NO. 26
f V. 7-
ja the Different Churches on Snn-
Notwithstanding the mud, the
congregations at tne auxeicut
churches Sunday were very large.
The services at this church, it be
ing "children's day," varied from
the regular order, and were very at
tractive and benehciai. 1 ne cnurcu
- orandlv decorated. A terraced
platform, erected in the pulpit off-
Lt was covered with the rare exotics
and house plants olthe ladies 01 me
congregation ; evergreen mottoes,
crosses and crowns, ancnors, etc.,
were tastened to the walls and in
the center of the room were suspend-
twn rins from which swung
EU i" " 1-
numerous cages of birds, carolling
vpet soners. In the morning
UK-" 1.11
thp retrular Sunday school was held
but the program was altered to meet
the demands of the day. After Sun
school the pastor delivered a
morning discourse to parents and
rWWrenuoon the subject "lhere
lation of religion to the human intel
lect," using Luke, 24:45' as a basis
fnr the sermon. At 3 o'clock in the
afternoon the Sunday school con
gress, which had been called for that
time met. The house was filled to
' its utmost capacity and the audience
was instructed by well written essays
and appropriate remarks from differ
ent ladies and gentlemen upon topics
relating to Sunday school work. At
night the annual concert of the chil
dren took place. The program was
long and the exercises simply beauti
ful. Every seat in the house was
occupied, children covered the pul
pit and numbers were turned away.
The whole day's work will long be
remembered by the participators and
'spectators who were present.
' Elder Sage filled the pulpit yester
day and delivered two sermons with
his usual earnestness to large con
, gradations. His morning subject
was "The pastor's work with his
church," and text, Acts 20:2s. In
the evening he preached from Luke
17:17. ' His topic - was "Inquiring
after the nine." He said that about
f the members of
VUb IVllUl v " -
'churches lived up to their profess
. ions, and illustrated the assertion by
describing the aspirations of ten pro
fessed Christians, crediting the de
sire of glory lying God to only one out
oi that number.
Elder Reid preached in the morn
ing upon the topic "Self-denial,"
choosing Mark S: 34 for a text. In
the evening his texts were Gal. 5:21
and 6 r2, and topic, "Sympathy for
the drunkards." He said that no
man ever made up his mind to live
the life of a drunkard, die the deth
of a drunkard and go to the doom of
a drunkard ; it was not a premedita-
ted crime and therefore we shouia
show sympathy for the perpetrator
if it nn lift him ud. There were
' two confessions in the morning and
two additions by letter at night.
' Rev. Wood, the pastor, preached
m the morning upon the topic, 1 he
Condition of Christian Disopleship"
taking Mark ;: 34 as a basis for the
discourse. The scripture which he
chose for a basis ot his evening ser
mon was Mark J : 35-37 and his topic,
"The worth and the loss ot the soul.
Both sermons were delivered in Rev,
Wood's characteristic style and call
ed tor close attention from his con
The patior. Rev. Newton, preach
ed in the morning upon the account
ot the feast in tne house of inmon,
the Pharisee, recorded in the sev enth
chapter ot Luke. In the evening he
lectured upon the nineteenth Psalm,
"The heavens declare the glory of
God. ' ' etc. The congregations were
both moderate in size and very at
tentive. The sermons were schol-
ary and earnest appeals.
Rev. Henderson, preached to
good congregations both morning
and evening in his eloquent style.
lis morning text was, Mat. 10:32-
- . -. . . e t fl
33: "Whosoever tneretore snaii
confess me before men," etc. In
the evening his text was John 17 :15:
"I pray not that thou shouldest take
them out of the world, but that thou
shouldest keep them from the evil."
There will be preaching again next
Sunday by Rev Henderson, at the
court house.
Father Fogarty, officiated Sun
day at Evan's hail. He also deliver
ed a lecture at night. The attend
ance was good and the interest mark
ed. The church at Butler is pros
pering and will soon be under full
headway. .
