-irwitrim ' --.t 'vf-' -sV"'."!." lL"- wt-!! THE EVENING MISSOURIAN TWELFTH YEAR COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 17, 1920. NUMBER 272 ''t- ' OWNERS OF ATHENS F. L. Limerick, Manager, Is Ordered by Court to Pay $500 Damages. WILL APPEAL CASE C. H. Early and J. T. Mitch ell, Owners, Say Contract Expired July 1. The suit for possession of the Ath ens Hotel bought by C II. Early and J. T. Mitchell, owners of the hotel, against F. L. Limerick, the manager, which was tried in the Justice court Wednesday, has been decided by Judge John S. Bicknell In favor of the hotel owners. Judge Bicknell found that Early and Mitchell w ere entitled to possession of the hotel, that they were entitled to (500 damages because of illegal pos session of the hotel by the manager since July 1, and the monthly rental value of the hotel, $350. Frank G. Harris, attorney for Mr. Limerick, said he would appeal the case. , The owners sued for possession of the hotel and for damages accruing from illegal possession. They claim ed that their contract with Mr. Limer ick expired July 1, 1920. Mr. Limerick contended that under the contract he was in lawful posses sion of the hotel as manager and that he had the lawful privilege of renew ing the contract with Early and Mitcn- ell when it expired. GERMAX TREATY CRISIS IS 01 EB Teutons Agree to Allies' Coal De mands, ProtesUng- to Lot. By United Presa SPA, Belgium, July 17. Departure of Allied and German delegates from this little Belgian watering place to day marked the termination of the most momentous conference since tbe signing of the Treaty of Versail les. The signing of the Allied ultlma um calling for 2.000,000 tons of coal monthly occured at the Villa Fraln use last night. The German delega tion pressed their plea for modifica tion of the coal demands up to the moment of signing the ultimatum. TnT-ynsrsfeannTiVTJfe threaToT the D-ccupation of the- Knhr district was not in accordance with tbe treaty terms. MILL OPEN HlttM'II RESTAUKAXT Dining Boom Mill Be Large Enough to Seat ISO People. Columbia Catering Company will open a branch restaurant on the sec ond floor of the White Eagle Dairy Building July 25. Carpenters are at work building partitions, lunch coun ters and booths. The dining room when completed will be large enough to serve 150 persons at a time. V. W. Castellane, the proprietor, says that he will make a specialty of catering at reasonable prices. He in tends to serve a six o'clock dinner for 60 cents, a special lunch for 40 cents and ihort orders. JULY 18 AXMiEBSABT OK MABXE, American Army Launched Remarkable Offensive Two Tears Ago. Tomorrow marks the second anni versary of the blow struck by the American soldiers against Germans serving to turn the tide back from Paris . On July IS. 1918, the First and Second Divisions of the United states Army launched a remarkable defen sive that forced the enemy to retire bevond the Marne. Linked with the dates, April 6, 1917. and November 11. 1918, stands that of July 18, ISIS. Three Elevators for Pettis County. E. T. Smoot, marketing field man for the Missouri Farm Bureau Feder. atlon .returned this morning from Pettis County after completing ar- .rangements for two co-operative ele vators in that county and getting elans for a third under way. One elevator will be located at Lamonte, another at Dresden and the other which Is being planned, will be at Houstonia. Mrs. Cuthbertson Visits Daughters. Mrs. John Cuthbertson of Chariton, la., arrived In Columbia yesterday to visit her daughter. Miss. Helen Cuth bertson, who is recovering from an op eration for appendicitis at Parker Me morial Hospital. While in Columbia, Mrs. Cuthbertson Is staying with an other daughter. Miss Margaret Cuth bertson, 1106 Paquln street. Tavern Barber Shop Moves Cpstairs. The Tavern Barber Shop, which Is ow located in the basement of the Daniel Boone Tavern, will be moved to leh first floor of the Tavern August 1. The room which was formerly used for exhibition purposes is being remodeled for the new quarters. Central Dairy Opens Today. The Central Dairy, located at No. 6, N". Eighth street opened this morn ing It will ho under the ownership and management of Dot Sappington. formerly ot the White Eagle Dairy. I I WEATHER Thunderstorms J For Columbia aad llclnltr: laerttlrd with lacal thaadcrshoirers this artcrnaan or tonight, bandar generall fair weath er; not math rhaare