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yaWBfi?wf"il-rliaMiihjr ;'!' ta t-!- nasi - ' " .r?feife.---3-- -,y.v -.'a. MISSOURIAN Iftt, - $ TWELFTH YEAR COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 26, 1920. NUMBER 124 r;THE'EVENIN;" TO PETITION STATE EQUALIZATION BOARD Teachers' Association Starts Movement to Save the Schools. C. H. WILLIAMS' TALK Low Salaries Cause Best Grade Instructors to Leave. Tbe citizens of Columbia and Boone County will be asked soon to sign a petition to be sent to the State Board of Equalization, asking that board to increase the valuation of property so that the tax returns fill enable the school authorities to raise teachers' pay. This Is a part of the campaign of the State Teachers' Association whicjh will be conducted In every county in the state. "The School Situation in Missouri" was the subject of a talk before the day night by C. H. Williams, director Faculty Club of the University Satur of University Extension and chairman of the committee on salaries of the State Teachers' Association. The meeting was attended by representa tives of the Columbia School Board teachers in the city schools and busi ness men. "Teachers' salaries were very low in 1914." said Professor Williams. "The tremendous advance in 'the cost of. living makes them ridiculously low at the present time so low ithat large numbers of the best teachers are rapidly leaving the profession for other occupations and for other states where better salaries are paid. Their places are beeing filled with, little re gard for qualifications in order to keep the schools open. In many cas es girls of 16 and 17 years are now employed as teachers." ( Must Have Relief N'ow. "There is no time to wait for a new constitution or for the next meet ing of the Legislature. The school situation is nearing a crisis and the only" hope of relief consists In secur ing an increase in the evaluaUon of property in Missouri by the State Board of Equalization which meets next month. Every man and woman who believes in good schools should sign the petitions which will be cir culated throughout the state and placed with the board." Professor Williams' talk was' fol lowed by a general discussion of-the situation and of plans for Its relier. Among others, William Hlrth, editor of the Missouri Farmer, spoke of the necessity.for immediate action and ex pressed the belief that the farmers of Missouri will stand squarely behind the present movement for the better ment of the schools. State Schools Face Crisis. Recent investigations of the school situation In Missouri, carried on by committees of the State Teachers' As sociation, show that the schools of Missouri are facing a crisis, and Uiat a complete breakdown is likely to re sult unless more adequate provisions are made for their maintenance. The salaries, particularly in the rural schools, are so small that teachers everywhere have been attracted into ohter lines of work. In some places salaries are still as low as ?25 a month, and, in a majority of the one hundred and fourteen counties of the state, as low as ?40 a monlh is still paid. Outside of St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Joseph, the average sal aries' paid to teachers of all classes in Missouri, including high school teachers, city superintendents and principals, is only $533.59. At the beginning of this year, many schools were without teachers, and, in order to open the schools, it was necessary to grant twelve hundred special certificates to teachers who were unable to qualify regularly, and more than 3,500 third grade certifi cates were Issued, under very lenient rating in order that the schools might he supplied with any teacher, what ever. ' State Lostag Good Teachers. Missouri has been losing many of her best teachers to other states. One fourth of all the teachers trained by the University and teachers' colleges last year went to neighboring states because better salaries are paid there. Teachers going out of the state re ceived an average of thirty-four per cent more salary than those who re mained in Missouri. Iowa now has ah adequate minimum salary law and, during the present month of January. Sas has provided for a fifty per cent raise in taxation for school pur poses. Teachers must live for twelve months and go to school during j the 8ummer on an eight months salary. NoMeacher who fails to attend sum mer school at least one year