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THE COLUMBIA EVENING MISSOURIAN THIRTEENTH YEAR COLUMBIA, MISSOURI, ECNESDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1920. t NUMBER 53 i Warren G. Harding s the Next President 's CARRIES EASTERN i STATES BY GOOD BIG MAJORITY ifttf rt 11 m TTT j A 1 X TT i Middle vv est aiso drives Large v ore in i ; n r . r ii Tj iv - t i . "l ' ravui ui lug jeuuuncan L,anaiaaies ? . .. . .- . I'lit. -Carries Ohio by Unexpected Vote. - Flah: Governor James M. Cox has wired hi congratula tions to Senator Warren G. Harding on the latter's election a- t President of the United States. BULLETIN DAYTON, OHIO, Nov. 2. The Dajton Daily News of which Gmenwr James M. Cox is the proprietor has issued an extra edi-' r tion conceding the election of Senator Warren G. allrding a-, ' Pnsideiit of the United States. Sptcuil ta the Missoutian. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Senator Warren G. Harding will he the next President of the United Stales. Returns up to midnight here seem to have assured him more -than enough electoral votes to win. New York. Pennsylvania and Illinois, the states having the , brgc-t number of electoral votes went for Harding ocrhelm- More surprising was the Senator's smashing victorjin Ohio, I te against 44.470 for Lewi Dcm.) the home slate of both candidates, where the campaign had been 1 ohior 1836 precincts give llafdi 1 All mV-. l.ltto- llltn it, fltn rocl vP tlio nnlinn ' 001 7 I fiv 10.1 lrtT .(III I11UII Jttll.1 IIIUII lit till. IVI Ik till IIUUUIIl .,... .- .-.,.. Returns from approximately one-fourth of the precincts in .... . ,rr . , . ..,. . , . Coi" 127' , it i- ... r ,nnnn i, Illinois: 455 precincts of ji30 intlud-,,,y"v ' thathtate cave Hardinc a ma lontv of over 100.000 witli everv in- rn m ; ri r,nn. ir nni.n. ' 126 " - J ' I " -- . a- - r dicatioji that this would be increased rather than decreased by 101.18. Cm 38J99. urciauci muiia Michigan: 217 precincts out Seniors Harding seems certain to hae carried cery state in (give Harding 43,157. Cox lfiji3. new hnglanu. In the middle west, earlier returns gate him coin wrsSf v- ?. v lit-- a aHftp. WggMmm vi.i, o' ?si? Js jsb- 'vswwi4U H. Vib'S5V .-V" "fc K. 4. .!.-Y4fI A.l-iiA .-SK5!fi- It i.ii( . .X. .. I'F,' ...V4-.. trWri if t. dil . m MM II I I I EXTRA 12:30 A. M. CALVIN COOLIDCE WSJ WARKEXG. HARDING BOONE COUNTY RETURNS BY PRECINCTS Ilar.IinR SO, llilr 30. . 1mR 127; lUnn"J27 Spcitccr 30. Roach '1.200 COX LEAD 1 INTHLSC0UNTY .f 27111 manding leads in Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. In Michigan iiiiijnsira.coi "5.839" "" the Harding viclorv was overwhlmin Mi-ouri alone of the stale clashed as middle western seem-1 ed to have cone Democratic. The first scattering returns fiom Minnesota gave Harding a big lead. Kansas which went for Wilson in 1916, went for Harding tliis year. Nebraska another Wilson slate in 1916 gae Harding a good , lead on the face of early returns. The solid South remained unbroken according to all indica tions. Tennessee which had been claimed by the Republicans, had also seemed salcly Democratic. Kentucky which the nenuli- Uct ami 0 fit licans had also claimed as doubtful territory gae the Democratic ' Nom1 iA,v .ov. 2-On.pleic re. ticket a good lead on the face of early returns. mM i.rehofc lUnling -Kf), G.x -los Oklahoma seemed to have gone for Cox although returns foe , r-ArrTAT ATrW0 thisstate were only scattering. ' J li(j lMliWb 1 t 1 Callop's Mill IVmiKrralic: Cux 37: txns 37 ivc on 37; Teltn 