OCR Interpretation

The Evening Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1917-1920, November 09, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066315/1918-11-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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Page Two
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Published every evening except Sunday
by Tbe MIssourlan Association, Incorpo
rated, Columbia, Mo. Virginia Bldg. Down
stairs. Pbones: Business, 53; News, 274.
Entered as second-class mall matter. Ac
ceptance for mailing at special rate of
postage provided for in Section 1103, Act
of October 3, 11)17 authorized September
-u, mis.
City: Year, $3.73; 3 months, $1.00;
montb, 40 cents; copy, 2 cents. By mall
in Boone County: iear. S&25: 6 months.
$1.75; 2 months, SO cents. Outside the
county: lear, $4.50; 3 months, $1.23;
month, 43 cents.
Tomorrow the campaign for the
United War Activities fund begins.
Solicitors will call on the residents of
Columbia at their homes for their
subscriptions. There is little excuse
for anyone who doesn't give some
thing. Buying Liberty Bonds in the right
spirit means an actual sacrifice to
many persons in moderate circunictan
ces. While a hundr dollars may not rep
resent a large sum of money, yet the
majority of people have to sacrifice
to withdraw this amount from the
family treasury. To some the price
of even a $50 bond is prohibitive. But
everyone, by really trying, cin g'e
something to the United War Work
campaign because there is no mini-
Ithaca, X. Y., following an illness of a
few days resulting from a stroke of
He was an official of the Legion of
Honor of France, member of the Roy
al Academy of Sciences of Berlin, reci
pient of the Gold Medal in Sciences
and Literature from the Prussian gflv
crnment in 1902, De Forest Gold Me
dallist and was the first Clark Prize
man at Yale.
He was an ex-president of the Amer
ican Social Science Association and
American Historical Society. He was
also a member of the Union League
and Country Clubs of New York City
and of Cosmo of Washington.
In 1S71 he was appointed as com
missioner to Santo Domingo to study
and report on -annexation. He was
appointed commissioner to Paris Ex
position in 1S7S. Minister to Berlin
in 1879-1SS1. He was Minister to St.
Petersburg in 1S92-1894, was a mem
ber of the Venezuelan commission in
1S93 and Ambassador to Germany in
1S97 to 1903. He was also a regent
of the Smithsonian Institute and a
trustee of the Carnegie Institution for
Research and pence foundation in
Washington and Cornell University.
He was to have celebrated his SCth
birthday on Thursday Nov. 7.
His great love of humanity, his ac
complishments in education and diplo
macy, his knowledge of men and
books together with his most ardent
pursuits in architecture, music, lit
erature and religion have endeared
Thursday from Camp Upton, N. Y..
and visited friends here on his way
to his home in Texarkana, Tex. He
will leave after a ten-day furlough
for Camp Anderson, Ga.
mum amount set for a person's i'ii-
tribution. If you can't give ?10. give him to friends and associates beyond
?5 or less. But give. 'he power of words. I recall his
The seven organizations, united to , striking statement at a recent corn-
raise this fund, represent practically
the only sources of recreation and !
mencement address "Today is the dis
pleasure of our fighting forces in
France. Far from the influence of
family and friends, with nothing to
give them pleasure, seeing always the
bloodshed and desolation of war, they
have only these seven war activities
to look out for their w elfare. The hut
of the Y. M. C. A. or the Knights of
Columbus or the Jewish Welfare
Board is home to them. It is a place
where they can gather during their
leisure hours, write letters, talk, hear
lectures, see picture shows and other
amusements and forget for a time the
heart-rending scenes they must view
in the trenches and the ever-j res-ent
grim specter of death.
With the end of life ever in sight,
soldiers are likely to grow careless
and reckless. If no good and safe
form of amusement offers itself, they
are likely to indulge in harmful activ
ities and temptations which are nver
far away.
We as a Nation want the men who
have offered themselves for the sake
of liberty and freedom to remain clean
in mind and heart. Because they
are fighting for us, we must look out
for them. It will benefit us little, if
in winning our battles, they lose their
own ideals.
