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The Evening Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1917-1920, October 21, 1917, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Speakers at Liberty Loan
Meeting Urge Buying of
Bonds Now.
Yesterday's Football Results.
Kansas 34, Washburn 2
Kansas Aggies 61. Washington 0
Oklahoma 14, Texas 0
Iowa Aggies IS, Missouri 0
Nebraska 7, Notre Dame 0
Illinois 7, Wisconsin 0
Chicago 7, Purdue 0
Haskell 7, State Normal 5
Minnesota 33, Indiana 9
Michigan 27, Michigan Aggies 0
Baylor 17, Oklahoma A. & M. 0
Refiners Say 'Increase Is Not
Due to Producers or
St. Louis Banker Says Pur
chase Either Liberty of
Indemnity Bonds.
Naming three great problems for
the American people to face and solve
dent president, and representatives of Shortage Area Much Wider
kuv vaiiuuo omucui av,umiCfl, m. T'l n..L1' TL!L.
i uuu j. uuin., j. uiima,
which the Dumose of the camnalen
will be made clear. Says Report.
The first subserlntfon nf the Htn-1 "
dent campaign, believed to be one of,. By "c's' ,Pre"
the lareest iriven hv nv t,w or- CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Formal warning
at this time, E. W. Stephens last night ganizatlon in the country, is a pur- was lssued here thls afternoon on in- it appeared that the Germans had vir-
opened the Liberty Loan meeting in chase of $500 worth of the bonds by B"uc"u"s "uul luc u",tB ul uul1 many aoanaonea tne use of the Zep-
Aumiuuuaiut nwicr win a. ousai jhsuu ior air rams on England be-
German Fleet Penetrates
London Area, Dropping
Bombs on Inhabitants.
Officials Thought Use of Air
ships Had Given Way to
Foster Airplanes.
By Associated Press
-Just when
(Report luord Katnnlay.)
Tor Columbia and Vicinity: Somewhat
unruled this afternoon, followed by
p-irtly clomly tonicht and Sunday. Colder
late tonlEht and Sunday. -oiuer
For Missouri: Somen bat unsettled this
afternoon, followed by partly cloudy to
nlsht and Sunday. Colder tonicht north
west portion, and east and south iwrtions
Weather Condition..
r.xcept for a slluht troush of low
pressure which occupies most of the
Mississippi Valley this morninsr. hlch
pressure conditions obtain throughout
the country.
This distribution of pressure has re
sulted In llKht to moderate rains aloujr the
Atlantic slope, snow alone the northern
border of the Itocky Mountains to the
Lakes, and rather cloudy skies or the
Plains and Central Valley states. It also
has caused rather low temperatures,
rpadlntrs. lielnw 4ft 1)0... uin ......
east of the ItocLies as far south as middle By Associated Press
Transport Antilles Torpe
doed 24 Hours After De
stroyer Was Attacked.
Details of Disaster Awaited
by Administration from
Navy Department. -
lAiuiisaua uuu .jaDanti, except lor a
narrow strip from Texas northeast to '
iuwa wuere reauinss are slightly higher.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. The, Ger
man U-boat has claimed Its first -victim
the University Auditorium. He re- the Agricultural Club.
ferred to the morals of the soldiers, .
which are being cared for by the Y. ,
the Claim
John II. JlcIIarg.
vation in the matter of food had ar
which are being cared for by the Y. i.ust,s sun ai.aiast uil
II. C A., the Red Cross work, which crenlt CouH 77"
is ministering iu uie wuuuueu, au
tne neea oi equipwcui. nu"". ti, u u i, i. ., .rn. Ri A.mH.ini Pmt
paLT.Tll:T Zr!Z7; r yesterday in the . NEW YORK. Oct 20.-A statement
,'"c . " T. ". r ,.,n .Circuit Court. He claimed damages issued here on behalf of refiners, while
Unsettled weather win prevail in Coinm- from the American war forces Wlth
bla this afternoon, with rather ciomlr .Li- . . ."..u naL lortca. tviu-
. famine Is upon the country and that cause of the effective defense that had SnR, i i . -V??ntTe,, coMer '"""J-"""" " auer an Amen
the first self-denial of the American been p,.Mf. .LV Zl LT I Si', "S L? ',arInR ,he n,ght and contlnne can destroyer had been disabled -rn an
- u(,utuai, tucui, auuui j
tonicht' said Mr. Stephens, 'indi
cates clearly that the people of this
country are not fully aware of the
seriousness of the situation in which
this nation has been placed by the
world war."
