Newspaper Page Text
Itotkt iPlMK I MM. VOL.. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY LI 1SS2. NO. G THE GALLOWS. Six Murderers Swung off on Fri day For Their Crimes. A Physician Pnti in a Sid for Oai teau's Body. Phelps Handed. Marshall, January 6. John A. I'hclps .vas hanged shortly before 12 o'clock to-day lor the murder of Elijah Keyton in April last. Xwnaz off in St. Louis St. Louis, January 6. Two mur derers, Joseph Michael Kotovosky and Charlen Ellis, the latter color ed, were executed in the jail this morningr Execution 111 Elmira. Elmira, N. Y., January 6. The execution of Joseph Abbott, convict ed of killing George Reed, a fellow prisoner, in the New York State Reformatory in April 1SS0, occurred to-day. Hanine; in Alabama. I'Vankhn, January 6. U crrance A. Chille and Sterling I3cn both colored, were hanged for murdering and robbing L. Armand on the night of the 31st of July last. Banking on. a Haninej. Washington, D.' C, January 6. Scoville has received a bona fide proposition from a medical gentle man for the body of Charles J. Guitcnu. This gentleman, whose name Scoville declines to make pub lic at present, has offered to pay im mediately, $1,000, the amount of purchase money, on condition he shall have the body of the prisoner as soon as the execution of the law has been met, to dispose of abso lutely a he shall see fit. lie also agrees to take his chances of waiting one month or twenty years for the consummation, of the bargain, on Guiteau's part. The proposition was submitted to Guiteau to-tlay, and seemed to impress him finite favorably. After reflecting a mo ment he suggested: "I think : ought to brinjr more than that: per haps some other fellow may offer $2,000. I hen I can pay my debts all, and it-I get a new trial that mis erable Corkhill can't bring on a lot of fellows just to swear how much I owe them." An Incident of Shiloh. The vertcran Colonel Thomas Reynolds, of Madison, was one of the brayest men Wisconsin had in the war. The colonel was under arrest for some trivial matter at the opening of the battle of Shiloh, be ing major at the time without atop pinq to ask for release, he seized a shillalah, and took command of the regiment after the field-officers had been disabled, and fought as gallant ly as anv man on that bloody field. Grant saw him with his peculiar weapon, and asked, "Who has com mand of this regiment?" "I have that honor, General." "Where is your sword?" "You have it. Gen eral." Grant then remembered that the major had been arrested. Those who saw Grant say a tear rolled from his eyes as he said, ''Major, you are released. Your sword will be sent to you." Milwaukee Sun day Telegraph. A lew Things That Th Times Snows is . That the, Fort Scott, St. Louis & Chicago road will strike Jlutler cawhollup. That a pretty woman is the noblest work of God. That the Times has a boom on it. That a certain nice young man in this city is smashed into flinders on the young lady that wears a pink colored ribbon. That we will trade a puff for a news item, quick. That an old maid is the most hate ful, and an old batch the meanest things on the green earth. That some people who do not, but ought to become members of the anti-poke-your-nose into other peo ple's affairs. That. the patent inside ot some papers, not a thousand miles from here, is far more interesting to their readers than their home is. Ttjtficfe will be a wedding in the upper tendom of Butler soon. ; Jubal Early. I saw old Jubal Early the other tlay. says a correspondent, and among all the queer characters, you meel in Virginia he is perhaps the queerest. lie was a union man be fore the war, anil fought secession with a bitterness in keeping with his intense traits of character. When the ordinance passed, in spite of his protest, he went home and raised a company for the war, and he has never vet learned that the conflict is ended, lie seems to live entirely in the past, and to find happiness only in personal conflicts and a revival of I the animosities of the war. I saw him at his home in Lynchburg, w here he cams his living by practic ing lavr. I should judge his life is not a pleasant one. He rooms by himself, unsurrounded by the com forts of a home and family, and boards at a hotel. lie is bent and bowed like a man ot 