Newspaper Page Text
iWriii in fii HI VOL. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2S 18S1. XO.4 I Suites. Keach Holden Iloldcn, Mo., December 23. Col. Waters, President of the Fort Scott, St. Louis and Chicago rail road, arrived here yesterday with his surveying party. They have com pleted their preliminary survey from . Odessa on the C. & A. to this place, , a distance of twenty-one miles, and 1 started south through Hates county j to Fort Scott, via the coal fields. Footpads In Boonville. ! Special to the Kansas City Times. j Uoonyillc, Mo., December 25. j Last ni"ht, about 10 o'clock, as Mr. j E. II. Roberts was going to his home, which is situated in the south easter! part of our city, and when some distance out he was intercept ed by three men and robbed of Si 50 in money and a check for ijjoo. No clue to the highwaymen as yet. Gniteau's Christmas- Washington, D. C, December 25. Guiteau spent Christmas very quietly. Few persons are permit ted to enter the jail Sundays, and only his brother and sister are allow ed to visit the prisoner, unless by authority from fudge Cox or Sco "ville. John V. Guiteau, accom panied by a few acquaintances, call ed during the day and had an inter view with his brother late in the af ternoon. After these visitors had left Guiteau partook of a heartv Christmas dinner. The prisoner has prepared another statement for pub lication, which he intimates contains important and interesting revelations bearing on his case. For it he wants $100. Honored Statesmen Washington, D. C December 21. The following are the assignment ot Missouri and Kansas members on the house committees: Hanking and currency, Buckner ; weights and measures, Ilazeltine, Bland; agri culture, Ilazeltine, Anderson ot Kansas; public lands, Rice ; Indian affair, Rice ; public buildings and grounds, Ford; Mississippi levees, IJurrows, Chmly ; , Militia, Frost; pensions, Rice, Burrows ; private land claims, Ford; District of Col umbia, Allen ; expenditures treasury department, Buckner: expenditure interior, Burrows ; accounts, Clardy ; liquor traffic, Davis; elections, Davis; appropriations, Ryan (Kan sas) ; post offices and post routes, Anderson; public expenditure, R van. A Train Robber Arrested. fSnecial to the Kansas City Times. Galveston. December 22. -A tel egram from Houston to the News ot thfo-city states that a man named A. C. Stewart was arrested there to day, charged with being one of the Chicago and Alton train robbers w ho operated at Glendalc about two years ago. The United States officers have been on the track of Stewart for a long time, and he is in pome way connected with the first Glen dale robbery, and the man known as 'Bob," about whose head o much mystery clings. It is also thought that Stewart and Bill West, under arrest at Dallas, arc connected in some way, the request tor both ar rests coming from officers in Mis souri. ' A Barbaront Harder. Ashland, Ky., December 25. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gibbons, who reside near this city, went visiting Friday night, leaving their daughter 14 years old, Miss Emma Thomas 17 years old, and son, Robert Gib bons at the Gibbons homestead. During Friday night viliians came to the house, outraged both the girls, saturated their clothing with oil, set the house on fire and killed young Frank Gibbons, who was attempting to give the alarm. All three ot the dead hud their heads split open with a hatchet. No clue to the muider ers. A thousand dollars reward is offered for their capture. The Gib bons house was burned to ashes, only the chimney left tandiug. It Will te Built. We are m receipt ot information from an undoubtedly reliable souice to the effect that a number of New York capitalists have interested themselvt s in the nvittcr of the Chi cago, Missouri and Kansas railroad, and the company will proceed to the construction of the road bed early in the spring with a view of reaching Warrensburg by the first day of June. An engineer will go over the line in a few days, ami if dee-ne.l necessary will make other prelimi nary surveys, the company reserving tic right to run into W; irrensbirg from Brownsville on any line they I