It is our duty to keep them happy
and to keep temptation away from
them as much as possible. To do this,
we must furninsh them wholesome
We can not each in person go to do
our part but we can give our dollars
to the workers of the United War Ac
tivities who are already there, with
the knowledge that they will be used
to the best advantage.
day." With such men as Dr. White
in this generation what may we not
expect of tomorrow. II. F. M.
fcFrom Baseball to Bodies."
The author, H. C. Witwer, gives in
these nine innings an interesting hu
man picture of the American Army
in France. Surely the reader gets
more of the feeling that our men are
actually there and were giving up
their lives even as the men of the
other Allies have done.
. The true American spirit is shown
here. It might almost be called brag,
except that it is so obviously put on
to cover up the real humility our men
feel before these nations who have
been carrying the burden so long.
Breezy, fun-provoking, rollicking as
the letters are, underneath there is
the realization of what the Germans
are and the fixed determination to
make them pay.
(Small, Maynard & Co., Boston;
cloth; $1.50 net.)
Poster Club Also Illustrates Other
Patriotic Serrlces.
The Poster Club, a student organ
ization of the University, under the
supervision of Miss Gladys Wheat, is
making patriotic posters to be sent
over the state in the interest of the
Women's Committee of the National
Council of Defense. They tell the
aim of the committee, state-wide or
ganization of women for patriotic ser
vice, and outline the departments of
work, child welfare, Americanization,
education, food, health, and recreation.
and women in industry.
The child welfare posters illustrate
the care of the eyes and teeth, cor
rect breathing, what to eat and what
not to eat One poster, on the old
way, getting sick and then getting
well, shows a child in bed with the
doctor giving medicine. The new
way, keeping well, has a group of
three children, one washing his teeth,
another exercising, and the third
splashing in the tub.
Miss Ella V. Dobbs will use these
posters in her extension work. They
are in stencil designs, and can be du
plicated any number of times. Posters
may be obtained through Miss Dobbs.
The Poster Club is an informal or
ganization. Any student interested in
the work may become a member by
Walter Roberts, M. U. Grad-
duate, Says Band Men
Are Haiidy Men.
Says Knowledge of French
Has Helped to Gain
Musician Walter B. Roberts, an hon
or graduate of the University now with
the American Expeditionary Forces in
France, in a letter to Clarence L.
Northcutt of the history department
of the University, writes as follows:
"Your letter came yesterday and
was very welcome. I can't promise
to write very much for time in a
way is limited although we are band
men. But you sec up here at the
front we do fatigue work of kinds,
carrying sand bangs, digging ditches,
carrying messages, cleaning up our
quarters and all around them and be
ing handy men of all sorts.
"So you see the job Is far from be
ing as safe as some would have you
Imagine. I am glad that the band
man has his share too, especially in
the accounting that will come after
the war.
"We are living in dugouts that were
paying a fee. Miss Eva Johnston, ad- occupied by Fritzie until rather re
viser ui nuiuuu, Kwps a list oi ins centiy. in me town we rustieu around
members, and they are exempted from
other war work.
never permit me to forget that they
are foreigners.
"The country is beautiful in many
spots not particularly so here for
that wouldn't hardly be expected. We
have travelled around over the coun
try in box cars and the last time we
had a very pleasant trip, only 16
men to the small French car.
"Once we had a trip 38 men to a
small French car. smaller than any
U. S. box car, and we weren't at all
"Well. I must get ready for forma
tion. That means a shave and the
like. Things are coming along fine.
I wouldn't ask for better work and
am almost glad now that I didn't get
to use that Officers' Training ap
pointment the University of Missouri
gavn us."
31. V. (Jlrl Accepted, for Clerical Work
and Awaits Cull.
Being a girl didn't keep Miss Flora
Cockrell of Warrensburg, a student
in the University last year from join
ing the Marine Corps. She applied for
a clerical position with the Marines
and -has been accepted and is now
waiting her call.