out of two can keep abreast of the times. The profession of teaching is not an attractive one in Missouri at the pres ent time. Behibu race of H. C L. According to the reports of the United States Government and or all other reliable authorities, the cast of living has increased during the last six years at least one hundred per cent, but since 1914, a period of Ave XHS weather Far Columbia sad VltlnUr: Partly cloudy to cloudy weather tenlfht and Tuesday: somewhat wanner tonlgnt ana colder Tneoday afternoon: H"et temper ature tonlcbt SS or St. For Mlssonrl: Partlr cIoikIt tonlcbt and Tneodar. possibly becoming unsettled, warmer east and south portions tonight ; colder Tuesday west awl north portion. Shippers' Forecast: Within a. radius' of an miles oi uoiumuia tue lowest lemiwm ture during the next 30 hours will 1 about 2S west; 20 north; 28 east, and 32 south. Weather Conditions. ' Tbe weather still is cold in all border states, and east of tbe Mississippi Hirer cenerallr. sooth to Charleston. South Caro lina, where 4he temperature Is 30. Tbe wwndier Is rapidly moderating In the lower Missouri valley ana central nnino. hut this will be temporary only. Zero conditions are confined to North IVakota Itontiui.i, and the adjacent Canadian pro vinces. Except some unow tn tbe fur Northwest, and rain In the Southeast States generally fair weather has prevailed. There will lie some surface tlinwlnc dur ing the next 30 hours, with generally fair wnitber niHi moderate temperatures, al though on the turn to colder by or lie fore Tuesday night. Local Data. The highest temperature In Columbia restonlnv was 30: and the lowest last night wns 22. Treclpltallon O.oo. A year nan yesterday the highest temperature was ." and the lowest wns 27. Precipitation O.OO. Sun rose today 7:21 a .m. Sun sets r23 p. :n. Moon sets 11 HO p. m. years, the average increase in the amount paid to teachers of Missouri has been onlv ten and a fraction- per cent, according to carefully prepared statistics compiled from the State Superintendent's office by Dean C. A. PhilliDS of the Warrensburg Teachers' College. That prospective teachers are coming to understand the situation by the fact that although all the col leges, of the 'state and country have shown an increased enrollment during the present year, the enrollment In the teachers' colleges has fallen off very materially. Those interested in the matter say unless something is done before the next school year, many schools In Missouri will be unable to open with competent teachers and a much larger number of our best teachers will have gone into other states to teach or into business. There Is only one pos sible means of relief for the coming year, they believe- That consists in securing an increase in the evalua tion of property in Missouri by the State Board of .Equalisation which meets late In February. The people of Columbia will ask by petitions or otherwise the Board, of Equalization for an increase in the evaluation of property in Missouri .sufficient to put the. schools on. ji sound basis: to pay more aaequaie salaries to teachers, and to give to the children of Missouri educational opportunities equal in every way to those afforded by other progressive state. . , SOVIET INK INDIA Persia Also Entered by Russian Cavalry, Say Bolsheviki. By United Tress. .LONDON. Jan." 26. Russian soviet cavalry has entered Persia and India", according to a Bolshevist communique received here today. The latest re port at the British war office was that the Bolshevist forces were 500 miles from the Indian boundary. A. Moscow communique stated' that Admiral Kolchak had been made pris oner, together with his ministers. -I.. n. i WOULD IMPROVE 9AXCIXG HERE Sororitr Girls Hold Meeting to DIs cuss the Subject. The sorority women of the Univer sity are going to try to bring about an improvement In the style of danc ing that has become prevalent nere. The movement was .brouht up at a meeting of about 250 sorority women at a meeting in the Physics Building last Friday afternoon whe"n the sub ject of dancing was discussed by Miss Eva Johnston, .adviser of women, and a representative of each of the sorori- IB A motion that all styles of dancing which could be considered objection able be eliminated, was adopted unan imously. It was agreed that each girl must assume a personal responsibil ity in the enforcement of the rule, and that the sororities as a whole must