Moss, Hughes vs. Kes
singer, Vandiver vs. Pittam. The
first round must be finished by Sat
urday, October 6. The pairings of
the faculty members have been pre
viously published.
Many Journalism Students Aid the
Forty per cent of the students en
rolled in Journalism at Missouri last
year, who would have been seniors
this year, are enlisted in the United
States army or navy or in some other
form of national service. There may
be others who have not yet been re
ported. Missouri Alumnus Is Out
The first issue of Volume Four of
the Missouri Alumnus was mailed out
yesterday. The Alumnus, which is
now a semi-monthly publication, will
make a special feature this year of
war news. Copies of the magazine
will be sent to all University students
now in France. A directory of all
the former students of the University
now engaged In war work Is also
being prepared. i
For Columbia anil Vicinity: Generally
fair tonlclit and Thursday; cooler tonight:
somen bat warmer Thursday afternoon.
For Missouri: Generally fair tonight and
Thursday; cooler toalxht; warmer Thurs
day afternoon north portion.
Weather Condition.
The weather still continues more or less
unsettled in the Central Plains, Mississippi
alley, and Lake region, but resultant
precipitation has been light and unimport
ant. There has been no rain in the cot
ton region or middle western grain belt.
The-weather Is warmer than normal In
the northern Rocky Mountain states and
western Canada, but elsewhere tempera
tures Tary but little from the seasonal
In Columbia some cloudiness will obtain
during the first part of the next 30 hours
but the Heather will be generally fair
for the net two or three da jr.
Local Data.
The highest temperature In Columbia
yesterday was 7U degrees and the lonest
lat night was 01; precipitation 0.00;
relatlTe hnmldlty 2 p. in. yesterday 42 per
ent. A year ago yesterday the highest
temperatpre was So and the lowest OJ;
precipitation O.W inch.
The Almanac.
Sun rises today, C.07 a. in. Run sets,
f:i p. m.
Moon rises 7:20 p ,m.
The Temperature Tcilny.
7 a. m 02 11 a. m TO
S a. m 04 12 m 71
t) a. m CI 1 p. m 75
10 a. in C9 2 p. in 7S
Consideration of Petitions
inst La Follette and
Others Begun.
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. Prelimin
ary consideration of numerous peti
tions asking expulsion from the Sen
ate of Senator La Follette and sever
al other senators for their attitude to
ward the war, was begun today by the
Senate Privilege and Election Com
mittee, but no action was taken and
another meeting will be held tomor
row. Something Is said to have developed
at this meeting for action of some
kind as against mere tabling the
petitions. Senator La Follette is said
to be considering the delivery of an
address, before Congress adjourns. In
answ er to his critics.
By Associated Press
WAUSAU, Wis., Oct. 3. Senator
La jrJll&ue's espHsV-si- frcnt He
Senate because of treasonable and
seditious utterances-and disloyalty to
our government is asked In an appeal
to the United States by W. B. Hennc
mann, chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Wisconsin Repub
lican State Central Committee.
Nickel Car Rides Along Electric Lines
Call for City Election.
By Associated Press
Whether the jitney shall be practically
eliminated as a competitor of the
Springfield Traction Company will be
determined at a special election being
held today. One of the promises
made to the company by a city com
missioner when the strike of motor
men and conductors was setUed some
time ago was that the jitneys would
be prevented from operating i on
streets where car lines are operated.
Officers Elected by Masonic Organiza
tion Last Night.
E. R. Childers was elected worship
ful grand master of the Acacia Lodge
last night. Other officers are:
Senior warden, B. C. Hunt; junior
warden, R. T. Finley; treasurer, H. L.
Wilson; chaplain, Dr. A. W. Kamp
schmidt; marshal, J. R. Wharton;
secretary, J. M. Long; senior deacon,
L. E. Renie; junior deacon, L. J.
Rinkle; senior steward, H. L. Kemp
ster; junior steward, P. F. Anderson.
Horace Payne Writes of Conditions at
Leon Springs.
Horace D. Payne, a senior in the
College of Arts and Science of tho
University last year, writes from
Leon Springs, Tex., where he Is in
training, that there are twenty Uni
versity of Missouri men in camp there.
Most of them are in the artillery
corps, of which he Is a member. For
the last week, Payne writes, they have
been cannon dragging and shoeing
mules In the heat of an almost un
bearable sun.
For eld time's sake, according to
him, the Missouri men are going to
have a banauet pay day of this week,
to which they all are looking forward.