Her sister. Miss Anne CockrelL
who also was a student here last year
has been accepted as a nurse and will
probably be sent to Camp Taylor, Ky
They are both members of the Pi
Beta Phi sorority.
Hal! a Cent a Word a Day
Term. mh In ail Tuner. The amounts In
volred in nant ads sre too small to he
charged. When received over the nbone
It is with the understanding that ih.
ads will be paid for at once
KOIt KIINT Five room bungalow xw
and modern. 1'buiie 012. C-lttf
KOIt KENTKiiru!tinl r..onn. with or
without board, l'hone 1143 White It-3ltf
FOn SALE C.irim.1 tyitewrlter In per
tit condition, plume lis.", wli lie E Cot f
and found stoves, round tables, chairs,
dishes, coDking utensils and even
featherbeds, so you see we have some
of the comforts of home at least un-
Left Todaj to Enter Fifth Camp Since1 111 tne Fritzies bis shells get to drop-
With the end of actual fighting ap
parently drawing near, many of us
ere inclined to slacken up in our war
activities. Let's not begin too soon.
It is estimated that it will take a
year or more to get all the men back
to the United States. In the meantime
they will still need the supplies that
they have needed before. Winter is
coming on and they vill need wirm,
knitted articles. After they have put
forth the best that is in them in this
war we must not let them contract
pneumonia, tuberculosis and other
diseases on account of lack of pro
(ecting garments.
There are also after this final drive
many more boys in the hospitals than
there have been at any time during
the war. They must be supplied with
hospital shirts, surgical dressings, and
magazines to read.
With the signing of peace, we will
have to send food into the territory
controlled by the Central Powers. Neu
trals, too, will have to be considered.
Don't begin taking thirrgs easy an
wasting for the fun of it too soon.
Mrs. Anna W. Crawford of Los An
geles left yesterday for her home in
Los Angeles, after spending three
weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. J.
Van Meter and Mr. Van Meter.
Thomas Cheek of Joplin, a former
student in the University and a mem
ber of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity,
arrived last night to enter the voca
tional section of the S. A. T. C.
Returninc to States a Year Ago,
Lieutenant Virgil S. Beck, a grad
uate of the School of Journalism, was
in Columbia yesterday to see about
his diploma which was awarded last
June but which has been missent.
He left this afternoon for Camp Mc
Clellan, Anniston, Ala.
Lieutenant Beck went with the Mis
souri University Ambulance Unit to
France about a year and a half ago.
When he returned he entered the Third
Officers' Training Camp at Camp Pike
and received his commission as second
lieutenant. Then he took three
months training at Camp Jackson,
S. C. Last July he went to the School
of Fire at Fort Sill, Okla., and Octo
ber 12 entered the Radio School at
Columbia University, New York City.'
He has just completed the course
Lieutenant Beck was in New York
City the night of October 11 when
President Wilson addressed a crowd at
the New Amsterdam Theater and
$1,000,000 worth of bonds were sold
in thirty minutes. The next day he
saw the Columbus Day Parade there.
He says an average of 500 wounded
men a week are landing in New York.
War Pictures Will Re Shown In
The Y. M. C. A. has received a new-
moving picture machine from the
War Council's Headquarters in Chi
cago. This will make possible illus
trated lectures to be held in the Y.
?!rs. John E. Sykes and Mrs. Turner ( M. C. A. Building on the world war
McBalne left Thursday for St. Louis I and after-the-war-problems. These
to spend the week-end.
ping around.
"The other night one of Fritzle's
shells landed In our band storage
room two stories directly above our
dugout and succeded In destroying 1G
instruments, one of them one of my
own which I had bought since coming
over here. I am sending it home so
perhaps you will get to see It. There
Is a possibility that I may get to go
to a band musician's school near
for three months study as one of
about six from this band.