lend co-operation in the move ment. The 'co-operation of all fra ternity men also will be enlisted. CONDEMNS REED'S STAND' Hart Saystln Seraoa Senator Judges Hoover by Little Things. Senator Reed's stand against the candidacy St Herbert Hoover for president, was condemned by Madison A. Hart, pastor of the Christian Church, in his sermon on "How Christ Handled the Critic," last night He said that the senator from Missouri was looking only at the little things that his opponent did and not fit the big things. StageoH Man Flies Salt for Dlrerce. Dewey S. .Zumwalt of Sturgeoa filed suit for divorce this afternoon against his wife, Clara Zumwalt. He charges that she was quarrelsome and neg lectful, m the petition, Zumwalt asks custody of the three children. LENINE ABANDONS IRLDJPTIOI Soviet Ambassador Says Rus sia Can Live Against World. BOASTS OF TRADE Explains Instructions to Sov iets in Italy to Forego Revolt. By RAYMOND CLAPPER (United Press SUIT Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Jan? 26. Lenlae has abandoned the idea of world revo lution, Ludwig C. A. K. MarteM, soviet ambassador to this country told the foreign relations sub-committee today. "There was a. time when Russia thought the only way to bring about a revolution was to have one in all countries," Martens said. "The idea has disappeared now because Russia has Remonstrated she can live against the whole world." Russia, he said, was strong enough tn stand against the whole world. That Is the reason, he explained, why Lenlne wrote to the soviet leader in Italy, it was not necessary to stage a revolution there now. Russia cow has tentative control of trade totaling $7,000,000, Martens said, which will be executed when world trade Is open. STILLlfpllSEe Allies Will Continue Efforts to Induce Holland to Give Him Up. dy United Tress. PARIS, Jan. 26. The council of am bassadors today decided to continue their efforts to induce Holland to give up the former kaiser for trial. The council instructed the French government to prepare a reply to Hol land's note, taking the note up argu ment by argument. The council also decided, (pending the ratification of the treaty of Ver sailles by the United States, that the presidency of the various plebiscite commissions will be filled by the French, instead' of the United States. Germany's protest against the Polish 'boundaries was presented but 1io ac tion was taken. FIVE ATTEND CONTENTION Columbians Go to St. Louis for State Episcopal Meeting. Dean J. iP. McBalne of the School of Law, the Rev. J. H. George, E. A. Lo gan. C. B. Rollins and Dr. W. G. Brown left today for St. Louis where they will be delegates to the eighty-first annual convention of the Missouri Diocese of the Episcopal Church, which will begin tomorrow at Christ Church Cathedral. The convention will be open to the public as well as to members of the Episcopal Church. Prominent men such as Bishop rmttle, and Coadjutor Bishop F. F. Johnson will address the meetings. Thursday evening the an- nual meeting of the St. Louis Hos pital Assoclatoin, of which all the clergy are members, will be held. On Friday the annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary will be held in the cathedral. COMMITTEE ENDORSES GENTRY Columbia Man May Ran for Judge of Supreme Court. The Republican committee of the eighth congressional district, which includes Boone County, has endorsed North Todd Gentry of Columbia for the nomination for judge of the supreme court and Roy T. Davis of Columbia as one of the delegates to the national Republican convention. The district convention will be held in Jefferson City February 27. fid P. Roach of Linn Creek has filed his candidacy for the Republican nom ination for Congress from thH dls ttict and was endorsed by the com mittee. To candidates for the Demo cratic nomination In opposition to' W. L. Nelson have been announced. 400 STOP WORK AS PROTEST New Walk-Out of Coal Workers DueteJ win to tna amies. By United Tress. PITTSBURG. Kan., Jan. 26. A "protest strike" has begun in the Kan sas coal fields as the first result of passing tbe Industrial Court Bill by the state legislature, according to word received at the operators' bead quarters. Four hundred men are idle. Their daily production amounted to 1,500 tons. C. 11. MUler to Address Ad Clafe, C. B. Miller of the Miller Shoe Com pany will be the speaker at the lunch eon to be given at noon tomorrow at the Columbia Catering Company by Alpha Delta Sigma; honorary ad-i vertlslng fraternity. Mr. Miller has recently returned from Boston where he attended the Retail Merchants' ConvenUon. He will tell of the con vention. Local business and adver tising problems will also be discussed. EDITORS TO GET OD T Products of the 'Philippines WiLJ Be the Chief Attrac tion Here. ISLANDS PROSPEROUS Filipinos Expect to Correct Wrong Impressions and Interest Capital. Water color sketches of Philippine SCenea fin flnt COn.cViollo- norm.