see proper. The wealthy Xew Yorkers who furnish the money to bond the road have made a thorough examination into the resources and ; shipping interest of the country through which the road will pass, and have not hesitated to pronounce k one of the finest railroad routes in the world. The head-quarters of the construction company will be in this city. The projectors of the Chicago, Missouri and Kansas ra:lro::d !::ivj Leen I.iboriug earnestly. for the i:i't few weeks to cniNt Xew York capi tal in ti:e t ute l-p rise, and their suc cess is :. i. Kilter of congratulation all around. (Warrensburg Journal Democrat. The accusation Against Jeff Davis. Fast upon the accusation alleged to have been made by General Joe Johnston that Mr. Jefferson Davis was guilty of sequestering $2,500. 000 of confederate specie just after the collapse of the southern confed eracy, comes a whole host of denials of the story, as well as explanations showing the utter impossibility of Mich a thing, under the circum stances as alleged. ft is not necessary, however, to revert to the denials made, nor in voke any, to give discredence to the accusation. Mr. Davis' life, or mode of living since his release from prison, hat been such as to create absolute disbelief in any such story against his integrity and honesty. His has been a life of retirement, and until he became the beneficiary by will of an admirer, he lived in penury almost. The war wrecked his fortune, and had he sequestered or disposed of the funds as alleged, it is not presumable that he would have led the life ot abject want, which he did the first few years after the war, or until raised to afilucnce by being made the legatee of the plantation of Beauvoir in Louisiana. This is proof enough of the falsity of the charge, and the numerous de nials are only accumulative evidence of it. Representative Reagan of Texas, who at the time, when the alleged sequestration took pl ice was secretary ot the confederate states, is prompt to den' it, and emphatic in denouncing the story not only as a malicious emanation, but explains, as well,' the utter impossibility of such a", 'removal'. t funds, from the fcimple facts thrt so much coin was iiot on hand in the treasury, and such as was on hand, was paid out t' the troops. Senator Williams ot Kentucky, possessed of full knowledge of the removal from Richmond of all funds on hand, confirms Mr Reagan in his account of the disposition of the funds. The following letter addres sed to the Times is further proof of ihc same thing. Kansas City Times. On To Oklahoma- The Atlantic and Pacific was originally divided into three divis ions, first the eastern division, from St. Louis to Vinita. This diyision was completed to Vinita ten years ago last August, when in 1S75 this part of the road went into bank ruptcy, and in 176 it was old out under the mortgage and a new com pany formed, which was called the St. Louis and San Francisco, now operating that portion of the line. The centrial diyision extends from Vinita, Indian ternt:ry, to Albu querque, in New Mexico, a distance ot about Hoo miles. The western division extends trom Albuquerque to San Francisco, about 1,200 miles. This division is being rapidly con structed, about 300 miles of track having already been laid west of Al buquerque. It is now proposed to construct the central diyision from Vinita to Albuquerque and have it completed at the same time that the western di vision is completed to San Francis co. This will give a grand through short line, along the thirty-fifth par allel, all under the same ownership and control. The line from Vinita to the Ar kansas river has already been locat ed, and contiacts wKi ti let within a few da for grading :ttl bridging, ami the iinc wiil be cou.puud to the Arkansas river, sixty-three miles west rf Vittiia. by May 1, j Surveys have already been made to a point seventy-five miles southwest j from the crossing of the Arkansas at j cr iieur the mouth of the Red fork ; or Cimarron river, and by the 1st of v will be c "p'vfei to the Canadian mcr, a distance of 260 . milts Iron: Vinifa. The Indian Ter ritory ha ahv.svs in en coji-sitltrtd the Eden of the United