In temperalar. Fur Missouri: Unsettled with local tliun dersnowers this afternoon or tnnlcbt In east and aonth portions, huuday pen erally fair; not much chance In tempera ture Weather Caadltlaas. Muderale to hear? sbouera hate ron. tlnued over the southern part of Kansas and Oklahoma, and light showers bar fallen In the eitrenie southwestern part of AllMtourl thence southward to the (inlf of Mexico. Fair weather has prevailed elsewhere In the principal corn states. Temperatures are seasonable In all parts of the country. The (Irnnd rlrcr will reach lankful stag es from Chlllk-uthe to Ilrunswick. Tbe slight rise In the Missouri has passed Kan sas City. Its crest will reach Ibe Ml!i s'ppl on Sunday. The Missouri roads runouts north, northeast, and sooth are In good condition. The Old Trails still Is a little rough In places west from Itoonevllle Local shoiiers are proMble oyer tbe southern and eastern parts of Missouri during tbe next 21 boors. Loral Data. Tbe highest temperature In Colutnld-i jf-terday was sG; and tbe lowest last nlgbt was GS. rreclpltatlon 000. A year eno jesieruar toe nigDet temperature was Ki and the lowest was fll. Pretlpltatlon nm Hon rose today 4JST a. in. fon sets .33 p m. Moon seta 8.12 p. m. Tbe Trmperatarea Today. a m . 70 10 a. m SO s a. in 74 11 a. " " 9 a. m. 70 12 " " ' SCHOLZ TAKES SECOND IX DASH Massengalr Second In Preliminary Heat of 220-Yard Dash. CAMBRIDGE. Mass, July 17. The final 100-yard dash in the Olympic tryouts was won by Murchison of the New York Athletic Club in 10 seconds. Scholz or Missouri placed second and tPaddock, of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, third. Kirksey, Olympic Ath letic Club of San Francisco," placed fourth. The second heat of the 220-yard Olympic to outs resulted as follows: C W. Paddock, Los Angeles Athletic Club, first; George P. Massengale, Un iversity of Missouri, second; M. Had dock, University of Kansas, third. Time, 21 and i seconds. COLUMBIA PB0PEBTY TRtNSr'EIES Three Real Estate Translations Are Made This Week. The following real estate transac tions were made this week: W. C Curtis to H. E. Hammond, a five-room bungalow on 611 South Fourth street, at J4.500. Mr. XII as Greenman to Mrs. F W. LrrnHfa six-room house at 817 Rollins street, at TK500and Mr. a H. Faddis to Mr. J. F, Fljnn, seven-room house at 814 Rogers street, at $5,000. SEEKS OUT DAMAGES Los Angeles Begins Work of Clearing Away Wreckage After Earthquake. Dy United Press LOS ANGELES, July 17. Los An geles today began to take stock of the damage of the four earthquake shocks which shook the city and the sur rounding country yesterday. Throughout the city today there was a slight feeling ot nervousness, but accompanied with an effort to get back to normaL Many people slept out of doors last night while others remained up all nighr. It was feared that the shock might be repeated. Thousands ot dollars of damage was done. Many persons were reported injured but no fatalities were report ed. The last quake came about 6:15 o'clock In the afternoon. It was the lightest of all, and caused very little damage. COLUMBIANS VISIT LOS AXGELES Citizens Spending: Vacations In West Witness Earthquake. Mrs. Alice Butcher of 203 East Broadway received a message today telling of the safety of her daughter, Mrs. Florence Miller and her son, Conrad. Many other Columbians are in or near Los Angeles. Among them are the Misses Frances and Exie Gray, the Misses Frances and Helen Mitch ell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hunt and daughters, Fran ces and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holland and son, Robert Jr., who for merly lived in Columbia, Mrs. L. D. Shobe, Miss Sue Stephenson. Mrs. Net tie Johnston, Mrs. Elizabeth Sinclair and daughter, Margaret FRATERNITY PURCHASES HOUSE Sigma Phi Epsilon Bays Read Hall Annex for 10,000. The Sigma Phi (Epsilon fraternity has purchased the Read Hall Annex at 802 Virginia avenue from Mrs. El la Graves at 1104 Paquln street, for $10,000. The sale was made through the Smith-Catron Real Estate Agency. Although none of the officers of the fraternity are here at present, it Is understood that they expect to redec orate and paint the house, spending about $1000 on repairs. The Prize.: A Babv's Loving Cap! The yachting fever has struck Co- lumbia. A sign on Broadway reads: "Chautauqua tickets on sail here." LAST YEARS1 STRIKES COST UAJILLiS Labor Reports Will Show a Loss of Seven Hundred Million to Employers. 