- weights mounted with mother-of-pearl cones; tans oi umerent designs and coloring; napkin rings of'"nlto," rat tan and bamboo; and swagger sticks of ebony and other Philippine hard woodthese and many other odd ar ticles will be among the Philippine souvenirs distributed at the Made-ln-the-Philippines banquet in Columbia May 7. ) But these will not be the chief at traction of the banquet, for, in just representation bf the natural re sources of the Philippines, there will be brought in Columbia exhibits of products which have made the Islands, under 20 vears of American tutelege, a most prosperous country. A Land of Many Fruits. The Philippines hold the monoply of the production of abaca, or the Manila hemp In the world and ranks foremost in the East in the production ot sugar cane,, tobacco, copra and cocoanut oil. Among the choicest trults of the trop ics, the mango, mangosteen, banana and pineapple grow there. Other trop ical fruits of every variety ot. taste and description which ripen aU the vear round thrive as well in Philip pine soil. Its fisheries are unexcelled by any country In the East. Japanese fish companies are In Philippine wa ters to supply Japan fish markets. Pearl and mother-of-pearls are ob tained In the deep sea of Mindanao. Ble sea-shells used in the Philippines for window panes are picked from tbe shores ot the larger Islands. Phil ippine forests are still for the most part unexploited. Philippine fine and hard woods are exported to the United States for the manufacture of cabi net bureaus and furniture. Why the Banquet Is Given. The Filipinos look forward to the Bfade-in-the-Philinnlnes banquet at wntcrr garnering representative news paper men from all parts of the coun try will be present, to show the people of the United States their wonderful resources with a view to correcting wrong impressions prevalent here re garding the Philippines and interest ing American capital In the Philip pine trade. The Manila Daily Bulletin, an Am erican daily paper published in Ma nila, says: "The executive committee making the arrangements for the Philippines' participation in the Missouri Univer sity 'Made-ln-the-Phlllpplnes' banquet believes that In this banquet the coun try has a great opportunity to correct false Impressions Of the Islands held In America. The committee has sent the following letter to the directors of several bureaus: , " 'We have seen too many instances of articles on the Philippines misrep resenting the actual situation here. Naturally our government and people resent any such mlsrepresentaUons, thmicrh it is admitted that in the ma jority of cases Ignorance of conditions in the Philippines rather tnan naa in tention is the explanation. Bavqnet of Educational Value. '"Next year the Philippines will have a wonderful opportunity to pre sent, Philippine facts to a group ot men whose business it Is to circulate information and who are admitted to be th most Dowerful instruments for mnniriini nnhlic oDtnlon. I refer to the journalists who will attend the 'Made-In-the-Philippines' Danquei in Missouri. They represent the leading periodicals ot the United States and are the pick of the men ot their pro fMinn The notential value therefore to the Philippines of convincing these men ot our capacity by actual ngures as to our educational and economic progress is beyond calculation. " It is believed that one of the most effective ways to secure their sympa r onri Intelligent support of the work we are doing here Is to educate them properly about things rnuip i ixr.a iti nreomDlish this to a certain extent by supplying them with Information regarding the rniuppines In .a concise and easily accessible manner. To Issae Special PabllcatloB. Vmir hnrean has an official or- mn if Din number scheduled to ap pear about February next year coulld be dedicated to the 'Made-in-tne-rnn-iDnlnea' narticlDatlon in Missouri and be prepared as a summary of the rec ord, present activities ana iuiure plans of your office, it would serve, rinnhtims as a most valuable publica tion such as any journalist would like to keep handy for his work. "'May I not request, therefore, on behalf of the executive committee la charge of making, arrangements for the Made-ln-the-PhIlippines' partici HUE SOUVENIRS pation in Missouri next year that you authorize and direct the publication or a special number of your periodical for the use ot the cdmmlttee as Indi cated above. At least 600 copies will be needed.'" I. W. WS. ON TRIAL TODAY Twenty-Four Sheriffs and 600 Depa lies Guard Against Trouble. 