J. L. Johnson, president of the
German Savings Institution of St.
Louis, was introduced by Mr. Stephens
as a thorough Boone County product,
his parents having lived here for a
great many years.
What Failure Would Mean.
Mr. Johnson went over the advan
tages of the Liberty bonds, point by
point. In contrasting them with the
disadvantages of taxation or the con
scription of wealth. "A calamity on
the battlefield," he said, "would hard
ly be more disastrous to us than the
failure of this second Liberty Loan."
The speaker made it clear that it
was not only a duty, but a privilege
to purchase Liberty bonds now. "If
we ire fighting a war for democracy
we must fight it on democratic princi
ples," he said. "We send" the sons
of the rich as well as the sons of the
poor, so that all should support the
Liberty Loan movement," he asserted.
"Soldiers win battles," said the St
Louis banker, "but money wins wars-
were done 'his property when the conceding a sugar scarcity, which it
city ran a street by it. says is temporary, declares the pres-
Court adjourned yesterday until ent high prices are not due to the
November '2G. Other cases were dis- producer, refiner or wholesaler,
posed of as follows: Guy T. Felty "There is no excuse for the charg
against Frederick Dunlap, appealed to lS of high prices by the retail deal-
lis Chenault. discharged: Jerry Piper, sale price of refined granulated sugar I .p.rvt i m Jl ? n'
sentenced to six months In the county Is being held at S.35 cents a Pound. ".ts, which were selected as
jail for bootlegging: Charles U Retailers can realize their customary f"mneffor,t,he id,s- A"f.rI.th last
Gates, parole continued; Fritz Bottch- Profit by selling 1 cent a pound abose ,??." L ,fl,,g
cr. sentenced to six years in the .this figure. Retailers charging prices ' ""nn" ,w ,' " ,7" I
penitentiary for assault upon Miss higher than this are endeayoring to vnn"d,.tht a reprisal pollcy nad
Silvia Gates; Eugene Nichols, who take undue advantage of the condl-1 Def? aecmea on-
helped rob a store last summer, de- tlons and public concern over the' Tfe !.ast "se f ZePPeltns was on
nled parole; Joseph Blythe, paroled situation." iStfSf- , t rPlane1ra,Idlng
for robbery for two years; A.D. The statement says dealers are Jus-' fleet? weTre aIso In actlon- Airplanes
Stout of Iowa against Julius A. Ed- tlfied in limiting amounts sold to each "ached London and worked consid-
wards. continued to next term and customer in order to tide the supply eble havoc, but Zeppelins barely
A . Tdito ln twenty-four hours after an Ameri
can destroyer had been disabled -in an
1 linrldpeait nttnAlr . s
i, 7Annu i.- . . ... . I iMr&l Data. uv, aat, a wrpeao crasaea B-
,.t. .u le ,1 The highest temperature In Columbia to the engine room bulkhead of the
eastern and northeastern counties yesterday was 47 and the lowest last nlsht homecoming MBr.!!m. I
and reached at least the edge of the r'as,;W:, precipitation aoo; relative nmecoming transport AnUlIes and
T jr humidity 2 p. m. yestenlay 40 per cent. A sent her to the bottom With the loss of
London area. year aKo yesterday the highest temperature 7ft lives KiiTtepn snlrttpf, -nrt arnt
The bnmh.. rtrnnned hv h .oM was M and the lowest 32: precipitation . " . VeS.- fauteen soldiers and several
nj t lrr. . . . . ,-' inch. eniistea men In the navy were In-
Th Almanac. lOiirtn1 ; tu v....: ,- , .
Sun rises today. 6:24 a. m. Sun sets '.,.'" "c ."T" u?a' lou-
killed 27 persons and Injured 53, it is
officially announced. Houses and
business structures were damaged to
some extent, says the brief statement
All the big raids In recent weeks
were conducted by airplanes, which
.:02 p.
Moon lets 7:34 p. m.
Tohn Sheley. paroled until he is 21 over to the coming of the next crop
for stealing a watch
from George and warns the public that "a scramble
succeeded in crossing the coast line.
