itl d
NO. 27
Bates County Monthly Stock Sales.
Governor Crittenden Exprease & Him
teif on the Frank James
In a recent interview with a Re
publican reporter, Gov. Crittenden
talked as follows in reference to the
rumor of negotiations now pending
concerning Frank James' pardon :
In response to questions the Gov
ernor stated that he was surprised
at the mere bosh some of the papers
were publishing concerning the mat
ter ; that he has not offered a pardon
to Frank James through Mr- Haire
or anyone.else ; a pardon could not
he wanted before conviction and he
makes no rash promises ; that he has
never received a line from Mr. Haire
in regard to a pardon or other iorm
of executive clemency in behalf of
Frank James; that he has not by
word or otherwise made propositions
to governors of other states asking
them to join him in extending execu
tive clemency to James. The gov
ernor states that Frank James has
never applied to- him for clemency
or pardon ; that when he desires a
pardon it is presumable he will ap
ply for it after conviction for some
othis crimes. Then he certainly
would have the same right as others
to ask such clemency.
When asked what course he would
pursue should a pardon for Frank
James be applied for, his excellency
replied: 4 'That is my Dusiness, and
when such application is muie I
-.- shall act as I please, regardless of
importunities or curses, and I wish
to state also that I think Mr. Haire,
provided he is correctly reported by
sensational papers, is doing much
' unnecessary and loose talk concern
ing the matter and pursuing an in
judicious course. The noted-bandit
. may have cause to pray deliverance
from such a friend, and further that
the words attributed to me by Haire
in an interview with a reporter of a
St. Louis evening paper, 'Let us join
in the noble effort to retorm this man,
and restore him to a peaceful and
hoiiorable citizenship,' were never
used by me to Mr. Haire or any one
, else.. ' But supposing , I had used
them is it not better to save and re
form than to forever "condemn and
punish? While the executive of this
state. I will ouraue such a course as
" will in rav estimation secure the eiv
forcemcnt of the law. and rrive full
security and protection to life and
property in the manner which to me
j seems wisest, and leave my adminis
tration to be iudsred by the result,
hilly believing that the people in
their sober second thouffht will
rueasuie all administrat'.on more by
. results than bv the effusions ot un
merited abuse poured out upon it by
an mimical and venal press; nor
will I be checked in that course by
the ravings of a tew sensational edi
tors whose patriotism iv alone meas
, uredby the number of their papers
daily sold."
The traveling correspondent of
the JSedaha Democrat, writing from
Butler under date of June 1st, pays the
following deserved compliments :
For State Senator in the Bates,.
Cass and Henry county district,
Judge Ballard, the present Repre
sentative of Bates county, i in the
field with a strong support. He is
a clever gentleman and a thorough
Democrat, and would make a capital
officer Judge Ballard voted tor the
minority report of the redistricting
bin. : His opponent is Dr. J. H.
BrinV of Clinton, a leading Demo
crat of Henry county.
Judge Levi Moler, who has so
able and creditably represented Bates
county in the Missouri House ot
Representatives is again m the field
for the same office. , Bates county
seems almost solid for him in every
section. He is a tried, true, able,
earless, agressive and progressie
Democrat, who has but few equals
and no superior in the State.- No
' man enioys a better political or legis
lative record, and certainly no man
has done more for Bates county.
Tudgx Moler has large and valuable
interests in the county, and his inter
ests are identical with the county-
Hence it is that he has scarcely any
opposition and will probaol y not
have any when the ticket will be
r The Greenback party of Missouri
will soon put on the cloak of pvo
liibition to cover up its other " de
formities. '
Farmers and stock men. The
above is to your interest and should
be your enterprise, you can make
them a success on a failure, but we
hope you will show to the northern
counties, where said sales are a suc
cess, that Bates can sustain a stock
sale second to none in the state.