States, and this line passes through the central portion of it when you come into Oklahoma, striking it 135 miles from Vinita. The country is well water ed, finely timbered, with plenty of coal, rich soil and all the require ments tor an agricultural and stock raising country. By its completion on the 1st of May the road will get the first drive of stock. The whole work will he let in a few tlays and contractors will be at work by the ?rf.t tl th vctr The road parses through the i Cherokee, the Creek and the Sac and Fox reservations, then passes into Oklahoma and through the Cheyenne and Arapahoe agencies. fK. C. Times. Tm Wedding. Ten years of weded life. On Monday evening of this week, thongh the elements seemed arrayed in union against us, yet when seated comfortably in the elegant phcatcJn of 'Mr. R. J. Hurley we scarcely re alize that the rain was pouring down and the wind blowing: and after a few minutes drive we arrive at Mr. Hurley's spacious residence, which was bri.iiantly illuminated. On entering we found most of the guests assembled and doing their best to contribute to the enjoyment of Mr. and Mrs. Hurleys tenth wed ding aniversary. While the host and hostess were doing all in their power to make the occasion a pleas ant one to their guests, and we need not say how admirably they suc ceeded. At half past eight we ad journed to the dining room, where we beheld a delicious and most tempting repast awaiting us. Cakes, dainty confectionary, California fruits and South American nut dis appeared with surprising rapidity, and all left the table feeling that "truly it was. good to be there." Before supper, however, the happv couple were remarried by Rev. Criss, the ceremony consisting of a series ofr questions and answers never before invented, and unlike any ceremony we have ever heard, but we trust not the lcs obligatory on the part of the 1 Title -.nd groom. The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. I I(,!-o!ni, Mr. and Mrs. 1'urges, Mr. and Airs. Wycoff, Mr. and Sirs. Schwaranger, Mr. ami Mr-. Sacket, 1 Mrs. Keller hnd Rev. and Mrs. j Criss. j At a late hour alt retired, leaving I behind them a quantity of useful tin ware and a host of good wishes for theit genial host and his amiable wife. In the language of the far famed Rip Van Winkle, we say for them. may they "lit long und be happy." ' AiXiE. Country Notes. The citizens of Fairview and vi cinity had a Christmas tree on Satur day night. The crowd was large and everything went off pleasantly till near the close, when two or three strangers, who had imbibed freely of fire water were rather noisy. The Christmas tree at Maysburg, in the Heckler school house, contain ed numerous and costly presents. It is reported that there were one hun dred and eighty-five dollars worth of gifts handed out by Santa Clans. Rev. R. A. Bathurst was sent for to make a speech in Lucas, Henry Co., on Christmas eve The Christ mas tree was a novelty in the place. Aged men and elderly matrons had never witnessed one before. The crowd w as large, and many young hearts were made glad by the gifts dispensed. Old Santa did not even forget the Parson, but brought him a handsome present. TWO MADE ONE. On Chmtmas Rev. R. A. Bath urst joined in the honorable state of matrimony Mr. John A. Pulliam, of Cass county, and Miss Laura Ham monds, of Maycsburg. The young couple started on a bright Christmas to travel life's road together. They intended crossing Grand river where there are three turkevs and other nice things in waiting for them. Notice U hereby given that Jetterof ndmir.itratim upo'n the estate of Harvey Iockwocd, t'cica-cd; hae bee granted t.) the undersigned by the Bate county Probate court, fti Bate county, Missouri, bearing date the J4tb day ot' December, 1SS1. Ail pcron ) : ivti el.tim agalnt aid ctate sire required to exhibit them to me for jhowamc, within one year from the date of s.dd letter, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such cUtc, and If afd claim be not exhibited within two vcars from the date of the publica tion of thi notice, thev will be forever barred. L. S. LOCK WOOD, Adm'r n4-3 i'l'Roe out the morbid humor ot the blood by