39. ' IfrnuLIifan: IlsriiinE 8: i I lltcle 8; I'.owh 8. .VorrtJ. . JVinnrntie: Cox 32. Lnns.82. Atlin 30.! Rtpulbran: "Hanhns IS, fimn IB. RoonC Count)' at 10:30 T. M. jtirueiiKKoacn , Was (ioing Democratic i Umirhon Township tiiurgron, RiggsJ By 1,200- VotCS. I lkin-l nmftCral!r:'Cox 81B.Lonf; SIS. At n!nuin fllft WIaii fill pprnrn o, HtpubUcar: 230. Spmctr Luuiiun: 436 precbet oul of 1137 , gite Ifarfing 428. Cox 9647. AnKl"AS Cm, Ka. Nor. 2. -In a count of 400 ballots lirrr, Ilanling re cclveil a IU(1 of 21 and Govrur llcn a lead of 10. StUNE, Kan. .Nov. 2. Of the first 1 1 votes coun:c4 here, Ilariling riTeiiel 80 and Co 30. Ptcrpoint , Democratic: Coi 53; Lon.35: Ankin. son 51: rcUon 54. X ItcpuMican: llardin; 51; Spencer 30; Utile 1i2: Iloach 49. 230. Hjde 230. 2Wl Uattihurs Democratic: Cx 63, Long 63. Atkin son 63.el'on 63. Republican: llardmi; 173, Spencer 171 H)de 173, Roach 171 CjiAItLtSTON, W. jti Not. 2.- In four ptecinetj here. Hardipj rrcriied 195 . ProtiJercr Democratic: Cot 55; Lon;,55; AtLin scn 53; NeNnn 16. RcpuMican: llardinj: 63 civile fit; Roach C2. AMENDMENTS s-. MAY FAIL HERE Democratic: Cux 1J6; long 116;"At Linton 116; Xelcn 116 ' Republican: Hardin; 22; Speiicer'22; IIdc 22; Roach 2l ! Possible County Indication May i Be. Found in the Halls. illc Returns. IN THE NATION 021; for president, 191 districts Ifardins 2220; Cox 3082. pe BY WIRELESS- Z ' Indiana: 5 precincH out of 3335 fr,T Bows Not. 2. 170 di.tricu of 221 U. S. senate, Watson (Rep.). 19.569; R. 0. T. C. Brings News of the this rit. -a.e Cox 49,103, Hardms 62..' Tagnert (Dem.). H.688. , Election From All Parts New York: 1076 districts out of 4.-1 Bosiov, ot. 2. Reports indicate that 1 375 outside of New York City give Gov.r Billinjiam. Rep. Iia suept Vermont for I ernor Smith Dcra.). 180.161. Miller! i . enalor. Uiep., 2,iW. i I Ohio: 836precincl9 ie Harding 143,- Nlw nrttr nt 9 ilric ia Re publican headipjarters indicate that Ne'f6?9; Cox 86.998. ltampslure lias gone oentielmingl for Senator Ioe and Connecticut for Boston, Nov. 2. 205 of the 221 dist Kraodcpee. A bitter fight vas made on ricts in tins city ce Cox 58J809, Hanl bi'lh because of their opposition to the f ins 83.010. Inue of Nations. 7 j Iona: i2 precincts sue llardinp 16.- Ntw Yntik, i.. 2-Complete returns i18- U)l s-14- Ilhnois: 229 precinct, including: 100 in Cook Counts. fie Hardens 48 OH, Cox 17.681. of Country, By ?. 0. r. C. ITirrltv Atkinson is leailins b 2.000 ith 200 precincts hr-ard frf-m. Arkansas: Harding 22520; Cox. 20,.' 382. ' Ne York: llardinc 530.730; Cox. 2311576; Debs. .435. ' In Wisconsin Harding has a "plurahtv uf 125,000 votes. Ilallstille Harding SL Cox 163. Nelson lloaeh 86. Out of j-,3 votes 2X nere 3it b viomen. ' & Grcntl line Democratic: Cox 83 n 83; Nelson 83. Republican: Harding 20, Spencer 20 Hvde 20; Roach 20. JTooJlandnlle Democratic: Cox 137 kinson 137, ."son 161, Republican: Harding Il)de 62. Roach 50. A 'piMible inilicalinn of the oRone Court) attitude toarU the proposed 463, cntitntional amendments a found in tbc returns from Hallssille hleh were the fir-t to be received from anv precinct. , The eoilntn amendments is usually post Long 83;'Atkin- poncd until after the votes for the ean- I'idates have been counted and in man) cass ate not available until several ita)s cfur the flection. The IlalNvilIe results febaw the majority a?amt each of the fifteen amendments except No. 11 and No. 13. Amendment No. 11 vias designed to enable qualified voters of Missouri, who areabsent from the state on account oft , bmg 13S. At 62. Spencer 62. om Rome, V . gave Cox 2.151, Hard ing 4,i. Oimplete returns trom S)ra tue gave On 17J23, Harding 36.632. Nre Yok, Nov. 2. Early returns in dicated that Harding had carried Con necticut by 87,500. Kansas: 12 districts in the state give Harding 2532; Cox 1.060; for gowrnor. Allen (Rep.), 373, Davis (Dem.), 115; for L. S. benator. Curtis (Rep.). 