Isn't this delightful weather?
liutler is a park ; a bower of beau
Wild flowers are blooming
Strangers are thicker than chmch
hugs now.
Wm. Pacre is having his
street residence repainted.
Work has commenced on the
cond story of the opera house.
Several crops of wheat ' were har
vested in this county on Saturday.
Elder Reid preached at the Wil
coxchool house at 3 p. m. Sunday.
Dr. Geo. Risley is able to be
out from his attack of rheumatism.
We are glad to see him up.
Jim Despain has put up a fine
canvass awning in front of his North
Main street business house.
The street commissioner is put
ting down a first-class crossing at
the corner of the Palace hotel.
Sam'I Levy &Co.
have inaugurated a great CLEARING
SALE Uriherd of bargain are being offer
ed and prices will appear next week.
Lace, Buntings,
just received prices locts per yard
Sam'I. Levy & Co.
Spanish Laces,
cream and black, also
Wash Xaces
We have marked them down about one
third it will pay every lady to purchase
now of
Sam'I Levy & Co-
The ladies of the Ohio street M.
E." church will give a strawberry
festival at the church on Friday night
next. Remember it.
Soda spoils lawns and percales
Wash in tepid water, without soap
rinse very quickly, turn and hang
the shade to dry. Use thin boiled
starch, and iron on the wrong side
Several strangers, ladies and gen
tlemen who were on the 'bus
going to the depot, entered into
conversation about pretty places and
they all agreed thatButler was the
prettiest city in the state.
inp nou-carners on the opera
house struck for higher wages
Monday. They were getting $1.25
per day and wanted $i.c,o. They
were promptly paid up and a new
set of men employed, without any
Prices go Down.
Owing to the lateness ot the season and
the large stock of Spring and Summer
goods we offer special inducements in all
our departments
Sam'I Levy & Co.
Now is the Time
To Buy.
Seasonable dress goods worth 15 cts. per
yard for 10 cents. Wash poplins worth
8la cents per vard for c cents. Nice
lawns worth ioc per yard tor cents.
and all other goods at greatly reduced
prices at Sam'I Lew & Co.
juage uartiette, ot the west
part of the county, called at the
Times editorial rooms Monday. The
Judge represents crops as looking
well, bat says very little wheat was
sowed in his section last fall ; what
there, is looks well.
.. The attendance at the respective
Sunday schools Sunday was as fol
lows: Christian, 131; Presbverian,
113; South Methodist, 81; Episco
palean, 5S; Baptist, 143; North
Methodist, 92 and C. P., 3S. The
aggregate number is 636, the 1 lrgest
we have ever recorded. See if you
can't do better still next Sunday.
The citizens of Adrian held a
meeting on May 30th and determin
ed to celebrate the 4th of July. The
following oftcers and committees
were appointed: Committee of ar
rangements, Henry Moudy, A. J.
Satterlce, S. Ferris and II. F. Fair.
Committee on grounds, J Tuttle,
John Shepherd and H C. Queens- !
berg. Marshal, Walter Woods, as-
sistant Marshal, T- T. Kipp.
The Buckeye machine is the one the
farmers want and it is sold bv C. S.
Wheeler & Co.
Summer Skirts
From 50c up to $2.00 at
Sam'I Levy & Co's.
Now is the time
To Buy
tsea spreads worth 51.25 for 7; cents.
" " Si. 65 tor One Dollar
Red table cloth worth 75 cts for 50 cents.
Damask table linen worth 65 cents for 40
Linen towels worth 30 cents for 15 cents
At Sam'I. Levy & Co's.
Desirable goods for Spring and Summer
wear we have marked them down.
Sam'I. Lew & Co.
Of Christian Workers in the Fields
of Good on Sunday.
. Fine Shoes,
Ladies, Hisses and Children's fine shoes
in all the different widths. See our $2.00
ladies fine kid button 6hoe, every pair
warranted Sam'I. Levy & Co.
We are daily in receipt of new goods
and invite the attention of the ladies to
the summer novelties now displayed.
Sam'I Levy Si Co.
New Fans and
This week at Sam'I Levy &Co's.
To the People.
Whe n in Butler, always call n Gus.
xcnnert on tne south side apd get vour
meals. His restaurant can't be beat.
