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it Pate Fear THE EVEHISG JOSSOUMAX, COLUMBIA. MISSOURI. SATCKBAT. JULY 17. 1M8. m Christian. Bible school 9:30 o'clock. It. IL Emberson Till speak to mens' class; W. L Oliver to the student class. Moraine worship at 10:45 o'clock. Sermon by the Rer. Walter M. Ilau shalter of Kansas City. Mr. Haushalt er will also preach at the union serv ice In the Christian Church at 8 o' clock. Intermediate Endeavor at 6:30. Senior Endeavor at 6:45. The public is cordially invited to all these serv Ices. Calvary. Tomorrow, being the' sixth Sunday after Trinity, there is to be a cele bration of the Holy Communion at Cal vary Church at 7:30 a. m. The morn ins prayer and sermon will be given by the rector, the Rev. J. IL George, at It o'clock. Wilkes Boulevard Kp worth League. The Epwofth League of the Wilkes Boulevard Methodist Church will meet at 7 o'clock Sunday evening at the church. The Rev. W. S. Crowe will be the leader. Everyone is Invited. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sun day service at 11 a. m.. with subject, "Life." Wednesday evening meetings begin at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science room in the Virginia Building is open from 3 to 5 p. m. dally. The public is invited. 11 FARM PRICE LEVEL HIGH Report Shows lacrease of 37 Per Ceat Over Two Yearn Ago. The general level of farm prices has risen during the last year al though the price of meat animals has decreased, according to a statement (it en out this morntag by E. A. Lo gan, Missouri agricultural statisti cian. The condition of all crops in Mis souri was 101 per cent July 1 com pered to the ten-year average at this time of year. This general condition yould be higher except for corn and pheat, which are below the ten-year average. The condition of all crops (n the United States Is slightly under the ten-year average. The general level of farm prices decreased 1.7 per cent during June but the prices July 1 were 20.6 per cent higher than a yea rago, 37 per cent higher than two years ago, and 102.5 per cent higher than the aver age for the last ten years. The aver age price of meat animals was 17.8 per cent lower than a year ago and 9.6 per cent below two years ago. but 39 per cent higher than the aver age during the last ten years. DISCUSSES AMERICAN FAINTING Real Estate Transfers. Collins, E A- RL Hulett 163-141 w pt It 7 It 8 Batterton Pemberton subd Price add Columbia $7.000. Gordon, E-W S Dunning. 163-142 E4 SX It 79 Columbia $2,500. Rowland. J M-C Brown 163-1143 Its 4. 5, 13, 14. Guitar subd & Park add Columbia $3,400. Drane, F D-E A Morgan 163-144 EM U 48 Harrisburg $1.00. Morgan. E A-C M Drane 163-145 same $1.00. Farley, P L. lExr-Mary Farley 15S- - pt S pt EK It 18 Columbia $10,400. Farm Barrm Comnlttm t Meet. The executive committee of the Mis souri Farm Bureau Federation will hold the regular monthly meeting next Monday and Tuesday, July 19 and 20. A New Miss Spencer Arrives. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Damon Spencer, 1419 Wilson avenue, last night. Tires Are Worth MONEY Let Our Tireless MMf" TIRE EXPERT work on your old tires and if he says "No" we will show you some high grade tires at a bargain. CRANE TIRE SHOP 26 North 9th St. Dr. l'ickard Mill Continue Lectures On Skelton Collections. "You can't can't make a mill-wheel and paint a mill-wheel alike; there a big difference between the carpen ter's and the painter's viewpoint," said Dr. John Pickard in a lecture Thursday night in the faculty room of the Library Building. He illus trated the growth of American land scape painting from its early empha sis on microscopic detail to Its later growth towards a bigger and more powerful conception of the whole. Many of Dr. Pickard's hearers were persons outside his classes. He will continue the course of lectures on the work of other artists in the Skel ton collection. POSTAL EMPLOYES GET RAISE 27560 BeBefltedBy New Law vThkb Becomes Effective July. Substantial increases to 275,000 postal employes, the increase averag ing 130 a year Jbecame effective July 1, and will be paid on the current month's payroll, according to L. J. Hall, postmaster at Columbia. Under the provisions of the new legislation rural letter carriers will receive approximately $1,S00 a year, Mr. Hall says. There are ten rural tree delivery carriers with routes out from Columbia. Another feature of the new postal law, explained Mr. Hall, is the pro vision whereby employes contribute two and one-half per cent of their salaries toward the general retire ment fund. The retirement age far postal employes is now 65 years. No extra pay for overtime is