1.582, Hodge (Dim.). 803. ' Tenneee: 40 precincts in the n.e Cox 3.100, Harding 1,787. ' precincts out of 1483 gic Coi 473. Hatding Colorado: Harding 900. Indiana: 223 districts give 80,790. Cox 56,701. Ohio: Harding 1,073 precincts nf 18.661, Cox 113,940. '69 giv.- By ti. O. T. C ITirelrsi (Iix recciieil 19iV) votes and Harding 685 votes in Virginia. By li. 0. T. C (TVeeu Harding has carried Chicago b) 300 000 votes Pra.rie Croif Dcmocralic: Cox 124; Ing 12t; At 126; Nrlm 127. Republican: Harding 11; spencer 11; ljde41; Roach 39. llallmlle D-mocratie: Oix 168. Long 168. At kinson 468. Nelson 168. '. C Republican: Hanhng 83. Spencer 'Ui, H)de 83, Roach 83. Is By R. 0. T. C. rireesj t R,ox Station .o. 1 An extra edition of the .Nevi lork Democratic: Cox 51, Long'51 Times issud hort!) before midniglit n 51 rl,n 51. (10 oclock in Columbia) saullliat Hard- Republican: Harding 36. Spencer 36, ing had carried that city by 7,000. ' vtle 36. Roach 36. militan service le cact their ballots. j Amendment No. 13 is the bone-dry I amendment de-igned to help enforce the federal prohibition amndment. ! Jlallsville voted against all the pro posed fonstitntional amendments except No. 11. and ,N'o. 13. The figures were as folloHs the "No vote being first: N 1. 273 to 8; No. 2. 215 to Illy No- 3. 1 219 to 93; No. . 229 to 136rNo. 5. 27a to 64;".Noj 6. 105 to 69; No. 7, 223 to 1 103; Ne 0, 221 to 138; No. 9, 266 to 77; No. 10. 233 to 71: No. 11. 106 to 133; Atkin-(No. 12. 233 to,71; No. 13. 138 to 378; No. 1 1, 253 to 74; No. Is, ZIV to iih. The Democratic ticket was leading in Boone County by almost 2,100 votes at 11:30 o'clock. Returns Bad been receiv ed from 21 of tie roujsry's 32 prftitiets: no ColumEU balloU beiac lachldsy. Conxressmaa W, L. Nelson was leading the ticket at that hottr:with 3,087 votes. urine- iijae naa receirea v.3 rotes or mere than Harding. . The vote follow: Cox 3JJ70, Kardinf 974. Long 3,074. Spencer 973. Atkinson 3071. Hide 975, Nelson 3JB87, Roach 937. ARMISTICE DAT PARADE HERB Cox and Atkinson Lead in Missouri Democratic Ticket Slightly .Ahead on Partial Returns From StateLong Ahead of Spencer. By R. 0. T. C. Wireless At 11 o'clock a message waS intercepted at R. 0. T. C. head quarters that gave Cox 39,86-1 to Harding's 38,129 votes in Mis souri from the precincts reported at that hour. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2. Early results from the state of Mis. souri indicated that the Democratic would carry the state for President, governor and senator. tA first Arthur M. Hyde, Re publican candidate for governor, seemed to have a slight lead over John M. Atkinson, Democratic, but later figures reversed thi. From the start Cox maintained a lead over Harding and oreounnage Long over aeuien r. ipencer tor the U. 5. Senate. ( IN MISSOURI J . IHIEAKS RIGHT ARM IN FALL V. 11A rlfotrifla rii ITarfillitT 31.- 387, Cox 11,406. Ctorpia: 101 districts out of 1639 tive for governor lUrdnicL (Dem.), (."rwi I... iij fin. r li c .. 'w, imiici unu.;, yn tvt j ? owa-. 32,416, Edwards (Rep.). 