The Germans lost two of their alr-
We must win this .war "if we are toJly to Omar D. Gray of the Sturgeon EGR0 SLAYER IS CAUGHT
make the world safe for democracy,
as the President declares, and I be
lieve you would prefer having a well
engraved government bond drawing 4 (
to obtain sutrar will cive dishonest . sh,P3 November 23 of last year when
dealers an opportunity to reap undue aura,d. was being attempted, and
profits.' j thereafter, all through the spring,
I , ' . ..,. .. "... .. (summer and earlv fall this venr nlr-
i r t , -.. ine area in wnicn me scarcity ex-i ,
State Dairy Commissioner Mates Pre- ists ,, ot a far w,der proportlon than ' Planes were used almost exclusively
diction on Price. tha ,,,. i o,,o . ... tor these death-dealing visits.
"It - .. l.ll. v .. . ""- i"""" " i, mc oiaiciutuu,
,UIJ UCU UC1U Uerl8 tr s adyjceg her(J lndlcate that
we will see butter selling at $1 a ,Qir,ynr, , n,t. t .
POUnd. ' . TJ-,,1 Vlnnonnll. A T.'nnnnD
E. G. Bennett, state-dairy com- r,. ',,,.. t tv
uiiaamucr uiuuc lual siaiemeiii receni'
Mr. Bennett was speaking of Police Find 3Ian Who Killed 'egro
the importance of securing plenty of Girl of 15 Years.
cows In Boone County. He said that Smith White, negro ex-convict ad-
per cent dividends than a worthless j 2 000 good cows here would mean dieted to the use of morphine, who
tax receipt." I $200,000.more per annum for the farm- shot and killed a 15-year-old negro
According to statistics collected byers of the county. He said that the girl. Lela Perry, in Columbia Friday
Mr. Johnson, none of the money sub
scribed to the Liberty Loan leaves
our shores and is used for purposes
which result in a great expansion of
home industry.
'ot a Sacrifice, He Says.
"Don't think you are making a sac
rifice when you buy Liberty bonds,"
exclaimed Mr. Johnson, "for you had
better invest in Liberty bonds today
than buy indemnity bonds tomorrow.
By Associated Press
PARIS, Oct. 20. A Zeppelin was
brought down in France late last
night at Rambervillers near the Al
satian border, and two others were ) this quarter, with the advantage to
iney Deiong to tne , me Tigers.
Ames Makes Touchdown and
Three Field Goals Against
By Special Correspondence.
AMES, la., Oct. 20. Poor tackling
and bad interference, coupled with
the fact that they were outweighed
twenty pounds to the man, cost the
Tigers the football game played at
Ames today. The Cyclones won, 15
to 0.
The Tigers won the toss and Ames
kicked off to the Tigers' 20-yard line.
Slusher kicked on the first down, but
his kick was blocked and was recov
ered by Ames. The Tigers held them
for downs and Slusher again kicked
thirty-five yards. Neither team was
able to gain consistently. In all,
Ames made six first downs ln the
first quarter. Punting featured In
Administration officials are awalUnc
with interest today amplification of
the meager details cabled to the Nvy
Department yesterday by Vice-Admiral
Sims. Jt is inferred from Admiral
Sims' report that the ship went dowta
wiinin a rew minutes after being hit
This fact, coupled with ther'necessity
of rescuing the survivors, made Im
possible, it is believed, any .attempt
to locate the U-boat
The heaviest loss of life, Itjis
thought, was among the engineers and
crew of the engine room. The loss
of the Antilles marks the first im
pairment of a transport service that
has operated successfully since
America's active entrance Into the
forced to land.
squadron composed of a large num
ber of Zeppelins which flew over the
Four Zeppelins Down.
By Associated Press
FRANCE, Oct 20. Four German Zep-
average Missouri cow produced about night, was caught yesterday afternoon.
150 pounds of butter a. year and she He will be tried for murder. The ' pelins were destroyed or forced to
should produce at least 600 pounds. search for White started soon after land in various districts of France ln '
I tne snooting t riday night He was ( the course of a raid undertaken by
Better put up your sneiteis louay mm paign Mrs WaUer McNab Miller told
wear shackles all your life." ' 0f jrr Hoover's plans. The federal
Although the bank of which Mr. j amendment for woman suffrage, wh'ch
Johnson Is president has a board or wlJi be introduced at the next ses-
TO AID IX HOOVER CAMPAIGN i foun(i on tne farm of Will Baker, 4"4
Equal Suffrajre Lenirue of Colombia ile? f ne cit b Constable
pi.io cnnnnrf Fred C. Brown.
Columbia Equal Suffrage Society, at
a meeting yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Wrench pledged
Its support of the Hoover pledge cam-
the hostile aircraft last night.