"To be sure my knowledge of
French has helped a lot. I have made
some fairly good friends among the
French although peculiar customs
The National Livestock 3Iarket
WAXTEIi S.il.-Htiwn all ir p.rt time
for c-ilendar, le.ither thn-k Niuks and ad
lertUlni: spe l.iltle Mitral -nmmlloii
Cooil position for couiM'ttit m.m. Ern
umy Adertllipr Co- Ia City la. R-B)
LOL'IS, III.. Nor. J.- The He stock mar
ket for today Is as follows:
CATTLE: Receipts 1,'rfiO. .Market steady
Natlie beef steers $ll.W)$lK."ri.
Yearling steers and heifers $9.n)$j$!. 50.
Cons $7.50?12.SO.
Stockers and feeders SS.30G$12 00.
Kalr to I'rlnie Southern beef steers $10.-!
Iteet cons and heifers $7JWS$ir.O0
Calves $7.75Si17.2r..
IIOCS: Receipts, ri.OUO. Market 20 to Si
.Mixed and butchers Si7--g$lS;.
flood and beaty $lS.lo$ls.i"i.
Itnueh Sl.401G-Vt.
Lli;ht 17-.V)(fi$18 0O
riKs $i4..?iar.n.
iiuik $i-juxufs.ir,.
SHEEI': Receipt 00 Market iteadv.
Lambs flSsaiSfltetii.
Ewes $11.003$12.00.
Canners and Choppers JCOOQSOOO.
We lme remunerative positions for
available teachers Write for rirlitratloa
blank. Xu advance fee Central Educa
tional Iture.ui. Metropolitan Wd2 St.
Louis, Mo. W J Haw kins, Msr.
Sat. Mon. June 13.
Complete Outfits S. A. T. C.
Ton Know What HE Wants
More Than Anything Else.
910 Broadway
B. N. Hitchcock arrived Monday
from Homer, N. Y., to spend the win
ter with his daughter, Mrs. W. C.
Curtis and Dr. Curtis. His son, N.
B. Hitchcock, who accompanied him,
has returned to New York.
lectures "will be held on nights that
S. A. T. C. will be allowed.
Many University speakers have al
ready volunteered their services. The
Sunset Club, which formerly met on
Sunday evenings, will be discontinued
and meetings will be held at 4:30
o'clock when pictures, furnished by
Miss Louise Smith left this morn-' 'he War Council; will be shown.
ing for Hardin, Mo., where she teach- These will not only consist of patriot
es school, after visiting her mother, i 'c material but also of the latest movie
Mrs. Gussie Smith, chaperon at the ! fiIms-
Phi .Delta Theta house.
fit ccw
Wool Uniforms
Army Shoes
Army Sweaters
Hats and Caps
Insignia, Cords
Sheepskin Coats
Uniforms Made to
Military Instruction
Send for Catalog 13
Satisfaction or mon
ey back.
than a plate of "Frozen Gold" as des
sert? It is enjoyed by young and old
alike; and Is as good for one as for
the other. It is one of the few des
serts which contain real food value.
We deliver delicious "Frozen Gold,"
packed to keep a number of hours.
In paper cartons it will remain hard
for an hour or more. Take one home.
Phone 3C0
37 W. 123th St, New York City
Mrs. J. T. Morris and Miss Pauline '
Morris of Louisiana, Mo., are here to !
be with Mrs. Morris' daughter. Miss)
Henrietta Morris, who is ill in Read
hall hospital with influenza. '
There Is an idea abroad among peo
ple that they should make their neigh
bours good. One Person I have to
make good: myself. But my duty to
my neighbour is much more nearly ex
pressed by saying that I have to make
him happy If I may. Robert Louis
Enrollment to Re Held Tomorrow and
I'r'ilny In Academic Hall.
For a government survey of the
nuriinj resources of the country
there will be a registration of all girls
who have had any course in any of the
following: Home care of the sick.
Mrs. Ernest J. Lamy and daughter,
Mrs. F. V. Blees, left this morning for
their homes in Kansas City after vis-. dietetics, practical nursing, first aid.
iting Miss Cammie Lamy in the I A table will be placed in the corridors
Dumas Apartments.
