Newspaper Page Text
MORE HOUSE STEALING. joim Armstrong Lodged in Jail for ' Stealing his- Father Horse. Deputy Sheriff Sam. Beall and J. T. Gorrell arrived in the city on the Friday train from Rich Hill with John Armstrong who was lodged in jail for horse stealing. From Mr. Gorrell a Times reporter learned the facts in the case as follows: John Armstorong is a son of J. B. Armstrong ot Walnut township, this councy. On Wednesday night John itole a horse from his father's stable and rode it into Rich Hill and put up at the livery stable. Yesterday evening the father and another son arrived in Rich Hill on Ihe hunt for the stolen animal, not supposing that John had committed the deed. In the mean time John had left town toward Nevada. Deputy Sheriff Beall, Gorrell and one or two others, at once began operations to capture the thief ajj d recover the property. The party travelled half the niht a.-.d finally got their man near Balltown", Ver non county. The prisoner was brought back to Rich Hill and given preliminary trial early this morning, and failing to give bond of $oo required by the court, was sent to Butler as sta: ted in the outset. This is the second or third time John has stolen or attempted to steal his father's horses. A paper has been circulated among our merchants to the effect that after June i, 1SS2, the subscri bers to the articles ot agreement therein contained close their busi ness houses to the public at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, save on Sat urday when they are at liberty to hold open as long as they desire. The following firms have signed the agreement and commenced the prac tice of its provisions: Sam'l. Levy & Co., McClmtock & Burns, J. II. Christopher, Aaron Hart and R. Weil & Co. This is a metropolitan step, as in the large cities all busi ness houses ot any importance close their doors at 6 o'clock p. m. Ex perience has proven to them that thy not only do not lose anything by it, but draw custom away from those smaller establishments which do not comply with this rule. In a city of the proportions of Butler, however, the hour decided upon in this agreement is the best that could be chosen. It is to be hoped that every dry goods and boot and shoe dealer in the city will sign this agreement, but in case they do not, popular favor will rest with those who do, and the re Dy benefit them. Beware of Frauds. The original and only genuine "Rougkon Rats" is manufactured by and has the name of Ephriam S. Wells, Tersey City, N. J., on each box. . He employs no traveling Agents, nor Peddlers. Butler's fourth of July celebration will be something grand, "and don't you forget it." That fire limit ordinance seems to be too tough for the mental diges tion of some of our councilmen. The Times job office is crowded with work, but we hope to turn none 'away as we are making arrange ments to add more assistance in that department. bugs and twine binder agents, the crops will fall short. Carthage , Patriot : Carthage merchants have formed a protective association. Each merchant has a list of dead beats, and whenever a new one is discovered, down goes his name on every man's list. Rich Hill Gazette: Taylor Under wood's trial closed at Lamar May 30th very abruptly. The prisoner pleaded guilty of murder in the sec ond degree and was sentenced to ninety-nine years in the penitentfary Springfield Sun : A warrant was issued this morning by "Squire Roun tree for the arrest of a man who lives in town, for stealing his wife's feather bed and selling it, appropriating the money to personal use. Sedalia Bazoo-. It's funny, but a soft-Dalmed woman can pass a hot pie-plate to her nearest neighbor at j the table with a smile as sweet as j distilled honey, while a man with a j hand as horny as a crocodile's back j will droD it to the floor and howl J t around like a Sioux Indian engaged in a war dance. Carthage Patriot: Mr. B. C. Howley, living five miles north of this city, showed a reporter, Satur day, two stools of red oats that meas ured about four and a half feet, that came off his place ; also a stool of Mediterranean wheat that measured over five and a half feet. They were fair specimens ot the whole field, and are as fine samples as ever grew in this country. The building at the southwest cor ner of the square, vacated by Hugo Sigmund a tew days since, is being removed to make room ior the brick business house which Mr. Thompson is going to build on that location. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock a ve hicle was driven into town from Ap plcton City. The occupants, a gen tleman and lady, alighted, sought the recorder, procured a . marriage license, marched into Judge Brown's office and were tied together for life by that gentleman in the usual; and artistic style, with the acception of his usual artistic kiss, which he was : persuaded to omit.. " The contract ing parties are Mr. E. A. Bittel and HissDffla WTiitaker, both of Ap pleton City. The Times wishes tfica a Isag and happy union. Neighborhood Botes. Stockton Stalwart: Our farmers all report their corn as looking splen did, and everything . now bids fair for an abundant crop. Old Cedar is right there when it comes to rais ing corn or anything else. Nevada Mail: From talks with gentlemen from almost eyery section ot the county we learn that crop prospects are unusually good in Vernon. The fiuit prospect was never better. Springfield Express: It is now stated that the Frisco company pro pose to build a branch railroad from this city to Harrison, Ark., a dis tance of 90 miles. Engineer M. L. Randall, accompanied by T.J. Gid eon, Esq., left here Wednesday to make a tour of observation over the country between here and Harrison, preparatory to beginning a survey of the proposed line. Barton County Progress: Meet ing Hop. Charles H. Morgan and learning that he had recently return ed from Butler we attempted to in terview him as to the political situ ation in Bates county, but we found him quite reticent. He said that the congressional canvass was not yet fully opened in the county, that he understood that the present senator from that district, Major J. N. Bradley was by many, considered a candidate, but that no public an nouncement had yet been made by Mr. Bradley. Mr. Morgan express ed himself surprised at the growth and rapid improvement of Butler, but said that the cominsr city of southwest Missouri was Rich Hill; that with its immense quantities of coal it has the possibility ot becom ing as populous and as wealthy a city as Pittsburg, Pa., which city it already resembles. Crops in Bates he reports as look ing! promising. Mr. Morgan said that the impetus given to industry in that section by the discovery and developement of the vast coal fields ; and facilities for transportation already enjoyed, and the prospecto ot another railroad giving direct communication with Chicago and the northwest, and rich quality of soil makes Bates one ot the first counties in Missou ri. Nevada . Democrat'. Two gen tlemanly oxen arrived in the city from Cedar county this morning. As they are the first yoke ot oxen that have visited the public square for some time, they deserve especial mention. Dick the leader is fiddle- colored , steer of comely shape and horns that point slightly grassward, and a tail that evidently has done good service in many fly campaigns. Darb the off ox is a blonde of the strawberry type, and has a snow white face and earnest, soulful eyes and has a perciptible bulge in his vertibral column. The pair are as handsome a combination as eyer went in front of wooden axles and a tar bucket Old citizens, who have "driv" the horned brute looked on the new arrivals with pleasing re membrances of pioneer days. Springfield Sun : Isaac Dyer states that he can count up over one thousand persons in Greene county, who are deprived vot their season's bread by Saturday's hail storm. Springfield Suw. Late Saturday afternoon" a most destructive hail storm visited this vicinity, carrying havoc before it. It came in about fur miles northeast of the city, ex- wuuu,8 """" on jenerson ity resu tand the nmsnew. forth,- ,,h,r road from the widow Danforth's The Kansas City district will now as far as Jones,' some 