a doe or two ot Aycr Pill, and you will have clearer beads as well a ht :i';icr bodie. Holiday CHARLIE fust opened the largest assortment ot sght to Butler. Christm irootl.s ever bro When people want presents lor their Children or Friends it is natural- to seek the largest stock, which can be tound at Charlie Endres. Pom and see me it I3ixt Save Harvey and the Blood. Harvev dis covered the circulation of the blood, and upon announcing the tact was ridiculed and laughed at. Food makes blood and blood makes beautv. Improper digestion ot food necessarily produces bad blood, a full stomach, aciditr, heartburn, sick headache, and other dyspeptic svmptoms. A closely confined tite leads to indiges tion, constipation, billiousness, loss of appetite. You do not want pills, but vou need a few does ot that sparkling purga tive known as llailev's Saline Apekikvt. It aids digestion, cleanses the stomach, cools the brain and unloads the bowels, noi 2w Lawrence, Kan., June 6th, iSSi. I.kis Chemical Max'f'g Co., Gentle men: In reply to yours of even date, I can say having tried, almost all known remedies for malaria and deranged liver, I have found nothing equal to Leis Dan delion Tonic. Yours trulv, ' T. J. SWEENEY. Wiiuloiv Similes! Opaque and Hollands, in red, brown, blue, drab and slate. Fringes, fixture, tasse!-, rings, and cords at Factory Store, d&w-it McClintock & Hums. eniiaiirovti Yarns. tandard colors antl shades in plain All shaded and d&vvit ombres at Mc'TIintock & Burns. Canvas! Canvas!! I'adi,;N ,c ean now furnlseed you with j Java, Waillt and K. R black, white, buff and garnet. i., kVwit. McClintock S: Burn-. Knitting Silks. All der-irable colors at d&wit. ' .McClintock 6i Burn. Don't Forget To hang up your stocking, mas and lor the generous heavy, best adapted quality pose, call at the Factory this Christ sized, extra Store We make 'em to order. dAiwit. McClintock & Burn JTine Yarn'. Saxony. AiulahiMan, Shetland German knitting yarn's at 179-it-w-it McClintock Si Burns'. Many persons will not take medicine until prostrated on a bed ot sickness. This is folly. Nature always calls for as sistance when needed to throw off impur ities. With our habits of life, it is neces sary to render this help. Prickly Ash Bitters will not force nature, but act mildly and renders the assistance requir ed, fry them. n2 im. Knit Goods. 1 !.(. t,.l.. V-. . 1. 1 t mitt Sec. at d&wit McClintock Si Burns. Call For Ladies and Gent bilk and linen Hand- ' , , . . , . . . , , I kerchiefs, leather, velvet and plush com- j panions, portmonies, tricttes,nets, hand ; beads, dress, cloak and dolman ... v.., v.. I III" Mb A Mr IVI IJWI V. d&w-it .McClintock Si Burns. 7nlivri epuyr Only io cent per. ounce, common to nest color ana iney are moving oir lively Notice of Final Settlement Notice i hereby given to alt creditor MI..I..I.V a i .1 ...i : a . I t .t ......... .a ... unit;., i uiiiiu, uvi ii. ii j, o.c a.i- mini.trator ot -aid e.tate Intend to make final settlement thereof at the next Frb- ruary term ot the Probate court of Bates . county. E. II ART LETT, Adm'r December iSth, 1881 n-f.-jw THE HATHAWAY TELEPHONE. (jfo. W. J;sni-ry, Stale Agent, I rircmitn Mo. J. II. V.c:.Uv, Travelling Agrit, frto. A. Lefker, Agent Butler, Mo. The best letephonc lor the money cut offered, snd tor eirrtdar to any ni of above agent. Thcpr will l.e un oyster supper at the grange ball in Ine Oak town .-ship, n Tridav niht next. Adtrm eion fifty cents. lvcrbolv invitei! to attend. r ' Goods! ENDRES' ome early and 1 ook throug our lot of toys. You can mvc monev bvso doim. The handsomest goods, The Grandest display and the LOWEST introduced in Butler. PRICE ever j i will cost you. 2a.oth.ix1g Yon 3Xoney. S. II. LAS1I11KOOK. T1IOS. I. SMITH. T Af VSHBKOOK & SMITH, Attorneys at aw, ISutler, Mo. Will practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptlv attended to and Taxes l'aid for Non-residents. Office, front room over Hates county Na tional Bank. nz It. S. C. HOL.COM I!, Attorney at law, Office with Win. I 'age, over Bank. Butler Missouri. n2 2m. 1 )ARKINSON bi AL'KN'A THY, Attor- X tiers at Law, Butler, Mo Office west side of the suuare 22 JOHN