Many of the men say they will return
for the Kansas game if granted lur
loughs. Mr. Payne Is a member of
the Kappa Alpha fraternity.
Club Drawings to Advertise -ine
Progress of Liberty."
Sketches of characters in the page
ant, "The Progress of Liberty," which
is to be given by tho Columma itea
Cross chapter, were made last night
by the members ot the Sketch Club.
The costumes were Improvised in
most cases, and Belgium, holding an
oriental fan as a shield, was accom
panied by Japan, with a ruler as a
flag staff. These sketches are to be
used in advertising the pageant-
Premier Says Germany Is to
Be Bombed With Com
pound Interest.
Bombs Dropped 55 Miles
Beyond Allies' Lines on
Enemy's Territory.
By Associated Press
NEW YORK. Oct. 3. "We shall
tbomb Germany with compound inter-
fc, & iciui'ji liiuju ueurgtt is quoieu
in the London Press as saying to a
London crowd In promising it that
Great Britain would soon launch re
prisals for the many German air raids
on England. The French reprisals
already begun continued last, night.
French airmen dropped bombs on
Baden some fifty-five miles beyond the
French lines. More than seventy-five
bombs were also dropped on various
military depots in German held terri
Luncheon Will Bo Held at Boone Tav
ern Saturday.
The Commercial Club will not hold
Its regular noonday luncheon tomor
row because of the luncheon that will
be held at the Boone Tavern Saturday
for the delegates who "are here to at
tend the annual meeting of the Mis
souri Old Trails Association. About
200 delegates are expected. The del
egates have been appointed by the
mayors, the commercial clubs and
ihe county courts along the highway.
. Indications point to an adequate rep
resentation from Kansas City at the
meeUng to be held next Saturday at
Columbia, to discuss methods of
completing the hard surface road from
Kansas City to St. Louis. Mayor Ed
wards has appointed F. F. Rozelle,
Dell D. Dntton, Robert C. Greenlease.
Edwin Camack, F. L. Williamson, A.
L. Cooper and J. M. Lowe as delegates,
while the Chamber ot Commerce of
Kansas City, Kan., will be well .rep
resented. The first state Toad camp in Mis
souri, using honor men from the state1
prison, was established this week at
Mineola, Montgomery County.
Governor Frederick D. Gardner,
both in his Inaugural address and his
first message to the Forty-ninth Gen
era Assembly, urged the use of state
prisoners in the construction of bet
ter roads throughout Missouri. Mont
gomery County was the first county
to make formal application to the
State Highway Department and the
State Prison Board for the use 'of'
prison labor in road world " The
Mineola special road district had voted
bonds to pay one-half the cost of con
structing the eight-mile Hnkt the'
National Old Trails road within the
district, and, finding it Impossible to
secure local labor, induced the county
court to make formal application for
thirty men from the state prison tor
assist in the work of construction.
Twenty-five of tnese men are employ
ed on the road, and five of them are
detailed for cooking, laundry work,
and other duties about the camp. '
The road district pays the State
Prison Board $1.25 per day for each
man actually engaged In road work,
and the State Highway Department
will reimburse the district for oner
half this amount as the work progress
es. The per diem paid for the men
actually employed on the roads
covers the expense of housing, board
ing, and transporting the entire
camp, and also includes the salary of
a foreman supplied by the prison
board, the services or the men re
quired to maintain the camp, as cooks.
Warden Gilvln, of the state prison,
reports 500 men now available for
road work, and all counties desiring to
obtain their services must make
formal application to the State High
way Department and State' Prison
Board through their county courts.
The men will be furnished upon the
same terms as those supplied to the
Mineola road district.
The honor system is used ex
clusively In working the men at
Mineola. They work without guards
and are not clothed In stripes. The
camp Is -antiary and attractive, and is
lighted by electricity from a small In
dividual plant. Bathing facilities arc
supplied, and a camp barber calls
"next" as the men line up for their
twice-a-week shave. The food Is
plentiful and wholesome, much of It
being obtained locally. Newspapers
and magazines are provided, and the
entire surroundings made as at
tractive and agreeable as possible.
1SS Dead and 217 Missing After Ty
phoon Last Monday.
By Associated Presi
LONDON. Oct- 3. A Shanghai dis
patch to neuter's says that as a re
sult of a typhoon which swept over
Tokio Monday, 100,000 persons are
homesless and that 138 are dead and
217 missing.

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