Rev. Reid preached the funeral
sermon ot Mr. Dan'l Beeler Monday
morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. Beeler
was interred at the Lone Oak ceme
tery. The Woman's Missionary society
of the Dakota street M. E. church
will hold their regular monthly meet
ing in the church on Saturday after
noon next, at 3 o'clock. A full at
tendance is desired.
In the future Rev. J. T. A. Hen
derson, Cumberland Presbyterian,
will preach two . Sundays in each
month the fourth and first, save
when there is a fifth Sunday, then
ih fourth and fifth at the court
. Rev. Chas. Taylor, missionary
from Arizona, a son of A. D. Tay
lor, one ot our well known citizens,
will give a lecture on Wednesday
niht at the Presbyterian church,
upon the customs superstitions and
progress of Christianity among the
Moqui Indians ot that territory. Mr.
Tavlor will exhibit pictures, images
and other curiosities gathered in that
At 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon
the committees from the several Sun
day schools met at the Baptist church
to make arrangements for the hold
ing of a un'oa Sunday school picnic.
. he committees not being authonz-
ed'to act conclusively for their re
spective schools, it was decided to
meet again on next Monday evening,
one week from to-day, at 8 p. n.,
at the Baptist church and pertect
the arrangements.
Frank Will Surrender.
St. Louis, Mo., May 25. A dis-
.u i.v. -rw York Citv savs "It
has been ascertained from a mem
ber of Gov. Crittenden's party in
this citv that on his return to Mis
souri he wilt conclude negotiation
for the" surrender ot Frank James
gang, and thus put an end to the or
ganization ot the
Frank Tames is now in Jackson
county, and instead of meditating
more mischiet is represented as oe-
inr anvious to make the best terms
possible for himself.
Gov. Crittenden is tuiiy mtormea
as to his whereabouts and means to
have him in custody inside of ten
It is asserted the whole James
van? will be broken up. The plans
are all laid and only await the Gov
ernor's return for execution. .
Sedalia Democrat-. Ex-Senator
Bradley, of Bates, is being warmly
urged for Congress from his district,
and will be presented hy his county.
The Residence of Col. B. G.
Wheeler Again Visited.
One would suppose that the burg
lar or thief would always select a
dark night as the most suitable and
safest time to do his work. When
the burglar enters a house on a
bright moonlight night he exhibits
a boldness tnat amounts 10 rec
lessness ; yet that is just what was
done Sunday night at the residence
of Col. Wheeler.
It was about 2 o'clock in the
morning, tol. v heeler bring ao
sent in Chicago, Mrs. Wheeler, lit
tle Edith Harwi and Mattie, the do
mestic, were sleeping in Mrs. Whee
ler's room on the giound floor. Mrs.
WTheeler was awakened by some un
usual noise and on glancing her eyes
across the room saw the form of a
man moving between her and the
dim light that shone through the
window. Thinking it was the girl
who had gotten up, Mrs. Wheeler
called to ber but no response came.
With this the burglar started for the
door and in the dark tell over a chair,
but succeeded in making clear his
escape. Mrs. Wheeler arose from
her bed and reached for a pis
tol that she thought was under her
pillow, and not finding it, she too,
made for the door in .time to see the
man escape, and gave the alarm to
her neighbors.
In a very few minutes Messrs.
Douglas, Tennings and McFarland
were on the ground all "armed to
the teeth," ready to exterminate any
suspicious object that came in their
way. The house was examined
and if was found that the one room
was the only one visited.
While this was going on Mrs.
McFarland saw from her door the
form of a man making his way from
the rear of the yard toward the front
;ate, keeping himself carefuly in the
shadow of the shrubs and trees.
She called across to the scouting
partv, and a reconnoiter under a
flag of truce born by the Times
man, was at once commenced but
no traces of the .missing burglar was
On investigation it was found that
the man had forced an entrance
through a wii.dow opening into the
bath room and had unlocked the
outside door for the purpose ot mak
his exit easy in case he should be
detected, which proved a very wise
move on his part. He had taken
everything of value in the shape of
clothing from the bath-room close t.
The burglar had packed these goods
into two bundles and laid them just
outside the window, and then, as is
presumed, he made his final entrance
in the sleeping apartment of Mrs.