1.919. For! president 181 districts pie Cox 15,489,' Harding 3,156. I New York: 352 districts of 4.575 out side of New York Gty give Hardms 621097, Cox 274.840. Michigan: 88 districts out of 2781 five Harding 2221, Cox 9.114. Nebraska: 9 precinots out of 1800 Rave Mlardinz 13.787 and Cox 7.VJ3; tor sov TTwonsin. 30 precincts give Hardnig Mdleluc. Ken. a646. .Monliead, 6.k2. Cox. 1.633; Debs 579. j -43 Wra, Leairue-l'"armer, 5,1494' By R. O. T. C. rudest Stra-cn School 3Ieage intercepted at 10:15 o'clock Democratic: On 233. Long 233, At pive Cox 13:032 to Harding's 4657 in kinson 233, NeNon 235. New .Mexico. Cook County, Illinoix, poll- Kepublican: Hatdins 69, Spencer 69, ed the folloviinc vtte: Harding 37.334; Hyde 69, Roach 69. Cox 14,096. Broun Station Vo. Democratic: Cox 41, Long 41, Atkin- Bt R. 0. T. C. Virtleu, At 11 o'clock. 197 precincta in Wi-) II, Nelon 41, conin were reported a pvyig Harding Kepublican: illarding 36. Spencer 36, 4Z345 voten to Lras B..UJ. in Illinois Hjde 36. Roach 36. 455 precincts outside of Oiicaao pave Harding 101.182 and Cox 38399. , llarrisburg. uemocrauc: uox 2ij, J112 APl'ROPKIATED FOR ROAD Indiana. 114 precincts 48,149. Oix 33,186. give Harding ' .Micbigan: 29 disltict 6917; Cox 1.911. South Dakotaf 40 dwtrka give Hard- tmg 6,104, Cox 281: for senator. Nor- Harding P'P- i0U- aK'n- Dfm' ,61, "aru,n,s.l Richard.. Ind. 385. Ajers non partan league 910: for governor. McMmera. Rhode Maud: 10 district out of 191 Rep. 653. Dem. HI. -Hate, nr-ti-pve Harding 3.213, Cx 602. ' pamsa" 392. w'ei -1r1anLl: 40 Dreeinct, gire lUrd- Oklahoma: 267 prednctj. gi-Cox 22,. ing 6.252; Cox 4,741. 962. Harding I9.2S1. . - - Kentucky: 165 di.tncu pve Erne-t Illinois: 105 precincts incloung.anf (Rep.)., 20JHL, Beckham (Dem.), 2Sv Cook County give Small (Rep.), i8.t30 Long 245. kinson 215. Nclcon 213. Republican' Ilanling 26. jiencet H de 26. Roach 26. At 26 IlunlsJalt 1 Democra'ic: Cox 135, kinon 133. 'elon 127 A. Y. Slate Injured When He Slips Through Hole in Barn Loft. Arch Y. Slate, proprietor of a tadoring hop at 812 East Broadway, broke his right arm between the shoulder and elbow lat night v. hen he fell from the hay loft of hia barn at ,1500 Hinkson avenue. He had gone into the loft to cut a bale of hay for his horses when he slirped 'through a lvle in ihe loft. His arm . 1. .L I.J ... I ? j1.mltt inlA . iii rue k. inc lanarr utu iji um " 'ihe loft. In falling his foot caught be- kmeeling w m1W to 1 tbe a 'teen the rounds of the ladder and helfw the yj,, 'bjt. owjJ-to tung neaa iiownwara unni no to pull ldaiclf up it)i his left arm and loosen lua fixit. Ife reeeiveil no other in juiies of ronsequence Long 135, At- To Start Special Work on BeaMey Hill Road. The count) court appropriated $112 for tpecial road ork on Bealej Hill yesterday. The ork is to be done un der the supervision of H. C Gilpin and I. W. Bennett. , Another appropriation of W3 as alto (made for work on a mile and a quarter r , .1. I.!- T... .... ak. n.MM...... J... 1M Tinn bchool. "" Bolh of these gifts were khron 102, kelson 102. vcrsity of Kansas. M.m Ruby CUne. wbo Jn duplication .of similar sums raided bv, Kepublican: Harding 48. Spencer 43. lis turector 01 toe taatern uraui " " President Hill Annousce Dtalnh4l of All CLuMt'at 3 OVbek, Nor. 1L 'All classes in U UnlTtnity will be duunUsed at 3 o'clock Notembrr II. ac cording ta an ajinouncement trom rre4- dent A. Rom-IUUs oCce this afternoon. This is to allow former service men, in the University aaJ the R. O. T. C to lake part in the parade for the celebration of Armi-tice Daft The parade will form it Z o'clock. Most of the merchants have agreed to clcs tbrij Mores during liie ceremony. 