T. SMITH, Attorney at Law, Butler, Mo. Office over Weil' boot and shoe store, north side public square. HENRY. Attorney at Law. Butler. J..m Mo. Will attend to cases in any court of record in Missouri, and dogener al collecting business. CJ A. KIGGS, Attornev at Law and JJ. Ni Notary Public. Office in Probate Court room. 1 E. SWIFT, Attorney at Law. Office i over Bates county National Bank, Butler. Missouri. II. CLAY TUTT, Attorney at Law, utlci, Mo. Special attention given to Probate buii)crs Im. I.. ICtOV. V. T. IMTKK CiCOCKKTT. j ROVN & CROCKETT, Attorneys at lf UiW ,ind j,JS:)rance Agent., Rich Hill Mo. .Collections a speehdtv. Office on sixth street, under City Hall. . T. '. ! i I W. PL IN AM. Notarv t'ublic an. I J Jm General Collecting 'Agent, Ve.t j Point, Bates county, Mo. I TOILS' S. .V ii. l FRAN OSLO, Attor- fj neys at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac- tice in" the courts of Bates and adjoining i .f tit nf Prompt attention given to coi- ieclion. : Office over Halm Si Co.' hard ware store. I'll yfi'ititt. ! A. V. SMITH, I. '. KIMBALL HILL, M. J. . ! OMITI1 ii HILL, Physician and bur ' j O gcons, Virginia City, Mo. Will re ! spond promptly to all professional calls Idav or night. Office in drug store. 44-tf D. I. WOOD, Phyician and Surgeon, Butler, .Mo. "Office over Aaron Hart'. store T U J. B. D. WOK LEY, Surgeon Den- j XJ tist, I'.utler, Mo. Call- in the coim- try promptlv attended n4?4 T. C. BOL'LWARE, Physician and Surgeon. O flic 3 north mde wjuare, Butler, Mo. Discuses of women and cliil ren a specialty. T M CHRISTY, M. I)., Homapatnic '9 Physician and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. "rth, of, re, nme foot Dr. Tucker's dental office. I.'csidenceon corner i)akota and Fulton Streets, two blocks west ot old Olive bouse. T EV ERINtjHAM, M. If., Physician J. . . , , , - and Surgeon, outier. .mo. viiicc west side of the public square, first door ' nortll Ol tiive lluc. i.efitic.: uii ; ot Norlh Majn t'eet. Parties indebted to me overy day arc requested I to call and sett'e at oner, -tf 311-IlflllOlll4 I KI K MASONRY C. W. Kocrer, contra, tor and builder, doc all kind of loiiwo-k, such a f!uc, Chimney , ' tt . f . - t.. r-- cisterns and all kind, ot gra es rri In ffrc Plat "' Br" X Ut ton ,or w,c' ' ICULBI VT'-OS, Kcjd E.tate Agent, J,HUH Hill Mo., P. O. Box s. Cor- rm retwnlert e li.ifed. no 4 i-tf . fv B 1 pu KKOt'A wih- to inform ! .public, that aai Atit tioneer, he can toKiinund a high a price for article of a!c a tmv -.': of the profession. Tcrrr rcit- na!)f. no-4i-im. Address me at In VaX. I V. BROWN, Judge r,t Probate, But- I h r Mo. Will draw and m knowledge deed-, contract, Jeuse and all pflper rc- quiring l'e acxnowiefigment or jurat r" a ' r!:rk of court of rrrnrd. If OK SAL., A neat nw house, with! 4 roots'. irjsl - varanda. on too Jot httby 141 feet, huated on Hmt'i Main j Srcet, oppoite Power Saw BI, VuV.kt, ; ,Vo. i now offered for i,!e at a bargain, j n qnlre of tr e owner on the premfe. j M. S. Coios& Co. Ill be found in the larg mid 4 f aeioiM rooms under the I'alace H- tel. where they will ulway- keep inrt'o and best cfne ol CLOTHING, GENTS KUIiNISHIXG GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TIUJNKS ASV VALISES. 130OT AX1) SHOE .STOCK, to be found in Suthwel .M is.itst i. W buy direct limit Man ulae'.ur nr.-;, on Isiri coiitmctf !'.: ahb, an.' : ii v lo our U i on bei t-r good hr b.W House) in t!i- StM. Every one 'ionliwllv iiiv iied to viil 11 H. j VV lo carry lurjge in- t..ih ol Mei.-r.Hi..!e at Kid. Hill, A here Country I'lo Iikc ot nil 1in l tVfinled. m. w. ;owi.i:s v :. Every DejiHrtiri.t ci.inpie!! iu telf, having u r;it vuriety of ;ood ; in fuel, one of the argent jornbinalion totk i- be tonl in'ivbore. Oui faetlilien lor buy trig n nd cllin; lT6ods n - - ' lili' second ii ioue in the slate. ' we guaran co j:rkc.A a low oi. iufiif uaiily OUll MofTo : r'ilu i hi i. low nixpence." 7 cordially n a HtC'H und adjojiMig call on n uii'i s. . lojiu'. hy n OME TREATMENT. A rtjfft etiM for f(rvou OUdKty, Cminal VcaJt vtwl. tfrtfl JLl r ' I T T T "V" TT"rT77' J 9J A 1 j J 1 ' ( I'HAC TfCA r Vatchmaker & Ennravr, SETH THOW CLOCKS 157