6 miles, and j send a Democrat to Congress, from one to two miles wide, the had ' being piled up knee deep in some j C,apt. Hiiliard, foi merry of St. places and the wheat being beat f Louis, has bought 3,000 acres of down into the earth, even knocking j land, sixty miles west of San An the bark off ot apple trees. The I tonio, Texas, for 35 cts. per acre, on farms of Messrs. Dver. Rathbo ne. ! which will h ffKiichrl - ay ' 7 I iL.iJ (Njrtn Main St.) Two DoDrs South of The Mini POST OFFI CE -Dealer in GROCRIES AND QUEENSWARE BUTLER, MO. no tt THE THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Much has been said relative to the Thirteenth Congressional District being a very doubtful one for the Re-, publicans. The counties that com pose this district are a part of South west Missouri, and if for no other reason, we teel much in common with the Democrats who belong in it, and whom we are glad to see striking effective blows for the party's success in the coming campaign. The following from the Neosho Times shows that no quarter will be given the Republicans: The Democrats ot the Thirteenth Congressional District are showing a good morale for the approaching con test. The Bolivar Herald,"m a spirit ed article on the situation, breathes plucky political combat ami predicts the election of the Democratic candi date. We ioin in the spirit and pre diction. We do not give any credit to anybody m or around the Legislature for expecting that the Thirteenth would turn out to be a Democratic district they expected no such thing ; it would have given them the belly ache to think o? it; but the Demo crats pf this corner of the State ar rived at a different conclusion after having been formally handed over, by their own guardian angels, to evil spirits. We now say decidedly that the district cannot be judged accu rately by the vote of 1880. The Democracy can do much better than they did then but they must have a good candidate for Congress who knows ho.w to set the echoes ot the canvass flying to keep Democrats up to their work ; and what our own men happen to fail in, George Vest must come and do for us. All the Democratic papers of the district agree with the Herald ; there is a "git up and git" feeling prevading the Democracy. If this increasing confidence of success shall be culti vated assiduously the Democracy of this district will wind up the cam paign with a rousing, memorable victory. 1 he Democratic Executive Com mittee of Tackson county has met and settled old troubles amicably. The Times is very enthusiastic over the WILL YOU HAVE AX M-BRACE? A perfect device fo u Supporting P&ntalooss FOR SALE AT Ml LETT & CO BUTLER, MO. PIANOS ORGANS Pianos $160 ui (Stool, Cover and Book; Elegant Square Grand, 3 springs, lull Agraffes, every improvement, only $245. Cabinet Grand Uprights $210 and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bargains. Tubilee Organs $55 up (Stool and Book). Ex celsior, style 42, Five sets of Reeds, 15 stops, only $87. "Oriental," style ie, Ten sets ot Reeds, 20 stops, only $ i t No "Bogus" sets of reeds or "dummy', sotps. All sent on 15 days trial, freight tree if unsatisfactory. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music j pi ices Piano, Organ, or Music Catalogue tree. THE NEW DRUG STORE! W. J. LANSDOWN, Prop'r. Good Stock of Pure, Fresh Drugs. OX THE WEST SIDE OF THE SQUARE IN BUTLER, MO. I will give my personal attention to compounding prescriptions, day or night. Give me a trial trip. W. J. LANSDOWN. OLIVEJHOUSE. W. T. LANSDOWN Prop'r. , SYMPTOMS OF A TORPSO LIVER. Loss or Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in the Head, with a tluJI enition in the back part, ia.-i un,.r the Shoulder blade. fuUnesj Utr a-.ine, with a disin clination to exi--rt,cn of body or mlSSl, Irritability of tr-r.p.- r. Low spirits, with a feeline of hnf .ev u--.Wct-d come duty. Weariness, iin-.i.i, Klut'erms; at the Heart, Dots bu, tho i es, Yellow Skin. Headache pren-va-; over fha right eye. Restlessness, wit 1 uil dreams, highly colored Urine, ni,d CONSTIPATION. TUTTS FILLS r ei.perlally adapted to such cfut, one doae eftrrta uch a change of feeling aa to naUMiisli the anfferer. They tmtrrmtv tlf A rj- M a nl cause the body to Tnkc in tuus the system Is noarUbH. an:l v r ri,t- a-tisn on the Iti-vMive Ortana, R-nl.