Yesterday dawned bright and
pleasant and nature itself seemed to
be sending its praises and thanks
giving up to the great white throne,
to the Ruler ot the heavens and the
earth, for its endowment ot beauty
and fruitfulness. Humanity, too,
seemed to be controlled by a spirit
ot worship, and in the mural city of
Butler nearly the whole population
was present at some religious serv
Rev. W. M. Newton, the pastor.
preached morning and evening. His
morning text was "The liberal de-
viseth liberal things, and by liberal
things he shall stand." Isa. 32 :S.
He said that those who had gifts or
wealth were under an obligation to
use them for the good of others. A
man is a debtor in proportion to his
riches. He emphasized the word
deviseth. A liberal man did not
give from impulse ; he devised, plan
ned liberal things. Among practical
difficulties in living up to the text he
spoke of the passion and habit of
accumulatlng,which grows as a man's
pile grows ; the notion "hat money
will buy happiness. The speaker
showed that beyond certain narrow
limits it was impossible to get good
out of property, except by using it
J" 1 r .1 v .
ior me gooa 01 otners. in tne eve
ning he delivered an historical dis
course on the prophet Elijah. The
congregations were good both morn
ing and evening.
Rev. S. M. Brown preached in
the morning upon "The influence
and work of the christians," taking
Mat. 5:13-15 as a basis for the ser
mon. His evening topic was "The
service of God and the service of mam
mon," based upon Mat. 5:24-34
The house, was filled to overflowing1
at both services and the attention
Rev. J. T. A. Henderson preach
ed in the morning upon the words
found in John 1 129. In the evening
his discourse was upon the subject
"Church Music" and text 1 Cor,
14:15. Both sermons evidenced
careful study and earnest work. The
congregations were fair and at
tentive. Seven , accessions to the
Rev. T. K. Hulse preached in the
morning from Gen. 3:0-10
We offer to the public in the latest style and at prices to suit the times
a complete stock ot
Fai'Io&SUiits-., GiliamMi? Suits
40 Styles of Beds, 25 of Chairs, 15 of Rockers,
20 of Eureaus, 25 of Center -Tables, 15 of Tables,
Baby Carriages, Safes, Cribs, &c, &c.
East Side Public Sauare.
What the Times Would Like to Know.
If there are not several candi
dates in the field now who feel a lit
tle sick.
If AI. Smith makes a practice of
passing himself off for a printer, and
thus deadheading: the shows which
come along?
If it is true that Will Badgley is
an opponent of Thos. Gault, the
Rich Hill candidate for the legisla
ture, in the matrimonial field ?
Dr. T. C. Thompson, of th- firm ot
Thompson George 5i Co, wholesale
druggists, Galveston, Texas, say that to
his own personal knowledge Englisn Fe
male Bitters is a most wonderful medi
cine for the cure ot chronic female com
plaints. He knew ot a case in Galveston,
considered almost harmless, which resis
ted all medical aid from the profession.
She was induced to try the Bitters and
commenced improving a" once, and was
' Ar,A I finally entirely cured bv their use. iim-
13. Miller, of the carriage
works, was in the city Saturday and
sold to C. B. Lewis a fine $225
Mr. and Mrs. Judd Iloldermau
left on last Mondays train for the
southern part of this state on a pros
pecting tour, with a view of locating
at some point in that section. Their
many friends will regret their de
parture. Ashhy Hamilton, wife and
daughter, left for Sante Fe, New
mexico,- last Monday morning.
Mr. 11. took with him two car loads
of thoroughbred cattle to dispose of
in the West.
- Mrs. M. Levy, of St. Louis, ar
rived on Monday to visit Mr. Sam'I.
Levy and family. Mr. Levy's little
boy, Harvey, who has been in St.
Louis for some weeks . past, accom
panied his grand-mother.
- , ,
To the Lowest amd Beat Bidder.
I wish to let to the lowest and beet
bidder the contract per acre tor mowing
and putting up 600 acre of hay, mostly
tame grass. Add rets me at Butletw
- , B. B.BigsUff.
' C S. Wheelor & Co. pay the highest
Market price for country produce.
The Nichols A: .shepherd engines and
threshers ar.d"the very bet in the mar
ket- We have tltctn. Hahn A: ! o.
Come and see the Wood's twine binder
and harvester before buvin. It will pa
. Hahn & Co.
We will guarantee the MeOormack har-
ester and mowiig machines to be first-
class in every particular and to give satis
faction. Hahn & "o.
We have piles of goods in our line to
sell at very low figures, such as locks,
butts, tools, knives, pistols, shears, iron
ware, wooden ware, wringers, O. K. ci
gars, etc. Hahn & Co.