allowed now. FLOWER GARDENS NOW PRE-EMPT BACKYARDS TRY TO STOP BUXI BILLIMJ" FORMSON TRACTORS ARRIVE Interstate Commerce Commission Urged to Check Such Coal Shipping. The Illinois Public Utilities Com mission has sent word to the Inter state Commerce Commission recom mending the suspension of reconsign ment privileges and "blind billing" of coal cars, according to dispatches from Chicago. W. P. Davis, of the Davis & -Watson Coal Company said today that it was blind billing" that was used In the shipment of the coal that was sent to Columbia the first of the week and then shipped out again because local dealers refused to pay exhorbitant prices. Mr. Davis says that the coal Is billed by the Jobber to a ficticious person or to the Jobber himself. It sold, the railway company is instruct ed to turn the coal over to the buyer. Queen Anne fronts and Mary Anne backs are not tolerated by the real home makers and home lovers of Co lumbia. It used to be considered sufficiently complimentary to describe a woman as a good housekeeper. Now a, home maker Is more than a house keeper. She gives much thought and energy to her lawn and her garden. ,Mr3. James Gordon. 1211 Diver sity avenue, is an impartial lover of flowers. There Is room in her heart and her garden tor the most flamboy ant and for the meanest flower that blows. She has fifty kinds of Iris, seventy peonies, hundreds of tulips asters, zenias. verbenas, phlox, lem on lilies, delphlnians, coreopsis and a host of other flowers of both proud And modest dispositions. She specializes in dahlias. Surely the wrens in the little bird-house high over the garden sing sweeter songs for the glory that lies below. Mrs. J. C. Babb, 812 Virginia ave nue, uses violets and pansies as bor ders for her flower beds. The plot of day lilies under the shade of an ap ple tree In the heart of the garden, lemon lilies, and a rose bower give MORE BABY SHOW ENTRIES Will Be Demonstrated in 3-Day Show Held Here and McBalne. Twenty-two Fordson' tractors ar rived in Columbia yesterday. The tractors will be demonstrated in the Fordson Tractor Show which will be held In McBalne and Columbia Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday. The rtactors will be seen In action at McBalne, while a clinic explaining tarlous parts and uses of the tractor will be held In Columbia. Fourth Plane Reaches Erie. ERIE, Pa., July 17. The fourth air plane in the New York-Alaska flight miles east of here at 1:07 o'clock this afternoon. Capt- St Clair Streeter made the flight from Scranton to Erie without a stop. The squadron will not start to Grand Rapids, Mich., the sec ond leg of the trip until Monday. Big League Standings Club Brooklyn . Cincinnati Ilttsburich St. Loots . New York Chicago Boston 1-hU.ideIphla Rational league. Won Lost F. S. FARM ECONOMIST HERE To Arrange for Publication of Ex periment Results. 3t H. Wilcox, farm economist of the United States Department of Ag riculture arrived in Columbia yes terday from Lincoln, Neb. He is here conferring with E. Roy Keller, O. R. Johnson and E. A. Trowbridge on Elans for publishing data which Mr. Keller has compiled in his cost-of-beef feeding experiments in Saline County. Mr. Wilcox is in charge of this work In Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa and Indiana. Next year be will start similar experiments in Kansas. It will take fire years for the work to be completed. CANDIATE WILL SPEAK HERE landed on the .exposition grounds sixBwkenrld&e Lonp to Campaign In CorunUia rrldar. Breckenridge Long, candidate for Jie Democratic nomination for Uni ted States senator, will visit Colum bia Friday ta speak. This Is a part of a tour of Missouri cities. Long is in faroi of Indorsement of the League of Nations. He is making ,thls Issue the basis of his fight for the nomination. (Continued from page one.) John Frederick Boggs. Mary Rose Allen. Nadine Wilson Melburn. Welber C Haseman. Ruth Reading Ragsdale. Albert Edgar Hornbeck. Francis Dorothy Sisson. William Randolph Karsteter. Robert Chester Howe. Elizabeth Marie Miller. Robert Demorest Miller. ' Josephine Gardner. Guy Neill Berry, Jr., Mary Given Million. Billy Millard. Mary Elizabeth Braden. Luella Esther Weaver. distinction to her garden. The poppy bed of Mrs. R. J. Booth on H1U street cheered a Columbians who fortunately passed that way in June. It was a mass of color tum bled about by bees that fumbled deep In the poppy cups full of sun-steeped opiates. The silky petals flamed and blazed audaciously. At a national real-estate conven tion held recently at the Hotel Mueh Iebach, Kansas City, a. topic much discussed was the increasing impor tance attached to the 'garden