-r MtxiU are pro duced. Price '. ct-utx. S3 Alun-uy SM-. H. Y. lUTT'S mm DYE. fJE.w ITai'- Wiitkkr -hfimred toiGlmr H:.ack i; r - :i;cS-'r;l:r.i.i. tiof this 1VK. It im-u.iT-1 s iiMlv.riil color, m . IuxtantiuKouily. 9old hy lrnsici:. or sent t.y p.t jti-ss on receipt of 1. OFFUTh M nt'IUY NT.. SEW YORK. ' Dr. Ti rrs SlMil -tT II. -.,-..rmllo aad V J Orrtc-r of Publication. j State of Missouri, 1 ! ss. County of Bates J In the Probate Court for the county of ' Bates February teim, 1SS1. Eliza V. Lusk and Vm. kenney Adminis trators of J. B. Lusk deceaj-ed. Eliza C. Lusk and Wm. Kenney Ad ministrators of T. B. Lusk deceased, pre. sent; to the court his petition, praviri" for an order lor the sale of so much" otthc real estate of said deceased as will pav and satisfy the remaining debts due h"v said estate, and vet unpaid tor want of sufficient assets, accompanied by the ac counts, list and invemtories required by law in such cases; on examination where, of it is ordered, that ail persons inter. ' ested in the estate of said deceased be no tified that application as aforesaid hat been made, and unless the contrary be shown on or before the first dav ot the next term of this court, to be held on the 2nd Monday ot May next, an order will be made tor the sale ot the w hole, or to much of the real estate of said deceased as will be sufficient for the paymcat of said debts; and it is further ordered, that this notice be published in some new, paper in this State, for four weeks before he next term of this court. 1 - ? i' 1 Mm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAitl. The Pest. Cleanest and most Economical Hair ! Dressinc. HEfer Tails 13 Rsslors the youthful color to grey lair. 50c anu 91 sues at ggists. Florestoa Coio-rne. A terw ami irwiitrtv ir- enrol atil IsWiog pctiwu. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Pan raailf Medicine Oat Never Intoxicates. Ifrou are a mechanic or fanner, worn out with orerwork, or a mother run down bjr family or house- Bald duces Cry raaaaa s uaicaa ionic. If you an a lawyer, mrnittff or business man ex. nansted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Pabkhk'i CniCBa Tome. If yon lave Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves you can be cared by Pakkkk's Ginger Tonic. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take Gingkr Tonic at once: it will invigorate and build vou up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. it has saved Hundreds ot lives it may save yours. HISCOX CO.. ICS WHtiun SU Nw York. 40c. mai on. dUr tix at ail dealer ia medicine. GREAT SAVING BITTING DOLL AH SV.C DRUG HOUSE : of DR. E. PYLE. Call tor anything in the line ot I x-n gs, TVIedieines Paints, Oils, Dyes, and; all PATEN1 MEDICINES Books and Btationarv Also ajnew large, and well selected stock ot WALL PAPER AND WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW Poors SIGNAL SERIICE BAROMETER Or STORM GLASS and THERMOMETER Combined, ILL. YOU! Will detect and indicata correct! any chanira in tha weather 12 to 4k boara in advance. Will toll tno kind of atferm innmeeh. inc. and from what di rection invaluable to navigators. Fa ran era can plan their work ac cord inir to its predictions Saves M tiraea ita coat in a aincleaeaaon. lima an accurate thermometer attached, which alone ia worth the price of the combination. This areet wiATHza nrciclxas jit endorsed by the most femora, and Hcientifio men t4 the day to be the ssst m mi voslsi The Thermometer and Barometer nre put in a nicely finished walnut frame, with ail veNilaterf trimmings, etc., making it a beautiful as well aa useful ornament. We will rend yon a sample one. Bfniena j "... to your place, in good order, on receipt of 8 1 cr6 for(4. Aaenta are making from M to 2u dailv aelL inctbem. trialmil tan nine you. Order at once. It PKt.IX AT M1CHT ! Just tbe thine to sell to farmers, merchants, etc Invaluable so