If the southwest is all that we claim
for her, hardly should we be behind
in an undertaking of so much inter
est. Confidence and work, are the
two things neccessary, and no man
can do it all. Do you take your
county papers? if not, subscribe at
once, then watch the stock column,
and use it to get the worth of your
money back, see if you can't add
something to it every month, either
under the head wanted or for sale,
then when sale day comes be on
hand whether as buyer or seller, or
neither, be theie, watch the sales
closely, see if they are conducted
honestly, see if the interest of both
buyer and seller are protected, then
if you think a stock company would
be better, 'organize and take com
mand, but let us give the first sale
on the 3rd Monday in June, a bigj
whoop and a loHg whoop. For
particulars, see your county papers
or call on the agent.
J. W. RILEY, Ajrt.,
Butler, Mo.
Siiperinten dent.
Mrs. Jesse James.
The widow of the noted outlaw,
since the "removal" of her husband,
has been so besieged by reporters
and publishers that, in selt-protection,
she has been compelled to publish a
sworn statement denying that she
has authorized the use ot her name
in connection with any pretended
history of her husband's life.
In this "connection it may not be
out ot place to suggest that persons
desiring to get at the facts of the
lives of all the great American high
waymen would do well to examine
Col. J. VV. Buel's famous "Border
Outlaws." which has just been re
vised and a new edition published
lrom new plates throughout, by the
enterprising publishers, Dan Linahan
&Co.,St. Louis. See advertise
ment elsewhere in this paper.
Vernon County Ticket.
The following compose the Demo-
. 1 . t
cratic ticket nominated at tne pri
maries in Vernon county on last
Saturday :
For Congress A. Churchell.
Representative Wm. Hall.
" Circuit Clerk P. Rexrode.
County Clerk A. Cummins.
" Recorder A. T- King.
44 Sheriff W. I. Fisher.
44 Pros. Att'y. C. T. Davis.
44 Treasurer A. McGovney.
Assessor C. L. Golibart.
44 Collector A. C. Sterett.
44 Probate Judge H. P. Gray.
44 Presiding Justice Co. Court
Paul F. Thornton, -
44 Associate Justice Dis.No. 1.
Frank Koontz.
44 No. 2. J. C. Graham.
Brown Bread. One pmt ot corn
meal, the same of rye, one-half
teacupful molasses, one coffe cup of
sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda,
one of salt, and sufficient sweet milk
or water to make it soft enough to
turn into a pan or dish ; cover it
tight, and steam it four or five
hours. ;r
Mrs. Read, in Foote's Health
Monthlyjves the following recipe
fr ralr. which she declares to be
both wholesome and palatable:
One cup each of milk and sugar,
two cups of flour prepared with
yeast powder, the same as for bis
cuit one egg well beaten, with a lit
tle salt and spice. Stir all together,
and beat with an egg beater until
full ot air bubbles, and bake immediately.
4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Butler Mo.
J. Office east ide of square, Edwards
block. Will practice in all the courts of
Bates and adjoining counties, in the Uni
ted States courts at Kansas City and Jeff
erson City, and in the Supreme court at
Jefferson City, nio-tt
LASHROOK Si SMITH, Attorneys at
L.avr utler, lo. Will practice in
the courts of Bates and adjoining coun
ties, Collections promptly attended to
and Taxes Paid tor Non-residents.
Office, front room over Bates, county Na
tional Bank. n3 tt.
neys at Law, Butler, Mo.; will prac
tice in the courts ot Bates and adjoining
counties. Prompt attention given to col
lections. Office over Hahn & Co.'s hard
ware store. , o
, I neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west
side of the sauare 22
A HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler,
Mo. Will attend' to cases in any
court of record in Missouri, and do gener
al collecting business.
SA. RIGGS, Attorney at Law and
Notary Public. Office in Probate
Court room.
T O. JACKSON, attorney at law,
Y .Butler, Mo., office over F. XI.
Crumly's, Drug house on West side
Plain and Ornamental Plasterer.
Otters his services to the citizens oi Bates
county in all branches of Plastering, in
cluding Kalsomining, etc. He has had a
large experience, and guarantees ?entire
satisfaction. ' ?6tf
$72 a Week. $12 a day at home
easily made. Costly outfit tree. A ddres
True Si Co., Augusta, Maine. 16-iy
$66 a week in your own town. Terms
and $5 outfit free. Address II Hallett St
Co., Portland, Maine. to-iy
JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and
Obstetrician, Butler, Mo. Office
and residence, house lately occupied Dy
J.T. Graves, near East district shool.