On the first play in the second
Ames made eight yards and made first
downs on the next play, but the Tigers
braced and held them for downs.
Slusher kicked twenty yards when
Morris failed to gain. Ames attempted
seven forward passes in this period,
but all of them failed. Through the
work of Halfback Aid rich Ames
worked the ball to the Tigers' 15-
yard line. The Tigers held them here
and took the ball. Being unable to
gain, Slusher kicked forty yards.
Characters In the Comedy Re
hearsals Will Begin at Once.
.The cast for J. M. Svmee's dIav.
The quarter ended with the ball In ! -Tho Pinvhnv nf tho wtpm WnrM
Annual Gathering at Kansas City Will Ames' possession. Score, first half, 1 10 De given by the University Dra-
e Meia jot. lt. Ames 0, .Missouri 0. matic Club, has been selected. Miss
Two British Destroyers Down.
By Associated Press
. LONDON, Oct 20. Two German
raiders attacked a convoy in the North
Sea on Wednesday and sank two of
the British escorting destroyers, it
was announced officially today by the
British' war office. The official an
nouncement says that three merchant
vessels escaped in the action hat fire
Norwegian, one Danish and three
Swedish vessels were sunk without
warning: "
Thirty Norwegians were rescued by
British patrol boats. The raiders,
which were heavily armed, showed
anxiety to escape before they could
be intercepted by British vessels and
made no attempt to rescue the crews
of the sunken destroyers.
The negro girl lived in the old
Fifth street hall back of Bonner's
bakery on Broadway. White fired at
her when she resisted his attentions.
Hospital at 12:30 o'clock yesterday bro"sbt together will attend a banquet made first downs and then the Tigers pegeen Mike; Misses Flora Cockrell,
One of the largest crowds of Unl- Missouri kicked off to Aldrich, who ignore Watti will nlav the nart of
versity of Missouri alumni ever returned thirty-five yards. Aldrich ' he Widow Oulnn- Miss Lea Linsev
White served three
years in
dn Kansas City Friday night Novem- held. The Tigers couldn't gain and
- ber 16, If plans ot the Missouri Union Slusher was forced to punt With
me j .L. t- j-i,. ., . . . ... n., . ... .,
aim me riiuisas iiiy Aiurani Associa- ine Dan on me iigers .ii-yaru line.
directors comprised largely of Ger-Isnn , rontrrPSS. a' diaPprt "d state penitentiary and a term in the r -"f-f ?'??f "."-" ""u ?. .1' C. '
,. i.-- " ..j iot, nf." .T 7 .. . . rofnrmMnrv at Rnnnrlll Wo - wura rat i ui3 uduuci ui .Ul3uu ueiu mice uiura, uui vjuaj-
mans, it uas vuieu au .u.iu.-." " ine society- expressea us approval or ' .........
,r a :ta .ata Mr T.f hprtv ' ... - ., - .., n sentenced on hnth orr-Asfr
He was
take the place of the annual Thanks-. terback Boyd kicked a field goal.
that provided for a woman suffrage
Judge Slate Finds Heberhart Guilty
of Contempt
By Associated Press '
JEFFERSON CTTY, Oct 20 Charles
Heberhart, managing editor of the St
Louis Republic was found guilty ofi
contempt here today for publishing an
article by R. E. Holloway, Jefferson
City Correspondent of the Republic.
Contest saying that Indictment had been voted
by the grand jury investigating al-
of murder. He has been out of prison
only a few weeks. Meredith Perry, a
brother of the dead girl, told the cor
oner's jury, which held an inquest-at
11 o'clock yesterday, that White had I
quarreled often with his sister when
ihe was under the influence ot mor-
alumni and will be given also for the and Slusher had kicked thirty-five
hundreds of former M. U. men and yards, Boyd circled the Tigers' right
women who will be In Kansas City to end for twenty-five yards. After this
15 per cent of its assets for Liberty the action 'of ReprcsentativV Dorsey o" 0' vears t o t ! unable to gain
bonds, and this Is no small sum, the Shackelford in votinir for the hill tacks on women. Seven years ago he, ,,, ., ., ,. . ,. - 4U1I. ,....,.,.., ,.,.,J .u...
" - - --- ,,. ii... . ... uiuuiui auu mil iim iritcii diau lur liib iiiiu ,3iiisiier iiiiu ml&cu laiii l v -li c
speaker told the audience, as tne in-, tnat nrovlded for a woman suffraec Kluea nls wtner. Dut was acquitted
stituUons capital stock is $2,000,000.