A car load ot salt just arrived at Wheelers.
The "Romeo of the jungles"
Jofen T. Crisps-recognized as the
greatest, most natural ontor in the
west, will make the woods fairly
ring on the 4th oi July at Butler.
Genuine pure sugar syrup at . S.
Wheeler & Co's, also keep corn syrup.
Go t Wheeler's for choice fish in all I
More sugar and coffee for si, 00 at
Wheeler's than any other house in town.
1 T 1 11 A 1
ine L.OTO cancel unto Adam, ana
said unto him, where art thou?" etc.
In the evening Rev. A. H. Dafrow
lectured upon Psalm 10:1: "The
heavens declare the glory of God,
and the firmament shevveth hishandi-
1 1
woiiv. ine congregations were
good both morning and evening, and
the interest marked.
Rev. S. Alexander, the pastor,
preached in the morning upon the
subject, 'Duty set to music under
c 1 1 - .
uniavoraoic circumstances, using
Psalms 119:54 as a basis for the sub
ject. In the evening he chose 1 Cor.
1 :27-2S for a text and "The want of
1.1 mm
tne age: an educated and earnest
ministry" as a topic. The attend
ance was large, the house being full
at both services.
ilar cases 'are recorded all over the coun
try and no female afflicted with any dis
ease peculiar to her sex, should fait to
use them As a uterine tonic and fe
male regulator it has no equal, for mar
ried and single. 26-Jt
S. S. Sherman, correspondent of
the Sedalia Democrat, thinks, tThat
Butler girls are, as a rule, little in
size, large in intelligence and good
looking in the face.'" bhcrmaH had
better keep away trom Jeffcrspn
Citv now.
Trustee'! Sale.
WHEREAS, Wu.. Gutrldge and
ry M. Gutrldee. his wife h ft,
Deed of Trust, dated April uth iSa,
recorded in the Recorder's office in Br
county, Missouri, in Book No. 16, at
5S7 conveyed to the undersigned Jr.
tee, to secure the payment of the notti
said Deed ot Trust fully described, t
following described real estate, sitoi
in Bates county, Missouri, viz: J
southeast quarter of the southwest qt
ter and the southwest Quarter of t
southeast quarter of section twelve and ,
northeast quarter of the northwest q-..
ter and the' northwest of the norVt
quarter ot section thirteen, all In tw
ship forty of range thirty, containing
acres, more or less, and; whereas,
uuic is past uue ana unpaid.
Now, therefore, at the
the legal holdei ot said note
tue of the authnrltvln m iwiilli.B
Deed ot Trust, I will as Trustee sfw
said sell said real estate at the tut -fe
of the Court House in the city ot But!,-'
in saia oates county on
Thursday, Jane 22. 1882
between the hours of nine o'clock In
forenoon and five o'clock in the afterno'
of that day, to the highest bidder faro'
costs. F. J. Tveard, If
n ere at.
" ' )
remieit I
and pt r. I
Bates County Stock Sale Column.
Regular stock sales at Butler,
third Monday in every month, t
sale yard." .
T. G. Houston, Supt.
Chafges for selling : Horses and
mules per head 50c ; thoroughbred
cattle per head 50c ; cattle per head
25c; sheep and hogs c
, The people should take note of the
fact that Butler does not advertize
eminent speakers for the 4th of July
without their consent. See . John T.
Crisp's letter and judge for your
selves. Butler wants manufactories.
ti A lawn party is on the tapis.
Farmers, remember the stock sales.
Elder Reid, the pastor, preached
id the morning upon "The trans
figuration," Mark 9: j-13. . In - the
the evening , his text, was, "His
name shall be called wonderful"
Isa. 9:6. Thtic wfcre five additions
to the church. The congregations
were lage smd attentive, and the
sermons earnest and effectiye.'
TOE V. P. C. A. " .
met at the Ohio street M. E. church,
with Miss Hattie Sherwood as leader
-rv-.-vT-7! i ' t and tHow to present the gope! to
The public has long since awarded ta tu' 1,. ,-
Ayr's Hair Vigor 5ie foremost place i UUSavcti a subJcct- The at-.
among reliable Hair Restorative. Iti,i imuncewas urgeand the interest
The celebrated Mitchell wagon
sale at C, S, Wheeler 4 Cb'.