3,500,000 ARE AFFECTED Workers Lose $3,000,000 a Day in Both Steel and Railway Controversies. Oy United Tress WASHINGTON. July 17. Approxi mately 3,500.000 workers were affect ed by labor controversies, strike's and lockouts during tbe government fiscal 5 ear ending June 30, it is estimated here today, on a basis of reports be ing prepared for Director Hugh Ker win of the conciliation bureau of the Department of Labor. The reports when completed will show that the bureau has been asked to mediate in S00 cases involving ap proximately 1,053.000 workers, KerUn believed, or about half the number in volved during the fiscal year end'ng June 30. 1919. It is estimated that in 1920 workers lost roughly $173,000,000 in wages.'as sumlng an average wage of $5 a day and a total of ten days lost by each man. Strikes not continuing at least ten dajs are rare. The loss to employers is about $700,- 000,000 in value of production curtail ed if wages represent one-fourth of the value of production. The steel strike alone is estimated to have cost the workers approximate ly $3,000,000 a day in lost wages. The wage losses of the outlaw railway strike totaled nearly as much as th-ise of tbe steel workers. Desperate Fighting Reported As Rebels Advance Cabinet Flees. III Unlt-d Press SHANGHAI China, July 17-Tho An Mnites, dominant militarists of Peking are battling tbe Invading ar my from Cbell province, which Is locating to control the Peking- govtu menL The Chinese cabinet is about 15 miles outisde Peking ready to take flight If necessar. There Is no esti mate of the casualities but is is said that the fighting at times has been desperate. Foreigners and members of the di plomatic corps are actively advocat Ing peace. A protracted war Is feared. HILL lOL'RTMAHTItL GOXZVLEh Mexicans Mobilize to Crush Northern Revolution. Dy United Press Out -MEXICO CITY. July 17. General Pablo Gonzales was held incommuni cado in the federal prison today await ing courtmartial on charges of re volting aginst the De La Huerta gov ernment. The offense is punishable by death. General Obregon ordered the mobili zation of all available forces to crush the remnant ot the revolution at Monterey and other northern points in Mexico. It is officially announced that General Carlos Osuna had signi fied his willingness to surrender should the government guarantee his personal safety. President de la Huerta has named a committee to re-organize the coun try's finances and recommend a basis for settlement of domestic and for eign obligations. CHICAGO CAR STRIKE .NEtR EM Strike Leader Confers YMIh Officials on Mage Demand. By United Press CHICAGO. July 17. Street car serv ice was practically normal today, and tonight will see the local street car strike smashed, according to officials. "Umbrella Mike" Boyle, leader of the strikers, will confer with street car officials today on the men's demands for wage Increases. Bl'ILDLMl PLAXS I'll IMiED To Call for Rids for Construction of Observatory In July. AH bids on the construction of the Observatory Building soon to be erec ted have been rejected by tho Board of Curators of the University. Minor modifications in the plans and speci fications will be made, according to E. E. Brown, business manager of the University. New bids will be called for the latter part of July. Kessltr Here for Demonstration. W. O. Kessler arrived here this morning from Kansas City, represent ing the Fordson Motor Co. to make preliminary arrangements for the tractor demonstration that is to be held here next week. He will assist M. F. Miller in arranging the program. which Is to be completed today. A. B. Guynn has been here for several days getting the tractors In order, a 1 1 arranging the mechanical details. LOCAL CHAUTAUQUA First Performance Will Be Given at 3 O'clock in the Afternoon. TO LAST SIX DAYS Will Be Held on Southeast Corner of Stephens Col lege Campus. The Chautauqua this year will be held on the southeast comer of the Stephens College campus in place of tte southwest as In previous vears. Tickets are on sale at the two Mis souri stores, the Palms, the Boone County Trust Company, the Tavern Drug Shop and Allen's Music Store. Season ticket; for adults are $2 and ror children $1. Tickets for each in dividual number bought separately will cost about $7 for adults and near ly half that amount