Reference, Dr. L. M. Wright 22297
JM. CHRISTY, M. D., Homoepathic
Physician and surgeon. Special at
tention given to female diseases, Butler
Mo. Office, North side square over
Hahn & Co's. Residence, Ohio street,
doors west ot Wyatt Si Bovd's lumbe
yard. " " ij-tf
D. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon,
Butler. Mo. Office over Aaron
Hart's store
C. BOULWARE, Physician and
Butler, Mo. Diseases ot women and chil
ren a specialty.
A BATHURST, Physician. Altona
o. w in aitena prompuv 10 an pru
...... , . 1 . 1 . n
o ;
tessional calls
J, Everingham, M. D
Residence west side
North Main street
E, L, Rice M. D,
Residence east of
sqr, with J, C,
Having formed a copartnership tor the
practice of medicine and surgery, tender
their services to the citizens of Butler
and surrounding country,
OFFICE 1st door west of Pentzers
Furniture store. Calls attended to
at all hours, day or night, both in the
city and country. - 24T 14
D. Physician and
Surgeon. Office first door over Post
office Butler Mo. 220- i2-tt
TlROWN & CROCKETT. Attorneys at
Ml Law and Insurance Agents, Rich HilF
Mo. Collections a specialty, ensce c
sixth street, under City Hall. ,
HCLAY TTJTT, Attorney at Law
Butlet, II o. Special attention
given to Probate busine
Dtflsoell aneo oh.
T CITLBERTSON. Real Estate Agent,
XJ.Rich Hill Mo., P. O. Box 342. Cor
respondence solicited. noi-tt.
"TV V. BROWN. Judge ct Probate, But-
I . ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge
deeds, contracts, leases and all papers re
quiring the acknowledgment or ntrat 01
clerk of a court of record.
FCR SALE, A resiacnt lot in Cowie's
addition, on Ohio street. Splendid
location. Apply at this office.
-pOR SALE or Rfc x-i wo or three
X. houses in ditferent part ot the city
OR SALE or RENT Two or three
Enquire ot J. EvenngHam, U 273 1 (
Clothing, gents Funishing Goods
Hats, Caps .Boots and
In the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the
(Dwramtiry Pirodluce Wanted nun IBscDBaraigc
Unnatural Obstructions. Certain tun
damental laws of nature are demanded
bv the human organism. As life re
quires constant and. regular action, there
Is neccessarily a continual wearing out
ot material and a corresponding accu
mulation of effete matter, which must be
thrown off through the. different chanels
of the system. This Is absolutely nec
cessary to a healthful action of the hu
man machine; but should the channels
of egress becmoe obstructed, or blocked
up, disease and suffering would be the
legitimate result. Nearly all females,
married or single, at stated times suffer
from the obstructions, leading to head
ache, leuchorrhoea, loss of appetite,
hysteria, prolapsus', loss of color, prostra
tion, emaciation etc. There is one rem
edy which will cure this condition ot fe
male lite, known as English Female Bit
ters, the grand triumph as a temale reg
ulator 26-2t
The Climax Bed Spring
Manufactured by Cruzan & Madden,
Butler, Mo. To whom it may concern.
We the undersigned citizens ot Butler
after having fairly tested the merits of the
above named bed springs, do most cheer
fully recommend them to parties desir
ing a good bed spring, believeing they
have fully sustained their claims.
A. Duncan,. L. H. Renick.
J. . Keller, Chas. Dennev,
W. T. Heath, J. M. Steele.
C. T.-McFarland. WMaddy
J R Simpson S A Riggs
A Watson - J M Douglass
J HSisson John Caven
J M Catterlia
Butler, one 2nd, 1SS2.
A Temple of United Order of An
cient Templars was organized by
Theadore Hill, Past Supreme Tem
plar, of Matt on, 111., with the fol
lowing officers: .