1,300 PLURALITY IN COLUMBIA Almost Complete Returns Give Democrats. 3,385 and Republicans 2,030. The three toting precinct in Colara bia combined returned a Democratic plurality of approximately 1,300, accord ing to the totals as compiled at 11:30 o'clock. TJie Democratic vote compiled at that hour was 3J85 and the Republi can vote was 2,030. Approximately 350 more votes were to be coasted. The vote was Jnided among the three precincts as follows! First, 1164 Demo cratic, 783 Republican;-, second, 1266 Democratic, 427 Republican; third. 935 Democratic, 820 Republican. The total vole of approximately 5X) cast today is almost double the total vole of approximate! $.000 cast lour years ago. and the latter figure was a record at that time. r " ' j . NO CLUB CONTRACT LET , St. Lons. NW2. The first, 27 pre cincts llh 3410 in this state give. Hardini 2JI3. Cox 3AV)- for II. S. u-n. a'toc,' Spencer (Ren.). 1.941. Long (Dem.) 12,040; for governor. Hyde (Rep.). 1.959. Atkinson (Dem.), 1,901. . St. LovtJ, Nor. 2. 123 precincts in ibis state give Harding 14,910, Cox 7,102; for If. S. senator, Spencer (Rep.). 12,- 999, Long (Dem.), 15508; for gover nor, Hyde (Rep.), 12.923. Atkinson (Dem.). 15,651 Cole County in four of forty-nine pre cincts gave Cox 214, Harding 480, Long 222, Spencer 479. Atkinson 230, Hyde 429, Nelson 218, Roach 471 Miller County in seven precincts gave Cox 744, Harding 959, Long 744. Spencer 959, Atkinson 730, Hyde 930, NeUn 787, Roach-960. NELSON LEADS BY 3,375 VOTES (Columbia and 22 County Pre- gincts Uive Democrat Majority. "Congressnlan Nelson has eariea Boone County br 3.200 votes." R. I. said at 11 JO tonight. Nelson's rote in Columbia was 3J8S, as he did not run ahead of his ticket here. In 22 precincts outside of Cnlum. bia he received 3.150 rotes to Roach's 1,130. At that liour his majority in tie county was 3,375. (MAJOR DICKSON Monitesu County four precincts out ol nineteen gave Cox S26. Harding 1,124, Long 697, Spencer 1.020, Atkinson 697, Hyde 1,020, Nelson 707. Roach 1,020. COX PROBABLY HAS LOST OHIO TO SPEAK I Senior Combat Chaplain of A. K. F, win Talk on Battle of Verdun. JIaj. Thomas J. Dickson, senior com bat chaplain of the American Expedi tionary Forces will speak here tomor row night at 8 oclock at the University Auditorium, on "America and the Battle of Verdun." Major Dickson is sponsored by the War Department, which ordered him to de liver his lecture over the country so that the American public might have an au thentic account of" the operations of the American smtv !. ,1.. w.. 1,000 PrecillCtS of 7,2j9 in That The St. Louis Globe-Democrat says f State Give 69,000 Ma- ''he lecture .Major Dickson gave at Mc :.:.. t r n n iKinley high school on .Monday: "With jonty to G. O. P. jno ,,, lhatUc SU.J nKlwn " bfOUfht nnt rlima. f.. .!... .UU . j. .. ,, , .- - ,.. .... .HUM. .((., s-oliibls, u .vov. i. oovemoi James M. Cox apparently has lost all chance of 'carrying Ohiot The first 1X00 precincts of the ,269 in the state gave Harding a majority of 69,000. ' Cox's strength has been conceded to bt within the cities, where the returns would naturally be earlier than in the normal ly Repnblican fanning territory; so that politicians believe there is little chance of the Harding lead being overcome. The loss of Ohio by Cox according to pre-election forecasts would make it al. most impossible for him to win in the nation. SCHOOL W. L. BUILDING NEEDED Crowded .Mr. Lottie Cline Seriously I1L Mrs. Lottie Cline is seriously