for children. The Chautauqua will open next Wednesday with an afternoon perfor mance at 3 o'clock and will continue for six dajs . The entire program will be especially god dthis year. Men of ability and note from several walks of life and from various parts of the world will appear on the program. The "Servant in the House" will be plated Sunday night. It Is a sermon of the Scriptual type, teaching a moral lesson by parable or by story. It Is enacted by eight characters each personifying some human quali ty. Some of the early posters Incor rectly announced "Peg O'My Heart" for Sunday night. Special musical features will be the Orchestral Troubadors the Chica go Festival Quintet; Miss Gladys warthout. soprano, with her accom panying artists, one of w hom is How ard Jaffy, violinist, and the Vierra Hawalians, sing-era and players. Entertainers will be Chief Stand ing Bull, with three Indian maids, and Miss Jessie Rae Taylor, who will en tertain by impersonations ot an old negro, "Uncle Zabe." Dr. H. B. Hnlburt will lecture on the Far East question and H. R. Mc Keen. who is an authority on rural life, will be the principle lecturer for community day. Other lectures will be Dr. Gabriel MaGaire, Judge Ro land W. Baggott, M. II. Jackson and Bill Bone. In speaking of the Chautauqua to- daj. Dr. J. B. Cole, Secretary of the Columbia Chautauqua Association, said, "Every man. woman and child who buvs a season ticket or who at tends tbe programs Is behind tbe Chautauqua and helps maintain It In the town" B01S EM.'AliE IX ROCK FIGHT Miniature Rare Riot Started at an Il linois CarnlvaL lly United Press METROPOLIS, Ilk, July 17. Feel ing ran high here today as a result of a miniature race riot. The police are in control ot tbe situation. The trouble broke out at an Ameri can Legion carnival between a group ot white boys and oung negroes. For a time rocks filled the air. A negro woman was hit and badly injured. A number have been arrested, tried and fined. The cause of the outbreak is unknown. EXPRESS EMPLOYES ASK Demands Villi Be Heard by RAISE Labor mil Be Heard Board July 27 Dy United Ptess CHICAGO. July 17. The United Stales Railway Labor Board will be gin July 27 hearing demands of 75,000 railway express employes for increas es in wages. The demands ot those employes, not included In the railway workers' award Tuesday are for 20 cents an hour In crease; in the case of employes in the train service it is for boosts in ac cordance with those granted the rail way trainmen. THREE KILLED I A EXPLOSION Locomotive Engine Blows Up at Win ona, Minn. Oy United Press WINONA, Minn, July 17. A loco motive ot a freight train on the Chi cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road blew up at Kellogg. Minn, near here today killing tbe engineer, the fire man and a brakeman. Typhoid Rumor Is Mistake. Mrs. Grace Hutcheson, of 909 Lowry street was admitted to the Parker Me morial Hospital yesterday. It has been rumored that several typhoid cases have been in the hospital, but this Is a mistake, there has not been a ty phoid case admitted this summer ac cording to the authorities. Mrs. A. F. Estes and baby were discharged yes terday. Home anting Class (or Ashland. Miss Dorothy Broeffle, Red Cross nurse, was in Ashland yesterday to arrange for a class in home nursing. Miss Broeffle says that the people re ceived the Idea enthusiastically, and that they were much Interested la the w ork that the county chapter is doing. They Intend to hold their first class July 29. iWUKli HiNlKlUJj IN THE BABY SHOW Leslie Carlisle Green, Jr. 3fary Elizabeth Knov. Herbert Slierrod Smith. BIBY SHOW ETRIES JUMP Seventy-five In Contest for Boone County Honors. A flood of entries In the baby show. bringing the list up to seventy-five. has made it necessary to extend tbe Xlrne for the examination of the ba bies to include Thursday as well as Wednesday. The doctors and nurses will work sn double shifts in the mornings, as a thorough examlation takes 30 min utes for a baby. Mothers will re ceive cards telling tbem when totbring their babies to Stephens College for examination. The mothers are re quested not to bring tbe children ex cept at the time stated on the cards. This is to avoid confusion and to save time. Babies from all over Boone Cunty and some from adjoining counties are being entered. N babies will be entered in tbe show whose coupons reach the baby editors of the