P..T.tiVV. E.rcker, .
jTemp.i C. Cummim& v
V." V.y Mrs. C. Cuminiiigs,
' Lect., Rev. Sam'L Alexander,
' I Recorder j, B. M.' Donnelly,
Financier, S. B. Newbill,
Treat, Dr. L. M. Wright,
Marshal, Rl W. Darnels,
" Asst. Bessie Tannyhill,
Guard.', Martin S. Haty.
Watchman., J. N. Owen,
The Temple organized with thir-tv-five
charter members
1 ' 1 - 1 11 "
- As" a puragative medicine tor billious
ness and s constipation. Bailey Saline
Aperient is making rapid advances tohe
front. ; '" . 26-2t,
j tfoi" Per week can be made in any 10
4 f rztft-e: Somethme enurelv new
$- 'outfit free, G, W, Ingram
5 , f - Mk.
' Tv Wooler y .
c b, uswis,'
The boss livery man of Bates
county has removed his splendid
ELiveiry Stfoclli
into the
formerly oecupicd by Nave & Waui
scott, on North Main street, where
he will be alwaj43 ready to meet the
demands of the pubiic for
Saddle Horses,
and all equipments that are kept at
first-class hvery stables. . Will also
buy and sell
Mules and Horses.
every day in the week Sundays ex
cepted. Mr. Lewis .is the prince of
clever fellows and is perfectly at
home in the livery business. He
always anticipates the wants ot his
customers and never fails to meet
Cm Jmrm i ill I i iVilT'Vll" 1 fcM?nS)
aiiii. MtTicTTa, i . a w, m. mm
Agents Wanted ftr Sulliraa's.
Ireland of To-Day
Introduction by Tho Power COonner,
Tenturies oi Englihh
oppression et
nd' ruin and
It show how
forth. It describes Ireland'
the land wa conS'cated and the indu-
ir;. .1 t. ! thr Iad
UIC UivttUi a l ,wsAisa'
league, the land act and the Coercion
Bill, contains 32 engraving and map in
colors- Price onlr2 per cop. Sale
immense. Serd 50 cents for tull outfit
and be-in work atonce. For tull panic-
ulars ddref, c. Mc urdv L j 0. St.
i , - '
& CO.
lowest prices will be found.
South ide square, utler, II o., next
door to Jeter's Jeweler Store
We have a full stock of waddlery and luu
net. Goods firtt-claM and sold at cheap
as the cheapest. Honest work guarar
teed. Favor us with a call. icr3m.
Buehner & Joseqh,
Manufacturer and
Fine Cigars.
Large stock always on hand and or
27 3m ders promptly filled.
TR Oil
Does not attect the price ot iuraitarr
in that place, where you can get a good
walnut Bureau for $10; a breakfeurt table
for $3.50 ; 6 chairs for $3.95 ? a good bed
stead tor $240; a good rocking chair for
75cts; a safe for $4 25; a cradle for $1.50.
Also keep in stock meal aad Boar chests,
and all kinds of furniture kept in a first
class store and the best sewing machine la -the
market. Oil cloth, carpets, curtains,
wagons, trunks, valice, glass, chroquft
sets and bird cages. My stock of under
taking goods is complete.' Will repair all
kinds of furniture and saw toaefcet f or
carpenters and builders. Now is the aa .
to ge your picture framed. I will pair
the highest price tor walnut lumser
Bring your chickens to me and take pic
ture trames in return. Come one and all
and see idt mammoth stock betore buying
at other places. W. E. Lcoxax,
iS-ti Archie Mo.
Caardian Xwtice f -rinal st.
Notice is herebr given thaf the' 4fW
Mgned euardian of the person and iat
t im - r 1 : 1 1
of Japer N. Chambers, minor, ha msdr
a jut and true exhibit of the aecotfaw
i between hiinlf and hi said ward,- avl
filed the tan.e with the Probate - cmirt 'A
Hatf roimtr. MiiwoarS. ad thai tft
- , - , - -
firt dav ot the next Augurt term. tiSZ,
of iaid court, ht intends to ak aiI conrt
, tor leave to maae nnai numcniw
J gtiardiansnip accoom,-ano 'r'r
i charge a uch?nardian. ; V
-; r- r:-