Wheeler's after such articles of value
as he could stumble on there and
being caught in the last act rushed
from the room and secreted himself
under the shrubbery m the yard, ex
pecting to return after matters had
quieted down and get his booty but
seeing the approach of armed men
wisely concluded that it was the
safest plan to skip, which he was
Antncr when observed br Mrs. Mc
Mrs. Wheeler says this morning,
that nothing is missed from the
house which shows that the attempt
to burglarize was fruitless..
Snnness, Gentlemen.
The best evidence in the world as to
the quality ot a piece of work, is the sat
istactkra given to all interested. In
every instance, work executed in the
Times office is guaranteed to satisfy; if
it does not do this not ne farthing will be
charged for the job. The business men
bt Butler know this to be true from past
dealing with us, and we only speak ot the
fact here to remiud them of the advan
tage, derived from bringing their work co
the Times office." tf.
Clothing, gents Funishing Goods,
Hats, Caps .Boots and
In the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the
W. T. Woolen y
(Domiinntiry Produce Wa noted! Sua lExcDnaiage
A Office east side of square, Edwards'
- . 1 it. ' a.
4 TTflOVPV A 'I T V Tliitlor Mn
block, win practice in an tne cuurwui
Bates and adjoining counties, in the Uni
tff'l fitntM rnurtu at Kansas Citv and leff-
erson City, and in the Supreme court at
jenerson v,uy, own
TASHROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at
. - . a r . .
j i,9w uticr. mn. nracucc 111
the courts of Bates and adjoining coun
ties, collections prompuv ancnucu m
an1 I T VPC Paii. tor Non-residents.
Office, front room over Bates county Na-
tional Bank. "2 ti.
- I r . 1 r ,
ww ni-vs at i.:iw. nuuer. Jio.. win yiiw.
tice in the courts of Bates and adjoining
counties, rrompt attention given 10 iui
lections. Office over Hahn &. Co.'s hard
ware store. ,(
SC. HOL.COM, Attorney at law,
Office with Wm. Page, over Bank.
Butler Missouri. nz 2m.
neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west
side of the square. 22
A HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler,
Mo. Will attend to cases in any
court of record in Missouri, and do gener
al collecting business.
ig .
SA. RIGGS, Attorney at Law ana
Notary Public. Office in Probate
Court room.
WO. JACKSON, attorney at law,
Butler, Mo., office over F. M.
Crumly's, Drug house on West side
Plain and Ornamental Plasterer.
Otters his services to the citizen of Bate
county in all branches of Plastering, in
cluding Kalsomining, etc He has had a
large experience, and guarantees entire
satisfaction. 6tf
Wib. 12 a dav at home
easily made. Costly outfit tree. A ddres
True to., Augusta, xuaine. iu-ij
Jttztz Mv in fftnrani town. Terms
ind $5 outfit fTee. Address H Hallett&
Co Portland, Maine. iirij
TTTT 17 C Improved Root B eer 25c
JjLXXvXikJpackage makes 5 gallon
- ti;AHfi wrmifiAin. fiMrklinct tern
nerance beverage Ask your druggist, or
sent br mail for 2?c, C, JE, Hiaxs, 48
N, Deia. ave, Philadelphia. -
jveral new motors for propcll
ing horse cars : are being invented.
They are really not needed. If
vou want to make a horse car travel
fast, signal to the driver tnat you
want to Tt on board. It it is about
his dinner time he can be relied on
to" furnish all the motor the car
needs. Texas Sittings.
JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and
Obstetrician, uutier, mo. umw
Mfnrf. house lately occupied by
J.T. Graves, near Eat district shool.
Reterence, Dr. L. M. Wright 22 297
JM. CHRISTY, M. D., Homoepathic
Physician and 6urgeon. Special at
tention given to female diseases, Buiier
Mo. Office, North side square over
Hahn & Co'. Residence, Ohio street, 4
doors west ot Wyatt Sc Boyd's- lumber
vard. 15-tf
DD. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon,
. Butler, Mo. "Office over Aaron
Hart's store.
rp C. BOULWARE, Physician and
X Surgeon. Office north t-ide square,
Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil
ren a specialty.