Daily Tribune o rthe Evening Mlssourian after tbe first mail on Monday morn ing. The winners will be announced Friday morning, July 23, in the main tent of the Chautauqua on Stephens College Campus. A program is being arranged for Friday morning, to be given while the winner is being se lected. The following babies have been en tered in addition to those listed in yesterday's Missourian: James Wilfred Quisenberry. Betty Gaye Vogt. Jane Maxwell. Samuel Gray Henry, Jr. Sarah Mertis Wright Billy Morton Glenn Sarah Frances Martin. Blllle Leeroy Sapp. Arthur Bayse Vanlandingbam. Mary Lee Trice. Roy Elmer Allen. John William Ridgeway. Gleen Crane. Aldah Leone Stone. Dorothy Mae Green. Roy Raymond Creen Arthur Lafever. Charles Ivan Lockwood. William Edward Helbel. (Continued on page four.) rA 'BBBaHIMvlcnanaf w .aaaHLIVB A ., a t ajaaaaaaaaaaajJT faaW' 4M '4lartrSaaamm""aaKJ-'''-l PaW"' aS' flm aKJaaHKr'1 1 . iJfV aaaHaW.1 aaV31aM - 'laaaaVasaaW. HT H 2 CAdIETOFFICIALSTO HEAR (IS PLANS Democratic Nominee Will Have Conference With President Wilson. HARDINGFOR LABOR Republican Nominee Oppos es Anti-Strike Law; Ap proves Cummings Bill. Bf United I'resa WASHINGTON, July 17. Governor James M. Cox. Democratic candidate for President .arrived In Washington shortl before 2 o'clock this afternoon. Crowds, taking advantage of a Sat urday afternoon half holiday, swarmed the station and cheered the Democra tic nominee. tl Along the roped gangway through iucu uie governor walked was a double line ot women wearing flacs and bits of red, white and blue bunt Ing. paying a compliment to him for his stand on the suffrage question. By United Press WASHINGTON. July 17. Some of the most Important decisions of the Democratic presidential campaign will be made during the stay of Gov ernor James M. Cox today and tomor row. In addition to meeting President Wilson at the White House tomorrow. Cox will confer with several Cabinet officials, and other dominant demo cratic officials. He will probably see members of the Federal Trade Com mission and Secretary of State Col- Jy also. Harding Working on Speech. Ily United Press MARION, Ohio, July 17. Declara tions favorable to labor and the right vf collective bargaining will be in cluded in the acceptance speech of Warren G. Harding and will be elab orated in later campaign documents. It was understood here today, tftarding opposes anti-strike legis lation as a general policy but endors ed the Cummings Railway Bill, hold ing that it was essential to the pub lic welfare to prevent a transporta tion tie-up. Ilardjne, iseneclEd.tacnmpJt - his speech -and have tt ready-for ad vance distribution soon. It will be set up on a linotype and printed In the plant of his newspaper, the Marion Star. RESDLUTEjNJHE LEAD Shamrock Is Mile Behind in First Leg of Today's Race. BULLETIN. By United Press Aboard U. S. Destroyer Coldsbor ough. July 17, (by wireless) Th Resolute was leading by two miles at the 20-mile mark but the wind was dead ahead and it is not expected the Resolute will finish within tbe time limit of six hours unless tbe wind changes. Aboard tha United States Destroyer Goldsborough. July 17, (by wireless) Tbe Resolute, defender of the Ameri can yachting cup, led the Shamrock at the end of the first leg of the race today. The Resolute turned the first mark of the triangle of the race at 11:32 and 32 seconds, unofficial time. The Resolute was nearly a mils ahead of tbe Shamrock, which was practically becalmed and was able to round the first mark a mile ahead of the big green challenger. Captain Burton shifted the gib top sail of the Shamrock which was prac tically helpless In an unfavorable wind. -Tbe Second, Mile" His Subject. "The Second Mile" will be the subject of Dean Walter Williams' ad dress to bis Bible class at the Broad way Odeon at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Irish Take Official Mall From Train. BELFAST, July 17.T-A mall train bound for Londonderry was held up by 100 armed men today. The crew was covered with revolvers while the official mail was sorted. After -confiscating the official mail, the men escaped. Today's Big League Games (Courtesy of Becreatlon Parlor) American League. (First game) R. H. E. St. Louis Philadelphia . (First game) Detroit Washington -(First game) Cleveland Boston 3 11 1 4 1 1 2 0 E. 2 2 10 1 National League. (First game) It New York 0 Pittsburgh 2 f. PK -t-i -'-' - W.i