90 years, and yet has not reached three score and ten. He was a graduate ot West Point, but did not remain in the army. Those who remember him just after his graduation speak of him as a splendid-looking young man, with almost a perfect military air and carriage. To-day his droop ing shoulders, long gray beard, flow ing white hair, and powerful staff upon which he leans for support give him an appearance not unlike Joe Jefferson's representation of Rip Van Winkle ; yet they tell me he presents much the same appear ance as when he was a lieutenant general in the confederate army, rid ing at the head of the Second army coips, which he commanded. 1 hat he is still vigorous, notwithstanding his appearance, and is full of fire, fight and vindictiveness, is evident. $IIe wears the old regulation gray, the color still loved and respected by southerners, and thus preserves the memories of the past in his every day appearance, as in his words and efforts. He is rather above the medium size, and has a massively moulded frame, naturally capable of great powers of endurance. I lis friends say that his mind is still clear and vigorous, and that he is by no means an old man. He seems to have no close friendships, but to live within himself and upon the recol lections of the past. His recent as sault upon Mahoue seems to have revived interest in him all over the country, and it has brought him prominently before the people of the state where he was almost for gotten. Now Mr. Street Railway Compa ny, the City Council has granted you all you asked for and it now becomes you to commence and complete as soon as possible the first line of your, road from the southwest to the north- cast corner of the public square, and thence by way ot Main and Pine streets to the depot thus securing to yourselves other valuable franchise privileges contained in the grant made to you Thursday evening by the City Council. We have no hes itancy in venturing the assertion that the earnings of the line will yield t handsome dividend to the stock holders. We have known similar enterprises to succeed in other places of less population and business tban Hutler. Now go ahead and get vour line in operation. The quicker the better for us all. The City Council adopted our sug gestion in reference to cows being permitted to run at large by their owners. At a meeting held last eve ning that body decided to give the owners of cows until Monday next to prepare to keep them up. After that day the ordinance heretofore passed by the Council in reference to this nuisance will be rigidly en forced. If Miss Nettie Adams is good look ing: she is our cousin Local. Miss Nettie begs to be excused as it is not yet settled whether the Local will turn out to gobbling after going through the gobblers he has during holidays. Medler. Mrs. Kelzcr, sister-in-law to J. M. Ennis, who resides on the Brown place near Adrian, died Monday night of congestive cnill. The de ceased was visiting relatives at the time of her death. Her borne was in Mississippi. ; - INCOMPARABLE. There is Nothing Equal to Marsh's Golden Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. "I have been cured ot a hard Cough and Lung trouble with that incompara ble remedy, .-viarsns uoiden Balsam." A. L. Morrison, St. Joseph, Mo. "My wife had an obstinate Cough lor several months, and was unable to get a remedy that would reach the spot. A friend told her of Marsh's Golden Balsam, She tried it, and was relieved at once. There is nothing equal to it." E M. Hugesj Topeka, Kansas. "Not long ago our little girl took a very bad Cold and coughed incessantly. We gave her ginger tea and other home rem edies, but with little benefit. We then procured your Golden Balsam and it immediately cured her." U. A. Ford, Kansas City, .Mo. Marsh's Golden Balaam it for sale by F. M. Crimly, Druggist Butler, Mo. and by prominent dealers everywhere. Large bottles so cents and $1.03. Don't fail to try it. Jan 4th im. A Eeply. Butler, Mo., Jan. 9, 1SS2. Emtok Daily Times: In the last is.sue of the Record is an article in regard to injuring trees on the Cemetrey ground. I think there has been no iniury done. I did the trimming of the trees myself, and there is still more trimminjr needed. If the twigs are not needed for orna menting they