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gjgWW f"fW vrv-HQs v 'imt g 1 - f . V v- THE EYEST5Q MIBSOUBIAy, THUBSPAY, OCTOBER i, 1917. SPORT The probable line-up for Saturday's game with William Jewell Is: Schroe der and Slusher, ends; Captain Ham ilton and Bass, tackles; Klrkpatrlck, Kolb, Berry, Krandall or Plerson, guards; Greenwood, center; Stevens, quarterback: Rider, Vlner, Marshall, Collins, Edwards, Wilson or McLaln In the backDeld. Captain Hamilton Misses Practice First Time Paul Hamilton, captain of the 1917 Tigers, missed practice yesterday for the first time In his four years on the gridiron, being in the Parker Memo rial Hospital with a cold. Hamilton replaced last year's captain, Harry Lansing, at center most of the time In 1916, and his teammates gave him the job of captain at the close of the season. This fall he has been shifted to tackle. Seieral Good Men In "Hospital Squad." The condition of the "hospital squad" remains unchanged. Morris cannot scrimmage on account of his lame side. He probably will not be able to be in the game Saturday. Urie is out on the field each afternoon in citizen's clothes with his dislocated arm In a sling. SteTens' broken nose bothers him some, but he was in last night's scrimmage. He probably will be Schulte's selection for the quar terback position in Saturday's game. The real light of the freshman team seems to be Fullbright, who is playing the quarterback position. He makes a clean, hard tackle and is adept at breaking up forward passes. Other men of high rank on the freshman team are Lewis, halfback and punter; Travis and Hardin, tackles; Eberhard at end andVorhees at center. Coach Johnny Mlfier has many other good .heavy men on his squad who should make valuable material for next fall's "Varsity ele en. Users' Bnckfleld V ill Remain Intact The University of Missouri's back field -nlll remain intact throughout the season of 1917. This Information reached Columbia today when it be came known through no less a person than Major Binnie, head of the Kansas City Base Hospital Unit that the Hospital Unit, in which are enlisted Rider, Viner and Collins, the main stays of the beckfield that the sailing date of the unit had been definitely postponed until next spring. Accord ing to this Rider, who is captain of the Tiger track team, may also win another M in track this coming sea son, but certainly there will be no chance of losing any of the men until after the football season. 3fEECDBY AT 92 LAST M05TH Highest Temperature Beacked on 7th lowest. 42 decrees, on 9nd. The highest temperature during September was 92 degrees recorded on the 7th. The lowest was 42 degrees recorded on the 22nd. The highest for this month in 29 years was 104 degrees; the lowest, 26 degrees. The total precipitation for Septem ber ,was 2.38 inches. The greatest precipitation in 24 hours was .98 Inches on the 25th-2$th. The number of clear days was 17; partly cloudy, 8; cloudy, 5. The total hours of sunshine was 303.3. The percentage of possible sunshine was 81. Farm Professors Change Quarters. A re-assignment of rooms has hepn made at the Agricultural Building be cause or the vacancies made by the removal or the State Board of Agri culture to Jefferson City. Prof J. C. Hackleman and Prof C. A. Helm of the farm crops department are moving In to the former rooms of the state dairy commissioner in the northwest part of the building. N. M. Beeler, agricul tural editor, is now In the office va cated by Jewell Mayes. T. D. Stan ford, clerk of the experiment station. occupies the general office room of the soils department, while the soils de partment has changed to the former rooms of Mr. Bioler and T. n Stan ford opposite Dein Mumford's office. All the rooms north of the hall on the second floor are! given over to the farm extension ) department. The animal husbandry men retain their old rooms. SOCIETY NOTES i i Pag Three MISCELLANEOUS Missionary Bally Tomorrow. dooblte,nO; one tingle, 18. JefferonClub,fxnssonrl Teachers' Agency. KlrkiTllIe, The Womans' Missionary Society of i3U "'" J'319tf " M-sntf the Broadway Methodist Church will hold Its autum rally tomorrow be ginning at 10:30 o'clock. A luncheon will be served at noon followed by a program In the afternoon. Mrs. Turn er McBaine will have charge of the program. f! ' TABLE BOARD for men and women . one block from Academic Hall. 505 vajuicj aic, puone iu.w mie. r -lZlx Latest Jass Band music in our October records John N. Taylor. (adv) CLASSIFIED ADS. Half a Cent a Word a Day APARTMENTS FOB BENT WANTED A roommate for young man student. Black. 