7 United Press. MONTESANO, WUsh., Jan. 26. The trial of the eleven alleged I. W. W's. arrested during the disturbances in Centralia, Wash., was before Su perior Judge John Wilson today. John Pancouvier asked for a change of venue, stating that the people in Gray's Harbor County were aroused by a circular prepared by the Cham ber of Commerce of Centralia and a fair trial could not be held there. Elaborate preparations have been made to prevent trouble during the trial. Twenty-four sheriffs patrolled the streets all day. Sheriff Barton an nounced he had deputised 500 mem bers of the American Legion. II DISMISS APPEAL Government Would Not "Satisfy Rhode Island of Prohibition Amendment. Bj United Press. WASHINGTON', Jan. 26. The gov ernment In the Supreme Court today moved to dismiss the Rhode Island ap peal attacking the validity of the con stitutional prohibition. Argument on this is expected to determine whether constitutional prohibition will stand. Solicitor-General King stated the motion could not be argued until March because the Rhode Island attor neys are not ready. A recess of the court in February will delay the ar gument during that time. The dec! sion is not expected, before April. The court agreed to advance the ap peal from the Ohio courts as to wheth er the state, by referendum, can over ride the action of the state legislature in the case of the constitutional amendment. ' IE. W. STEPHENS GOES SOUTH Class Which He Has Taught for 31 Tears Gives HIa Send-off. E. W. Stephens was accorded a hearty send-off at the meeting of his Sunday school class yesterday morn ing before he left for a trip to" Jack son, Miss., and other points Jn the Moutn. Accompamea oy .Mrs. aiepn ens, he will spend several weeks in the states of Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida before returning to Co lumbia. Mr. Stephens has been confined to his home for seven weeks with a dis located tarm and other infirmaties, When it became known yesterday morning that he could meet his class. a special call was sent out to mem bers and about 300 attended. Special music was rendered and the class ex tended to Mr. Stephens its best wish es for his trip. He replied in a short address. He has taught the class for 31 years. CENSUS FIGURES ALMOST READY City Enumerators' Last List Was Sent Ib This Morning What the population of Columbia is, may soon be determined, as the last list of the enumerators of the city was. sent in this morning. The enu merator of the Immediate surround ic rural districts of Columbia Is also through. The forty-five persons at the County Infirmary yet remain to be enumerated but will be listed this week. The following persons took the cen sus of Columbia: George W. Bur roughs, T. iP. Quinn, S. O. Pancoast, R. P. Bryan, Duskln Settles, Miss Ethel McQultty and Mrs. Hannah Mc Claln. No trouble was reported in Colum bia by the enumerators, lut two cases In tbe rural districts gave tr uble. One of. these 'told one enumerator to wait until he was goo I and ready to give the list and then took two hours of the enumerator's time tn waiting Another man abused the enumerator severely and shut his door. Tbe man will be given another chance and if he then refuses the information he will be turned over to government authori ties FARRIS TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR Phelps. Comfy Legislator Wffl Seek Office by Backing Wilson. The Treaty of Peace and the League or Nations as defined by President Mllroniare the issues on which Frank H. Farris of Pheljia County will seek the. Democratic mmlnatlon for gov erntr. Mr. FarrU, a member of the Stale Legislature, filed his declara tion of candldacr with John L. Sulli van secretary ol stale, late Saturday. Teachers Have laffaema. rir. Tsfdor Loeb. daen of the School