everybody V. S. Poataaa Siamna in rood order taken, but money pi efei i eolAarenta wan tea evemrhew. Send for Oirenlar and terms. Address ajforriers to OSWEGO THERMOMETER WORK, (Larpwt establishment of tha kind in the world,) Oawea-a Oawetro f'ounty, N. Y. write yomrPot OJU. Count and BtoU ploMg. mnd rrmM fce mfnn-vrder.draft omSnTorkor registered ltter,at but risk BEWARE Of WORTHLESS IMITATION! None srennine without our Trade-Mark, and Siena- . tare of J. A. Pool, on back of Instrument, aa below: Brery imrtruniept warranted PrVr and Sellable. Size of Instrument: 9M inches lornr,1; inches wide. If yrra are not satisfied oei rocefiTina tbe instrument, return it at once and we win refund your money. Please state where yon saw oar advertisement- I K n B Alan Met pier ' I llltSjliF .a..; lillii 1111 111161 ! 1MI Hi I I. Tt3 Accilcan f opalar rictlcry,$lOD Deemer, Foster, Carbos, Freeman, Faulkner, Jack Thomas, LdOney and others are ruined. The dama ges will amount to thousands of dol lars. In town a few small shanties were turned over and it is reported that a negro was killed in. one up Happy Hollow. At North View in Webster county great destruction was done. . Springfield Sun : The army worms are taking the wheat crops in . the region of Dorchester City. With' hail storms, army worms, chinch ranch. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A taseeite vjeMnwleaij r -w -"-J nnel m fi 1 MHj.tUte tM t d tjsw retired) rhy Utecnre ea avwrvsvsta MMiUtm. aueaas aTeeSsJse)eT- aTreeataaesaa a&d aeema. Meui DR. WARD V CO.. JOHN DUFF PKAC11CAL Watchmaker & Engraver, BTJTLEB, - MISSOURI. " SETH THOMAS' CLOCKS 1 This aaefal sad ate. -rantyniamaua have sever aeaa Plato LlBrary and eyeiopaeoia, aa iwaU aa tha besOMe ttonary la the worts, laapertly aoand ia elota and tilt, Irooa fTAisaBTsar voao n ran aasusa aaa looaCa, with Its true meaning-, aerivattoo, speUinaaad proaoun cUtioa and a vast aaxmat or absaiateiy mriiMi) latormatloa say. aUorrscay, asm artcan Biatory, tawa, ste aelns: a partact uorary or twlereaea. Wetatar iMctionarv eaata as oa, aa tne Itaaenai tants." Tha Adroeaia. a arrefersaes'' Leslie's TlmsT CoedBre! Arrryrtcpn. Poo eoata onif a .inSi? ains i j T, atieav. Mwa either hi prWf, nnian or aoa. A perfect Dicuonaryand library !?? J?5f?J f?Ilar IMetloaary fTHaatrstad), tbecraat. r ivaj uoiiars. ues aveer year XzVsada to ltb yea and yaa Vat year ewn sea rrae. lUtraiMuis Oa, 130 sTaamMtt.. VevTark Hr readers tciil Mnd, this 4 LEWIS HOFFMA (Successor to) S. HIRSCH & CO. Southeast corner of the square, wn pay the highest price in CASH for HIDES. WOOL. PELTS. TALLOW. FEATHERS, BAGS, Don't forget the nlace. ( Sonthn- sJnrae r of the square.) Spot CAftH uta jr aeadwttb TsUafj Our oooJs the cheap. information it contains is worth ntanv times the amount asked for it, and it should beirtthe f everybody, WUh this book inthe library for refer ence, many other much more ex- &V LJfS1? ean dispensed eUh, and ignorance of his country, history, business, loses, etc is inexcusable in any man. Irate the price, 31. post-paid. XTTT Improved Root neer 2 AJ-J-Vjk3 package makes 5 gall of a delicious, wholesome, sparklins tei perance beyerage- Ask your druggist, r sent by mail for 25c, C, E, IUkes, 40 v N, Deli ave, riiiladelnh'i. j State ot Missouri, I untv of Bates, ) ss. Cot I, D. V. Brown Judge and ex-ollicto ' lerk of the l'robate Court, held in and for said county, hereby certify that the toregoing is a true copv ot the original order of publication therein referred to, as the same appears of record in my ot lice. ; ; Writ:.'; my hand auJ seal of : seal. : said court. Done at office ia ! : Butler, thi nth day ol April, A. D. D. V. Brown Judge ot Probate, Order of Publication. State of Missouri, County ot Bates. . 