ill al her nn..i.i.r. 11..J. vin c. .. no home at .07 Missouri street sue rc- H)de 110. Rwch 108." turaed fronJ .Laynce. Kan, Salurday. accompanied by her daughter, -Miss It- Prathrrsvdle i - sle" Cline. who is connected with -tne io: At-home economics ilepartmenl of the Uni- merT interested in the road work. '.'lyile 48. R.urh 48. (Dominion Ouulaufjui, is expected home. Country Oub. .Of IcUts Postootsed Action ra-nnnc. Tork mbaUr'wiUibecia'oa-tBe dab. house ot the UJJumnu umnay uuo nt;n Monday morning. -TJus-was decided at the meeting of the elub but night. The coo tract some preliminary aetien.iiecesry, it win Dot be let for several ojays. . v Ohio Crowd Vote to, Tests. Cotniirs, O, Not. i Ohio today east the largest .rote la Its history, the total being expected to approximate 2JX0JX0. The percentage of sboia voting, to tie number eligible probabry is tb greatest evtrkaoTrtr.--ApjitolelT WOO elec lion officials were taxed to handle the crowds. In"miiy"eeiocts' of tbe larger cities tents had -to b put up to accomo date the prospectire Toters. Oliver Discusses Condition In City. 'Some sort of buildinz nrozram will be argent if not necessary for next sum mer, said . L. Oliver, superintendent of city schools, at a meeting of the Par ent Teachers Association last night, "Perhaps an added grade school on Sexton road, or other convenient locality, and the removing of all the seventh grades to, the Jefferson School would re bere'tbe, situation temporarily. The most desirable solution would be to organize it junior high school and, if the sugges- boo meets tbe approval of the community, we shall direct our energies along that first-grade at the Benton k1hkI has fifty-eight students and the proper number is forty: tbe Field .School cri- tury class has fifty-two and it should bare'oalyfotty. Basement. rooms are be ing used and in Some cases tbe teachers are taking care of two grades. Senator Reed Votes Straight Ticket. Kama Utt, Nor. Z-Senator James' XI Heed cast a straight Democratic tick et here today. At tbe polls, he said with an Ironical smile, "Here It is; look it over." dramatic effort, and took his bearers close to thr battles of Soissons and the esle-Chateau Thierry operations. San Mihiel and the final fighting near Ver dun. Graphically he pictured the final lighting near Verdun. Graphically he pictured the -final driving back of the enemy to Ihe Sedan and the triumphant march of the Americans acrow the River Ithine." VOTE ON WOMEN CANDIDATES Many Seek Congressional Officers) in Election Today. Five women candidates for the United Slates Senate are to be voted upon todaj as- follows: Indiana Mrs. Culla J. Vayhinger. Pro-ibition. JNciWa Miss Anne Martin, Independ ent. A'eic Fort-Mrs. Ella T. Boole. Prohi bition. Prnnsyltonia Mrs. Leah Cobb Marion. Farmer-Labor. Among the dozen or more women wbo are running for membership in the na tional House of Representatives, the fol lowing are the most prominent: Idaho Mrs. Nell K. Irions, Democrat, 1st District. Michigan Mti. Vivian F. Zeller, Prohi bition, 4th District. Missouri V,m Marion E. Rhodes. Re- publican, 13th District. Picbraska Mrs. Marie WerU. Non- Partisan League. 3d District Oklahoma Mrs. Alice M. Robertson, iicrmblicanv 2d District. Vngtn Mrs. Esther Leveior. Dease- crat. jd uutnet. 500 Get Return at Ontralia. Between 500 and 600 mvini thered' in the Knights of Pythias Halt at Cen tralia this evening where they were given j election returns furnished by tbe Evening - Jiissoorian by telephone. n 'm . -yt. 'JP -a AJS -SaifflL; 4?