will go to waste on the ground. Respectfully W. RlTEK, Sexton. Secrets of u salty. Breathes there a man who does not love a beautiful wo man? Breathes there a woman who doe not love to be admired by man? No art can paint, no sculptor can chisel the dim pled rosy cheek, the lustre of the eye, the bewitching smile nor the long luxurant tresses as nature preents in a beautiful woman. All females can retain their heahh and personal charms by the use of bnghth remale Bitters. noo-2w The Jiutlcr Times denies the charge of the Ilolden Enterprise that 'Hutler has espoused the Harris scheme. Ve admonish our IJutler friends that tlicy had better join the Harris pro cession or prepare to see it go by way of Rich Hill. Journal-Dem ocrat. We are much obliged to the J.-D. for its friendly admonition concern ing our joining of the Harris proces sion, but desire in this connection to remind the T.-D. that it will be kept as busy as a ten year old boy in a yellow jackets net to get that pro cession in marching trim from pres ent indications. V e will wait and see the procession come marching along. That's the time to fall in line. Annoyance Avoided. Gray hairs are honorable but their pre mature appearance is annoying Parker's Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by promptly restoring the youthful color. liOo-im Barnard & Co., of St. Louis, through mistake a few days ago sen to Bob Catron's address a package which upon opening proved to be a package of wedding cards. Bob had of course, no use for them, they wouldn't pan out as tax receipts and returned them to the agent ot the ex press company by whom they would have been returned, when suddenly one of the young bloods of Bates county called at the expres office and addressing the agent said : I-I ha-ha-ve a small pa-ck-age here mis ter. The young man recognized the package by the contents as his. Don't be alarmed Bud, we wont tell your name, but don't forget to send us some of the wedding cake, boss. . Eenew Your Lease. There are times in every one' life when energy fails and a miserable feeling com es over them, mistaken for laziness Dan ger h-rks in these symptoms, as thev arise from diseased organs Parker's Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the stomach, liver wnd kidneys, purifv the blood, and renew your lease of health and comfort. Advocate. n6-im An allowance of thirty-five dollars and twenty-five cents was made to Mr. Gibson by the City Council on Monday evening for putting a pump in the public well. That's money well spent, dads. ' " Whereas James R. McRay (who declar ed himself to be single and unmarried) by hi deed ot trust, dated November 2 id 1350 and recorded in the Recorder's office in Bates county Missouri in book No. 23 at page 135 conveyed to the undersigned to secure the payment of the note in said deed of trubt, fully described the follow ing described real' estate, situated in the County of Bates and State of Missouri, vi. Beginning at the Southeast corner of lot six in block two in Harper's sub-division ot the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of section 23 in town ship 40 of range 31 running thence West 1 chain and 55 hundredts, thence North 1 4 chains and 55 hundredths, thence East 1 chain and 55 hundredths, thence South 4 chain and 55 hundrcths, to the place ot begining and whereas said note and in terest are past due and unpaid. Now therefore at the request of the legal hold er of said note and by virtue of the au thority in me vested by said deed of trust, I will as trustee sell said land at the Court House door in the citj of Butler in said Hates county on Wednesday, February 1st, 1882, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the tore noon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day, to the highest biddci for cash in hand to satisfy said note interest and cost. ' F. J. Tyoard, n6-4w Trustee. Notice of Final settlement. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, W. R. S mi tli, .Admin istrator ot the estate Micheal Moody deceased, will make final settlement of his acounts with said estate as such administrator, at the next term of the Probate Court of Rates county, Missouri, to be holden at the court house in Butler, in said county, 011 the 2d Monday of February A. D. 1SS2. Wr. R. Smith, Administrator. Ntray Notice. Taken up bv V. B. Miller, on the oth, day of Dec. iS'81. living in New Home township, county of Bates, as a stray and posted before the undersigned a iustice of the peace within and for New Home township, county ot Bates, on the 17th, day of Dec. iSSi. 1 red and white spot ed steer, 2 r x years old, marked with un derbit in right ear, and crop arid split in the left, branded with X on right hip and supposed to be the same on left hip. Ap praised at $16.00 by S. F. Hawkins, J. Q. A. Cope and W. II. Welch. 5 2w A. U. Woods, J. P. Order of 1'ifhlicaliori, St at k of Missouri, County 01 Bates ss. In the Circuit Court of said county, March term, 16S2. Amelia A. Taylor, plaintiff, vs George A. Taylor, defendant. At this tlay comes the plaintiff herein, by her attorney, and it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the court that the delcndant George A. Taylor cannot be summoned in this action, whereupon it is ordered by the court that said defendant be noti fied by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court, by petition and affidavit l'n the Circuit Court of Bates county, Mis fcotiri, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree ot di vorce from the bond of matrimony heretofore contracted with said de fendant upon the grounds of deser tion and failing to provide for said plaintiff, and that unless he be and appear afc the next term of this court, to be begun and hohlcn at the court house in the city ot Butler, in said county, on the Secontl Montlay in March next, and on or before the sixth tlay of said term, if the term shall so long continue and if not, then on oubefore the last day of said term answer or plead to the peti tion in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and judgment will be rendeted accordingly. And it is further ordered, that a copy here of be published, according to law, in the Bates County Times, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least four weeks beiore the first day of the next term ot this court J. R. Jenkins, Circuit Clerk. A True copy from the Record. Witness my hand and the seal (L. S.) of the Circuit Court of Bates county, this 3rd day of December, 1SS1. J. R. Jenkins, Circuit Clerk. Martin L. Brown, Att'y for Pi'ff. "d-4 w NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that lettersof administration upon the estate ot Harvey Lockwood, deceased; have bee granted to the undersigned by the Bates county Probate court, in Bates county, Missouri, date the nth dav ot December, 55 .-. -a said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one year from the date ot said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and if said claims be not exhibited within two vear from the date of the publica tion of this notice, they will be forever barred. L. S. LOCKWOOD, Adnrr n4-3MT Lawy S. B. LASIIBROOK. F ASIIBROOK & SMITH. Attorney, at XJ Law, Butler, Mo. Will practice in he courts f Dates anJ adjoiln coun ties Collections promptly attended to , Kaxc tor Non-residents. ilonaVBaiik. W" "V" S rS;r1I00MIJ' Attorney at law, Utncc with Win 1 Hutler Missouri. . ---.. m L. . Ul CI 11.111 K :m. pARKINSON ii AERNATliy, Attor-T-.- n5' l La' Butler, Mo. Office west side of the sauare 22 A 1 LNIV Attorney at Law, Butler, XV, Mo. Will attend to cases In any court of record in Mitr.ri a nl ,H : 1....V A. RIGGS, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in Probate Court room TT -'LAV TUTT, Attorney at Law, A A utlci, Alo. Special attention Kiven to Probate buftin-. M. L. 11KOWN. T. IIITER CROCKETT. BROWN Si CROCKETT, Attorneys at Law and Insurance Agents, Rich Hill .10. Collections a tn.-i ilf sixth street, under City Half.' Office on LW. PUTNAM, Notary Public and General Collecting "Agent, West Point, Bates county, Mo. T OlIN S. ii S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor 9J neys at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac tice in the courts of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lections. Office over Hahn & Co.' hard ware store. IIiyiitiiiM A. P. SMITH, M. li. KIMHALL HILL, M. 13. VMITH & HILL, Physicians and Sur geons, Virginia City, Mo. Will re spond promptly to all professional calls dav or night. Office in drug store. 44-tf I D. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon, Ut Butler, Mo. Olfice over Aaron Hart's store. DR. J. B. D. WORLliY, Surgeon Den tist, Butler, Mo. Calls in the coun try promptlv attended. 114S C. BOULWARE, Physician and A. Surgeon. Otlics north side square, Butler, Mo. Disease of women and chil reu a specialty. T KVERINGHAM, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. Office west side of the public square, first door north of Olive lloui-e. Kcsidence on west hide ot North Main htrcct. Partie indebted to me over 30 dus are requested to call and settle at oner." s-tf 31Iif?Il!iii;oii. f CULBKRTSON, Real Estate Agent, j.Kich Mill ;vu v, o. Box 142 Cor- respondents solicited. 1 ..i':r..' 1 11041-tf. DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But- ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge dtedf, contracts, leases and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or inrat of a clerk of a court of record. LVJR SALE A joung jack ot good A stock and three vears old w. M. IJur.ter at Altona. no-lt p f New style of chromo cards ith KJJ name, or2 New Year's card. 10c. i Nassau Card Co. Nassau, N. Y. no64W 1.1 T T"V" peck Wlzzard's Trick Cards I . U ll 1 pack Fun Cards, 1 pack ' laansparent Cards, 1 Marvelous Onithar- monium, ioo Album erscs, all in neat case, for 7 ic stamps. Address no6-4w HUB CARD CO., Boston, Mass. DIARY FREE for 1SS2, with Improved Interest Table, Calendar, etc. Sent to any address on receipt of two xc stamps Addrer,s CHARLES E. HIRES, 48 N. no6-4w Delaware Ave., Phila ( FLORIDA Atlantic and I Gulf Coast Ca- i nal and Okeechobee Land Co. 50,000; shares, at $ 10 each, at par with a bonu of 40 acres tor each 10 shares, from choice lands of the "Diton Purchase. Office: Third & Chestnut Sts., Phila. II? Broadway, N. Y. Rooms ill, lit Detailed prospectus with descriptive maps mailed free. noo-4w 4 BEAUTIFUi- ORGAN, the 'Mozart, iVXew Style, No 12.00 27 stops, 10 full set Golden Tongue Reed, Solid alnut tlirhlv Pnlichfl l!a. New arift Valu able Improvements jut added. Stool, Book, Music. Boxed a:td delivered on board cars here, price only Co dollars net ! rich SntifctartAn Tuaranteed in evtrv i particular or moner rciunucu ancr one 1 vear's use. Everyone sold sells another. it is a standing advertisement. Order at once Nothing saved by correspondence My new factory just completed, capacity 2000 instruments ever 26 days, very la test labor-savin? wood-workinsr machine ry Va-t capital enables me b manu-j ficture better good for less money than 1 ever Address or call upon Daxiel F. Beatty, no6-4t Washington, New Jersey SB LP KESAL AWAK9E9 tiuAnlnr.AMiad(nH4 iest Worfe.warrKStcl t Im bamt and XBRn.-eUti.-4l MtiM flcmcwof lAim ait rrraca m!m. tall cSOne Dsueostats I3fc f. met rmrw 1 iiiiilrilntl mnim ffrrnffi rMiin ! n r mm urMacowt.cco5VPi''y "1 Hi 1 J? M. S.'Cowles&Co. Ill bo found in the !nrg nl tpacioiix room tinier the i'ulaee 4 tol, where tluy will alwav kep largest and tet stock of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPtf, TRUNKS AND VALISES, 1 BOOT AND -SIIOK .STOCK, lo be found in S'.utii wt!sl Missouri. j Wo buy direvi lioin Mituiitaetur ers, 011 iarje contracfM for earth, and c:ii our pairoriM bu. lur goods wo icat yioney, (or um low a ui , llousej in tins .Stale. Every oi. t'oHially invited to visit ua. We nl') :nvry n lart? (Jencr .Stork of 3Icith;tiid ut Jdefi Hill, Ah tic Country I'ro'luce of nil kind v,;;MJ. 31. . COWI.KH C?. Every Deptrlnivtii complete in tftelf, having gi;al variety of ;ood; in fuel, on of the .aigost :omhiiialion toek l' be fo-iiid tny where. Our facilities for buying and ellirttjr good aru wttnml to ift ioas in the Mute, -nd we guarnn ee price as low utt khidc jiialiiy -f good. OUB MoTTo; 'A 11 :uble peony low fcixtjence." i'flOVr Chan' f We cordially invite tl peopie y iaies ana ixnunnu' count irn 1 call Oil tnd -uve money by domr. THE HATWU f: lilt. Geo. W. January, State Agent, Freeman Mo. J. II. Beatty, Traveling Agent, I A. Lttfcer, Agent Butler, ilo. s The best tetephone tor the money ever offered, send for -circulars to ;iy of of &bove agents, -.-'.-t ,".-. , There will -bv an oyster .uiper xt the grange hall it Lone Oak Urwt r. r ship, on Friday night next, , .Vdmifc bll; 1 si on fifty cents. Everybodv nvitel to attend. , , "' j