707 Missouri Ave. Phone 037-C-etf WANTED A side lister for men's shoes. Good wages and steady work, ile Elroy Sloan Shoe Co., Louisiana, Missouri. K-10 FOR RENT Modem, six-room apart ment, sleeping porch; private entrance; newly papered; water and heat furnished; ZH blocks from Broadway, one-half block of West Campus. Phone 850-Blick. C-303-tf FOB SALE FOR SALE Six window frames, com plete with glass panes, for use In cold frame. Phone 1353-Red. HELP WANTED BOOMS FOB BEST FOR RENT Room for rent In modern house, quiet family. Terms reasonable. Phone HGO-Red or call at 1410 Rosemary Lane. MC-3 FOR RENT Furnished room, modern. Phone 1054-Red. Apply 317 N. 0th St. B-20 FOR RENT Two splendidly furnished rooms, newly papered, new furniture, for men or women. Phone 1192-Red. B-16 FOR RENT Modern 0 room house. 1112 I'aquln. CS per month. W. E. Farley, phone 552-Black. F-18 FOR RENT Excellent furnished rooms and table board for boys, In modern nouse, one oiock irom Academic nail. Prices reasonable. S15 S. 6th. G-316tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms for boys or en suite for light housekeeping. All modern conveniences, one block from campus, two blocks from postofflce. Phone 824-llIai.k or call 108 S 6th. 31.SII BOABD BOARD AND ROOMS for men. One double room, fit; 2 double, $11 each; one Mrs. H. L. Kempster entertained the ' Alpha Delta Pi sorority last night with a plcinc. TW0 BOYS One who has had ex perience tending a soda fountain; one who hasn't. Ellis Moscow, Virginia Con fectionery. M-14tf TEACHEBS WANTED FOR our varied calls. Many war vacacles. Arrow Collars 2 fir 35 5 for 50 aUEn-PEABODYSCO-INC' MAKERS Miss Virginia Flower of Sedalla, who has been visiting Miss Frances Gray, 1111 University avenue, re turned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Farrlsh of St. Louis returned home yesterday after visiting their son, Hamilton Farrish, Jr., at the Sigma Alpha Ep- silon house- Mrs. R. M. Dewey gave a lawn party yesterday afternoon in honor of the eighth birthday of her daughter, Jane. Student Activity Tickets For AIL Student activity tickets may bo purchased by townspeople, Stephens, and Christian college girls as well as students in the .University Director W. E. Meanwell said today, correcting the belief that the athletic tickets were for University students only. The sale by canvass ends today. After today purchasers must go to the de partment of athletics to get them. No deduction in price will be made later in the season. Judge and Mrs. John D. La'wson re turned Tuesday from Chicago, where they had been spending the summer. I Mrs. J. W. Charles, her niece, Miss ' Katherine Smith, and nephew, Wll-' liam Smith, have returned from Michigan and will spend the winter in Columbia. St. Louis U. Cancels First Two Games. The first two games on the foot jball schedule of. St. Louis University have been cancelled because of the scarcity of men on the squad. The cancellation -is tentative and may be reconsidered if more players arrive in time for training. The second game cancelled is that with the Uni versity of Indiana, scheduled for October 13. The first Is that scheduled for next Saturday with the Cape Girardeau (Mo.) Normal School. Sneelman is Coaching At Oberlln College. Jacob Speelman, M man for three years on both the football and basket ball teams. Is now coaching the foot ball team of Oberlln College at Ober lin, Ohio. Abandon their Colors In Football Togs. By Associated Press LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. The .scarlet and cream striped jerseys and stock ings of the University of Nebraska which hae been worn by football elevens of that school since .the first j game, twenty-seven years ago, havei been abondoned for solid red jerseys' and sweaters. The jerseys will be numbered in white on the backs. Coach Stewart claims the stripes made the players look beefy and that credit ' was not given to the team because of this for several victories. Alpha Phi Sigma, an organization of senior women In the University,1 will give a picnic next Wednesday for all freshman girls, each of whom will be a guest of one of the seniors or graduate students In the organization. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Ross will be dinner guests at the Alpha Phi house tonight. Miss Irma Locke, a student in the University, will go to Kansas City this week-end to meet her sister, Mrs. Paul Barnes, formerly Miss Enid Locke, a student here last year, who is en route to her home in Oklahoma City. Mrs. G. D Tucker, 300 South Ninth street, entertained the following guests at a birthday dinner party Tues day: Mrs. Will Cox, Mrs'. F. J. Ben ton, Mrs. Ed Potts, Mrs. W. T. Brat ton, Mrs. F. J. Schooler, Mrs. R. L. Robert, all of Centralia, and Mrs. J. H. Barnett of Columbia. George H. Martin of Kansas City entertained Miss Oma Martin, his daughter, and Miss Mamie Marshall at dinner at the Daniel Boone Tavern Tuesday evening. H, C.':of L. BALKED Our old enemy High Cost of Living Had a run-in The other day With our clothing chief. After h. c. of 1. Finished putting coal In the list Of precious stones He sent his trusty second . High cost of woolens To dictate to us! But our clothing chief Doesn't like dictation. When told that soon We must start -'. . . Our clothing "prices .- At twenty dollars Instead of ten He told h. c. of 1. To take a walk And added sotto voce (Whatever that is) That this war Is not going t To last forever, And we can wait. -. . .v But in the meantime We intend to Keep right on giving. . ' Barth value in clothes, Even If so doing Means selling Pretty close to cost. So, Mr. Man, If you can buy " War-time clothes At peace-time prices " Aren't you losing By staying away? Ten to forty-five Per suit. WE THANK YOU. ShiaffeKS SELF FILLING PEN V THE PEN THAT MAKES WRITING A PLEASURE THE STUDENTS AND BUSINESS HANS PEN PERFORMS aU'Hl.V. :U- WHAT OTHERS PROMISE 2so u We are offering For One Day Only Ladies' Dull and Bright Finished Kid Lace Shoes, Leather Concave and Leather Louis Heels At The Following Prices $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50 a. i Your Size is Here, Madam W&&$ 1,1 The Best Place to Have Tour Repairing Done" Phone 389 Red 24 South 9th Street fgrm The Palms -H "A Porterhouse!" If you haven't made this order to the waiter at the Palms you have missed a delicacy that is becoming more and more popular every duy. Palms Porterhouses are popular because served with French Fried potatoes and a bit of Worcester sauce they are unequaled any where in Columbia- Palms Porterhouses are cooked to your taste, and are served piping hot. There is nothing more satisfy ing after a hard hour on the drill campus, a turn on the links or an afternoon in the classroom than this specially cooked steak. Remember the order, "A Porterhouse." Men Sot In Service Barred From FootbalL Uy Associated Press NEW HAVEN. Conn., Oct. 4. Unless a man physically fit has Identified, himself with some branch of military service, he need not expect to playj looiDau at Yaic mis year, accoraing to the announcement made by T. A. D Jones, football coach, today. The announcement reads: "No man who Is physically fit and Is not a member of a reserve officers training corps or some branch of mili tary service will be permitted to re port for football." October College Fanner Out The October number of the College Parmer was mailed out yesterday. This is the first Issue of the "year. Our October Victor records Include some splendid song and dance num bersJohn N. Taylor. (adv) V ZrojeMU&uaranto fflian OurJfr-- tiF Just Received 30--New Fall Suits The Smartest Models of the Season Many unusual Bargains . also Large Showing of Taffeta Waists, Plaids, Stripes and Plain Colors. Special Prices Friday and Saturday Come In and See Them "? For Belter Photographs Holborn Studio 910a Broadway SEE J. P. GANT for Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Farms and Residences for sale. Some choice city homes for rent Office Phone 923 Res. Phone 1188 Green MADAME GRANDPIERRE 100S Broadway Afternoon and evening gowns. A Specialty Phone 736 fjfa a Cleaning Pressing, Repairing TRY OUR SERVICE VENABLE MUSIC SCHOOL PIANO AND VIOLIN Elvira Building , Phone 1135 Green MARINELLO SHOP (OTer Scott's Book Store.) Shampooing, Manicuring-. Minn', Electrolysis Complete line of creams and powders Phone Z07 ttOa Brdr. Let Holborn make your PHOTOCRAPHS We guarantee to please HOLBORN STUDIO 910a Broadway 9 Office Phone 427 White Res. Phone 863 Black Students, Save Your Eyes Good Eye Sight your best aid in studying. If you feel the need of glasses consult me. I guarantees perfect fit. Examination free. The only place in town that can grind prescription lenses. Bring your brokenlensesorprescriptionstome. One Day Service Dr. R. A. Walters 212-214 Guitar Bldg. 1 S3 1 iEHaasfcf