"We should assure our boys In the
camps. In the air and on the sea that
this great Republic of the West Is
with them heart and soul by making
this second loan successful," Mr.
Johnson concluded. '
Music by the University cadet band
was furnished as a prelude to the
Former Student In War Hopes M. U.
Men Will Do Their Part
"France Is expecting great things of
America In the immediate future, and
Winners In First Campaign
Given War SerTice Emblems.
The Columbia Boy Scouts held a leged official Irregularity. Circuit ( I hope our Missouri U. boyswill make
public meeting last night at the Unl- Judge Slate ruled that Heberhart was a creditable showing for themselves."
versity Auditorium. War service in contempt because the article was This is the message from J. H. Pat
emblems were presented to the four printed before the Indictment was trick, a graduate of the University of
boys who Qualified for them in the returned. A fine of $50 was imposed. Missouri, who went to France with
attend the convention of the State
Teachers' Association, November 15
17. R. B. Caldwell, president of the Mis
souri Union, and S. R. Frett, president
of the Kansas Cjty alumni, are work
ing on detailed plans. President Hill
will be in Kansas City November 16
to address the teachers and he will
also speak at the alumni banquet
l Western Union Telegraph Company
Gets Orders from ew York.
The local Western Union telegraph
office has received notice from
Its New York headquarters to stop
all promiscuous telephone accounts.
last Liberty Loan campaign. The -lm nTK1(i rnuttmiv ' . . lng and who is now connected According to Manager C. A. Raum,
boys were: Spencer Shore, wno soia - .wun tne cniet surgeons office at the this Is the result of thousands of dol-
$1,500 worth of bonds; Clarence Moss, Colnmi,ia ivomnn Is Elected President .headquarters of- the American Expe- iars being lost by the company of
who sold JS00 worth: Corwin Edwards of sta(e Association at Meeting. ditIonary Force. In the same office is ficeg over the country from untrace
who sold $700 worth, and Harold Mfsg Mary R Baker of Columbia anotber M' u- graduate, Walter aDie and uncollectible accounts. He
Greene, who sold $650 worth. A first g eiecte,j president of the State LI- F7' Both are Missouri boys. aiso saij tnat accounts of under $5
aid demonstration was given. At each braiy Association yesterday at the Pattrick oeing from Higbee and Man- usually cost more for collection than
entrance tables were placed where gtate meeting 0f the association in , rIom JIoberly. (jne slender margin of profit figured
Liberty Loan Bonds were sold. Jefferson City. H. O. Severance, Miss ' "We are ,n tne eastern .portion of i on by the company.
-Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday LeIJa -wiiU3 jrjss Belles and Miss rance at a much nigher altitude than j The order has already gone Into
the campaign for selling bond3 win Baker were those from Columbia who Paris and the result is that the effect and from now on no message
be carried on by the scouts. Head- attended the meeting. The next meet- weatner conditions are much better," m be received over the phone except
quarters arc at the PersDytenan lng m be held in Kansas City.
the Tigers held for downs on their 12
yard line. Rider made three, but was
unable to gain after that The quar
ter ended with Berry making tea
around left end. Score, Ames 3, Mis
souri 0.
Ames got the balf and Aldrich car
ried it to the Tigers 1-yard line. On
the next .play Aldrich went over for a
touchdown. He failed to kick goal.
Aldrich kicked off. Missouri was un
able to make gains, but one forward
pass gained forty yards for them afte
Aldrich had kicked over the Tigers
line. With but ten minutes to play,
Ames made two goals from the field.
Final score, Ames 15, Missouri 0.
Ames made seventeen first downs
to Missouri's four. A cold wind prevailed.
Irene Fisher, Mary Redmond and Fre-
dona Jane RIngo, village girls; Himey
White. Christy Mahan; J. L. MacKay.
Christy's father; F. E. Ruehl, James
Michael Flaherty; C C Tove and Da
vis LeVlne, village men; Corwine Ed
wards, Shawn' Keogh, and Ben L.
Gatley, town crier.
Mrs. W. E. Harshe Appointed by J. T.
Mitchell Meeting Planned.
Mrs. W. E. Harshe has been made
chairman of the food conservation
committee of Boone County by J. T.
Mitchell, local food administrator.
Work on Perche Creek at Hantsdale
x to Start Soon.
The work on the Perche bank to
prevent overflow wll soon begin at
Huntsdale. The government con
tractor's boat was there yesterday
preparing for the arrival of the work
men. -.