8' In the circuit court of Bates county, Mis souri, July term iSSa. Mary llanes. Plaintiff vs. Ellas I lanes, de fendant. AT this day comes the Plaintiff herein, " by her attorney before the under signed clerk ot the circuit court in vaca 1 Hon and files her petition and affidavit, al legingt among other things, that defend ant is not a resident of the state of Mis souri: Whereupon it is ordered by the clerk in vacation that said defendant be notified by Publication that Plaintiff hat commenced a suit against him in this court, by petition and affidavit the object and general nature ot which Is to obtain . a decree ot divorce from the bonds of mat rimony heretofore contracted with the defendant upon the growns ot cruel and , barbarous treatment and desertion and that unless the said defendant Elias lianet ' be and appear at this court, at the next . term thereof) to be begun and holden at the court house in the city of Butler, in said county, on the lothday of July next, -and on or before the. sixth day of said term' if the term 6hall so long continue " and if not, then on or before the last day of said term answer or plead to the peti tion in said cause, the same will be taken as confessed, and Judgment will be ren dered accordingly. And ii is further or dered, that atopy hereof be published, aixordingto law, in the Butler Times, a ; weekly newspaper printed and published ,. in Butler, Bates county, Missouri, for ' tour weeks successively the last insertion 1 to be at least four weeks before the first , day of the next term ot said court. J. R. Jenkins, Circuit Clerk, A true copy from the record. LSeal. Witness my hand and the seal of the circuit court ot Bates . county, this 16th day ot May, 1881. 24 .1. R, Jknkixs, Circuit Clerk. . Order f Publication. State Ov Missouri. V County ot Butes. J In the circuit court of Bates county, Mis souri, in vacation, May 15, iSSi. The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use of V. M. Trimble Ex-offico, collector ot the revenue ot Bates couiv ty in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. George W. Norman and Charitv Norman his wife and John A. Randall and hit , wife defendants. Civil action for delinquent taxes. "VT"ow at this day comes the plaintiff here Xi in by her attorneys, before the under signed clerk of the circuit court of Bates county, in tbe state of Missouri, in vaca tion and files her petition and affidavit, stating amongst other things that the above named defendants, George W. Nor- , man and Charity Norman his wife and .Tohn A. RanrtalT anrl his. wife, whose full ' name is unknown are non-residents of the - -state ot Missouri. Whereupon it is or- -dered by the said clerk, in vacation, that said defendants be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against them in this court by petition and affidavit, the object and general nature ot which is to enforce the lien of the state of , Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the ; years 1S72, 1874, 1875, 1877, '878, and . r 1S79, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $21,34, together with interest, . cost, commission and fees, upon the fol -lowing described tracts of land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to wit: Lot four in block five in Waller's addition to ,r , the city of Butler and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the next term -of tliis court, to be begun and holden in , ,. the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri on the second Monday in July, 18S2, and -' on or oeiore tne sixtn aay tnereoi term shall so long continue, and if not then be lore the end ot the term,) and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgement rendered according to the - prayer ot said petition, and the above oe- . scribed real estate soIdto satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by the clerk." aforesaid that a copy hereof be published in the Butler, Times, a weekly newspa per printed and published in Butler, Bates ' county. Missouri, tor four weeks succes sively, the last insertion to be at least : four weeks before the first day of the next - , term ot said court. A true copy from the rsjtAL.l Witness my hand, as clerk aforesaid with tbe seal of said court here- - unto affixed. Done at office in Butler, a, on this the 15th day of May, 1SS2. : -s 24 J. R. JENKINS, Circuit Clerk. " $5 to &'20 per day at home. Samples worth $? free. Address Stinson tt Co rOrtatsUfJllCe X6-I V