Mrs. Herman Schlundt gave an in
formal tea Monday afternoon at her
of Academic Hall today and Friday
for this work.
By registering, a girl does not obli
gate herself to any service. On the
home In Westwodd for Mrs. C. W. caru- used to register will be a place
Wright of Portland. Ore., who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J.
McCaustland. Mrs. George M. Reed
and Mrs. W. C. Curtis entertained in
formally for Mrs. Wrigh't at Mrs.
Curtis' home Tuesday afternoon.
Editor the Missouri: It will be
learned with deep and sincere regret
by members of the faculty of this
University of the death of Dr. Andrew
Dickson White, first president of Cor
nell University, former Ambassador
to Germany and Russia, president of
American delegation to Hague Peace
Conference and one of the best known
statesmen and educators in the coun
try. Dr. White died at bis home lnj
Professor and Mrs. E. B. Branson
entertained three tables of bridge
Tuesday night. Those who attended
were Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Meyer, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Brown, Prof and Mrs.
George M. Reed and Prof, and Mrs.
F. F. Stephens.
to tell whether she will accept a call
for service or not, and a place to
indicate whether she would go to
France or not.
Not all who sign this card will be
accepted. There are eight classes of
nurses, and University women will
be in the last reserve.
IWestinghou.se Mazda Lamps.
We carry all sizes of the
proper voltage.
Phone S29 17 S. Ninth St.
4-5 Hadcn Bide. Phone 498
rSEl",,te5S J Xjhuon
uuui mctzLi .-irajjv-a
.-, -mm Ujjj
y you need glasses
Is onr watchnord In fitting your eyes with
Klasves. "Sol simply glasses," but satis
factory Vision. Urine your broken lenses
to me and I nill make an exact duplicate
of the original In a few hours" time.
OrulMta l'renrrlptlonN Accurately Filled
i.nxs onixnixo laroratouy ox
Roses and all other cut
flowers cut fresh from
our green houses
daily anything in flow
ers or floral decoration.
Phone 366
Columbia Floral Co.
Office 30C; Itesidence C90 White
Oicr XOt lliuvduay.
We t-cu!ite
roar watch
tree ot chars
If you bring your repair
work to us it will b re
turned promptly in perfect
condition. All work guar
Mrs. Leonard Haseman and her
mother, Mrs. Wilbur Fish of Ithaca.
N. V., who has been visiting here for
a month, left Wednesday for St. I
Louis where they will visit Mrs.)
Fish's sister, Mrs. Edward Landon, for
a few days. Mrs. Fish will then re
turn to her home in Ithaca and Mrs.
Haseman will return here the first
of the week.
Mrs. Jesse F. Wrench returned !
Tuesday from Kansas City where shej
attended the wedding of HImey White,
a former student of the University and '
Miss Anna Rosenblum.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. Wiswall to Eliza WIswall
Pt SE & pt NE 1C-49-14
(241.94) J
G. B. Sapp to T. J. Holloway
Lt 5 Guitar's sub & Park Add,
Columbia .
E. D. Allen to F. Lyle Pt SE SE
10-4-12 (1A)
Wm. J. Wade to II. R. Wade,
NW NE & pt N'i. NENW 2G-50-13
(43A sub to $430) 430
Emma J. TIbbitts to F. McBaine
Lt 11 Blk 2, Tandy's Add Co
lumbia 900
C. H. Curtright to L. & J. B.
Morris, Pt W4 NW 2 & pt SE
3-4-12 (209.93A) 23,500
yj- vnp
Two to Go to Training Camp.
; Arch Guitar and William II. Kenner.
i former students of the University, will
1 leave tomorrow for Camp Pike. Little
Lieutenant Virgil Beck, a graduate! Rock. Ark., where they will attend
of the School of Journalism arrived the Central Officers' Training school.
Council of National Defence
Chrisimas Shopping
Kind of Presents No Bcf ra Saleslteople
Bo Your
Chrisimas Shopping Now!
fir z st"

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