RA BATIIURST, Physician. Altona
Mo. Will attend promptly to all pro
tessional calls. 'V11
J, Everingham, M. D
Residence west side
North Main street
F. L. Rice M. D,
Residence east of
6or, with J, C,
Clark, .
Having formed a copartnership tor the
practice of medicine and surgery, tender
Vim eonr SrM to the citizens of Butler
their services to the citizens ot Butier
and surrounding country,
OFFICE west side of square 1st joor
north of dlive House. Calls attended to
.11 i.... nr nicht. both in the
city and country. 24' H
RS. KELSO, M. D. rnystcian aaa
Surgeon. Office first door over Post
office Butler Mo. 220-12-11
BROWN & CROCKETT, Attorneys at
Law and Insurance Ajents, Rich HtU
Mo. Collections a specialty, umcc no
sixth street, under Citv "
HCLAY TUTT, Attorney at Law
Butler, Mo. Special attention
given to Probate busings
LCULBERTSON, Real Estate Agent,
Rich Hill Mo., P. O. Box 342.. Cor
respondence solicited. no4i-tf.
DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But-
ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge
- 1 i nnl 11 n.n.M
quiring the acknowledgment r urat of
clerk of a court of record. ' -
1 Artrstt c:i tc luituc .
. t . . ,jx .av
caiitv, .Something enure. nc
lor aeeuiN i ttii nt-t - t
& Co, .aotton, Mk,'
l-'CR L resident lot in Cowie's I and lasung penurne, t "P
JC addition, on. Ohio wreet. Splendid f harm!, anu forlhe toilet it ft unsqnal
locatton. AdpIv at this oftlce. j led.
lowest prices will be found.
South ide square, utler, Mo., next
door to Jeers jeweier aiore
We have a full stock of saddlery and har
ness. Goods first-clao and sold a cheap
as the cheapest. Honest work guaran
teed. Favor us with a call. io-3,n-
Literary Weekly Journal,
Conducted by AL ION W. TOURGEE,
author of "A 'ool Errand, etc.,
etc-., assisted by Dan'l. G. Brin
ton and Roht. C. Davis.
Fiest Ni-MBEfc Issveo Febrv ary i iSSj.
The most diotingulihed authors and
skillful artists, both American and En
glish, have been engaged by -Our Con
tinent." The Februarjr numbers contain
novels and stories by Helen Campbell,
Mrs. Alexander, E. P. Koe, Julian Haw
thorne. John Gibberton, R. II. DavU,
1 tc. ' ms by Oscar Wilde, Louise
C ban dler Moulton, G. H. Boker. Sidney
Q p Celia Thaxter,
etc; entertaining sketehes hZSt?'J
Land, (Hans Breitman; u. w. '"yJ
(Ike Ma-el), Felix Oswald, etc., solid
papers by President Porter of Yale, El ot
of Harvard, Provost Pepper, Lniversity
f Pewylvania, etc; fashion notes s b
Kate Field; art illustrations oy -"
Tiffany ; science br Profs. Kothrock. Bar
ber, etc; social etiquette by Mrs. Moiji
ton; rural Improvement by Hon.
Northrop; tun and humor by l -
Clark, (Max Adler) "Uncle Remus' an
a host ot others. - m'
eautiful Illustration are ateaxlln:
feature of "Our Continent." The are
the finest that art can produce "cq"
to the mot perfect io the monthlies
Price 10 cents a number; f X a yea
$2x10 six months. Mailed free 0 f',
Uge to any address. Specimen copy tree.
Newsdealer will find it to their Inter
est to present -'Our Continent" to their
customers. .
Postmasters are invited to take subscription-
Liberal commission.
Book canvasser can add largely to
their incomes without Interfering wltn
their regular business, by acting tor
"Our Continent-" .
Write for jwirticulars to . ' ,
a j
Phila!-1 phia
mm . . -
Aver iiir
retore the color
i j .iimuiatc- thi
growth ci the hair,
- .
, prercnU it from tailing off, and greatly
im-ac: its heautr. I m a ue.icsie