side of the house". The garden now occupies done upon his knees.' the position of the old back yard,' style of architecture of homes Is j gulated largely by the style of 1 and gardens. Homes are now I Ing themselves sideways In ton fashion where the triple led porches overlook private bloom. Columbia women not only e: ideas at their Garden Club m They also exchange flower seeds bulbs. It is their wish that the ey awarded as prizes be used to prj chase seeds and bulbs. Columbb as. de-ners see visions of a more besM ful Columbia as they strain and teg over their work. , As Iludyard Kipling said la fe poem. "The Glory of the Garde- jiau u pruiurr garueners work k IIIIIIIIHIIIIH lllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliuilllluii CHRISTIAN CHURCH Program for Sunday. t Bible School 9 -3Q Morning Service 10:45 Union Seri'ice 8:00 Rev. IF. M. Haushalter of Kansas City will preach at both services. Intermediate and Senior Endeavor 6:45 YOU ARE INVITED iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin i Pieknickers Pass Through Columbia. Three automobiles Oiled with Halls vllle people passed through Columbia yesterday afternoon. They were on their way to Rock Bridge where they were going on a picnic David Car penter, a former student now a bank er of Hallsvilie, was one of the party. Additional Want Ads so 44 39 41 3S 40 32 31 33 33 37 41 41 44 SI 47 Club Cleveland New York Chicago Washington . St. Louis Boston Detroit Philadelphia American Leaks. Won Lost M 54 SO 3S 40 37 27 30 30 33 41 40 52 S3 Tct jrta .571 .'13 .4X1 .476 .431 .337 Pet. .087 X.1.1 jesi MO .491 .4S1 .323 YESTERDAYS BE8CI.TS National iMgae. XL Louis, 11; Philadelphia. 2. Brooklyn. 6: Cincinnati, 4. New York, 7: Flttsbnrgn, 0 (17 Innings). Boston, 3; Chicago, 2. Amerlnua Learae. St. LonI. S; New York. 2. Philadelphia. 3; Cleveland, 4. Detroit. 6: Boston, 5. Chicago, 4-S; Washington, 1-3. Sure Nuff, It'll Be Here Aug. 2J. "It's comln', Jim."'' "What's cominT "Circus, of course." Yes it's coming to Columbia August 25, so the advance man of the Al G. Barnes Amusement Co says. BSSSSSSST-tSSSysSSi l-sl . BBSM R- ssskV k9. flsPrisssS THE WINNING LOAF Here is a bread that you will be glad to have in your home. Because of its excellent qualities it is hard to beat. Its crispness, flavor and taste appeal to everyone. ,9 Order todayA trial will convince you GENTSCH Phone 1164 The Children's Club was started last week with the idea of taking care of the babies for the mothers who want to go shoppinq, or to the party, or to the morning services at church on Sun day. Mrs. Craig gives her personal attention to the lit tle ones left in her charge. The club is not far from Broadway; it will take you just a few minutes to drive over and leave the lots at the club. They have plenty of amusements and will en joy the change. The club is located on Ash Street, just off Price Ave nue, (adv.) J WANTED Room by Master Mason. Close to campus. Not more than four students In bouse . Call Templeton. Ixwry Hall. T-274. National Live-Stock Market slllllllllIitlllillllllllllllltllllltlllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHflK. II Why send your money out of town for bread when you can buy better bread at home? If your groceryman supply you with cannot .NATIONAL STOCK VAItDS. EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill, jix 17,-Tli live .lock mti. ket for today was as follows: CATTLE: Iterelnf t no xt.i.t.. .A-.i. 2V lower. " -""' Native beef steers 6l23b.73. Yearling steers and heifers tG.CKXJ110.CO. Cows $1 OnOJO. Muckers and feeders SM5HJ10T3. 5S" ""t heifers 8.noa$10J. HOOS: Kecelpta "300; Market steady. Mixed and batchers, flame SHEEP: Becelpts 300; Market steady. Sheen and ewes 7j00. '' I-amU tl.73?13-,. Yearlings SzxutgSTjOO. Columbia Maid Bread Phone 945 Streng' Bakery eIIIHIHIHHtfllllllllltlt, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH jHIIIIIIIIIIIIII,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, II KODAK FILMS II l DEVELOPED II 1 We are doing lm beautiful Iff I work in I Kodak De- I I veloping and I I printing. I I We are pleas- I f ing every- Ml body. ! Ml JOE JASOUSEK-S l Ml ABT SHOP m Ml Virginia Bide. 1 issssssssBsB ! jf)'W "'iQt Slw ssssssssssssssB CW SM BW mMw fjTF ytixSf.. ?7 mmmmm c?ssiVr . Pass the dish of health around Sunday. All the family from Grand-daddie to Sara Sue and Ted Junior will enjoy it. They must have ice cream in the summer and they should have Pasteurized Ice . Sold at all best Madefy By BgfKf hTlT fyeK0ate WHITE EAGLE DAIRY -UlllilllimmiiHiim,,,,, llll.lllll.lllilHHHHH.iHHIIHHHHH.limi .........IIII....H.....I.....I.III,II,I,IH jMMMMMMMMM .. 'rftafiMSi.,