The current of the river- has -been
changed and much land lost on ac
count of the earth that has been car
ried away by the water. The build
ing of an embankment by the govern
ment will restore the old current ot
the river and save the farmers much
valuable land.
Church where a tent has been placed
The city has been divided into sec
tions. One or two boys .will canvass
each section.
Portland and
.Seattle Men
Ore., Oct.
20. The
She and Mrs. Turner McBaine, chalr-
Pattrick writes. "The davs are usual- , .u ..- i. ,.-..i . man of the county defense committee.
y cold and the nights cold enough ' C0unt3 with the local offlce. A cnarBe will work together. A meeting of
that five army blankets are not at all of 10 cent3 wlll aIso be made for coi- representative -omen of the
'out of place. We put in from 8 until iectlon ot messages outside a limited foanty' l dfiscuss "tI fiS,t"a .
10 6. seven davs n thp wppIt iftor a Mt . Is nlanned for next Monday at the
. - . ......... ....v. .. ..... ... .-.-I mrv . "
1 . ..... ... . ,-....w J,
ueu we get. aaaiuonai neip, we nope
to -explore the surrounding country.
.r ,,,, shipyards strike in the Portland dls- which Is beautiful beyond description.'
Already Jiaae trict wag officially declared off to-
Agricultural Club Has
Liberty Loan Purchase. night The Seattle shipyards tied up FOOD REPRESENTATIVE TO TALK
A one-week campaign, in which . sij,ce September 29 by a strike will re-
student organizations will be given sume operations Monday morning. i lno edlng of a Nation" Subject of
an opportunity to subscribe their - - Address October 28. s
share to the Liberty' Loan fund here, , Lit Men In Officers' Reserve Corps. Bruce Kennedy, special representa
wlll be started tomorrow morning. I The government has made public tive of the United States Food Admin
Puring this time clubs associations, , the names or doctors, dentists and istration, will speak here Tuesday
fraternities and sororities In fact, .veterinarians who received com- night October 23, at the University
every organization in the University, .missions in the Officers Reserve Assembly. The subject of his talk
Will be called udou to buy at least Corps. Only one man. Nathan A. Kelly,, will be "The Feeding of a Nation." He
one Liberty bond Letters will be re- is listed as being from Columbia. No will speak on the present supply of
celved by the virions organizations trace of him. however, can be found food and the need of national and per
tomorrw signed by Morris Dry, stu- In the University and city directories, sonal conservation.
Sells Kansas City Ball Clnb.
Hy Associated Press
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 20. The sale
of the Kansas City American Associa-1
uuu uaseDaii uiuu was announced
Boone Tavern.
One- Third of the Plants Are In
Wilson Approves Regulations
Selection In Different Way.
ny Associated Pre
WASHINGTON. Oct 20. President
Wilson has approved the new draft -
regulations that will be promulgated
soon to cover the selection of the
remainder of tho registered men for
the national army. The new plan alms
to classify each of the remaining 9,
000,000 drafted men ln his place In
the national scheme of defense and
postpone the drafting of men most
needed in war industries and those
having dependents.
Son of Dean J. C Jones to Visit Here
Late In No rem ber.
Captain Lloyd Edmonston Jones, the
20 The son of Dean and Mrs. J. C. Jones, has
of the Plants
Operation Xow.
here tonight by George Tebeau. The , By A"'13 Pr"s
I pnnTVflpirT T Til ft
m. ..!....... ... tiu .. vnA.tn I iar-n.isjr jejlji'. !. v.i
yuiuidscia arc, iiu uuc "ucnuuu, . , ., ,,. , .... v00 j.i.m ., .. t i
all local men miners OI me uimuis cuai ueiua am """ .....-..... w u.E uu u. wcuwni
gradually returning to work, reports ant-Colonel Morrow of the training
To Teach In Boonrille High SchooL j received Jiere today Indicated. One-' camp at the Presidio, San Francisco.
Miss Isobel Nelson of Bunceton. a third of the twenty-five mines in Cat Captain Jones expects to re
former student in the University, has Sangamon County were in operation celve a leave of absence November 24
been appointed a teacher of com
mercial work in the Boonville High
School. For the last three years she
has taught at Clarlnda, la.
this morning, it was stated, and
similar conditions are said to exist in
practically all sections where mine
shutdowns occurred.
and will visit his parents. He landed
In San Francisco two weeks ago.
after two years spent in the Philip
pine Islands.

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