- It you want a ood spring wagon, bug
byt phcatwn or anything in the vehicle
line go and see Wheeler.
W are headquarters on anything in the
grocery, card ware or Implement line.
Call and see us before buying. C. S.
Wheeler Co.
good. The association is increasing
in interest now.
eiXectual, agreeable and absolutely harm
less. It make the hair tresa and luxu
ran and old age scarce and unfashion-
ble There will be three brass bands in
Charlie Lewis received a telegram Buder on tnc evening of the fourth
ar 30'clack luesdav of the where- 1 of ul'- Come boys, we'll
bouts of John James, who sold '' fou white
him the stolen horse,
after John-
there is no sali,
ing free.
Parties wishing to purchase stock
of any description, or having stock
they desire to sell at above sales, can
inform the agent by mail or person
ally, stock wanted or for ale, and it
will be advertised in this column
free of charge.-
, J. W. Riley, Agent.
Office at Riley & Dickey's livery
stable, weM Dakotah street. Next
saie Monday, June 19th, at
o'clock. -
; ' - I FOR SALE.
Say, did you know that the ladies
of the Ohio sticct Methodist church
are going to give a festival Friday
night? Well, they are, and thev
will have a festive time. Strawber-
aies and cream ; yum yum Lemo
nade and cake; oh, hush. Icecream ;
say, stop.
At 11 o'clock Tuesday, June
6, 1S82, at the residence of C. C.
Duke, Esq., in Butler, Mr. Jno M.
Bird and Mrs. Nancy II. Craghead,
both of Pettis , county, Mo., were
united in the holy bonds ot matri
mony. Rev. S. M. Brown officiating.
The marriage of this couple has a
considerable element of the romantic
connected with it. They eloped
irom Pettis county .because of ob
jections raised by relatives to the
union, on account of their ace, Mr.
Bird being sixty-four years of age
and his lady having seen the roses- of
seventy summers bloom and fade
away. The Times wishes them a
new lease ot life and happiness.
Those troublesome diseases peculiar to
women are caused bv a relaxed and f nH.
by condition of the "muscular system. If
the constitution has not been
sapped, Lei's Dandelion Tonic, taken
persistently in small doses after meals,
will effect a speedr and permanent cure
In any case it will afford tmt .u-f
and can do no possible harm; therefore
try it. A bottle cots but Si oht-,, .
all druggists. "
The number of officers, teachers,
scholars and visitors in actual at
tendance at the Sunday schools in
Butler on last Sabbath was as fol
lows : Baptist, 143 ; Christian, 13 1 ;
Presbyterian, 113; North Metho
dist, 92 ; South lethodist. Si 4 Cum
berland Presbyterian, 38 ; Episcopal,
38 and colored Methodist 35, making
an aggregate of 671. We procured
the statistics from the ministers and
secretaries ot the respective school.
TriiMee's Kale.
IIKREAS, Lewi M. Eacliu
Marv Eachus. hi wife, by their Dt
of Trust, dated Not ember 3rd, JJ7).
recorded in the Recorder ;iiice in lit
county, Mo., in book No. 17, at nasi;
conveyed to the undersigned Trutt 4
secure tne payment or the note in
Deed of Trufct, fuljv described the tot:"
ing dci-cribed Real Estate situated i
iiates county, Mo., viz: The south
quarter and the touth half of tb nor
e:it quarter and the south halt felt
souh half of lot two, of the nmthw
quattei, all in section eighteen, towasw
fortv-on. of range thirty, 1 ontainiog .
an 200 acres more or lex, and where
said note is past due and unpaid.
therefore, at the request ot the iejcalk
der ot said note and bv virtue of Matt
thority in me vested by said Deei
Trust,!, will as Trustee, aforesaid,
aid real estate at the east front door
the court house in the city ot Botkr,
said Bates countr, 00 - v
Thnridsy, Jnne 22nd, 1882.
between the hours ot nine o'clock N r
forenoon and five o'clock in the sfc'
noon of that day. to the highest but
for cash in hand, to satisfy said
interest and costs.
a$-4t. Trustee
e are in receipt of a comma-
Charlie is now i The "booming" Times
, i&ts. '
D. Bernardi, will deliver a series
j or lectures in this county begimng nJCatioa Alr5an wnich we can.
ex- June 1 2th. We have not been able to nt r.MUh W .
The above cut represents p
1 OO Mens'; E,eXi
Shoe. - 1
j learn his appointments.
1 compares the manu-cript.