nt Rnslnms and Public Administra tion, and Prof. H. G. Brown, and Prof. DR Scott ot the same school were un able to meet- their classes today be cause they were JU with Influenza. Prof. M. F. Miller and Dr. W. C. Eth eridge, both or the College of Agricul ture, have the Influenza. Mrs. & IL Hughes, wife of Professor Hughes of the animal husbandry department, also has It, DEMOCRATS I LODGEJLTIITUli Senator Refuses to Resume Conferences If Reserva tions Are Changed. BOTH HOUSES BUSY Senate Continues Martens Hearing Kenyon Bill to Be Voted On Today. By L. C. MARTIN (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Jan. 26. Senator Lodge, Republican leader, today re- rusea to resume the bi-partisan treaty conferences, except on the definite un derstanding that there will be no .change on his reservations on Article X and the Monroe Doctrine. The Democratic conferees imme diately went into executive session to decide on tnelr answer to Lodge's ultimatum. Lodge's action Is believed to have made certain the impossibility of reaching a compromise. "The conference ud to the time Its meetings were Interrupted," said Sen ator irittcncock, "was reaching a ten tative agreement on the nreamble and practically all reservations except Ar- flnlA V nA Ik. YrA.... Y i-ii- . "" ""u me jiuurue liuctnne, ana the agreement seemed almost accom plished on Article X when the order came for adjournment of the confer ences. Congress Faces Busy Week. Oy United Press. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Congress today faced one of the busiest weeks in a long time, both on the Senate and House floors and also in the com mittees. In the Senate the Russian investi gating committee was proceeding with the hearings on Ludwig C. A. K. Mar tens, soviet representative to the United States. The commerce committee was hear ing western ship-builders on a perma nent merchant marine bill. The mil itary affairs committee was expected to finish work on the army reorgani zation bill. One navy subcommittee was investigating the morals ot tbe navy yard at Newport, R. L The appropriations committee was working on three appropriation bills today. The f agricultural committee hoped 'to finish work on legislation to regulate packers. The House and Senate conferees on the railroad bill resumed work today. The Senate subcommittee continued an investigation qf the Federal Trade Commission. The Senate will vote late today on the Kenyon Americanization bill and then take up the army and navy pay bill. Tbe House will continue work to day on the departmental appropria tion bllls.while scores of committees proceeded in the preparation of more legislation. .The rules committee ,is to go ,on with the .work on the sedition legisla tion. 400 PATIEIITS III CITY 300 Town People and ,100 Students 111 No Dan gerous Cases Yet. There are 300 cases of influenza., In Iho rltv and nhnnt 100 cases IBOSC the students of the University. . This was brought out' this afternoon at. a meetlne of the board of directors of the Commercial Club and the physi cians of the city. Vn students have been admitted to Parker Memorial Hospital within the last twenty-four hours as the aospuai is worked to full capacity. Physi cians are being sent out to the varioas. rooming houses, sororities ana ira ternities and effortsare being made to care for the students in that way. The urgent need at present Is hospital, space and an adequate supply of 'trained nurses. Few of the cases are severe, accord ing to the doctors who attended the meeting. In several Instances where a doctor was called to a rooming house to treat a patient he found sev eral others suffering with Influenza. A committee was appointed to con fer with the authorities of the Univer sity, the business men of the towa, ha rtnard of Health, and the City Council, as'to the means aad the ad- visibllity of procuriBg aee Duuoing i.. vhieh aitennata hoanital facilities could be Installed should as epidemic , leach such proportions as to warrant such measures. After this committee reports steps will be taken to provide nurses and equipment. SEXATE HELPS FIGHT IKFLUEKZA Totes Anrsfriatta f MMH fr Palate Health Service. By United ITess. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S- The Sea- ate today voted to a0proprkrte.IM9.eM. . for tbe use ot the Fbmjc rieatw Service la its flght against laflueasa. N m 21 jjjsafc .M' t -fe,N.V. glfe' ' . ,TStisS iii ,--, j j1 u-'.